
The Official TTC Thread!

LAdies don''t worry about your temps
Thyroid disorders are not that common, and the type of BBTs we bnuy at the drug store are not that precise.
Date: 9/27/2009 9:24:38 PM
Author: puppmom
That seems like a big difference in BBT to me. I don''t think it''s the actual BBT that matters so much as the pre-O vs post-O difference. So, using the same thermometer the whole cycle is important.

I''m a little worried about my temps. Pre-O I range from 97-97.3 and post-O from 97.45-97.65. Although, I was sick with a cold pre-O and waking up 30-60 minutes late everyday so maybe my pre-O temps are lower that than. It''s my first cycle charting so I''ll keep my eyes peeled for the same pattern next month.

This stuff is confusing! What I was really looking for was to predict O with OPK and confirm O with temps.

With all this said, I''ve seen some WHACKY charts that result in pregnancy.
Puppmom unless you ahve reason to worry, try just timing your BDing to your fertile cervical fluid for a while. As we have talked about reently, charting is not totally accurate. Don''t worry until you need to! Easier said than done, I know
Thanks for your advice, DD. I always appreciate your down to earth insight. I wish I could stop scrutinizing every little change on my chart and, of course, reading in to it and thinking the worst. I''ve been TTC for only 3 months so I think you''re right that there''s nothing to worry about yet.

BUT...I''m Type-A and can''t help myself!
I hate needles. I get this weird floaty feeling after blood is sucked out of me and put into a tube. But, I got a call today that I *do* in fact ovulate! Yay! And this further confirms (for Paul and me) that we do *not* need to increase the Clomid at this time. The point of it is to create ovulation in a timely manner, and it''s done its job well. So Yipppeee! I didn''t get the actual number that my progesterone came back at (it was left on a voicemail that I''d definitely ovulated). I''ve requested the results of the test be faxed to me, so I should have that information tomorrow. I''m just so relieved to know know that I can pretty much count on my charting to be "real," so yay for the returned elation of crosshairs.

(And yes, I did smile extra big when I listened to the voicemail, especially knowing the Dr. was so adamant that the numbers would be low, since she thought I''d missed my "peak.")
Fisher, that is Great news!
Hooray for ovulation!
Thanks, Sunkist! I''m so excited to get the word today on the actual number. I''m hoping it''s high; that would just further confirm that we don''t need to increase the Clomid.

In other news, we''re bringing home a new baby tonight! On Saturday we went to the animal shelter; I''ve been asking for a new kitty and Paul said we could get one in December if we''re not pregnant. I thought it''d be nice to just *look,* though, so I went with a friend and man, we found the sweetest little baby girl! So, I asked Paul to come see her and he grumbled and said we were certainly not getting a kitty that day. He saw her and we played in the "get acquainted" room and he fell in love and next thing I know, he''s asking what we''ll name her.
(That has yet to be determined, though.) She''s 9 weeks, a light gray tabby, and is full of PRECIOUSNESS. She''s getting fixed today... makes me a little sad to think of such a tiny little kitty having such a surgery, but it is what it is. And she comes home today!! Yay!! Her room is all set up and ready to go... and I can''t wait to get those little dry, bumpy tongue kitty cat licks.

Here''s her picture from the adoption site:

Oh Fisher that kitty is adorable. I heart gray kitties. (congrats on the testing confirming ovulation too!!)
She is so cute Fisher!!

In other news, I ovulated! I had the highest jump ever, from 97.4 the day of O, to 98.3 the next day! Almost a full degree higher! Usually I get a very slow rise over a span of 3 days. Hoping that's a sign of a 'strong' ovulation.
Fisher - that kitty is adorable (and I''m not too fond of cats given that they abuse my allergies). And hurray for ovulation
. I also wanted to chime in on the to RE or to not RE - specifically, the pressure to move forward in a way that you don''t feel comfortable with. All I can say is that from *knowing* you here, you are undoubtedly a lady with strong principles. If you and Paul are on the same page and you know where your lines are, I think that you will be very able to stay within those parameters. I also think it would be worth meeting with a few doctors to find one that respects your opinions on these matters. These are difficult decisions and I think that you want the best, most accurate information possible in order to make an informed decision. I also came upon a blog that immediately made me think of you - so I''ll pass it along. please feel free to ignore it. blog.

congrats on ovulation Laila. good look waiting it out - hope there''s happy news in a couple of weeks.

