
The Official TTC for 6 Months or More Thread

SS, it's hard to say because everybody is different. I normally do not get any O signs, but on the cycles where I've used clomid, my nipples get really sore right after ovulation (TMI) which I assume is from the higher levels of progesterone. Hopefully they will be able to get an accurate picture of what is going on during your ultrasound tomorrow, but I know it is sometimes hard to tell whether you've ovulated by looking at the ultrasound alone. They could also do a blood test to check your progesterone levels if you think you've ovulated. Hopefully the fact your OPKs have been negative means you haven't ovulated yet.

SB, I hope the Femara works better for you! And that's great that you didn't have to wait longer to get going.

DC, so sorry to hear that this wasn't your month, but you have a good attitude about it. Hopefully, the new protocol will give you a few more follicles and a BFP next month!
Popping in here to say Hi to MP :wavey:

MP, hoping this is your cycle. Are you planning on testing on the weekend or sooner? LOL that your DH is still kind of clueless re: the biology of TTC, but super cute that he's so excited about it. J just stays blissfully ignorant until I test. Taking a month off to focus on the house stuff sounds like a good plan. And November isn't as crazy as it seems. And who knows maybe you'll get lucky in Nov/Dec like you did with Ev. :)

SB, happy to hear that Femera isn't having that much side effects for you. I know a few of the mamas on PS conceived successfully on Femera rather than Clomid, so hopefully things will work out for you.

DCGator, hoping your next cycle will go well for you. Sounds like your doc has a pretty reasonable plan with the Clomid and Follitsim.

Good luck ladies.
Hi LC, good question. I'm going to try to hold off until this weekend when I'll have a definitive answer. I should be about 13dpo by Sunday, so maybe I'll wait until then. We have a lot going on right now because Ev had surgery yesterday, he has an appointment with a scoliosis specialist later this week, plus, we have a house inspection on our new house today, so all of that is really helping me keep my mind off testing. I'm kind of dreading testing because I know I'm going to be bummed if it is a BFN.

Keeping my fingers crossed for you! When will you test?
MP, How's Ev doing post surgery? From your post in the baby thread, seems like he's OK and back to his adorable self. Good luck on the home inspection today. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you this weekend. I think I'll test maybe Saturday if I can hold out that long. I can't believe how old Ev's getting. :)
Hi ladies,
Update after the US. My OB cancelled the trigger as she bluntly put it, my ovaries are on fire. There are 6 follies ranging from 24-33 mm. I feel like I have golf balls banging around in there. It is painful to jog up stairs, sit down quickly, and don't even mention BD last night. Absolutely miserable. Obviously Clomid at 100mg was too much. I didn't want to increase, I should have trusted my gut. I had sore BB's yesterday and some pains in the evening which corelated on the US as well with some free fluid indicating something probably burst yesterday. Whether an egg was in there is anyone's guess. Not sure what to do now. Not sure if I'd ovulate (if I haven't already) on my own, but she said to BD at your own risk, risk of multiples, even though she said odds of multiples on Clomid are low, as you ladies have explained as well. I don't trust my body one bit though. I really don't want to wait another month. I guess the deed is done as we had BD'd 3x in the last 4 days so if anything is going to happen, its too late probably. She did mention that if this month is a no- go, that she'll probably refer me to a RE to possible do Follistim and IUI if necessary. But doesn't Follistim increase chances of multiples even more? She countered that at least the Follistim is easier to tailor to lessen those chances but I'm not sold yet.
LC, Ev is doing great, thanks for asking. We are just so relieved to have the procedure behind us because it has been hanging over our heads since last November! And yes, he is growing up way too fast for this mama. Such a blessing, and I hope all the other ladies on here get to experience it for themselves very soon.

