
The Official TTC for 6 Months or More Thread

CD 1 today. :(sad At least I didn't waste a pregnancy test (or 5) this month.
CD 1 today. :(sad At least I didn't waste a pregnancy test (or 5) this month.
BrightSpot|1349742593|3281842 said:
CD 1 today. :(sad At least I didn't waste a pregnancy test (or 5) this month.

I'm so sorry Bright. :(sad Hugs to you...I so wish that this was easier for all of us here. ;( I'll be joining you probably tomorrow on CD1, maybe Wednesday.

Ltl, I hope you're hanging in here okay. I'm thinking of you too. I want to take everyone's pain away, it's just not fair.

AFM: I met with my new OB/GYN today and I officially love her. She even suggested getting Wondfos off of Amazon for opks to save money and she asked me if I would be willing to try clomid. Willing?! Yes, I'm willing. So she wrote a script for 50mg from CD 3-7 (I think?) and wants me to come in for monitoring between CD 12-14. She seems very, very knowledgeable about the process and I feel comfortable trying this first step portion with her. She said after 3 months, if needed, she'll send me to a specialist. DH and I are nervous about the twin odds being 5-8%, but at this point I'm working with half of my reproductive organs pretty much, so I'm hoping our risk for multiples is lower.

Anyhow sorry to ramble, just wanted to update since it's a big step for us.
Aww, so sorry BrightSpot. :blackeye: Big hugs.
Bright, I'm so sorry. :(sad I'm sure it doesn't get any easier. I'm really routing for you and hope you get that sticky baby soon. I'm glad that the meeting with the RE went well and I hope it's the beginning of something wonderful for you.

Bella, I went from being totally ticked at your DH to saying, "Awwww!" I think it's so heartwarming that he's really reflecting on the situation and trying to make the best decision for everyone. So many DHs would *give in* just because they don't want to argue or want you to be happy in the short term. But, I think it's great that he's really taking the time to consider everything. I see good things coming out of that!

Tammy, so glad you like your doc! That's definitely a move in the right direction.

Ltl, so sorry that things didn't work out this month! I hope your doc has some answers. I hope your break flies by and you get that elusive BFP in January.

I think of you guys often...I have a good friend who is on round one of IUI and seeing how difficult it is for her each day makes me sad. I always knew how difficult it must be to struggle getting pregnant but didn't think so much about the other aspects. She's working her life around appointments, has more disappointments than just not getting pregnant (ie - your lining it looking a little thin, ONLY two follicles, we would like to see better cervical mucous). It's just really hard on her. Her first round of IUI (with Clomid) was supposed to be last month. She suffered through the side effects of the Clomid then last minute her husband panicked and they didn't go through with the IUI. So...she just had her first IUI on Saturday and is in the TWW. Fingers crossed!
Ltl, I hope you're hanging in there ok. Big hugs to you.
My LP was really short on the injections too. I wonder if that's common.
I'm sorry you have to take some time off from medicated ttc but very happy you have a trip to Europe to look forward to in the meantime. It sounds amazing-and now at least you can enjoy the wine tasting.

Bella, happy anniversary! That's so sweet that your dh is really trying to understand how you feel & get onboard for another adoption. I'm hoping there are lots more kiddos on their way to join your family soon!

Laila & Tammy, thanks for the hugs. As much as I expect AF to arrive, it still hurts every time.

Tammy, I'm so glad you love your new OBGYN & that she's got a great plan to move forward! I would think that at 50mg, the chance for multiples isn't too high (I only developed 1 follie at that dose). I'm so excited for you & really have a feeling that you only need a little nudge to get your bfp! Are you starting this upcoming cycle?

Pave, I'm thrilled you're moving to jbp (lets get everyone out of this place!) but will miss seeing your posts over here. I hope your twins are doing great & that you're feeling less anxious. I can imagine that it's still pretty stressful even after you get good news. Big hugs to you.
I'm so happy I'm glad that you didn't have too many side effects on the ivf meds too. Would you mind sharing what you took (med & dose?) I know everyone's body reacts differently but it's interesting to know the protocols.

Jen, are you still around? Thinking of you & hoping you had a successful transfer & are baking away!

Mp, thanks for your sweet post & continued support. Really, the only reason I'd do another iui would be financial, which is not insignificant, but I'm just hoping to be finished with this phase & hope ivf will get us where we want to be.
Hoping you're feeling ok-you're in the home stretch now, right? How exciting to finally meet your little boy!

Pupp, thank you, dear. I hope so too! Hoping you're feeling well
That's definitely true that there are lots of stressful aspects of prolonged ttc, not just not being KU!
Fingers crossed for your friend. How awful to have her first iui cancelled. I hope this one works!

Afm, yesterday was rough but at least today's another day. I wish we were doing ivf now (I'm ready), but hopefully we'll be able to start next cycle, which should be mid November-ish. I'm thinking I'm just ready to bring out the big guns now & hope for the best.
I'm also just sick of being sad. I'm going to try to make a concerted effort to do things to be happier aside from this whole ttc fiasco that I can't control.
Bright, my heart goes out to you. CD1 just never gets easier no matter how low your expectations are or how many times you've gone through it. I'll be thinking of you as you make your decision about which way to proceed next. I honestly don't know what I'd do in your shoes, but I hope you make the best decisions for you. You are going to be a mommy, and all of your struggles will only make you that much more appreciative when it finally happens. Good thoughts headed your way always.

Firecracker, so very sorry to hear your disappointing news dear. I know you've been struggling a long time as well. Are you considering IVF? I'm happy to hear you will be able to make the most of your break from treatments with an exciting vacation and other plans. I'm going to keep cheering your on and hope you find a solution that works for you when you start up again next year. Hugs.

Tammy, so happy to hear you found a doctor you liked. It makes such a huge difference. You're going to feel SO much better and feel like you are taking charge of your cycle. I also wouldn't worry about the possibility of twins too much. I had 3-4 follicles each cycle with clomid, and even the one where we did the IUI. Obviously, it happens, but I think most of the risk comes in when people get started on too high of doses and don't get properly monitored. Lots of luck headed your way this cycle!
Hi, Bright, hugs to you my friend. I am glad to hear you are planning to move on to IVF next cycle. I think pulling out all the stops and using the big guns now should greatly increase your chances. Plus, I'm sure your new RE will have a new approach.

Tammy, glad to hear you like your new OB, and that she is going to start you on Clomid. I took 100MG of Clomid for 3 cycles, and the 3rd try was the charm for us - only 1 baby too so don't worry too much about that. Hoping you get a BFP even quicker than that!

Little, sorry for the disappointing news this cycle. I really hope you have an amazing time in Europe though. Enjoy the wine while you can!

Bella, your DH sounds like a keeper. I just know you are going to adopt again, and I also feel strongly that you will get your BFP as well. Hopefully, you can keep up the acupuncture treatments.
Ltl - So, so sorry to hear your news. It never does seem to get any easier. Huge hugs to you! I am so happy you have this trip to look forward to. A getaway like that might be great for your spirits and your stress levels. I hope you can enjoy it.

Bright - Hugs to you, too. I know that I had my own personal grieving period with each BFN cycle, even when I thought I'd be fine. I never was. I'm sure November seems like a ways off, but it will be here in no time.

Tammy - Sounds like you are off to a good start with your new doc. Clomid seems to have worked wonders for lots of women. Fingers crossed it does the trick for you, too!

Bella - Like everyone else, I was moved by the story you shared about your DH!!
Hey guys,

Can't sleep and I had a really big day today. First of all THANK YOU everyone for the kind words. I feel like I am getting so much support on here and it means so much.

Bright, I am so sorry, It sounds like me and you are synced. I am going to keep coming back to check on you, it is time for one of us to have success.

Tammy I am so happy you found a doctor you love and hope the clomid works. You need some success too.

MP - I hope you are doing well, I am guessing your time to be a mom is coming soon (I don't read the pregnancy threads for my own sanity, but I have been thinking of you lots).

Curley, JGator, Pave - hope you are doing well as well.

Laila and Pupmom,and Bliss - thank you very much for the kind words.

OK. Get ready, long post.

My new referral went to the clinic I was trying to get into before. Without getting into too much detail (for my own identity purposes), I will just say they are affiliated with my work. This time they the referral, they are a model institution in terms of having above average IVF success rates and a below average rate of multiples. I had to go to a group session to even keep the referral. I was not expecting anything except information I already knew. They initially told us it would be 3 months before we were called for an appointment. The doc came around to quickly ask questions, and he kept saying there was something about my referral he remembered, but could not remember what. Than he asked if I had records, and I pulled them out of my purse. I talked to him about the fact I did not have the complete lab workup, and that my HSG read normal, but me and the current RE doc did not agree with the radiology read (there was concern about the R tube). Than I am not sure it was because I am cycle day 3 today, or if it that I am affiliated with the same company, or if was that someone made a phone call for me, or if it was dumb luck, but he walked me in and spent 2 hours with me.

