
The Official TTC Thread!

Hi All

It's been a while since I posted here because things have been so crazy busy for me! Last week I was out three niights in a row for various events, celebrations and functions. I also had my friend's baby shower during the day on Sat. and wouldn't you know, right before we left the country club I went to the bathroom and when I wiped, I saw AFF showing her ugly face.
Remember I said that I didn't want to get it before the shower, well she literally waited to come the VERY second it ended! Ugh...

Anyway, because this happened on Sat. (just my luck yet again), but the time I spoke to my doctor, it was already the end of CD 3. She wanted me to come back in that night for another CD3 test and come back at 7DPO for the other blood test since my results were 9 months old. Next cycle, I will go in for a HSG and then schedule an appt. with an RE. She knows I ovulate and DH's SA came back normal so, not sure what else the problem could be. I still have this strange feeling that maybe I have endometriosis since my mom had it, although my utlrasound came back normal too. **sigh** This whole thing is so draining...

Lovely - I recently had a brunch with my 3 BFF's who I've been friends with for over 15 years. I was SO close to coming out to them about everything, but bit my toungue. My DH really doesn't want anyone to know and my friends can be gossipy. So for now, I'm keeping it between us - I may break down at some point.

You were in my thoughts a lot these past few days - I''m sorry that AFF showed up
, but hopefully there will be some answers after this more recent round of tests. My AFF showed up at an inconvenient time and because I was away, I missed my HSG window for this cycle. I will go next time around, though I honestly feel like my *pipes* are clear
but who knows?

I came clean to my friend because I know that she will not go blabbing to everyone which was very important to me. Also, because over this girls-weekend, because people are getting married and because some have kids, there were just soooo many very innocent conversations about that topic and I was again, very innocently when we were having kids, etc. My defense mechanism is to play off the question like someday, when we''re ready, but now I''m focusing on my career/marriage/etc. It works well for keeping people at bay, but inside I just want to scream out "we''re so utterly ready, we''ve been trying and trying, you have no idea . . ." that urge to let someone know how I honestly felt about all finally won out.

melanie - good luck with your IUI!!
Awe, thanks Lovely.
Yeah, my doctor made it seem like I missed the window too to take the test and literally made me leave work a little early so I could run down for another CD 3 blood test. I know I''m fine in that area so, I pretty much feel like it''s pointless, but I''ll do what she says.

I hear you on just wanting to scream out, "we''ve been trying since July and want a baby so badly it hurts!!" I''m sure it will come out some day, actually I hope that I''m pregnant before it comes out.

On a positive note, my friend at work''s brother and sister-in-law had been trying for over a year and finally got pregnant last month without seeing an RE or having any treatment. It gives me hope that things are still "normal" and that the stars will align for us soon!
I'm sorry, blushing....
It's good that everything seems normal, though, although it must be frustrating at the same time wondering why nothing has happened as yet. I hope you get that BFP soon... ((HUGS!!)).

Hoping good things for you this week, lady!!


Hoping that the appt. tomorrow goes well and yields excellent news!!

So, I''m on lunch break from court. I was sequestered! Put into a tiny little room (a cold one!!) and there I sat. Forever. Haha. I had my phone with me, but no book. I have to go back later (they''re calling up witnesses multiple times for this case) today, but for now I get to just hang out at home until I get the call to return to the courthouse. I don''t live far from it, and my work office is a good bit further, so I get to get paid to be home! Yay!!!

I meant to add this to this morning''s post, but I also asked the Dr. why some of the things I expected to be tested (for the PCOS blood work he ordered) weren''t tested. He said he''d only ordered the 1st panel and there are 2 panels total, but if the 1st panel comes back good, there''s no need to do the 2nd panel usually, and some people get faint from just doing the 1st panel. Haha. So, if I had the 2nd panel, too, I would have had to come back in because of passing out.

While in the sequestered room, I was bad and kept poking into Fertility Friend to look through the chart gallery to find Clomid charts. I don''t think mine shows as dramatic of a rise after Ovulation as many of them do. So now I wonder if I did ovulate yet. I don''t know. Haha. I do this every stinking cycle... guess and wonder.


I had been wondering about that tube test. I''m hoping like crazy mad that your time comes soon, girlie!!!


I''m sorry that your period came. But you''re right, a new cycle to start a new form of pinpointing that ovulation time! Wishing you all kinds of luck!!


I''m sorry, girl. I''m glad that it at least waited until after the baby shower, though. Here''s hoping this is a great cycle for you!!

Date: 3/25/2009 11:57:20 AM
Author: blushingbride
Awe, thanks Lovely.
Yeah, my doctor made it seem like I missed the window too to take the test and literally made me leave work a little early so I could run down for another CD 3 blood test. I know I''m fine in that area so, I pretty much feel like it''s pointless, but I''ll do what she says.

I hear you on just wanting to scream out, ''we''ve been trying since July and want a baby so badly it hurts!!'' I''m sure it will come out some day, actually I hope that I''m pregnant before it comes out.

On a positive note, my friend at work''s brother and sister-in-law had been trying for over a year and finally got pregnant last month without seeing an RE or having any treatment. It gives me hope that things are still ''normal'' and that the stars will align for us soon!
And don''t forget our friend Amber! She is pg now after 12 cycles I believe, and no interventions. Fertility friend and other TTC boards are full of such stories. For some couples it just takes a year and no one knows why.
Date: 3/25/2009 1:32:54 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie

Date: 3/25/2009 11:57:20 AM
Author: blushingbride
Awe, thanks Lovely.
Yeah, my doctor made it seem like I missed the window too to take the test and literally made me leave work a little early so I could run down for another CD 3 blood test. I know I''m fine in that area so, I pretty much feel like it''s pointless, but I''ll do what she says.

I hear you on just wanting to scream out, ''we''ve been trying since July and want a baby so badly it hurts!!'' I''m sure it will come out some day, actually I hope that I''m pregnant before it comes out.

On a positive note, my friend at work''s brother and sister-in-law had been trying for over a year and finally got pregnant last month without seeing an RE or having any treatment. It gives me hope that things are still ''normal'' and that the stars will align for us soon!
And don''t forget our friend Amber! She is pg now after 12 cycles I believe, and no interventions. Fertility friend and other TTC boards are full of such stories. For some couples it just takes a year and no one knows why.
So true! One of my friends was going to go in for some testing because they''d been trying for almost two years, but then before the appt, she was pregnant! Sometimes it just takes longer than the "average." I think we also tend to forget that average isn''t right away, average is "within a year." We start thinking about how long we''ve been wanting to be trying, and suddenly 6 cycles or so becomes a year in our hearts, too....

Honestly, if we had the CD3 test results back before I took the Clomid, we would have waited to try the "no interventions" thing, too. I also think Clomid is going to be helpful since I do ovulate late, but still, it would have been one more way to hang on for having things happen on their own.

I think most of us just assume going into TTC that it will be a few months, 6 tops. And then when it''s not, you wonder why.... and then you worry that something''s wrong.
Regarding who knows what about TTC: a lot of people know we want to be parents, not so many know that we're "actively trying," and no one in the "real world" knows I took Clomid. Is that odd? I almost feel like it's "bad" in some way. Not so much that we are using any medical means of assistance, but more that *I* needed help with something I should be able to do on my own. I don't mind the Clomid, and I'll be thanking God for it if it works, for sure! Still, I don't think it's anyone's business, really, what means it takes for a person to become pregnant, you know?

Oh, I take that back. My best friend at work knows. She was with me when I called for the appt. and was with me when I got the call that my test results were normal. She knows a lot of stuff I consider no one else knowing because I tend to think/speak very "stream of consciousness" and so she knows tons of things that I don't think anyone else knows about this whole TTC process for us.

It's good to have someone other than your husband to talk to about this. That's part of why I love this thread! It helps so much to share and receive others' input, and also to be able to be encouraging to others in a similar situation/point of life.
Blushing, well, interesting timing.
Maisie, good luck with your appt.
Melanie, same good wishes to you.
Lulu, sha, inluv, cello, everyone, thinking about you.

Drk, your strength is so impressive. I totally hear you. We have only been trying for 9 cycles, I know that with my health history I''m lucky to even have any female bits left. It is sad that particular zygote moved on (at 4 weeks I''m not considering it a miscarriage), but am working on mentally preparing myself (is that even possible?) for the future miscarriages that statistically will happen. Keep on truckin'' lady. You are amazing.

Here is a resource I got from Maggie, (who is awesome and puts up with my endless questions with patience and insight), and wanted to share the link b/c I feel like we all come here wondering "what is normal" esp with test results.
Numbers and such are near the end.

Fisher I had them both done at the same time the first go and it was 18 vials of blood. Now most weeks they just take 7, but I was like a raisin walking out of there the first time.
Fisher, I agree that's it's great to have other like-minded souls to share this TTC journey with. I have friends who know we are trying, but I don't go into TOO much detail with them, not like I do here on PS...
This is a great support system we have here!

Anyway, today is 9 dpo and I think I have news.
I was doing my usual surfing of PS and FF doing my lunch break at home, and someone on FF mentioned using an OPK as an HPT. So I was like, "Oh yeah, that's something I could do to pass the time...seeing as I'm only 9 dpo and it's way too early to test, and I have a gazillion OPKs anyway". So it took the OPK, and there was a medium-faint line. So I thought, "Hmmm...that line is a bit darker than the OPK I took last cycle at 10 dpo... Let me try a pg test and see what happens". So I dipped a pg test in the same pee...and the whole window was a bit smudgy because I had dipped it down too far. Anyhoo...when I came back to it there was a pinkish line! Faint - but definitely there and definitely pinkish. So I was like, "Hmmmm!" I've never had a line on one of these before - even last cycle when I got those ghost lines..." So I took out my FRER that I was saving for 12 dpo (Sat)...and dipped it, then went to wash my face and fix my hair to go back to work. When I came back, there was a little pink line on it too!!

Me thinks I'm knocked up!!

I'm still in shock seems unreal. But remember I had mentioned in one of my previous posts that I had a good feeling about this cycle? I just felt that this would be the cycle..... I hope I dont' offend anyone...but I'm a person of faith....and since the day after we conceived I just felt that God was working things out. The days leading up to Ovulation were so stressful..because I knew that DH had two important engagements on the exact days I thought I would get a positive opk (Friday and Saturday), and I felt he would be too tired to BD (my plan was for us to Bd only the days of the positive opk). And I didn't want to schedule BD either because I didn't want to freak him out like last time, when he didn't finish. So I was hoping I would get a positive until Sunday (CD 19) and I did! When I tried to initiate BD later that night, DH wasn't in the mood, though, because he felt he was coming down with a cold. I pouted and sulked for a while ( in my lingerie too!) then eventually gave up after he promised we would do it the morning after. I just felt like I was already out for the cycle. Anyhow, as I was pouting and sulking under the sheets, after we had gone to bed, DH everntually got aroused and we end up Bding!
And that day turned out to be O day. When I woke up that morning my temp had risen a bit, so I figured I O'd someitme iin the early morning.

So then I started to feel good about the cycle...but what was weird is that this was the most 'unpregnant' cycle I've ever had! Every cycle after O, my breasts get heavy and full and tender - this time my breasts weren't sore at all, not even my nipples were tender - which was weird. I usually have all kinds of cramps and twinges and I had none of that this cyclce either. Every day after 5 dpo I woke up hoping to have an implantation dip or some kind of implantation spotting - but nothing! My temps also stayed constant at 98.40 - so no rises to get me excited either. There was absolutely nothing to obsess about! Yesterday afternoon I actually started feeling doubtful after seeing one of my friends who is pregnant with her second.... and I was thinking that I wished I knew that I could actually get pg... but then I reminded myself to keep the faith and that "I WOULD be pregnant at 12 dpo!" It was kind of hard feeling that way with nothing to obsess over, though. But I tried....even told myself I would get the "What to Expect.." book on Saturday, when 12 dpo came and I tested.

So this lunchtime when I tested I kind of had a feeling it would be good news. And when I dipped the FRER and got nervous, I thought, "I AM going to be pregnant!" And there was the litle line!

Strange, huh? Hope I'm not freaking anyone out with all my 'faith' talk. But I do know that I had that feeling, and right now I feel so thankful and blessed to have had that faith rewarded.

Sorry for the long post! I'm processing everything right now. It just feels really unreal.

I'm still at work....will post pics when I get home later!
SHA!!!! Congrats!

You certianly aren''t offending me with your ''faith talk''. I am a woman of faith as well. I am soooo thrilled for you!! Wow a BFP at 9DPO?! I know how much you wanted it and I''m so happy it has happened for you. Please post your chart when you have time and pics of that BFP!

ETA: I forget, was this your first cycle on clomid? Man, I need to get me some of that''s working wonders for all you ladies around here (Fisher - you''re next!)
Congratulations Sha!!!
Thanks guys!

Something funny... DH just called to say hi... (I haven't told him anything yet).. He says he's sleepy....then he goes, "maybe you're pregnant.."
Then I go..."but YOU said you're sleepy...what makes you think I might be pregnant?". He says.."they say when a man is sleepy it means that his woman is pregnant.."
I just said, "Hmmm....interesting...!"
Too funny about your DH''s comment! How/when are you going to tell him?!
Sha - I''m going to tentatively say Congrats!!! ....but why I really popped in here was to comment on the ''positive'' attitude you had. I really believe in the power of positive thinking, and that our thoughts shape our realities. Good for you girl! It really hard to do, especially while TTC. I mean, it''s not like anyone secretly doesn''t want to get PG...but there is a difference between thinking positively and actually believing in it! It''s hard to explain.

Anyways, I wish EVERYONE TTC the same success, and the ability to reach deep within and find their own bit of faith in which to draw them through these extremely trying times.

HUGS LADIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Skipping in from lurky: SHA!!! YOU SLY DOG (charlie Brown reference)!!



I''m so excited for you! Can you tell?

Hiya to all out there as well, I wish you luck luck luck.
CONGRATS SHA! What a great and inspiring story!
Congrats Sha, that''s great news!

One thing, I too had heard that you could use an OPK as a HPT since LH (measured by OPK) is very similar chemically to HCG (measured by HPT). Since I am still in the very early pregnancy stages, I like to pee on something every once in a while to reassure myself I am still preggo. Last Friday I was out of HPTs and didn''t want to buy more lest DH think I lost my mind. I did however have a bunch of OPKs left so I peed on one. Nothing, nada, not even the faintest of lines. This result in a momentary panic and running out to buy more HPTs, which came up positive right away. Lesson learned - OPKs are not the same as HPTs. Some people may also get a positive on an OPK when pregnant, but one is not a susbtitute for the other. Just a cautionary tale so none of you have to experience a unnecessary panic attack like I did!
It''s funny that November didn''t have any luck, all the OPKs I''ve peed on (yes, I''ve used up all of the extras) have had super dark test lines! I wonder if it''s the OPKs. I also pee on regular HPTs every few days, too. It''s a habit.

Good luck for future testing, Sha!!

Yay, girlie!!!!

How super exciting!! Post, post, post!!! We wanna see. I''m more into charts than pee sticks, though. Is it odd that I rarely see anything on any pee sticks unless the line is DARK? I guess thinking you''ve seen something so many times eventually has its effects on a person....

Do be sure to tell us how you tell your husband!!


(Were you on Clomid this cycle?)

PS-There is nothing eerie about finding yourself closer to faith/God when you have a miracle/blessed event occur in your life. In many ways, that''s how people grow in their faith/closeness to God.


CONGRATS Sha!!! That''s so fabulous!

I''m not extremely familiar with IUI. When will you know if it was successful? As soon as 7 DPO, or does it take longer?

Hoping for an excellent outcome!!!
Date: 3/25/2009 9:08:21 AM
Author: tiffanytwisted
Good luck today Melanie!

Steph, hi! Good to hear you are still around and doing well.

Maisie- I really hope you get good news tomorrow. I have read your story about the loss of your daughter and I think you are one amazing woman!

Feb2003bride- Sorry this wasn''t your month!

Fisher- have a good day! I''m sure you''ll be fine in court. Funny about the clomid, my DH was with me when the RE warned about the moodiness, so now EVERY time I veer from happy he blames the meds. Once he really made me angry, but to him I was just overreacting because of the clomid! (well, maybe it was a LITTLE worse because of it). Anyway, good luck this month.

Sha- can''t wait until Saturday for you to test. Good luck!!

Charger- Welcome to our craziness!!

Inluv-sorry this wasn''t your cycle.

Lovelylulu- I''m glad you came clean to your BFF. I kept things secret at first too but then it was nice to have someone IRL to talk to.
Boys. They hear one mention of "moodiness" and go wild with it. Haha. The other day he said he thought my "twin pill" was doing something to me. Um, I took it last over a week ago. "Maybe it''s still digesting." Yeah, maybe, science teacher.

When did you start the "twin pill," Blushing? Will you tell us if your FSH or LH levels change as a result of taking it? I think you said you had just taken them again (had to get to the Dr. asap, before they closed? That is you, isn''t it? I swear, why do I get so confused here?).

*If* I have ovulated, it was on CD 13 or 14. ***13 or 14***!!!! I''ve never ovulated that early! Whoo whooo!!! *If* I ovulated, that ought to have been a pretty fresh egg I dropped, instead of one that sits around and waits to drop til like CD26 or later. Every day, I''ve been thinking to myself, "Swim little fishies, swimmin, swimmin..." Maybe my mind can direct the process!! Hey, it can''t hurt.
Date: 3/25/2009 10:24:47 AM
Author: blushingbride
Hi All

It''s been a while since I posted here because things have been so crazy busy for me! Last week I was out three niights in a row for various events, celebrations and functions. I also had my friend''s baby shower during the day on Sat. and wouldn''t you know, right before we left the country club I went to the bathroom and when I wiped, I saw AFF showing her ugly face.
Remember I said that I didn''t want to get it before the shower, well she literally waited to come the VERY second it ended! Ugh...

Anyway, because this happened on Sat. (just my luck yet again), but the time I spoke to my doctor, it was already the end of CD 3. She wanted me to come back in that night for another CD3 test and come back at 7DPO for the other blood test since my results were 9 months old. Next cycle, I will go in for a HSG and then schedule an appt. with an RE. She knows I ovulate and DH''s SA came back normal so, not sure what else the problem could be. I still have this strange feeling that maybe I have endometriosis since my mom had it, although my utlrasound came back normal too. **sigh** This whole thing is so draining...

Lovely - I recently had a brunch with my 3 BFF''s who I''ve been friends with for over 15 years. I was SO close to coming out to them about everything, but bit my toungue. My DH really doesn''t want anyone to know and my friends can be gossipy. So for now, I''m keeping it between us - I may break down at some point.

Is HSG the tube/dye test?
Awww, thanks guys!
Your good wishes mean so much! I told DH when we came home this afternoon, and showed him the test, cause he thought it was a joke. I don't think he fully believes it right now, even though he saw the test.... and he's really surprised and scared too, I think!

InLuv and Fisher, this was my third cycle on Clomid. The first two cycles we didn't have the best Bd timing, though. This time we Bd'ed closer to O.

Other things I did this cycle: For ewcm, I drank more water, had green tea every day from AF (I usually do that anyway), and had a grapefruit every day leading up to O. I also took baby aspirin from a week before O, to help with my uterine lining, which I feared was getting thin... had a few slices of pineapple after O too, but I don't know how much that helped. Also did OPks.

Attached is the BFP pic... hope you can see it clearly. This was with lunchtime pee... I will probably retest on 14 dpo. It still feels very surreal...

IMG 9338 edit.jpg
Hi everyone!

And Sha Congratulations!!! your knocked up!!!!
I''m so happy for you. Love your story for this cycle too. Pouting in the lingerie never worked for me though
You''re lucky
9DPO is when I got my positive too!
Attached is my chart. Not a lot of BD going on, as you can see... although I did have a yeast infection two weeks before O, which I was treating, so we weren't Bding then. We did kind of 'save up the swimmers' for around O day, which I think was helpful. (We actually Bd'ed on the morning of CD19 - at 12:30 am, but I put PM BD on my chart).

Fisher, did you already O? On Cd 13/14? That's a lot earlier than your previous O's, isn't it? That would be great! I'm sure your egg would be nice and fresh and just waiting for a little spermie to come get it.

ETA: Sorry the chart is so small!

Eeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!! (That''s me screaming, haha) Congratulations Sha!!!! That''s amazing!!!
Date: 3/25/2009 4:59:05 PM
Author: NovemberBride
Congrats Sha, that's great news!

One thing, I too had heard that you could use an OPK as a HPT since LH (measured by OPK) is very similar chemically to HCG (measured by HPT). Since I am still in the very early pregnancy stages, I like to pee on something every once in a while to reassure myself I am still preggo. Last Friday I was out of HPTs and didn't want to buy more lest DH think I lost my mind. I did however have a bunch of OPKs left so I peed on one. Nothing, nada, not even the faintest of lines. This result in a momentary panic and running out to buy more HPTs, which came up positive right away. Lesson learned - OPKs are not the same as HPTs. Some people may also get a positive on an OPK when pregnant, but one is not a susbtitute for the other. Just a cautionary tale so none of you have to experience a unnecessary panic attack like I did!
That must've been a scary moment! I'm glad everything was okay!

I think I'll be testing periodically as well...on HPTs....up till about 18 dpo, until it really sinks in.

Thanks sunkist and february!
I think we were typing at the same time!
Hey!! I can see that line!

Yay, SHA!!!!!!

Nice chart, too!

I''m so happy for you. That''s why I was rapid fire posting earlier, kind of kept coming online to see if you''d posted. I''m a chart stalker (DD taught me!!).

Enjoy this moment... you''re knocked!!!!!