
The Official TTC Thread!

DrK, good luck with the house. DH and I moved from the burbs to a more city like setting this winter and we LOVE it. There are sidewalks galore and we can walk to EVERYTHING. We thought there would be an adjustment period but there really wasn''t. We couldn''t be happier.

Anyone know whether or not percocet affects sperm quality? DH is on percocet for his broken hand. He was managing the pain with ibuprofen but doctor''s orders are no ibuprofen until after surgery on Thursday. He''s feeling good enough to BD but I''m wondering if we should use protection (I guess then it wouldn''t be BDing!). Do you think the percocet could somehow affect a baby if we were to conceive while he was on it? The best I can tell from my research is it won''t hurt anything and the bigger problem will actually being able to BD while on a muscle relaxer. I''m just not sure it''s worth the risk. Any input would be helpful.
Puppmom -- that sucks about your DH''s hand. Take good care of him...I''m sure that''s painful!

Swimmer - keep us updated...interested to know what''s going on there.

Fisher - I would call back tomorrow for the other receptionist! Don''t these people realize there''s a small window to figure all of this stuff out?!? What does 7DPO bloodwork supposed to show?

Here''s my chart...I feel crappy today. Like i''m coming down with something, but not sick enough to miss work. I''m spotting today, so I think AF is sneaking up and will arrive full fledged tomorrow. That would mean my last 3 cycles are 20-23ish days. And my luteal phase is too short according to the calculations on FF. Is it possible I ovulated earlier? I think I really ovulated on Day 11, and that Day 13 temp is just a fluke.

On a similar note, I was reading about B6 for a longer luteal phase. My prenatals already have B6, but could I take a vitamin supplement of it in addition to prenatals? I don''t want to OD on the stuff.

Lanie, did you tell FF that you ovulated on CD13 or did FF calculate that for you? That chart doesn't look ovulatory to me, but I'm no expert.

Swimmer, I'm hoping there's an innocuous explanation for the non-cyst and that the rest of this pregnancy is smooth sailing! Enough!

Tiffany, hoping for you that the second dose does the trick. It sure does suck, hoping the numbers go up up nicely and then switching and hoping they go down so you can just be done with it (without more drastic measures.)

Blushing, how's if going for you?

Puppmom I have no idea on the percoset... My only thought was wondering if the swimmers would swim all slow and loopy or not! But that's probably not a rational worry

Fisher, yes the stuff that falls from the sky is so odd! I'm from NorCal so we at least get rain in the "winter" but this early is spooky! Harass those receptionists, woman! Politely and all, but really. No point dilly-dallying around - sometimes you have to advocate for yourself.
Lanie I don't want to be a pooper but your chart looks anovulatory
There just isn't a clear temp shift given the temping rule in TCOYF -- a shift of at least 2/10th degree over the previous 6 temps, which is then sustained for at least 3 days. So I am not totally sure what FF is doing. Sometimes if you put in fertile CF it will give crosshairs even if the temp pattern is not clear. Try removing all the CF data and leave only the temp data and see what happens. ETA I see what FF is doing. It is discounting the temps on CD 10 and CD 12, which would then make the temp on CD 13 higher than the previous 6 temps (other than the two excluded temps). This is a common practice in charting to use a "rule of thumb" to exclude certain temps, but the temps after the CD 13 ovulation are a little all over the place too and not consistently above the cover line. That combined with the unclear CF and the short "LP" make me still think that you may not have actually ovulated. If you are not planning to already, adding OPKs would really help clarify things. You can also try temping vaginally to see if it gives you a clearer temp pattern. You may be someone whos temps are really affected by environmental factors. ETAA I think that CD 11 is very unlikely based on the temps, the CD 13 that FF gave you is the most likely day, again, assuming you exclude CD 10 and 12 to get a thermal shift. If you delete those two temps yourself I bet that your crosshairs will no longer be dotted.
Sorry but I think it's annov too, especially with such short cycles. Your temp should generally stay well above the coverline during the luteal phase, with a very clear shift. According to TCOYF book, post-ovulatory temps are 97.7 and above.

My DH had laproscopic hernia surgery a few years ago. I''ve read that doesn''t really affect fertility but a few sites say it does. The urologist asked about it last Friday and didn''t make much mention of it. I''m not sure if that''s because it''s really not a big deal or because he''s not a fertility specialist per se. We''re thinking DH may go see an Andrologist this week as well. Does anyone know if hernia surgery is really an issue at all?

I *think* (correct me if I'm wrong, girls) the blood work at 7DPO shows if you actually ovulated, based on your progesterone levels. I also *think* it tests something to verify if a pregnancy would be sustainable for that specific cycle.

I do plan to call back today. I hate to be a bother, but I need to get it done this week if I'm going to get it before the HSG, and I'd really like to go into that with as much information as possible. Also, I keep thinking about what Swimmer said about for her, temp shifts, crosshairs, fertile CM, and positive OPKs still weren't confirming ovulation. I'm pretty sure I do ovulate, though, because with all this intense analysis of every single thing I feel, I have noticed that I get short little pinchy feelings the day leading up to ovulation, which I'm thinking is prep for the egg to drop? Or yeah, it could be in my head (won't go into how many times I've *thought* I felt all kinds of things!).

Another bit of proof that TTC is always on our minds: Last night, we were watching House Hunters on HGTV and there was a man who was doing research on his laptop... while slouched on the couch, with the laptop plopped right on his lap... I said something about how I hoped he didn't do that often, and Paul knew right away what I was talking about. Haha. If nothing else, we've gained knowledge (of somewhat random stuff) while on this journey.

Crazy rain here, ladies. Metro Atlanta and North GA has had a LOT of rain, and now bridges are getting covered with rising water. Rivers are flowing over their dams and levies, and it's just nutty. I got up when Paul left for work today, because I couldn't sleep worrying about him. The news said this morning (before 6am) that 6 people have died on the morning commute. Breaks my heart...

In other news, today's the first day of AUTUMN! Hoping this is a wonderful season for us all!!
Good Morning Ladies!

Fisher - today is the first day of fall AND my birthday!
DH is taking me to Mr. Chow for dinner and I''m very much looking forward to it! My parents came for a visit this past weekend which is fun - watched the Penn State game at a sports bar here in the city and then met my sister and brother-in-law out for drinks and dinner. All and all, a great birthday - despite during 32!

Cara - thanks for asking about me! I''m doing good - just entered the two week wait. My doc said I did very well on clomid last month, but decided to bump me up to 100mg and started me on Day 3 instead of Day 5 to ensure ovulation before leaving for vacation. So, now we wait. At least Sweden will be a very NICE distraction for me during this time. If things don''t work in our favor this month, next cycle I''ll be getting an HSG and doing IUI!

****************** Baby dust, baby dust, baby dust!!! ******************
Date: 9/22/2009 9:14:33 AM
Author: blushingbride
Good Morning Ladies!

Fisher - today is the first day of fall AND my birthday!
DH is taking me to Mr. Chow for dinner and I''m very much looking forward to it! My parents came for a visit this past weekend which is fun - watched the Penn State game at a sports bar here in the city and then met my sister and brother-in-law out for drinks and dinner. All and all, a great birthday - despite during 32!

Cara - thanks for asking about me! I''m doing good - just entered the two week wait. My doc said I did very well on clomid last month, but decided to bump me up to 100mg and started me on Day 3 instead of Day 5 to ensure ovulation before leaving for vacation. So, now we wait. At least Sweden will be a very NICE distraction for me during this time. If things don''t work in our favor this month, next cycle I''ll be getting an HSG and doing IUI!

****************** Baby dust, baby dust, baby dust!!! ******************
* verrrry nice* HAPPY BDAY!!!!!!!!!..wishing u tons and tons of bebe dust!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cheering ya on always
Happy birthday BB!!!!!
Thanks for reading the chart ladies. I suspected I''m anovulatory as well, which is why my doc put me on Provera for next cycle. I just don''t understand how I''m getting my periods pretty regularly now, but not ovulating! I started today, so I''m back to Day one, which means that cycle was 20 days
. Something just doesn''t seem normal about that, plus it''s like I just bleed and bleed! Luckily it''s always light.

Dreamer: I took out my CM things, and you were right, FF took off my crosshairs. I''m going to pair up my temps with OPKS to see if that will shed some light.

