
The Official TTC for 6 Months or More Thread

Congrats Bella, so happy for you :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:
LOL, Bella (and Mr. Bella). Yes we might be TMI but that makes us all THAT MUCH HAPPIER for our sisters when wonderful news like this happens. Tell him he doesn't want to visit the Newborn thread where we talk about poop, boobs and all sorts of TMI. LOL. You're DEFINITELY pregnant, don't sweat the darkening lines etc. Call your OB, stat!
monkeyprincess|1370437437|3459333 said:
Bella, love the CBE! Just to put your mind at ease, it took quite awhile for my wondfos to get darker. I had much clearer results on the FRERs in the very beginning. It's weird, but the other day when you were saying you thought you were out this month, I really had a feeling that you might be pregnant. Just so happy for you all and living vicariously through you!

This, all the way down to the last sentence! I'm so happy to see that CBE digital "pregnant" for you! ::)

Alright, who's next?! Miracles happen! :bigsmile:
:-) I called the RE this morning at 9:08 but they weren't open yet. I'll try again this morning...

This is so weird! I keep thinking AF is coming, but so far so good. I may or may not be wearing a pantyliner anyway just in case and b/c it makes me feel like I'm not jinxing myself...which is ridiculous b/c I don't even believe in jinxes...but this is just blowing my mind and I can't totally wrap my mind around it:twirl:

thank you for the assurances about the light wondfos!

I am going to stick around in this thread for a little bit, at least until we see a heartbeat, if that is ok.

Bright and everyone else who have been trying for a long time, I really hope that you get a BFP soon.

Bright, I hope that IVF works for you and that you are able to start next cycle, and I really, really hope that your mom's surgery went well!

Huge hugs and kisses to all my ladies!!!!!!!!!
BELLA!!!!!!!! Just saw this. I am overjoyed for you!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats!!!
Bella!!! :appl: :appl: I couldn't be happier for you and your family!! Soooooooo excited for you!!
Wow, Bella!! How awesome! Congrats to you, Mr. Bella, and little B!!
Bella!!!! That's amazing news! I'm so thrilled for you! Sending truckloads of sticky dust your way!

Just a quick post & thanks to everyone who sent dust & prayers for my mom's surgery. It was yesterday & went really well. We're still waiting for the path report next week to confirm 100%, but the surgeon was pleased & said everything looked clean. She said she knows what cancer looks like & this doesn't look like cancer. So hoping & praying the path report confirms this. Thanks to everyone for your support!

So happy to hear your mom's surgeon thinks it wasn't cancer and that it went well!!! Big hugs lady, you're on deck soon! ;)
Steel wanted me to let you know she is overjoyed for you!!! :appl:
AW SKIPPY!!!!!!!! Please tell steel that I said thank you and think of her often!!!!!!! I would love for her to "stop by" again. I miss her!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bright-so glad about your mom's surgery and hope that the path report comes back all clear.

AFM-I have to step away from the wondfos! There is a line on the test this afternoon still, but is it very, very faint. DH is FREAKING out! But I've been drinking tons of water this afternoon so I would imagine everything is diluted.

I left a message for my RE's office at 9 this morning and they never called me back :angryfire: So I called my ob who I like better anyway, but they closed at 4, so I'll be calling the ob first thing tomorrow. Also, I got some more digis on amazon which should arrive tomorrow. I just need a little more reassurance...still no AF, so that's good...I am going to acupuncture on Sat.
BELLA!! So happy for you!!!! Cramping is a good thing as long as there is no AF. Its very normal in those early days. It is how I knew I was pregant the second time, the feeling is distinctive. YOu can't judge the health of your pregnancy from the color of the lines, too many factors are random (dilution of urine, dye in the particular stick...). So the only thing to really take as a sign things are ok is no AF! I know you know all this but wanted to add more reassureance :)) E-mail anytime if you want to ask about anything offline :))

So happy, this is just so wonderful.
Thank you DD! that does make me feel better :cheeky:

the line is darker this morning so I feel a little bit better. I'm calling the Dr at 9 am.
Woohoo Bella! :) I meant to pop in to say that I agree with DD but I found that I got the best progression from looking at tests taken at around the same time each day. My morning tests were lighter than my afternoon ones, but I don't think I'm normal. :tongue: I hope your appointment comes soon and goes well! Are you going to request betas? The RE may just want them for you anyhow since you were on clomid. So exciting!

