
The Official TTC for 6 Months or More Thread

DC, really hoping your progesterone is good sign! I would love for you to kick of a streak of BFPs.

LV, same to you, I'm really hoping you find out good news next week. It would be nice to start clearing out this thread!

Bright, yay, that's awesome you get to start a new cycle this month AND take your family vacation as well. Best of both worlds. You've conceived with IUI twice now, and I'm just so hoping it happens again with a sticky little bean this time, and even better, that the little frozen embryo thaws well and thrives!

Oh, and thanks to all three of you for chiming in on my dilemma. I appreciate your perspectives. My NP said that she didn't want to trigger me because if she did that would make it more likely that a few of the smaller follicles would ripen and release eggs. Without a trigger, she thinks I will most likely have the 4 that were in the 20s. She also said the fact I have higher FSH makes it less likely all of the follicles will have quality eggs. She said that given my situation, twins are possible, but triplets or more would be very unlikely. She's never had a patient who had more than twins while using clomid. That's not to say it couldn't happen, but it is very unlikely. My eggs and/or DH's sperm don't quite get the job done, so honestly, I will be surprised if I even conceive one baby this month. If I had never been on clomid before, and if I hadn't gotten pregnant with just one baby after an IUI with 4 follicles last time, I think I would be more afraid of trying this month. Also, I agree with Bright and DC, I would much prefer to have a set of twins than not have another baby at all. It would be chaotic having three under 2 for a few months, but it would also be a dream come true for me to have three children (DH thinks two is enough, so my next pregnancy may be my last). The biggest fear we have about twins or triplets is that it is a much higher risk pregnancy, and we would be devastated if anything happened to the babies. But that said, we plan to BD this month, and see what happens. She said it would be best if we abstained 3-5 days, and then BD'd the day after I get a positive OPK. But I'm thinking we should just BD every other day just in case because it just occurred to me that I had trouble getting a positive OPK when I was on clomid last time around, so I'm worried, I won't catch the surge and time BD accurately.

PS - I almost forgot to mention that we put an offer in on a house last night, and it was accepted, so we will be moving to a new house in a month. This seems like a crazy time to be trying for a baby, but that's the way we roll around here. At least we will have more room for another baby (or two) :D
DCG - Any updates???

MP - That sounds so much more reasonable as you've explained it. I am so hopeful for you that this will be your month! Tell us more about the house!?!? Would love to see interior photos too (if you're so inclined, but totally understand if not.) Such an exciting time for you!!

AFM, Urrgh. I've tested quite a bit, trying to see if there's any change in the lines that gives me any clues. It's such a funny situation -- I want to see no line because I want all of the HCG shot gone, but I want to see a darker line in hopes that means I'm making HCG on my own! I have been seeing a decline in the line darkness, except for fmu this morning, was a touch darker (hopeful!) then tried later and it was about the same as last night (less hopeful). I can really make myself crazy! :loopy: Oh well, off to bake some bread!
DC and LV, I'll be watching for updates! Fingers crossed!

LV, we close in a month, so I'll have to post some pics of the house after that. The house is in a nice newer subdivision, and the house is about three years old. We have a grassy/tree area in the front separating us from an elementary school, and a nice big background. I think it will be the perfect place for Ev and any future babies to grow up. We have four bedrooms upstairs, so hopefully we will be able to fill a few more of them soon!

AFM, I had positive OPKs yesterday morning and afternoon, and it was starting to fade a bit this morning. TMI - but my nips are a bit sore this morning, so I'm thinking I maybe ovulated last night or will today. We will BD again tonight just in case. Fingers crossed!
Here's my update: I *think* I'm pregnant!!!

Unless cheapie tests are totally tricking me out, but I really think I am! I went in for blood work this morning (to see what my estrogen level is), and they may be switching me to progesterone pills, if I still need to take it, which based on past experience, I probably will.
LV, I'm such a dork I rushed over here to see if you posted pictures!! Let's see these lines lady. Sooooooooo cautiously excited for you :appl:
LV, keeping my fingers crossed for you :) And I agree with Kunzite, we need some pictures :)
Ok, ladies, thanks for encouraging me! This is Sunday FMU, Monday FMU, Monday 10:00 am. One of the tests had a flash or was closer up, but they are the same tests. I have no shame in admitting I took maybe 10 tests since Friday, lol! So, this is just a small sample. I know the difference is minimal, but if I were not pregnant, the lines would be getting lighter. Thoughts?


LV, sending lots of dust your way! Did you get another HCG shot today? Hopefully not, so you can see if that line keeps getting darker by itself. Really, really hoping your suspicions are confirmed!!!
Thanks, MP. No!! I told the nurse this morning that I didn't think I could handle another HCG shot, and she was like, oh, no problem, you could probably just take the pill form. She said patients on clomid only always get the pill form, and patients on injectables always get the HCG. I said, well, if there's some study or something that suggests HCG is somehow better, then I'll do it. They called to tell me blood work was ok and ok to take pill form, so I'll be doing that.

I totally appreciate (after looking at the photos a bunch of times) that the progression is not obvious, though I do think it's more obvious in person and still think I'm pregnant. Will have to just continue to wait and see.

Your house sounds super nice! Congratulations!!
LV, that's great, so now there will be no doubt if that line stays and/or gets darker. The line in the most recent test definitely looks darker than the first two, so I'm cautiously optimistic for you that it will keep getting darker and darker!
LV, fingers crossed for you! We could use some good news around here.

MP, congrats on the house, it sounds great. We're also potentially in the market for a new house, but haven't found anything we like. I think your plan to BD without a trigger is a good one, sending dust!

Bright, I'm so glad that you were able to resolve your travel scheduling issues and can get the trip in and still start your next cycle soon. Sending very sticky thoughts your way!

dcg, any update? More fingers crossed for you!

AFM, I am frustrated...still no AF. And I thought this was the one part of my body that I understood, since I've always gotten my period within 1-2 days after the last progesterone, but now I feel like it's conspiring against me again. I've had sore boobs for about a week (yesterday, I was so uncomfortable I had to turn around after the first block of my run with DH to put on a second sports bra) and cramps for the past few days, so I hope something happens soon. I took a preg test this morning just in case, but BFN, so I really don't know what's going on. I told myself that I will wait for AF until Friday, then test again and call my doc if it's negative. Ugh.
LV, that's about what my fade back in looked like too! If anything, yours is more obvious than mine was! Fingers crossed for you and tentative congrats! :bigsmile:
Another update: I do not think I'm pregnant. :(sad It's been a real whirlwind of emotions for me in the past day. Test strip was lighter last night, and again with FMU. I do not know why that last test I posted yesterday was so dark! I now realize these tests are not super-accurate in detecting the small differences in HCG. Uggh, uggh, uggh. I hope to never re-test as many times or as early again, but I know myself well enough to know that I probably will. Of course, the fact that there is still HCG continues to give me hope of a real BFP, but I really don't think this is the cycle, which is funny only because yesterday I was absolutely 100% certain. Today is a new day.

Tammy - Thanks for posting. You are super-sweet to keep checking in with us.

SB - I would be so frustrated too. I am not the most patient person -- can you tell? I hope your cycle starts again before Friday.
Hugs LV. What an emotional rollercoaster. I really do think there is a lot of variance in the results on those tests, so it's probably best not to read too much into minor variances from day to day, either way. I learned that the hard way when I was newly pregnant and wanting desperately to see the line get darker faster. I'm going to keep holding out hope for you get a legitimate BFP. Remind me how DPO you are?

SB, hugs to you as well. That's really frustrating when you just want to start a new cycle. Do you know when/if you ovulated? How many days ago did you start the progesterone? House hunting is an exhausting process. Or it was for us anyway. We first started looking last fall, but we just weren't seeing anything that was quite right, and then DH was dragging his feet. The house we ended up getting (assuming everything works out) was just right, and I'm glad we took our time and waited until we found one that was just right for us. Hoping the same thing will happen for you!
monkeyprincess|1379427361|3522270 said:
Hugs LV. What an emotional rollercoaster. I really do think there is a lot of variance in the results on those tests, so it's probably best not to read too much into minor variances from day to day, either way. I learned that the hard way when I was newly pregnant and wanting desperately to see the line get darker faster. I'm going to keep holding out hope for you get a legitimate BFP. Remind me how DPO you are?

Yes, I absolutely was not acknowledging the potential for day-to-day variances! I was making myself crazy. My only saving grace right now is that I am running out of tests. DPO confuses me. I triggered on Thurs the 5th, iuis were on 6 and 7, so I assume I ovulated on the 7th, which makes me 10DPO today? Right? Possibly 11. I took the second HCG shot on Monday the 9th. I did call the nurse this morning, and she said it should take 8 days for HCG to be gone. I guess I was assuming that because it was a half dose it would be gone sooner. I don't know if it has a cumulative effect (combining with the full dose trigger.)

I would have to look back, but I think I had a bfp for my daughter at 7DPO, and it's my expectation for that reason that I will know early again, even if it's not best for my mental well-being!
LV, yes, I would say you are 10 dpo give or take a day. Not too much longer until you have a definitive result. And if your last HCG shot was the 9th, it should be all but out of your system by now, right? Hang in there. Given the fact you got such an early BFP with your daughter, I don't blame you one bit for wanting to test early, but it definitely gets more complicated when you add HCG shots to the mix. I would think your results from here on out will be much more accurate, and my fingers are tightly crossed for you!
Thanks, MP. It's so good to have you to talk to about this stuff. You are very level-headed and knowledgeable. :praise: I am still worried that there will be lingering hcg from the trigger, and those super-good-at-detecting hcg cheapie tests are going to find some lingering hcg when I test again.

I have two tests left and then a few digis. I will not test tonight. I will not test tonight. I will not test tonight.
LV, I hope that you're wrong and it is a "real" bfp! I don't want to give you false hope, but my evening tests showed better in the beginning and it took several days (I think around 11-12 dpo) before I was pretty confident that it wasn't the trigger lingering. Hugs and hope this is it for you!
LV still thinking of you!

SB, hoping you get a restart. House hunting can be really taxing, but I hope you guys find something you love.

MP, sounds like you had some really good timing for your BDing. Are you doing Clomid this cycle? Hoping the sensitive nipples mean you're shooting out some strong eggs :)
LV, thinking of you as well and hoping you can get off this 2ww crazy train very soon!

DC, sending lots of dust to you as well!

LC, thanks for checking in, and yes, I took clomid this cycle and had at least 4 good follicles. Really hoping one or two of those bad boys (but not all four of them!) had a strong egg that just happened to bump into a swimmer :)
Thanks Tammy, LC and MP. Well, at least I now know the HCG is out of my system. Negative test this morning. I will NEVER test out a trigger again. On to a new cycle.
LV, I am sorry about the flip-flop. Hugs.

And thanks for the hugs, ladies. Still nothing here, so tomorrow I will test again and then call the doc if negative.
This thread is BUSY! I hope that means lots of us will be leaving soon!

LV- I hope it is not over for you yet this cycle. A few more days and you should have a definitive answer? Fingers crossed for you. To answer your question a few pages back- yes, I'm in Australia. Western Australia, to be more specific. House prices are crazy here, and we have been renting for years but now rent is just as expensive so we are finally taking the plunge. I love watching house shows too and was hoping for a fixer upper. Good news though we found another house and the offer was accepted! It we should hopefully be in by the end of October. Yay!

MP- Wow,you really responded! I'm happy to hear clomid worked for you and you have O'd. Fingers crossed this is your month.

dcgator- I keep going back and forth over whether I should get a second opinion. I have decided for now to stick with her, and if by the end of the year I am still not overly happy I will look into swapping to someone else. I think the issue is right now I am at public clinic, where they are quite busy. The same FS actually has a private clinic as well (she works 2 days public, 3 days private) so I'm just glad I'm not paying top dollar to see her there! Where are you in your cycle now? I hope you have some good news to update us with!

Bright- Thanks for thinking of me! Still hanging in there. I'm glad you found a way to fit in the trip and not have to postpone the cycle. I have everything crossed for you!!!

SB- I am SO feeling your frustration! I feel that way about my body as well: as soon as I come to rely on something being consistent it decides to change things up again. Argh!!! I hope AF rears her ugly head soon so you can move on to the next cycle.

Sorry to anyone I missed! I hope you are all doing ok out there!

Well, CD43 over here :rolleyes: The three weeks until my appointment with the specialist (that I thought would take forever) was yesterday. Some things we covered: She thinks I responded really well on the first cycle of clomid, and that I did ovulate but we may have missed the (late) LH surge when doing the blood tests. One thing she isn't happy about are both my LH and P4 levels, which are both on the high side. So she wants to try and get both of those down and try another round of clomid with a trigger. So as of last night I started 5mg of progesterone for 10 days to induce AF. I am also taking 2.5mg of a steroid called Prednisolone that is meant to inhibit ACTH stimulation, something she thinks may be causing my high LH and P4 levels. Once AF arrives we will book in my HSG and do my FSH test on CD3, and then another round of 50mg clomid with a trigger once my E2 levels reach 1000. If the next cycle doesn't work, we will up the clomid. She is still not keen on doing any scans, seems to think the blood tests are a good indication of follicle growth and can accurately see an LH surge. I asked her why she thought I didn't respond to clomid this cycle and she said sometimes bodies can just be stubborn, and she thinks the high LH and progesterone levels may have something to do with it as well. So that is where we are at atm. I kind of wish we were trying Femera because it sounds like there is less side effects (I'm sure my husband would appreciate not having a wife with terribble mood swings). But I feel better knowing we do have a plan going forward for now.

And not TTC related but we put an offer on another property and it was accepted!!! I think that in part has helped me to relax a little bit these past few weeks, this one felt like it was meant to be and was so easy and relaxed compared to the last house we put an offer in. Thanks to all of you ladies for your kind words when I was so stressed before. It was good to have somewhere to vent. While I still ache to get knocked up I won't lie, I am really excited about having our own place again! I love decorating and DIY so it will be a nice distraction form the TTC process. Yay!
tbaus, congrats on the house! That's exciting! When do you move? I'm jealous that you're a DIY type person who looks forward to working on the house. We move in about a month, and that's the part I'm dreading. I just want someone to wave a wand, and have us all moved out of our old house and set up in the new one :) It sounds like your doctor takes a very conservative approach, and I'm sure it's frustrating that she is sticking with the same protocol when it hasn't seemed to work for you the past few months. But that's good you will at least be getting the HSG and CD3 bloodwork, and hopefully you will see some results this time around.

SB, good luck and keep us posted! Really hoping you get an answer one way or another in the next few days.

LV, argh, so very sorry to hear your latest update. :blackeye: Give a day or two more before you give up. And if it turns out you aren't pregnant this month, we'll be cheering you on again next month.

AFM, I'm about 3 or 4dpo, and I just started with the prometrium last night. Even if I'm not pregnant this month, I hope the progesterone at least keeps me from spotting at 8 or 9dpo like I've been doing the past few cycles. DH is so optimistic, and keeps asking me if I think I'm pregnant (he still hasn't quite figured out the biology of all of this apparently), and I'm being much more cautious and keeping my expectations low since we've been down this road before. If I don't get pregnant this month, I'm not sure what we'll do about next month because it will be a bit chaotic trying to pack up the house and move and schedule doctors appointments and an IUI. Maybe we'll take the month off and resume in November, but that seems so far away!
Aww, Loves Vintage, so sorry. I was so excited to read your news, and then so sad. I can only imagine how you feel. Hang in there!!
tbaus, congrats on the house! How exciting! Distraction is always a good thing :) I'm glad the specialist is ordering some more tests and will keep my fingers crossed that the Clomid works for you this cycle.

MP, I'm hoping this is your month so you don't have to worry about postponing during next month's move. I felt a little sad earlier this week when I realized that the current delays with AF mean I will likely only get in 2 cycles before the holiday craziness hits and we have to take a break to travel.

Hi to everyone else! :wavey:

Still BFN for me this morning, so my RE is having me come in for an ultrasound to check my lining tomorrow AM. Hopefully we'll have an action plan before the weekend.
SB, did you find anything out at your appointment? I'm sure it is beyond frustrating having to wait for your cycle to start. Hang in there. And yes, it is crazy how fast the year is going. I really hoped I would be pregnant by now, but now my goal is just to be pregnant by the end of the year, and I hope I don't need to push that back any farther. But for those of us posting on this thread, we've learned that none of this TTC sutff goes according to our timelines.

DC and LV, thinking of both of you!

DH and I both had dentist appointments yesterday, which was so weird because we didn't plan it that way and had no idea until that morning, but ANYWAY, DH was adamant that I not get an xray in case I'm pregnant. They have signs up that say to let them now if you are or think you might be pregnant. Would an xray really hurt anything if you had a fertilized egg that hadn't implanted yet? I have no idea, but fortunately, I wasn't due for xrays and didn't have to say anything. Anyway, it got me thinking that I really wish there was a way for doctors to figure out if an egg actually fertilized, and that way, if there was no fertilized egg, you wouldn't have to wait around the whole 2ww feeling hopeful. And it would also help you figure out why you weren't getting pregnant. Wouldn't that be nice? Anyway, that's my deep thought of the day.
Hi Ladies,

Sorry for my long absence, but I was traveling, and then have been busy with stuff once I got back. In any event, I am about to head out again, but I wanted to stop by and let you know how its going. Unfortunately, no good news on this end, as I am CD2 here, but will be starting with Clomid again tomorrow and then Follistm around day 8 or so (TBD). So, do wish me luck. I don't have time to do my regular catch up, but wanted to say a couple things:

LV - I am so sorry about the false alarm. I also watched my sticks fade, but unlike you, I didn't have any darkening, just a gradual fade to white... :blackeye: Oh well, here's to another cycle for us lady! On that note, are you about ready to start AF, or did they want to keep you on meds a bit longer? Either way, good luck for next cycle dear!

Shortblonde - Sorry for the delayed AF, but hopefully your RE gave you a gameplan this morning. Good luck this go!

MP - Lots of luck for you this cycle. I am hoping that we have good news from you next week!!! Oh, and congrats on the house :D

Tbaus - I am sorry for the absurdly long cycle, but hopefully your new plan with your specialist will get things going. Big hug!

Alright ladies, off to my next jaunt here. Take care and I look forward to catching up with you all next week!
MP, anything that could lead to less waiting and wondering in this process would be great! How many DPO are you now?

dcg, sorry about CD2. Good luck with the next go-round.

Bright, I keep forgetting to ask - how is your leg doing with recovery from the PIO shots?

The ultrasound showed that my lining was thin, so my RE had me go ahead and start the Femara yesterday, which was a happy surprise - I was worried he would want me to do another round of progesterone and push things out further. I go back in 10 days for another check to see if it's working, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed until then. So far, I haven't had many side effects from the Femara, but I was surprised that I started spotting and then had full fledged AF yesterday. It freaked me out, but some Google research suggests that this is normal since the Femara suppresses estrogen. If I was taking it on CD3 in a normal cycle, I wouldn't have thought anything of it since it would just be a continuation of AF.
Hi ladies,
CD14 here, and Follicle study tomorrow morning, with trigger. My question to the experts... my bb's are sooo sore today! Negative digital OPK yesterday and today but with the sore bb's do you think O is on its way? I guess I shouldn't get too concerned since I seem to get symptoms like this but never get the follow-through O. What happens if I 'O" before the trigger? Good,bad, or irrelevant? I"m not going to get too hung up on OPK results as we are just going to BD as much as possible before trigger tomorrow. Hoping that makes the difference rather than the day of and days after.