SS, yikes! That sounds miserable, and I hope you are feeling better soon. It sounds like maybe they waited too long to have you come in for monitoring. If you do not get a BFP this cycle (but let's hope you do and just ONE baby), you should make sure you go in for an ultrasound just to make sure you don't have residual cysts. I'm sure your mind is reeling a bit, but it's very unlikely that all 6 of them had high quality eggs or that all of them would fertilize, but I know it is still a scary thought. I had a similar experience this cycle on 50 mg, although not quite as severe. We went ahead and BD'd after a positive OPK because given my history, I knew multiples were very unlikely, but there is still that nagging "what if....." thought in the back of my mind.
yes, I think it was too late too. I didn't do the math right until the US tech asked what day I was and when I figured it was 15, I immediately thought, oh cr@p. Last time it was CD 13 I think. Ugh. Kind of mad, but what can you do. Just a general poll, what would you do in this situation? Keep BD (if comfortable) and see what happens? Keep a ten foot pole distance away from DH for the next few days??
split_shank|1380050993|3526478 said:
Just a general poll, what would you do in this situation? Keep BD (if comfortable) and see what happens? Keep a ten foot pole distance away from DH for the next few days??

I know a lot of people are scared of multiples (especially high order multiples). Even twins seem like a ridiculous amount of work. But if I could choose to have twins vs. a singleton I'd probably chose twins. The idea of having to go through pregnancy/labor/delivery/newborn stage/sleepless nights one more time instead of two more times (we want two more) is very appealing. BUT if we are talking sextuplets or something, um, no thanks. Did your doctor tell you what the odds were?
For Clomid, she threw out less than 2% for anything higher than twins, 10% for twins. Seems to be standard literature numbers. Are 6 clomid follicles probable to be less quality than 6 follistim follicles? I don't understand that part.
split_shank|1380053576|3526501 said:
For Clomid, she threw out less than 2% for anything higher than twins, 10% for twins. Seems to be standard literature numbers. Are 6 clomid follicles probable to be less quality than 6 follistim follicles? I don't understand that part.

Oh that seems really low. If those stats are true I would just go for it.
MP- Thank you! I am very excited about finally having my own place. It's small, it has no garden or lawn area, but it's a start. I forgot to say congratulations to you on getting a house as well. I hope the home inspection went well. And I have my fingers crossed that this is your month. I will be stalking this thread over the weekend to hopefully catch your good news.

SB- So glad you didn't have to wait another month. Good luck, I hope the Femara does the trick for you!

dcg- I'm sorry this wasn't your month. Hoping this next cycle is your last!

SS- That sucks. But given the stats she gave you I would still have gone for it. I haven't looked into Follistim yet so I can't help you there. Please keep us updated on how you are going.

AFM, just a quick update otherwise I get too behind in this thread. Still hanging on at CD49 today. I have been taking the progesterone for the last 6 days, another 4 to go. My HSG is booked for Friday at 1.30pm, but since I haven't had AF yet I have to go for another blood test tomorrow and take the results with me on Friday to show the Dr doing the procedure that I am not pregnant. I have a feeling I will have to reschedule my appointment though, and my acupuncturist made me even more nervous when she checked my pulse today and said it 'felt' as if I already had my period. I just know she is going to rear her ugly head the morning of the procedure, when I have already booked the day off work and everything. Just have to wait and see I guess.
tbaus, I hope you are wrong and that you don't have to reschedule. How exciting that this will be your first home. I bet you are going to love it. Our inspection was yesterday, and it went well. There are a few things we are going to ask them to take care of, but they are relatively minor, so definitely not deal breakers even if they won't.

SS, I would probably BD if I were you, and you'll see why I say that in my update below. That is, I would BD if it was not uncomfortable. No way would I BD if it was painful! I'm surprised you have such big follicles but haven't already ovulated, or did you say you may have ovulated? I can't scroll back far enough.

AFM, today is either 9 or 10 dpo, and I had spotting this morning even though I'm on progesterone. What's up with that. I took an HPT just in case because I had spotting the day I got my BFP last time around, and it was definitely negative. I'm going to call my NP's office today to see what they say about staying on progesterone. I don't want to delay AF anymore since it appears I'm not pregnant. Boo!
monkeyprincess|1380107861|3526932 said:
SS, I would probably BD if I were you, and you'll see why I say that in my update below. That is, I would BD if it was not uncomfortable. No way would I BD if it was painful! I'm surprised you have such big follicles but haven't already ovulated, or did you say you may have ovulated? I can't scroll back far enough.