Okay, I have my first appt. It is June 24 b/c it is with my OB who I like, as opposed to my RE who I don't like, but my OB doesn't see patients until they are 7-8 weeks.

I'm just going to wait it out. I'm not sure if Betas would make me feel much better and I know that an ultrasound without a heartbeat would stress me out too. Whatever will be will be. I am going to try and enjoy the next few weeks and hopefully see a heartbeat on the 24th.

So hilarious and crazy, when they asked me the first date of my last cycle I had to look it up in this thread :cheeky: I know when I O'd but had no idea, when my last cycle started.

I was/am always curious what regime's people were on, what they did differently the cycle they got a BFP, and what their early symptoms were. So here are mine...

CoQ10, royal jelly, fish oil, probiotics, and sometimes prenatals, I think for at least the past 6 months.

DH has been taking fertilaid for men, coq10, and fish oil for the past 4 months

I took fertilaid for women and fertilitea for 3 months about 6 months ago but it was keeping me awake at night so I stopped

I sporadically took liquid chlorophyll and floradix iron

Lifestyle changes:
I started acupuncture last summer and have gone 2-3 times a month since, started eating some organic meat on the advice of my accupuncturist (after almost 2 decades of being a vegetarian), limited sugar, wheat, and gluten for the past 3ish months, did several rounds of chinese herbs from my acupuncturist, and occasionally did the restoring fertility yoga (I love this DVD, basically I was just lazy and didn't do it often)

Things I did differently this cycle:
drank 1 oz of tart cherry juice per day (just because I like it :cheeky: ) did the restoring fertility yoga DVD right at the time of ovulation, had a ton of s*x (we did every other day the week before o, every day the week of o, and twice one day), though admittedly, Dh was really stressed and exhausted at school from finals that week so there were two nights he didn't "finish", this was my second month of clomid (50mg--I took less than the 100mg the RE prescribed b/c my body usually reacts very strongly to medication and it seems that was a good decision). I think the big one was that we went away for the long weekend right after ovulation. We were upstate, it was sunny, it was calm, I slept a lot, etc...also, I am currently between classes for my MBA (I have class in July/Aug/and early fall and then am done with the program!!!!)

Early Symptoms:
Starting Sunday I thought hamburgers were the MOST delicious thing I had ever heard of, made DH drive from WaHi to the Village to get some, and have pretty much been thinking about them and barbque sauce ever since :rolleyes: My abs are sore, like I did a ton of sit ups (which I definitely did not). I am a little queasy. I keep waking up at 5:30 am to pee and am wired and can't go back to sleep (since Monday ever day like clockwork). Other than that, every twinge and cramp and bloat, etc. was EXACTLY the same as every other cycle that did not result in a bfp.

I am going to lay low for the next couple weeks and hope that everything is as it should be for me first drs appt, but will keep lurking to see all my BFFs in this thread. I hope that you each get great news soon!!!
Congrats Bella! Sticky dust to you...

Bright, so glad your mom is doing well!
Bella!!! Congratulations!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:
thank you short blonde and mayerling!!!!

Oh, and I meant to add in my long post (but now it won't let me edit), DH and I had been trying for almost 4 years, since October 3, 2009. We had a false positive the month after we got married but never have had any kind of BFP since. I have severe irregular uterine bleeding (like heavily bleeding for 70+ days some months) and had surgery in the summer of 2012 to remove a uterine polyp and a "lining of tiny polyps in my uterus". DH has sleep apnea and started using a Cpap 3 years ago which changed his life in amazing ways. Our now 4 1/2 year old son "B" joined our family through Ethiopian adoption in the summer of 2011 and for the next year we co-slept so we had to get creative about BD and it was really hard to be TTC.

