
The Official TTC for 6 Months or More Thread

Ok another I phone post.

Bright. I am so sorry. I am only sharing the opinion of my re doc. I am not sure who is right. But my clinic has yet to move to day 5 transfers for this very reason. Not everyone will make it, but those that do will have a higher success with lower multiple rate. Freezing also is risky, and there is a good chance one or both will not survive. So in a way i am glad he decided not to do the testing. I really hope this does not confuse you more, but I wanted to share my knowledge.

Still holding out for you.
Big hugs, Bright. I wish I could help you somehow. :(sad Continuing to think of you and praying that tomorrow holds better news. *hugs*
Bright, I just popped in here and saw your Day 3 update. Don't give up hope yet sister! All it takes is 1! My friend ended up with 2 viable on day 5. She transferred both and one stuck! Now she has a 2 year old boy!! My opinion is to try to give it to day 5 and see what the embryo/blastocyst status is and transfer the strongest one. At that point all of the weaker embryos have been weeded out. Personally, I would not go to day 6. If my memory serves me right, I had like 8 embryos on day 3 and come day 5 only 3 were viable. I transferred one and it stuck! If you end up with one being viable and transfer it, is there any testing that can be done on the non-viable one to determine if there is any chromosome/other issue which is causing your fertility issues?
Bright, hugs. I'm still hoping that at least one of them will be good enough to transfer tomorrow and you get a sticky bean. Take care of yourself. We are all rooting for you!
Bright, just wanted to say I'm sending positive thoughts your way and dust for those little embryos!
Just a quick post to thank everyone for their best wishes & input. I was freaking out a bit yesterday & not in the best place so I had to take some time away to not think about this for a bit. Thanks for keeping the good thoughts coming!

I had no updates today & am tentatively scheduled for a transfer tomorrow morning, assuming things look ok. I'll keep you guys posted.

Thanks again for all of the support. I'll write more tomorrow. Xoxo
Bright - Dust and positive thoughts for a successful transfer tomorrow. And if you weren't a bit anxious during this process (smooth sailing or challenge filled), I'd wonder if you were human. :D

AFM - No news, good or "bad" yet. But I'm feeling relatively zen about giving up if things don't work out for us this cycle (well, for today anyway). I was given a good dose of perspective while reading an acquaintance's blog. It reminded me of how lucky I am to already have a sweet, healthy child in my life.
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone!

SS- Like you I feel very green about all this. It's kind of embarrassing because I have a degree in Human Biology so a lot of this reproductive stuff is stuck in the back of my head, but I am just too scared to start accessing it! I feel like once I start re-reading/researching I will become obsessed. I won't be much help in this thread either as I'm in Australia and I am already starting to notice that we might do things a bit differently down here. But good luck to you! I'm on my first Clomid cycle and no symptoms yet, hopefully it will be the same for you.

MP- I found it interesting too! All the little pamphlets I have read all say if your cycles are irregular or non existent I should be given something to induce AF before starting the Clomid. It is on my list of questions to ask my clinic (but I'll get into that further down).

JGator- Thanks! I hope it is a quick and easy process. I am trying to stay positive :twirl:

Bright- I have been following this thread for a long time, and I feel like I have gone through the ups and downs with you. All my fingers and toes are crossed for you. It is already Saturday afternoon here but I have been sending positive vibes your way all day! I really hope there is a good outcome for you this week.

And good luck to everyone else out there! :wavey:

AFM- I realise that most of you are from the US where the procedure for things seems to be slightly different. But I thought it would be interesting for me to write out my experience here for any other Aussies who might be out there going through the same thing. I am feeling really positive in spite of all the madness around me. It is school holidays over here and I kind of hurried my doctor along to get me started on the clomid, which now feels like it is backfiring on me. :errrr: Last year before I left to go travelling I went through all my options with my Dr and she basically said if my hormones hadn't leveled out by the time I arrived back home we would go straight to clomid. Well, I'd been back home for 5 months and I was getting sick of waiting, so the last week of the school term I called and asked if I could have a timeline of where we were going. I still haven't gotten one but after that call they immediately got me to take my baseline levels and have started me on clomid. I was meant to get an info pack about the whole process, and only got it in the post on Thursday, two days after I started. The same day I missed a call from the clinic nurse, and she left a message saying she just wanted to have a chat about all the info in the package and answer any questions I had. She had said in the message to call her the next morning, which I did and of course she was off sick! The receptionist wasn't much help either, apparently I couldn't talk to the doc because she was too busy. So she took my number and promised to get someone to call me back "if they had time". I didn't get another call, so they were obviously too busy. :roll:

So tonight I take my last dose of Clomid, and according to my Dr I go in for a bloodtest 3 days later, which will be Tuesday. I'm just glad I haven't had any problems because I really don't feel like I have been prepared enough for all this. My info pack included a stack of blood test forms which are all blank except for the doctor's signature so hopefully the nurse calls me on Monday to clue me in a bit more about what is going on. I still have no idea if my baseline estrogen level of 243 is good or bad. From the info I have been given it seems like the Clomid process for me is 1x50mg dose for 5 days, then a blood test 3 days later to test my E2, LH and Prog levels. And after that I haven't been given any instructions. I think (from my little bit of google research) I may be sent for a blood test every few days to track my levels until I (hopefully) ovulate, then there be more blood tests at 7DPO. It doesn't seem like they do any ultrasounds or anything to check how many follicles or the sizes etc.

Hopefully I will be able to update on Monday after I chat to the nurse!
Just got a call from the doc. We're down to one embryo but the transfer is on. Hoping its a strong one! I'll check in after the procedure to let you know how it went. Thanks again for all of your support!
Bright, I'm so happy to hear that. Prayers for you and that little embryo!
Good luck, Bright! Remember the "it only takes one" mantra. You've got this! :bigsmile:


I'm lurking at this point but wanted to respond at least a bit. I wish that your doctors would offer ultrasound monitoring with the clomid. Without it, you're really flying blind even with blood tests. :| Is there anyone else that you can go see? I ask this because I "wasted" two cycles on clomid with my regular OB doctor before going to see an RE. My first cycle with the RE resulted in a bfp and I'm due in 12 weeks. I know I was EXTREMELY lucky, but truly do believe that the benefit of a specialist is immeasurable.

Good luck, ladies! I'm cheering you all on as always. ::)
Bright, sending good luck vibes and prayers to you for a healthy, sticky bean!
Bright, good luck to you and sticky grippy dust to the little one! They are stronger than we think :)

Tbaus, I know what you mean! I work in healthcare, but I know Orthopedics, not OBGyn! Ask me anything about bones or muscles and I'm all about it. Eggs and hormones? That was a brief chapter in undergrad anatomy! Hopefully you all can bear with me with the misguided questions.

CD3 today, which ended up being a 26 day cycle last month. Definitely a withdrawal type bleed versus a crampy regular AF. I seriously think this is a right ovary issue. Last month was textbook with the left side. Which makes me nervous to start Clomid on a "left" month. I am very anxious about the multiple possibility. I know the odds are low but with an otherwise healthy ovary, I'm not ready for quads. Yes I'm overreacting. Still going to do Crinone this month though.

Good luck to everyone else and TY!
Hi guys,

I'm back from the transfer. The process was fairly easy & similar to an IUI (except for the full bladder required!) We only had one embryo, an early blastocyst. It's not of fantastic quality, but the doc said we still have a chance.
He also said he'd keep an eye on the others for another day to 2 to see if they caught up as possible freezing candidates. (Though they're still at the cleaved state (day 3.5 or so of development) so they probably won't catch up.
It was neat to see the process & the doc pointed out our embryo as the "bright spot" on the ultrasound screen, which made me smile.

So now I'm at home & taking it easy. DH leaves shortly for his business trip. I'm so glad he was able to be there with me. I administered my own injections last night, with his guidance, so I'm less nervous about having to do that alone tonight.

