
The Official TTC Thread!

TIFFANY!!!!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Congrats!! I hope for a very sticky baby in exactly where it should stick- a happy and healthy nine months to you, lady!!
Date: 9/3/2009 9:24:35 AM
Author: lovelylulu
bah. post eaten.

basically, I wanted to say to Fisher - hurray for spontaneity and from a strong man!

I was afraid about the ''tearing apart'' potential, but fortunately, this *struggle* has brought use closer together. We share a common goal and a common path to reaching that goal. we both hurt and hope at the same time. I feel very lucky to have someone that understands this experience and more importantly, who understands me. thank goodness!

welcome sparklyLibra
hope that it''s a short, but sweet stay!!
Well said Lovely and ditto!
Date: 9/2/2009 10:58:37 PM
Author: Lanie
Tiffany!!!! How exciting!!!! I''m new here, but I see that you''ve been here for awhile...CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!

Yep, I''m new here too, but CONGRATS!!!
Tiffany - wow, you have weird things happen to you while you''re travelling! Congrats on getting your "surprise" BFP. How much longer are you away for? I don''t think ectopic should be much of a danger till after the 6 week mark, if my pre-leaving-for-Europe-against-medical-advice-post-IVF research was correct. And I thought it''d be more likely about 7 weeks before you''d really get in pain and be at risk of rupture. Hopefully you can get an ultrasound to check things out before then. How far are you based on your IUI date? Does your insurance cover you to get a couple betas done at a walk-in clinic when you''re on the road?

Fisher - I could only get through it by focusing on the next step/month''s plan, as well as by trying to realize that I always also had a lot of other stuff going on in my life, and that no time would likely be ideal, and that I''d have to hope God would get the timing right, while we just kept on trying.

AFM - I was a bad girl, needed to borrow L&D''s ultrasound for a patient of mine last night on call, and had a peek at junior. It''s no longer a total spaz, but seems more coordinated moving around in there. Very cute, though not as good a pic as the u/s techs got at my NT scan. Probably doesn''t help that I was either standing or sitting in a chair trying to surruptitiously scan myself in the OR without anyone noticing. Don''t know if it worked, but no one jumped out and asked if I''m pg. :)

Anyone else testing soon?
Tiffany CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!! Sending the best wishes your way!!!
Fisher, thank you for thinking of me! I''m sorry about your episode, for lack of a better word. It sounds scary. Any chance you were dehydrated? (That''s my answer for everything). It''s probably worth mentioning to your doctor. To answer your question about how we cope...I mentally place myself in the worst-case scenario - not having children ever - and imagine what our lives would be like. I envision all the great things we could do together, all the extra love our dear kitties would get, etc. It helps me realize that it will not be the end of the world for us. Here''s one more thing I just did yesterday when I was feeling a little sad, and I *so* hope I don''t offend any of the new mommies here: I read the 0-12 months thread!

I''m at 10DPO and feeling my usual crampy self. I had some heartburn/burpies this morning and got my hopes up briefly, but with the cramps I just can''t imagine that I could be KU.

Lulu - Wow, that felt like a drive-by IUI! How great that you will have less waiting ahead of you. And the house is so exciting! I hope you''ll post pictures if you end up getting it. It sounds a little like our neighborhood, which I love. Good luck!

Tiffany, ok so looking back, did you have ANY symptoms? You know, other than the bleeding?

Allie - I had a Walgreens BBT and liked it very much too. I especially loved that it went to two decimal places. For some reason that extra precision made me feel better.
Date: 9/3/2009 1:35:06 PM
Author: Festy
Here''s one more thing I just did yesterday when I was feeling a little sad, and I *so* hope I don''t offend any of the new mommies here: I read the 0-12 months thread!
LOL, reading that thread always temporarily squelches my sadness about not being a mom (yet!).
Date: 9/3/2009 2:28:14 PM
Author: Laila619

Date: 9/3/2009 1:35:06 PM
Author: Festy
Here''s one more thing I just did yesterday when I was feeling a little sad, and I *so* hope I don''t offend any of the new mommies here: I read the 0-12 months thread!
LOL, reading that thread always temporarily squelches my sadness about not being a mom (yet!).

LOL - not offended at all... heck if anyone had warned me that I still wouldn''t be getting more than 3 hours sleep at a stretch and Daisy is nearly 16 weeks I would have been horrified and run away very, very fast. Instead I just have black circles under my eyes and yawn a lot!

CONGRATULATIONS to Swimmer and Tiffany. Such wonderful news - fingers crossed for sticky beans for both and in the right place!

Good luck to everyone else - and wow, so many new people hopping on the TTC wagon. Hope your stays are short! I worked out the other day that D was 100 days old on the anniversary of her conception (I like nice round number things like that) and Sunday will be a year ago that I got my BFP... seems like yesterday...

Lindsey I''m keeping my fingers especially crossed for you this cycle!
Date: 9/3/2009 2:32:00 PM
Author: lovelylulu

Date: 9/3/2009 2:28:14 PM
Author: Laila619

Date: 9/3/2009 1:35:06 PM
Author: Festy
Here''s one more thing I just did yesterday when I was feeling a little sad, and I *so* hope I don''t offend any of the new mommies here: I read the 0-12 months thread!
LOL, reading that thread always temporarily squelches my sadness about not being a mom (yet!).

haha yes! That will keep you from getting *too* sad that''s for sure! Pretty soon you will all be smack in the middle of that "fun" and I will laugh at you and think it serves you right for taking any pleasure in our pain

It will be soon for you all, I know it! You just gotta have some faith, in a higher power or just luck or who knows. So many of our TTC friends have had to struggle and have had great outcomes. No matter whether it has been a short time or a long time that you have been on this thread, the prize waits for you at the end and it is all worth it. Sometimes
CONGRATS TIFFANY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fisher, I didn''t get to reply to you this am, that sounds awful! Do take care of yourself lady, have a wonderful vacation weekend with your wonderful DH. He is too sweet. What does not kill us, does make us stronger. Something about going through the highs and lows together, emphasis on lows, brings some couples closer and closer.

Still just so psyched about Tiffany''s huge news.
Sparkly Libra, welcome!

Thank you to everyone!! You guys are the best. I''m so glad I have you ladies to confide in. I am so not ready to tell anyone IRL but I also don''t think I could keep this in (or the associated story.)
I spoke with my doctor''s nurse this morning, then he called me later. We decided since I''m going to be home tomorrow that I will go in Sat am for a beta and progesterone lab draw. Then I''ll go back 48 hours later for the 2nd draw. Discussed the option of going somewhere here, but they really like to have the serial labs drawn at the same place for comparison purposes. Was also reminded to head to the ER if I have bad cramping. The spotting still has me a little freaked out but it''s very minimal and still brown so I''m not going to stress at this point. He didn''t offer much explanation for what I thought was my period, at this point we''ll see what the betas are and go from there. I will have an early us after we get the levels. My IUI was on 8/9 which would make me 5 wk 4 d, but by the LMP I would be 5 wk 2 d. So at this point I wait.
I think Festy asked about symptoms- I had super sore boobs for about a week, which I attributed to the ovidrel. That went away around the same time I had the "period" (I really don''t know how to refer to it at this point.) I have noticed a heightened sense of smell, headaches, mild nausea at times, and exhaustion. I''m so tired. But I was also able to explain away almost all of those symptoms on something else!
So, fingers crossed and thanks for all the well wishes!!
Congratulations Tiffany!!
Tiffany, from what I''ve read, implantation can occur 5-12 days after IUI (some have tighter ranges than that but I''ve seen 11 and 12 a couple of places), so I''m guessing that''s what your "period" on 8/21 was . . . implantation after IUI on 8/9, just on the later end of the range. You always hear stories (well, if you watch a lot of the show "I Didn''t Know I Was Pregnant" . . . what, I''m the only one who wastes an hour of her life here and there with this drivel?
) of women who said they got their "periods" for their entire pregnancy, so one period-like event right around when implantation should have occurred probably isn''t too unusual, and you did say it was a little lighter and shorter than a normal period.
Congrats, Tiffany! What a pleasant surprise.