I started seeing an RE in the winter, but he wasn't that helpful. I did not like my RE much, but he was the one who put me on Clomid to try and stop the bleeding and it worked like a charm! and then this was the second month of clomid and I got a BFP.

In western med terms, I have hormone imbalances, namely too much estrogen, basically undetectible AMH, and FSH that just squeaks by on the border between normal and high.

In chinese medicine terms, I have "spleen deficiency" and "dampness".

I will be 35 this summer and DH will be 37 this fall.
Bright, that is great news about your mom, and I hope the labs confirm what the doctor suspects. I take this as an omen that more good news will be on the way for you this year, and I really hope you are the next one to get a BFP. It is way past your turn!

Bella, yay for darker lines. The color of the line doesn't so much matter, but it is reassuring. Continued dust headed your way!
Bella, congrats again! Amazing news! Good luck trying to remain calm between now and the OB appt. I know the days seem to go by so slowly when you are in the early stages of pregnancy between doctor appointments.

Bright, glad to hear your mom's surgery went well, and the doctor is optimistic that she is cancer free.
Bella, I just had to post over here how happy I am for you. I know you and your husband must still be in disbelief. And B is going to be such a great big brother. A huge congrats and I hope the next few weeks go by as quickly as possible!

Bright, I lurk on this thread and your mother has been in my thoughts. I was really happy to read your update and am sending lots of dust that the pathology report comes back with good news and that she heals quickly.
Bella, congrats lady!!! I hadn't checked this thread in a few days and saw your post in TTC. So when is your EDD?
What an exciting time for you!!!!
So so so happy for you Bella!!!!! Can't believe I missed this news. Love reading your regimen. I'm really thinking accupuncture was the thing that pushed us in the right direction.

Wishing bfps for all those here . I'm feeling there's something waiting for all of us! I hope that makes sense?
I just feel elated for Bella and also the other people who have had good news. I was wondering if you guys can relate to this- I'm pretty sure you can- even though I don't "know" any of you I feel like I do- and the emotions I experience (both happy and sad) run deep. I guess there is a special bond. Even though I don't post much and never manage to be eloquent I just wanted to say how much I really root for everyone here and I really try to have faith like Fisher- we all will have the journey we are supposed to on our way to parenthood. Love you guys...too mushy? Lol.
thanks Pave!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I feel a special bond to all the PS mamas, but especially my TTC for 6 months plus ladies, too. It is kind of amazing to go through the journey together!

It is also eye opening to see all the things that can go wrong during TTC, in early pregnancy, and even later. PS is a very interesting cross section of strong and informed ladies, and many have truly been through the fire.

I guess what I am trying to say is that I feel the bond too :cheeky: , and I also feel like by being real and honest about miscarriages, still births, labor and delivery, postpartum, newborns, etc. I also feel the fear!, but I am so, so, so grateful for every woman who has shared her story and her journey and am honored to be part of this community.
Bright - I was glad to hear the doctor seemed encouraged about your mother, and hope the pathology report confirms that she is well.

Bella - I'm so happy and excited for you!!! I hope you enjoy every moment of your pregnancy. My sister is 18 weeks along, and it breaks my heart that she seems a bit detached from her pregnancy because of her fears (I had a rough pregnancy, and our other sister and I both had NICU babies, which I'm sure fuels her fears).

AFM - One failed IUI, and now I'm in my second medicated with IUI 2ww. One more medically assisted cycle and we're calling it quits. My adenomyosis is making life off birth control pretty miserable (cramping so badly I start vomiting from the pain), and it's been over a year since we started trying for our second, so...
Thanks, bella! I hope you're feeling good & the wait for your first OB appointment isn't driving you crazy. So excited for you! :appl: And ditto to the love for our PS ladies, especially the >6 months group!

Aw, Pave. I love you guys too!

Tammy, jgator, SB, NEL & MP, thanks for all of your positive thoughts about my mom & for your encouragement on this journey.

SB, how are you doing? I hope you're enjoying your summer & not worrying too much about fertility stuff.

parrot, thanks for your thoughts about my mom. My fingers are crossed tightly for you that this cycle is a success! I hear you about feeling that you're at the end of your rope with the fertility stuff. I have to say I'm nearing the end of my rope as well. I'm so sorry about the pain you're experiencing off the pill. That must be horrible! Is there anything else that could help you, or is the only remedy to go back on the bcp? I'm having trouble off the pill as well (I've been experiencing a lot of hair loss & the only meds that could help are unsafe while TTC). This all makes TTC feel so much more difficult & urgent, doesn't it? Hugs to you.

afm, CD22 today. I've been doing OPK's for about a week & think I got a positive OPK yesterday & today. FF thinks today is O day, so we've been busy lately. I really vacillate between thinking this kid thing might not be in the cards for us (I've been a bit down lately) to having a glimmer of hope. ::)

Also, no news from my mom's doc on her path report. I hope it comes in soon & with good news.
Parrot, I'm so sorry to hear your IUI wasn't successful, but I will be keeping my fingers crossed for you that this cycle or next works. And if not, that you are able to find peace in your decision and comfort in your beautiful daughter. We're just starting out TTC our second, and something just feels off about my cycles, and I'm trying to decide if we should just let nature take it's course or if I want to go through all the invasive appointments and treatments and stuff. I'm sure I will, but it just brings up all those old frustrating feelings again even thinking about it. BTW, I had never heard of adenomyosis, so I looked it up, and that sounds awful. You poor thing to have to deal with that on top of fertility issues. Good luck this cycle!

Bright, sheesh, your poor mom having to wait that long to get back the results. Continued thoughts and prayers that it is benign. Will you be trying IVF again next cycle if you don't get pregnant this month? I'm sad to hear you feel like you are nearing the end of your rope. But I can understand why you would feel that way after everything. Really hoping you are the next to have good news!
Thanks, MP. I guess I'm partly exhausted by this process & partly scared it won't work for us. I'd hoped we wouldn't have to do IVF, but I think in the back of my head I always thought it would work for us if we had to go that route. Now that we had to cancel our first IVF cycle, I'm a little spooked & worried this might not work either. I guess all we can do it try everything within our power & be at peace that we did our best. The current plan is to take another pass at IVF after this cycle ends.

How are you doing cycle-wise? I hope #2 winds up being an easier journey for you than TTC E was, but at least you know what worked for you in the past if you wind up needing assistance. Hugs to you.

PT, where are you in your 2ww? Fingers crossed tightly for you!

I hope everyone out there is well.

Afm, I guess I'm in the 2ww now. I'm going to be out of town for a week of it, so that should be a nice distraction.
PT, keeping my fingers crossed for you in the 2ww. I can only imagine how much harder this process would be with significant symptoms off BC - I am already annoyed that I have so many more breakouts on my face, and that is so minor compared to what you're going through.

Bright, I'm sorry you are feeling down about TTC. It is so hard. Even though we're relatively early in the process, my DH has started to accept that we may not be able to get pregnant and reassure me that we will still have a wonderful life together without kids. I know he's right, but it is rough emotionally to go through all the time and money and worry of medical interventions and have it not work. Distraction is a very good thing, so I'm glad you have a trip coming up. Hugs and good thoughts for happy news soon!

And thanks for asking about me, that's sweet. We have had lots of visitors in town lately and are getting ready for a couple of trips, so I have been happily distracted. I think taking a little break from TTC has been good for me to relax and not focus on this so much and appreciate what I do have.

Hope all are having a good weekend!