
The Official TTC for 6 Months or More Thread

Bright, so sorry about the BFN. I know I just 'met' you recently, but I am really pulling for you.

Bella, you sound like you are having fun! Fingers crossed that all that trying leads to something good!

AFM, I saw my doctor this morning and she confirmed that I didn't ovulate. I didn't have a trigger - my bloodwork indicated that my LH was already peaking and it looked like I would ovulate. Since the Clomid was unsuccessful, she wants to try me on FSH injections (administered by a nurse, which relieves some of my anxiety. I asked about Femara, but I guess it's not used here.) The trouble is, we've got several trips scattered around the next couple of months and I'm having trouble figuring out when I can fit in the injections and the monitoring afterwards. And if it's going to be late July before we can do it, I'm wondering if I might be better off waiting until we are back in the U.S. a few weeks later. It makes me a little bummed to put off taking action, but then I could just relax and enjoy the summer, without living by a schedule of doctor's visits and TTC. Hmmm.
MP, thanks for the reassurance. A few hours after my BFN I had a strong suspicion that AF was on the way. So at least I didn't have false hope for long.

Tammy & Bella, thanks for the hugs!

Bella, good luck!! I'm glad you're having fun & enjoying the process & hope this month is the month for you!

SB, thanks for pulling for me! I totally hear you on the timing issues with travel. DH & I are in a similar situation. (Also, the thought of just enjoying the summer sounds pretty appealing!) If you don't want to jump right into the fsh injections, would clomid with a trigger shot be an option? That's what I did for my first 2 IUI's. If you do wind up with the fsh shots, they're not that bad. My DH gave mine to me & they all have small needles. Also our pharmacy gave us training videos to watch that helped clarify the process. So, if having to go into the nurse's office to get the shots is part of the scheduling problem with your vacation, there could be an alternative.
Whatever you decide, good luck!

AFM, it's been a rough few days. AF is here with a vengeance (CD 3 today), which is disappointing, as usual. I think poor DH might have been even more disappointed than I was. He was the one talking about a February birthday, etc. I can't really go there anymore.

Anyway, moving on...I go in for an u/s next Wednesday to see when it's a good time to stim again for IVF. On one hand, I'd like to get this going because I'm feeling there's no time to waste, especially now that I'm 38. Also, the hair loss has picked up again now that I'm not on the pill.

On the other hand, I don't want to go through another cancelled IVF cycle due to poor response so I'd like to be sure the pill is sufficiently out of my system before we move forward. DH & I also have a lot of scattered travel throughout the summer (mostly in June & July) & I'm worried about coordinating all of the office visits & procedures involved with IVF with all of this travel. Perhaps it would be better to wait until mid-July when we have more flexibility.

Also, my mom was just diagnosed with uterine cancer & will have to have a hysterectomy. Apparently it's very early, so her doctor is hopeful that with the surgery & removal of the lymph nodes in the groin area that she'll be ok, but I'm worried & scared for her nonetheless. Please keep my mom in your prayers.

Uterine cancer is also a long term risk for women with PCOS (my mom was never diagnosed, but I suspect she has it), so I'm also concerned about my health in the future.
Oh Bright, I'm so very sorry to hear about your mom. Prayers for her and you that she will make a full recovery. Words seem inadequate at this point after all the heartbreak you've had, but I just want you to know I'm thinking of you.
Bright, so sorry to hear about your mom. Hoping they can get it all and she makes a full and quick recovery.

AFM, I decided to call off June since there's too much going on and reevaluate for July when we get closer. My doctor has never mentioned either a trigger shot or an IUI, which is another reason that I might just wait until we get back - I feel like the procedures here aren't as proactive and I don't want to put myself through too many medicated cycles if I need more aggressive interventions. Though they do take some of the romance out of it!

Two of my friends announced their pregnancies yesterday, so I'm a bit down. I knew our road wasn't likely to be easy, but I never imagined that I'd be almost 8 months into this and still not even ovulated yet. Do you guys have any tips for staying positive throughout this process?
Bright, hugs to you. I hope all goes well with your mom's treatment. Good luck with IVF also. I just know your time is coming soon!
MP, Jgator & SB, thanks so much. for your support. My mom is having her surgery on Tuesday. I'm really hoping & praying they get everything & that the cancer hasn't spread.

SB, I think taking some time off to enjoy the summer sounds like a good idea! Fertility treatments are really stressful. It can definitely be difficult to remain positive while you're struggling to get pregnant, especially when it seems so easy for so many people. It's something I struggle with as well. For me, knowing that I'm doing everything I can to make this happen is comforting.

Afm, I had an appointment with my RE yesterday & we decided to take this cycle off (I'm CD 9 today) & take another pass at IVF next cycle. We have a lot of travel in the next month & it would've been really difficult to coordinate an IVF cycle as well. And the doc also said I probably wouldn't want to be "stimming" (undergoing stimulation shots) while going through the medical stuff with my mom (too much stress) if I can avoid it. Hopefully having another month off will give my body more time to recover from the pill. Fingers crossed that it works this time!
Bright, I hope that your mom's surgery goes well! Please keep us posted.

So, random TMI question:

I am 99% sure that I have a yeast infection. I've never had one before as far as I know, and I don't have any discharge or anything like that, but intense itching CONSTANTLY for the past few weeks.

1. Do I call my RE or my gyno about this?
2. Can yeast infections be an issue in trying to get pregnant?
3. If DH doesn't have symptoms is there any treatment he needs to do?
Bright, sounds like that is the best decision for you given everything you have going on this month. Prayers for your mom that the surgery goes well and they caught it early enough for a complete recovery. Hopefully, she will have some grandbaby news from you to cheer her up in the near future. You will be in my thoughts over the next couple of months. It really is your time, and we are all pulling for you.

Bella, if I were you , I would put a call in with your doctor to make sure that is what you have. I don't think it poses any risk to a pregnancy, but you would want to get it cleared up, so you don't pass it back and forth with DH.

SB, sorry to hear you didn't ovulate. When you resume TTC, I would definitely ask about trying a trigger shot when your follicles are the right size. Are you seeing a regular doctor or an RE? I know many OB/GYNs (mine included) are just not very proactive or experienced when it comes to fertility problems. Hope you enjoy your break and are able to figure out what is going on soon.

I'm probably going to be joining you ladies over here a bit more as we are trying for a second, and our first two semi-casual months of TTC were unsuccessful. I'm thinking that whatever kept us from conceiving last time around is going to be a problem again. DH wants to try a few more months before we get too aggressive, which I'm good with, since Ev is not even 8 months old yet. But I think I will be scheduling an appointment with the same NP I saw last time for the end of the summer or early fall. I feel so grateful we have a baby, and I don't feel anywhere near as desperate as I did last time, but it still makes me sad we can't just have fun and make a baby the old-fashioned way, which I know is something to which you can all relate!
Bella_mezzo|1369970688|3456680 said:
Bright, I hope that your mom's surgery goes well! Please keep us posted.

So, random TMI question:

I am 99% sure that I have a yeast infection. I've never had one before as far as I know, and I don't have any discharge or anything like that, but intense itching CONSTANTLY for the past few weeks.

1. Do I call my RE or my gyno about this?
2. Can yeast infections be an issue in trying to get pregnant?
3. If DH doesn't have symptoms is there any treatment he needs to do?

Just popping in for Bella!!!

1. Call either/or. I guess whomever you feel most comfortable with? Either one can prescribe something for you.
2. No, they dont typically have to do with infertility at all.
3. Nope. Men dont usually carry yeast. If your husband is uncircumsized and/or has symptoms, it might be worth treating him...wont do any harm. You can ask your doc if he/she can give you something for your hubby. Good luck!!!
Popping in to cheer you all on, I'm sorry that things seem to be stalled out for you Bright and SB while you wait. Bright, I'm praying that your mom's treatment is successful and isn't too hard on her. My dear, you deserve the sun and the moon after all the crap you've been through. ;( Big hugs to you.

