
The Official TTC for 6 Months or More Thread

Split_Shank - Congrats!

Shortblonde - I think that as long as you eat a well-balanced diet, you'll be fine. Good luck!

Monkeyprincess - Sending dust to your sister, and good luck to you as well!

Blackberry16 - I understand your concern about taking meds. The main thing that bothered me about starting IVF was all the meds I would have to take. I'm sorry the past few months have been so hard for you. I hope this next cycle goes more smoothly.

BrightSpot - What you're describing sounds like what I experienced with my first miscarriage. Around 1.5 weeks after I first started bleeding, I got a TON of ewcm. About two weeks later, I started bleeding again and my beta finally dropped. I really hope your beta drops. I should probably clarify that I'm still with my same RE, but she referred me to an outside specialist to test for implantation issues. I'll try to send you a private message as the information might be helpful for you. For some reason, I've gotten more private the longer I've been ttc. I don't really know why. Thank you so much for your kind thoughts.
Brightspot, just checking in to see how you are doing. I hope you got good news back from your latest beta.

Brightlight, I'm not familiar with your story, but it sounds like you have also been through a lot. It makes me so sad how much some people have to struggle to achieve what most people just take for granted.

Lizzy, I remember reading something about how even with IVF, an ectopic pregnancy is still possible if the embryo floats up the fallopian tubes. It seems like that shouldn't happen, but apparently it is possible. In Bright's case, she also had an IUI along with the FET.

SB, were you able to confirm ovulation? I hope you got the timing right this time around.

SS, thinking about you and hope all is well! Were you able to get your progesterone tested?

LV, hope you are hanging in there during another 2ww. Sending dust your way that this one works.

TB, where do things stand with you now? I think you were still in limbo last time you posted. Sending good thoughts your way!

AFM, I'm starting to psyche myself out about all of this IUI stuff. I go in for an ultrasound on Friday to see where I stand. After getting bad news about the lining last time, I'm really apprehensive about what I'm going to find out, especially since I have no idea how I'll respond to the femara. I know I have been relatively fortunate compared to most of the ladies on this thread, but I'm really struggling with the negative thoughts and worries that plagued me when I was TTC#1. I'm just trying to keep my expectations tempered and realize that even if it doesn't work the first time, that doesn't mean it won't work. I just kept hoping I'd get pregnant before it got to this point, but that was not to be. Thanks for letting me get that off my chest!
MP, I hope you get good news on your US. Sorry if this has been asked/answered already, but do you know if Femera runs the risk of causing a thin lining like Clomid? Good luck to you!

Yes, I got my progesterone results and a beta yesterday. Progesterone was up from 4.9 to 21.2!. I think the first test last week may have been a dip since I ate before the test and I have read that that can cause temporary dips. And well, if it's not a reason, at least its up for now. My beta was 65 at 3W4D. So all in all I think so far so good. Going to retest next week as well.

Keeping everyone in my thoughts and hope we get some more double lines on here soon!
Lizzy, thanks for your sage advice. I always want to know what to expect, which is difficult in this process since nothing seems predictable. I definitely do cause myself added stress by thinking too far ahead, though.
It is really odd to think of ectopics resulting from the IVF process, isn't it? Though MP was right to point out that I also had an IUI this cycle, so there's no way of knowing which procedure resulted in my current situation.

brightlight, thanks for sharing your experience. Did your doc just wait for your beta to drop on its own, or did s/he suggest intervention?
I certainly understand how difficult it is to talk about fertility issues, especially when you've been through so much. Big hugs to you. I actually started out not telling anyone what we were going through & have opened up a little more as things have gotten more difficult, but I still find it so hard to talk about these things, especially with people who haven't had fertility troubles. Testing for implantation issues sounds like a good next step.
Let me know if you'd like to talk about this a bit offline. Unfortunately the PM feature has been removed from PS, but if you'd like to connect via LoupeTroop I can create a listing for us so we can share our email addresses.

SS, good news on your levels! Continued sticky dust your way.

tbaus & LV, hope you guys are ok.

MP, I'm sorry to hear you're feeling so stressed. Hopefully the femara has given you some good follies & a thick lining as well. And you're absolutely right that even if IUI doesn't work the first time, it doesn't mean it won't work at all. But I understand your concern. I tend to jump to worst case scenarios too. Hugs.
I hope your sis is feeling better soon. She's had a lot of life changes in a very short period of time, so little wonder she's stressed! I hope she has a sticky bean in there & that her anxiety is calmed soon.
And thanks for checking on me. I wish I had better news.

afm, it's been an eventful couple of days. I fainted at work yesterday afternoon. It was a scary experience & really embarrassing. I think it was a combination of bright lights on set, dehydration & stress (& reading too much WebMd!) but considering the concern with the ectopic pregnancy, I went to the ER to get checked out. They did an abdominal ultrasound, which didn't show any fluid, so they ruled out a burst ectopic. However, my betas were continuing to rise (43 last night & 64 this morning) so my doc wanted to go ahead with the D&C ASAP.

