
The Official TTC for 6 Months or More Thread

Bright, yes, that is definitely more than a squinter. Dust, dust, dust!
BS!!! I'm quietly squealing with excitement... Can't wait to see an even darker line for you. :bigsmile:

AFM, silently wading into O' waters. Got a "high" (blinking smily) reading this morning on the CBE advanced OPK, hoping for a "peak" solid smiley in the next day or two. I really think they need to switch those two symbols. Wouldn't a solid smiley be like "Hey you guuuuyyyys..." and a blinking smiley at you say "get on it RIGHT NOW!"
YAY BRIGHTSPOT! :appl: Dust Dust Dust!
BrightSpot, sending truckloads of healthy, sticky dust your way! Thinking of you.
Brightspot, YAY!
Sticky dust to you BrightSpot! :)
Popping in to dump a truckload of sticky dust on BrightSpot! I know you have mixed feelings on it but I hope you are able to have a little smile on your face that your rogue cycle worked! I personally would tell the doc about the clomid if I thought that it might affect anything at all (extra monitoring or whatever). There's nothing he can do about it if he doesn't like it and he's there to help you not judge. I am always confessing wacky things I do in case it will help my doctor have all the information. But I don't know anything about clomid pregnancies, if they aren't treated any differently then it's not really necessary. You might want to mention the progesterone though because they will test yours and the results won''t be a true baseline. I'll be sending you lots of positive vibes!

Cheering the rest of you ladies on as always!
Oh, brightspot! Good luck! I have everything crossed for you.
Brightspot, dust dust dust!!!!!! SO excited when I saw your update!!! Hoping and praying this is IT for you!
Wow wow wow Brightspot!!!!
Bright, I think of you often and pop in here to read updates. I'm sending you truckloads of healthy pregnancy dust. Oh, I hope this is it!
BRIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :appl:

Sending truckloads of sticky dust to you, honey! I can imagine how you are feeling right now, just know we are all cheering you on. Geez, I have the biggest grin on my face, I love that going rogue got you this outcome! I probably wouldn't say anything about the clomid, but obviously the progesterone would be hard to hide in your blood tests.

So (cautiously) excited for you! Hang in there, little bean!!!
Bright!!!! I have everything crossed for you. That's a great line for 11 dpo!!! :appl: :bigsmile:
Hi everyone. Thank you so much for your sweet posts. You made me smile yesterday. I'd like to respond to everyone individually but I'm with my inlaws & it's hard to get time away.

Unfortunately this morning's test is no darker than yesterday's. (I think it might be lighter but DH doesn't think so.)

I know it's early but this concerns me. What do you guys think?image_992.jpg
BrightSpot, They look about the same to me, but the picture is quite small on my monitor, so kind of hard to tell. I remember the nurse telling me not to read into fluctuations on the tests early on, that there are too many variables. I know people on forums like to talk about seeing increases in darkness, but it's not a very reliable method of determining how things are going so early on.

Congrats again!!! And, more dust to you!!!
Bright, I agree with LV. Don't read into that. Way too many variables between tests, especially the cheap ones. Also, I think tests dry darker. I wish I had advice for how to not drive yourself crazy, but I'm afraid I haven't figured that one out yet. Continued prayers for you.
Hang in there Bright. Ditto the other ladies. I know it's so trite to say, "Don't stress" but but that's what you have to do. Try to find other things that keep your mind occupied. Bake some yummy treats for friends/family. Go out to tea & pedicures with a girlfriend. Get your haircut. Go shopping. Just anything to keep your mind off of worrying because it really isn't good for your baby. Have faith hon, you have a whole army of PSers sending your sticky dust and good vibes. :)

My wondfos did not get darker for quite a few days, so I wouldn't worry about that that at all.

I completely understand the feeling of not wanting to get too excited (I was convinced that this pregnancy wouldn't be viable until 24+ weeks which was really stressful and I definitely did not enjoy those months of waiting), but ***squee*** your rogue cycle worked :appl: :appl: :appl:

I would tell the Dr re meds so that they know what worked for you and can make the best decisions going forward.

Sending tons of sticky dust your way!!!
I've been gone for too long but a little bird told me that BrightSpot had some cautiously happy news, and I just had to pop in and say that I am sending you every single smidge and ounce of dust I could possibly muster. You've got so many people rooting for you and baby-to-be. DUST, and hang in there.
LV, MP & LC, thanks for talking me down. You guys are right that line darkening at this stage probably isn't a very useful or accurate measure of how things are going. It's a little stressful to not be able to get a beta, which will probably have to wait until Tuesday, but, to be honest, if the betas were low, that would stress me out too.
The best thing I can do is to try not to think about it. It's not like I can do anything to affect the outcome anyway.

LC, good call on diverting myself. Fortunately I'm in Vermont with my inlaws (including my niece & a dog & my best friend is coming tonight) so there's lots to distract me. I'm just hoping my abrupt refusal of all things cocktail isn't noticeable.

Bella, thanks for the reassurance on darkening tests. And I've been thinking about that (knowing what drugs work for me being helpful for my doc). It seems the closest I've come to success has been with clomid, so maybe less is more from a medication standpoint for me.

Tammy, tbaus, pupp, c-tek, lizzy, pancake, Jgator, aviastar, SS, & amc, thank you so much for cheering me on. The warm & fuzzy feeling from your posts definitely helps ease my nerves.

Mia, thanks for your post. That brings up some interesting questions about whether or not the clomid pregnancy would be treated the same as a regular pregnancy. That's a really good question. My sense is they are pretty much the same, but I don't really know.
Anyone else have intel on this?
And yes, it does make me grin that our rogue cycle worked. This is also the only time we've conceived the old fashioned way (with a little assist) so that's kinda cool too.

Oh, China! So good to see you here! Thank you so much for popping in to wish me well. Gosh, all these sweet guys are making me cry.

Thank you to everyone for the continued wisdom, support, positive energy, dust & prayers.
You guys are awesome!
Bright, as far as I know, there is no difference at all between a clomid pregnancy and an au natural pregnancy. Obviously, because you under the care of an RE and you've had early losses before, you'll probably get closer monitoring than the average woman, but clomid only induces ovulation, and it doesn't affect the resulting baby or make the pregnancy more fragile or anything. I really don't think you need to fess up unless you want to. I agree that you should tell them you've been using prometrium so they can assess your need for further supplementation. For future TTC, I would tell them about the clomid maybe, but let's just hope and pray this is a sticky bean! I'll be thinking of you and hope the time passes quickly. Dust, dust, dust!

China, good to see you pop in! Hope all is well with you and your little ones!
Loves Vintage|1389365613|3590274 said:
BrightSpot, They look about the same to me, but the picture is quite small on my monitor, so kind of hard to tell. I remember the nurse telling me not to read into fluctuations on the tests early on, that there are too many variables. I know people on forums like to talk about seeing increases in darkness, but it's not a very reliable method of determining how things are going so early on.

Agree 1000%. I would only be worried if the first test was very faint and the second test wasn't any darker. Those are both two solid, obvious BFPs. Only a few days before your beta on Tuesday. The good thing about waiting for a beta is you are giving it time to rise so it should be fairly high before Tuesday. I'm sure that will be more reassuring than getting early low betas and waiting for them to rise. Hoping to see some fantastic news for you on Tuesday!
As a former POASaholic I agree with the others. Test progression isn't a very accurate way of determining whether a bean will stick. BUT I absolutely understand how cautious you are. I hope you soon find yourself overjoyed!
Run by post to say that my wondfo didn't darken nearly as well progression wise as frer did. I don't think that it means anything at this point since a lot of people don't even get a bfp until after 12 dpo! Praying for you and stalking for updates! :)

Oh and I'd be honest with your doctor. I doubt they'll be upset, probably thrilled!
Bright, I have a Clomid baby. They didn't treat the pregnancy any differently. You will get the extra monitoring because you are under the care of an RE regardless of how the pregnancy came about. And, definitely don't worry about the line darkening. I can't wait to hear about the beta on Tuesday. Keep busy and try to remain cautiously optimistic. I personally would not tell the doctor about the Clomid.
Clomid here, on a rogue cycle too :cheeky: . RE prescribed 100mg, I only took 50, he didn't monitor me and never returned my calls when I left a message that I was pregnant, so I just went to my OB and it's been totally the same as any au naturel pregnancy:-) I didn't get a stitch of other monitoring, no betas, no nothing, just a regular 6-8 week first appt.

You will probably have other monitoring b/c of your history, but not b/c of the clomid:-)
BrightSpot - I received the same monitoring at my RE's office after conceiving during a cycle-off, as I would have received if it had been a medicated cycle. So, that was just beta testing (maybe 3X) and if I remember correctly one ultrasound, and then I was "released" to my ob/gyn and then business as usual!

AFM, I did test this am. I actually tested yesterday morning, haha, typical me. Anyway, super-negative and not feeling any symptoms. Still debating on taking a cycle off. Here are my thoughts:

Reasons to wait: (1) mid-cycle spotting this cycle -- should I allow my body another month to get back to normal? Perhaps it doesn't even matter? (2) I start acupuncture again this weekend. I stopped after my chemical pregnancy, but really had gone only a handful of times. But, I did conceive that cycle after the handful of visits, and I also did acupuncture (around 3 mos) when I conceived S. I had conceived once prior to that (m/c) without acupuncture, so I don't think it's the cure all for me, but more likely random/coincidental and/or a helpful factor when I actually have a good quality egg. My main issue is obviously my lack of good remaining eggs, and it's mostly chance at this point, but I do think the acupuncture can help with implantation, lining, etc. And, so I want to make sure I do that sufficiently in advance. The way the scheduling works with IVF though, even if I don't take a cycle off, it might wind up being 2-4 weeks of acupuncture in advance of the cycle start. (3) My diet could use some improvement -- more protein -- so it might be a good idea to do that for a period of time before IVF, to try to optimize my chance.

Reasons to start now: I just want to start already!!
BS I can't wait for another pic to analyze! How about a FRER for us junkies?!?!

Afm, sitting on 4 days of "high" readings. Ugh. Not sure how much to read into them, but if "peak" is truly indicative of a LH surge, then I'm feeling pessimistic about this month. I have had some left sided pangs this morning but I also just finished a pretty hard workout too so everything hurts ::) CD 13 here and counting.
Bright, congrats!!!! I am so excited for you and sending tons of dust your deserve a miracle! Hoping for 'real' good news on Tuesday and beyond. I can understand wanting to temper your expectations given your history, but I also think you have to allow yourself to celebrate the few joys in this tough process. Easier said than done, I'm sure.

Lv, tough sounds like there are some benefits to waiting, though I've heard that dietary changes take 3 months to have an impact. I don't like to wait so I would probably go for it.
BrightSpot - I'm so happy to read your update! Congratulations! I've got my fingers and toes crossed for you!

Loves Vintage - There are benefits to both waiting and not waiting. I guess you should ask yourself if there's a possibility that you'll regret not taking the extra month off to try to optimize things a little more. How does your husband feel? I know it's the woman's body that has to go through the treatments, but it can also be emotionally stressful for the man too.

Monkeyprincess - I'm glad the full bladder worked for you, and your IUI went smoothly. It's amazing the difference it makes, isn't it? Your husband might have a mild case of epididymitis and may need antibiotics 2-3 times/day for 10-14 days. It may just be that he didn't take the antibiotics long enough the first time. It could be that he had a bladder infection, and the bacteria traveled down to his epididymis. The good news is that once it's cleared up, the quantity and quality of his sperm should improve. Also, the exam can be a little embarrassing.

Shortblonde - How are you doing?