SB, I hope your wait to July isn't too bad and I'm glad you have some pleasant distractions. :)

Bella, regarding the YI I would personally call in to the OB. When I had a similar issue my RE had me go to the regular doctor because they don't usually have the diagnostic equipment on hand to do any in-house testing. Truthfully, they'll probably just send you to get OTC meds even if you do test positive for a YI. As a side note, if I remember right I ended up with one too when I was on clomid. I wonder if there's a connection!

No, it doesn't interfere with TTC especially after you've ovulated. Before/during O time it can mess up your CM and make conception difficult but you're in the TWW so you're fine. :)) Speaking of, when is your test date? :bigsmile:

MP, I really hope that you have a little miracle surprise before having to hop back on the infertility crazy train. I'm glad to hear that it's less difficult though now that you have your sweet Ev. He's a doll! 8)
I tested this morning, which I think is 10 DPO, but BFN. whenever AF shows up I am going to try and get and HSG and then we'll go from there.
Bright, keeping your mom in my thoughts for tomorrow. Sounds like postponing the IVF is smart. I hope later in the summer brings you lots of happy news!

MP, I hope you have an easier time TTC #2. I think the knowledge that it was successful once would be very reassuring, but I agree that the old-fashioned way seems more fun! I am just seeing a GYN here, but will be switching to a RE in August.

Bella, sorry about the BFN. Hugs.

Afm, not much to report. I did schedule an appt with a RE at home in August, so it's nice to know that's on the books if the FSH in July isn't successful. I also figured out that my insurance has very limited coverage for infertility treatment, so I'm considering switching to another plan when open enrollment comes around this fall - I'm fortunate that we have a couple other options available with some coverage, at least. As if the stress of treatment wasn't enough, figuring out the $ piece is a headache in and of itself!
SB, that's great that you will be able to switch to an insurance plan with some fertility coverage. We ended up getting lucky that I was able to conceive with an IUI administered by NP, so our out of pocket expenses weren't that outrageous last time around, but it would be so nice to know you have that to fall back on. Hope you are able to relax and enjoy the next couple of months.

Bella, hang in there and give it a few more days before you give up. Clomid alone wasn't the magic pill for me either. If I were you, in addition to the HSG, I would see if you can get some monitoring to see how you are actually responding to the clomid. Maybe there is something else that would work better for you.

Tammy, thanks. I feel greedy already feeling bummed about not getting pregnant again when others are still hoping for their first. If Ev ends up being our only baby, we will still be grateful, but I would love to have another baby or two, mainly for Ev's sake. I'm 32, so I know I still have some time, but DH is ten years older than me, so I feel a little urgency to complete our family in the next couple of years.

Bright, thinking about you and your mom this week.

AFM, I had a couple of those First Response ovarian reserve tests lying around because they came free with my HPTs last time around, so I took one yesterday on CD3. I don't particularly trust the test, but it came back with only a very very faint test line, so that at least made me feel better that I hopefully still have plenty of eggs hanging out in my ovaries :) (With this test, you don't want a dark second line). I think I'm going to use OPKs this cycle to maximize our chances, so I can know for sure if we are just having bad timing or if our usual fertility issues are still around.
Um...i've been shaking since I saw this and I'm not quite sure what to say and DH is perplexed b.c it is "so light" but...well...

OMG Bella that's a clear BFP!!!!! SO happy for you I'm shaking too!!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: If your DH is skeptical, or if you just want to see a better line, it's time to grab a FRER and make it official. ::)
Bella, that is so awesome!!! Congratulations. That's a very respectable line for this early. So happy for all of you, and sending sticky dust your way!
BELLA!!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: If I can find a fireworks emotie I'd totally use it. J was totally skeptical for a week too. I finally convinced him with a side by side compare using tap water (control) and urine test (variable). Your DH isn't perchance an engineer/scientist is he?
thanks Tammy, Moneky and Liang!!!!!!!!!!!