Blushing: Happy birthday!!!!
Lanie, sorry about that!. I know how annoying it is, my cycles are VERY short too...21-22 days. I was worried that meant something was wrong, but in my case that wasn''t a problem. I hope it''s the same for you!
Lanie Bummer. I think you should also temp vaginally, if you haven''t tried it. You may find it gives you more stable temps, which is the reason that many women do it. My cycles are also short, under 25 IIRC from back before bcp and TTC. It doesn''t mean anything is wrong in and of itself I don''t think. Remember, a large % of women who do ovulate do not show a thermal shift when temping, you may be one.
Happy Happy Birthday BB
DD- Can I get your expert opinion on my charts as well? Pretty Please? Not TTCing yet but I am hoping to if I ever ovulate again...

Could you do me a favor and look at my last 3 cycles and tell me if you have any advice for me? Should I also consider temping vaginally? My temps seem pretty flat. It''s not my thermometer because I have two and always get a close reading from both. I''m trying to avoid using OPK''s because it would be too expensive. But should I consider that? I also don''t think I can be one of those women who just don''t show a temp rise because my first 6 cycles charting had a clear temp shift. (Oh how I am kicking myself for not TTCing when I had the chance!

Here''s the link:

Should I see a doctor about trying provera before I get my next anovulatory bleeding? Maybe that would restart everything?
Mia -- your situation sounds like mine. I can''t open your charts yet (ovusoft is blocked at my''s under the category Sex Education!) so I''ll have to look later at home.

OPKs can add up, but the links the girls gave me above were for less than a dollar a stick. For me, that''s worth knowing any problems I have before TTCing. When are you planning on TTCing?

I would ask your doctor about Provera. I didn''t think it would work for me since I don''t have a problem having a period, but from what I''ve read, it kicks everything into gear, so I don''t think it would hurt...?
Date: 9/22/2009 1:44:53 PM
Author: mia1181
DD- Can I get your expert opinion on my charts as well? Pretty Please? Not TTCing yet but I am hoping to if I ever ovulate again...

Could you do me a favor and look at my last 3 cycles and tell me if you have any advice for me? Should I also consider temping vaginally? My temps seem pretty flat. It''s not my thermometer because I have two and always get a close reading from both. I''m trying to avoid using OPK''s because it would be too expensive. But should I consider that? I also don''t think I can be one of those women who just don''t show a temp rise because my first 6 cycles charting had a clear temp shift. (Oh how I am kicking myself for not TTCing when I had the chance!

Here''s the link:

Should I see a doctor about trying provera before I get my next anovulatory bleeding? Maybe that would restart everything?
Hey Mia, thanks for the shout out
I am not a medical doctor, so my observations are only based on all the reading and research I did when TTC. I actually looked back at all the charts and some things jump out at me. In the cycles where you did ovulate, you had a consistent LP of 11 days (after those first two which I assume were coming off bcp?), which is a good thing. But I noticed that in most cycles you ovulated later, usually after CD 20 and sometimes much later than that. Also, in cycle 4 your temps dipped below the cover line during your LP a lot, and in cycles 5 and 6 your temps were not very far above the cover line, in cycle 5 I acutally suspect you would not have been given cross hairs if you had not excluded those three higher pre-O temps. So even though your charts show ovulation there are *some* signs that it may not have been a strong ovulation, which is indicated by a very strong temp shift, earlier ovulation (apparently prior to CD 18 is best, prior to CD 22 is good -- this is what Fisher''s doc said IIRC), lots of fertile CF etc. Obviously, not a true expert here, but it is possible that those signs that your charts show -- late ovulation, low post-O temps, only a slight temp shift -- suggest that the hormonal cascade that characterized a healthy ferlile cycle isn''t happening as it should.

The last 3 charts look clearly anovulatory to me. It is totally and completelty possible that those months are the type where your temps are not showing ovulation. One study I read suggested almost 20% of women who *do* ovulate will not have a biphasic chart. Cycle 7 was very very long, with your 11 day LP (which is invariate) then you would have ovulated around CD 30, which is pretty late. In the next cycle ovulation would have occurred around cycle day 15. But there are a couple other suspicious things to me. One is the spotting in the LP, the other is the very long period at the start of cycle 9, and the other is multiple or very very extended patches of fertile CF.

I hink it can''t hurt to temp vaginally. I don''t know when you plan to TTC, or how old you are -- and thus how *eager*
-- but you could go to the doc with these charts and ask for testing. But they probably won''t do anything until you actively TTC, esp. if you are young.