I can't confirm I O'd, just that the US showed free fluid from something that burst probably the day before (same day I had pains and sore bb's). My OPK's were negative but I can't be too reliant on that since I was very late in testing this cycle and probably missed my surge if there even was one. The lines are getting lighter though. I've been known to show signs, get almost positive OPK's, but never follow through with a release. I'm hoping the clomid alone this month maybe sparked something without the trigger. I feel lot better today, can walk up stairs without feeling like ping pong balls rattling in there. I really think those big ones (30,31,34mm) are just leftover cysts that are full of fluid from maybe last cycle? I dunno. I really hope they go down and not increase any more next month. Would the trigger last month have burst all of them or left a few? I highly doubt there are quality eggs in those beasts. I might take my chances...

Question for next month. Likely taking a clomid month off, but I will be seeing a RE at that point so I'm not sure what his plan would be. Does the clomid effects from this month and last month hang around as far as a stimulation standpoint?

Poor DH is so confused by all of this. He didn't say much when I tried to explain it to him, as I know he just doesn't know what all this technical jargon means. He is open for anything, but has a hard time offering advice, which I completely understand. I feel the same way as alot of this is all new to me in the last few months. Thanks to you ladies for being a sounding board and understanding all of this with me!
MP, congrats on the new house & I'm so glad to hear Ev is doing well after his surgery. That must've been so scary for you guys!
I'm so sorry to hear that it's not looking good for this cycle. When did you get your bfp with Ev? If this cycle doesn't work, what are you thinking for the next one?

SS, I'm sorry to hear about the super response & your discomfort. I hope you're feeling better soon. I would probably BD too if it wasn't painful. Good luck!
And no, the stimulation from clomid won't carry over into your next cycle. (I'm not sure what happens if there are cysts though.)

Tbaus, congrats on the new house! How exciting! I hope your hsg goes well & that AF doesn't get in the way.

LV, I'm so sorry about this cycle with the hope of pregnancy then the disappointment of a bfn. Big hugs to you. Did AF arrive? If so, do you have a plan for next cycle?

Dcg, I'm sorry last cycle didn't work. Hugs! I hope your clomid/follistim cycle is working well & you're tolerating the meds well. Good luck!

SB, how's the femara cycle going? That's odd that is caused AF but your explanation makes sense. I'm glad your side effects have been minimal & hope it stays that way. Will you trigger?
Thanks for asking about my leg. It's really not much better. The numbness is still there & I was in a hot tub a few days ago, which seems to have aggravated it so it's now painful too. I asked my doc about it & he didn't have any new suggestions to help the condition & he said if I do get pregnant, it'll likely get worse. Ugh.

LC, good to see you & good luck!

Afm, I'm back from my trip & feeling pretty drained. It was (another) memorial service for my gran and an internment of her ashes. It was very sad for me & I feel like it set me back in the healing process. Plus I got a cold while I was away so I'm feeling pretty awful. I'm CD3 today & start stimming with Gonal f tonight.

A little clueless DH rant-so I told him I had to go to the doc to begin the cycle & he asked me if I needed his "contribution" (our euphemism for his sample) now. Yep, I started my period 2 days ago & I'm ready to ovulate now. Really?! After doing 4 IUI's & 1 IVF, you'd think he'd know how this worked by now. Sigh. He's really great & supportive but every now & then he'll ask such a dumb question that it makes me wonder if he's paying attention at all. :roll:
Brightspot, I'm so sorry to hear that the trip was difficult for you. I hope in time, the good memories of your grandma replace the sadness of her passing. I'm also really sorry to hear your leg is still bothering you. Wishing you all kinds of success this time around. And I hear you on the DH thing. I think mine deliberately avoids retaining any more information than he absolutely needs to, and just last week, he was asking if I thought I was pregnant about 2 or 3dpo. But at least they are supportive throughout the process. I know it's draining for them as well.

SS, glad you are not feeling as uncomfortable, and I really hope you did ovulate and catch an egg. I do think it is sometimes hard for guys to grasp all of this. My DH is pretty trusting of my decisions, but sometimes I feel like it would be helpful for him to come to the appointments to have a medical professional explain the process.

