
The Official TTC Thread!

Festy - good luck with acupuncture. I hope it does the trick for you. Depending on where you live, I may be able to find you a referral.

Swimmer - That''s amazing about your dog''s allergies! I live in NJ and acupuncturists have to be vets to treat animals. I saw that you are having a HSG. I highly suggest asking your friend to give you a treatment before the procedure. It can cut down on cramping and pain, not to mention anxiety. I''ve done this for many of my patients and for myself and it worked amazingly well.
I envy those who have no problems getting regular right away (after stopping all contraceptives). Several years ago I got off the pill for a period of 6 months and I think only had my period once during that time. I must have been all over the place. I mean, I know it differs from person to person but I am always amazed at my girlfriends or others who get regular right away (and then KTFU within a month or 2). I know this is not going to be the case for me.

And Gongjoo- cute name! My first hotmail email address was gongjoo :) (I take it that you are Korean? :P
Inluv- I''m sorry. I''m so glad you spent the day doing fun things, I think sometimes we let this whole process get us down and I''m glad you and your DH enjoyed the day together.
Inluv, I''m really sorry.

Festy, my sister did acupuncture to conceive too. She had a couple of miscarriages so I can''t remember how it worked out for every conception, but I know that she never got pregnant on clomid and did at least twice using acupuncture. She swears it worked. Her acupuncturist was a woman who had also had had fertility problems, and after acupuncture helped her, she (the acupuncturist) decided to become one herself.
Hi All -

Well, yesterday I had a complete meltdown in front of my DH and all the medical staff at NYU!
Long story short - my OBGYN sucks!!! It''s nearly impossible to get in touch with her when I need to and when she does call me back, she always calls me on my cell (even though I give her my work number) and for some odd reason, her calls go straight to my voicemail (my phone never even rings).

So, needless to say I''ve been frustrated and even though I''m changing doctors on June 4th, I still didn''t want to let another cycle go by without doing anything. So, I call her on CD1 (last Mon) and we play phone tag all last week and FINALLY touch base on Friday which is already CD5 so, I was pretty pissed. Anyway, she tells me that it''s too late to go on clomid (getting even more pissed listening to this) and that I could go for an HSG. Unfortunately, I couldn''t get one there because they were all booked so, they had a nurse call me back with some numbers of hospitals that would perform it.

I call a few places and finally get an appt. at NYU. The nurse at NYU tells me I need a perscription from my Dr. regarding the HSG, which I got after several phone calls and get and also I needed a beta done the day before which I dropped everything for only to wait an hour and half for a simple test! The results needed to faxed to NYU before the HSG so, my Dr. called me yesterday saying that they were going to fax them to NYU - no worries.

My DH picks me up from work yesterday, we arrive to NYU right on time. I fill out all the required paperwork and the nurse at NYU says they never received the fax from my OBGYN.
I explain to them that I can never reach my doctor there so, I''ll leave her a voicemail in the hopes she receives it. Then, the nurse at NYU calls my name and as I approach her she''s looking at all the paperworks and says that they don''t do HSG tests there - this was the ultrasound unit and I needed to go to radiology!!

I start to tear up out of pure and utter frustration because that was the number my OBGYN gave me to call AND the fact that someone at NYU booked my appt. after I tell them I needed an HSG which apparently they don''t preform was unbelievable!!! Meanwhile, my DH is sitting in the waiting room clueless there is a problem. So, the nurses call downt to radiology to see if I can get an appt. yesterday and of course they say no - I guess there are only two Drs. that preform it there and they can only do it on Tues. and Fri. mornings. Well, Friday would be too late for me (CD 12) - I need the test before CD 10.

So, I burst into tears, say thank you and walk out to my DH. He immediately sees me crying and thinks that the test went horriblely wrong and that I was told we couldn''t have kids! OMG - my poor DH!!! I couldn''t even speak I was so upset and I see the look of panic on his face, pull myself together and explain what happened. He was just as upset as I was (minus the crying of course).

It all went from not being able to reach my OBGYN in time, to running around for a perscription and bloodtest, to mentally preparing myself for an HSG, to not having my OBGYN fax my beta test, to finding out that I was sent to the WRONG place, to not being able to get an appt. with radiology, to finding out it''s now too late in my cycle to do anything!!!

Sorry...just head still hurts from everything yesterday.
Blushing- ugh im soo sorry this had to happen

My sis dealt with nyu many yrs ago and also wasn''t happy so I understand...but on the bright side im sooooo excited that u are going to crmi soon! They have the best staff and u will NEVER run into problems with call backs or anything else! Plz look on the bright side things will get much better!
Blushing - I simply cannot believe the insensitivity and incompetence.
What the AITCH is wrong with these people? Do they think you just wander in off the street with an *idea* that hey, maybe I''ll have an HSG today. Or tomorrow, or next year, whatever! Do they not understand what we have likely gone through to get to the place where we seek out an HSG? I''ll say it again, W. T. F.??? I''m so sorry and angry that you had to go through that. I hope you''ll treat yourself to a few cocktails and go BD like crazy! FWIW, the policies at your new place might be different. I was not required to get a beta before my test...

Fisher - so glad to see you back here, we missed you! Isn''t not temping grand? I''m glad you''re enjoying it.

Gongjoo - thanks again. We are in Boston if you happen to know anyone around here. Happily, Massachusetts and Boston in particular are very fertility-treatment friendly.

Phoenix - thanks for chiming in. I''ll take all the anecdotal evidence I can get my hands on!
just wanted to chime in and send some hugs to blushing. I lurk and follow your story and just can't believe the incompetence--but on the other hand, I've dealt with NYC hospitals and docs too, and they can be such a PIA. So much red tape and not alot of personal touch. I guess they just see too many faces that, preggo or not, it's all numbers to them. I also disliked my OBGYN, but didn't realize to what degree until too late in my preg. She always rushed me in and out (was double booked all the time) and never let me ask all my questions! I mean thank god I had a normal pregnancy or else who knows! At one point I looked into switching docs (so I could go out of Lenox Hill which I'd heard better things about), and that one was a disaster too (2 hour wait and then billed my insurance for bogus tests). Anyway, just trying to say I can already were so on top of it but these people are just useless sometimes! I don't know much about NYU, but has your research led you to believe this is the best hospital for these sorts of procedures or is it just the place your doctor operates out of? You said you're switchign docs anyway, but in the meantime call them up (or have DH call) and give them a piece of your mind! Call the emergency number and page her and tell her this is unacceptable!! And then go on and blast her. Sorry, just so worked up for you. I hope you're able to reschedule soon and then switch to a more caring doctor. ((Hugs))
Blushing - wow. what an ordeal. Seriously, like this nonsense isn''t difficult enough without a complete bumbling of your tests.I''m so sorry this happened yesterday, but so glad that you are switching your doctor!! I didn''t have to have a beta, but I did have to pee in a cup, which I assume they used for a pregnancy test. Also, if they did have an opening on CD12 you can have the HSG. The consequence of doing so would be that you couldn''t actively try this month. At least this is what I was told when I scheduled my first appointment. I ultimately opted not to take the test and to continue TTC. but they had no problem letting me come in beyond the CD 11 window. Just a thought.
Thanks girls - I was so completely devastated yesterday and really just because I wanted some answers. One thing my OBGYN did right was send me all my medical records so that I have them when I switch doctors. Everything looks normal just like they've been telling me - even DH's SA looks great. So, part of me just wanted to know, are my tubes open? If so, I can cross that off the list.

My DH is EXTREMELY supportive, but is cautious about moving ahead with everything because of my reaction yesterday, but he really just didn't understand the FULL picture of what I went through until I explained it all to him on our way home. I told him that besides him (and this thread), I don't have an outlet for this stuff so, I have nobody else to talk to about it and it's all bottled up inside. Even though we talk about our TTC journey, I don't tell him every last detail because a lot of it he doesn't need to know - like me running around for beta and waiting an hour and a half to get one. It's not like there's a chance I'm pregnant so, why bother explaining every step to him.

Anyway, I reassured him that I'm strong enough to handle the obstacles along this journey, but I can NOT stand dealing with incompetent people - that's when I completley lose it!!! He's just worried that stress could be a factor in us not getting pregnant - maybe he's right? But, how can you not be stressed during this whole process? It's been extremely difficult for me to relax over the past several months because I was approaching the year mark and that means the possibility of being infertile which is scarey and stressful stuff.

NYC - I'm so excited to go to CRMI and am counting the days! My appt. is June 4th which will be right around the end of my TWW. So, I'll probably just go to that appt. if I'm not pregnant and see what they tell me. I can always schedule another HSG with my OBGYN at that time too, but don't want to deal with them anymore.

Festy - WTF is right!! It's hard for me to take off work because I'm SO BUSY. Also, I work with a tight group (they're like family) and they ask questions when I need to go somewhere. I also felt bad taking my DH away from work and having him drive uptown to meet me, but he's a property manager and can pretty much come and go as he pleases without question - he's lucky.

DH and I went for a nice, long walk with our pup last night along the Hudson - it was a gorgeous day so, I felt so much better afterwards. We then stopped to get frozen yogurt.
When we got home, he made me dinner and opened up a bottle of wine from our trip to Napa/Sonoma and cuddled up on the couch. It was just what I needed.

Janinegirly - you've always been such a huge support to me and such a sweatheart. Thank you for venting along with me because you obviously know how busy and crazy Dr's offices can be here in NYC. It's extremely hard to find someone who treats you on a personal level and not as a number. My OBGYN is affiliated with NYU, but I was originally going to have the procedure done at my OBGYN. However, they were booked all this week and this was the week I needed it done so, they gave me the number of a few hospitals who could give me the test, Beth Israel and NYU were two of them. NYU was the only one that could give me an appt. I've never set foot in NYU until yesterday and hope to never go back. I'd like to deliever at New York Presbyterian if given the choice and that's the hospital my new doctor is associated with.

I did call my OBGYN back when I got home yesterday to gave them holy hell, but their response was simply that they were sorry and that maybe things happen for a reason!
So fed up with them. My DH suggested that I report them and I didn't know where to start with that, but I will go to and post my story - thank you for the suggestion! Anyway, I hope you and little Chloe are doing well and enjoying life in the 'burbs! I lurk on the Mommy's thread from time to time. I'm hoping to follow in your foot-steps - having a baby and moving to NJ so, you're my inspiration!

Lulu - DH and I are going to BD this month and continue what we've been doing. I'll just wait until June 4th if I'm not pregnant by then to meet with my new Dr. and maybe schedule something through her since the appt. is around 12 DPO - I won't be missing another window of opportunity this time!
Hi ladies…. Can I join? I took my last BC pill last night so I guess we’re officially TTC. Our plan is to very casually try for the first 3 months or so (more not actively preventing) and get more serious about tracking after that. My doctor reminded me (at my check up on Monday) that it can take several months to get pregnant. He recommended that we stay causal about it for the first 6 months and see what happens. If I’m not pregnant by then he said to start tracking ovulation and if I’m not pregnant by the time I go for my yearly check up next May then we’ll start to examine if there are any problems. Right now I’m happy with this approach (I tend to be a control freak and I’d like to be laid back about this). I’m at the point where I’d like to have a baby but I’m OK if it doesn’t happen right now. I’m sure this will change once we really get started on the TTC route. If major baby fever kicks in at any point we’ll start being more proactive. I don’t deal well with stress so I’m hoping this laid back approach works for me.

I’ve been on prenatals since late last summer (I posted a bit around that time asking for advice) since we thought we’d start trying in October. That date came and went as we’ve had a busy year and so here we are now. I’ve been so excited/ anxious the past few months and it was a little surreal last night when I took the last pill and threw the pack away knowing I wouldn’t be starting a new one.
None of my friends are all that supportive of the “baby thing” (as they call it) and I’d love to have some place where it’s OK to talk about this stuff. I don''t post much on PS but I''ve been following this thread for the past year and I''ve learned so much.
InLuv- If you are lurking, my thoughts and prayers are with you. I am really sorry about the timing right now. You are such a lovely person, I always look for your posts and I know your time will come. You and your DH are too gosh-darned gorgeous not to procreate! Hugs going out to you.

Fisher- Thoughts and prayers with you as well my dear. I think all of PS is going to throw a party when you finally get KU. I totally understand you needing to take a break, but we''ll miss you around here. Sometimes taking a step back is a good thing! Hope you post in other places so we can still know what''s going on in your life.

Lulu- I can''t believe your experience. Well, I can, but I am still so angry on your behalf. It''s rude and annoying to anyone, but especially adding in the emotional stress of this TTC thing, well, I am surprised all you did was cry! I am so glad you are switching to a new practice and am feeling good about this change for you. I hope you get answers one way or another. Your day with your hubby sounds wonderful.

I totally remember you from before! I think we were in the same place emotionally- a bit hesitant and unsure if we wanted to go for it or not. I''ve been wondering where you''ve been! I''m now 7 months preggo. Weird. Anyways, nice to see you here, welcome and good luck! It''s a crazy journey, but all totally worth it.
Hi ChinaCat... I remember you as well....congratulations on the baby!

To be honest, I''m still hesitant but it''s a totally differant kind. I feel we''re "ready" (whatever that means) but the thought of actually trying to get pregnant freaks me out. I don''t know what scares me more...that it could happen right away or that it won''t happen. I guess we won''t know until we try.
I don''t deal well with uncertainity so this should be a very intersting journey for me.
Finally got my TCOYF in the mail! Started temping for practice (but not charting yet) and am generally feeling pretty excited. But I think I may stop temping and prob won''t chart for awhile, not until 6 - 8 months of "casual" TTC''ing.

Hi Applequeen! Totally understand where you are at, I feel I am in a very similar place right now.
Hi cakeny
It sounds like we''re taking a similar approach to this. I''ve been debating whether or not to pick up a copy of the book but so far I haven''t I obsess about things and if I want to try to stay casual about this it''s better if I don''t know what I could be doing to take more control over it.

I''m also curious to see how my body readjusts to being off the pill. I will be 32 in the fall and was only on BC for 3 years. I was always totally regular before that so I have no reason to think I won''t go back to that. My biggest concern is when/ if my sex drive returns. I loved being on BC for many reasons but it killed my sex drive. It''s hard to take a "laid back" approach to TTC when there is no "laid" in the equation.
Applequeen: My sex drive came back big-time after I went off the pill. It was great! I just basically tried to take advantage of whenever I felt fiesty
I didn''t get the book or chart or anything. I was a bit freaked out by the whole thing and buying that book seemed like such a commitment or announcement to me. Silly, I know. I actually stood at the bookstore forever trying to make myself buy it, but I couldn''t do it. I also wanted to take a laid-back approach to the whole TTC thing. I was very afraid of getting obsessed before I felt really ready. Oh, and I was 34 when I went of the pill and had been on it pretty regularly for about 13 years (with a one year break in there). I was pretty regular right away.
Thinking of you Blushing.

Welcome Apple! thought. I wish we had committed to really ttc earlier. Temping is not really a biggie if you normally wake up at the same time. I figure my first six months were wasted efforts since I thought I was ovulating way earlier than I was. Just think, everyone on this thread thought it wouldn''t take this long to get knocked up... Yes, there was lots of fun, b/c yes Apple it is so nice to be off bcp, but now that I''m in the thick of things and it still isn''t happening I wish we hadn''t been so casual. Yes, the hard thing about ttc is that you need to be ready to actually be knocked up if it happens (though that gestational period can help I''m told). I don''t know, just my .02 but I wish we had been more methodical in our first .5 year of trying, I don''t know, you could at least use the time to determine your cervical fluid and cervical position patterns?
So apparently there was a baby fair in my building today (which I failed to notice for most of the day... I really gotta leave my office more). When I left work there were literally hundreds of babies everywhere..... I stopped at Barnes and Noble on the way home and bought my copy of Taking Charge of Your Fertility. My experience in the bookstore was similar to China''s in that I stood there trying to decide if I should buy it or not.... and I did. I''ve always thought that knowledge is power and although I won''t be temping/charting for a few months I would like to at least be aware of what my body is doing (basically the advice you gave Swimmer

I''m so happy to hear that the sex drive issue should resolve itself. That''s part of my reason for wanting to take a laid back approach the first few months. During the past couple of years there have been very few occasions where I was actually in the mood and (as bad as it may sound) we had sex more because I knew my husband wanted it. I knew it was important for our relationship to have it and I did enjoy it once we got into it... I just never really thought about it. I''d really like to just enjoy sex... without the pressure of having it to try to get pregnant.... does that make sense? I don''t want to go from doing it because I know we need to to doing to doing it because I''m ovulating and we need to to make a baby... I just want to do it because I want to... and hope we make a baby in the process. Although I''m sure that the fact I want to get pregnant could easily translate into me wanting to have sex

So that''s my analysis for the day (told you I obsess)... now I''m off to work on our kitchen remodel (the only thing getting laid tonight is tile)
Apple - I am glad to hear I am not alone- I def had a little dip in the sex drive while on the pill but seemed to be "normalizing" after I switched to the ring. Now that I''m off if, I seem to be all over the place in both mood and drive. I''m 32 and have been on some form of BC since I was 19. So I''m looking forward to my first regular cycle in years. (AF STILL not here yet folks, I hate being so irregular).

Swimmer - I understand and I think that''s something to consider for all of us "casual" TTCers. The good thing is that H is definitely ready to be KU immediately so I feel a bit less nervous about the whole thing. Either way, I''m def excited to read up on TCOYF and will prob be all gungho about charting and temping and CM checking before you know it! :)

Happy thoughts for all, esp you BB.
Thanks for all the positive thoughts ladies - I felt so MUCH better yesterday and today I''m back to my old self (trying to forget Tuesday even happened).

Question for NYC - did you ever have the HSG test done and if not, do you know if CRMI performs it?
Just got back from the gyno. Def not preggers. :) Not that I thought I was. And it's weird but I was a teensy bit let down. Isn't that just crazy talk? :)

ETA: Lest y'all think I'm nutso, I was there for my annual, not to check if I was PG. :)
Blushing- im pretty sure they do it there...just give a call to the front desk or docs office and they will tell u...I think they do everything there...but always ask about ins! ;)
Congrats on your good HSG exam.
Just want to share w/ you what my doctor told me when I had that test done.
He said that there are patients whose tubes were indeed blocked but got cleared as a result of the HSG test.
So you may not be back to square one.
Hope you get your BFP soon.
thanks lili

my DH and I kind of missed our window this month. the test and travel threw us off. i didn''t really mind the break, but I''m ready for next month
so hopefully, those newly cleared out tubes will do the trick!
Hello all! This is my first post on this thread. DF and I get married in Aug 2010 and although we aren''t yet TTC, we are starting to make plans so that when we are married, we can get stuck in (so to speak).

At the moment I am on depo-provera injection and have been for nearly 6 years. I am having thoughts about coming off it as I am bothered about the long term affects of it on my fertility. I discussed it with my doctor, who told me that you can get pregnant from anything to being one day late with it to 2 years. We discussed other contraceptions, and her advice was similar for all of them. I want something that is effective and won''t affect long term fertility.

Have other people got experience of depo provera injections?
Hi ladies! I''m not TTC right now, but am about to purchase TCOYF and had a quick question for you. I made a thread but lili suggested I post it in here.

Is there a difference in the versions? Apparently there''s a 1995, 2001, and 2006 version (the 10th Anniversary edition). It says on one site that the 2001 version is a revision. Is there a difference in that and the 2006 version? Just asking to know if it''s important to get the most recent one, or if all the info is basically the same.

Strawberries - I never read TCOYF, but I''d just get the most recent version, if it''s available.

Sapphire - I never got injections, but I was on the pill for ~13 years. While I haven''t gotten KU yet, I have had some blood tests done and my hormone levels are just fine. I wasn''t clear from your post what your doctor told you about the injections effects on long-term fertility...

p.s., not really helpful info for either of you, but thought I''d chime in anyway! Hopefully others will have more first-hand experience.
Festy- What she said was that she couldnt give me any estimations as to how long it would take for my fertility to return to normal. She did say that people get pregnant after being a week late with it, but some people take 2 years for their fertility to revert back to normal. Add to this the fact that I have PCOS (and my facial hair is getting stronger, making me worry it is getting worse) and its all such a stress.
Date: 5/28/2009 9:17:53 AM
Author: luvthemstrawberries
Hi ladies! I''m not TTC right now, but am about to purchase TCOYF and had a quick question for you. I made a thread but lili suggested I post it in here.

Is there a difference in the versions? Apparently there''s a 1995, 2001, and 2006 version (the 10th Anniversary edition). It says on one site that the 2001 version is a revision. Is there a difference in that and the 2006 version? Just asking to know if it''s important to get the most recent one, or if all the info is basically the same.

I have the 2006 version. I haven''t seen the previous versions. The preface and back cover of the 2006 version state that it includes "updated information on the effective use of FAM, the latest on fertility technology, and an updated resources section."
From reading the preface it looks like the major changes to this version are in the fertility technology section.
Hope that helps!
It also comes with a cd but I''ve not ever used it.
Date: 5/28/2009 10:23:32 AM
Author: SapphireLover
Festy- What she said was that she couldnt give me any estimations as to how long it would take for my fertility to return to normal. She did say that people get pregnant after being a week late with it, but some people take 2 years for their fertility to revert back to normal. Add to this the fact that I have PCOS (and my facial hair is getting stronger, making me worry it is getting worse) and its all such a stress.
Ah, ok. I''m sorry it''s causing you stress - it''s a lot to think about. Maybe it''s a good idea to go off the injections and use an alternative method? Are you currently being treated for PCOS? This thread is chock full of stories from ladies who got KU with PCOS!