I do personally wonder if we do ourselves any favours by charting, which is an art not always a science. In all liklihood, if you had never charted, you would have blithley TTC and gotten KTFU within 6 months to a year, like the vast majority of women who TTC. The charts could mean everything and nothing! I would probably try one of two things in your shoes. On the one hand I might just put the old thermometer away and have faith that everything will work out when the time comes to TTC, and use condoms in the meantime. Alternatively, if you are a worried and there is a history of fertility/"women''s issues" in your family, then you could go see what the doc says. They may just tell you to put the thermometer away and come back when you have been TTC for a year. Or they may be responsive. Who knows!

Hope that helped, though I am sure it would have been better if I had more positive things to say
Fisher, I need to clarify, I did not get positive opks without taking ovidrel, ever. They got sort of darkish...but never an obvious O and i took them constantly and to the point of dehydration. The opks were the first sign that something was not going right. As DD said so eloquently, temping is an art. I wonder if my imagination is so powerful that i willed my temps up and down. seriously. no idea how it could appear ovulatory while not really o'ing. Good luck with getting into an appt and getting more info.

BB: Happy Birthday!

Tiffany: thinking about you!


Oncologist called. The "growth" is scar tissue!
It is apparently a nasty scar that got stretched out b/c the uterus doubled. My regular RE wasn't the doc looking at the u/s images and it wasn't even the tech I regularly see, so of course they thought something odd was going on, but apparently what was a few cm scar previously looks very diff when stretched out. My uterus was mostly untouched by the ovarian cancer, but some growth was attached to it and back when I had the surgery they got a little enthusiastic with the removal and cauterization (which I appreciate) so it is just scar tissue! Apparently it is stretching fine so shouldn't be an issue but I will be monitored regularly just in case. My doc described it as looking normally like a bite was taken out, but stretched out the different texture looked like a 3 inch solid mass. Relief trumps annoyance at the doc who clearly didn't even glance at my chart before making a statistically improbable call.

Thank you so much for all your warm wishes and good thoughts!
Happy Birthday BB. Have a great dinner!!
Thank goodness Swimmer!
What a scare!

Happy birthday Blushing!

Happy Birthday! I think girls with birthdays in the fall are just about the best ever! (I'm celebrating my bday on Turkey day this year!!)

How was Mr. Chow's? Praying this year is filled with blessings beyond being able to be counted!!

Dreamer's right, my Dr. said you *can* get pregnant any time you drop an egg, but the egg's the most attractive to the sperm at day 24 or so or less... he said under 18 is optimum. But, my mom was always a late ovulator (she told me this about a month or two ago..after all this time of wondering about it, it could just be genetic!) and had me on a cycle that was way past CD24 that she ovulated on.

So, temping/charting is just for fun? What kind of cruel joke is that? Haha, I honestly do enjoy getting crosshairs, but now that I'm doubting the validity of those lines meaning I've actually ovulated, the less I find joy in it. *However, I did get those hairs recently and got the same cheesy smile of pleasure and thankfulness that I got before finding out it can mean nothing at all.* Eh, take joy where you can find it on this road, I say!

Speaking of ovulation confirmation issues... I called the Dr. office again today and got the nice receptionist. Funny, but she's just the sweetest person, had to take clomid herself to become preggo, and is really understanding. I told her that I'd called yesterday and was told to wait til my appt. in October, asked her if that was right. She asked if that should be when I'm around 7 DPO? I told her no, that would be this week. She told me to come in the day that would hit, and so I shall. She said they don't take the tons of blood they take for the CD3 testing, which was very good news to hear (I don't do so well with needles!). I'm not sure what all they test other than progesterone, but at least I'll have verification of ovulation for this cycle, I hope! She said an ultrasound likely wouldn't be needed since my lining's been fine and I'll get one of those first week in October, so I'm good with that.

Swimmer, thanks for clarifying. I think I was confused, maybe. Regardless, I think 7 DPO testing is a good thing to have, and I'm glad it's been set up. OPKs still confuse me... I get definite positives, but only on one side (one half or so) of the line on the test side... I'd read that this was not a positive online, but then I read that on the Answer brand, it's not uncommon, and it's been consistently that way for me each cycle I've been doing them, so I'm pretty confident it's right. Who knows. I wish I didn't have to do OPKs at all. If only temping wasn't just for kicks.
(Re: willing temps to shift, I've thought about that myself.... back in January when we had that long LP, I was thinking, am I willing this, because the HPTS kept on being negative... I think minds are pretty powerful, but surely there is some validity in it. Haha. I'm really holding on to that, aren't I???

And YIPPEEE for scar tissue, lady! No harm at all, and you get extra monitoring (AKA: more baby viewing!!!) to boot! Life's good, no?
Date: 9/22/2009 7:54:52 PM
Author: swimmer
Fisher, I need to clarify, I did not get positive opks without taking ovidrel, ever. They got sort of darkish...but never an obvious O and i took them constantly and to the point of dehydration. The opks were the first sign that something was not going right. As DD said so eloquently, temping is an art. I wonder if my imagination is so powerful that i willed my temps up and down. seriously. no idea how it could appear ovulatory while not really o'ing. Good luck with getting into an appt and getting more info.
I don't see why a biphasic patterns couldn't occurr without ovulation. There is a complex cacophany of hormonal events that cause ovulation of a healthy egg. I can imagine any number of scenerios where some of those events take place, resulting in a temp shift, but other important changes don't take place, and so no egg. Just seems possible to me. If you can ovulate without a temp shift, then the opposite seems possible too.

As an aside, I charted when I got preggo and had a clear temp shift on CD 16. Well when I had my 12 week u/s they put me a week ahead of that, suggesting conception on CD 9. Since we did a marathon that month, it was totally possible that I got pregnant that early... still, we didn't change my due date because it seemed so unlikely that I ovulated early -- the temp shift and my CF clearly showed that I had ovulated on CD 16! But at 38 weeks a scan revealed that my baby was large, and I was measuring ahead for dates, so they made the call to move my due date ahead a week to match the US. Sure enough, Hunter was born *on* the revised due date! Was he "early"? Or was charting fallible? We will never know, but that is one reason that I will never fully trust charting if we are TTA!

I still think the best way to get KTFU is to just get on the floor when you have fertile CF. Barring other issues, that should work for most women without having to stress about temping.
Yay Swimmer!! I''m so thrilled that it''s just scar tissue.
Date: 9/22/2009 8:58:18 PM
Author: fisherofmengirly

So, temping/charting is just for fun? What kind of cruel joke is that? Haha, I honestly do enjoy getting crosshairs, but now that I''m doubting the validity of those lines meaning I''ve actually ovulated, the less I find joy in it. *However, I did get those hairs recently and got the same cheesy smile of pleasure and thankfulness that I got before finding out it can mean nothing at all.* Eh, take joy where you can find it on this road, I say!
hahaha... the more I think about it the more I wonder if this is the case. For some it seems so clear, but for others... not so much
Maybe it is one of those things that is a good tool but not *the* tool, if you know what I mean.

I''m glad you will have some more peace of mind with the 7DPO test Fisher. They can apparently also tell if you ovulated using an ultasound to look at ruptured follicles. Is that something they could do??

Cacophany. I love that word! Don''t hear it near often enough. Thanks for throwing it out there here!

I''m glad I did start charting (although I don''t think I would have stuck with it if not for the women here who were so helpful in teaching this slow girl about it-- repeatedly!) because without it, I wouldn''t have had any "proof" to take with me to the Dr, and I think it would have been suggested that we start charting a few cycles at least prior to getting any *help* via little white pills.

But yes, for most people, just going at it on the fertile CM days should work!
Although, for long cyclers, you can have three or more patches of fertile before you get ovulation, if at all... and that can make for a ton of marathons.

I feel pretty confident that I do ovulate, but that''s based on a few things: clear temp shifts and big shifts at that (but again, charting could just be some nutty something someone made up to confuse us all, who knows), CM that is fertile consistently about four days prior to ovulation (or what the charts say is ovulation), and positive OPKs. The thing is with OPKs, that I''m confused by them, too. I get a positive and my crosshairs always come up the next day, but--my CM changes on the day I get the positive OPK and I feel the little weird prickly pinchy feeling that I''ve learned to associate with ovulation. And I used to laugh at people who said they felt it, but now I do. And earlier than the day than I take the OPK usually, too--- my mind can''t be that powerful that it''d put a dark line on a stick, right? And if it is, it better put a dark line on an HPT *soon!!*

I can try to ask them to do an ultrasound, but I think they''ll say that I need to wait til my appt. in Oct. I''m thinking having the blood work will be enough, and will be paperwork I can take with me if this journey ends up with us visiting an RE. Although, we''re still towing the line on that for now....

(Dreamer, so glad you''re around to help us... it''s so supportive, and nice of you to share the knowledge you gained when you were in this spot!) Side note: Have you moved yet?
Just for giggles (since this could be a pointless charting hobby I''ve taken on for over a year of my life now!), here''s my chart. Yes, clearly ovulatory. I think. I hope.
It''s clearly a pregnancy in the making. Of course. The chart just screams it.

Fisher...your temps are so high! Or mine are so low! Are you taking them orally or in the vag? I''ve never gotten above 97.7!
Re: cacophony. I was at a training day for English teachers last year. The purpose was to introduce more vertical teaming and strategies to prepare students for AP classes in their later years of high school. Anyway, the instructor, an English teacher in our county, read some question or excerpt or something with cacophony in it and pronounced it CACK-uh-phoney. Then nobody knew what trochaic verse was. The instructor was like, "Has anyone ever heard of this? How is it pronounced? Tro-SHAY? Tro-SHEE?" (It''s "TRO-kee"). And then the instructor tried to teach us to have students write gerund phrases and when this other teacher gave her a participial phrase as the answer, she was like, "Um, yes. Very good." So I had to be that girl who keeps correcting everybody. "Actually, that''s a participial phrase. A gerund phrase would be . . ." If I were the instructor, I know I would have reviewed the material before I attempted to teach it. And seriously, no wonder we need this training! How are the kids supposed to be ready for AP classes if their teachers don''t even have a clue what the material is or how to pronounce it?

But I digress . . .
OK Dreamer got me reading abstracts on charting. This is what I have learned (or relearned):

-2)You really can get pregnant during your period.

-1) You can also get pregnant on the day you expect your period (even if you are 'regular'.)

0) Women experience measurable declines in attentiveness and reaction time during their fertile time and luteal phase...

1) Any kind of calendar-only based method remains a piss-poor contraceptive.

2) Even FAMs using additional data (mucus, BBT, OPK) remain quite open to misuse, misinterpretation, and other failures (biological and human) as methods of contraception. Using FAMs for conception aids is the inverse problem, but the basic point that the fertile window is hard to pin down remains.

3) Best method of determining ovulation is serial ultrasound that shows changes in follicular development, bursting, then corpus luteum. This gets ovulation within 12 hrs.

4) Next best method (and also an accepted standard) is LH surge detection. Peak LH is -3 to 36 hrs before ovulation.

3) BBT (temps) are very poor ovulation predictors - we knew this at least!

4) BBT charts are only roughly accurate as retrospective ovulation detectors, even in women with no know fertility issues AND a biphasic temperature pattern. 15-20% of women ovulate but have monophasic temperature pattern. Of those with good temp shifts, accuracy of using BBT to determine day of ovulation seems to be 1-4 days. In one study, more than half of the women with a biphasic pattern ovulated more than 24 hrs after the temp rise according to ultrasound data. In another study, they estimated the 1-year pregnancy rate of women that have sex three-days after their BBT rise at 5% - not because conception after the day of ovulation is likely (it isn't) but because ovulation probably occurred that late.

Current advice seems to waffle between NOT recommending use of BBT for various reasons of reliability, usefulness, etc., and people still wanting to recommend it for historical reasons, cheapness and ease of use, as compared to OPKs ($) and serial ultrasounds ($ + clinic visits).
So I am left feeling a little less confident in my chart based avoiding method
(guess that's why I wasn't using it before! its a method for the ambivalent.) and also left not so confident in using BBT to accurately determine ovulation day. That was part of why I was charting - to have an better estimate of timing in case of conception. I was also put off using OPKs for cost reasons and *possible* difficulties in interpretation that some people mention. That second one should probably not be seen as a negative feature of the OPKs versus BBT - while I'm sure I know how to read a digital thermometer, its no longer clear that the temperature data itself is that clear or easy to interpret. Maybe OPKs are better in that even though the test itself may be difficult to read, the data at least means something more reliably.

Dreamer, one thing to consider is that I am not sure if *all* little ones progress on the same schedule at the early days of development after conception. Not sure if that is enough to get a week off, but who knows!

OK, time to sign off!

ETA: Lanie, mine are also low but not quite as low as yours. 97.0-97.3 pre-O, 97.6-98.1 post-O, taken orally.