I had the D&C done this morning in my doctor's office. I'm doing ok for the most part & resting at home. They said they didn't remove a lot of tissue, though, so they're still concerned about the ectopic risk. I go in tomorrow for another beta & if my hcg hasn't dropped significantly, they'll give me a shot of methodextrate. Hopefully one shot will stop cell growth & dissolve the tissue, but sometimes 2 are needed. And if we have to go this route, I won't be able to TTC for 2 months or more.
Bright, you poor thing. I feel like such a whiner after my earlier post after hearing what you went through. Fainting must have been really scary. I'm at least glad to hear that it wasn't the result of a ruptured ectopic pregnancy, but I'm so bummed for you that you had to have the D&C and the betas were still going up. I'll be sending lots of prayers and dust your way that the betas drop by tomorrow. If you need to take the drug and wait a couple of months before moving forward, maybe those couple of months will give you clarity on what your next step will be.

Thanks for the good thoughts for my sister. She is still struggling with the anxiety. She is a teacher, and she has almost developed a phobia of being in front of her classes or something. I think it is all a result of her trying to quit the anxiety medication she had been on cold turkey before getting married. It was just too much all at once and manifested itself as job anxiety. I wish there was something I could say to snap her out of it, but unfortunately, I think it is just going to take a bit of time. In the meantime, I'm praying for that little niece or nephew of mine and hoping all is well with the pregnancy!
I will post a long post when I get a chance. I have been following along, but I have so much to say, and do not appear to have the mental focus to get back on track.

Bright - I'm so sorry you fainted. Has that ever happened to you before? I really really really hope your betas go down by tomorrow.

MP - I have to go back and read your posts. Why did your sister go off her meds? You are pretty much never supposed to go off cold turkey! Maybe she is back on the meds now and waiting for things to even out. She should definitely talk to her doctors about the meds and risks/benefits of staying on them.


I am still waiting, and feeling more exhausted than usual, which I don't think could happen this early (pre-bfp, haha.) Maybe it's because I cut my coffee way back? Maybe I am getting the flu? I hate waiting, but will be shocked if I get a bfp, so the wait kind of doesn't even matter at this point. Signed, Negative Nellie!
Bright, your experiences sound so scary and sad. I'm sorry for what you are going through and am keeping my fingers crossed that your beta drops tomorrow. I also tend to worry about all the possible outcomes and think too far ahead, and my experience is always that the thinking is worse than the eventual doing, so I hope that is the case for you too. Big hugs.

Lv, I'm sorry that you are feeling down and tired. Hugs to you too, this process is tough.

Mp, sending well wishes to your sister. The expectations and emotions in this process are so tough and it can be hard to keep your spirits up month after month. I hope you get good news about the femara soon!

blackberry, I'm sorry you are having a tough time. Hopefully you will find something that works quickly.

afm, I feel like a crazy person trying to figure out when I ovulated. I haven't used OPKs since I think the trigger will mess with them, correct? I haven't had any temp spike or EWCM. I had some CM on Friday/Saturday, but totally dried up yesterday and today, so I think I must have ovulated over the weekend. I had some cramps on Sunday, but am not sure if those are O pains or not. Anyway, we BD the last three days so hopefully we covered our bases. I am also experiencing worries that this whole process isn't going to work despite our best efforts, but trying to put it out of my mind.
LV, here's hoping your tiredness is a good sign! Fingers tightly crossed for you! I'm so ready for us to clear out this thread!

As for my sister, she got married in August, and she had an appointment with her OB/GYN shortly before that and I guess her doctor advised her to get off her meds before trying to have a baby. Well, my sister wanted to start trying immediately because she assumed she'd have fertility problems. When she told me her plans, I suggested she hold off for a bit and let the wedding stress pass before getting off the meds and then wean slowly off the meds. She was on a relatively low dose, but had been on it for several years, and I think she forgot what it was like before she got on them. Anyway, long story short, she's had a rough couple of months, and it all kind of blew up a couple weeks ago, and she had to take a few days off school and get back on her medication (I want to say it is Lexapro(?) but I don't know for sure) and they gave her Xanax for panic attacks. Fast forward, she found out she was pregnant this past weekend, and it set her back again because now she is worried she shouldn't be on the meds and is worried about how she'll cope with the stress of a pregnancy/baby. I know she'll be fine, and she just needs to get through the next few weeks, but the timing just wasn't great. So ironic because I'd do anything to be pregnant right now! I'm hoping I'll be able to get pregnant in the next few months so we can go through it together.
SB, it is very likely you ovulated within 36-48 hours of getting the trigger. With EWCM, a lot of times it dries up right at ovulation time or just before. Hopefully you'll see the temp spike soon. There is one condition I've read about called LUFS where some people gear up to ovulate but just don't, sometimes even with the trigger. Your temp goes up and you have relatively normal cycles, but you just don't actually ovulate. I've often wondered if I possibly have that just based on some of the symptoms I have like weak temp rises and early spotting and short LPs, but I have no idea.
Hello ladies,

Wow, it has been quite busy on here lately. Let me get down to it here.

First off, Bright - I am sooo very sorry about everything that has been going on. My heart just breaks for you with all the bad news lately. I am sorry to hear that you fainted, what a scare that must have been. I know the D&C was probably awful too, but I am praying that it did the trick and you won't have to resort to the other meds. SUPER BIG HUG my dear and please know that you are in my thoughts.

Split - Wow sweetie, congrats on the great news, how exiting! Please do come over and join us in the JBP thread :bigsmile: Here's to a happy and healthy nine months!

LV - I am so hoping for wonderful news from you this month my dear! How far in are you and when are you going to test. Fingers crossed lady!

MP - My fingers are crossed for you too dear. I hope that when you go in for your scan everything looks great and those egg(ies) are growing like they should! As for your sister, I am sorry that she is going through such a tough time, but hopefully her OB and her regular doc can work together to come up with a plan that will help her get through it without increasing any risks.

SB - That sounds pretty confusing trying to figure out when you O'ed. But, I think you have covered all your bases and done what you can, so now, just sit back and hope you will get some great news in the next week or so.

Blackberry - I am sorry about the last few months, but I am hoping the next few bring you the good news you have been looking for. As for moving to the "next step," I know it can be scary, but I feel like if it is the way to bring you a LO you so desire, then I'm all for it. Just another way to look at it...

Brightlight - I am sorry that you are not in a good place but additional testing sounds like the way to go. Big hug lady

Just fyi, I don't know if this applies to many of you ladies, but I have been bombarded by radio commercials for a new IVF study. I think the website is It says it is for ladies who have gone through 3 or more unseuccessful IVF's, but the biggest part is that you can do a fully compensated cycle, which I know would mean a huge deal to most of us. For those of you near NYC, there is another one with no experimental meds, which can be found at Hopefully that will help some of you, if you are at that point... Hugs ladies and I hope to see you all soon in the JBP thread
Thanks MP and dcg. I know you are both right that I almost certainly ovulated within 36-48 hours of the trigger and have done all I can this cycle. I was just confused by my EWCM 4 days post-trigger and longer LP last cycle, so it would have been nice to get a clear signal this time. C'est la vie! I'm a scientist by training, so I want to believe that there is data that I can accumulate and learn from in this process, but in the end it's really just hope and luck.

Bright, thinking of you today. I hope you got good news.

I had a rough end to my work day and came home and had an epic meltdown over all the uncertainty and stress right now. I need to find some better coping mechanisms.
I just have a sec but wanted to update you guys. My beta dropped to 18 yesterday & 9 today. I have to follow it to zero but it looks like additional intervention won't be necessary, which is a relief.

I also heard the rumor that my SIL might be pregnant with #2. Of course, I'm happy for her but also sad for me. I'd really hoped we'd have #1 before everyone else started on round 2. (Not to mention that it seems one of my SIL's has a baby or gets pregnant every time I have a miscarriage.)

Sorry for the selfish post. I'll write more tomorrow. Thanks to everyone for your support.
monkeyprincess|1383669989|3550889 said:
Brightspot, just checking in to see how you are doing. I hope you got good news back from your latest beta.

Brightlight, I'm not familiar with your story, but it sounds like you have also been through a lot. It makes me so sad how much some people have to struggle to achieve what most people just take for granted.

Lizzy, I remember reading something about how even with IVF, an ectopic pregnancy is still possible if the embryo floats up the fallopian tubes. It seems like that shouldn't happen, but apparently it is possible. In Bright's case, she also had an IUI along with the FET.

