
The Official TTC for 6 Months or More Thread

Tammy, I wasn't temping on clomid, but I just wanted to wish you lots of luck! Really pulling for you this cycle and always!

Bright, I was just getting caught up on this thread, and I'm sorry to hear about your recent troubles. I have no patience, so I probably would just go ahead and start the IVF as soon as possible if it were me, but if you think you would feel less stressed if you wait until after the holidays, then maybe that is the way to go.

Thinking of you, Bella and Sha and any others still waiting.
Tammy - no experience with Clomid, but just want to send my support and wish you lots and lots of luck!! Can't wait for you to test! :))
Hi girls!

Mp and lavender, thank you for the well wishes! It's so sweet of both of you to check in. Mp congrats on your little one! ::)

I'm having a less optimistic day today, I hate the tww with a passion!! :knockout:
This has been a tough week for all of us in TTC land, not to mention on the east coast and in NYC where I even though this is totally TMI and really disgusting, I thought that you might find this as hilarious as I did, after I got through the initial :eek: ...

This morning B comes running to me holding an OPK that had been used and placed in the trash yesterday going "look mommy, a lollipop" :eek: :eek: :eek: :knockout: :knockout: :knockout: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :sick: :sick: :sick: :errrr: :errrr: :errrr: not sure if he tried the "lollipop" but I am just telling myself that he didn't.
Checking in on my northeastern friends. Hope you're all well, and that your families are, too.

Bella, I had a hard time remembering to make the tea every day, so I made 4 servings every other day & kept it in the fridge. Tastes better that way, too. Oh, and I stopped it right after O was confirmed- it can lead to shortened LP.

Fighting a cold, but doing well on this end. :)

Thinking of my friends & as always, looking forward to the good news yet to

Chiro... short for chiropractor. I did take fortil B-12 and Ovex for several months prior to getting pregnant with our baby. No side effects, and not super expensive. It was recommended by my chiro & approved by my ob/gyn for ttc (but I was told to stop immediately after confirming pregnancy).
Hello Ladies!!!! We weathered the storm and are all hopefully doing OK. They say there's a baby boom after people lose power due to hurricanes. So good luck to all! :naughty:

Hi CurlySue! How have you been?

Sha!!! So sorry about CD1. This is my second month "charting" but I can't even chart because I don't want to wake M up with my alarm clock and my BBT thermometer. Ha ha ha. So I'm just writing down how many days pass before positive OPKs. It's so nuts with a little one, right? M keeps trying to grab my OPK sticks as I'm squinting at them, to my horror! It's almost impossible to BD with a co-sleeping puppy with our schedules these days. So many challenges! How do people ever have a #2??? Ha ha ha! Your DD sounds so precious - and very smart! So observant! M makes me laugh all the time, too! Her giggle just makes me crack up, too! Hopefully we will soldier on and make it through!

BrightSpot, I'm so glad you're feeling better from your cold and that you're regaining some feeling of control over your body. It must be so frustrating to have so many questions and not know what is causing what. It sounds like you're getting your duckies in a row to start ivf. I also empathize with the hypochondriac thing - I was like this before but TTC makes one super anal about EVERYTHING! I have never Googled so many things in my life! I might go blind with all this Googling! I will say prayers for you - hopefully you will get more answers on the hair loss, hopefully it's not the bcp and you won't ever have the DVT issue again. Hugs hugs hugs.

Fisher! Ahhhh, thinking of you makes me smile always. Enjoy your pregnancy. This is such an incredible time for us all to share in your beautiful news. So wonderful! Thanks for cheering us on!

Tammy77, I hear you sister!!!!! I'm 36 and FEELING IT. I feel the pressure to get #2 asap. And I'm tired from chasing my toddler! So I'm old AND I'm tired! Ha! At least I have my teeth left! :rodent: Lots and lots of dust for your scans and for your eggie! She'll be ready and waiting for her prince, I am sure! How fun that you told your MIL - she sounds AWESOME! Glad your DH is doing better... you poor dear, how scary that must have been for you both. Much luck to you on this cycle! I know the TWW is the hardest!

