
The Official TTC Thread!

Fisher- Boo. I really had a feeling about you this round. But I agree, I think you are sooo close. And your house is adorable!

Festy- Your house too! I''m jealous- we did it backwards, baby first and now we are scrambling to find a house before August. Well, ideally June. I know we have time but we have been looking for almost a year. I love the porches!!!!

Seems like a new wave of optimism around here, which is a great thing!!!!!!
Date: 2/3/2009 11:37:48 AM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
Date: 2/3/2009 9:22:37 AM

Author: Mandarine

I''m glad you guys liked the pictures
It''s really emotional to be part of these type of even if you are not a runner and would only walk...I recommend you do it! it''s very rewarding

So today is CD 6 for me...and according to the ovulation calendars I have used online my fertile days start tomorrow (CD 7) until Sunday (CD11)...and I would ovulate probably Saturday. I know that won''t be exact since I''m not really taking my temperature or anything like that...but should I just use that as a guide?. I think that assumes my LP is 14 days, but with a shorter cycle (23) that could be a little shorter, right?

Don''t count on those counters, and don''t count on 23 days being your typical cycle length, which can be wonky coming off the pill! I think you need to cover from CD 6 until CD 21 to be completely safe (longest cycle minus 10 and shortest minues 16). I know that is a longish time, but you could do EOD. Or try every day for CD 8 to CD 16, the most likely fertile window.
If you can manage every day during that most likely time, you will optimize your chances, but many/most couples find that a little... ummm.. tiring!

Oh my...a BD marathon indeed!!! I''m definitely not doing every day! that sounds definitely a little

My cycles even before BC were always short. I was actually to my best friend growing up and she mentioned she even remembers that! haha. So I am confident that this is what is normal for me. I think I will probably do EOD and every day on the weekend
Date: 2/3/2009 5:30:20 PM
Author: Mandarine

Date: 2/3/2009 11:37:48 AM
Author: dreamer_dachsie

Don''t count on those counters, and don''t count on 23 days being your typical cycle length, which can be wonky coming off the pill! I think you need to cover from CD 6 until CD 21 to be completely safe (longest cycle minus 10 and shortest minues 16). I know that is a longish time, but you could do EOD. Or try every day for CD 8 to CD 16, the most likely fertile window.
If you can manage every day during that most likely time, you will optimize your chances, but many/most couples find that a little... ummm.. tiring!

Oh my...a BD marathon indeed!!! I''m definitely not doing every day! that sounds definitely a little

My cycles even before BC were always short. I was actually to my best friend growing up and she mentioned she even remembers that! haha. So I am confident that this is what is normal for me. I think I will probably do EOD and every day on the weekend
The marathon is a tried and true method! We did 10 days in a row and were exhausted by the end... but it worked! LOL! Have fun! EOD is just as good in the long run!
I just told DH about having a marathon and his response was "let''s not get crazy!"

So we''ll see this is out first cycle trying so we''ll ease into it and if anything get more practice!
Hey gals! Just popping in to say that my hunch about a not strong-enough ovulation was right on.
I had my 7DPO progesterone test done today, and it was only 5. It''s supposed to be 10+ on an ovulatory cycle. 5 means that I didn''t ovulate sufficiently to get pregnant (if I ovulated at all). So I got my BFN at 7DPO, ugh.

The good news is that because my charts show anovulation in two out of the four cycles I''ve been trying I got Clomid!!! I am SO ready to be done with 50-60 day cycles, so I hope it works for me! I will hopefully be getting my period in about a week and start at CD5.

I will be posting more later to the rest of you (I just on a quick break between work and class and got to get ready to go soon). Here''s my chart if anyone''s curious.

Date: 2/3/2009 6:23:55 PM
Author: peonygirl
Hey gals! Just popping in to say that my hunch about a not strong-enough ovulation was right on.
I had my 7DPO progesterone test done today, and it was only 5. It''s supposed to be 10+ on an ovulatory cycle. 5 means that I didn''t ovulate sufficiently to get pregnant (if I ovulated at all). So I got my BFN at 7DPO, ugh.

The good news is that because my charts show anovulation in two out of the four cycles I''ve been trying I got Clomid!!! I am SO ready to be done with 50-60 day cycles, so I hope it works for me! I will hopefully be getting my period in about a week and start at CD5.

I will be posting more later to the rest of you (I just on a quick break between work and class and got to get ready to go soon). Here''s my chart if anyone''s curious.
Peony, was that your first 7DPO test? Did you have the CD3 test? Anyways, I hope Clomid works for you, seems like it is warranted given your wonkadoo cycles!!
Nope, I had one last cycle when I got pregnant and it was 11.2. On that chart my temp rose a ton, so I do think that progesterone levels and BBT are highly correlated for me.

My CD3 tests will be taken as soon as I get to CD3.
Hopefully sooner than later!

I hope the clomid works wonders, girlie!

Re: CD3 testing, did you do the at-home variety? I thought that was a blood test, and I was confused when the link you posted for the semen test had a girl''s test included for CD3, but with urine.

Now I wonder if I ovulate "sufficiently" or not, too. Hmm. My cycles are a lot like yours at times, and I don''t know if my BBT rise is adequate or not.

Tonight I went to the store and saw a 20 pack of OPKs (the dip strip kind) for $18. I also saw "conceive" lubricant and thought about buying both. But instead, I bought none. I guess I''m still deciding what to do this go-round. Lucky for me, I''m on CD4 and won''t O until closer to 19-26. I have time to think, I suppose.
I need some happy sperm thoughts here!

OK guys, I''ve been lurking after having a hard time dealing with last cycle''s BFN (simultaneous to my brother announcing that #3 is on the way). No I''m at CD15, triggered with HCG yesterday, and had an IUI this morning. Unfortunately, my husband''s sample was probably the worst to date, with hardly anything moving in there, and minimal volume to start with. I don''t have any great hopes for this cycle at this point, despite my beautiful 5-6 follicles (we thought there were only 3 until yesterday evening). If you could pray or keep your fingers crossed for a good sperm sample from DH tomorrow morning (and more importantly a +HPT from this cycle), I''d really appreciate it!

This infertility business totally sucks. We''re going to an IVF info session at one clinic next Tues, and then we have a consult for IVF at another clinic on Mar 4th. We didn''t go that route prior to this point because it seemed like it was just a matter of time, and that IVF would be unnecessarily invasive and expensive. It''s not looking that way anymore!

Peony - great news on the clomid.
Fisher - sorry about your BFN. Hope next cycle''s better!

Sorry I can''t remember too much more in terms of doing personals. When my TTC mood gets better again, I''m sure I"ll be on here more often.

Kate I am sending you all the baby dust in the entrie world!!
Peony- Glad you are at least getting some answers and I really hope Clomid does the trick for you. I imagine you must be so frustrated with your long cycles.

Kate- Oh honey, big huge wishes/prayers/infinite amounts of magical every kind of dust. Thinking of you.
Kate lots of happy thoughts for the sperms and follicles
I'm praying for you too, Kate. I hope the BFP shows up this time!

Yay on the Clomid Peony! I think that's great news. Better to get started sooner rather than later. I hope this works for you! That's interesting about your chart and O not being strong enough. I hope this helps it!

Mandarine, 'don't go crazy' heehee
Oh, hubbys. Don't they know that's what we do??
hehe. Good luck with the BDing.

I hope you like the OPKs Fisher.
ETA: Oh, I just realized that you didn't get any after all :) Well, think about it. If my chart ends up coinciding with these OPKs, I think I might like them afterall!

I took another OPK this afternoon and it's definitely a positive today. Much darker than the control line. (unless of course it's a false positive???) But today is CD17 and that was my O day last month, so I think it's about here. I hope we can get another DTD in! To the OPK experts (does that mean Preggos?) - if I'm getting a strong OPK result today will it most likely be too late to DTD tomorrow night?
Fisher (and Dreamer asked about this too): Sorry about the CD3 test confusion! I've talked about those a bunch and they were ordered in early November, but I haven't had them yet because I got pregnant on that cycle and I guess you can't do them right after a miscarriage. I don't have the list of tests in front of me, but it was about 5 (prolactin, estradiol, FSH, LH, etc--all bloodtests). The female test part of Fertell is just an FSH test (follice stimulating hormone), and I guess that it is considered to be a test of the "quality of one's eggs" because FSH goes up the closer you get to menopause. Honestly I don't think that's a useful test for most women under 35, but I guess they just included it as a bonus to the male test. (Mine came out fine btw). I am very curious to see the results of my CD3 bloodtests show though, because apparently women with PCOS tend to have an elevated LH: FSH ratio. That would totally jive with my getting dark lines on my OPKs for weeks before ovulation.
I really, really doubt that you don't O sufficiently because you have GREAT temp rises. If you look at my current chart and the last one I posted, I definitely didn't have much of a temp rise.

Kate: A MOUNTAIN OF BABY DUST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As you know you only need one sperm (unless you're shooting for multiples!) and I really hope that with your high number of follicles at least one will be fertilized and implant! You deserve it!!!!!!!!!

Natalina: Thanks so much for sharing all of that with us! I'm really happy for you and hope we can be on the preggo thread together later.

Sunkist: You will probably ovulate 12-36 hrs after your positive OPK, so if possible I like to do it the day of the positive, the day after, and the day after that (just for good measure, although that last day probably doesn't do much). You can get a false positive on those if you are very dehydrated, but otherwise if you have normal cycles you should ovulate right after your LH peaks.

InLuv, Blushing, and Festy: I'm wish only the best for you guys!!!!!!!!!

Mandarine: Welcome to the thread! I don't think I'd said hi to you yet.

I'm sure I missed someone. Good luck to you too. ;)
Fisher, I know I am a little late on this, but I am so sorry to hear that you were out this past cycle, and that fainting episode is scary. I hope Paul took good care of you!

Mandarine, Welcome to the thread! I was a lurker on BWW when you were planning your wedding and it was beautiful. The pictures from your run inspired me to go on my first run in a while (I live in Philadelphia and tend to hibernate in the winter because it gets cold here.) I hope your stay here is short - good luck with the marathon!

Peony, I am interested to hear how it goes with the Clomid, I spoke to the doctor after not getting AF again this cycle and she is going to put me on it as well. I wasn''t able to get an appt until the end of February, so I''ll probably be a few weeks behind you. Hopefully this does the trick for both of us.

drk, I am thinking of you even if you are not posting that often.

As I mentioned above, I did not get a period this cycle again and there was no sign of ovulation, so the Dr. is going to put me on Clomid. I couldn''t get an appt till the end of February but I am calling every morning to see if there is a cancellation because I hate thinking that we are going to miss a whole month of trying. Hopefully the receptionist will get tired of me calling and find me an appt! I have been a little down the past few days and didn''t feel like posting after being out this month and also basically knowing that because I haven''t been O''ing we haven''t "really" been trying at all the past 6 months. It is super frustrating and I am not that patient to begin with.

Also, while my DH is super smart, he knows nothing about the female reproductive system, so he didn''t really get it at first when I was explaining that no matter how many times we BD''d, we and 0% chance of getting pregnant since I did not ovulate. Now that he understands that, he wants to come to the Dr. appt because he wants answers as to why I am not ovulating. I want answers too since there seems to be no obvious reason, I''ve had the blood tests (all fine), I don''t have pcos, I don''t have thyroid problems, and am generally very healthy. I know sometimes there just isn''t an answer, but that doesn''t sit well with my very practical DH. I am happy to have him involved and coming to the Dr appt though!
NovemberBride I wonder if they can do any tests to determine conclusively whether or not you ovulate? I was googling "accuracy basal temperature ovulation" the other day (I was curious about how accurate the temp shift is in predicting the day of ovulation), and apparently up to 20% of people who do not have a biphasic shift in temperature actually do ovulate. Anyways, I know you have also been having long cycles etc., but I wanted to just point out that information since it may be relevant to you! Good luck at the doctor''s appointment! So many women have great luck with Clomid, I hope you do to.
November, that is great!!!!!!!!! The reasons they''ll give you are low body weight, stress, or overexercising but beyond that they probably won''t know. Did you get your period regularly before you went off the pill?

Is there any way you can get a dr. to call in your Clomid prescription without a visit, as he/she has already said you can have it? I''ve found that drs. are actually pretty willing to do this if you''ve seen them and discussed your issues before. You really only need a short phone explanation for when to take it. You''ll probably be doing the progesterone withdrawal too to get your period, right?
Hey NovemberBride, sorry you''re not feeling so hot. That stinks that AF is not cooperating with you. I hope you can get an appt to start Clomid sooner than scheduled or do it over the phone like Peony suggested. I''m glad your hubby is being a support to you. That is very important. Lots of O dust for you!!

ALL the best wishes for you this go-round. Girl, if I could make it so, I would. Prayers will be flowing, I promise!!


I sometimes feel like such a weenie getting so upset over not being pregnant when so many others have endured so much more than I. I truly am pulling for you and praying that there''s a swimmer that finds an egg and that a wonderful pregnancy begins, and ends with a wonderfully cuddly baby in your waiting arms.


Yeah, I''d keep on the Dr. office about cancelations. When I was having that LONG cycle in December, they called and said they had a cancelation, but I had court that day for work, so I couldn''t go, but it would have been a great opportunity to get that LONG cycle over with.

Hoping that things work out QUICKLY for you, girlie!!


Thanks for the update. I''m much less confused now.

Hoping like crazy that Clomid is your magic, girl!!!
Kate - Hi! I just wanted to send you LOTS of baby dust!!!! I will have you in my thoughts and hope you come back ith great news!

Peony - Hi there!!
Good luck with the Clomid!!! I know it worked wonders for two of my friends so this is definitely going to be a good thing for you!

Sunkist - Those tests do look confusing! Just to cover all the possibilities, I think an extra DTD tonight wouldn't hurt!. I hope this is your cycle!!!

November - Hi!!!
Thank you for the comment about my wedding!. I had so much fun planning the wedding...I always tell DH we should do it again...hehe
. I am glad I got you motivated to go running!. It's my evil secret plan, to trun everyone into motivated runners!'s been working!. My sister and a couple of friends have decided to start running too. I only started in October, but I am just loing it so much. I never thought I would because I have never been a runner (or enjoyed anything to do with running before!). So it caught me by surprise to stumble upon running and love it. I am using the Nike+Ipod and it's definitely helps to keep me motivated and get out there. I'm hoping to run a Half Marathon soon and I'm training for a 10-mile run in March. From what I have read, most girls keep on running when pregnant...but if I do get pregnant I will play it by ear and maybe keep running but not do any "longer" distance running.

I am very happy for you that DH wants to get involved! That is great!!!! I hope you can get the Clomid sooner and lots of baby dust for you as well!!!!

Fisher - it's great to see you in good spirits
...back on the 2009 TTC train with positive thoughts


As for me, Today we should BD...but it may not be possible. I have to drive down to my office (I normally work from home since the office is like 65 miles away!). I may stay there until late at night because my sister lives around there and my dad is doing a super short visit (from Costa Rica!). So well....I tried to tell DH we should BD in the morning (I didn't say "BD" because he would have looked at me like I was insane!)...but he had a bad night and had to get to the office early. So maybe we don't "get crazy" until tomorrow....hehe

ETA: Sorry in advance for all the clapping and the "!!!"...I am an exclamation pointaholic!...but I swear in real life I don't talk like that!
hello lovelies

Keeping a low profile these days, but still reading up on everyone''s news.

Fisher -
I''m sorry it didn''t work out this past cycle, but it will. it will. and that will be one lucky little baby!!

Dr. Kate - I''m very much rooting for you and your hubby. swim. swim. swim. heaps of baby dust to you both.

mandarine - welcome and hope that you are out of here right quick

festy -
you''re a wiley one (and i''ll admit i did take a *closer* look at that GORGEOUS house)

peony - interseting about your tests. I''m scheduled for a CD 3 battery, but couldn''t get there this cycle. however, my dr. doesn''t do the CD 7 test. though i may press her on that more a little later, especially due to my particular spotting issue.
i''m honestly just hoping that i''ll get KTFU and won''t have to deal with it. wouldn''t that be grand.

blushing and inluv - hope that everything is going well. baby dust to you all!!
I''m at CD 8. Lucky cycle 9.
November: I meant, "did you get your periods regularly before you went ON the pill, not OFF.

Lovely: It''s a 7DPO test, not a CD7 test. I think you probably meant that, but I don''t want you asking for the wrong test if you ever go that route.
Thanks peony - it was a mis-type!
InLuv, I''m curious to see whether this will be another early O for. Did your cycle also get shorter the last time you O''d earlier? I could probably go back and read through the posts, but I''m lazy. :) I''m glad your bases are covered if you did O.

China, good luck on your house search. Hopefully you''re in a good position to buy in this market (depending where you live, I guess). We bought our house just before things started taking a downturn.
We need to be there a long time...

Peony, hoo-RAY for Clomid! I have a really good feeling about this for you.

DrK, I am sending you all the baby and sperm dust I can muster. I can imagine it must be hard to face an intervention you had hoped not to have. Hopefully you still won''t. But maybe going to the info session will make it seem less daunting.

November - keep calling that receptionist, send her flowers if you think it will help! Good luck. I hope you get an appointment soon.


Yesterday I had a sh*tty afternoon. I had my second-ever mammogram. (Because my mother had breast cancer, my insurance covers them for me starting at 35). Anyway, after they took the first round of images I had to go back in and get more done because they hadn''t gotten good enough views. I had a different tech the second time and she put an apron around my waist, covering my abdomen. I said "why didn''t I get one of these 30 minutes ago?" Her response was, "well, you should always ask for one." Needless to say, I was fuming. How am I supposed to know to ask for one? Isn''t that your job? I know it''s probably not a big deal but I was upset. I talked to the nurse who gave me the results (they were fine) and told her my concerns and that we are TTC. She basically said it''s no big deal, don''t sweat it.

Tonight we start the EOD BD marathon. Wish us luck! I kind of want to skip today, knowing it''s probably not necessary, and build up DH''s supplies. He insists on giving it a go though.

CD 10
Festy so we are in the BD marathon together!
Good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!
Date: 2/4/2009 1:31:13 PM
Author: Mandarine
Festy so we are in the BD marathon together!
Good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!
hhaaa... your husbands would LOVE that I am sure!
Date: 2/4/2009 1:31:13 PM
Author: Mandarine
Festy so we are in the BD marathon together!
Good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!
You too!
Date: 2/4/2009 1:58:54 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie

Date: 2/4/2009 1:31:13 PM
Author: Mandarine
Festy so we are in the BD marathon together!
Good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!
hhaaa... your husbands would LOVE that I am sure!
DH is the most competitive person I know. I think it would actually help his performance!
Date: 2/4/2009 2:04:43 PM
Author: Festy

Date: 2/4/2009 1:58:54 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie

Date: 2/4/2009 1:31:13 PM
Author: Mandarine
Festy so we are in the BD marathon together!
Good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!
hhaaa... your husbands would LOVE that I am sure!
DH is the most competitive person I know. I think it would actually help his performance!
Festy, I worry that your mind is not dirty enough... look at what Mandarine is implying!
Hi girls,
Just popping in quickly...

Festy - That is sucky. I can see why you would be upset.
I hope your tests come out okay.

IniLuv, did you O? Yeah, it''s weird how O''s can change around like that. It''s a good thing you were on top of it!

My O date looks like it''ll be earlier this time. Today is CD12 and I have ewcm!! Totally shocked, since I''ve never had ewcm this early. I guess it''s the Clomid - last cycle I O''d on CD17 - this cycle looks like I''ll be O''ing earlier. (I''ve read that O date can change around a lot on Clomid too). DH and I Bd''d yesterday, but I wasn''t planning to do any serious BDing until this weekend (CD16/17). I really don''t want to tire DH out, but if I get a positive OPK today we''ll have to start today. We''re not doing a BD marathon really, just trying for the day before O, and the day of O mostly.

Good luck to you girls with the BD marathons!!

(By the way - a curious question. Do you say ''BD'' in your head, instead of saying sex/intercourse? I find that I say ''BD" in my mind all the time, and almost said it out loud a couple of times. Is it just me?)

Peony - I"m sorry about the prog. test, but I''m glad you''re getting the Clomid. I believe it''ll definitely help you have a shorter and more predictable cycle, plus a nicer and stronger O.
You already know you can get pg, so with the Clomid it''ll only be a matter of time!
If any of you are worried about depleting your hubby''s swimmers with too much BD, apparently unless there is a KNOWN issues with sperm count or quality, then DTD every day still has a slightly better success rate than EOD. In other words, if you think you can DTD twice in the fertile period, then go for it and don''t worry about the swimmers!

Of course, if DH is too tired that is another story!