
The Official TTC Thread!

Dreamer!!!! LOL!!

I wasn''t implying anything dirty until you said it like that!! hahaha...but hey, if it helps the DHs then let them wonder...haha

That was too funny!! lol
Date: 2/4/2009 2:11:38 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie

Date: 2/4/2009 2:04:43 PM
Author: Festy

Date: 2/4/2009 1:58:54 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie

Date: 2/4/2009 1:31:13 PM
Author: Mandarine
Festy so we are in the BD marathon together!
Good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!
hhaaa... your husbands would LOVE that I am sure!
DH is the most competitive person I know. I think it would actually help his performance!
Festy, I worry that your mind is not dirty enough... look at what Mandarine is implying!
No need to worry, DD. If you only knew how I edit myself.
Oh, I almost forgot to add! I finally got the *scooping* method down this morning! Thanks again, DD! I realized it''s a lot easier when there''s a lot to scoop! It kind of seemed like a mixture of EW/W and C. I entered "C" in FF, but I know according to the rules I''m supposed to enter the most fertile kind. Hmm...ok, going to make the change.
Date: 2/4/2009 2:46:34 PM
Author: Festy
Oh, I almost forgot to add! I finally got the *scooping* method down this morning! Thanks again, DD! I realized it''s a lot easier when there''s a lot to scoop! It kind of seemed like a mixture of EW/W and C. I entered ''C'' in FF, but I know according to the rules I''m supposed to enter the most fertile kind. Hmm...ok, going to make the change.
There will always be a few types, but if you have the real EW--which you can stretch for inches and inches between your fingers
--then record that and get busy!
Date: 2/4/2009 2:11:38 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie

Date: 2/4/2009 2:04:43 PM
Author: Festy

Date: 2/4/2009 1:58:54 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie

Date: 2/4/2009 1:31:13 PM
Author: Mandarine
Festy so we are in the BD marathon together!
Good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!
hhaaa... your husbands would LOVE that I am sure!
DH is the most competitive person I know. I think it would actually help his performance!
Festy, I worry that your mind is not dirty enough... look at what Mandarine is implying!
p.p.s., I''ve seen pictures of Mandarine and I could do a whole lot worse!

[Mandarine, are you running from this thread yet?]
LOL, not running...I''m the "newbie" so keeping my dirty thoughts for myself...haha, laughing out loud at the office, people must think I am nuts!.

Now what in the world is scooping? ...
I''ll get home and tell DH we need to "get on the floor" (still my favorite definition of GOF), scoop and to get erady because Festy, the artist formerly known as "???", and me are on a BD Marathon together!!! LOL
Date: 2/4/2009 3:01:08 PM
Author: Mandarine
LOL, not running...I''m the ''newbie'' so keeping my dirty thoughts for myself...haha, laughing out loud at the office, people must think I am nuts!.

Now what in the world is scooping? ...
It''s a way to internally check your CM...DD posted and reposted a tutorial on this method but I can''t find it right now. Basically, insert two fingers, scoop, retrieve.



Date: 2/4/2009 3:04:35 PM
Author: Mandarine
I''ll get home and tell DH we need to ''get on the floor'' (still my favorite definition of GOF), scoop and to get erady because Festy, the artist formerly known as ''???'', and me are on a BD Marathon together!!! LOL
Date: 2/4/2009 3:40:56 PM
Author: Festy

Date: 2/4/2009 3:04:35 PM
Author: Mandarine
I''ll get home and tell DH we need to ''get on the floor'' (still my favorite definition of GOF), scoop and to get erady because Festy, the artist formerly known as ''???'', and me are on a BD Marathon together!!! LOL
Date: 2/4/2009 3:35:44 PM
Author: Festy

Date: 2/4/2009 3:01:08 PM
Author: Mandarine
LOL, not running...I''m the ''newbie'' so keeping my dirty thoughts for myself...haha, laughing out loud at the office, people must think I am nuts!.

Now what in the world is scooping? ...
It''s a way to internally check your CM...DD posted and reposted a tutorial on this method but I can''t find it right now. Basically, insert two fingers, scoop, retrieve.





I''ll give the marathons a try before I get into any scooping...hehe
Sha, that is awesome! Good luck! I''m sure you''ve posted this before, but how long were your cycles before Clomid? Thanks!
DrK- Thinking of you today and hoping this morning went well!

Peony- Let''s hope that the Clomid makes all the diference for you! When will you be starting it? I hope we''re on the preggo thread together, too!

November- I agree with the other ladies- call everyday, send flowers, whaatever gets you in that door sooner! Good luck!

Sunkist- I hope the OPK''s helped you hit your O this month. Sounds like you were definitely on top of it!

Blushing and InLuv- Thinking of you guys...hope all is going well.

Mandarine and Festy- Go girls! Have FUN with your marathons!
And the whole ''scooping'' thing- hilarious! That''s one thing I might not share with DH!

Sha- Oooooo...exciting! Hope this is your month!

Fisher- how are you doing?

Wishing the best for all of you!
Thanks for all the positive thoughts everyone - you''re all so sweet! I''m going to keep this extra short since i haven''t done any studying today and want to be in bed by 10pm. I barely slept last night, nor did DH. I was stressing about him not sleeping almost as much as I was about me not sleeping, cause I figured he''d be even less in the mood the more tired he was. Well, his volume was a little better today (still only 0.6cc, while the range of normal is something like 2.5-6cc), though fewer sperm in there (only 10-15 million/cc, which was really low), but at least more of them were swimming away. She was happier with today''s sample than yesterday''s for sure (though I think only about 5million total got put back in). I think I had ovulation abdo discomfort starting around 4am this morning, with the worst of it from aroudn 6am-10am, so I''m hoping that my 10:45am IUI will have caught a couple of eggs today despite DH''s abysmal numbers. The follicles were definitely all either fully collapsed or in the process of collapsing when we looked this morning.

I''m running on so little sleep that I have no energy for too many comments on other people, but I have to say:
Festy - I love your ROTFLMAO emoticon a few posts up. How on earth do you make it? It even rolls around and everything! (I''m such a kid, to get such a kick out of an emoticon, aren''t I?).

Hopefully I"ll have more time and energy to get more personal tomorrow!
Infertility bites the big one, I have to say... I''m so ready for it to be over and done with.
Morning ladies...

Festy & Mandarine -- You guys are too much, I was laughing so hard I almost cried!

Natalia - Thanks for checking in. Does it feel real yet?

November -- I don't blame you for calling that receptionist every day, I sure would too! I'm sure you will be able to get in early.

Festy -- I would have been pissed too! How on earth are we supposed to know that stuff, that is why they are the medical professionals!

Sha -- How awesome that you had ewcm earlier! Sounds like the clomid is working well for you - I'm so glad! Lol, about your BD question. I say "B-D" in my head when I read posts so you aren't alone.

Amber -- We miss ya!

**********************Baby dust to everyone else*******************************

As for me it is CD13. Festy & Sha - I did not O like I thought I was going to earlier this week. I had that one high temp then it dropped back down, so we are continuing the EOD marathon. I've had fertile CM since CD8 and that is a record for me but I have been drinking a ton of water so I'm sure that explains it. Crossing my fingers for O to happen today (since we BD last night) or tomorrow (since we are planning to tonight also).
I do have to say that for some reason the stress level about getting KTFU has decreased dramatically. I'm not sure why that is. BD is fun again and not like work and I just don't feel as stressed - like I just know it's going to happen for us, it's just a matter of time. (let's see if I still feel this way at 10-14DPO
DrK -

Mandarine, I hope you had better luck than we did getting on the floor last night. DH is getting sick so we did not get on the floor; we got in bed and he promptly fell asleep.
As long as he''s better by tomorrow, he can be as sick as he wants to be today! Am I over-sharing yet?

InLuv - I''m glad your timing is good and that you''re feeling optimistic! That is so great.

CD 11
Date: 2/5/2009 9:57:45 AM
Author: Festy
DrK -

Mandarine, I hope you had better luck than we did getting on the floor last night. DH is getting sick so we did not get on the floor; we got in bed and he promptly fell asleep.
As long as he''s better by tomorrow, he can be as sick as he wants to be today! Am I over-sharing yet?

InLuv - I''m glad your timing is good and that you''re feeling optimistic! That is so great.

CD 11
LOL!!!...We didn''t get on the floor last night either. I was exhausted when I got home and just went from the couch, to the shower to bed!. This morning though was a different story!
I''m not an AM GOF kind of gal, but I am highly motivated!!!. So let the games begins!!! Mandarine 1 - Festy 0!
Date: 2/5/2009 10:03:02 AM
Author: Mandarine

Date: 2/5/2009 9:57:45 AM
Author: Festy
DrK -

Mandarine, I hope you had better luck than we did getting on the floor last night. DH is getting sick so we did not get on the floor; we got in bed and he promptly fell asleep.
As long as he''s better by tomorrow, he can be as sick as he wants to be today! Am I over-sharing yet?

InLuv - I''m glad your timing is good and that you''re feeling optimistic! That is so great.

CD 11
LOL!!!...We didn''t get on the floor last night either. I was exhausted when I got home and just went from the couch, to the shower to bed!. This morning though was a different story!
I''m not an AM GOF kind of gal, but I am highly motivated!!!. So let the games begins!!! Mandarine 1 - Festy 0!
Well, my persistence (annoyance) paid off. After only two days of harassing the receptionist (in the nicest way possible of course), she found me an opening for tomorrow at lunch to meet with the Dr. re: Clomid. So much better than waiting the whole month.

Festy and Mandarine, you made me spit out my coffee this morning with your little exchange.
That is awesome news November!
So happy that you are getting in early. Please let us know how the visit goes.
Date: 2/5/2009 10:03:02 AM
Author: Mandarine
So let the games begins!!! Mandarine 1 - Festy 0!
Day-um! She''s throwing down the gauntlet! That''s it, I''m heading straight to DH''s office. I hope they have some comfortable floors!

In all seriousness, good for you! Way to take the bull by the horns!
November - Yayy!! I''m so happy the persistence paid off, that''s great news!!

Festy - LOL I wouldn''t recommend office floors (no I have not tried them!) but who knows what lives in them! You still have time to catch up

On another more serious note

Are any of you coffee drinkers?. I have coffee every morning (for as long as I can remember!)...about 2 cups and the occasional tea in the afternoon. I only love and enjoy my wine on weekends. My question it ok to continue until I''m actually pregnant?. Ever since we decided to TTC I have been enjoying my coffee and wine more than ever before (thinking I will have to say goodbye to it for a while)

The weekend is almost here! yayyyyy!!!
InLuv That is awesome about so much fertile CF! I think it could mean great things for this cycle for you... my EW didn''t show up until my fourht cycle off the pill, third cycle TTC, and when it finally came back for real is lasted for days and days and days... I just kept thinking "C''mon, ovulate already!" I was actually putting off a business trip until I had confirmed ovulation if you can believe it, and DH and I were doing an every day marathon so we just kept thinking, "Again??!! WTF?" Anyways, here''s hoping you ovulate soon, but I wanted to say that it is really great that you body is showing such strong fertility signs. When my body started doing that we got KTFU!
Mandarine and Festy - you''re KILLING ME!!!
Date: 2/5/2009 10:58:20 AM
Author: Mandarine

Are any of you coffee drinkers?. I have coffee every morning (for as long as I can remember!)...about 2 cups and the occasional tea in the afternoon. I only love and enjoy my wine on weekends. My question it ok to continue until I''m actually pregnant?. Ever since we decided to TTC I have been enjoying my coffee and wine more than ever before (thinking I will have to say goodbye to it for a while)
In reality, you can probably keep doing what you are doing and it will be fine... no blood supply is shared util about 21DPO, so you won''t harm you baby. Buuut, be aware that more than 3 cups of coffee per day is associated with a higher risk of miscarriage, so the extra caffeine from 2 cups of coffee and a black tea *could* be enough to affect your body''s ability to successfully implant an embryo. To be on the safe side, many women limint caffein to only 1 cup of coffee (or equivalent caffein) per day while TTC.

In the end it probably doesn''t matter, but I thought you''d like to know so you can make your own decision.

AND no TTCer or preggo should drink green tea. There is an enzym in it that inhibits your body''s ability to absorb folic acid, and as we all know, that is a very important nutrient in the first days of pregnancy and needs time to build up in the system. Again, it is probably not harmful to drink a little, but better safe than sorry!
Date: 2/5/2009 10:59:12 AM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
InLuv That is awesome about so much fertile CF! I think it could mean great things for this cycle for you... my EW didn''t show up until my fourht cycle off the pill, third cycle TTC, and when it finally came back for real is lasted for days and days and days... I just kept thinking ''C''mon, ovulate already!'' I was actually putting off a business trip until I had confirmed ovulation if you can believe it, and DH and I were doing an every day marathon so we just kept thinking, ''Again??!! WTF?'' Anyways, here''s hoping you ovulate soon, but I wanted to say that it is really great that you body is showing such strong fertility signs. When my body started doing that we got KTFU!
I sure hope this is the case for me too!
Thank you Dreamer!! That is good to know!. I was aware of the caffeine/miscarriage connection but thought that was once you were actually pregnant. I will definitely start cutting down to 1 cup. That will make it easier anyway when I have to stop all together

Thankfully for me, I don''t like green tea!

Thanks again
DD - thanks for the reminder on green tea. I haven''t encountered that advice from doctors or any other reading I''ve done.

Mandy - May I call you Mandy? (I tease). I still drink a cup of coffee a day. It''s a 12 oz. cup, so really that''s probably a cup and a half. I figure the headaches I would have from not drinking it would be a disaster, not to mention the grumpiness. I may cut back in volume when I''m KTFU, or even sooner if we''re not PG soonish. (To catch you up, this is our 8th cycle off the pill and 7th cycle trying...).

November - I''m so glad you got that appointment! Please let us know how it goes.
I still drink a cup of coffee every morning.
Actually, I drink espresso. One every morning. Slurp slurp!
Date: 2/5/2009 12:06:09 PM
Author: Festy
DD - thanks for the reminder on green tea. I haven''t encountered that advice from doctors or any other reading I''ve done.

Mandy - May I call you Mandy? (I tease). I still drink a cup of coffee a day. It''s a 12 oz. cup, so really that''s probably a cup and a half. I figure the headaches I would have from not drinking it would be a disaster, not to mention the grumpiness. I may cut back in volume when I''m KTFU, or even sooner if we''re not PG soonish. (To catch you up, this is our 8th cycle off the pill and 7th cycle trying...).

November - I''m so glad you got that appointment! Please let us know how it goes.

aww I love Mandy

I''m glad I''m not the only coffee drinker!.

Maybe this is your cycle Festy...I will keep my fingers crossed for you!. I hear you on the headaches and grumpiness!! I know that it will be hard for me. As a kid I would have "cafe con leche" (mainly milk but still with coffee on it!''s a Latin thing I guess...)

This is obviously my first cycle and I''m happy to bring you guys a little humor! (because I know that can easily fade with the frustration from trying). A very close friend of mine has been trying (in vitro, etc) for over 2 years...I wish with all my heart she gets pregnant before I do because I don''t even know how I would be able to tell her.

I am rooting for all of you to get "knocked up" this go around and then you all can hopefully give me pointers

(luv it!)