He did an US, and I have a cyst from last cycle, so I would not be good to try this cycle anyways. I also have a calcification in my uterus which he is not sure what it is. We went through my history in depth. He had a couple ideas (I realized he was thinking as he went, which I would expect on the fly). He was initially going to do a clomid challenge, but when he realized my husband will be out of town, and that clomid gives me side effects. he decided not to do the challenge saying it it was not really necessary with my previous responses to medication. We discussed the HSG in length. At first he wanted the CD of the study, but than based on my description, and the fact the other doctor (who he knows) agreed with me, that it probably would not change much. After playing with the schedule. We are going to do a ex-lap and hysteroscopy in December after my trip. I had 5 tubes of blood taken from me today, I will check those results tomorrow. I am guessing from our conversation, he will want to do at least one more IUI if the ex-lap is negative.

But overall, I think the visit was effective. At this point I am ready to take a step back and see if there is anything that we are missing. Right now I am just taking it all in, I didn't think I would get seen this quickly, so mentally I was a little unprepared. But I will take any help I can get at this point.

Oh, I learned something today. Everyone may know this (or not). If you are looking IVF, you can go onto the CDC website and look every clinic's success rates. Good thing to know if you have a choice if the doctor you are going to see.
LtlFirecracker, it all sounds very promising!! One thing I wanted to ask is that you mentioned your progesterone level was 2.5 this past cycle, after ovulation? That seems pretty low to me. Did the doctor mention anything about that?
Laila619|1349841932|3282614 said:
LtlFirecracker, it all sounds very promising!! One thing I wanted to ask is that you mentioned your progesterone level was 2.5 this past cycle, after ovulation? That seems pretty low to me. Did the doctor mention anything about that?

Lailia - it was 2.5 10DPO and I started my period 2 days later. So I would expect it to be dropping. I think the lab cut of was 1.7. A 12 day leutal phase is in my normal range, although they are usually 14-15 days on med cycles, so it was kind of weird. It is kind of sad, but I have enough data to know it is higher when they check it 10DPO and I start my period 3-4 days later. I has been 10 and 17 on previous cycles. Honestly, he may not have saw it because my pregnancy test labs are in the electronic system at our work, and he was going though the paper chart from the other clinic. I have not gotten that cycle's flow sheet from the other clinic just because of timing issues. I did put on my intake form the range of my cycle variation. Neither of my docs seem too worried about this. What he really wants to see is my day 3 FSH, which should be back today.
Wow Ltl! That was a huge day! So cool that he could spend so much time with you and brainstorm about your case. Sounds like a very thorough, caring doctor. I guess it must be a relief to have such a plan in place. I'll keep reading here to see your updates.

Bright, big hugs. I love your positive attitude. It's cool that you feel like you are ready for the next step and have a time frame in mind. I definitely remembering feeling so ready and wanting to do something big. I''ll be happy to give you what ever info you would like. Only problem is right now I can't really remember, lol. I'll see if I can find any paperwork or google to give my mind a push.

Tammy how great you like your doctor! And you are getting to take some action right away. I'm happy for you. Wish you and everyone sticky beans asap.
Hi to everyone else. Still reading along and looking for your good news posts!
Hi girls!

I'm going to try to do this...wish I could log on at work still!!

Bright, I'm glad to hear that you're feeling a little better and are determined to live happier no matter what. That makes a huge difference. I'm also excited for you to get started with your ivf cycle! You've been through so much, I so hope your happy beginning is right around the corner in November. What a sweet Christmas present that would be!!

Ltl, WOW how exciting! Two hours and a doc that sounds brilliant AND really committed to helping you achieve a healthy pregnant and have a baby. I'm excited for you too!

Bell, how are you hanging in there? I haven't had a chance to say this yet, but your DH is SO sweet. How awesome is that?! I'm so happy that he's taking your wishes to adopt again to heart and really praying about it, being more open to the idea. That's a fantastic start! :)

Mp, honey you're amazing to keep checking in on us and offering words of encouragement. I bet you're getting restless to meet your little guy!! Even I can't wait. ::) pupp, Jgator, that goes for you guys too!

Fisher and curly, you will be missed around here but I'm excited for your "graduation" to jbp. With all the new developments, hopefully we will ALL be joining you soon!!

