
The Official TTC Thread!

Gah, waiting to hear from Fisher. Hope you all are doing great!

Totally just wrote a novel and the computer ate it. Lesson: copy before hitting SEND!

Now I''m totally pooped and don''t feel like writing the same thing out again, so I''ll just say:

Hi, Swimmer! No news, sweetie. I didn''t test today, and didn''t even get a test for tomorrow morning. My big thing was wanting to test on Mother''s Day, and since that didn''t work out, I''m feeling okay (right now, anyway) with waiting a little longer and seeing how things play out before I succumb to the drama that is peeing on sticks.

How are *you* doing?

Hope everyone had a great Mother''s Day with your mom/mother in law/step mother. And I''m praying like crazy that A*L*L* of us are mothers by the time this celebration of all that is being a MOM comes around again!!

Had a great time with Paul''s mom today (she wasn''t in the hospital... will go in later this week for her FINAL round!!
). Went to lunch and I only had soup and a roll and a couple of fries I stole from Paul''s plate. And then one the way back to his parents'' house, I felt sick and pukey. When we parked, I did that gag/vomit thing where it comes up, but doesn''t come out (like you taste it, and before it comes out, it gets sallowed back down... totally disgusting and I''m sorry for posting it, but it was weird), then I gagged for a while, and then I was fine again. Crazy. I don''t have an easily upset stomach, but no one else ordered what I had, so maybe it was bad or something. No idea. Anyway, felt fine afterwards.

I know *rationally* that no one has the pukes before 6 weeks, so I''m just calling it a fluke at this point. Certainly my head''s not so wrapped in being a mommy that I''d *will* myself to puke, right? No way. Anyway... whatever. It happened. And I''m not analyzing it (much).

For now, I''m content with just riding out the cycle for a bit longer, watching my temps, and thanking God for the miracle that''s either growing within me, or is about to be soon... this hope and excitement is such a lovely place to be... I kind of like the idea of riding it out, and hopefully finding a wonderful blessing at the end.

How''s everyone else doing?
Congratulations Circe! Happy and healthy 9 months!

Fisher, I hope this is it for you too! Looking forward to see how things go tomorrow.... 98.88 is a really high temp!
Thanks for the additional congrats, ladies!

Fisher ... I dunno, I''m at 5 weeks or thereabouts, and I''m experiencing my second day of "morning" sickness. There are exceptions to every rule - crossing my fingers for you!
Date: 5/10/2009 11:21:49 AM
Author: dreamer_dachsie

Date: 5/8/2009 10:57:15 PM
Author: mia1181
Oh yeah, and I know who Festy is! (I''m pretty sure...) Dreamer''s announcement got me on the hunt and it took a lot of searching and thread reading.
When I figured it out I was like ''HTH did Dreamer figure this out?'' I was impressed.
I am still lost on sweetpea, I think when I looked back I had two possibilities and then realized neither was likely. I love fun games like this!
Mia I am guessing you figured it out in a different way that I did? Hard to imagine too oddballs stumbling onto the same thing! Basically, there was something unique in festy''s posts that caught my eye and I was like hmmmmm..... I wonder if that will identify her? And it did
I don''t think we figured it out the same way. Her response to your announcement was what gave me a hint, but you said that wasn''t how you arrived at your discovery. I found it in another thread and went back and did some searching. I went back and looked again and it has got to be her. I can''t wait until she reveals her identity!

Fisher- I am thinking of you constantly! Can''t wait until you finally test. How many DPO are you now? I don''t know how high your usual high temps are (and maybe clomid effects them anyway) but 98.88 is really high! Hope it stays up!
Date: 5/11/2009 1:30:03 AM
Author: mia1181

Date: 5/10/2009 11:21:49 AM
Author: dreamer_dachsie

Date: 5/8/2009 10:57:15 PM
Author: mia1181
Oh yeah, and I know who Festy is! (I''m pretty sure...) Dreamer''s announcement got me on the hunt and it took a lot of searching and thread reading.
When I figured it out I was like ''HTH did Dreamer figure this out?'' I was impressed.
I am still lost on sweetpea, I think when I looked back I had two possibilities and then realized neither was likely. I love fun games like this!
Mia I am guessing you figured it out in a different way that I did? Hard to imagine too oddballs stumbling onto the same thing! Basically, there was something unique in festy''s posts that caught my eye and I was like hmmmmm..... I wonder if that will identify her? And it did
I don''t think we figured it out the same way. Her response to your announcement was what gave me a hint, but you said that wasn''t how you arrived at your discovery. I found it in another thread and went back and did some searching. I went back and looked again and it has got to be her. I can''t wait until she reveals her identity!

Fisher- I am thinking of you constantly! Can''t wait until you finally test. How many DPO are you now? I don''t know how high your usual high temps are (and maybe clomid effects them anyway) but 98.88 is really high! Hope it stays up!

Clomid does make temps higher for most people. Last cycle, I had one temp that shot that high. This cycle, two. Today''s temp did go down, though. 97.73. Today is 12 DPO.

I''m still hopeful, but now, the closer it gets to when I''ll actually know for sure (you know, if idiot period comes around), the more I wonder if I totally just duped myself. Again. Oh well... it wouldn''t be the first time. *If* I''m going to bleed, it will be by Friday or Saturday. So yeah, I''ll know soon.


Sorry you''re not feeling well already in your journey to mommy-hood.
I think that it would bring me at least a little comfort that there''s actually a baby in there, this early on, though. Hope it subsides soon for you!

I don''t think I''ve posted my chart this cycle yet. So, for kicks, here it is:

This is cycle 12 off the pill, cycle 9 of trying for a baby. We started trying in June. It seems so surreal that June is just a few weeks away again.

Happy Monday, girls! Hope it''s a great week for all of us!

Circe THE FUNNIEST conversation EVER with your hubby about the flea market! LOL!

Fisher and Circe Lots of people get ms before the magic 6 weekss... in fact, the thing that clued independent gal into her pregnancy was puking!

Great chart!
circe - I love some good banter and that exchange was priceless!

fisher - thanks for the testing update. I would hold out a little longer too!

burk - I don''t think that I ever said hello over on this thread. I''m a lurker on the mom thread and your daughter is just lovely. Glad to see you over here trying for number 2! Good luck

Festy - Boston treated us very well this trip - it was a great time and a true *surprise* - kind of wish I was still up there . . .

cakeny - It must feel like there is no such to learn about this whole process, and while that''s true, I''m sure that in no time you''ll be an expert in all things TCC. Plus, people around here probably have the answers to lots of your questions!
Funny convo Circe!

Pulling for you Fisher, man your temps are high! I am a lizard compared to you!

Side note to Fisher: My RE told me to stop bothering with temping while on Clomid and to just use OPKs...which are freaking hard for some of us to figure out. He said that temps will just be high and possibly all over the place on a C cycle. So don''t study those temps too closely, ha, like that is possible. All is good here, just chilling, waiting for a cycle to end. You know how it goes. Doing research into future possible treatments and adoption
and got an awesome pedicure in order to chaperone prom. Its the little things that make a big difference!
Re: Charting.

Help, something weird happened for the first time this morning, my temp went down to 96.2 and I lost my crosshairs! What gives??



Fisher- I am just starting with all of this, but even though your temp went down, it is still way above your cover line- so isn''t that still a good thing? I think your chart looks great and I still have my fingers crossed for you.

Burk- I think my cycles are just wacky since I just came off of the pill, I got af today so I am out this cycle- on to next month.

Swimmer- I hope everything works out naturally for you, but I think it is amazing that you are looking into adoption, it is such a great thing to do.

Iwanna- I am new to all of this, so I have no clue what your chart means, but I didn''t want to leave you out! Hopefully somebody comes soon to tell you what is going on with your chart.


I am out this cycle, and I am actually grateful that af came today. My dog was hit by a car yesterday and she didn''t make it, so I am just a wreck. She was only 2 and she was staying with my dad until my fiance and I move to Nebraska in 4 weeks. She got out last night- they saw it all happen and rushed her to the vet, but they didn''t get there in time
I was actually praying for af to come today because I just don''t feel like this month would be a good month to get that bfp after yesterday. Since I don''t have any kids, Lupita was like my baby and this is all just so hard. I don''t think I have ever cried this much in my entire life.

I''m sorry if I missed anybody- I hope everybody had a good weekend.
Fisher- Today's "dip" is still very very high! Still thinking good thoughts for you!

IWPO- Hmmm.... you've been charting for a while, no? I'm pretty sure you have been charting longer than me and I am on cycle 6 post-BC, so is todays temp in the normal range for your usual low temps? It's awfully lower than your low temps for this cycle. I'm wondering if you temped too early, slept with a window open or maybe even your thermometer is off. When I have an off temp like that I just wait a few days and see what the next few temps are. If the next few temps are above the coverline then I would rule this one out. Maybe you didn't get the thermometer in you mouth quickly enough, or had your mouth open a bit while temping. Just thinking of possibilities....

ETA- OMG White Tulips I am so sorry about your doggie.
And sorry about AF, your family will be in my thoughts.
OMG whitetulips that is terrible...I am soooo sorry about your doggie

Mia- yes it was odd. I took it twice to be sure- I haven''t done anything different and my cycles are pretty regular staying above the coverline until my period. Hmm, I suppose it may just be one of those wonky things. I was panicky that I might be preggo! lol
circe~your convo with your DH is hilarious!! Sorry about your MS. I had it until week 17 with DD.

Fisher~Fingers crossed for you that AF doesn''t make an appearance!!

lovely~Thank you! Hopefully my stay here is short and we can all head over to the preggo thread soon!!

iwpo~I haven''t been charting long enough to be any help, but wanted to say hi!

whitetulips~So sorry about your poor dog! We live in Nebraska. Where about are you moving to?

I had to move my appt with my OB to June so I''ll have one more cycle of charting to bring with me. I''m hoping that I''ll be preggo by then, though. Hoping we will all be "graduating" from this thread soon!!
Hey ladies...sorry this is going to be a selfish post.

I''m just so sad today. It''s 6DPO and after talking to DH yesterday if I''m not KTFU this cycle, then we decided to take a TTC break. There are a lot of contributing factors but the main one is that my job isn''t really secure right now. I do have to work and trying to find a job while knocked up doesn''t seem ideal. Not sure how long the break will last...we''ll see. It''s just so hard--I''ve wanted a baby so badly and now it''s just over.

I''ll still lurk and cheer all of you ladies on and be here when each of you get your BFP!!

I''ll be back in a week or so to let you all know if I am in fact KU this cycle or not.

Take care ladies...
Tulips - I am so so sorry for the loss of your sweet doggie. We are huge animal lovers and have two cats whom we absolutely adore so I can completely relate to your state right now. Please take care of yourself.

IWPO - Do you usually O around the same day? If so, I would take it as a fluke. It seems a little early for an implantation dip. You're TTA, right? Sorry that I can't remember what you probably told us only a few pages ago! If your temps shoot back up for the remainder of your LP you may get your crosshairs back. But, if you are TTA, you might want to avoid sex just to play it super safe.

ETA: InLuv, that's such a hard decision to make. I'm sorry you're feeling sad. I don't mean to pour lemon juice on the paper cut, but will you actively avoid or just not try? It is such a hard thing to let go of, even if it is temporary.
IWPO, regarding your chart, are you pretty sure you ovulated on CD12? Do you use OPKs at all? I think it took the crosshairs away because that temp is too low to be a post-ovulatory temp. You usually don't dip that much below the coverline after ovulation. Just keep temping and see what tomorrow's temp is like!

White tulips, I'm so sorry about your little dog.
Date: 5/11/2009 12:56:59 PM
Author: InLuv101
Hey ladies...sorry this is going to be a selfish post.

I''m just so sad today. It''s 6DPO and after talking to DH yesterday if I''m not KTFU this cycle, then we decided to take a TTC break. There are a lot of contributing factors but the main one is that my job isn''t really secure right now. I do have to work and trying to find a job while knocked up doesn''t seem ideal. Not sure how long the break will last...we''ll see. It''s just so hard--I''ve wanted a baby so badly and now it''s just over.

I''ll still lurk and cheer all of you ladies on and be here when each of you get your BFP!!

I''ll be back in a week or so to let you all know if I am in fact KU this cycle or not.

Take care ladies...
Inluv- I''m so sorry
I haven''t posted much because DH and I have decided the same thing. When AF finally came and I was getting ready to buy OPK, DH asked me not too. His company is a start up, there are lay offs happening, and while his job is stable, he is worried nonetheless. He bought me an expensive (for us) ring for Mother''s Day and as a early b-day gift, and I think he regrets buying it now, given what he now knows about the company.

Anyway, we will be putting TTC #4 on hold indefinitely. I''m embarrassed to say that when he told me this, I cried, got upset, and was basically devastated. That led to an argument because DH couldn''t understand why I was upset over a baby that isn''t even conceived yet! To make a long story short, we''re past it, I''m trying to get out of TTC mode and channel it into being frugal mode

Have you and your DH talked about a timeline in which you will start TTC again? Are you job hunting? I''m so sorry and completely feel for you and with you.
Date: 5/11/2009 12:58:45 PM
Author: Festy
Tulips - I am so so sorry for the loss of your sweet doggie. We are huge animal lovers and have two cats whom we absolutely adore so I can completely relate to your state right now. Please take care of yourself.

IWPO - Do you usually O around the same day? If so, I would take it as a fluke. It seems a little early for an implantation dip. You''re TTA, right? Sorry that I can''t remember what you probably told us only a few pages ago! If your temps shoot back up for the remainder of your LP you may get your crosshairs back. But, if you are TTA, you might want to avoid sex just to play it super safe.

ETA: InLuv, that''s such a hard decision to make. I''m sorry you''re feeling sad. I don''t mean to pour lemon juice on the paper cut, but will you actively avoid or just not try? It is such a hard thing to let go of, even if it is temporary.
Thanks Festy. We will actively avoid. It is hard to let go of especially because I''m not sure when it will be picked back up at this point.
Date: 5/11/2009 1:35:55 PM
Author: february2003bride

Date: 5/11/2009 12:56:59 PM
Author: InLuv101
Hey ladies...sorry this is going to be a selfish post.

I''m just so sad today. It''s 6DPO and after talking to DH yesterday if I''m not KTFU this cycle, then we decided to take a TTC break. There are a lot of contributing factors but the main one is that my job isn''t really secure right now. I do have to work and trying to find a job while knocked up doesn''t seem ideal. Not sure how long the break will last...we''ll see. It''s just so hard--I''ve wanted a baby so badly and now it''s just over.

I''ll still lurk and cheer all of you ladies on and be here when each of you get your BFP!!

I''ll be back in a week or so to let you all know if I am in fact KU this cycle or not.

Take care ladies...
Inluv- I''m so sorry
I haven''t posted much because DH and I have decided the same thing. When AF finally came and I was getting ready to buy OPK, DH asked me not too. His company is a start up, there are lay offs happening, and while his job is stable, he is worried nonetheless. He bought me an expensive (for us) ring for Mother''s Day and as a early b-day gift, and I think he regrets buying it now, given what he now knows about the company.

Anyway, we will be putting TTC #4 on hold indefinitely. I''m embarrassed to say that when he told me this, I cried, got upset, and was basically devastated. That led to an argument because DH couldn''t understand why I was upset over a baby that isn''t even conceived yet! To make a long story short, we''re past it, I''m trying to get out of TTC mode and channel it into being frugal mode

Have you and your DH talked about a timeline in which you will start TTC again? Are you job hunting? I''m so sorry and completely feel for you and with you.
Sorry Feb. It is so hard because you just have your mind set on it. My DH did understand why I cried but I don''t think they fully understands just how much this means to a woman.

I''m not job hunting yet. It''s kinda up in the air right now. If I am laid off it won''t be until August so I know it will be at least that long that we TTA. If I survive the August hurdle there is another one in January 2010 so it could be that long too.
I''m pretty sure I''ll survive past August, it''s the January 2010 that I''m worried about. I know it''s the nature of the business I work in, but I just don''t want to be preggo and unemployed or have a newborn and unemployed.
Hi Ladies - just a quick drive by....

Welcome to all the newbies - hope you find this thread informative and beneficial! I also hope your stay is short and sweet!

InLuv and Feb - sorry to hear about your decisions. I realize how hard it is to have a baby in this economy. I feel like nobody''s jobs are safe and having a baby is SO expensive!

Fisher - fingers crossed for you this month!

Well, I''m on CD1. I was in such shock last night when AF came. It meant that I had a 9 day LP this month. I''m thinking my cycle is a bit screwed up because of my trip to CA this month. Anyway, I made an appt. with an RE at New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill-Cornell Medical Center which is the best in the NYC and one of the top in the country. This girl ain''t messing around anymore! Unfortunately, the earliest I could get an appt. was June 4th so, I have to wait. Luckily, I''ve had most of the necessary testing done already so, I''ll bring my medical records with me. I''ve also put in a call with my OBGYN to see if they can just give me the HSG so I don''t have to wait until June 4th...we''ll see what they say.

Lulu - I''m right there with you on moving on to the next steps. DH and I are emotionally drained of all this and need HELP.
Date: 5/11/2009 12:58:45 PM
Author: Festy
Tulips - I am so so sorry for the loss of your sweet doggie. We are huge animal lovers and have two cats whom we absolutely adore so I can completely relate to your state right now. Please take care of yourself.

IWPO - Do you usually O around the same day? If so, I would take it as a fluke. It seems a little early for an implantation dip. You''re TTA, right? Sorry that I can''t remember what you probably told us only a few pages ago! If your temps shoot back up for the remainder of your LP you may get your crosshairs back. But, if you are TTA, you might want to avoid sex just to play it super safe.

ETA: InLuv, that''s such a hard decision to make. I''m sorry you''re feeling sad. I don''t mean to pour lemon juice on the paper cut, but will you actively avoid or just not try? It is such a hard thing to let go of, even if it is temporary.
Yep, TTA- I usually O CD 15- this time around it was pegging me at CD12. Something is wonky! We use protection during LP so I am not too worried about that part.

Side Note: Isn''t the female body AMAZING? I mean this charting stuff is so neat and I am enthralled.
Date: 5/11/2009 1:43:20 PM
Author: InLuv101

Date: 5/11/2009 1:35:55 PM
Author: february2003bride

Date: 5/11/2009 12:56:59 PM
Author: InLuv101
Hey ladies...sorry this is going to be a selfish post.

I''m just so sad today. It''s 6DPO and after talking to DH yesterday if I''m not KTFU this cycle, then we decided to take a TTC break. There are a lot of contributing factors but the main one is that my job isn''t really secure right now. I do have to work and trying to find a job while knocked up doesn''t seem ideal. Not sure how long the break will last...we''ll see. It''s just so hard--I''ve wanted a baby so badly and now it''s just over.

I''ll still lurk and cheer all of you ladies on and be here when each of you get your BFP!!

I''ll be back in a week or so to let you all know if I am in fact KU this cycle or not.

Take care ladies...
Inluv- I''m so sorry
I haven''t posted much because DH and I have decided the same thing. When AF finally came and I was getting ready to buy OPK, DH asked me not too. His company is a start up, there are lay offs happening, and while his job is stable, he is worried nonetheless. He bought me an expensive (for us) ring for Mother''s Day and as a early b-day gift, and I think he regrets buying it now, given what he now knows about the company.

Anyway, we will be putting TTC #4 on hold indefinitely. I''m embarrassed to say that when he told me this, I cried, got upset, and was basically devastated. That led to an argument because DH couldn''t understand why I was upset over a baby that isn''t even conceived yet! To make a long story short, we''re past it, I''m trying to get out of TTC mode and channel it into being frugal mode

Have you and your DH talked about a timeline in which you will start TTC again? Are you job hunting? I''m so sorry and completely feel for you and with you.
Sorry Feb. It is so hard because you just have your mind set on it. My DH did understand why I cried but I don''t think they fully understands just how much this means to a woman.

I''m not job hunting yet. It''s kinda up in the air right now. If I am laid off it won''t be until August so I know it will be at least that long that we TTA. If I survive the August hurdle there is another one in January 2010 so it could be that long too.
I''m pretty sure I''ll survive past August, it''s the January 2010 that I''m worried about. I know it''s the nature of the business I work in, but I just don''t want to be preggo and unemployed or have a newborn and unemployed.
Yeah...DH just didn''t get it but sorta understood towards the end of our argument. I do respect that he came to me when he did and was honest. He''s just thinking of our family.

I''m so sorry. The company I worked for closed when I was 7 months preggo with our youngest son. I searched but being that pregnant, there was no way anyone was going to seriously hire me (but they would never say that obviously). So DH and I decided that I would wait until after DS was born to seriously look, but then it worked out that I would just stay home full time (which I do love).
white tulips - I'm so sorry for your loss.

inluv - that is a very tough decision to make, but hopefully this economy will strengthen and along with it your job security so that you can go back to actively TTC.

(warning long post lies ahead - my optimism from the end of last week was worn down a bit)

pregnancy and babies are e.v.e.r.y.w.h.e.r.e. for me these days.

This weekend was particularly saturated.

Let's start with Saturday. My husband and I had traveled up to Boston for his brother's birthday party. I had breakfast with my former college roommate that I hadn't seen in seven years! It was great to catch up, but seeing as she was 8 months pregnant, it entailed a decent amount of baby talk. Well actually, lots of baby talk.

Then at the party, which was a small gathering of around 15 people, there was a 4 month old and a 16 month old. The were awfully cute, but they sure did a smashing job at sucking up what seemed like all the conversation and attention in the room.

Oh, did I mention that someone else shyly announced they were 8 weeks pregnant.

Somehow, the conversation turned to our family plans.

My retort, "I'd better open another beer, this thing seems contagious."

Oh, to live a lie.

Then is was Sunday. Mother's Day. We caught an early flight home. The weather was gorgeous. Called my mom. Had a lovely afternoon. I was fine. Then we started watching "The Business of Being Born."

It's a movie about maternity care and labor practices in the United States and basically argues that it is better for the mother and child, as well as society on the whole, if this country were to return to a more midwifery-focused, less hospital/medical intervention-laden process.

I find this to be a fascinating subject and was watching the film with the necessary emotional detachment. That is until a very eloquent midwife was saying something or other about how the entire experience, from pregnancy though labor is incredibly life-changing. something about the privilege of giving life to another being. something about the bond. seeing a new mother breastfeeding her infant for the first time, with tears rolling down her face from the powerfulness of the moment. then, the tears started rolling down my face.

I want that experience. I hope I get it. I hope we all get it.


Hi Blushing- I wanted to chime in bc I also went to crmi and had my successful ivf pregnancy and I treated there with my ob and had my babies there! It is the BEST BEST place ever! The embryology lab is the finest (in the country imo)....but beware of the billing and costs...very expensive and tricky billing system....I wish u soooo much luck...can u tell me which re u are seeing (initials)....mine was ZR....lots of cornell dust ur way!

I''m so sorry to hear about your puppy. I hope you have taken lots of pictures and have many precious memories to help you through... I lost my childhood cat in 2007 (she was 18 years old!), and I just cried and cried... it''s truly the loss of not only a pet, but a friend and a loved one. Thinking of you and your family today!!

InLuv and Feb,

Gosh, girls. I''m sad to hear that TTC is going to be put on hold for now. It''s such an emotional time as it is, and when you add in economic struggles/instability, it''s harder still. There was a brief time when we were waiting to see if Paul would be offered a teaching contract for next year (GA is hard up for money these days and the education system is taking a hit because of it) that we were considering stopping TTC. I was holding my breath, hoping he''d get that contract, and thankfully, he did. I feel for both of you and hope that not only does job security become something of a sure thing, but also that you''re able to build your families *very* soon! (And InLuv, don''t count out this cycle.... God works things in His time, not ours. Remember that!


Loved your post. Isn''t it amazing how when you''re TTC so many things evolve around babies, children, growing stomachs and growing families? It''s like you can''t get away for the life of you. I know the feeling well. It''s like you''re so happy for your friends and family, and you can''t help but wonder about the day that dream comes to life for you, too. Ahh. But it will. It will.

The Business of Being Born. I''ve heard good things about that movie. Do you recommend it? Does it freak out not-yet-mommies?

Glad you had a good time in Boston! I hear it''s a great city!


Yay for pedicures! Okay, I''ll be honest, I freak out when people touch my feet, and I''ve never had one, but for those who like them, I hear they''re very relaxing and just wonderful. So, yay for your pedicure! Was prom this weekend?

Yes, Clomid tends to increase my temps, but primarily pre-ovulation. I have high temps after ovulation in general, and had them prior to starting clomid, too. I looked through my old charts (sad I have so many!) and noted that my coverline is consistently between 97.8 and 98.0, so that''s pretty standard. Every cycle (except my first two) have had temps that occassionally got up into the 98.8/98.9 range. I guess I''m just a hot-temped person!
I have thought of only temping til I know I''ve ovulated (NOT a fan of ovulation strips!!), but I don''t know... it''s just such a routine now, and I don''t think I freak out *too* much temps past ovulation.


I love how you still come and pop in to check on us over here!


Did you get anything at the flea market?


FF is notorious for giving me *fake out* ovulation dates, then a week later, I get a new one. I wouldn''t stress too much over one dip, though. See what tomorrow and Wednesday bring. It should be more clear by then.


Sorry that your idiot period came, and too soon, too. Whatta jerk!!! Sounds like you have a good plan lined up for medical support now, though. Thinking the best, most positive thoughts for you, lady!!!
Date: 5/11/2009 5:48:16 PM
Author: nycbkgirl
Hi Blushing- I wanted to chime in bc I also went to crmi and had my successful ivf pregnancy and I treated there with my ob and had my babies there! It is the BEST BEST place ever! The embryology lab is the finest (in the country imo)....but beware of the billing and costs...very expensive and tricky billing system....I wish u soooo much luck...can u tell me which re u are seeing (initials)....mine was ZR....lots of cornell dust ur way!
Hi NYC! Your post made my night!
I always heard good things about CRMI - I don't know anyone that have been treated there IRL, but everything I read about it sounded so positive. Anyway, it was such a nerve-wracking call for me to make. I guess it was me finally admitting I need some serious help and not just the help of my gyno. My hubby and I are just SPENT and so READY for this step.

I have an appt. with IC, but I read so many wonderful things about ZR. I just felt more comfortable with a female.

What insurance carrier did you have? I have Oxford, but am unsure about what they will cover and what they won't...althought we are willing to pay whatever is necessary. Also, did you jump straight to IVF or did you try other treatments first? Were you ever diagnosed with a form of infertility?

Sorry for the questions, but I'm relieved to know that I'm on the right path! FINALLY!
Blushing- I am always so happy to give info and help regarding infertility bc it was such a long ride for my sis and luckily for me it wasn''t that long bc she found ZR (who happens to be celine dion''s..and others... doc who got her preggo at crmi)....I duno much about IC but they are all great docs there!....I was "talked into" trying iui procedures ...(be very careful with that!)....ins sometime need u to try those before going into ivf...I would def call ur carrier and find out what is covered, how much and how it works. Crmi doesn''t accept ins...they do send out claims forms and u get reimbursed w.e. The ins wants to pay (in my case wasn''t much bc crmi is veryyyy pricey!) but of course I paid.

My infertility issue was pcos and if it were up to me I would have went straight to ivf! U save lots of money and frustration that way...but of course its up to doc and ins. After u see ur doc and set up a plan....u start getting monitored everyday and all the diff docs examine u u get to meet each one (except ZR).

I don''t remember the other ?''s but keep on askin..more than happy to help! U def went in the right direction...I''ve been following this thread and ur journey and im hoping this is the last step for u!
Date: 5/11/2009 8:04:55 PM
Author: nycbkgirl
Blushing- I am always so happy to give info and help regarding infertility bc it was such a long ride for my sis and luckily for me it wasn''t that long bc she found ZR (who happens to be celine dion''s..and others... doc who got her preggo at crmi)....I duno much about IC but they are all great docs there!....I was ''talked into'' trying iui procedures ...(be very careful with that!)....ins sometime need u to try those before going into ivf...I would def call ur carrier and find out what is covered, how much and how it works. Crmi doesn''t accept ins...they do send out claims forms and u get reimbursed w.e. The ins wants to pay (in my case wasn''t much bc crmi is veryyyy pricey!) but of course I paid.

My infertility issue was pcos and if it were up to me I would have went straight to ivf! U save lots of money and frustration that way...but of course its up to doc and ins. After u see ur doc and set up a plan....u start getting monitored everyday and all the diff docs examine u u get to meet each one (except ZR).

I don''t remember the other ?''s but keep on askin..more than happy to help! U def went in the right direction...I''ve been following this thread and ur journey and im hoping this is the last step for u!
Thanks for your advice! I went back through your old posts and remember you from back in the day and now you''re pregnant with TWINS! How amazing!!??

So, with the insurance, what''s w.e.? Also, they asked me what insurance I had when I made my appt., so I guess I''ll see what they say in June and in the meantime, figure out what Oxford will cover.

I''d rather go the IVF route like you mentioned then go through several IUIs - we shall see! Did you only need one IVF? How many months did you go to CRMI (just trying to get a time frame).

Thank you so much for the glowing reviews about CRMI - I''m very excited!!!