Now we wait & hope. Thanks again for all your support!
Bright, tons of sticky dust that your little "bright spot" finds a nice and snugly place to implant itself nice and tight! I'm sure your body is a better place for it to grow than outside. Glad your DH was with you before having to go out of town. Take it easy, and looking forward to more updates from you!
Bright, I'm so glad that one of the embryos was healthy enough to transfer, that is really good news. The doc calling it a "bright spot" is really cute. I'm keeping my fingers crossed at tight as possible for you. Get plenty of rest today!!
Yay BrightSpot and little BrightSpot! I will keep you in my prayers. Take it easy and good luck with the injections. You can do it!
Hi Bright! I'm behind on posts but saw your news and had to send you tons of sticky dust!!!!! I found my u/s picture post-transfer in some papers last night and I was smiling too thinking about it. I'm super-duper praying and pulling for you. Glad you practiced your own injections so now you know you can do it. Hope you are able to rest and relax.
Bright, I'm so glad that there was one little bright spot to transfer, how neat is that?! I'll be thinking of you this week!!! When's your blood test?
Bright, I hope that "little bright" is sticky and that this goes well for you! I am sorry it has been such a stressful cycle for you. Sometimes it feels like you just can't quite catch a break. I hope that this is the big break for you!!!!
Bright, sending tons of sticky dust to your little bright spot. :) Keeping you in my thoughts and I hope your DH will be home with you soon. :)
Bright, I'm keeping everything crossed and sticky-dusted for you! Since I don't know much about long until you know whether it worked?
Bright, hope you are holding up okay. I keep thinking about you and sending all sorts of good thoughts your way. Praying that little one continues to be a fighter!
Bright - Lots and lots of sticky dust being sent your way for your little bright spot!

AFU - 12dpo, and I've started spotting. This was our 15th cycle this go around. I'm a little sad to be calling it quits, but I also feel a bit like a weight's been lifted. With our daughter, we tried 20 cycles before conceiving. That's a combined total of 35 months of TTC, 8 medically assisted cycles (3 IUI's with Clomid, and 5 IUI's with injectibles), and 34 months worth of disappointments. I am officially done. With our first, if the IUI's didn't work, we were ready to try IVF, and possibly look into adoption. Since we already have an amazing little girl, the IUI's were as far as we were willing to go to have another child this time around. We feel we've done what we could to expand our family, and it simply isn't in the cards for us.

Wishing the best of luck to the other ladies in this thread, and I hope your stay here isn't long!
PT, I'm so sorry to hear about the spotting, and I fully understand your decision to say enough is enough after everything you've been through these past few years. I hope you and your DH are both able to come to terms with it knowing you gave it your all. I have no doubt your little girl will be perfectly happy and well-adjusted with two loving parents and plenty of friends/cousins for companionship. We are just a few months into trying for a second and haven't sought any treatment yet, but I hope that I will handle it as gracefully as you if it turns out another baby is not in the cards for us. Take care!
Bright, continuing to send lots of sticky dust your way!

PT, I'm so sorry about the spotting, but I completely agree with MP that you are handling this with grace. You guys really gave it 150% and it's lovely that you can focus on the fact that you have a wonderful little girl and that she is truly a blessing. I have no doubt you'll have days where you're very confident in your decision and days where you'll wonder if you should have kept trying...I hope that on those unconfident days you can remember what a miracle A is and how she's lucky to have family close to her and that she will be lovingly spoiled will all of your and your husband's love :)
PT, you're the epitome of grace and mature rationality with this. And I really do commend you and your DH. I hope you both find peace with your decision to stop TTC and that you can both completely enjoy A and watching her life develop before your eyes. I know there's no way to fill the loss of losing T, but knowing what a blessing you have with Miss A, well, there's nothing that I can say that will you already know. Lots of peace and love to you and your DH. Do keep posting about your sweet girl. I feel a special kinship with you two since we were all preggo buddies together. :)

Bright, sticky sticky sticky dust to your little em. I hope you guys are doing OK. Will your RE be monitoring you or are you just in a "wait and see" limbo now?
Bright, Thinking of you! Sending lots of sticky dust!

