
The Official TTC Thread!

Lanie ditto Cara. Also, sorry if I am not up on your whole story, I only lurk occassionally, but have you been charting? I suspect that such a method will be your best friend. Some women have very light periods and are perfecly fertile, so that could be one thing not to worry too much about. I have periods that last about 2-3 days and I hardly even need a panty liner for all but one day, but I got pregnant easily. Also have short cycles. So those things by themselves are not necessarily bad, but the irregularity could be an issue... that said, it can take some women up to a year to regulate post pill! Yup, a whole year. So it could be that, strange as it sounds.
And now about me

I was scheduled for a monitoring appointment this Saturday to check on ovulation progress. However, on both Sunday and Monday mornings, my home monitor indicated a high reading. So, back to the RE''s office I went, being afraid that if we waited until Saturday, we''d completely miss ovulation.

At first, the nurse(s) and Dr. were very skeptical about the accuracy of my monitor. At that point, I was only a week into my cycle and that is EARLY for ovulation. But, lo and behold the ultrasound revealed a mature follicle and the blood work confirmed that I was "surging".

I picked up and self-administered (after a small pep talk) a trigger shot last night, along with ANOTHER drug to help fluff up my uterine lining. So many drugs for someone that rarely likes to take advil.

This morning, my husband departed for the RE''s office to *contribute* his part only to find out that due to renovations, there was no longer a collection room. What?!? He had to race back home, do what was needed and then race back down to drop off the sample. Talk about pressure.

I showed up an hour later, was told that despite the craziness that ensued earlier that morning the *sample* was stellar. Before I knew it, the iui was done.


I''m not feeling particularly optimistic about the outcome. Realistically, given the paltry state of my lining, the iui is not likely to be successful. However, I think that I/we have learned a lot from this little exercise. I very much hope that this knowledge will inform any future cycles so that one day those perfect, little, pink double lines will appear.
Lovely - sounds like you have A LOT going in your favor! Did your RE confirm your suspicions about a thin lining during your ultrasounds? I truly hope this is your cycle!!!!
Your DH sounds like a trooper! :)

Can I also ask if your RE suggested nights/mornings for BDing?
Lovely, is the thin lining due to your early ovulation this cycle or is it a more universal concern for you? either way, implantation doesn''t necessarily happen for a few more days so there is time for a little more fluffing with some drug assistance. how exciting!

as for me, i am on CD 7, definitely not KTFU, and we''re avoiding for the next few months, so not too much exciting here.

newshiny, also i was really excited to get my post-mc period. once the pregnancy news is bad, you kind of just want it over and want to know your body is back to normal and it woln''t drag on and on. So you are definitely not the first! Its a pretty common experience.
lulu - Sounds like a very exciting morning! I can''t believe they closed down the collection room!!

I hope you don''t mind my asking some very basic questions, but when you refer to the home monitor, what is this exactly? Something other than an OPK? What will be the next step for you? An ultrasound or do you wait and see now?

Wishing you lots of good luck!!
blushing: my DH is definitely a trooper. I can only imagine how mortified he was when he got to the office this morning . . . I was told that we should GOTF tonight, if we so desired, because that could help "move things along" or something vague like that. It seems that they generally support BD, regardless of the timing.

cara: a break sounds like what the body needs. thanks for chiming in, because your posts are always helpful! the cause of the thinness of the lining is as yet, undetermined. the re stated that it could be due to clomid (tends to have that impact) or because this is soooo early in the cycle. i''m hoping that it becomes more hospitable asap!!

LV: the *monitor* is the clear blue easy fertility monitor. It''s basically a fancy OPK - a machine that reads the stick and then lets you know if you at one of three readings: low (not fertile), high (getting there) and peak (ovulation about to occur). It''s easy. though a little pricey.

my next step is to hang tight and wait out those dreaded two weeks.
Lovely - I hope you don''t mind me chiming in here. In my acupuncture practice, I work with a lot of women with thin uterine lining. I have them drink this tea combination from the end of their period until ovulation:

Raspberry leaf tea (2 bags) + small handful Goji berries + several dried red dates brewed together in hot water. You can sip it throughout the whole day.

The Goji berries and red dates are easily found in any Asian grocery store. Some health food stores may carry it.

I''ve given this tea combination to many of my patients during their IVF and IUI cycles and have seen lining go from 6 to 12TL in 2-3 days. It''s very safe as the herbs are considered "food herbs"

I hope this helps. Best of luck!
Lovely - I can''t believe how fast everything happened. I feel like you just got your AF yesterday and now here you are in the TWW! Here''s hoping your TWW goes just as fast for you!
It really did happen fast. I''m usually early to ovulate, but this cycle is ridiculous. CD8.

gongjoo143: I don''t mind you chiming in at all. thank you for the information. I will definitely look into it.
dreamer: Thanks so much. I feel bad...I''m not technically TTC, but I will be soon, and I don''t want to delay things further figuring this stuff out!

Lovely: Wow! That''s crazy! I hope this is it! What''s the difference between your fertility monitor and a traditional OPK? Your poor DH!
Date: 9/1/2009 5:36:15 PM
Author: lovelylulu
It really did happen fast. I''m usually early to ovulate, but this cycle is ridiculous. CD8.

I''m so envious! I don''t ovulate until CD 16-18. My ovaries need a kick start.
Lulu, I hope this is it for you!!!!!
I''m a very early ovulator (like CD 7!!!)...which I thought was just odd, but I guess it''s fine!. I couldn''t help but laugh again at the GOTF! yeah, get on the floor!!!

Swimmer, CONGRATS!!!!!!!
I''m so happy for you and sending you tons of sticky vibes!!!

I''m feeling a new wave of positives is coming in!!! Yayy! How exciting!!!!!!!!!
Lulu - yay for knowing your own body better than the docs do, and for getting yourself in there for the IUI to be done on time. Congrats to DH on performing well under stress. Must have been seriously awful for him!

Swimmer - hope today''s results were good.

Fisher - The HSG really wasn''t bad. Just take the advil ahead of time like they suggest, and you should be ok. I acutally found the big-a$$ speculum they gave my doc to use to be more painful than the HSG test itself, and I NEVER have issues with discomfort during PAPs or other exams. Hopefully a cleaning of the pipes (+/- a little femara) will be all that you need!
Hello husband and I will be starting to TTC in novemeber but I wanted to start keeping track of my cycles now. So far I just keep track of cycle length varying from 27-29 days each month. Here is my question they tell you to temp after 3 hours of consecutive sleep. I have my alarm set to temp for 6am when I usually wake up but I am such a restless sleeper. I am kinda in a light sleep from the hours of 12am-6am. Always tossing and turning. Do you think that this would make a difference in my temps? What would you suggest for a light sleeper like myself?
allie, i think the best bet is to start taking your temperature now and see what affects it for you. for me, three hours of consecutive sleep is more important than the exact hour of day. staying in bed semi-awake for a little while doesn't usually affect it, for example if i've been kind of awake but just lying there not talking for 20 minutes it is the same as just woke from a deep sleep. BUT getting up to go pee does affect it, and I usually do that sometime in the morning and then return for some extra zzzs. So... for me, if I have another 2-3 hours of sleep ahead of me I can wait to take my temperature later when I am getting up for the day, but if its only an hour or two until the alarm I should take it before (or immediately when) getting up for the bathroom as it will likely be 'off' when the alarm goes off. But I am usually a sound sleeper, so maybe a lighter sleeper can chime in with a recommendation for you.
Thanks Cara,

I don't wake up all the way but I am at the point were I realize I am not sleeping and just turn from one side to another, then I will fall asleep and wake up again and toss and turn some more. I don't get up to pee until 6-6:30.
Blushing - thanks for reminding me I am not the first - how could I forget the very person who started this incredible thread?

Cara, I''m glad there are more people out there that understand.

Fisher, thinking of you.

Lulu, good luck!

Laine, I absolutely recommend a few months of charting. I''d say it takes about 3 months to get the hang of it. I was convinced that something was wrong with my body & I wasn''t ovulating when we first started TTC. After charting for a few months, I realized that I was worried for no reason because my charts show that I''m ovulating just fine. They are also great to have when you go to the doctor to talk about TTC issues. Just make sure that you are charting properly. I think the most important thing is to take your temp at the same time EVERY day.

Allie, I think that as long as you''re taking your temp at the same time every day and you haven''t gotten out of bed 3 hours prior, you should be okay. Try it for a couple of months and see what information you come up with. I can be a restless sleeper at times too but it doesn''t affect my chart. Now, a night after a couple of glasses of wine, that''s a different story! A couple of drinks can send your temp way up the next morning.
Hi Ladies!

Oh Lulu! that is quite a morning! Sounds like you are in great shape. Did they tell you what your ute lining was measuring during the u/s? fingers crossed.

Laila, ovulating 16-18 is totally within the normal range. Its when it gets beyond that, into the 20s-40s-beyond that means its a no go. You are looking good.

Fisher, I am so sorry. It is going to happen for you guys, it is.
Thanks Mandarine!