Fisher, sorry this isn''t your cycle. Looks like it won''t be mine either. I started spotting yesterday and heavier today. 10 and 11 DPO which for me is premenstrual. I''m starting to wonder if I have a short luteal phase so I''m going to begin charting my temps.

Anyone else here have luteal phase issues or low progesterone?

Gosh, the internet has really become my worst enemy in some senses. I google my "abnormalities" and a million and one potential problems come up. Of course, I think I have them all.

I''m only on cycle 2 and I''m already disheartened. I need to get a grip.

On a side note, I was in the midst of planning a shower for my brother''s girlfriend who is pregnant (yippee!!). I called a friend of hers to gather addresses for those of her friends that I don''t know and the woman refused to give me any info (after not returning my first two calls) and insisted I call my brother''s girlfriend "C" to discuss with her! I had no choice because I don''t have contact info for any of her other friends. Needless to say, C was very confused as to why I would be contacting her to plan her own stinkin shower ;) She said it seemed weird that said friend didn''t want to give me info so she called her friend. Friend whined and said "Well, I wanted to have the shower!" and told C that if I threw a shower, she would just have a separate one. Why the heck wouldn''t she have explained to me that she wanted to do it? I specifically said to her if she was already planning something (or wanted to plan something) that I would be happy to be a guest and could give her a list of family for invites. I just feel bad that C had to get involved. God, I wish people would just say what they mean. Cross your fingers that she''ll be flexible with the date. My mom is away for a few weeks in mid-Oct (she would be devastated if she missed it) and I have several November commitments.
Hey Lysser!! I''ve been checking the preggo thread for updates from you, looks like any day now!!

Phoenix- thanks for the info. I may check out that show. I have heard of women getting their period, or what they think is their period but is actualy implantation bleeding. At the time it seemed like a period to me.

Thanks New Shiny and Puppmom.

Puppmom- too bad for the shower drama. That girl should have just said she wanted to have a shower! Hopefully she''ll do it when your mom can attend, if not you could still do a small family shower. as far as the luteal phase, 10-11 days is fine. It''s less than 10 that is concerning. If you are worried though they can do blood testing during the luteal phase (I think they check progesterone).
Haha to the reading the 0-12month mommy thread. I enjoy the thoughts of most of the moments the women there share (aside from not sleeping well, baby eating issues, and teething). It's also good to know that when we reach that point, the support will still be there from this place. It is a little crazy to think about how much a person's life changes, and so rapidly, once you get beyond TTC and into pregnancy and parenthood.

As for what freaks me out about parenthood, that comes with older children. Smart aleck comments, generally rude behaviors, testing the limits and finding their autonomy... I understand these changes and the way kids go through this as a form of development, but I do *not* count that as the most exciting part of parenthood.

I've worked with a family through my position as a social worker that really comes to mind when I think about the role of parenthood and how difficult it can be at times. This family was reported as possibly being neglectful/abusive of their newborn because the child cries continually and the parents cannot soothe the child. The parents have a child who has severe colic and every soothing technique suggested by the dr. has been tried and has been unsuccessful. I just feel so bad for them because they truly love their baby, are broken hearted that they cannot comfort her as they would like to, and then they have reports made that they're not taking care of their baby. I can't imagine being so distressed and overwhelmed with a child who's ill, and then to have a report made that's based on mere observations without any fact involved at all. Understandably, if a family lives in an apartment complex and you, as a neighbor, hear this constant wailing and shrieking, and it doesn't seem to stop for ages, and you're not comfortable with the family or don't know the family, calling child protective services makes sense. I just hate being another stressor in their lives right now. We'll be putting some support in the home to at least help with some additional soothing techniques, but yeah. I feel like there's so little we can do. The Dr. said that the baby's colic is in some ways related to a medication that the baby's on, so they are weaning the baby off it, hoping that will help. Anyway, just another thing that rolls through my mind when I think of the difficulty of parenthood: you cannot always soothe your baby, and that must be heartbreaking.