I'm afraid I missed someone and if I did please know its not on purpose. I should convince DH to get me an iPad for posting. :Up_to_something: yeah, not happening! :lol:

Afm: positivity is a struggle, because I'm 12 dpo and temp is starting to decline. I hadn't posted for fear of jinxing myself, but up until today my chart looked amazing. I managed to convince myself that my previous dip was implantation because I shot up to a recor temp of over 98.6 the next day. Alas, I will definitely be taking the clomid. That will be started this cycle. No more wasted time! As soon as I hit cd1 I'm supposed to call to schedule my 12-14 day scan. I have some questions about all of it but that can wait. Im nervous and still want to cling to the hope that I won't need it but I know me. As soon as af comes I'll be super excited to start the meds. In the meantime, I'm getting back to the things I've gotten lazy about over the past year - exercise, more water, more fresh vs processed food, less coffee and better about vitamins. :halo:

I find posting with my ipad is harder. I have all sorts of errors I don't have with typing. Just try to look forward to next cycle, you are being proactive and that is good.

AFM, my labs are all looking normal so far. He did another HCG and progesterone (I am not sure why). The HCG was undetectable (surprise surprise) and the progesterone was WNL for the follicular (a very low number). The FSH looks normal to me. I have some other labs still pending.

Other than that, not much going on here.
Bright-Hope that your week got a little better and AF wasn't too bad!

Ltfirecracker-Glad that you got a Dr who seems knowledgeable and interested in your case!

Tammy-Hope that all is well and you get some answers this cycle.

Wow, I can't believe there are just 4 of us left posting right's actually kind of encouraging if you think about all the miracles that have happened for ladies in this thread :appl:

AFM-I am trying not to get my hopes up, but figure I may as well just put it all out there. I had a positive OPK :appl: ...and we DTD the day of the OPK and the day after :appl: :appl: ...and today my temp went up by a textbook .4 degrees :appl: :appl: :appl: so, it looks like I maybe did finally ovulate, and we maybe did finally DTD at exactly the right time.

If it works that would obviously be incredible, but even if not, I am just psyched to confirm what I thought before which was that I definitely ovulate...step 1 to figuring out what is up with my hormones:-)
WOOHOO gogo Bella baby! I'm crossing everything that you'll be bringing our count down to three in two weeks! ::) good luck!

I'm excited to start my clomid cycle. I told DH it feels like we're starting over in a sense. Very exciting and hopeful. I'm doing cd 3-7, but I read somewhere that 3-7 can lead to more eggs vs less but higher quality. Maybe she did that since I have one tube, but it's still scary! It wouldn't be te end of the world to have twins, and we'd take two over zero anyday, but it's still nerve wracking because one would be much better for our family for a number of reasons. I tell mysel that twins would be good in about 3-4 yrs though because they'd play together and my girls are so much older that a singleton would be lonely at times. So, yeah. We'll make it work no matter what! I just hope the clomid is all we need.

Anyhow sorry to ramble. That was much longer than I intended! I hope everyone is having a good Friday! Sooo glad the weekend is near! :)
:appl: :appl: :appl: Tammy!!! can't wait to see how this cycle goes for you!

I am tired (for a lot of reasons, including the whole TTC thing) so I left work early today, went shopping, and now am chilling at home:-) I think a nap/early bedtime is calling my name!

Oh, and I meant to say earlier, thanks for the DH compliments. He's a quirky guy, but pretty amazing too ;))
Bella, woo hoo for ovulation! I'm really hoping you have great news for us in a couple of weeks! (Though, if not, I still think it's a great sign that your body is regulating itself now.) Either way, this bodes very well for the future!
I hope you have a nice afternoon & a relaxing weekend & are feeling better soon!

Tammy, I'm so excited for your clomid cycle. I did clomid once days 3-7 & once 4-8 & my RE said there wasn't a whole lot of difference.
I really don't think you'll end up with multiples at that low dose, but I love your attitute about making it work either way. Also, I agree with LTL that posting from an ipad is more difficult than at a computer. The first couple of times I did it, it erased my posts! I still sometimes use it to post, but I always write up the post in the notepad, then copy it over to the web browser.

LTL, I'm thrilled that you had such a good (and lengthy!) consult with your new doc. I'm really glad he's being proactive with you & also that he's taking into account your response to medication in the treatment plan.

To our sweet grads--thank you so much for continuing to check on us over here & cheer us on. It means so much. ::)

Curly, thanks, dear. I guess it's good to remain hopeful, but sometimes it sure is disappointing.

