
The Official TTC for 6 Months or More Thread

Yes, darn them for making you wait. Don't they know how neurotic that can make a pregnant women? I'm not at all surprised he was totally fine with the progesterone. I'm not so sure he would be as happy about the clomid part (since he didn't want you to do an unmonitored femara cycle), so I don't blame you for not fessing up to that one. Anyway, the real reason I'm writing is to let you know that I'm sending even more good thoughts and prayers your way while you wait. Hang in there!
Thanks for keeping the support & prayers coming! I feel awful making you guys wait. Ugh.

monkeyprincess|1389736977|3592719 said:
I'm not so sure he would be as happy about the clomid part (since he didn't want you to do an unmonitored femara cycle)

Yeah, that's exactly what I worry about too. And to make it even more awkward, my doc has actually refilled my DH's clomid for us, (that I stole), so I really fear he'd view this as a breach of confidence.

If this pregnancy doesn't work out, it might be worth mentioning as I seem to have better luck with clomid than injectables. thing at a time.

Still waiting... :errrr:
I'm not sure how you are surviving the wait...I'm a stranger and I'm about to barf.
Me too!
Another here cheering on for you! :appl:
Aw, thanks, guys! Amc, thanks for the chuckle. My stomach actually feels a bit unhappy too.

I just emailed my doc but I worry I might not get a response until tomorrow morning. (That's what happened with my first beta last time.)

Just trying to stay calm. I'm sorry for making you guys wait too, but I appreciate the company. ::)
Bright, I thought you were posting your HCG and I clicked on the thread all excited and ARGH! But hope to hear good news very soon.

Re what you tell your doctor, if it were me I would disclose. He might disapprove of you going rogue or whatever, but that happened in the past and doctors deal with whatever is in front of them right now (or at least I do!).
bright-big hugs! I'm sorry that you are on such pins and needles!!! Drs can really be the worst.

Try and do something fun tonight--watch a movie, go to bed early, curl up with a book and some tea, go to a spin class...whatever floats your boat...and hopefully you'll get your results first thing tomorrow. I am praying for you and really hoping that this is a sticky bean(s) :cheeky:
Just heard from my doc. He said my hcg is good at 515!! I'm to recheck in 2 days.

Oh, and I'm 16dpo today.
BrightSpot|1389746058|3592841 said:
Just heard from my doc. He said my hcg is good at 515!! I'm to recheck in 2 days.

Great number! How many DPO are you?
BrightSpot|1389746058|3592841 said:
Just heard from my doc. He said my hcg is good at 515!! I'm to recheck in 2 days.

Oh, and I'm 16dpo today.

Yay!!!! Yay!!! Yay!!!! Continued prayers Bright!!!!
Wonderful news Bright! I know you're not out of the woods yet, but I'm so hopeful for you! For reference my hcg was only 165 on 17dpo. Keeping the prayers coming!
Hurray!!!!!!!! I'm SO excited for you! Happy dance! :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:

Eta: my beta at 15dpo with Hannah was 400, which the nurse said was pretty high. Sounds like you're doing great! I can't wait for your next update.
:appl: :appl: :appl: Super-excited for you, BrightSpot!!! Yay!!! :appl: :appl: :appl:
tammy77|1389747030|3592859 said: :bigsmile:

I just looked at that too. Bright, your number is great. Thinking doubling thoughts!
Woohoo!! Great news!!
Popped in to see if there was an update and I'm doing the happy dance over here!! Here's to continued great news!
:appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: Bright!!!!!!

Way to go rogue :Up_to_something:
This is the best update ever!!! YAY BRIGHTSPOT!

:bigsmile: :appl:
Woohoo! Bang on average!! Yay!
Wooohooooo!!!! :bigsmile:
Brightspot (my octagonal halo sister ;) )

Add me to your cheering squad! This remains the one ps thread that I continue to check on regularly. So so cautiously thriled for you. Sending lots of sticky bean dust and thinking of you :appl: :appl: :appl:
Yay Birght! What wonderful news. The other ladies are much more in-tune with what beta #'s are good! I'll be happily checking updates here for the next few days. If it's super high, could it be possible to have multiples??? Sticky sticky sticky dust for you!!!!

Great news Bright! Sending truckloads of sticky dust your way...
Bright, I am so thrilled for you! Best news of 2014!!! :appl: Sticky, healthy dust to your bean!!!
Congrats Bright! double, double, double!
Yay Bright!!! Can't wait to hear the next beta!
Tons and tons of sticky dust and HCG-doubling dust to you, my dear!

I know it's hard, but try to do something fun and relaxing the next 2 days, and just enjoy this moment! I'm so so so happy for you!!!
HOORAY Bright!!!! Great number! So incredibly happy for you!!!:appl:

For reference, mine was in the 400's at 18DPO. Sending you tons of sticky and doubling dust!
So thrilled for you Brightspot. Sending hugs to you and your little bean!