Bellaaaaaa!!! Looks like you're really ramping up on getting super healthy (I need to do this - been eating cookies up the wazoo) and getting nice and relaxed with acupuncture! SUPER FUNNY STORY ABOUT B AND YOUR OPK!!!!!! Lollipop! HAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!

Mela4567 - Yes!!! TOTALLY!!!!!!!!!! I did not plan to BF this long and I guess we've just been waiting for her to self wean. At this point, I'm wondering if she will EVER wean. I'm now hoping that getting pregnant will make the milk taste bad enough for her to wean. If that doesn't work, well... She's going to have to get a double room in college because apparently, I'm going to be nursing her forever. OMG, that was a scary thought. :shock: Noooooooo!!!! Whyyyyyy do they love the boob so much????????? Hahahahaha. It's like her toy, best friend, snack bar, pillow and pacifier all in one. Heeeeeelp! I love her so much I just can't bear to let her scream it out, but if this continues into the next pregnancy, I might have to wean her. All of my other gentler methods have failes. Even lemons! Apparently, she thinks it's a garnish - lemon milk! OMG. Good luck to us all! Waiting for your good news!!!

Hello monkeyprincess! :wavey: Hope all is well!

So I was all excited about this cycle until Hurricane Sandy hit our area. Major derailing of our plans! The stress of packing up to go to a hotel (we live in a glass high rise building) totally threw a wrench into ovulation. I could tell from OPKs that it was coming since the LH line was gradually darkening until Sandy. Then boom! Stark white... We didn't lose power and where we are, it was as if there was no storm at all. But my brother, who is in grad school at NYU, had to crash since lower Manhattan lost power - RIGHT AS I WAS ABOUT TO OVULATE! GAAAAAAH! Kabosh on romance! So then ovulation was again delayed from the bustle of a guest in our home...and now, I have no idea if I ever ovulated or not. It is SO puzzling this time around and with so many moving pieces, TTC is a big challenge!

With our first, I had strong positives on OPKS, temped and knew exactly what was going on. And we could BD like crazy whenever we wanted. With this time around TTC, we were juggling a toddler who co-sleeps with us, work, a hurricane and my BROTHER sleeping in the next room. Hahahaha. DEFINITELY NO BD! I still have no idea if I've ovulated or if I'm going to...or maybe it'll be one of those wonky cycles where there's no eggie. So odd! :read: I truly have no idea what's going on. Aside from the one time we BD on the night Sandy blew into our area, it's been impossible to get busy! So who knows! I think we're out this cycle unless I suddenly get a strong OPK in the next day or two. I doubt swimmers from Sandy would survive this long anyway since it's been a week already.

The frustrating part for me is looking at an OPK that is gradually darkening - then stress about when it will be positive. And then stressing that my stressing is going to delay ovulation - and prevent it all from happening! And this happened twice - once with Sandy and then with my brother crashing at our apartment. Mainly I was stressing about how in the world we could BD if I got a positive OPK...and then trying not to stress created more stress! Lovely! Positive feedback at its best. Love it. :mrgreen:

Oh, and I also found out that I chipped my diamond! That also caused some stress...until DH told me we could upgrade with the replacement. So dreaming about that and the excitement over the new stone is also probably causing a delay in ovulation! Or it prevented it totally! Argh! Tough month! Yekutiel at IDJ told me last week it would be ready on Monday so the positive excitement is probably also delaying ovulation - I read somewhere that it doesn't matter if the stress is good or bad. Even good stress, like excitement over planning a wedding can delay ovulation! Darn my sensitive ovaries! Gah.

Why is trying to relax the hardest thing in the world? Can one will oneself into relaxing? Trying not to stress is stressful! LOL Must...meditate!

Sooooooo, I'll be cheering you ladies on! Hopefully the next cycle will be calm and predictable!

I'm hoping one of us gets a little Leo bean! Hugs hugs hugs!
Hey Tammy, I went back & looked at my charts & I only temped for 1 of my clomid cycles. My temps have always been all over the place & were weird on clomid too. I also had about a 4 day long (implantation?) dip. Bizarro. I'd say your higher temps might be a good sign though.
Have you tested yet? Crossing fingers & toes this is your month!

Bella, lol about the lollipop! Hopefully B was just annoyed that you'd already eaten it & didn't try it!
I'm glad you're all well after the storm.

Fisher, good to see you! I hope you're feeling better soon. Continued dust & joy your way.

Mp, you're so sweet to keep checking on us. Big hugs to you & huge congrats on the birth of your beautiful son!
As for ivf timing, I still haven't decided but am leaning toward waiting until January. I'm kind of liking the break for now & am not sure I want to dump ivf cycle stress on top of the regular holiday stress.

Bliss, yep, ttc hypochondria is no fun indeed!
I'm glad you're safe from sandy but sorry she's caused havoc with o!
I'm so sorry about the diamond chip but how exciting that you're getting an upgrade out of it! Yay!

Mela, ltl & sha, thinking of you & hoping you're well.

Afm, my leg pain is getting better every day, which is a relief. I'm experiencing some brown spotting now, which is weird as I've never experienced it on the pill before. I've only been taking it for 3 weeks but did start on cd10. I wonder if that could be causing this. Anyway, it's always something new with my body.
I wonder if I could get a new one... :rolleyes:
So glad that your leg pain is getting better!
Hi bright!

I'm relieved to hear that your leg is getting better, yay! Boo to the spotting though. It's really annoying!! Maybe it's just your body reacting differently because of the fertility cycles? I'm not sure, but I hope it passes soon so you can just enjoy non-ttc fun time with your DH, and not have to wear a liner every day. Hated that. :rolleyes:

Afm, well bleh. I'm trying to stay hopeful but bfn this morning at 11dpo. Temps are still good but I'm realistic enough to know thatby tomorrow evening if I haven't gotten a bfp it's pretty unlikely this cycle. The doc is putting me on a higher dose (100mg vs 50mg). I'm nervous about that. When I was taking it, I was fine but my tww has been rough emotionally. I've gotten into more arguments w/DH and threw my ex husband out of my house when usually I would have just smiled and ignored his antics. :oops: he deserved it though. :devil: :lol:
Thanks, Bella. Me too! Hope you're well.

Tammy, I'm so sorry about the bfn. Do you think the clomid made you more emotional during the 2ww? Or maybe just having higher hopes makes it even harder to think this cycle might not work out? Regardless, big hugs to you. And you're not out yet. If the 50mg doesn't work, I see no problem with increasing the dose next cycle. How was your lining?

Hi to everyone else!

Well, in the latest edition of "what the heck is up with my body," the spotting has picked up to almost a light AF. I'm still on the pill. Bizarre & annoying. I started the pill on cd10 & the nurse in my RE's office said that might be why. I hope it stops soon.
Also the leg pain is flaring up again, which leads me to believe there's a hormonal component to this.
Bright - boo! :(( How annoying! I've never heard of mid-cycle bleeding on the pill, so just wondering if there's something else at play that's causing that and the leg pain... Really hope you get a break soon.

tammy - sorry about the bfn. What would be the reason for the docs upping it to 100 mg, though, being that you responded well at 50 mg? Just curious. I understand your concerns about the side-effects. I was on 50 mg for several cycles but didn't really have many side-effects except a longer LP at times.
Ugh bright, I'm so sorry! You need to catch a break. ;( at this point, do you think it's the pill? Maybe ivf before the holidays would be better if it is? My memory stinks right now, but I thought you mentioned it starting after you took the pills? Is there maybe at least a different one they can put you on? Big hugs, I hate how hard this process is for you. :(sad

Afm, temp dip and face spots. It's a bad day for sure in my head. Already regretting not going straight to the re. Regretting eating this or that, did I drink enough water? Did the half glass of wine prevent implantation? Sigh, you know the self doubt and blame game. It sucks.