About my "episode:" I called the Dr, and since I'm actually at the start of a new cycle, and since I've had issues in the past when I have almost fainted, they don't think it's related to Clomid or anything to be overly concerned with (when I called them, I was really kind of vague, because I felt stupid calling a day after the incident, when I was really feeling fine within an hour of the whole thing). So, thinking back, I had skipped lunch that day, too, since I had a smoothie for breakfast (homemade goodness!!) and wasn't feeling hungry, and that could have been part of it, too. I get a little weak at times on the first day of my cycle, anyway, as that's my heaviest day and I'm only actually on my period for two days. So yeah, it was a fluke thing.


Highs and lows indeed! One thing I've found is that when you're in a low and you're looking toward the next high, when it comes, it seems to be so much higher than it would have been had the low not been there to compare it to. That's one good thing to lows in life; all the more reason to shout for joy during the highs!

Do you get another beta soon? When will they do the ultrasound? Has it really sunk in, or do you think it will take seeing the baby for the first time? I'm so excited about all the happy news around here... Paul's been listening to me say Tiffany this and Swimmer that and how exciting all of this is so much that last night he asked how you two were doing.

Welcome, Sparkly!

Tiffany, thinking of you as you prepare for your beta. It's going to be wonderful news, girl. Just wonderful! WIll they do an ultrasound, too? Very exciting! The baby's first picture.

Pupp, don't give up yet. Ride it out. Lots of surprising things have been happening around here. You could very well be next!! Not sure why people are so weird when it comes to showers and planning. My brother-in-law is engaged and somehow things got very confused and instead of inviting specific people to each of her showers, everyone has been invited to ALL of them... I've gotten 4 or 5 invites... from her family, her church, her friends, he work friends having a girls night, and our (Paul's) side of the family. Kind of confused because usually if you have several showers, it's for several different groups, not the same people over and over. I think a big list was made and then not broken down. Not sure how it happened, but the bride was unaware.

This is kind of a TMI question, but I figure at least one of the ladies here will have information on it, maybe. Okay, all this talk about the uterine lining possibly thinning when on Clomid; well is that measurable by the intensity/volume of your period? I am going to guess no, and that it's only measurable by ultrasound, but the reason I wonder is because I've not had a change in my periods from being on Clomid vs. not, so I just wondered if that was "normal."

Also, Femera. I wonder if ob/gyns prescribe it, or if that's just an RE thing. We're still at the RE stage and likely will be for the remainder of the year, at least. I'm hoping that beyond Clomid (I think he said I could get 2-3 more doses from him if we take a break after three cycles each time) and HSG, there's still an option without going to an RE and getting the ridiculous diagnosis of "infertile." It sounds so serious, so cut and dry. It refers to not being able to procreate, and that's not any of us here. It should be called something like, "TTC challenged," or something that makes it known that there's hope. Because there is.

Aye, day off from work and I have to clean. A lot. I love my husband, but golly is he messy!
Fisher - just to respond to your TMI question. I am not sure whether or not my uterine lining is *too* thin on a regular basis. It was thin this cycle and that could be due to clomid, a super early ovulation, or some other issue. However, I would say that I have had heavier (albeit shorter) AFF since about the time that I had mid-cycle spotting. I don''t know how or if any of this is related.
Phew. Thanks Dreamer and Pandora for chiming in and also for sharing the good and the bad with all of us. It helps.

Tiffany, wow. I love your story and can''t get enough! Fingers crossed for your two upcoming blood draws. Hoping that your mild symptoms are all good signs for a strong and sticky nugget!

Puppmom, a 10-11 day LP does not sound like anything to worry about. If anything, it''s good to have a healthy, short cycle. It gives you that many more opportunities! Like you, I read up on every potential "problem" on the internet. It was not a good idea! Try to stay away if you can. Boo on the shower planning and to people who are possessive about who gets to throw it. Garsh.

Fisher - what a heartbreaking thing for that poor family. Thank goodness they were assigned such a sweet and understanding case worker! I''m glad the doctor wasn''t too concerned about your episode. Not having eaten lunch could definitely have been a contributing factor. Have a wonderful time in Charleston, I''m so jealous! Will you take pictures for us? I don''t know the answer to the uterine lining question...I''m going to make sure the docs are watching mine now that I''m on Clomid.
Puppmon - I had a short luteal phase for some of my cycles. Some of my cycles were 9, 10 and 11 days - on average it was usually 10 or 11. But, the 9 days really made me nervous. I did get pregnant in June, but miscarried 8 weeks later. My RE put me on clomid this month to help extend my luteal phase. I figure, it can''t hurt right? I always wondered if my luteal phase was affecting implantation.
I read an interesting article (which I now can''t find) about pregnancy after you''ve been trying a year. I wish I could find the article to link here. I''ll keep looking (was reading it from my phone... still can''t work that thing right!), but it was saying that although most people *are* able to conceive within the first year, a vast majority of those who don''t, will in the second year of trying. There were statistics and all that, which is why I want to find the article. At any rate, it was really inspiring and even pointed out that without any interventions, lots of women who hadn''t gotten pregnant in the magical one year span were within the next 12 months.
Puppmom and Blushing There are lots of former TTCers who got pg with little trouble with shorter LPs. Me, Lysser, Mela (I think)... others I can''t recall. Anyways, 10 days is not *too* short, it is just on the shorter end of things. Obviously if it has been a year then it is possible this is an issue, but after only 1 cycle or so don''t sweat it one little bit. It is the sort of thing that can only be identified as an issue in hindsight, not in advance.
Hey all! I''m still catching up on all my reading in this thread, so please excuse me if I don''t address you all before launching off into my update

So what''s new?

Well according to my chart at fertilyfriendonline, my fertile days were indeed the 29th, 30th, 31st of August, and my Ovulation day was September 1. As I said before DH and I BD on the 29th & 30th.

When I posted earlier I was guestimating based on my own calendar. I''d not registered at yet. So now, according to, I''m now 3DPO (or is it 4? Do we count ovulation day as day one? School me ladies,pls''n''thnx) and I''m feeling slight cramping and twitching.

The thing that makes me confused is that I''m not usually a cramper in my LP. I usually don''t get my cramps until the Red Army actually arrives, and they are a gazillion times more painful that what I''m feeling now. In fact the cramps I''m getting now don''t hurt, they''re just annoying.

I don''t want to get my hopes up too high, but I''ve read about implantation cramping. BUT, at only 3 or 4 DPO wouldn''t it be too early for that?

I''ve an appointment with my Dr. for this Thursday, the 10th, which will put me at 9DPO.

If anyone can chime in with experience or maybe some info I may be missing, I''d luv that!

SL Your post made me smile!
There is such joy and anticipation evident in women''s posts when they just start to TTC, analyzing every twitch... it is so great to read! Your sympotoms could be everythng and nothing! Helpful eh? It is a little soon for implantation stuff, but it can happen that early. FF estimates of ovulation are really only espimates within about a 48 hour period, so you could be 2 days further or less into your LP. And that accuracy is only when you include temps and CF/CM in your chart... if it is just counting days then really you could have O''d as early as CD 8 and as late as... not yet!

Isn''t the two week wait fun?
Date: 9/4/2009 7:01:54 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
SL Your post made me smile!
There is such joy and anticipation evident in women''s posts when they just start to TTC, analyzing every twitch... it is so great to read! Your sympotoms could be everythng and nothing! Helpful eh? It is a little soon for implantation stuff, but it can happen that early. FF estimates of ovulation are really only espimates within about a 48 hour period, so you could be 2 days further or less into your LP. And that accuracy is only when you include temps and CF/CM in your chart... if it is just counting days then really you could have O''d as early as CD 8 and as late as... not yet!

Isn''t the two week wait fun?

DD, thanks for chiming in!

LOL! Geeeesh! I guess I have tons to learn hunh? Yeah, it''s pretty annoying not knowing what''s what, and where things stand, but I guess that also makes it part of the journey/ learning experience
I guess it''s driving me bonkers because I NEVER get middleschmertz....

Anyhoo, off to further drive myself crazy in goodle-land!
Date: 9/4/2009 7:14:06 PM
Author: SparklyLibra

Date: 9/4/2009 7:01:54 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
SL Your post made me smile!
There is such joy and anticipation evident in women''s posts when they just start to TTC, analyzing every twitch... it is so great to read! Your sympotoms could be everythng and nothing! Helpful eh? It is a little soon for implantation stuff, but it can happen that early. FF estimates of ovulation are really only espimates within about a 48 hour period, so you could be 2 days further or less into your LP. And that accuracy is only when you include temps and CF/CM in your chart... if it is just counting days then really you could have O''d as early as CD 8 and as late as... not yet!

Isn''t the two week wait fun?

DD, thanks for chiming in!

LOL! Geeeesh! I guess I have tons to learn hunh? Yeah, it''s pretty annoying not knowing what''s what, and where things stand, but I guess that also makes it part of the journey/ learning experience
I guess it''s driving me bonkers because I NEVER get middleschmertz....

Anyhoo, off to further drive myself crazy in goodle-land!
I never got it either. I think with time (and hopefully you won''t actually have the time because you will get pg so fast
) you will probably find that your cervical fluid is the best indication of Oing. I think it takes about 3 months off hormonal bc to really get the hang of it and to know when you are fertile. Then you can usually estimate to within a day or two when you O, since fertile CF dries up either the day of O or within a couple of days. Now that I am not pg anymore or on hormonal bc, and even though I am breastfeeding my period returned
, I find that it is really easy for me to identify my fertil times. When I was TTC though it did take about 3 months before the pattern was obvious!

If you can manage it, BDing every day that you have fertile fluid has the best odds of getting KTFU (knocked the F up
), with every other day being a close second in terms of odds.

But hopefully you caught the egg this time!
Date: 9/4/2009 5:26:56 PM
Author: SparklyLibra
Hey all! I''m still catching up on all my reading in this thread, so please excuse me if I don''t address you all before launching off into my update

So what''s new?

Well according to my chart at fertilyfriendonline, my fertile days were indeed the 29th, 30th, 31st of August, and my Ovulation day was September 1. As I said before DH and I BD on the 29th & 30th.

When I posted earlier I was guestimating based on my own calendar. I''d not registered at yet. So now, according to, I''m now 3DPO (or is it 4? Do we count ovulation day as day one? School me ladies,pls''n''thnx) and I''m feeling slight cramping and twitching.

The thing that makes me confused is that I''m not usually a cramper in my LP. I usually don''t get my cramps until the Red Army actually arrives, and they are a gazillion times more painful that what I''m feeling now. In fact the cramps I''m getting now don''t hurt, they''re just annoying.

I don''t want to get my hopes up too high, but I''ve read about implantation cramping. BUT, at only 3 or 4 DPO wouldn''t it be too early for that?

I''ve an appointment with my Dr. for this Thursday, the 10th, which will put me at 9DPO.

If anyone can chime in with experience or maybe some info I may be missing, I''d luv that!

You count the day after ovulation day as day 1. (dpo stands for days past ovulation) So if you ovulated on Sept. 1, then you are now 4 DPO.

Hello all!! I''m absolutely exhausted from my 12 hr night shift in the ER last night (was SOO busy), and getting ready to go in and do it again at 8pm!

Just wanted to come announce that I''m super excited because I''ve got my first crosshairs on FF! Yes, I''m a dork. Anway, they''re dotted crosshairs since my CM was never really egg-white (I did have some good creamy days tho) and probably because some of my temps aren''t 100% reliable due to my sleep schedule. But looks like I may have O''ed on CD 17 (makes sense, my BB''s were sore for 2 days prior to that day), which would make me 4 DPO today. Cervical mucus has pretty much completely dried up again at this point, so that also fits.

It''s a good thing we''re still trying to avoid, because with my schedule lately, BDing has been the last thing on my mind (as evidenced by my chart
) so there''s no chance I could be preggers. But looks like I''m closer to completing cycle #1 off birth control!

SparklyLibra, looks like we''re O buddies this month, LOL. Hope you caught the egg!!

Fisher, sorry you weren''t feeling so hot the other day. Glad you''re better.

Gotta cook some dinner and head off to work. sigh.