JGator, thanks. I do think the new RE has some additional insights, though the recommended treatment plan is very similar to my old RE's. I do, however, like the office atmosphere much better in the new office & the new guy is much better at taking time with me & explaining things, which puts me at ease.

MP, thanks! I think all of this time struggling has definitely made me more ready to move on to more aggressive steps. And, yes, should we succeeed in this quest, I will be so appreciative! :bigsmile:

AFM, I had an additional androgen panel run at the new RE's office (the values were all normal, which makes the hair loss even more confounding) & am having another saline sonogram next week to make sure I don't have any scarring from the D&C. I'm looking forward to having another appointment with the new RE to see if it confirms my first impression & would like to ask him a few additional questions before we firm up a plan to move forward.

I've been trying to do more fun things lately to get out of this slump, but I seem to have come down with a cold, so I might have to take it easy for a while. :(sad I was planning to get a flu shot this weekend, but perhaps I should wait until I'm feeling better.

I hope everyone is well & has a great weekend!
Check in with hugs for all. I'm *so* excited for this thread to be empty. :)

It will happen. Faith finds a way.

Lookig forward to the good news & joyful journeys around the bend. :)
Thanks, Fisher! Hope you and baby Fisher are doing very well!

AFM: It's officially CD1, let the clomid games begin! :bigsmile: Well, Saturday was CD1, but DH and I had a lazy long nap so I'm up at a ridiculous hour! :wacko: I start it on Monday, if I'm calculating correctly? I know my AF is waaay lighter and virtually NO pain this cycle so far. I'm SO happy about that! I guess it's lighter because of the D&C? I'm not sure, but it's nice regardless. I did have a full 14 day LP, a first in quite a while.

So all that said, I'm hoping that my quirks and kinks have been worked out with the lap/hyster/d&c/etc. and the clomid will pop out a couple of nice big follies for us on the correct side this month. Feeling giddy! :appl:

Hope everyone is having a good weekend, I'm off to try to sleep! ::)
Tammy - Good luck on your clomid cycle. I really hope it goes well for you.

Bella - I am wishing you luck. Hopefully all you need is a little luck with timing!

Bright - Sounds like you are getting a bit of a deeper workup too? It is interesting that your androgen panel is normal with all the symptoms you are having, but in terms of getting pregnant and staying pregnant I am guessing it is a good thing. I hear you on the fun things. I really have been trying to make an effort to continue living my life as much as possible. I think it really helps to have other things to look forward to and realize, while I hope motherhood is part of my whole life, I don't want to stop my life trying to make it happen if it is just not my time yet.

AFM - All my ovarian reserve labs came back. Not sure how useful they are. They are all technically normal, but most of my values overlap with the normal ranges for a post menopausal woman. I know my current doctor knows I can look up my labs, so I am not sure how quick he will be to contact me, and I am not going to push the issue right now being that there is no plan of action for another 6 weeks or so. He did do an antral follicle count on me during the US, and that looked really good. So I am going to assume all is well. My husband just left town and will be back later this week. We may hit the window, we may not. I am not feeling well, so I think that has been messing up my temps.

An I agree, someone else needs to graduate!
thanks ltlfirecracker-not sure if timing will do the trick. My temp went down some today, but clearly there is a large margin of error as after 30 minutes of just lying in bed awake by temp had risen .3 degrees...

I'm just trying to stay calm and carry on:-)
Hi everyone, I have been gone for months and it sucks to still see some of you on this thread. :(( I truly hope that doesn't last long.
It has been a difficult 10 months for me, since we first visited our re. I ended up spending most of my online time on a site that is specific to ivf and my clinic.
I know ive been out of touch but I wanted to come here to tell you guys that after 3 ivf retrievals that were less successful than expected, we finally did a frozen embryo transfer of a single pgd tested blastocyst a few weeks ago and I am blessedly pregnant. It is still SO early, and I know there are SO many more milestones to reach, but I could not be more grateful. My betas were extremely strong and tripling, so I am hoping that is a good sign. I guess I am just hoping this will give faith to someone- yes, it is the most expensive and invasive route, and controversial to some, but at the end of the day, it can work when nothing else has.
I still hold this board in a special place in my heart as I posted here on the ttc thread before I knew of our specific issues. This is a very special group of women and I pray you all get the babies you are waiting for, and soon. I still pray that for myself as this is way too early to take anything for granted.
Bright, I wanted to just say a special hello to you as I think about you a lot.
Tammy, you too. We started posting around the same time in the other thread.
Bella, I always followed your journey through your adoption and you are amazing.
Ltl, thinking of you too.