Sha, the ob said that while I did respond on 50, it likely only resulted in one good follie and she wants to try 100 to up our chances of having a couple of mature ones. I'm extremely doubtful that this next month will work because if I alternate ovaries, this month will be the bad tube side. Just discouraged and sick of feeling the massive disappointment. I do think the clomid worked in terms of upping my post o hormones, definitely more emotional (not a good thing lol).

I'm sorry for my pity party, I just wanted to be one of the lucky ones. :blackeye:
Hi ladies,

Hope everyone is hanging in there and looking forward to a long weekend! It's quiet around here.

I am tryin to figure out if I should wait one more cycle to go to the re or get in there ASAP. So tough. My surgery was almost exactly 2 months ago and I'm worried that the clomi will make the endo come back faster, even though I only had a couple of minor spots. I know realistically our infertility is my tube and possibly the uterus though it has supported pregnancy before (both c/s though - scarring?). I don't know, just feeling confused and worried that in wasting time. Turning 36 in 4 months is also messing with my mind.

I guess the RE is my best shot, argh. I'm worried about the financial aspect, our insurance is only 50%, so it's going to add up fast. That said, if we miss our only opportunity to conceive because I'm trying to save us money, I know I'll hate myself for it.

Okay, good talk! :cheeky: going to try to get in this month. No clue what to do about taking the clomid 100mg. I'll probably take it and just go to the re for scans and maybe she'll convert us to trigger and iui, which is what I want. Phew, sorry for rambling. This stuff gets pretty overwhelming, guess I just needed to put it all out there. :oops:
Tammy, any news? Thinking about you & hoping for the best, as always.
I think having more targets is a good thing. And my RE said that you don't necessarily alternate sides every month. Don't count yourself out yet!
As for moving on to the RE now, is the treatment you're getting from your ob covered at 100% while the RE is only 50%? If so, it might be worth trying 1 more cycle with your ob. Or you could start the clomid with your ob, then convert to iui later like you mentioned. I'm really hoping things move quickly for you now that you're on the drugs. :wink2:

Sha, thanks. It feels like mystery symptom of the day around here lately. How are you doing?

Hi to everyone else & happy Friday! :wavey:

Afm, I talked to my RE about my crazy bleeding (on day 4 of light bleeding) & he said it's pretty common on the pill & should get better next month. Which is good, I guess. The leg pain had been better in general but annoying again today. As for ivf timing, it's still a moot point because the funds aren't here yet! Hoping we can make a go of it in January though.
Hi Bright,

Sorry I guess I never officially said that today is CD1. I think I just reacted this time (once the sadness and anger subsided) by kicking into "fix this NOW" mode. I'm talking with my OB, waiting for a response from her about the possibility of doing an IUI in her office. She had left me a voicemail saying that they normally do 3 cycles w/just clomid then move to IUI for the 4th, 5th and 6th cycles. I'm confused, because I'd asked her about doing the trigger shot but she said they don't do them AND she never mentioned moving on to the IUI w/her on the 4th cycle. :confused: Anyhow, I think that the RE and OB office is the same % wise once it's coded as fertility but I'm sure the RE will be much more expensive.

I am surprised that my LP was only 13 days on the clomid when I've had unmedicated ones that are 14. I'm glad to get started as quickly as possible on the next one regardless. Maybe I do need a higher dose though, temps started falling after 10-11 DPO.

I'm glad to hear that your doc seems to think this is normal, and while not having the funding yet isn't great, at least you can have some peace in not waffling back and forth on timing! I'm so very hopeful for you. 2013 is going to be a GREAT year! ::)
Tammy, I'm sorry about AF. Hugs to you. I think it's good that you're kicking into action mode. It feels good to have a plan.
Could you get a price list from the ob & RE so you know what you're looking at cost-wise? My first medicated cycle was also an iui (because my insurance covered it & my dh's SA wasn't great) so I don't know what the usual protocol is (how many cycles before moving forward, but methinks if you're ready to get more aggressive & are ok with the cost, then why not go for it? Also I thought the trigger shot was always used with iui. Otherwise, how would they time it? Opk's & ultrasound?
That is odd that your LP was shorter than usual. My shortest LP ever was after my medicated iui, so I guess maybe it's not that unusual? (Though that was the only iui cycle I didn't use the progesterone supplements.)
Have you had your progesterone checked? Might be worth looking into.

I sure hope 2013 is a great year for all of us. 2011 wasn't great but we had our first bfp on New Year's Eve. Dh & I toasted to a much better 2012 than 2011. That didn't work out so well, so I'm hopeful next year is better!
crap! I just realized my RE appt is in 2 weeks and I still haven't gotten my files from my OBGYN or even thought about what I want to discuss with him...Sandy really kind of made the last 2 weeks disappear!
Tammy, I took 100MG Clomid plus an Ovidrel trigger shot for 3 cycles with an RE. I had a chemical on the first try, a BFN on the 2nd, and a sticky BFP on number 3 (Baby girl is 2 weeks old now!). I would say try another round or two of Clomid pre-IUI. I am not sure how much the trigger helps other than to guarantee ovulation within so many hours of the trigger. Hugs and much love to you!

Bright, I have confidence that 2013 will be the year for you! Sending hugs and support your way. :wavey:
My doctor just called, my AMH was .57 and I'm just dumbfounded. :(sad
What does that mean, tammy?
Sorry I haven't followed up, I've been overwhelmed. Basically it means that I have diminished ovarian reserve. I don't have a full picture, but from what I've researched so far my 35 year old body has the egg reserve of a 40-42 year old. This is on top of only having one functioning tube and a suspected unicornuate uterus and endo. I very much feel like our window has been slammed shut in an instant and there's not much hope left.

I'm currently on 100mg of clomid and go in for my follicle scan on Wednesday. I did respond to the 50mg and ovulated (I think) but I have no idea beyond that I had a couple of decent sized follicles on CD12 and had a normal LP. I tried to get my normal GYN to do a follow up u/s after I ovulate this month and/or a 7 DPO progesterone. Unfortunately, my wonderful doctor is on vacation and I got a response from the wicked witch of the west doc that's covering her. She flat out said that they won't order any tests now that I've been referred. Thanks, @#$@#$! :angryfire:

I spent a good portion of the weekend sobbing. DH has been really wonderful but it's just heartbreaking and confusing. I've found some inspirational stories, but most of them are after IVF and we absolutely cannot do that due to financial reasons.
tammy77|1353363223|3310444 said:
Sorry I haven't followed up, I've been overwhelmed. Basically it means that I have diminished ovarian reserve. I don't have a full picture, but from what I've researched so far my 35 year old body has the egg reserve of a 40-42 year old. This is on top of only having one functioning tube and a suspected unicornuate uterus and endo. I very much feel like our window has been slammed shut in an instant and there's not much hope left.

I'm currently on 100mg of clomid and go in for my follicle scan on Wednesday. I did respond to the 50mg and ovulated (I think) but I have no idea beyond that I had a couple of decent sized follicles on CD12 and had a normal LP. I tried to get my normal GYN to do a follow up u/s after I ovulate this month and/or a 7 DPO progesterone. Unfortunately, my wonderful doctor is on vacation and I got a response from the wicked witch of the west doc that's covering her. She flat out said that they won't order any tests now that I've been referred. Thanks, @#$@#$! :angryfire:

I spent a good portion of the weekend sobbing. DH has been really wonderful but it's just heartbreaking and confusing. I've found some inspirational stories, but most of them are after IVF and we absolutely cannot do that due to financial reasons.

I'm so sorry about the unexpected results, tammy. :(( You've been doing so much over the last 6 months to proactively increase your must be do upsetting now to get this kind of news. :blackeye: But even with the low AMH and other issues, there's still a chance of natural pregnancy, right, albeit lower? I hope so.... IVF is really out of range for a lot of persons. Are there any other interventions you could try besides that?
Hi Sha,

Thank you, I'm trying to stay optimistic and researching my butt off while I wait for my RE appt on Dec. 6th. I'm pretty upset with the GYN, but oh well. Nothing I can do at this moment. My AMH is low, but not "give up, it's never going to happen" low (that'd be under .3) for reference.

I'll know more once I see how my body responded (or didn't...) to the 100mg Clomid this month. That scan is tomorrow, I'm so nervous about it and worried that I won't get an accurate u/s because their equipment was 'meh' at best. From what I've read, if I have a decent response to stimulated cycles, my chances are still fair. I have to also take into consideration that it's a fairly new test so there are still some possible kinks in the system. One of the factors that I don't have a solid answer for is if by some slim chance it's because my left ovary isn't developed correctly (possible, since my left tube and horn are malformed) and/or if my AMH is artificially lowered because of the recent lap because it can disrupt follicle growth.

I don't know, just overwhelmed and exhausted from all of the research. A lot of people say to take DHEA, I need to research that more though before I mess with it. I'll probably just up my COQ10 to 600mg (I've been doing 300mg) and wait for my RE consultation.

To answer your question though about options, it's honestly not going to change my treatment that much from what I can tell. It just means higher doses to wake my ovaries up and a reduced chance for success. The "end of the line" for us is still two medicated IUI cycles. I don't know if we can afford injectibles, or if we'd even be comfortable with that. I hope my DH can go with me to the RE appt, we have some decisions to make and pretty much no time to think them over.
Tammy, I am so sorry :blackeye: let us know what the RE says. I know that it is so hard! All we have is hope and faith...but hope and faith are really powerful!

AFM-I think that maybe I didn't ovulate this month. Temping flew out the window with Sandy and although I had an "i think that it is positive OPK" but maybe it wasn't...I am on what appears to be day 3 of my period but it is brown and so light that it barely even warrants wearing a pantyliner. This is a very new experience for me since I usually have the opposite problem...

So, I'll start temping again tomorrow.

I see the RE next week and am kind of nervous about it. I know that after 3+ years of TTC and 6+ months of acupuncture/herbs you'd think I would admit to myself that we have fertility issues :rolleyes: , but it kind of makes it seem more real in a different way. Plus I am concerned that he will try to push me towards treatment that I am not comfortable with and/or be dismissive about my not wanting to pursue treatment right now (I am going to the RE to try and gain more insight as to what is going on with my body and what my options are).

DH and I are still at an impasse on starting another adoption, so I am trying to look on the bright side and tell myself that if there's good news from the RE maybe we'll get pregnant and if there is not maybe DH will finally be ready to move forward with a second adoption...we'll see. I am also trying to savor all the moments with B as he is "growing like a weed" and I can't believe how fast time flies...he just turned 4!
Tammy, I'm so sorry for the disappointing news. This journey can be so hard sometimes. Big hugs to you. I really didn't know much about amh levels so I've been doing some reading. From what I can glean, the level has nothing to do with egg quality, just quantity (&, like you mentioned, possible response to ovarian simulation). And that's a good point that the result might be affected by your situation. I'm still hopeful that you'll get a great response on 100mg this month & this will all be a moot point. If not,
I'll be interested to see what your new RE has to say & what sort of treatment plan s/he has in mind.
My GP actually told me a story recently about how he & his wife were ttc for a long time & they went to see my (former) RE. Her fsh was very high & the RE said the odds weren't great, but that they should keep trying. They conceived naturally & have a sweet baby girl.
So please don't lose hope!

Bella, I'm eagerly awaiting news from your first appointment with your new RE. I think either way it'll be good news. Hopefully you'll figure out what's going on with your body & will develop a plan to move forward (either on the ttc front or with another adoption). If your dh can go with you, that would be great.

Sha, thinking of you. How are you doing?

Jgator, thanks for checking in on us & for the encouragement. I sure hope next year is better!
Congrats to you on your beautiful baby girl! I hope motherhood is going well & that you're feeling ok (& sleeping some too!)

Afm, same old song here. I'm still bleeding (it's been over 2 weeks now) & the leg pain, while better than it has been in the past, still comes & goes. And we're still in a holding pattern for ivf. I'm now just hoping we can do it early next year, which is ok since I really didn't want to juggle appointments & injections with holiday stress & travel, but now I just hope we can still do it.