AFM, the NP had me come in for an ultrasound yesterday, which was a little odd because I was only 9dpo, and didn't have full-blown AF yet. She thinks my hormones must be dropping off really suddenly which is causing the spotting and short cycles and my high FSH might have something to do with that. My ovaries look good, and I shouldn't have any residual cysts, so she gave me another script for clomid. The spotting stopped after mid-morning yesterday, and my HPT was negative again this morning. I keep clinging to the hope that I'm still somehow pregnant, but I really don't think that's the case, it feels like AF is probably on its way once the progesterone is out of my system. I guess we'll try the clomid again and add the trigger to see what happens, although it sorts of feels like we are wasting a month if we don't try an IUI again. But with company coming and a move happening around the time I ovulate, I think it would be too much to try to work that in this time. Feeling a bit down about everything, and also feeling guilty for being down, because I know I have so much to be grateful for.
Bright. I'm really sorry your leg is still giving you issues. Can you maybe have your doc prescribe you physical therapy or maybe try acupuncture? I had KILLER sciatica a few years back and did acupuncture to relive it. It took a few weeks but it was very effective. Maybe that or a chiro or PT can help? I feel for you if you just have to sit and suffer like that. LOL about your clueless DH. Most likely he sees YOU, his wife, having to go through SO MUCH, and what he has to do is so minimum and easy. I'm sorry your had a hard time with the trip, and you got sick this weekend. Your gran sounds like a wonderful lady, and I'm sure you have many wonderful memories of her. Hoping everything lines up soon this cycle.

SS, glad things are not uncomfortable for you anymore. Glad going to an RE will be your next step. Hopefully you guys will get a great game plan from the new doc.

MP, you have every right to feel down, so don't feel guilty at all. You're disappointed that this isn't your cycle. Totally human. With the move and people coming over, it'd be crazy to try to work a IUI in there somehow, so I think the Clomid + trigger is a great plan for the next cycle.
LC, thanks, lady. I've been going to acupuncture most every week for maybe 1.5 years? I do notice a change in my leg after the sessions but it actually feels more painful/less numb. I don't know if this means it's better or worse!

I think the TTC journey is something that my DH relies on me to obsess over & he's mostly there for support & to talk me down!

MP, thanks. I hope things come together for me soon too or that we at least have an answer one way or another. I'd like to move into a more healthy situation soon. I agree with the feeling of the DHs not retaining any more info than necessary.
And don't feel guilty for feeling down! This process is difficult & unfair for everyone who has to go through it regardless of whether or not they already have little ones. How many dpo are you? I'm still holding out hope for a bfp for you this month. If not, with all that's going on for you next month, it does sound like an IUI would be tough to coordinate. Maybe adding the trigger will do the trick!

Afm, I do have a lot of wonderful memories of my Gran & had been doing much better but being in that funeral situation again brought back all of the emotions of last time. Hoping to get on more even emotional footing soon.
Bright, We did a similar thing when my grandfather died two years ago - we had a service for him a few months after he died rather than having a funeral because that would make it possible for all of the grandchildren to be there. Anyway, it was a really nice service, but it definitely brought up the pain of loss again, and this must be especially true for you because you were so close to your grandma.

And thanks for being understanding about my frustration. I'm 10dpo I think. I didn't take a test until 12dpo last time, and it was really faint, so I guess I'm clinging to a tiny shred of hope until I start spotting more or AF arrives. I never did ask the NP if she could for sure tell I wasn't pregnant. I don't know if you can that early on??? Anyway, all along I knew it would be a long shot that we would get pregnant on our own, so I think the fact this was the first cycle with a little help is what makes it sting more, and the fact that my hormones and cycles are a little out of whack this time around. But I will say that I am not feeling nearly as desperate as I was feeling last time. Maybe I'll get there if I don't get pregnant in the next few months or after we try an IUI. But for now, I realize I'm incredibly lucky that I have my son, and even if for some reason, we never have another baby, I will be okay. I didn't feel that way the first time around.
BrightSpot|1380208085|3527642 said:
MP, thanks. I hope things come together for me soon too or that we at least have an answer one way or another. I'd like to move into a more healthy situation soon.

Oh, and I meant to say that I agree with you. Obviously, my first hope is that this cycle is successful for you (please, please work!!!), but if that is not in the cards, it is also important that you are able to get into a healthy place. I know this whole process has taken quite a toll on you.
TGIF all! This has been a crazy week and I'm so happy it's over :)

ss, I am sorry about the discomfort and hope you're feeling better. I would probably have BD'd if it wasn't too painful. I think it's good for you to go to an RE if this cycle doesn't work out.

mp, I'm so sorry it doesn't look like this was your cycle. This is such a hard process full of ups and downs and you are totally justified in feeling blue. At least it sounds like you will be busy and distracted for the next cycle, which can be a good thing!

tbaus, hope the HSG went well and you didn't have to reschedule.

bright, I'm sorry that your leg isn't better - that's not the answer I wanted to hear. I am keeping my fingers crossed that this is a good cycle for you and that you get some closure either way. Your DH sounds similar to mine...I obsess and keep track of all the information, he is fairly clueless but very supportive and stable about all of this!

Afm, I'm just waiting around for my US next week to find out if the Femara grew any eggs. If so, then we're planning to trigger and do an IUI. Keeping my fingers crossed, but also trying to be realistic in case it wasn't successful. It did make me a little drowsy and more emotional the last couple days I was taking it, but I seem to have evened out again now that it's out of my system.
SB, I'll be keeping my fingers crossed that you had a good response to the femara.

LV and DCG, hope you are both hanging in there and that this next cycle is a success for both of you!

Bright, sending all kinds of good thoughts your way this cycle!

AFM, Friday was CD1. AF was pretty light and short, so I'm not sure what that is all about. Anyway, I started clomid again last night. I hope to do trigger as well, and see if that somehow makes a difference. I'm really trying to be positive, but I feel really discouraged because my body just seems out of whack.
Hi MP, I'm really sorry that a new cycle has started and that you are feeling discouraged. I think because you have so much going on at the moment, that could also be compounding your feelings of uncertainty. Whenever I have too much on my plate, I find that happens, and it's just hard to feel ok about other things because it's just too much to keep sorted in my brain! And, the truth of the matter is, no matter how hard we try to stay feeling positive and try to just go with the flow, there is a lot of heavy emotion built into this process. Take it one day at a time. I know it's so frustrating.

I hope everything goes smoothly with your new house. Congrats on that by the way!

I seem to be having a really hard time posting and keeping up with everyone's posts this time around.

I am doing the same cycle as last month. So far, it's looking like 2 follicles, but here's hoping follistim helps grow some more.
LV, thanks. Yes, I do think other things going on right now in our lives are making all of this TTC stuff even heavier than usual, and it starts to feel like nothing is going quite right (even though there are many things that are). Anyway, thanks for understanding. Keeping my fingers crossed for you that you have some good quality follicles and get a BFP this time around! We definitely could use some good news!
MP- I'm sorry you're feeling down. It definitely can all get a bit overwhelming sometimes. You are just a few days ahead of me this cycle. I have my fingers crossed this is our month. New house= new baby!

SS- That sounds painful! It actually reminds me of my first clomid cycle, I felt exactly the same (like ping pong balls rattling around). So you will be taking this month off?

Bright- I'm sorry your trip drained you, and that your leg is still bothering you. Big hugs to you. I'm sending tons positive thoughts your way, I really hope this cycle is successful!

SB- fingers crossed the Femara worked and you can catch that egg!

LV- Good luck this month!

Well ladies, I think this is going to be SOMEONE's month! We need some good luck in here!!! Progesterone finally worked so I'm CD2 over here. My HSG last Friday went well (didn't have to reschedule, phew!) and I start clomid again tonight. It was a long weekend here and DH and I had a fab time catching up with friends, and we've started the countdown to moving into our house (16 sleeps!). Lots going on this month, hopefully it flies by with minimal stress for us all!
Tbaus, we must be moving the same weekend. So exciting, but kind of stressful (for us anyway). We haven't even started to tackle thing packing yet. Glad to hear things are back on track for you, and hoping that the clomid does the trick for you!