Especially fisher... I don't think you know me but I followed your story closely. I can't describe how beyond thrilled I was to see your amazing news when I came back here. How wonderful, I am so happy for you and your husband.

Again, I wish everybody here the best of luck and to get the heck off this thread soon. I think of you often.
Jen So Awesome to see you and even better than awesome to hear your news!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean yes I have raging hormones but I am totally teared up reading your message. I am still quite anxious (13 w 5 day) and I totally understand. You will be in my thoughts and just try to go day by day!

I know the ladies are here the best and even though I officially moved over to another thread I can't stay away from coming in and rooting everyone on. Hugs to all of you!!!
Jen, congrats!! I'm so glad the IVF worked for you!!
Jen, I have been thinking of you, and I am so happy you decided to pop in with your amazing news! I completely understand your cautiousness, but try to enjoy every moment!

I'm rooting for everyone else on here too! Good luck Bright, Tammy, Firecracker, Bella and any lurkers out there including Sha.
Jenn!!! I've been thinking about you a lot & am so happy to see your post & your fantastic news!! Huge congrats to you! I understand your feeling cautious, especially considering how much you've gone through, but I think your high, tripling betas are really encouraging. Tons of dust & prayers coming your way.
Would you mind sharing the ivf site you used for info? As we approach this process I'm getting a bit anxious & would love to talk to some folks who have btdt. I think our clinic offers a similar program to yours with multiple retrievals & I'm not certain whether we should do that or not. Did you decide from the beginning to do the multiple retrieval process or after you'd started? I can imagine 3 in a row must have been so stressful (especially with your ohss after #2!) I'm just so, so happy it's worked out for you!

Tammy, how are you doing with the clomid? I hope you're side effect free & developing several juicy follies & that your bfp is right around the corner!

Ltl, yes, I thought that was really odd that I have basically normal hormone levels & pcos symptoms. My RE said that sometimes hormones in the normal range can be too much for an individual woman's body. I'm just hoping this all gets sorted out soon.
You're very smart to keep living your life & making sure you have things to look forward to regardless of what happens in the ttc journey & when.
That's odd about your ovarian reserve test but perhaps since the antral follicle count is good, all is well? Definitely worth asking your doc though. What is your next step?

Bella, I hope you are doing well in the 2ww. Crossing my fingers & toes you have good news soon!!

Fisher, jgator & pave, thanks for the encouragement. Continued dust to you both, as well as to all of our lovely grads!

Sha, still thinking of you.

Hi to anyone I missed or lurkers.

Afm, I had another saline sonogram yesterday to check to make sure there was no scarring from the d&c. My new RE, who I still like very much, said it was clean, though he did say my cervix was off to the side, which could be fine or could indicate endometriosis. He said since I didn't have other symptoms & the sono was clean it wasn't worth doing a lap to investigate further. He is, however, recommending some immunology tests (dq alpha, natural killer cells, etc-anyone know about this?) He said its really rare that an issue would be uncovered from this testing but it seems we should leave no stone unturned before moving on to ivf.

Also, I'm back on the pill. My RE said it might help bring down my androgen levels before we move on to ivf. Also, it should make it easier to time the next cycle since we can start whenever we want, as opposed to waiting for the next period. It felt a little weird to crack the pill pack after all we've been through but I have to say it's a bit of a relief to be on a true break for a while. (I wasn't very good at taking a break & not thinking about ttc stuff between medicated cycles.)
:appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: Jenn!!!

I am trucking along in the 2ww, not really sure what to expect and trying not to get my hopes up too much. Ho, hum, 8dpo and temps still above the coverline.

Cannot wait for the weekend, super tired (stayed up until 1:30 last night making fondant thomas the tank engine faces for B's upcoming birthday), totally fell off the wagon with sugar (my mom sent homemade salted caramels for DH's birthday last week :lickout: and I got a box of french truffles from a client).
Thanks for the good thoughts, Bright! :)) Thinking good thoughts for you as well as you prepare for ivf - hopefully it won't be much longer before your knocked up with a super sticky bean!

Still in lurking mode - just jumping in quickly to say :wavey: and continued baby dust to everyone! Bella - hope your tww leads to a bfp! Congrats on your pregnancy as well, Jen! :appl: