
The Official TTC for 6 Months or More Thread

Bright - My thoughts are with you, and I hope those follicles grow. Good luck this cycle and I will be checking in to see how you are doing.
I'm just delurking to wish Bright all the best, I so so hope this is your time! *Dust*dust*dust*!!
Bright, keeping everything crossed for you! Dust, dust, dust!

PT, I hope you and your husband can sort out the best course of action for both of you.

MP, we're going to be TTC twins in August, since that's when I'll go in for all of my testing with the RE too.
shortblonde|1372263192|3472657 said:
MP, we're going to be TTC twins in August, since that's when I'll go in for all of my testing with the RE too.

Cool. Not so secretly hoping the appointment becomes unnecessary for both of us! And I hope you are enjoying this little break before August.

Bright, sending you your daily dose of dust today that things are progressing well. Please keep us posted when you get a chance.
Bella, thanks, lady! I hope you're doing great!

Tammy, thanks for the reassurance. I guess it only takes 1 good egg, but I had really hoped the numbers would give us a better shot. That is true that this thread is full of miracles. Hoping & praying one comes my way!

MP, thanks for your continued support! I didn't ask my doc specifically what he was hoping for AFC-wise, but I did a bit of web research (surprise!) & it seems pretty low. Apparently the AFC is a reasonable predictor of IVF success, which has me concerned.

It sounds like you have a great plan to move forward treatment-wise, though I hope you don't have to use it! Any news?

Dani, thanks!

Jgator, thanks, dear. I do take comfort that we're doing everything we can to make this happen.

Ltl, thanks for checking in. I appreciate your following along with my progress. It helps having an IVF-vet around! So thrilled for you & your little ones.

Thanks for the dust, DandiAndi!

SB, thanks. I hope you're enjoying your time off!

PT, thinking of you.

Afm, I had my first follow up appointment today after we started with the stimulation meds.
While there are several follicles (I forgot to write down the sizes/numbers), they aren't growing as much or as quickly as the doc hoped. They raised the dosage of one of my (3) meds & I'm supposed to come back on Monday for another check. The doc said it's probably too soon to tell if we'll be able to proceed with an IVF this cycle or not. I hope I'm wrong, but I just have a feeling this isn't going to work out.

Also we told DH's family that we're going through this & his mom has been asking me a million questions & offering suggestions. I know she's trying to be helpful/supportive, but it makes me stressed to have to field all of these questions, especially when things aren't going well. We're going to see them this weekend. I feel so sad & overwhelmed today.

Sorry for the downer post - thanks for letting me vent a bit.
Big hugs, Bright. I'm keeping you in my thoughts and hoping that you have surprisingly positive news at your next scan. I can imagine how overwhelming the whole process is, and to be forced to think about it more with all of the questions would make it worse. Also, it can't be easy having all those medications wreaking havoc on your hormones and emotions!

Deep breath, know we're all pulling for you.
Bright, I have been following TTC stories on PS for a long time now, and of everyone who has come through and for many who spent time in this thread... I believe they all got pregnant :)) A few people disappeared without ever updating, but for the majority there was good magic in the PS water. And for many of them on PS, and in my own personal life too, the miracle happened after interventions failed (or were never even attempted). So, I am keeping the faith for you too :))
Bright, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you get good news today! So sorry that your MIL is stressing you out - can you ask your DH to talk to her and explain that while you know she means well, all the extra focus is hard for you? We haven't told my MIL for the same reason (plus she will tell all her sibs and extended family, and I don't really want this to be out there for everyone), and while I know that's been a little hard for my DH, he understands and respects my wishes. My mom knows the broad theme since she's getting our mail, but I've asked her to please not bring it up unless I do. Set whatever boundaries you need for your mental health and definitely get DH on board to help with his family. Hugs.

PT and MP, hope you're both doing well.
Ugh Bright, I just saw your update, and I'm so frustrated for you. It seems like they are having trouble finding the right protocol for you. Just makes me wonder because you were at least able to get pregnant both times when you did the Clomid/IUI combo. Anyway, I will be keeping my fingers tightly crossed that things have progressed well over the weekend and you are able to go forward with your IVF plans this cycle. I agree with Dreamer that it seems like most people who desire a baby eventually find a way, but it still doesn't feel good when you're in the middle of it and can't see into the future. Big hugs and thoughts and prayers.
Bright - I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you'll be able to proceed this cycle. I know that all the waiting to move forward in this process is torturous. And how much pressure/stress well intended family members can cause. Dust, dust, dust.

AFM - This will (most likely) be our last cycle of TTC before I discuss going back on BC with my regular OB. Not feeling terribly optimistic, but am still hoping. My husband and his friends get together every weekend for "Daturdays," and he sent me a dozen pictures of Ava hugging and kissing the 5 month old who was there. That did NOT help me with giving up this month if things don't work out, lol. :lol:
Bright, hope you are doing ok.

PT, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you this cycle.
Bella still over the moon for you!!!

And Bright! Whoop!!! Yay!!!

Wanted to let you all know the wait is SO worth it when the time finally comes. :) My girl is 10 weeks old now; I don't remember what I did before she came along (oh yeah, I took my temp every morning--- so glad to tell that goodbye). She's a joy and a gem and watching her learn is just the best!!

I pray all of you hang in there and keep the faith--- I promise it is worth the wait!!
Tammy, thanks for the hugs & support. You're right that I've been much more emotional lately with all of the added hormones. I've definitely had some rough moments over the last week especially. I'm starting to become a bit more hopeful again, though.

