
The Official TTC Thread!

Date: 6/1/2009 1:30:45 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Steph, I am so happy for you! Wishing you a healthy 9 months!!!
Thank you so much, Tacori! BTW, I love love love your newest cracks me up!
I have officially given up on AF, I was 100% positive it would be today (I know my "day before" symptoms very well) but no such luck. I am really starting to think that I may be one of those girls that comes off BC and never ovulates again. But there are medications that treat this, right? Yes, this is still my first cycle off BC so I know I need to be more patient but patience has never been my strong suit. Which is GREAT for TTC''ing, I know. [sarcasm]
Plus, I have the worst heartburn right now and I am cranky.

How soon does your temp drop after AF? the day of? the day before?

Date: 6/1/2009 6:08:22 PM
Author: cakeny
I have officially given up on AF, I was 100% positive it would be today (I know my ''day before'' symptoms very well) but no such luck. I am really starting to think that I may be one of those girls that comes off BC and never ovulates again. But there are medications that treat this, right? Yes, this is still my first cycle off BC so I know I need to be more patient but patience has never been my strong suit. Which is GREAT for TTC''ing, I know. [sarcasm]
Plus, I have the worst heartburn right now and I am cranky.

How soon does your temp drop after AF? the day of? the day before?


Temp drops vary for people, but typically fall the day before or day of the period coming on. Some will have a more gradual decline, and some just have a slam below the coverline (or hovering just over it) on the day the period starts.

Patience is not my thing, either. At all. I''m truly being tested during this journey. And I thought waiting to become engaged was bad! That was only a 6-7 month wait. This wait for a baby has been much longer. Luckily, at least I have someone who''s waiting with me. That makes it somewhat better.

I''m feeling really good right now about this whole TTC business. I think taking a slight break helped. I don''t feel as tense, which can only be a good thing (for my sanity if nothing else).

The Dr. appt. was canceled due to the Dr. having an emergency surgery (I hope that means someone''s bringing their little one into the world tomorrow morning!!). I''ve not rescheduled yet, hoping I don''t need to. Always hopeful. That''s me. I think Paul and I have decided that if this isn''t our cycle, we''ll take a break from Clomid next cycle. I''m not sure if that''s something the Dr. will advise or not, but we plan to do it. We''ll be going on vacation and we just feel like my body could benefit from having a brief span of time without medication. Plus, I''m kind of nervous that I only have two refills left on my prescription, and for some reason, that just makes me think I only have two more chances to conceive. Silly, I know, but dragging it out makes me feel better somehow. I''m a nut.

All my friends who got knocked last fall are due right this second now. One had her baby girl (Elena) last week, the others are due to drop any time. A couple in July, but most are due in June. Yipppeee for babies!!

I''m going to tentatively say I ovulated on cycle day 18. I was starting to wonder if I would (no temp rise), so I caved and busted out an OPK and got a slamming dark line, so yeah, I''m pretty sure that was a good warning on CD17. Today''s temp was sky high (from 97.6 to 98.35), so I''m hoping that''s a good sign. Never had a rise like that before! Still, not making a big deal out of anything and just hoping for the best (which would mean a baby in my arms in 9 months).

DrK, we are doing okay. Still pretty rattled about our friend''s sudden death. It helps to know he knew Jesus, but man... leaving behind two little boys. They have an awesome mother and a lot of love and support around them, so I know they''ll be okay. It still makes me cry to think about, though. My dad means the world to me and I can''t imagine not having him *now,* let alone as a little bitty kiddo. I''m so nervous whenever I hear or see a train now. It''s like a daily reminder. His wife is doing really well. I''m so impressed and amazed at her grace and strength through this. No one can expect or know how to prepare for anything like this, and she is just doing so well. And her boys. She''s been there for her boys in such a wonderful way. I hope now more than ever to be a mother similar to her. So strong and devoted to her kids. It''s odd... Randy was Paul''s friend way before Paul and I met, and eventually his friends became my friends, too, as happens in marriage. Cindy though, has become a very, very close friend of mine. And guess why? Through the common bond that comes with struggling to bear children. Her son (who''s now 8) was conceived naturally 6 years after they first started trying. She went through the Dr. visits, the testing, and Clomid. Didn''t work and after three months she just stopped with all of it, figuring the stress wasn''t worth it. Less than a year later, her son was born. Amazing. If there''s any reason to be glad (and that''s not the right word... I don''t know what adjective to use here) for the whole TTC struggle, it''s in knowing the bonds I have with people (my husband, friends who''ve been through the same things, my mother who also tried for over a year before my brother was conceived) have grown. In a way, I don''t think Cindy and I would be as close as we are if we didn''t have that common bond called "can I be a mother?" And if we weren''t close, I wouldn''t know how to be a support to her right now and I like to think that there is some sense to be made out of all the trials of this journey, and thinking that my being able to be there for her now, when she needs people the most, makes it something I''d have gone through willingly. I still believe (and always will) that I''ll be a mother some day, and a year of waiting is nothing compared to being able to support others through a truly terrible time. Plus, I''ve gained one of my dearest friends through the process.

On to happier news, Martha completed her *final* chemo treatment last week. Now when we find out that we''re going to be parents, we won''t have to worry about waiting for her to be out of the hospital to tell her that they''re about to be grandparents.

Feels like perfect timing... haha, but doesn''t it always for me?

Hope you get to feeling better soon, Steph. But you''re right. The best way to think about it now is that feeling awful is usually a good sign for the little one growing strong!!

Peony, you and me both. I sometimes worry about Paul dying and leaving me behind, but then I have to remember to just cherish every moment *now,* and not to let fears mess with our time together (which will be years and years and years...). Just like for you and your hubby and those little ones!!


How did your test go? Today was results day, no? I''m sure you flew through it all with a wonderful score.
Date: 6/1/2009 8:03:35 PM
Author: fisherofmengirly
Feels like perfect timing... haha, but doesn''t it always for me?
That''s what I love about you Fisher. Glad to see you are doing well. Sorry about your friend, that''s horrific
. Still thinking good things will happen for you and Paul soon!
Any chart experts around? I would post on Ovusoft, but they have been down for a few days and I am dying to ask if anyon has opinions on this lovely chart of mine...... I thought things were going well. It is my 6th cycle charting and while my cycles haven''t been "clockwork" they were looking pretty similar until now. Do you agree with the software that I could have ovulated? I know only time will tell for sure, but it is already going to be my longest cycle. It has been an odd month in my life because my husband and dog moved partway, so I have been sleeping alone for a bit which would explain the lower temps, but it still doesn''t make complete sense because some of the temps are higher after he left.

Oh and I am on day 9 of full on EWCM. That can''t be normal- good times.

and my past charts for reference:

Mia I don''t think you O''d because you still have EW. Is that normal for you? Many women have EW for a couple days post O, but it seems less likely to have more...
Thanks DD, no it is definitely not normal for me to have EW after O. Good point. I usually go right to dry after ovulation. I can''t believe I have so much of it either. It''s so strange.
Date: 6/2/2009 3:36:45 PM
Author: mia1181
Thanks DD, no it is definitely not normal for me to have EW after O. Good point. I usually go right to dry after ovulation. I can''t believe I have so much of it either. It''s so strange.
cough cough... maybe your body is trying to convince you that it is TIME!
Mia - I''ve had some cycles with a couple weeks of EWCM, and they either ended up with really late ovulations, or turned out anovulatory. Maybe it''s the stress from DH moving?

Fisher - I passed! Not a clue what the score was, but I think it was pass/fail, so it doesn''t matter anyhow. The wait was absolute agony, but I can chill out now. Started stims for IVF #2 last night. Back Thurs to check on progress.
I love your attitude in every post, and how caring you are for your friends and family. Congrats to your MIL for finishing chemo! How awesome is that? You sound like such a good friend to everyone, you must be gathering major karma points, and I''m convinced you''ll be a fantastic mother to a couple of children some day. I still feel so sorry for your friend and her kiddies. I hope she''ll be able to find good ways to keep happy memories of her husband alive for the kids. She''s lucky to have a friend like you to help her through this!

Cakeny - yes, patience is necessary. My temps usually either dropped the day before or the day of AF. You''ll either have to wait out AF, or if you''ve gone a couple months with nothing, consider seeing your doc for a script for provera to bring it on. I know how agonizing the wait is - some of my cycles have been well over 40 days long, and totally unpredictable.

I guess I should keep on cleaning up some of my tornado-struck living room, and pack the study stuff away for good! I had a pretty good time reading a Harlequin romance novel in the OR today - I have no shame, even when my staff come in and catch me at it :) As long as they don''t start reading the steamy passages over my shoulder and laughing at me even more, I''ll be all good!
Date: 6/2/2009 9:15:32 PM
Author: icekid

Date: 6/2/2009 3:36:45 PM
Author: mia1181
Thanks DD, no it is definitely not normal for me to have EW after O. Good point. I usually go right to dry after ovulation. I can''t believe I have so much of it either. It''s so strange.
cough cough... maybe your body is trying to convince you that it is TIME!
Or worse, maybe I had my chance these past few months and now everything is going to hell!
Ugh, I can''t imagine DH and I having to DTD every day for 9 days! That was our plan for when we started because I have had pretty consisitent EWCM, but now I''m not so sure.
drk- Yes I think it''s going to be an anovulatory cycle this time. I haven''t felt stressed, but it definitely is a change, so it could be possible. Good luck on Thursday by the way!
Hello everyone... another random drive by post from applequeen
I apologize for the is crazy and to be honest I''m not really sure what is going on with me on the TTC front since this is my first cycle off BC. I''m hoping some of you can provide some advice. It''s really driving me crazy not knowing what is going on with my body... cakeny I really feel your pain... I imagine that''s how I''ll be in a couple of weeks when I should be expecting AF.

So here''s the deal. I should have started my period/ breakthrough bleeding on May 23rd (obviously this would not have been a true period) however the past few months I have not had any sort of bleeding during that time (I was on Loestrin 24 and it''s fairly normal to eventually have nothing). I hate not knowing if/ when I should expect to ovulate or how long this first cycle will be. I know it''s sort of a wait and see sort of thing but it''s driving me crazy. I caved and joined FF and I''d like to start charting (so much for a laid back approach) because I feel like I need to know what is going on. Is it too late to start charting this cycle? I plugged in the tiny bit of info I had (the date I should have started) and it''s saying that today and the next few days should be my fertile time.

I know what you''re thinking... that this is just the basic projection it gives based on a 28 day cycle (pre pill my cycle was more like 31 days) so it''s probably not accurate BUT... last night and today I''ve had some back pain and a touch of side pain that makes me think I could be ovulating.... I also think I had some EW cervical mucas but I''m just not''s all so iffy coming off the pill.

So... what do you think? Is it possible that I am ovulating? Is it too late to start temping for this cycle (or would it even provide any useable information)?

Fisher... Hi
I know we haven''t really "met" on here before but I wanted to tell you how much I''ve thought about you while lurking on this thread. I''ve really admired your faith and patience (yes I think you''re very patient) with this whole process. It really helped me wait to start TTC and to keep praying about it and to trust that we would know when that time would be... so...thanks.
Hi everybody, I haven''t posted in a few weeks because things have been hectic and we are in the middle of a move from Chicago to Lincoln- but I''m back now!

Steph- Congrats!! That is one dark line

Lulu- I''m so sorry to hear that the doctors have nothing to tell you and that they don''t seem to know what to do. I don''t know what else to say except that I am truly sorry. Unexplained infertility just seems like an oxymoron to me- hopefully you will find out what is wrong soon.

Applequeen- Good luck with the transition from bc to ttc. It kind of sounds like you could be ovulating. If you already are ovulating, then I''m not sure temping now would help any- but I''m not an expert.

Fisher- I am glad that you''re back and I hope this is the month for you. I''m also very sorry for the loss of your dear friend. My thoughts are with you and your friend''s family. Also- congrats on your mil''s last cycle of chemo!

Blushing and drk- good luck with your RE appointments!

Cakeny- I wouldn''t worry too much about your af not showing up the day you expected it. Last month was my first cycle off of bc and I was positive my af was coming for 3 days straight. Then I was hoping I was pg because it wasn''t here yet and of course it came on cycle day 31- 4 days late for me. If your af doesn''t come your doctor can give you progesterone (I think) to jump start your period again. I had to do that a few years ago after using the depo shot one time and not getting my period for a year. It worked and I was regular again after that.

Mia- I think your chart looks anovulatory. Maybe your body is gearing up to ovulate late?


I don''t have much to report here. We have been extremely busy packing and preparing for our move to Lincoln. We also had to drive down to Texas to pick up our new puppy. My fiance (M) and I had been looking for a puppy friend for my dog Lupita for about a month. After Lupita was hit by a car, M found the "perfect" puppy. Although I felt it was really soon after Lupita, we still decided to get her. Her name is Mona and she''s an australian shepherd. Having her has been really hard, sometimes I cry because she isn''t Lupita. It makes me feel ridiculous.

I think my af is due tomorrow. I started temping this month and according to my temps and cm I ovulated on cycle day 11- really early. Last cycle the opk''s and cm said cd 17- but I''m still not convinced that I ovulated last month. If my luteal phase was 14 days last month, then it will most likely be 14 days this month too right? I guess we will see tomorrow.
Mia - looks to me like you haven''t ovulated yet, for the reasons DD mentioned.

Fisher - I''m so sorry to hear about your friend''s death.
Do me a favor and please check out your friends list on the other baby site.
Date: 6/2/2009 11:51:18 PM
Author: mia1181
Date: 6/2/2009 9:15:32 PM

Author: icekid

Date: 6/2/2009 3:36:45 PM

Author: mia1181

Thanks DD, no it is definitely not normal for me to have EW after O. Good point. I usually go right to dry after ovulation. I can''t believe I have so much of it either. It''s so strange.

cough cough... maybe your body is trying to convince you that it is TIME!

Or worse, maybe I had my chance these past few months and now everything is going to hell!
Ugh, I can''t imagine DH and I having to DTD every day for 9 days! That was our plan for when we started because I have had pretty consisitent EWCM, but now I''m not so sure.

I hope not! Maybe it''s just a stressful month. The more stressed I am at work, the longer my cycles are (I don''t temp though). Good thing I''m not going to be getting pregnant any time in the next 4 years, right? Are you still planning to try next year?
Thank you all for the helpful info. At least I know there is a "next step." My temp actually dropped yesterday but still haven''t gotten the damn F yet. I''m calling it DF from now on.

Applequeen - Ditto!! :) I started temping and charting mid-cycle too. Now i''m just anxious to get my first official AF so that I can start properly. There goes the casual TTC''ing. I knew I''d give in at some point.

Drk- so glad everything tested fine. Good luck with your cleaning and hope to hear some positive news next week!

Fisher, best if luck this cycle! Like everyone has been saying, I think you have such a great attitude and have been MORE than patient throughout your journey. So thanks for being an inspiration to those of us who are just starting! It surely is a roller coaster - and i JUST started!

whitetulips- I teared up reading about you and Mona. And i don''t think it''s ridiculous at all. I know it''s so soon and I can''t even imagine how hard it must be to let this lil new one in, but I know in due time she will help you heal. My heart goes out to you!
Drk, How excellent that not only did the test go well, but you''re about to embark on your IVF round. Yippee!! Please come back and let us know how things go on Thursday (wait, today is your Thursday, right? Hmm... in that case, thinking good thoughts about it now for you!!). My mom reads those same type of books. My dad refers to them as "screw books." Makes my mom turn red every time. Flaming red. It''s hilarious.

Mia, You''ve gotten lots of good advice from the chart experts around here. Some people don''t have a huge shift after ovulation, and others do. But if you typically have a bigger shift, I''d say just keep on keeping on. I know, oh how I know, the fun of waiting for O to finally arrive (fake outs are the worst!!). I''m sure the stress is the same whether trying to create a life or prevent. Tons of EW is a good sign for when your time does come, though! Keep that in mind through this odd cycle.

Thanks for that info, Blen.

Applequeen, Hi, you! I am hoping all the best for you and all the "newbies" around here. This is a very supportive place and I''m glad it''s here, because it''s a good place to vent, gain support, and then there''s the joy of having our experts who tell us what''s going on when we''re freaking out. (Hi, Dreamer and Blen and Robbie!!
) I will have to tell Paul that people have called me patient today. He''ll get a big laugh out of that. I tend to think that most things happen for a reason, and I have no doubt that there is something I''m supposed to be gaining/learning through this journey. Maybe patience is part of it, and I''m sure that the growth of our marriage has been a big part of it, too. I think that things work out in ways we can never expect or explain, and while I would love to be a mother right this second, if the wait is for the good of myself or others, I''m okay with that. And somehow, I feel like the wait to this point really had a big part in causing Cindy and I to get to be such good friends, and I''m thankful that I can be a support to her and the boys right now (they''re coming to visit in a couple weeks. Pretty excited!!! Must finish painting the guest bedroom... paint drama is another story). Prayer is always a good thing, Apple. I''ll be praying myself that things work out just right for your family!

Oh yeah, about temping now... well, really, I don''t know if it would do any good or not. If you''ve not ovulated yet, it could show a rise when you do, but I''m not sure that you would get crosshairs or anything like that from it, since it takes time for the computer to be able to reliably say you did ovulate. But I''m not the most patient person (hee hee) so I''d probably be charting anyway. That''s just me, though.

Tulips (my favorite flower, by the way!!), I hope that over time, Mona becomes a way for you to remember Lupita and also that she becomes part of the family. I know the feeling of missing a beloved pet and then having another one just not quite be as cool or special as the one before. My childhood cat, Bubbles, was like my best friend. Totally and completely the most awesome cat in the world. She lived to be 18 and when she passed, I was insanely upset and emotional. I got another kitten a few months later, and while I liked her, I didn''t want to love her, because I felt like I was betraying Bubbles. Long story short, the silly kitty reminded me of a lot of Bubbles'' past behaviors, and I bonded with the new kitten in that way, and eventually, she became a dearly loved pet, too. Different, but just as loved.


Hold on, it''s a wild ride (and hopefully your ride will be a short one!).

Apparently my time away from this place has ended. I''m feeling pretty good right now, but honestly have no clue what will happen if this cycle ends without the outcome we''ve been continually hoping and praying for. I feel like time away was a good thing for me and while I still read around here from time to time (I mean, I had to know how others were doing!), it was good to stop focusing all the time on every aspect of this TTC business. Hopefully I can keep this mindset and act a little more sane.

FF has given me crosshairs and I have had a SLAMMIN'' high shift this cycle, more dramatic than in the past. Means nothing, but on paper (or screen), it looks pretty dramatic anyway. Enough to make me happy (but not insanely analytical, of course).

Festy, Blushing, Swimmer, Lulu, Hi, ladies. Hope you''re doing well.

Thank you for the thoughts for our friend''s family. It''s so crazy and it was so sudden, but God''s taking care of Cindy and the boys. I don''t know what to say to her sometimes, but she''s really doing well. There is a peace about her that is simply unexplainable. They just shared their 15 year anniversary in April.

Martha''s doing really well. Has to go to the hospital/clinic every other day to have her numbers checked, and that will likely be her routine for several weeks, then it will taper once a week, then twice monthly, and then every 6 months. She''s very excited for her hair to be growing back and asks every time we see her if we can see any spots in the back or anything where the stubs are longer than the others. It''s cute and her spirits are wonderfully high. We''re *so* looking forward to her weight and energy levels returning. Thanks for thinking of her, everyone. She says she feels the support of prayer all around her, and I totally believe that. I''ve felt that power before myself.
Blushing- thinking of u....plz update as soon as u can about your crmi visit!
Applequeen- Well I am the type of person who is super curious so keep that in mind with the fact that I am already charting, even though I am not planning on TTC for a while. Well I use it a BC right now, but I''d be lying if I said that was the only reason I temp. I really want to be prepared when it is time to TTC. Anywho... you could totally start charting now (this cycle) it''s probably too late to tell if you ovulated accurately, but at the very least you could get used to the routine, working your thermometer, figure out the best time to temp, etc. Plus you might even be able to tell when your AF will start if you see a huge dip in temp. I just think it couldn''t hurt (but like Fisher, that''s just how I am).

As for me, temp dropped today so I am still in anovulatory-land and day 10 of EWCM. I think I might be getting closer because the EWCM isn''t as prevalent on the *outside* IYKWIM, but it is definitely still there. I never got good at checking the cervical position, etc. since it all felt the same to me so I have no clues in that area either. Just have to wait and see.

whitetulips- Yep I hope it come eventually rather than not at all, we''ll see. I''m glad you got a puppy. I''m sure it feels odd, but I think having a new little one to love will help in the healing/greiving process.

Blen- George is so cute! Thanks for your opinion, I''ll have to wait and see.

icekid- Well I am not sure how stressed I have been, but it has been hard not having DH or my little pug around. Plus DH is trying to find a job so I guess I have been worried about that. Oh really, four more years? Well something tells me time will fly by with how busy you are/will be. If all goes well we will still be trying next year. DH needs to get a jobby-job first (which is promising since he''s had a lot of activity in the two weeks he''s been down there) and then I need to focus on moving and changing careers, while going back to school for my Masters. So yeah it''s going to be a busy year for us, but as soon as we are settled we want to start.

Fisher- Yes you are right, it is stressful either way. Luckily DH isn''t around so I don''t have to know for sure when I ovulated, but I am stressing about the future when do try. I do know that EWCM is supposed to be a good sign, I guess that is why I am so surprised I haven''t ovulated. But I am thankful we are not trying this cycle because we''d be doing one heck of BD marathon!
I don''t think I could keep up with 10 days in a row. I''m glad to see you back here, and I''m excited about this "slammin" high temp. Thinking only positive thought for you! Glad to hear Martha is still doing well and your friend Cindy sounds like an amazing person. They are both so lucky to have you in their lives.
Date: 6/3/2009 9:49:22 PM
Author: nycbkgirl
Blushing- thinking of u....plz update as soon as u can about your crmi visit!

I just got back from my first CRMI visit and I have one word to sum it all up: WOW! That place is run like a well oiled machine! I was very impressed with the whole experience. I love my Dr. (finally I can say that), I feel like she truly listened to me and cared - just to give you an idea, my appointment was at 9am, I got there around 8:45 to fill out paperwork. I was called in around 9:15 and didn't finish until 11:30. I wasn't rushed and felt extremely comfortable the entire time.

I showed her all my charts and my medical records containing all the results of the tests I took through my OBGYN over the past year. She then did an examation, took cultures and performed an ultra-sound. Finally, they took TONS of blood from me. She wanted to do genetic testing, progesterone (since I'm on 8DPO) amoungst other stuff.

She told me that the fact that nothing's been found to be wrong is actually a good thing so, I'm trying to accept the word "normal" back into my vocabulary. She was a little concerned about my luteal phase being too short. I had this issue last spring being around 9-10 days, but then it grew to be about 11-12 days for many months (one cycle was 13). However, in Jan. it was 9 days and it was 9 days last month too. So, she's gave me a perscriptionn for clomid wihch I'll start next cycle if I'm not preggos (wishful thinking). She said it will extend my luteul phase and just give the whole process an extra "boost." She really thinks that it might just be thing I need to become pregnant.

But, she also showed me during the ultrasound that I have a very thick lining which is good and that my ovaries looked great - left one was "full of eggs." She explained that I ovulated from the right this cycle and I said I knew that because I had o-pains on that side. She laughed and said that I am one of the best TTC monitors she's ever seen! LOL - let's just say between being on this thread for a year and a half and reading TCOYF, I'm an expert! Ha!

She also joked and said if I am pregnant right now, all this would be a moot point. Yeah - I know! She didn't say whether I was pregnant or not (DH wanted to know this) - I would imagine she would've if she could tell. There's still time for implantation so, we'll see.

BTW - the building is beautiful and the office is extremely state-of-the-art (not to mention very clean). I'm so relieved that to know I'm in good hands from this point on. I'm holding on tight - it's going to be one hell of an exciting ride going forward!

I'll be back to see her two weeks after my o-date next cycle. Then she leaves for vacation so, she said she'd still like to preform the HSG test on me, but wants to do it herself so, she asked me to wait until she returns, which I happily obliged.

NYC - you've been so great and a wealth of knowledge about CRMI!!! THANK YOU so very much! I'll keep you and everyone posted on my journey.

Everyone else - I'm root'n for ya!
Hello all.... Thanks for all the responses... I really appreciate the advice.

Cakeny.... So glad to hear I''m not crazy
It''s nice to have someone to be casual (but not really cause we can''t help ourselves) with.

Whitetulips...I hope everything works out with the puppy. Pets are so important to our lives and I don''t know what I would do without my kitty. I always remind my husband that I''ve had her longer than I''ve known him. I''ve been through some of my best times and my worst times with that cat and I''m way too attached to her. To this point she''s been the focus of all my maternal instincts and I worry about how a baby will affect her.

Fisher... Thank you for the prayers
DH and I have been praying a lot about this for the past year and we''re trying to trust that all will work out as it should. One of my favorite things about faith is that someday you can look back and understand a purpose for some of the hard times it gets us through. I''ll also be praying for you. Good luck with the paint drama ( I hate to paint).

Mia... you read my mind. I think I''m also too curious to sit back and not try charting.

Blushing... so glad to hear you had a positive visit... hope this is the beginning of something good for you.

As for me... I am going to start temping/ charting. It may not help much this month but at least it''ll be good practice for next month. I tried to jump my husband last night with the ultra romantic words..."so I think I might be ovulating, do you want to .... " He was a little surprised and basically said that he didn''t want it to be so scientific (at least not at first) and he thought we were going to be casual about it. I have realized (and told him) that it''s impossible for me to be casual about it when I can''t help but know what is happening to my body. When I started seeing signs of possible ovulation I couldn''t ignore them or forget about them. We also talked about the fact that if I was ovulating and we missed it this month then we''re out for the month... and you really only get 12 chances a year. I hated to waste one (even if I wasn''t sure about it timing wise). I understand his point of view and he understands mine.... I really think from now on (at least for the next few months) I''m going to keep the ovulation comments to myself and try to think of a better way to lure him into bed.
I need to understand what''s going on because that''s just my personality (planner/ control freak) but he''s just not like me (very laid back)... we do a pretty good job of balancing each other. I know he wants a baby (has wanted one longer than me actually) but he just doesn''t want to overthink it. I''m actually ok with the possiblity that it may take a little while... but i don''t know how long that''ll last.

All this is so strange for me... for a long time I wasn''t sure I wanted kids (I''ve never really been around them and I''ve only held 2 babies in my entire life)...Once I met my husband all that changed. He''ll be such a great father and I love that he thinks I''ve got what it takes to be a good mother.
for a positve experience at CRMI.
Hope this is the beginning of a wonderful journey for you.
Applequeen - my DH was (and still pretty much is) the same way your DH is. For a long time, he didn''t want me to talk so scientific to him at all. He explained that it was a turn off for him. Like you, I am a control freak and wanted to talk about it to somebody so, I chose him as my victim.
So, once he told me how he felt about things, I understood and laid off. Since we''ve been trying for about a year now, he''s more open to me talking and explaining things to him because he''s trying to understand why it hasn''t happened yet. So, I tell him things on a need-to-know basis only (like for example, my Dr''s appt. today) and that seems to work well for us.

There are/were other ladies on this thread who also had DH''s that would react the same way. I guess it''s a guy thing!
Ding Dong the DF is here! (that''s Damn Flo, not Dear Fiance) FINALLY. so i can stop obsessing now (yeah right)

So I now i start the charting process officially. should I use FF? the TCOYF software? Are they all the same?

apple- DH is EXACTLY like yours (and i guess many others on this board). We had that EXACT convo last week, me asking "so how does this work, do I tell you or subtly initiate the BD''ing?" One guess to how that convo went ;) But yes, good to have a TTC "buddy" too :)

Blushing- I''m SO glad to hear that your visit went well and that it was a positive experience. BEST best of luck this cycle!!!

SO happy for you! Yay! It''s awesome that you''ve found a Dr. that you feel so comfortable with already. That will totally help with the stress of this journey, lady! I love it when a Dr. takes the time to listen to you, and doesn''t just talk *at* you.

Looking forward to more positive posts to come!!!
So glad Blushing had a good appt! But man, I just read Fisher''s last post and got REALLY EXCITED for you and then well, less so. Hoping to open this thread someday soon to read that you are knocked up.

Sounds like all are doing great, hope you are enjoying summer!
Blushing, so glad your appt went well!! I will sprinkle some Clomid dust on you if you go that route (but no twins dust unless you want it!).
BB- omg im soooo happy that u liked crmi bc i am someone who really is particular and this place is just the top of the top!!! the docs are all wonderful and the place itself just makes u feel so comfortable and important (if u know what i mean ).....i reallly wanna hear all about the whole experience...ugh i just cant rave enough about this place! im so excited for u i just cant stop lol!
Date: 6/4/2009 11:13:49 PM
Author: nycbkgirl
BB- omg im soooo happy that u liked crmi bc i am someone who really is particular and this place is just the top of the top!!! the docs are all wonderful and the place itself just makes u feel so comfortable and important (if u know what i mean ).....i reallly wanna hear all about the whole experience...ugh i just cant rave enough about this place! im so excited for u i just cant stop lol!
YAY!!! I'm so pysched to know I'm in such good hands. Love it, love it, love it!

Thank you Peony, Swimmer, Fisher, Cakeny, Lili and Applequeen - I appreciate all the support! It means so much!

So, this may be a dumb question, but going forward does my RE become my OBGYN? For example, she asked me yesterday when my last pap was and I told her in Dec '08 so, she didn't do one for me. However, come Dec '09 would I just schedule my routine pap with her now?

Also, because my RE is affiliated with NY Presbyterian hospital (which also happens to be the best L&D hospital in the city...not to mention one of the best in the country
), I definitely want to deliver there, so I'm assuming my RE would refer me to a Dr. which specializes in obstetrics who is also affiliated with NY Pres? How does that transition work?