AFM, I'm confused. I had light bleeding on Friday that definitely was more than spotting, but then the next couple of days, I only had spotting. I assumed I had just had a light AF for some reason, and I started clomid on Sunday night. Now after taking three pills, I woke up this morning with cramps and heavier bleeding, so I'm thinking that today might actually be CD1, and I took the clomid too early. I will probably call the NP's office to make sure I should just keep taking the clomid or take this month off or what. Oh well.
MP, sorry you are down and confused - I am often discouraged that my body is out of whack too. Since Clomid works by suppressing estrogen, it's possible that caused the bleeding if you hadn't fully shed your lining before. But I hope the NP can shed some more light and you're not out this month.

LV and tbaus, good luck this month!

AFM, I had one follicle at 16mm earlier this week and I'm going back in for another check tomorrow. That's the best I've done on any treatment so far, but still not a super strong response, so we'll see. Fingers crossed.
SB, good luck to you. I hope the follicle is a good one! Oh, and thanks for the support. I think what happened was that I was having heavy spotting last week, which is another whole issue that frustrates me given I was on progesterone and should have had more progesterone than usual because I had 6 follicles. Anyway, yesterday was definitely CD1. My NP had me stop the clomid, and I will start it again tomorrow or Saturday. She was wondering if I maybe had a chemical pregnancy. I guess it's possible, but I really don't think I did because I took a few tests periodically during the spotting, and they were all negative. I'm thinking there was just enough progesterone lingering around to prolong my LP but not stop the spotting.

Hi to everyone else! I'm keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers and hope for some good news soon!
MP, I'm sorry you've been feeling so down. I hope with the move you'll have some distractions from ttc for a while. That's so odd about your AF this month. What did your NP say about it? I hope you don't have to cancel this cycle.
And thanks for your kind words about my gran. I'm feeling a bit better now.

SB, yay for your follie! Quality is much more important than quantity & it only takes one.
Hopefully you'll be able to trigger soon for your IUI. Dust coming your way!
And yes, it is kind of funny that a lot of guys don't really get this process. At least they're sweet & supportive.

Tbaus, I'm glad AF finally arrived & that you're on to a new cycle. Good luck with the clomid & the move! Good things are coming your way.

LV, how is the follistim going? Hoping you have lots of follies on the way.

Dcg, hope you're doing well.

SS, any news? How many dpo do you think you are? Fingers crossed. I hope you're feeling back to normal again.

Afm, it looks like we have 5-6 mature follicles. We'll trigger tonight & do an IUI on Saturday, then a day 5 FET of our frozen embryo next Thursday. I've been pretty down lately & trying to minimize my emotional investment in this cycle because the emotional roller coaster is just so tough. That said, I really hope it works.
MP, that does sound confusing. But I'm glad that you only have to push back the Clomid a few days and not skip the whole cycle. Hoping for smoother sailing after this!

Bright, sending super dust to you. I am sorry you are feeling down - you have been through so much and it is so hard not to get caught up in the emotion of all this. Hugs. I seem to remember that you are on baby aspirin? Do you take it the whole cycle? They started me on it a few days ago to help with my lining and implantation, but said it was up to me whether to continue it after IUI since there's not much evidence either way.

Also, you and I are going to be cycle twins - my US today showed my follicle grew to 21mm so we triggered this AM and I'll go in for IUI tomorrow. Yay for Femara! I am a weird mix of emotions, mostly happy that I finally have an actual chance at this after a year of struggling, but also nervous that it still won't result in pregnancy. This is such a strange roller coaster time of life.

I am keeping my fingers crossed for everyone on this thread!
Bright, I'm happy to hear you are going through with the cycle, and have 5-6 follicles. That's a great response. I'm hoping with everything I've got that between the IUI and the frozen embryo, a miracle happens for you. Although I understand your desire to not become to emotionally invested, I'm afraid I've never found a way to do that! Glad to hear you are feeling a bit better about things by the way. I can only imagine how you've been feeling. I've definitely been in a bit of funk myself this week. I suspect it has something to do with me taking progesterone, stopping that abruptly, adding clomid, and then having AF come in full force yesterday. That's a lot of hormonal upheaval, so hopefully things will even out, and I won't be so debbie downer anymore.

SB, I'm excited for you that you that things are lining up better this cycle. Keeping my fingers crossed for you! An IUI has done the trick for a lot of ladies on here.