Dreamer, thanks for your post. I very much hope the PS magic works for me too. I've also heard a lot of stories of women who become pregnant after giving up. And there are so many ways to build a family that we could choose another route if needed.

SB, thanks for your thoughts about inlaws. We didn't tell mine for a long time for this very reason (my anticipation of her response was accurate.) After such a long time of trying & failing & not having an outlet except for each other, I thought it was too hard on DH & said I thought DH might like to talk to his dad, which he did (& his dad told his mom & here we are.) DH did a good job of intercepting & deflecting a lot of the conversation this week, which was helpful.

I'm glad your mom has been respectful of your wishes on this subject.

MP, thank you for the thoughts & prayers. It is very odd that the clomid had at least achieved a pregnancy & the injectables hasn't yet, isn't it? That has made me feel a bit concerned about the process. Here's hoping that this IVF finally does the trick.

How are you doing cycle wise? Thinking of you.

PT, thanks for the dust! Sending lots back at you for this cycle! Are you doing another IUI?

Fisher, thanks for the update, prayers & for the light at the end of the tunnel!

Afm, I'm sorry I haven't posted an update in a while. Between all of the doctors appointments & a lot of travel lately (& my Internet is down at home!), I haven't had much time to synthesize all of this much less post.

We've been going through the IVF process & follies have been developing, but some are growing much faster than others. We've had several appointments when we expected to trigger that night, but it was decided to wait one more day/increase the med dosage to see if some of the smaller ones would catch up (then rinse & repeat.) Since a few are really ready & a few more are still in process, I'm not sure how many we'll get for our retrieval, which is officially scheduled for Monday. Doc says we should have at least 5. It's not a stellar number by any means, but I guess you only need one.

So please send dust our way!! I'll update after the retrieval on Monday afternoon. I hope it goes well (I'm a little scared) & hope we finally end up with a viable pregnancy & a sweet baby.
Bright, I'll be thinking of you today! Lots of dust and prayers headed your way! Please update us when you get a chance.
Bright, thinking of you and sending positive sticky dust your way!
Bright, hoping things will go well for you today. Sending dust and thoughts in your direction.
Thanks so much, MP, JGator & LC. I'm back from my retrieval & resting at home. I was pretty nervous beforehand but everything went ok.

We got 7 eggs. I really hope it's our lucky number & there are a few good ones in there. Now we wait (& start the progesterone injections.) :eek: I think the next update should be around midday tomorrow. I'll keep you guys posted.

Thanks for all of the support & dust!
Bright, thanks for the update. I'll be sending all my dust your way in the coming days! Hope those little eggs fertilize and grow, grow, grow!
Bright, Yay for 7 eggs!! Sending more dust your way that you get a great outcome with IVF. Can't wait for your next update.
Bright, 7 eggs sounds great! Hope you're feeling okay. Tons of dust for those eggs to fertilize and grow! Can't wait to hear your next update and follow you on your journey. Hugs!
Bright, 7 eggs sounds great...can't wait for an update about how they're growing! Thinking of you and sending tons of dust.
Bright - Hooray for 7 eggs! Keeping all my fingers and toes crossed for you.
Oh Bright, 7 eggs is fantastic! I am so excited and hopeful for you and your DH! Sending up good egg and strong emby prayers for you! :bigsmile:
Bright, 7 eggs is wonderful!!!! I hope you are feeling ok today and taking it easy. I look forward to your update. Does you doc do a day 3 or 5 day transfer?

Dust that those little eggs fertilize and that you get some good quality embryos!
Bright, so glad you came back with an update. I am rooting for more good news for you soon.

AFM, CD3 (after progesterone) and I'm going to try FSH this cycle. Fingers crossed!
:appl: Bright! 7 is great!!!! I hope that this is your cycle!!!!
MP, Jgator, S&I, NEL, Tammy, Bella, parrot, ltl & SB, thank you so much for cheering me on in this journey! I can't tell you how much I appreciate all of the thoughts, dust & prayers.

Parrot & SB, sending you both lots of dust for your cycles!

So today's update was that of the 7 eggs retrieved, 6 were mature & 5 fertilized.
Since we've had 2 miscarriages, the doc recommended we do PGD genetic testing. The embryos will be biopsied on day 3 (Thursday) & 1 cell from each embryo will be sent for analysis. Hopefully all will go well & we can do a day 5 transfer on Saturday. So I guess I won't get another update for a couple days. Just hoping & praying our little embies are healthy & growing well.

We started the progesterone in oil injections last night (ouch!) & I add lovenox tomorrow.
DH has been giving me my injections but he'll be gone for a work convention this weekend. I'm pretty nervous about having to do them myself.

I'm still pretty sore from the retrieval & all of the injections but I'm taking it easy. And it's totally worth it in the end.
Yay Bright, I've been waiting for your update and am so happy to hear that five of the eggs were fertilized! I would think that's a great response given the number retrieved. I am glad you are trying to take it easy because I'm sure this all takes a toll on your body. I'll be keeping you in my thoughts. Grow, grow, grow!
Great news Bright! Good luck with the injections. Maybe you can go into your RE office for the injections while your DH is away. Hope your embryos are all super healthy and growing nicely!
Wow 5 out of 7 sounds great!! Hey, I'll take quality over quantity anyday! :bigsmile: it sounds like they have a great plan in place for you. Are you going to freeze any if there are enough left over? I'm so hopeful and excited for you, it's your turn!! :appl: