
The Official TTC Thread!

I go off and get the flu, don''t post in a couple days, and look what the heck happens!!!!!!






I''m so excited for you girls and wish you both a very happy pregnancy! What an exciting day it was around here. Hope all this baby dust wipes off on the rest of us!!
Soooooo, this is the first day I was able to get out of bed...finally sweated that fever out today and I''m feeling alot better. I had to come post (to congratulate Ebree & Mandarine of course) but also to say that I had some spotting/pink tinged cm today. That is not abnormal for me a few days before AFF but I''ve never had it this early. I usually get it at 10DPO or later and today is 7DPO. Trying. So. Hard. Not. To. Hope. The only other explanation is that I O''d earlier than FF says and I''m further along in my cycle, although I really don''t think so because my temps were so erratic early in this cycle. I quit temping after I got crosshairs but I think I will pick the thermometer up in the morning to see what happens the next couple of days.

InLuv101, I''m glad you''re feeling better! I''ll be checking back to see if your pink tinge is what you hope. Sending good vibes your way . . .

Sha, you asked about BDing which led to my pregnancy last week, but I didn''t know what BDing meant at the time. I saw your question when I went back to revel in the excitement of when I first posted. Anyway . . .

So period was Jan 15, ovulation was Jan 29 and/or 30. We BDed morning of the 29th when my fertility monitor suddenly went from low to peak. Then we BDed again night of the 30th. And that was it for the whole cycle due to illness and DH''s back. Thursday morning was an unexpected quickie so I didn''t have time to lie still afterwards. And if I only ovulated on Thursday, then I figure that was the time that did it because Friday night was more than 24 hours later.

Funny, isn''t it? Why didn''t we get pregnant the four months when we did it more often and I lay there for a while after trying to give the swimmers a better chance?

If my theory about double ovulation is correct, then that was probably the greatest thing that increased our chances. Even with BDing at the correct time, you only have a, what, 20% chance of conception? So I figure that if indeed there were two eggs, that doubled my chances.
So, Pricescope was locking up on me yesterday and I tried to log in through my phone, hence the "undefined" post.

BUT, I''ve been wanting to post a HUGE congratulations to Miss EBREE who has been carrying a baby for some time and who has known about it since HALLOWEEN!!!! Girl, you know how to hide out, that''s for sure!! So very happy for you!! Can''t tell you the number of times you''ve crossed my mind and I''ve prayed for you. This will continue as you carry your little boy to term. How very, very exciting!

Now, to the question I''ve been waiting and waiting and waiting to be able to ask you; did you get your HOTSLING yet?


Girl, post that digital test, because YOU have to take one tomorrow morning. So excited for you!

Date: 2/20/2009 9:14:08 PM
Author: fisherofmengirly
So, Pricescope was locking up on me yesterday and I tried to log in through my phone, hence the ''undefined'' post.

BUT, I''ve been wanting to post a HUGE congratulations to Miss EBREE who has been carrying a baby for some time and who has known about it since HALLOWEEN!!!! Girl, you know how to hide out, that''s for sure!! So very happy for you!! Can''t tell you the number of times you''ve crossed my mind and I''ve prayed for you. This will continue as you carry your little boy to term. How very, very exciting!


Hey you! I responded to this post in the pregnant thread, but I forgot to address the hotsling issue. I fully plan to buy one in the next few weeks- I just have to decide on a pattern!
lover in athens, Sha, Novemberbride, octoberbride, and InLuv,

Thank you all so much!
InLuv you could have O'd on CD 19 and then had a fall-back rise two days later... hard to tell with your illness temps, but that is possible!
InLuv glad you''re feeling better! I''m not sure what''s going on with the tinted CM. I hope it means something good
Let''s hope this preggo outbreak is contagious, eh?
Hoping the best for you, dear!
Hi Fisher, I''m glad you''re not locked out anymore! missed you around here
Even though I know I''m only on for a little bit each day myself ... not like in LIW days

How are you doing? Still in the TWW?
Hi Everyone

I just wanted to post a message of support to you all. I am 43 and about to embark on my second marriage. During my first marriage which ended 8 years ago, several years of unsuccessful attempts at parent hood and many tests and treatments confirmed that I would never be able to have children. I get so much joy and comfort at reading your success stories I cannot begin to tell you, and I wanted to shout out and say congratulations to the successful and good luck and best wishes to the triers. It warms my old heart, so thank you for sharing your trials and tribulations!
Good morning all. First the shout-outs,

InLuv - ooh, honey, I really hope that pink stuff is a good sign! You wouldn''t be the first person here to get KU while sick!

Mandarine - how are you doing? Didja take that digital test yet?

Samantha Red - thank you for such a lovely post. I wish you the best of luck in your new marriage! Feel free to pop in any time.


Temp drop today, so AF will probably show up tomorrow. Not a big surprise.

We had our appointment with the RE yesterday and it was great. For one thing, he actually wanted to see my charts! That made me ecstatic, as I am extremely proud of them.
This made DH laugh and laugh. The RE said they were "beautiful," clearly biphasic, etc. He ordered CD 3 blood tests for me and a SA (sperm analysis) for DH. This is where I could use some serious dust. I''m nervous about the SA results, for no reason at all, just something I can''t control.

Here was the most interesting part, and I am embarassed that with all of my reading I didn''t know this. I''m going to put this in bold type so no one misses it but feel free to give me a virtual dope slap if this is common knowledge. NSAIDs (Ibuprofen, aspirin, Naprosene, etc.) can prevent and/or delay ovulation. I had read not to take these things while pregnant but didn''t realize they can interfere with ovulation. And there are times when I''m taking a lot of Advil, between my TMJ and tension headaches. In a nutshell, NSAIDs can cause luteinised unruptured follicle (LUF) syndrome, in which there are clinical signs of ovulation but no ruptured follical or a delay in ovulation. Here''s one website that has several journal abstracts in case anyone wants to read up on this. The good news is this is completely reversible. The doctor said it''s probably fine to take an Advil or two for AF cramps, but to stop thereafter.

So, who knows if this has been the problem. It surely wasn''t a problem EVERY cycle, but could certainly have factored in a time or two. The doctor also recommended switching to Clear Blue Easy OPK strips because temping is so burdensome. I am happy to put the thermometer away, although I''m a little nervous about relying on OPKs alone. Thankfully I am regular enough that I can just make sure we BD on the right days anyway. We go back in two weeks for the test results. Thanks for listening!
Date: 2/20/2009 11:37:48 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
InLuv you could have O''d on CD 19 and then had a fall-back rise two days later... hard to tell with your illness temps, but that is possible!
I actually didn''t get sick until Tuesday Feb. 17 so I don''t actually have any illness temps on the chart, but of course thanks for weighing in!!
Hi Samantha! Thanks for your kind words and thanks for stoping by to say hi
Wishing you happiness and love in your upcoming marriage! Congrats!

Festy, I would be ecstatic about a dr. wanting to look at my charts too
that is awesome. And I can totally picture your hubby laughing. I love it! This is so exciting for you though!! I''ll be sending dust your way for the outcome on your hub''s SA!
Fingers are crossed that all is well. I hope this really jumpstarts everything for you guys.

That is very interesting about the NSAIDs affecting ovulation. I wonder if that has been affecting you with your headaches. I wonder also if it could be affecting me, but I normally just take ibuprofen after O ocurs (hopefully) and I''m hit with the darn AF cramps! It seems then like it affects you if you take them right before O? But I wonder if its in your system at all during the month if it can affect you. Probably not? Anyways, thanks for bringing it up. Good to know!
sunkist, I completely missed your post! Thank you so much for the congratulations! :)


Ebree: I am SO happy for you! I am completely not surprised though. As Dreamer said, I totally, totally knew that you were pregnant and hiding out. I understand why you didn''t say anything until now though, since even with my one miscarriage I basically don''t want to tell anyone IRL until I''m like 18 weeks and I can''t hide it anymore. If you wouldn''t mind reminding us, were your other miscarriages chemical pregnancies or were you able to see anything on an ultrasound? Also, did you just try Clomid for that one month and abandon it, or did you conceive on Clomid? I''m SO excited for you!!!!!!

Mandarine: Wow girlie, you work FAST! Congratulations!!!!!!!! With your short cycles, you''ve probably broken a world record.

I am really excited for you, and I hope you stick around for a few more weeks over here with us TTC gals since we enjoy your company. Do you think being pregnant is going to change your workout schedule, or have you thought about that yet? I''m a runner too, but I''m not as hardcore as you.

Missjaxon: We have the same unit system for LH measurement. I think the reason that mine was considered elevated was that my LH: FSH ratio was 2:1 whereas it''s supposed to be more like 1:1. Would you mind sharing if you have any of the other symptoms of PCOS or just the messed up cycles? I''m really sorry to hear that all of your tests came back pointing to PCOS.

Do you have the insulin/glucose issue too? I''ve heard that Metformin can really help with that and decrease your chances of miscarriage when you do get pregnant.

InLuv: Glad you''re feeling better, and sorry that you might have missed O this month.

It''s always hard to completely pinpoint O though, so maybe you''ll be suprised. I hope so!!

Phoenix: I understand about the BDing less often in the month that you got knocked up! That happened to us too, and that''s why we''re actually trying to do it less these days. It can be a fine line since sometimes if you wait too long you miss it entirely. Congrats again!!

Festy: Glad your appointment went well! I was so proud of my charts too when I showed them to my ob/gyn. I''m crossing my fingers for you with your results, and I wish you guys the best!! Please share when you know more.

Steph: It''s good to see you back in the game again, even if this month is not the one!

As for me, lots of craziness and busyness. I had a job interview last week (it''s a teaching job; more on that later if I get the job), and I should hear back about that in two weeks. *crossing my fingers* Also, I''m at CD13, and I''m supposed to ovulate between day 14 and 19. I''m SO nervous that the Clomid won''t work, but we''ll see.

A general CM question for you gals. And I''m going to be very precise/gross. I noticed that a lot of the time I have watery CM and then there''s this clumpy stuff in it that stretches (it''s almost like goopy snot). Should I be looking more at the clumpy stuff or more at the other fluid? I do think that since I upped my water intake I''ve been seeing more fluid, I just don''t know how to classify it!

Peony, re: your CM question, is the clumpy/goopy stuff like EWCM or is it more solid than that? I'd say if it looks like sperm could swim through it then you could mark it as EWCM since you can always mark the most fertile type of CM you see during the day. But if you're talking about clumps that nothing could swim through, just go with watery since it's present too. Don't know if that helps at all :)

Good luck on catching the egg this month, Peony!!!
Date: 2/22/2009 1:33:44 AM
Author: peonygirl

Missjaxon: We have the same unit system for LH measurement. I think the reason that mine was considered elevated was that my LH: FSH ratio was 2:1 whereas it''s supposed to be more like 1:1. Would you mind sharing if you have any of the other symptoms of PCOS or just the messed up cycles? I''m really sorry to hear that all of your tests came back pointing to PCOS.

Do you have the insulin/glucose issue too? I''ve heard that Metformin can really help with that and decrease your chances of miscarriage when you do get pregnant.

peony - I was extremely disappointed , I went into my specialist appointment completely convinced that everything would come back normal and I would only have the cysts on my ovary, which I could deal with. Unfortunately my testosterone, androgen and prolactin are all high and my LH/FSH ratio is 5:1. I am actually quite fortunate that I do not have acne or hairiness, my symptoms are weight gain and inability to lose weight, irregular cycles, and pain. My doctor has mentioned putting me on metformin. My biggest concerns right now are my ability to conceive and the possibility of miscarriages. I also have Factor V Leiden and because of that am also at high risk for miscarriage among other things. I just want to be extremely informed before TTC, and have been feeling really upset lately at the thought of the difficulty TTC. You never think of these things when you are younger. Although it will be another year before I even start TTC, all of these issues just became very real to me after my last appointment.
Thanks for the support and listening ear, Samantha Red.

InLUV, your O date looks correct to me, with the ewcm. I hope the pink-tinged cm is a good sign!

Peony, what you''re describing sounds like ewcm to me.... which is supposed to be more fertile than watery cm. Maybe with the increased water intake your body is producing more ewcm, which is a good thing!

Ms. Jaxon, I don''t think I''d said before, but I''m sorry to hear about your PCOS diagnosis as well. It can make TTC more challenging, but not impossible, surely. There''s tons of women who get knocked up with PCOS daily. But I can understand your concern. The docs also thought I might have had PCOS, because my ovaries appear to be polycystic. But my bloodwork just came back, and thankfully, my hormone levels were all normal. So looks like I don''t have it after all. It was definitely a relief, but I know in those couple weeks/months before I got back my tests I was also concerned about the possibilty of having an aditional fertility issue to deal with. ((HUGS)))
Sunkist, I''m thinking that it''s too thick for sperm to swim through (it''s opaque), but it''s very stretchy. I don''t know, it confuses me!

Missjaxon, I totally understand your frustration and sadness right now. At 25 yrs old, I too had NO idea getting pregnant would be this hard. I think the good news is that PCOS is actually one of the most common and easiest to treat conditions from a fertility perspective. Clomid and Metformin do wonders for most women. And Factor V can be a scary thing to have, especially when pregnant, but hopefully you will have a really attentive dr. following you closely during your pregnancy. Do you know if you''re homozygous or heterozygous? *big hugs to you*
Thank you so much, Peony!

I didn''t conceive on Clomid, but I wasn''t taking it for ovulation (if that matters). It was the second cycle after Clomid. As for your CM, it sounds like ''sticky'' to me. EW is clear and not globby- it''s ''runny'' and shimmery. Sticky can be opaque and globby, and I found I''d get it before producing wet or EW CM.

Gotta grab dinner, but I''m sending you (and everyone else in here!) major good luck vibes!
Hi everyone!! I hope you all had a nice weekend!.

Festy, I am so happy the appointment went well and I''m sending you major vibes for all the results to come back with great results!!. That is so interesting about advil, etc....maybe you can try something else for the TMJ?. Not sure if you already do, but some people suggested the warm compresses. Maybe that would help deal with the pain?...

InLuv Good luck!!!! I''m glad you''re feeling better!!!
. I too had some spotting (at about 6DPO and about 3-4 days prior to when AF was due!). Then the CM got clear and well, you know the rest!

Fishie Thank you!!!

Samantha That is so sweet of you to say. Thank you for stopping

Peony Thank you!!!. I will take you up and stick around here for a little while...since I''m still in shock
and you ladies are awesome!.

I''m going to the Dr tomorrow and will ask about working out. I''ve been doing research and it seems that you need to listen to your body, etc...but there is no clear cut answer. On Friday I went to a kickbox class but was feeling a little light headed (probably all in my head) so I didn''t push myself too hard. Then Saturday afternoon I went for a run (~3.75 miles). I just ran slightly slower than usual and felt great. I actually felt better after the run than before...I''ve been feeling very fatigued and the run helped!. It''s just weird though because part of you feels like you should lay still *just in case*...but part of me feels like my body is probably asking me to exercise and get some fresh air. I will feel better after I talk to the Dr tomorrow....will keep you posted :)

MissJaxon I am very sorry about your diagnosis, but it''s not impossible. It will happen for you!!!. I''m sending positive vibes your way too!

Sha Thank you!!!


This weekend was crazy/amazing...not sure how to describe it!. I posted the pictures on Friday from the tests I took. I couldn''t wait to take the digital on Saturday. I woke up super early (which seems to have become the norm for me now!). The line was VERY faint, but this was a cheap-o test. So then I took a digital a little bit later and it came back negative. I knew I was pregnant, but still needed to see it!! I was annoyed/upset. Took a LONG 3 hour nap went for a run and then went out with hubby to our special restaurant to celebrate our anniversary (which was Sunday!!). I told him maybe the little bean was waiting to give us the BFP on the digital on our anniversary. The next morning I woke up....and there it was!!!. How awesome is that for an anniversary present!!???. DH woke up later than me so I wrapped it up to give to him when he was up. As soon as he came down the stairs, gave him the Happy Anniversary hugs/kisses, plus our gift!!!


I''m still in awe, we feel so blessed and are just so grateful. I can''t wait for all of you guys to experience this moment and want each of you to come join me in the Preggo thread soon!!!!!!!!

I pray the little bean is super healthy, sticks really good and stays there happily baking for the next 9 months!


Mandarine!! Congratulations!!! I''m so happy for you!!
Congratulations ebree!! I''m so excited for you!! Your belly pics on the preggo thread are too cute! :)
Sha - I am glad to hear your test results came back normal. I am feeling better about things now and a lot more optimistic. It was a definite shock, but is something that can be managed and for that I am thankful.

peony - I am heterozygous, thankfully! Thank you for the hugs! *big hugs back to you*

Mandarine - Congratulations! Thank you for the good vibes
! I am sending you good vibes as well for a happy healthy 9 months and a happy healthy baby.
Morning all!

Samantha Red -- Thanks for your post! It's nice to have others reading and cheering us on (sometimes we sure do need it). Best of luck to you in your upcoming marriage.

Festy -- I would be so excited to show my doc my charts too!! How great that he asked to see them! Tons of dust for a good SA report! Please let us know when the results come back.

Peony -- I always mark the most fertile, so if I have watery CM along with the snotty looking stuff that stretches and stretches and keeps on stretching, than I mark EWCM. I'm sure the clomid will work for you! Fingers crossed for you this cycle.

Mandarine -- Glad you had a wonderful Anniversary that started with a pee stick that said Pregnant! How awesome is that?! Hoping my spotting turns out like yours did


Well FF moved my coverline down to where it's been for almost every other cycle ~98.0. It's 10DPO...waiting and waiting. I had the spotting on 7-8DPO and none since then. I also have not had sore (*)(*) which usually happens by now (around 8DPO until AF) in every cycle thus far. I hope you all have a good day!
InLuv, I didn''t have sore (*)(*)''s and still don''t!!!
Mandarine, Congrats again! What a wonderful anniversary present. My anniversary is in October and I really hope I don''t have to wait that long, but my 30th birthday is in April and I''d love a BFP as a birthday gift.

I am on CD 17 here and no signs of ovulation on either temps or OPKs. We have been really good about bd''ing almost every day since CD 11. According my doctor, I am most likely to O if the Clomid works between CD 14 and CD 19, so I have a couple of days to go before I start to lose hope on this one. My coverline is also looking to be about 97.9 or 98.0 degrees. This weekend DH finally showed some interest in how all of this works, so I explained that we are looking for EWCM and a thermal rise- he says he''s learning something new every day!
Mandarine -- Were sore boobs normal for you post O and pre-Af?

Novbride -- I hope you don''t have to wait til your anniversary either! April sounds perfect. How great that your DH is showing interest. That always helps me feel like I''m not carrying the TTC burden on my own. Cute doggy in your avi btw.
Thank you February, November and MissJaxon!!

InLuv - They did use to get sore around both O and AF. It actually got worse after I quit the pill so I was expecting they would be sore immediately. I''m not tempting the sore (*)(*) Gods, but I am surprised!!

Baby dust to you girls!!!
Mandarine - Happy Anniversary! Congrats on seeing it confirmed in digital format! I also hope to stay as active as possible if we ever get KTFU. There was a woman in my boxing class on Saturday who is 5 months pregnant! She was doing everything, including jumping rope. Her attempts at sit-ups were kind of painful to watch, but I figure if it felt bad I''m sure she wouldn''t be doing it. A friend of mine has convinced me to run a 5k with her in''s good to have something to train for. (Yes, I will be training for this, as I am not really a runner).

Steph - I totally missed you in my last round of shout-outs. I''m sorry about that! I hope that BFN was a fakeout and that you get better news soon.

InLuv - My fingers are crossed for you, honey!

Peony - I''ve had that kind of CM too, and I did not classify it as fertile, although it did show up a day before the fertile stuff.

Sunkist - the doctor said that they tell surgical patients not to take NSAIDs 7-10 days before surgery, so it does not stay in your system for the whole month. He stressed that taking it for AF cramps was totally fine.

To everyone else I''m missing, hope you''re having a good Monday!