Work has been a bit crazy so I hope thanksgiving will be enjoyable & restful. Also hoping we can all take time to be thankful even though sometimes we have to remind ourselves to focus on the good stuff when sometimes it feels like the bad stuff is in greater supply.
Tammy, argh. I do not know anything about AMH, but I agree with everyone else that you should not lose all hope. I am really really hoping you have a good response this cycle and that the RE has encouraging news for you. Continuing to keep you in my thoughts.

Bright, this has been such a rough year for you, so I hope you are able to relax and enjoy the holidays, even though the holidays sometimes make infertility more painful. I will be thinking of you and sending you dust that you are finally a mama in 2013. Your forever baby is going to be so loved when he or she finally arrives. Remembering you and the other ladies in this thread reminds me not to take my little Everett for granted. And I cannot wait until you get to experience it for yourself. Take care.

Bella, hope you hear good news from the RE. You have a great attitude though, and I hope you are able to add another member to your family soon.
Hi Girls!

I'm having an optimistic day, trying to stay positive though I'm nervous about my scan this afternoon. :errrr: Anyhow...

Bella, I'm sorry that all the stress of Sandy threw off your ovulation!! I hope that you're all straightened out soon, that must be so frustrating. :blackeye:

Bright, I wish your uterus would stop being stubborn. Ugh! I really, really hope that your IVF cycle comes right on time in January. I can't tell you how much I want to see you posting in the JBP thread and eventually read your birth story. You're going to be such an awesome mommy. *big hugs*

MP, thank you for your sweet words and for checking in on us still even though you're busy with your little E. :))
Mp, thank you for your sweet post & for checking on us & cheering us on still! Yes, the holidays can definitely be rough but I'm hoping for better times ahead.
Your little E is so handsome! I hope you're feeling better settled into motherhood. Also, I wanted to mention (but felt awkward posting in the other thread)-please don't be hard on yourself or feel guilty for feeling blue or overwhelmed. I'm sure this is a very difficult transition, wanted though it was/is. You're a great mom &, from what I hear, it gets easier! Big hugs to you.

Tammy, lol about my stubborn uterus. I'd definitely like to just have a period & get it over with. Ugh.
I do hope we can clear out this thread in the new year!
I'm glad you're feeling more positive today. What time is your scan today? Keep us posted!

Bella, I actually haven't been to my acupuncturist for a while (due to crazy work schedule, natural disaster, etc) but maybe I should go back...or check out yours.
I hope your body gets back on track soon!

Sha, thinking of you.

Hi to everyone else!

Afm, seems like my clothes are getting tighter. Maybe my laundromat is shrinking them. :rolleyes:

I wonder if cutting back on my Metformin dose has caused the weight gain (I cut back from 1500mg/day to 500).

Regardless I'm going to try to eat healthier & cut back on my carbs (after thanksgiving, of course)! It'll be a challenge because I love carbs (especially sweets) but I hope I can make a positive change.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I'm very thankful to have the wonderful support of each & every one of you lovely ladies & to have this fantastic forum for sharing our hopes, fears, dreams...and sparklies! :bigsmile:
Thank you so much for the kind words Bright. I really as taken aback when I felt blue and anxious after E was born, rather than the joy I expected. I think I was just in shock about how big a change bringing home a baby is. And then I felt ashamed that I wasn't feeling the things I thought I should be feeling considering how much I had longed for a baby. I am happy to say that I am feeling so much better lately now that I make sure to get a nice stretch of sleep each night. It is definitely worth the wait though, so don't give up! I will have to post an updated picture soon because he has already changed so much.

Tammy, my fingers are crossed! Those scans made me really anxious too.
Hi Ladies,

Just a short update. I had my scan today and it was pretty dismal, but not completely hopeless. I have only one follicle that's 20mm, but it's on the right side. My lining was 5mm though, so that's not so great. I should ovulate in the next 24 hours. Sooo, we'll see.

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone, hope it's a good one.