
The Official TTC for 6 Months or More Thread

Brightspot, have you had any more beta testing to see if your levels are headed back to zero? I sure hope that you are able to avoid more intervention and delay. Thinking of you!

LV, hope all is well. I'm anxious to hear your results tomorrow, but surely not as anxious as you must be. I've mentioned my numbers about a thousand times on here, but I started off with quite low betas when I had my son. I think mine was 165 on 17dpo. Assuming my betas were doubling every 2 days, I would have had a level of about 20 on 11dpo, so yours is higher than mine was at that point. By 21dpo mine was 1400 I think. Fingers crossed you get great news tomorrow!

Aviastar, you are a trooper to go through all of this so graciously with all the focus on the grandbabies. It's so hard for people who haven't experienced fertility problems to understand how unhelpful it is to tell someone they just need to relax or stop getting stressed out about it. Really hoping you are able to get some relief from the pain. That must be so frustrating on top of the waiting for a baby.

AFM, just a little request for some dust or thoughts and prayers for my sister. She texted me this morning to say she saw some pink spotting on TP this morning. I hope it is just a little implantation bleeding or something, but it's so hard to know what it means at this point. She was just getting attached to the idea of the baby, and now she's feeling guilty for being upset about finding out she was pregnant. Life is so hard sometimes!
MP - I'm actually not going in until Friday. I did not mention this before, but in the message yesterday, the nurse was like, usually we like to see you at 100, but you are early, so we are taking that into consideration. Haha! It was just such an odd way to put it. So, yeah, you and I will have to wait a little longer for the results! ;)) Thanks for the reassuring info about your betas.

Dust to your sister! How far along is she? I do hope it's nothing. Unfortunately, sometimes there is just unexplained bleeding in early pregnancy.
LV, yeah, that is an odd thing to say. Obviously if people normally have their betas taken later, they are going to have higher numbers. Hoping Friday comes fast for you! Wouldn't it be nice to be one of those people who just finds out they're pregnant and assumes everything will be fine until their 8 week appointment?

My sister is about 5.5 weeks I think, so it's still really early. I know spotting can be normal because I saw red blood they day I got my first positive HPT and then again at 5.5 weeks, so I know it can be normal, but I also know that pink spotting is often an early sign of miscarriage. Just praying all is well!
Mp, dust to your sister that everything is ok. I've not had the plastic insert you described after the IUI...sounds weird! Keeping my fingers crossed that this is it for you.

LV, also sending dust for you and your rising betas!

aviastar, i hope you can get some answers and relief soon.

tbaus, your trip sounds great and it is helpful to have something concrete to look forward to. I take letrozole CD 3-7 and have my first ultrasound on CD 14, with additional ultrasounds at 2 day intervals if the follicle and lining aren't developed enough at the initial ultrasound. I hope you are able to get better confirmation next cycle.

bright, hope you are doing ok out there and haven't needed more intervention.
Hey SB, you must be getting close to testing time, right? Fingers crossed for you that the good news keeps coming on this thread! Yes, the sponge thing is so weird. I did a bit of googling and found a picture of one on this blog. It's the thing in the upper right corner of the picture!
Reporting in. HCG is 64 today. Should be at least 96. So, it looks like this pregnancy is not meant to be after all. They want me to come back in a week. The nurse said it was ok to stop progesterone now because my body is already making plenty of its own. She said that my estrogen and progesterone levels were high, so it does not look like I will have a miscarriage on my own any time soon.

Part of me knew there was a good possibility this would be the result, so I am not terribly sad at the moment.
Ah LV, I've been checking in a few times today and was so hoping for different news. I'm so sorry. I think those of us that have struggled to conceive have a much more jaded view of things and know that a positive pregnancy test is only the first step and not a guarantee of a baby nine months later. But still, I'm so sorry that this wasn't meant to be for you. I'll be thinking about you. Please keep us posted on how you're doing.
LV, everything I've ever read says that betas should double every 48-72 hours in early pregnancy. By my calculation, your doubling time is a little less than 72 hours. Did the doctor say that was too slow? I always get concerned when I hear somebody's betas are not doubling about every 48 hours in early pregnancy, but I'm wondering if there is any truth to the fact that doubling every 72 hours is sufficient. Just trying to hang on to a glimmer of a hope for you.
MP - Thanks very much for your posts. It is very true that I see a bfp as just the first step in the process. Re: your second post, I just don't know. I tried to ask her if based on the numbers, I would definitely miscarry, and she said "well, I wouldn't tell anyone you are pregnant", and then she told me about another nurse who used to work there that had low betas in the beginning and maybe she said they didn't rise appropriately, but then she had a healthy pregnancy. I really don't know what to think. My husband told me my hcg was 102 at 16dpo with my daughter. I am 14dpo today. I did not check a beta calculator. She said I could go back sooner for another beta. Should I go on Monday? Now I don't know if i misinterpreted the whole phone call!

eta: Just did a beta calculator, and then just called the office. They are already gone for the day, so I left a message. I am so confused. I just don't understand why she would basically tell me I will miscarry. I mean they see numbers like this all the time.
LV, I don't know what to tell you. I looked at awhile back, and it seemed like doubling times tend to start off really fast and then slow down the farther along you are. Your doubling time does seem a bit slow for this early on, but I would definitely want another bloodtest before you completely write off this pregnancy. As I mentioned before, my betas started off pretty slow and then seemed to take off. However, due to a lab error, I didn't get my first result until 17dpo, so I'm not much help for earlier betas. Hugs. I wish the answers were a little more black and white. I'll be thinking of you.
I wouldn't count yourself out just yet, LV! Betas don't always double in 48 hours or less. I've heard of betas doing all sorts of weird things, and people still had perfectly normal pregnancies! It's just a waiting game now. The high progesterone is very encouraging. I had a miscarriage with my 3rd pregnancy, and it turned out my progesterone was low. Hang in there! You are PUPO (pregnant until proven otherwise).
I sort of remember the lab error . . . didn't it come back with the wrong number at first?

I guess I will keep taking the progesterone and will show up on Monday for another test.
Thanks, Laila. I like PUPO! See, I need you ladies to encourage me! I hope you are right.

I am so sorry to hear that you suffered a loss. I didn't realize you are TTC3. I know from your posts how much you enjoy motherhood, so I am very happy to hear that you plan to grow your family.
oh, LV, I am so sorry things are so confusing right now! I don't know much about betas, but I am going to agree with Laila- it is not over till its over and right now you are pregnant! I'll be thinking of you and keeping my fingers crossed!

Thank you SB, any news on your end?
LV, yes, I had a bloodtest on 14dpo that came back 0, even though I had two positive HPTs that same morning. I assumed I had a chemical pregnancy and the HCG left my blood before my urine or something, but when HPTs kept coming up positive over the weekend, I went in for another bloodtest that Monday. And even after that, I was convinced something was wrong because my 17dpo result was quite low at 165. As much as I'd love to get a positive HPT next week, I don't know if I have the stomach to deal with all of the anxiety that comes with those first few weeks. Anyway, here's hoping your numbers are just taking awhile to warm up!

Laila, I also like PUPO. I'll have to share that with my sister. She is currently six weeks but had a bit of spotting over the past few days. (But then again, I think I might be more worried than she is because she is choosing to be blissfully ignorant, so that might only make her worry more.) I am also really sorry to hear you had a miscarriage. It makes me sad how many people seem to experience that. Hugs.
LV, so sorry about this additional stress. I'll continue sending good thoughts your way.

MP, thanks for the picture! How are you doing?

aviastar, thanks for thinking of me. Hope you are doing well.

I will test tomorrow. I am honestly sort of dreading it...I expect it will be negative as I have zero symptoms. I've been in pretty good spirits over the past week and don't want to deal with the emotions from another disappointment.
LV, honey, I'm so sorry your doc isn't pleased with your betas. I have heard lots of stories of lower betas that result in healthy pregnancies, though. I'm not giving up hope yet but I've been in that limbo several times & know how stressful & heartbreaking it is. Huge hugs to you. Will you go for another beta on Monday?

MP, thanks for your sweet posts. I'm glad to hear your IUI went smoothly. And I love that you found a pic online of the sponge thing. I've never heard of that (aside from your first IUI) but it makes sense. Sending you tons of dust that this round was a success!
Also I'm sorry to hear about your sister's spotting. I hope that it's just a normal part of early pregnancy & doesn't indicate a problem. I think you're right not to worry her though. It won't do any good & could just make her anxiety worse.

Avia, welcome! I'm sorry you find yourself in the situation to need to post here but I'm glad you've come to join us. I don't know much about endo, but it sounds so painful! I'm so sorry you have to endure this on top of ttc troubles. I think Tammy has given you some great advice & that you are smart to be proactive with your doc. Keep us posted on how your appointment goes.

SB, is it time to test? Sending you tons of dust!

Tammy, thanks, sweetie!

Dcg, thanks for your sweet post. Yeah, it's been a rough go lately. And thanks for sharing the IVF studies. I hope you're feeling well & baking away!

Tbaus, thanks. It really is difficult to see pregnancy come so easily to others when it's so hard for us. I just want all of us to have success too!
I'm so sorry it's been such a stressful time for you lately with work stress on top of an unsuccessful cycle. Big hugs to you. I'm glad your doc will be monitoring you via ultrasound this cycle. I hope it provides more information to get you your bfp! And your upcoming trip sounds amazing! There's nothing like a great vacation to take your mind off ttc.

BrightLight, thinking of you & hoping you're doing well. I hope the testing has given you some valuable information.

Afm, sorry for being MIA. I've been pretty down lately. My betas zeroed out on Monday, which is good news, though I'm getting kind of sick of the fact that my "good news" lately seems to be that the bad news could've been worse. I've been spotting since the d&c & woke up with a cold on Wednesday. I'd just like my body to be back to normal soon.

I've also been thinking about whether we want to continue trying. I have a list of a few things we haven't tried yet (lupron, dexamethasone & maybe femara) & sort of want to cross them off my list so I never have to look back & wonder if they might've worked. But we haven't decided for sure.
SB - Fingers tightly crossed for you!

Aviastar - Thank you.

BrightSpot - Thanks. I did talk to the nurse again yesterday. I will go in for another Beta on Thursday. We talked about possibly coming in on Monday, and she said she didn't think the numbers would change dramatically enough at that point to give me the reassurance I am seeking. Might as well put it off and then just wait for results on Thursday. If I went on Monday, I would likely have to go back on Th or Fri anyway, so really what's the point.

She did clarify that yes, it is possible for this to still turn out to be a viable pregnancy, but I guess they have benchmarks with where they want your numbers to be at a certain point. I understand it as -- yes, it's still possible for things to turn around, but not likely. They see these numbers all the time.

I know there is still hope at this point, but I am pretty sure I have an embryo with a chromosomal abnormality, and I also do not think this miscarriage will happen on its own.

As far as progesterone, she said my level is 54. They like to see 10, or if medicated, 20. This is what, in part, leads me to believe I will need to have the procedure. Anyway, we decided that I will take only one (as opposed to two) progesterone pills per day. Sounds like I don't need it at all, but at least this way, I won't blame myself for having stopped it if I do m/c.

Sorry for being all negative. I know I am supposed to think positively, grow baby grow and all of that, but I have been down this road before. I also refuse to set myself up for the disappointment. I'll just take it now and schedule in the sadness (that I am trying to avoid) when I can.

If it turns out I am wrong about all of this, I will gladly take the news that I was wrong.

Also, I am sorry that your good news recently is that the bad news could have been worse. All I can say is that it is completely unfair. I hope you are feeling better soon.
Bright, it's good to hear from you even though you are feeling down. Hugs. I wish this was easier for all of us.

LV, you sound like you are dealing with things as well as someone can in this situation. I hope it works out for you but I understand not wanting to have unrealistic expections. Hugs to you too.

AFM, another BFN, so I'll be expecting AF shortly. Ugh. I know that this is only the 2nd cycle where I've ovulated and there's only a 20% chance each cycle, but this is so painful and i'm starting to lose hope that any of this will work.
Bright, good to hear from you. Did you happen to read the blog where MP posted the picture of the sponge? The blogger did have success with Femara. She had quite a few IUIs and tried a last ditch effort with Femara. You might want to read through some of her posts. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

LV, thinking of you too. I know how it is hard to be hopeful when you have had a mc in the past. But, I'm, on board with Laila, you are PUPO.

MP, good luck this cycle.

Hi, and best wishes to everyone else!
SB, Sorry to hear about the BFN. It is hard not getting discouraged when time passes and interventions do not work as quickly as we hope, but I am very hopeful for you. Take care of yourself.

JGator, Thanks for your thoughts. I too read the Femara/IUI success story on that blog. Interesting!

MP, I hope your sister is doing well.
Bright so sorry you're having a rough time. You put it well; it's pretty creepy that instead of being happy over a bfp, the best news you can get is that your miscarriage want an ectopAnd theiand thenc pregnancy. It sounds to me like you have the desire to try at least one more round. You will have it's all cheering you on no matter what.

LV, I do think it is best in these things to prepare for the worst and hope for the best. I'm hoping for a miracle though!

SB, so sorry. Do you know how many follicles you had? Maybe you need a few more targets next time around. I would still consider IUIs as well to improve your chances slightly. I know how discouraging it is, so I'm thinking of you.

Nothing new with me. I'm a week post iui and probably won't test till next weekend. I have to leave town next Sunday for work so hopefully I will have a definitive answer by then. My sister is having an ultrasound tomorrow afternoon and there should be a heartbeat if all is well.
Thanks LV and MP. It helps to know you can understand. I think I am feeling sorry for myself because I'll only get one more cycle in this year and I feel sad about going through the holidays and New Years knowing that this whole year was a bust. My birthday is also next month, and while I know things don't really change that much day-to-day, it's also hard to feel like time is slipping away and I'm getting older without success.

I'm only getting one follicle with the femara, but I don't know that upping my dose is the right way to go - most of my reading suggests that you're generally better off taking the lowest dose that gets you to ovulate. I'm researching dexamethazone and might ask about trying that with the femara, since some people think it encourages better quality eggs. Has anyone here tried it? I'm also wondering if I should ask for a progesterone test after ovulation, since we haven't done that yet. We'll probably go back to IUI as well, though I know that only increases the chances by a couple percent. I don't know, I feel like I'm grasping at straws.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for both of you, and your sister too, MP.
TB, sorry to hear that your bloodwork doesn't sound too promising so far this cycle. Keeping my fingers crossed you get better news soon. Have you had other bloodwork to check to see if you have PCOS? I know there are other non-fertillity meds that some ladies with PCOS take that seem to help, like metformin. Just curious how much information you have been able to gather so far about what might be the problem. Maybe they will bump you up to a higher dose of the fertility meds. Wish I had more helpful information for you, but I'm thinking about you! Hang in there!

SB, well, from what I've read with an IUI one of the reasons you take fertility meds is to increase the number of follicles. I think if lack of ovulation is your only issue, then one follicle might be enough, but if you are dealing with other fertility issues or unexplained fertility, increasing the number of follicles, increases the odds of conception. I ovulate on my own, but I take fertility meds to hopefully improve my chances of having a healthy egg and adding extra targets each cycel. But I'm sure there are differing thoughts on that. Thanks for the good wishes for my sister and me!

SO, I've only had a trigger one time before (the month I got pregnant), and I didn't test until 12dpiui (14 days after the trigger), so I never knew when the trigger left my system. This morning I got the brilliant idea to test to see if I had any trigger left in my system, and of course I there was a faint line, so that means the trigger is still hanging around. So, now, instead of feeling better about things, I feel worse for some reason and less optimistic. I'm going to try to wait until Friday to test again, and hopefully at that point, it will be an accurate result. For those of you who have tested out a trigger, when was your test blank? Does it take several days to completely fade out? I had the trigger 10 days ago (or 9.5 days ago because I took it on the Friday night) and the IUI 8 days ago, so I know it's still the HCG from the trigger.
MP - Hmm, what did you trigger with and what was the dose? Did you test with a FRER? You are 8DPO then?
LV, it was 10,000 units of pregnyl. I had the trigger shot on the evening of November 8, so I assume I ovulated on November 10. Way to early to be testing! Especially since I only had a super faint positive at 12dpo when I had my son. Everything I'm reading says it takes 10-14 days to get out of your system, so now I'm even more annoyed at myself for testing this morning. DH would be mad if he knew because we just had a talk earlier in the weekend about how he doesn't trust early pregnancy tests and wouldn't want me to get excited until after an ultrasound even I were to get a BFP. Live and learn!

ETA: It was a FRER too, which is the most senstive in my experience.
Well, I tested at 8DPO with a FRER too, so not too early by my standards!! Lol! I am going to check what I triggered with right now . . . I think it was Ovidrel though . . .

ETA: Ovidrel 250 mcg. There are so many posts on-line about this topic. I think I read 1,000 metabolizes per day, so maybe 10 days post trigger, so today or tonight. I think BS said her triggers were always gone by 9DPO, but I do not recall what she triggered with and I also don't know if it makes a difference.

Be careful with the posts on-line too. I notice some women will say, well, my trigger was gone by 14DPO . . . but they didn't test out their triggers, so they just knew that in fact, trigger was gone at 14DPO, when it really could have been gone a lot sooner, so their responses are not really helpful (though I am sure well-intentioned)!
LV, I think pregnyl possibly has more HCG than ovidrel from my quick research. I'm confident it is still the trigger that showed up on my test today. It was as positive as the test I took at 12dpo last time, and I didn't implant early last time around. Maybe I'll take another test on Wednesday, but I really want to hold out until Friday. I seem to have no willpower though.
The waiting is so crazy, isn't it? I am obviously not very good at it myself. I just went to have my teeth cleaned, and had the joy of answering their questionnaire with "I might be pregnant," hoping to avoid the whole long explanation, but I eventually had to explain. Uggh, I really don't care for myself, but just trying to avoid the awkwardness of it all. There was no way I was getting x-rays though.

Anyway, I think Wednesday sounds like a good plan. Hide whatever tests you have for tomorrow morning!
LV, ugh, that sucks about having to answer pregnancy questions at the dentist when you are uncertain of your status. But you did the right thing! Still thining of you and holding out hope.

And yes, I should have my DH hide the tests, but I'd probably just end up buying more without telling him :) I wish I would've just waited, but now I'm really curious how long it will take for the trigger to get out of my system, so I will know for future reference. Not sure what I'll end up doing.