
The Official TTC Thread!

So, I had my CD3 test and glucose tolerance test on Saturday. When I realized that CD3 would fall on a Saturday (and thanks to Swimmer for the suggestion too), I called my doctor to see if I could have the glucose test on Saturday as well, and she ordered it, no problem. My doctor called tonight and reported that my test results were "perfect." So, now I am sipping my grapefruit juice and looking forward to CD12 or so.

My last cycle was 27 days. Cycle prior was 36 days. (I've never taken b/c pills.) Strange, but not concerning to my doctor, so I'm going to try not to worry about it either.

Swimmer, When your RE was confirming that you had not ovulated by blood work, were you having monthly blood draws solely to confirm whether you had ovulated or not? Or, for some other reason? I suppose that is what, or partly what, the 7DPO blood work confirms?

Strange about the cross-hairs too? Sounds like FF was confirming ovulation based on your temps, but you had not actually ovulated? In my last cycle, my chart had cross-hairs, but my post-O temps were so erratic that the FF software took my cross-hairs away!!!! There are several ovulation detectors on FF. Earlier in my cycle, I had to change my detector to the more liberal "Research Method," got my cross-hairs, and then several days later, cross-hairs were taken away!!

Lanie, Good for you for getting this all sorted out before you start TTC. Let us know how your appointment goes.
Swimmer: That's so weird about the crosshairs and all the signs pointing to O, but your RE said you didn't. I would have been let down, because I am just dying to get crosshairs, and if they told me they weren't accurate, I'd be upset. I guess we can't read too much into the software???

Thanks so much guys! And yes, I stay in bed until I am done taking my temperature. My alarm goes off, I reach 5 inches across to my nightstand, then pop it in my mouth. I don't have the first half of my cycle charted bc I haven't entered them in yet. They are on a different piece of paper, but looking at them quickly, there was no pattern. Bunches of highs and lows with no rhyme or reason to it. I think I'll try taking my temp vaginally. When I first started charting, DH asked me if I "stuck it in there" and I laughed and said that no one does that. Then I did more research and found out that you can do it, and it's sometimes a more accurate reading. So now he's going to be confused.

I'll let everyone know what the gyno says. I want to get this testing out of the way, so I'm going to tell her that we aren't actively trying, but aren't big time avoiding either. It wouldn't be bad at all if I got KTFU.
I am confuzled. How can you have a sustained temp shift with high temps but NOT ovulate? Your temps rise after ovulation due to the surge of progesterone by the corpus luteum. So doesn't having a sustained temp shift automatically mean ovulation occurred? Swimmer, how did they confirm you hadn't, despite your lovely 32 day chart?

'Cause you can't get that shift caused by the corpus luteum if you didn't release an egg. Hmmm.

I have read that it is very, very rare to have AF every 27-32 days like clockwork but not ovulate. Possible, sure. But the majority of the time, a regular normal period = you ovulate.
So I went to my OB-GYN today. I also have a fertility dr. appt on Tues.

She told me my fibroid cyst is tiny and in the middle back part of my uterus and of no concern. She said everything looks fine for me so far from the ultrasounds. In the morning I go into to get my blood drawn again to check for other things like cystic fibrosis etc. My DH has to go in and get his sperm tested so that should be interesting! He''s all for it though at least. In 7 days we know if his sperm is good. I really hope it is since that can cause a lot of issues on it''s own.

I just finished my period so they''ve already prescribed me Clomid. Basically Day 1 of my next cycle I call to set up the HSG which I''ll get on Day 5. On the morning of Day 3 of my period I will go in and get my blood drawn for a hormone check. Later on Day 3 I will start taking the Clomid. Hopefully when I get the HSG on Day 5 those results are good. Once that''s all done my Dr. said we should come in and get the Artificial Insemenation right during that month. She said she advises her 38 and over patients to move rapidly with these things. Since our insurance is good she felt we should just go straight down this path. She''s about to go on Maternity Leave so I''m thinking the fertility Dr. I meet tomorrow might be better to continue down this path with. We''ll see!

I have been charting as well and using an OPK for the last three months. So at least I know when I''m ovulation or thereabouts and I''ve been definitely having sex around those times! So at this point we may need the help. Who knew I''d spend all these years NOT trying ot get pregnant then have this much trouble when I want to.
It is apparently not unusual for a body to gear up to ovulate, get pretty close to getting enough hormones in place and then not quite be able to get the job done, so the egg does not release or is released so late it is in poor/overripe hardly fertilizable condition. Temps staying higher for a while is what really confused me. I've asked a few REs about this as I did find it upsetting, like my body was lying to me or something. The answer was "its an inexact science." Try opks too if you are looking for more evidence. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but it totally happens. I can post and have if you look back, beautiful crosshaired charts that were annovulatory according to bloodwork. I am going to go with the cd3, cd5, cd11, cd18, and then cd1 bloodwork on this one. Note my cycles were 32, 42, 28, 32, 40, 32, etc before clomid and other interventions. So not clockwork, but mostly within "regular" zone, none were ovulatory according to bloodwork and only 2 out of these did not get crosshairs, also I had copious ewcm for all of them. What did not betray me was cervical position, once I could read that, it was very clear what was going on, or not going on.

Violet, great that you are getting a plan in place! So this cycle you are just doing clomid and next you are doing the hsg? Or are you doing the hsg this cycle? Sorry for my confusion. If you do just clomid this cycle, how closely will they monitory you? I'm totally obsessed at this point with folks being aware of lining thickness issues and clomid. So if they monitor you this time they will know post hcg if you should be on clomid or move to something else. But if you are getting the hsg in a few days then they surely will be monitoring you. (yes, it is sort of startling to switch gears from preventing to trying!) Fingers crossed for a great hsg!

Wow, i should not post pre-coffee!
Hmm, now I think maybe I''m confused, too (nothing new for me!). I can''t remember if my Dr. told me this or if it''s something someone else told me or if I read it somewhere, but I thought that fertile CM, coupled with a clear temp shift, along with a new cycle starting 12-16 days after the clear shift made it apparent that ovulation had occured. The whole 12-16 days later thing is what really sticks out in my head, since that indicates the LP stage of the cycle. Being somewhat of a worrier, I know I''d have been much more worried about the possibility of *not* ovulating had I been told that you can have all those things and still not be ovulating. Interesting indeed. And to add to that, I don''t always get blatantly positive OPKs, partly because I don''t do them every day, and I certainly don''t do them twice a day and you can miss the peak.

I wonder if you can have all those *signs* and the end of a cycle appearing like a regular LP, and just have a weak ovulation? Because it seems like in order for all of those things to line up, something had to have been happening with egg droppage.

Then again, I''ve also heard that big temp shifts shows signs of good ovulation, but I''m not sure about that.

My wonkiest cycles ever always had clear shifts (with lots of gearing up and no-gos on the egg drop beforehand) and the start of a new cycle 14-15 days later.

Now I''m wondering if I should call the Dr. office and ask for a 7DPO blood draw... that''s one way to really know for sure, right?

How frustrating to think all these crosshairs and temp shifts and monitoring of fluids could still leave us in the dark. Argh and Grr indeed!!

Swimmer, when do you go in to see your baby?? I''m excited about it!!
Violet, I''m glad to hear your doctor visit went well and that you have a plan in place. Keep us posted as things progress!

Fisher, I think you should call your doctor to express your concerns and also to request the 7DPO bloodwork. It couldn''t hurt, right? And, then once you receive confirmation, it will put your mind at ease.
Just checking in. Not much new - CD7 here. Going away for a few days tomorrow (Ocean Edge Cape Cod). I can''t wait...some good old fashioned "doing it" is in order
Not much baby making possibility on CD 8-10 so the pressure is off!

On a side note, I was just having a little giggle over here. DH and I are huge football fans and in our world FF usually means Fantasy Football now it also means Fertility Friend! I much prefer Fantasy Football
In re: to the HSG. I just saw the fertility doctor today. She said since I''m at the tail end of my cycle that I should get the HSG this Thursday. I wouldn''t be able to take the clomid until next cycle and so far she''s not sure I need to per se. My DH took his sperm sample in today and got a blood test. So by next week we should know if all is well with his sperm and my fallopian tubes.

If I have to go on Clomid they will be giving me regular ultrasounds to monitor the progress. At this point I should be ovulating around the 22nd of this month which is in a week. The doctor would like to do the IUI then, so I think we''re going to do it if everything else passes! BUT... quesiton about Clomid. I know it only improves your chances just 5% for pregnancy but what about multiples? Do most people that take Clomid get multiples? Or is it still pretty rare?

For those of you that have taken Clomid what''s your experience been like? Not to sound weird but we''d love to have two babies at once since we want two kids but not when I''m 41 per se. Sorry if that sounds a bit pre-planned and weird.
violet, I know Peony took Clomid and is having twins.

I'm not sure if we have any other twins from Clomid here. I don't think it raises the odds that much, maybe just a little.
Violet, Clomid only raises your chances to 10% of twins (statistics cited by medical professionals, the blogosphere has it at 20%) and no real significant increase in chance of triplets or more. The issue with twins is that it is harder to carry them to term and a recent study indicated that twins conceived with ART were far more likely to be hospitalized in their first three years of life than those who were not. Again, this is just statistical data, not true for every person.

Clomid info
My Dr. said the odds are really closer to 7-10%, and that''s only of the women who conceive while on it. Not everyone will, so it''s not like one in ten women on will have twins, it''s more like one in ten who conceives will have twins, which is a significantly smaller number.

Paul and I were really freaked out by that. In the beginning. But now, we''d welcome two babies into our world... any babies!

I think I''m going to finally bite the bullet and schedule an appt. with my chiro friend. I feel bad going to free, though, and she won''t let me pay. I''m sad about that. I guess it''s a matter of both of our prides, maybe? She said my payment will be a "triumphant testimonial" on her website when being adjusted not only aids in our conception, but also in my sleep patterns being increased.

OPKs (again). CD14 almost dark. CD15 light. Add that to the worry posted earlier of this just being a matter of random stuff that LOOKS like ovulation, but is NOT. Again, I don''t do it at the same time every day (work doesn''t allow that, and I get home at all different times each day...), so I don''t know if I did peak and am falling out of the peak or what.

Hope everyone''s doing well.
This road is a rough one often times, but I''m pretty sure it''s showing all of us just how tough we can be. That will be a good character trait for motherhood.
So I went to my gyno yesterday, told her about my wacky cycles, and told her I''m charting and not really seeing ovulation. She is putting me on Provera (???) for 3 months, and wants me to continue charting and add in ovulation predictors. She says if I''m still not ovulating, then she''ll put me on Clomid. They did a blood draw and are checking my thyroid and prolactin levels, and something else...can''t remember. I''ll have results of all of that in a week or so.

I took provera once before, but that was when I hadn''t had a period for 3 months. I''m getting my periods, no problem, so I''m not quite sure why she put me on provera. Maybe to "jump start" my system?
Violet, I am 9 weeks pregnant from my second cycle of 50 mg Clomid, and I am carrying one baby. We had the opposite concern, in that we already have a 3 year old, and really only wanted one more baby, so we were worried about getting twins or triplets, which would have been WAY more than we were hoping for.

My doctor told me that my chances of having twins was about 10% on the low dosage of 50 mg Clomid that I was on. However, she told me that in her practice, when taking dosages around the 200 mg level, she observed that the chance of twins is more like 20 - 25%. So, according to her, higher dosages = increased chance of multiples.

I had been worried about taking the Clomid because of the risk of multiples, but she had assured me that we would start on a very low dose, where there would be a lower chance of having multiples, and after my second cycle, we did conceive our singleton.

However, I know there''s a poster on here who conceived twins after I think her first cycle of Clomid, so it''s definitely possible.

Also, if you google Clomid multiples, you will find tons of boards of twin and triplet moms whose babies were conceived on Clomid.

Good luck!
Lanie, my doctor put me on Provera before she started me on Clomid as well. I think that the progesterone helps reduce the chance of miscarriage, by thickening the uterine lining, if I''m not mistaken (someone else chime in here please if I have this wrong).

I think it worked, because my blood test at 16 days past ovulation (when I was around 4 weeks pregnant) showed my progesterone level at 35, which was very high and excellent for the baby (she told me that less than 5% of women miscarry if their progesterone level is that high at 16 dpo - average level is 15 - 20). So, it may be that is what it''s supposed to help with - I think that I have read that sometimes Clomid can thin the uterine lining, which increases the chance of miscarriage.
So I think with this info our best bet is to start trying with the IUI procedure next week when I ovulate and see how it goes? I don''t want to try and play the odds and put my uterine lining or anything else at risk when I may not need to in order to try and have multiples.

I mean, does that sound like the best course of action? The option is to wait until the next cycle and be on the Clomid. Opinions?

My HSG is schedule for tomorrow AM.
violet2: Let me see if I''m understanding have 2 options. Do the IUI when you ovulate now(ish) or wait and go on the Clomid next cycle. So since you want multiples, you are wondering if you should just wait and do Clomid since your chances of having multiples are higher with that. Am I right?

I would do the IUI now. Because the chances of having multiples are higher with it, but not too much higher. And if you got pregnant with this cycle with the IUI, I don''t think you''d really be saying to yourself, "Jeez. Being pregnant is awesome and all, BUT I wish I would have waited so I could have twins". You would be overjoyed just being pregnant! I would go with doing it now!!! Do the Clomid if this one doesn''t work. That''s just my 2 cents.
fisher: I don''t know about chiros for fertility, but I used to go to one for my neck and back problems, and they not only solved those, but my allergies went away completely! I used to think chiros were a little on the odd side (no offense to anyone on here), so I was hesitant, but I sing their praises all the time now. This, coming from a girl who never takes medicine when I''m sick. I am one that fights it out. So I say go to her, and if she''s offering it for free, even better! Hopefully you can get those massages they give you too!
Date: 9/16/2009 3:06:35 PM
Author: Lanie
violet2: Let me see if I''m understanding have 2 options. Do the IUI when you ovulate now(ish) or wait and go on the Clomid next cycle. So since you want multiples, you are wondering if you should just wait and do Clomid since your chances of having multiples are higher with that. Am I right?

I would do the IUI now. Because the chances of having multiples are higher with it, but not too much higher. And if you got pregnant with this cycle with the IUI, I don''t think you''d really be saying to yourself, ''Jeez. Being pregnant is awesome and all, BUT I wish I would have waited so I could have twins''. You would be overjoyed just being pregnant! I would go with doing it now!!! Do the Clomid if this one doesn''t work. That''s just my 2 cents.
You''re right. I think they key thing here is trying to get pregnant period. It may not even work this cycle and may take months so best to try now while I can.
Date: 9/16/2009 3:06:35 PM
Author: Lanie
violet2: Let me see if I''m understanding have 2 options. Do the IUI when you ovulate now(ish) or wait and go on the Clomid next cycle. So since you want multiples, you are wondering if you should just wait and do Clomid since your chances of having multiples are higher with that. Am I right?

I would do the IUI now. Because the chances of having multiples are higher with it, but not too much higher. And if you got pregnant with this cycle with the IUI, I don''t think you''d really be saying to yourself, ''Jeez. Being pregnant is awesome and all, BUT I wish I would have waited so I could have twins''. You would be overjoyed just being pregnant! I would go with doing it now!!! Do the Clomid if this one doesn''t work. That''s just my 2 cents.
The IUI by itself doesn''t increase the chance of multiples. It''s when it is combined with fertility drugs (which it usually is) that the chance of multiples increases.
Date: 9/16/2009 7:16:32 PM
Author: tiffanytwisted

Date: 9/16/2009 3:06:35 PM
Author: Lanie
violet2: Let me see if I''m understanding have 2 options. Do the IUI when you ovulate now(ish) or wait and go on the Clomid next cycle. So since you want multiples, you are wondering if you should just wait and do Clomid since your chances of having multiples are higher with that. Am I right?

I would do the IUI now. Because the chances of having multiples are higher with it, but not too much higher. And if you got pregnant with this cycle with the IUI, I don''t think you''d really be saying to yourself, ''Jeez. Being pregnant is awesome and all, BUT I wish I would have waited so I could have twins''. You would be overjoyed just being pregnant! I would go with doing it now!!! Do the Clomid if this one doesn''t work. That''s just my 2 cents.
The IUI by itself doesn''t increase the chance of multiples. It''s when it is combined with fertility drugs (which it usually is) that the chance of multiples increases.
Yeah the Clomid does, but I have a low dose of it that''s been prescribed to me for my next cycle so that in itself doesn''t increase my chances by a lot but by a tiny bit. I think I was trying to figure if I should wait and see what happend with the Clomid.
So the HSG came back perfectly fine. In fact all of my tests have been fine so far. I have to get a hormone level check during my next cycle. Turns out it''s not me that''s the problem.
DH is off to see a Urologist tomorrow and there will be no IUI attempt this month. Sigh.
Violet- I''m sorry. Were his SA results not good?
No they were really bad. Something like 16million to the 40-60million that it should be. It''s not enough to do IUI at this point. I''m hoping the next sample in a couple of weeks tests better.
Violet- I''m sorry to hear that. I''ll keep my fingers crossed that the next one is better. The 2nd IUI we did my husbands counts were really low, too low for the IUI (my doc did it anyway but didn''t charge us, since I was there and ready). The next month it was fine. Good luck!
Sorry violet.
Hope your DH isn''t taking it too hard.
Date: 9/17/2009 9:48:21 PM
Author: tiffanytwisted
Violet- I''m sorry to hear that. I''ll keep my fingers crossed that the next one is better. The 2nd IUI we did my husbands counts were really low, too low for the IUI (my doc did it anyway but didn''t charge us, since I was there and ready). The next month it was fine. Good luck!
Thansk Tifanny that''s super encouraing to hear. I''m glad to hear his picked up the month after. Were you on fertility drugs as well?

Laila - Yup the DH is taking it very hard. He''s seeing a urologist tomorrow. I hope it helps in some way.

I''m sorry about the news from yesterday. Remember, though, that it can be something that increases with time. So keep your head up.... A friend of mine was having a hard time getting pregnant and her husband had the analysis and it was awful. Ended up that he was using a laptop, and was often laying it on his lap. The Dr. said the heat from that was likely killing or preventing the production of the little swimmers. After he learned that, the numbers went up. So yeah... sometimes it''s just something simple that can really help.

Thinking of you!


How are you doing, lady? Praying for you, girl!

A college classmate of mine gave birth yesterday morning. She was 24 weeks along, to the day. Her water broke earlier in the week and they hospitalized her immediately and started her on hormones to help the baby''s lung development. He was born weighing 1 lb and 3 oz. He''s a fighter and is doing really well considering all that he''s up against right now. Keep him in your thoughts and prayers.... Baby Quinn.

Hope everyone''s doing well and has a wonderful Friday. Can you believe FALL starts on Tuesday? Crazy!!!
Date: 9/18/2009 5:44:08 AM
Author: violet02

Date: 9/17/2009 9:48:21 PM
Author: tiffanytwisted
Violet- I''m sorry to hear that. I''ll keep my fingers crossed that the next one is better. The 2nd IUI we did my husbands counts were really low, too low for the IUI (my doc did it anyway but didn''t charge us, since I was there and ready). The next month it was fine. Good luck!
Thansk Tifanny that''s super encouraing to hear. I''m glad to hear his picked up the month after. Were you on fertility drugs as well?

Laila - Yup the DH is taking it very hard. He''s seeing a urologist tomorrow. I hope it helps in some way.
Yeah. I did 5 cycles of clomid with IUI, then 2 of Follistim with IUI. The 2nd Follistim I got pregnant, but it was an ectopic.
Violet -- sorry to hear about your DH. I hope that he feels better after the appointment, and that he gets the numbers up!

I wanted to share some very exciting news from yesterday. A friend of mine announced that she is 12 weeks pregnant. She is 38 and she and her husband have been trying for E L E V E N years. They did everything...Clomid, in vitro, you name it. She wanted to adopt, but her husband was iffy about it. They were going to start filling out the paperwork and just go for it, when suddenly the planets aligned or whatever. She''s praying so hard for a healthy baby, and we couldn''t be more happy for her!!!!!

And in other news (less exciting by far), I got my first crosshairs! I started taking prenatals, and things are evening out a lot more. Now just waiting for AF to see if the charts match up with my body!