PT, I'm sure it was not an easy decision to make, but I'm glad to hear that you sound like you're at peace with the decision.

It appears I am officially back in this thread. I had my initial blood work today, and am anxious to find out about my ovarian reserve. I may need some hand-holding here, as I'm already feeling anxious. I decided to change practices. At the new practice, the doctor told me they don't do CD3 testing. Any thoughts on this? I am guessing I had an AMH test as opposed to an FSH test. My new RE said she didn't think the CD3 test (FSH, I think) is as useful (or something to that effect.) There was a whole host of other blood work done, but this is the test I am most concerned about because I asked the RE if there was ever a point at which they would recommend IVF up-front (i.e., not do 3 cycles of IUI first) and she said the only situation would be if the ovarian reserve number (again guessing AMH because she said could be tested any day of cycle) was less than 1. It's 10-14 days to find out that number, which apparently dictates (or perhaps greatly influences) how we proceed.

I am 39. And a half. Yay. :wavey:
Bright, I hope your little "bright spot" is hanging in there. Sending truckloads of good thoughts your way!

Tammy- I have thought about transferring to a Fertility Specialist, especially a few weeks ago when I didn't feel like the Dr was really listening to me. But, I made a promise to myself that I would stick it out for a few cycles. Mainly because I don't want the hassle of having to wait again (I'd have to be put on a waiting list) and then having to explain to someone new my long and extensive medical history. They did tell me as well that it would probably take a few cycles for the clomid to work (if it did at all), so I am trying to stay positive and give it a chance. Oh and I did ask about the ultrasound, and apparently their protocol is they only use ultrasounds if my E2 levels are abnormally high; in which case they will do an ultrasound to check for OHSS. I also spoke to a friend who has been through the same thing (only she was seeing a specialist) and she went through the same thing- just monitoring bloods, no ultrasounds. So it just seems to be the way things are done here.

SS- I get freaked out when I think about the chance of multiples as well! Best of luck on your first clomid cycle.

PT- Wow, you have been through so much! I'm sure it was a very hard decision to make, but you know what is best for your family.

Loves Vintage- Hi! :wavey: I am no help in answering your question since we seem to do things very different here in Australia. But I hope your stay in here is short and as anxious-free as possible!

AFM, if I count the first day of my cycle as the day I started taking clomid, I am now on CD9. I took my last dose of clomid on Saturday night and had my first blood test yesterday (Tuesday). The results were good, my estrogen had gone up from 232 to 600, which was right on track apparently. LH was 30 ("a bit high, but normal for a PCOS girl" were the nurses exact words) and prog was about 2.7. It all seemed good and everyone was very positive. I had to go for another blood draw this morning and the results this time were not so good. Estrogen has only gone up to 620, not as high as they hoped. So another blood test tomorrow morning. I am trying to not get my hopes up, as I know they did tell me that it may take a few tries for my body to properly respond. i guess I was just hoping this would be my lucky break. But on the bright side- it isn't over yet. My levels may jump up over night...I can only hope!
LV, hi there. Based on your other posts, I know you have a beautiful little girl, but I don't know your TTC history. Did you have trouble conceiving her? How long have you been trying this time around? From what I've read, AMH testing is now thought to be the better test for determining ovarian reserve, so you're probably right that is the test your RE was talking about. It's nervewracking waiting on blood test results, but it will be good to have more information so you can determine your gameplan. Best wishes to you! FYI - I'm about 4 months into trying for #2, but since we needed clomid/IUI last time around, I am not very hopeful it will happen on its own. I'm 32, and our little one is 9 months old, so I am not feeling a huge rush, but I would love to get pregnant again sooner rather than later.

Bright, I hopeyou are doing your best to stay relaxed and away from the internet. Sending dust your way for peace and calm and also for that little one. I so hope you are receive good news. Take care, lady!