SB, were you able to confirm ovulation? I hope you got the timing right this time around.

SS, thinking about you and hope all is well! Were you able to get your progesterone tested?

LV, hope you are hanging in there during another 2ww. Sending dust your way that this one works.

TB, where do things stand with you now? I think you were still in limbo last time you posted. Sending good thoughts your way!

AFM, I'm starting to psyche myself out about all of this IUI stuff. I go in for an ultrasound on Friday to see where I stand. After getting bad news about the lining last time, I'm really apprehensive about what I'm going to find out, especially since I have no idea how I'll respond to the femara. I know I have been relatively fortunate compared to most of the ladies on this thread, but I'm really struggling with the negative thoughts and worries that plagued me when I was TTC#1. I'm just trying to keep my expectations tempered and realize that even if it doesn't work the first time, that doesn't mean it won't work. I just kept hoping I'd get pregnant before it got to this point, but that was not to be. Thanks for letting me get that off my chest!

MP: I'll be thinking about you tomorrow. It really does sound like we are in the same place. Try not to psych yourself out about all this stuff. As I'm sure you know (and they keep telling me too) stress just makes everything worse.
Brightspot, finally some good news for you! I'm relieved the betas are dropping and will be crossing my fingers they hit zero next time. Keep us posted. And I'm sure the possibility of more pregnancies in the family stings. It's so hard when you are experiencing fertility problems because you want to and know you should be happy for other people when they make an announcement, but it just brings up all sorts of complicated feelings. I'll certainly be thinking of you as you decide how to proceed.

Blackberry, thanks for the good thoughts! How are things going for you? Where are you at in your cycle?

SB, oh, I know all about those meltdowns. It's just so all consuming, and it's hard to maintain composure under all the stress and uncertainty. Sending you good thoughts that you had good timing this cycle!

DCGator, thanks for checking in! Hope all is well with you and your little bean. It gives me hope that you were able to conceive again after a couple rounds of IUI.

LV, sending lots of dust your way!

Hi to anyone else I missed!

AFM, I had my ultrasound this morning. It appears the Femara did what it was supposed to do, as I have three follicles (all on the left for some reason) and my lining is 1 cm (I think it's measured in cm, right? Well, it was a 1, which she was happy about). Even though today is only CD10, she said it looks like I'm already really close to ovulating, so we are doing the trigger tonight and an IUI on Sunday. I'm supposed to take a couple OPKs to make sure they aren't positive before tonight just in case. Wish me luck ladies!
Hi all, I am dipping my toes in over here. I'm at the end of Cycle 7 TTC for #1; I expect AF tonight or tomorrow, temp has dropped and spotting has been off and on all week. I've set up an appointment with my NP Midwife for November 18 to discuss TTC concerns, so I am really looking forward to that and I was so happy she was willing to see me and take my concerns seriously before 1 year.

My major concerns are two fold at this point. One, I think I may have LP defect; my LP is 11 days every time which would be perfectly fine if I didn't start spotting as early as DPO5 some months (like this month).

And second, endometriosis has been a possibility for me for a long time; I've always had very rough periods and my grandmother had endo severe enough to require a hysterectomy in her 40s, although she successfully conceived and carried three kids without any assistance prior to that. The endo concern was one of the main reasons I started on the pill 10 years ago and it took care of the majority of my symptoms so I never pursued any further diagnosis.

So fast forward to now, periods are awful again, and more concerning, they are getting worse at exactly the same rate as the LP seems to be shortening. So I am concerned that the pill kept the endo in check all those years, but now I am off it, it's progressing and possibly causing difficulty TTC that won't resolve on it's own.

I've been reading along with all of your journeys and you are such an amazing group- knowledgeable, supportive, and kind!

And good luck MP!! May this be your cycle!
MP - I wanted to pop over here and check on how things were going. So happy you got good news at your ultrasound today! Fingers crossed that this is your cycle!
Quick fly by to respond to Avia's endo question. I had endo and tail end brown bleeding, painful periods, etc..I don't know what your insurance situation is, but you might be able to get a lap covered to check/repair endo. They also can do a dye check of your tubes at the same time and get it covered. I managed to get mine done and covered at 100% because I had abnormal bleeding and painful periods. You just have to make sure that you go in with the emphasis on wanting to find out about endo, not specific to fertility. I'd highly suggest it because then you know what you're working with and it will give you a reprieve from the symptoms for a good 6 months at least. Also, most of the time if it's endo that's causing fertility issues, your first 6 months post lap have much better chances at conception.

Bright, I'm so glad to hear you don't have to go through more this cycle and I'm really sorry that the IVF didn't work. :(sad Thinking of you as usual.

MP, good luck my dear! I'm glad to hear that the femara did it's job for you and I hope your bfp is a couple of weeks away. :)

Lots of luck to everyone else too, I'm sorry I don't have more time to post but you're all in my thoughts!
Here is my long overdue catch-up post.

BrightSpot – I’m glad to hear that further intervention will not be necessary. Not ideal timing on the SIL front. Sending you all good thoughts as you decide what your next steps are.

BrightLight – Hope you are doing well. Thanks so much for posting the info about the high protein diet. I’m back on a yogurt kick, which is something I seem to do every now and again. I totally hear you on taking a break from ttc forums. We are here to support you, if you feel like posting, but totally understand if you don’t. It sounds like you have a great and pro-active RE.

SB – Best of luck to you!! Totally understand on the meltdown front. It happens to the best of us. This is not easy. So many expectations and uncertainty and so much waiting . . . it’s just so hard. Hope you are feeling better.

MP – Yay for 3 follies!! Good luck with your iui today! That’s great by the way that you can schedule one on a Sunday!
I hope your sister is doing better. I wonder if ob/gyns are now telling patients to stop taking anti-depressants because of the anti-depressant/birth defect lawsuits. I think there are even commercials on tv soliciting potential plaintiffs who took anti-depressants during pregnancy. If that’s the case, then it is a shame, but I also understand the need for doctors to limit their risks. They should really be looking at risk to mom and baby if non-medicated vs. risk to baby if mom is medicated. I’m not surprised that your sister is having anxiety attacks. These medications are difficult to go off of even when carefully tapered. With that said, I have a friend who stopped taking lexapro cold-turkey and claimed to have no side effects (also told by her dr to stop taking for pregnancy.) Anyway, I find it somewhat hard to believe. In any event, she has been having a lot of emotional issues (crying a lot, crying at work due to stress, crying because one of her kids is sick, etc.) so I don’t know if that’s regular pregnancy hormones or depression-related or whether the meds would have helped her. So, I hope your sister is doing better, and I also hope she is able to discuss with both of her doctors, and she feels comfortable with whatever decision she makes.

SS – Congrats! Happy and Healthy 9 months to you!!

Tbaus – Update, please?

Blackberry – Good luck with starting meds. I hope your RE is able to reassure you with whatever concerns you have re: the medication.

Aviastar – Sorry that you have found your way over here. I’m glad to hear that your NP MW is willing to see you soon. Hopefully she can get started on diagnostics right away and help you figure out your endo concerns.

AFM. Faint positive FRER yesterday am at approximately 8DPO (10 days post trigger). Darker FRER this morning, 9DPO (11 days post trigger.) I took a digi last night. Bad idea! Negative! I was worried that maybe I had lingering hcg from the trigger, and thought a positive digi would be a good idea. I found plenty of posts on-line where women have positive FRERs, but negative digis (when testing early), and this morning’s darker positive makes me feel better. I know it’s early still, but we are hopeful. Will have beta tomorrow am.
LV, fingers crossed that you continue to get good news in the next few days - hopefully you will kick off a streak of positives in this thread!

aviastar, welcome but sorry you are here. It's great that you are being proactive and hopefully the NP can address your concerns and get you on the right track.

MP, so glad to hear that the femara did the trick and I hope all went well with the IUI. Keeping my fingers crossed for you too.

Bright, what a relief that your beta is going down. I hear you on having mixed emotions about others getting pregnant - it can be hard to share in their happiness when you have been unsuccessful at achieving the same thing, and then I always feel guilty about that. I don't want bad things to happen to others, I just want the good things happen for all of us.

tbaus, hope you are out there and doing well!

Thanks for all the support about my meltdown, it helps to know that I'm not the only one. I just have such a low tolerance for anything upsetting the apple cart right now. But I'm feeling much better now and my DH and I have had a nice few days doing things around the house and seeing friends, so I have really appreciated feeling more like me. I finally got my temp rise on Thursday, but do think I ovulated before that, so I must be a slow responder. I'll test on Saturday and am trying not to think about it too much in the meantime.
LV, very exciting development. Really hoping that this time it is the real deal and line keeps getting darker!!! When I was pregnant with my son, I could only get a line on the FRER on 12dpiui, and I didn't get a positive digital until 2 days later. I think CBE digital needs a beta of 50 or something like that, which is much higher than a FRER. Keep us posted!

And thanks for your thoughts re my sister. In her case, I definitely think she will need to weigh the pros and cons of staying on medication. I personally hate the thought of her being on anything while pregnant, but after hearing about what she is going through, I think it might be necessary in her case, because she was such a mess the past couple of weeks. Fortunately, it sounds like she is improving. It's still very early in the pregnancy, so I'm just hoping everything goes well, and she can put this episode behind her and be excited about the pregnancy and baby.

SB, I hope this next week goes fast for you. I'm glad you were able to confirm a temp rise. Hopefully you just are a slow riser.

Tammy, thanks for the good wishes! I hope H is doing well. I love seeing your new avatar!

Aviastar, hi dear. I'm glad you checked in over here. I know endo can complicate TTC efforts, but I have heard about several successful stories of pregnancies in people with endo with or without surgery. As far as the early spotting, I have that as well. It seems that it can sometimes be caused by an inadequate follicular development, which can sometimes be helped with fertility meds like clomid. I'm really hoping that you can get some hormone testing and the other initial steps to get a good idea of what might be going on. Wishing you all the best. It is a really tough struggle, so it is nice to have others to discuss it with who understand what you are feeling.

Bright, thinking of you!

AFM, I had my IUI earlier today. DH had pretty good counts which were nearly identical to last time when we conceived our son. I also had a similar cycle with three follicles, so I hope that is the winning combo for us. Everything went much smoother this time around with the IUI. Last time, it was pretty uncomfortable, and she had trouble inserting the catheter. So, 2ww here we come!
Thanks, SB and MP.

I wanted to post a photo earlier, but it took me a lot longer to get to it. Here are the frer's from yesterday and today. I definitely think these are true bfp's. Last cycle, I had negatives at this time, so I think that's a good indication that trigger is gone from my system by now. I did not take the second hcg shot this cycle or last. That was after the first iui attempt, so I really really hope this is the real deal. Also, I am pretty sure I had a bfp at 8dpo with my daughter. I will have to go back and check. Maybe I ovulated a day earlier, and today is really 9dpo? I triggered on 10/30 evening. MP?

I will definitely be talking my way into a beta tomorrow am.

SB - Sending you tons of good luck!! Glad you are feeling back to yourself a bit more. Weekends have a way of doing that sometimes. :))

MP - Glad to hear your stats were so good, and the iui went well! Good luck managing the 2WW. Are you traveling soon?

Hi everyone! I'll try and keep this short but there is a lot to catch up on!

BS- I'm relieved to see that the betas are dropping. You really have been put through a lot, and the possibility of another pregnancy announcement will surely sting. It really is not fair that some of us have to go through so much for something that others just take for granted. A friend the other day said jokingly her husband just has to look at her and she falls pregnant and I swear my heart literally skipped a beat. If only I was that lucky. It really does just plain suck sometimes. I'm sorry I just skimmed through the last few pages quickly but I think you may be giving it another go? We're here to support you whatever you choose to do.

Blackberry- I hope your concerns about the meds have been answered to your satisfaction. Good luck this cycle.

Brighlight- You have provided some really interesting info that could help me as well. Thanks so much :wavey:

split_shank- Congratulations! Yay for some good news around here. Hopefully we can have a few more around here soon.

shortblonde- not long until you can test! I hear you on the meltdowns, I feel like at any time I am about to explode. Doesn't help that we are pumping ourselves full of hormones- men have no idea how good they've got it sometimes.

MP- I'm so glad to hear the femara worked! And it does sound like this month may contain the winning combo for you. I have everything crossed for you! I may have missed it but how many mg did you end up taking?

LV- Woohoo! That is definitely a line. Lots of sticky dust to you!


Sorry I've been MIA, life has started to get crazy around here and I haven't had a moment to stop and breathe. I'm afraid that if this keeps up until Christmas I may have a breakdown (seriously). I hate this time of year. I work as a relief teacher (I think you guys call them substitutes?) and usually by this time of year work has slowed down and I usually have at least one day a week off. SO I stupidly decided to supervise the Year 12 Final exams and between that and relief work and family commitments AND TTC I am just about done. *Rant over*

AF (the crazy witch) decided to visit Halloween morning. There was a bit of back and forth between the RE, her nurse and me because I have basically said that this next cycle I WILL be doing ultrasounds, even if I have to pay for them out of pocket. So the DR stalled a bit and asked me to keep track of my period, which was very very light but lasted 6 days. A baseline bloodtest on CD6 showed everything was where it should be so even though it is late I started 2.5mg of letrozole for 10 days and I will have my first blood test 2 days later, which will be CD18. Super annoying that it is all so late and we may have ruined this cycle by starting this late, but the nurse assures me that my dr is 'very cautious' and wouldn't do anything too crazy. So I'm hoping you guys can give me some info on when and what days of your cycle you usually do the ultrasounds? From the blood tests I have been doing the last few cycles it seems that I can grow follicles and with the trigger I can ovulate, and my husband passed his test with flying colours so I am hoping with ultrasounds we can actually see if the blood tests are as accurate as my Dr seems to think. I want to see how big these foliicles are getting, how thick my lining is and after I ovulate I want to see at least one follicle has disappeared. I think that is what I need this cycle for me to calm down and relax, so if I can see with my own eyes that everything is in order. Then even if we still aren't successful this cycle we will take a break over Christmas and I can confidently pursue with the ovulation induction in the new year. Otherwise I guess our next option is IVF? Or do they still recommend IUI's even if your husband is fine?

And some non related TTC but the one thing I am really looking forward to: my parents are paying for a family trip and have decided on an 11 day cruise to Scandanavia and Russia. Dh and I have been to Russia before, but we are excited about the other places as well. We also decided that since we are up in that hemisphere that we will tick another country that has been on my bucket list for a while....Morocco!! So that is my one shining light atm, if I'm not pregnant come May next year I have an awesome holiday to look forward to!

Apologies for any errors, I'm under the pump but really wanted to pop in and update you guys! Good luck ladies!!!
LV, I think they assume you will ovulate about 36 hours after the trigger, which would have you ovulating on 11/1, so I would consider yourself 10dpo today. Did you take another test? (I can't imagine you didn't!) Keeping my fingers crossed! It's giving me a lot of hope that DCGator and now it seems you have been successful with IUIs even when the first attempt didn't work. That way if I am not pregnant this time around, I won't feel like it is such a hopeless cause. Keep us posted!

tbaus, sorry to hear AF arrived. I ended up taking 5 mg of letrozole on CD3-7, and I had 3 follicles and was ready to trigger on CD10. My situation is probably different though because I've always ovulated on my own, and I tend to have short cycles and ovulate relatively early. From everything I've read, the usual protocol is to take femara for 5 days starting on either CD3 or CD5. I hope the ultrasounds give you some more insight as to how you are responding. And your vacation sounds like so much fun! I have major vacation envy of all of you ladies who seem to be going to so many exciting places. I only seem to travel for work these days or take small trips to see my family.

AFM, I was a bit crampy after the IUI yesterday, so I really hope that was O pains and not something else. I never get O pains though, so I have no idea. Everything else went so smoothly, so I guess I just need something to worry about! Oh, and did any of you who have had IUIs have a weird sponge thing wrapped in plastic with a string inserted after the IUI? I had that both times I've had an IUI. It seems so unnecessary, and I'm not really sure what the reasoning is, but it was just as disturbing to take it out yesterday as it was when I had an IUI almost two years ago. Anyway, I won't have much to report for the next couple of weeks, so in the meantime, I'm just trying to visualize a fertilized egg making it's way down to where it needs to go. Hopefully that will be a good counterbalance to my normal anxiety and worrying :)
Tbaus - Sorry to hear about AF arriving. To answer some of your questions -- my RE usually does an ultrasound a few days after starting follistim, then depending on how things look, will check again in two days, and again, may come back again 1 or 2 days later. They also check estrogen and progesterone on each of these u/s visits, so they look at both results together in determining when to trigger. I don't know if this will help you feel more comfortable with the blood work only approach, but this past cycle, there was one follicle that still had room to grow. The nurse and I guessed I would be back for one more u/s 2 days later. When the results of the blood test came back later in the day, they could tell that the one follicle was starting to release LH, so they had me trigger that night. Had we relied on u/s alone, I may have ovulated on my own before the next u/s. With all of that said, I still completely understand your wanting to see what's going on as well. I would talk to your dr about when would be the best time to do that first u/s. Maybe it would be a few days after you start the meds? Maybe you would want to wait a little longer to see how things are developing? For me, I always seem to have lots of follicles (6) that are starting to develop early on, but they don't all continue to develop. Honestly, I think my RE does a lot of u/s's. All may not be necessary, particularly the early ones.

In response to your other question, here, generally speaking, they will do a few (3+) IUIs before even discussing IVF.

Super-jealous of your planned trip. You have the nicest parents!

MP - I feel all sorts of twinges after an IUI. No idea what causes that, but I'm sure it's nothing to worry about. I have never had the plastic sponge thing. I've never heard of it either!

Yes, I did indeed test again. I downgraded to dollar store tests. I was planning not to test this morning, but broke down after acupuncture and just picked up two. Took one last night, and it was a barely there shadowy blur. This morning, it was darker. I did go in for a beta, so waiting for the results now! I'm sure the number will be very low, so I can freak out about that next.
HCG is 24. I go back on Friday. I went back to an old post and found that my hcg level was 50 at 11 (maybe 10) DPO with my daughter. So, I will just assume it was 11DPO back then, and I am 10DPO now, so everything works out mathematically, right? Guess I'll know more on Friday. Man, those FRERs are good!
Congrats LV! Nice to have it confirmed! Yes, your math makes perfect sense to me :) Keeping my fingers crossed that they keep doubling!
Loves Vintage|1384196152|3554397 said:
HCG is 24. I go back on Friday. I went back to an old post and found that my hcg level was 50 at 11 (maybe 10) DPO with my daughter. So, I will just assume it was 11DPO back then, and I am 10DPO now, so everything works out mathematically, right? Guess I'll know more on Friday. Man, those FRERs are good!

Just a quick fly-by post, as I am trying to get some things out the door with work (so I will comment to everyone else manana), but LV, YIPEE! So excited for you sweetie! Those FRER are where it's at, and by all means, avoid the digi's, they are BAD! I won't worry to much about the HCG's though. They are definitely within range and all looks good so far. Do let us know how Friday goes, but otherwise, I look forwad to going through another preggo journey with you :bigsmile:
Loves Vintage|1384196152|3554397 said:
HCG is 24. I go back on Friday. I went back to an old post and found that my hcg level was 50 at 11 (maybe 10) DPO with my daughter. So, I will just assume it was 11DPO back then, and I am 10DPO now, so everything works out mathematically, right? Guess I'll know more on Friday. Man, those FRERs are good!

So...your HCG is 24 at 11 DPO, and those tests were from 8 and 9dpo? Just doing the math...that would mean 12 at 9DPO and about 9 at that right? Wow, FRERs really do rock. Congrats!
Thanks for the welcome everyone!

Tammy, thank you for your post. That's pretty much what I am hoping for- I'd love to do CD3 & 21 bloodwork ASAP followed by a lap pretty quickly. I'm on a high deductible insurance so I'm paying out of pocket for everything initially anyway, regardless of reason and we've got it in savings so I want to go for it as quickly as possible. AF is so uncomfortable again now, and I have cramps and fatigue and headaches for so long it does affect my productivity and quality of life, so it's worth pursuing even outside of TTC, but that just adds a layer of urgency I probably won't have otherwise.

Yay, LV, congrats!

Glad everything went well, MP, keeping my fingers crossed for you!

Sorry to hear about AF, tbaus, she really is the just the worst. I have two sisters who were both pregnant this year, one was an accident while on the pill, the other fist month trying. Between their showers, updates, my mom being straight up obsessed with her grand babies, it's been very isolating. Nine of them mean any harm, of course, but comments like your friends just never play very well, do they? My mom actually said the dreaded, 'it will happen if you just relax'. I got up and walked away. I hope this cycles protocol has better results for you!

BrightSpot, you are in my thoughts!

Definitely not only melter downer, short blonde! I frequently tell my husband to just ignore the crying, I need it as a release of all the pent up frustration and confusion. He doesn't ignore me, cause he's amazing, but there's nothing anyone can do or say to make it better and sometimes you just gotta let that stuff out!
Thanks, ladies!

amc80|1384206287|3554499 said:
Loves Vintage|1384196152|3554397 said:
HCG is 24. I go back on Friday. I went back to an old post and found that my hcg level was 50 at 11 (maybe 10) DPO with my daughter. So, I will just assume it was 11DPO back then, and I am 10DPO now, so everything works out mathematically, right? Guess I'll know more on Friday. Man, those FRERs are good!

So...your HCG is 24 at 11 DPO, and those tests were from 8 and 9dpo? Just doing the math...that would mean 12 at 9DPO and about 9 at that right? Wow, FRERs really do rock. Congrats!

I think yesterday was 10 DPO, and the tests were from 8 and 9. I guess doubling takes place (or should take place, I should say) every 2-3 days, so maybe 12 at 8DPO?

Yes, I am a total FRER convert! It was actually something you said about them, maybe in the TTC thread, that convinced me! So, thanks for that! :wavey:

DCG - Thanks for popping in! Glad to hear things are going well with you. I read in the other thread that you almost finished a half marathon! Wow! Good for you! I would totally be taking a nap with that time instead, haha!