DrK, Thank you. my bloodwork was great, from 55 to 165 in two days. Getting more used to this idea, but it is still so early.
Thanks Ladies...I personally kinda hate my thermometer. I have the one with the little pink on the end. It stores two temps for me so when I wake up and look at it, it shows me what I think is the Low and the High. I threw away the case with the instructions. Can someone shed light as to what the first number means. It is always pretty low. The second number I am guessing is the number from this morning.
Swimmer, Glad to hear your bloodwork was great!!

Allie, What brand is your thermometer? Maybe we can find the same one on or amazon to see how the temps display? I haven''t had that one before and don''t think I''ve seen it. I actually hate all of these thermometers!!! But, they do serve their purpose, right?


I recorded two 97.5''s for the past two days (5 and 6 DPO), which is below coverline and which I guess is not really significant at this point; however, my temps never went below coverline in my prior cycles, so it just strikes me as odd. Also, in prior charts, 97.5 would have been above coverline, so I don''t know. It''s probably irrelevant, but I have nothing else to report, just waiting to POAS!!!
Allie...I think I have the same one as you!!! When you are done taking it, does it beep like 6 or 7 times? If so, I''ll tell you how to use it. It was weird and I was getting the wrong temps for awhile.
swimmer Congratulations!! I am so excited for you!

lulu Here is hoping that is just what you need this month!

Loves Vintage I am posting my chart because my temp dropped below the coverline at 5dpo. I was going by fertility friend''s "advanced" calculator, which would put me at 8 dpo. But the chart that I''m posting now using their new "research" method shows me at only 7 dpo.

Am I the craziest person in the world testing at 6 and 7 dpo when I KNOW that there is no chance it would be positive? After TTCing, I think that I just like peeing on things. The good news is that it doesn''t put me in a bad mood to see a negative this early

thanks for all the positive thoughts!!

yesterday really was quite the whirlwind. I had intended to take the morning off from work. There is no medical need to do that after an IUI, at all, but I thought it might be nice to go home, relax and will the meeting of sperm and egg
, but my blackberry was going off constantly nagging me with all kinds of things that could only be done, in-person, at my office. so no rest for the TTC-weary.

Then, after the day that I thought would never end, DH and I . . .

put in an offer on our first house!?!?!

It''s really a nugget of a little house. we fell in love at the open house this past weekend, went back for another walk-thru Monday night and then took the plunge yesterday. What sealed the deal, aside from being a pretty darn ideal property, was the fact that there are tons of young families in the neighborhood. On our second walk-thru, we showed up around 7:30 and the streets were full of families taking walks, riding bicycles, etc.

It''s definitely a move to a more suburban spot - we currently are in DC-proper in a super neighborhood, but could never afford a proper house in the area. we''re ready for the change.

Due to some extenuating circumstances (current owner of the house is in the hospital) we won''t know whether the offer is accepted until tomorrow.

more waiting.


Laine: the difference is that I don''t have the responsibility of interpreting the opk, that is delegated to the monitor. I POAS, pop it into the machine and it displays whether it''s a fertile or non-fertile time. Other than that, there is no difference as both measure the same hormonal surges.

Laila: 16-18 sounds like a perfect time to ovulate. I wish that mine would take a little more time . . .

mandarine: i love it when you pop in over here and yes, GOTF never fails to make me smile
BTW, your belly is very, very fantastic.

swimmer: my lining, on the day before the IUI was at 5mm

welcome allie

lindsey: i''ve certainly tested early. you are not alone with being afflicted with a mild to severe case of POAS-disorder
Lindsey, that looks like it could be a nice implantation dip around 4-5 DPO. Hmmmmm.
Thanks Lulu!!

Hello all! Hope everyone is''s actually a nice day here in Houston, we''ve cooled down a bit (which means it''s 85 degrees instead of 95 degrees!) and the sun is shining...trying to think of something fun and outdoorsy for DH and I to do today (I''m off work today!). Maybe a walk, then relaxing by the pool with a novel?

Lulu -- oooh how exciting!! (the iui and the house both!) I''m so glad you guys caught your peak time, early as it was. Sending vibes for a nice fluffy lining and an acceptance of your house offer!! Sounds like a lovely neighborhood...and just think, someday (hopefully very soon!!) you''ll be riding bikes with your little one too. :)

Lindsey -- nice chart!! I''m afraid I''m beginning to understand about POAS-itis myself...Even though we''re not technically trying yet, I bought some internet cheapie OPK''s already and have been using them to try and pinpoint my O-time this cycle. There''s something strangely satisfying about seeing those lines come up, even though they don''t mean much for me at this point. I think I''m just so excited about starting this process that I''m starving for any bit of information at all.


Swimmer -- nice beta-HCG''s!!!
Love it! Still sending you sticky vibes!!

AllieLuv -- welcome!! Looks like you''ll be joining Lanie and me in starting to TTC in Nov/Dec.
I''m also starting to track my cycles now just to get to know my body better before we actually start trying.

Lanie -- That is too funny. My house was just about 10 minutes from Holly dad and I used to go play golf there! I went to the Hawkins schools (there were only 42 kids in my senior class!) and then to Baylor in Waco for undergrad. I''m bout you? Maybe you should go talk about your cycles with your doc....especially if it would make you feel better before you guys really start trying. Might give you a better idea of what''s spotting and what''s your period. And keep charting...charting alone may elucidate what''s going on.

Meresal -- so you''re in Houston too? A fall GTG would be fun! :)

Fisher -- I''m so sorry that this cycle wasn''t the one. From what you have written, it is obvious that you and Paul share a strong faith, and it''s just plain inspiring, especially after all you''ve been through on this journey. Hang in there!! With every day that passes, your happy ending gets closer. :)


Alright, so I''ve tried to attach my chart for this cycle...hope it works. I think I may have O''ed within the past few days, but I''m not sure....Here''s what''s been going on.
Temps: Ovusoft gave me a coverline of 98.11, and today is the 1st day (aside from wacky CD7 when it was waaay high, disregard that one) that I''ve been above coverline.
Cervical mucus: haven''t had much at all until the last couple days, when it''s been creamy (still not a whole lot, though). Still no EWCM, but creamy is a kind of fertile mucus too, right?
OPK''s: took one for the last 3 days...on 1st day, not quite as dark as the control line, and same thing on the second day, so I called both of them negative. Third day (yesterday) the line was just barely visible, so definitely negative.
Other symptoms: tender bb''s that corresponded perfectly with the 2 almost-positive OPK''s. Yesterday (when OPK line was just barely visible), soreness was much less. Today the soreness has gone away (and I haven''t done an OPK today).

So, here''s my question re: OPK''s. Could those two days when the line was darker (but not quite as dark as the control line) still have been my LH surge? And then the surge was over by yesterday when the line was barely visible? Or is an OPK ALWAYS negative unless the line is as dark or darker than the control? I just thought it was interesting that the sore bb''s corresponded directly with the 2 darker OPK days, and the faint line OPK corresponded with the soreness going away.

The other confounding factor regarding my temp being above coverline today is that I had 2 glasses of wine last night, AND started coming down with a bit of a cold last night, so either of those things could screw with my temps.

Hi HOUMedGal,

An OPK is only positive when it's darker than the control line or the exact same color. If it's close but not quite, then it's still negative. When it's positive you will know as the test line usually is super dark in my experience! My rule of thumb is if I have to guess, it's not quite a positive yet.

Many people use the digital smiley face OPKs because they are much easier to read. However they are pricey!

It is true that drinking will cause your temp to rise a bit.
Swimmer - that''s quite the nice jump in 2 days!

HMG - creamy is supposedly not fertile. Just EWCM or watery, according to what I''ve read. I''ve had the odd true positive OPK, but with my PCOS, they usually just hovered near positive for a couple days. My bloodwork would show a surge though, so maybe I really was ovulating? It is supposed to be darker than the control line to be a true positive, but some people miss the surge testing only once a day.

My DH found out yesterday that our family doc is pg with twins, and 2 weeks farther along than we are. She''s going on mat leave from Dec to Sept, so I guess our baby care will be done by her locum
Too bad, we love her.
HOUMedGal: Harmony High? I''m 31 so I didn''t know anyone from your class.
Lindsey - Thanks for posting your chart. Odd that changing the OV Detection method from advanced to research would change your OV date. I will have to take a closer look later today to see if I can see why that would be? For my chart, the advanced method did not even detect OV because I did not have all early pre-OV temps recorded and they were taken at inconsistent times. The research method gave me crosshairs and made me happy!
I don't blame you one bit for POAS'g so soon! Now that I am better about recording my temps, I find myself quite beholden to the days listed under stats as test dates (I think that's what those numbers represent.) So, I don't think I will POAS until Sunday. I have the internet cheapie ones. They are so cheap, that it really is hard not to POAS! I tried to post my chart again, but the file is too large. Grrr. I am at 6DPO too.

gongjoo143 - You may have mentioned this before, but I just have to ask -- what state do you practice in? If by some small chance, you're in CT, I'm going to have to find you!!!!

Lovelylulu - Home buying is one of my favorite topics. What is the house like? Is it an older home? The neighborhood sounds wonderful!!!!!!!!! My first house was in a neighborhood like you've described, and it was just wonderful. It is very nice to feel like part of a larger community. Good luck! I hope you get a positive response from the seller.