I am kind of in disbelief and being really guarded, but every once in a while this jolt of pure joy and excitement that I just can't contain comes through:appl:

Liang, too funny, yes, DH is an EMT and a post-baccaleaureate premedical student so definitely falls in the science/engineering category now:-)
I want to see a FRER! :lol: I'm so excited for you guys and can't wait to see some progressions!!
Bella!!!! - Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! Congratulations!!! So happy to see that BFP!!! Happy and Healthy 9 months to you!!! Wooooooooooooooooo-hooooooooooooooo!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:
:-) Tammy and LV!!!! this is really exciting, but really scary!

I just went to the bathroom (you know, the deuce) and was afraid that might mess it up :rolleyes: Irrational I know, but eeek!

Tammy rest assured, I have a CB digital to take first thing tomorrow morning when I should be about 14dpo.

P.S. this is the first time DH has looked at one of my PS threads and he thinks that we are all totally TMI :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: He's like, I had no idea you knew these people like THAT :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: but he's also obsessively grabbing the computer each time I tell him we got a new comment on our BFP to read it :lol: :lol: :lol:
Bella, squeeeee!!!!! That is an awesome line! I'm so happy for you! Tons of sticky dust to you, and I can wait to see the line get darker! :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:
Bella_mezzo|1370399649|3459171 said:
:-) Tammy and LV!!!! this is really exciting, but really scary!

I just went to the bathroom (you know, the deuce) and was afraid that might mess it up :rolleyes: Irrational I know, but eeek!

Tammy rest assured, I have a CB digital to take first thing tomorrow morning when I should be about 14dpo.

P.S. this is the first time DH has looked at one of my PS threads and he thinks that we are all totally TMI :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: He's like, I had no idea you knew these people like THAT :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: but he's also obsessively grabbing the computer each time I tell him we got a new comment on our BFP to read it :lol: :lol: :lol:

Awww, that's sweet!! Hi Mr. Bella!! :wavey: Congrats to you too!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:

Yay for a CB digi!! Checking back in the am!!

Whooo hoo!! And praise The Lord!!!!

Prayers and joy to you, sweet lady!!

I'm soooo excited!! Yay!!!

Ooh, this is wonderful! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

Walk in faith, girls. Miracles happen everyday! Yes indeed!
Bella, funny about your hubs! Mine is the as,e way and hates FB but now obsessively checks mine to see comments when I post pics of our daughter. So cute and funny!

Soooo excited for your family! B is a big brother!!! :bigsmile:
Congratulations Bella! So happy for you, your DH, and B! Sending truckloads of sticky dust to you! That's definitely a line!
thanks Fisher and SI ans LV and everybody!

I am kind of teary this morning!

The wondfo is still light today but the digi is very clear...a little freaked that the wondfo is not darker, but most people I have seen online with light wondfos had a baby 9 months later :lol: so trying to keep it in perspective.

We are very cautious but praising God that if nothing else, at least we know it's possible for us to get pregnant and are hoping that this is an incredible little person who will be joining our family in early February.


Somehow I just had this feeling that your time was finally coming soon, Bella! Sooooooo thrilled for you. Here's to hoping that you have a long and sticky pregnancy. Yay yay, makes me day :appl: :wavey: love that big pregnant test!

And for what it is worth, i did a million wondfos early in this pregnancy and also stressed that they were not getting dark fast enough, but I have a healthy little lady cooking! You are pregnant! Forget the tests.
YAY :appl: YAY :appl: YAY :appl: :appl: :appl: Bella!!!!!!!!!!! I am so thrilled for you!!! Sending you boatloads of sticky dust and best wishes for a happy & healthy 9 months!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl:
Bella, love the CBE! Just to put your mind at ease, it took quite awhile for my wondfos to get darker. I had much clearer results on the FRERs in the very beginning. It's weird, but the other day when you were saying you thought you were out this month, I really had a feeling that you might be pregnant. Just so happy for you all and living vicariously through you!