It seems that I''ve ovulated or am right about to. at CD15/16 which is super late for my body. I was getting worried that it might never happen. especially given last cycle''s super early release. hmmm. just going about it the old fashioned way and hoping for something good.
I wanted to pop in really fast and thank Lulu for linking that blog. What an incredible woman's journey. I've laughed and cried today reading little bits of her life.... Thanks so much for sharing with us. It means so much to me when I find someone else who's walking in faith along this long road.

(Still didn't get my bloodwork faxed to me today; there is a lot of chaos what with the Dr. leaving so quickly... Hopefully tomorrow they'll be able to send it. I just really want to see a HIGH number!)

Little kitty is home! She's so precious! Has a little owie on her belly from the surgery today and she's shaved bald on most of her underside. I'm thinking we'll name her TinkerToy, Tink for short. Paul's not in love with it, but she has to have a name and he's not come up with anything yet. Maybe tonight we'll be inspired by her antics and get a great name chosen for her. As of now, her favorite thing to do is meow meow meow and bat at the bell on her collar. I
her! (The dogs and other cat are still deliberating whether or not she will be friend or foe... a little tail wag then a bark, a little slinking close to her, then darting off up the stairs.)
Tink is a very cute name! Love it.
So I am just popping in to say I have been trying to read this thread from page one and whoa nelly its overwhelming. I am on CD 11. All of my temperatures so far have been below 97.0. I have not seen a shift yet. This is my first month tracking my temps. My cycle length has varied from 27-30 days over the last 1.5 years of tracking the length. I know the low temps are no indicative of a problem necessarily but the hypochondriac in me is screaming that it is. I don''t even know if I ovulate. I hope to see a pattern before the end of the month! 17 days to go :)
Okay so I measured today...96.76 creeping up very very slowly. Yesterday was 96.72, and the day before was 96.70. CM is creamy CD 12.
Allie- I wouldn''t worry. My temps pre-o are in the 96.7-97.2 ish range and after o are 97.7 or so. (I''ve been checked for hypothyroidism and levels were fine.) Also, I don''t know where you live but weather changes can also affect your temps. I know where I live it''s gotten significantly cooler in the past couple of weeks.
I tried to get some good pictures of the kitty (who''s name is TinkerToy after all!!!) last night, but she moves way too fast for my camera phone to handle.
I''ll have to sneak up on her during a nap soon....

Clomid users/ those knowledgeable of Clomid--- so, I should get my actual progesterone numbers today via fax from the Dr. office. My question is this: If the number is HIGH and shows a clear, adequate ovulation (which I''m assuming it does, based on the voicemail I got from the Dr. office), there would be no need/benefit to increasing the doseage of Clomid, correct? I mean, if Clomid''s job is to induce an earlier ovulation, and it''s done that at 50mg, then we''re good to go in that area. I think??

(Side note... today I''m super crampy. More like pressure than the twisting I''m used to... I''m not sure which is more annoying/painful.)

Happy Wednesday to all!!
Question -- should I be concerned about my not very high post-O temperatures? Last month they didn''t hang out very high over my coverline either. After ovulation I have a sluggish temperature shift, and my temperatures not not very high, but still above my coverline. Could I have a problem with progesterone? Or are my tempatures normal? I know that you smart ladies might have an idea. Thanks.

Date: 9/30/2009 7:07:35 AM
Author: tiffanytwisted
Allie- I wouldn''t worry. My temps pre-o are in the 96.7-97.2 ish range and after o are 97.7 or so. (I''ve been checked for hypothyroidism and levels were fine.) Also, I don''t know where you live but weather changes can also affect your temps. I know where I live it''s gotten significantly cooler in the past couple of weeks.

Wheewww that makes me feel better. Yes it has gotten colder and we sleep with the windows open. I also get so hot under the down comforter that I sleep under a thin sheet so by morning I am freezing.
Date: 9/29/2009 7:29:12 PM
Author: fisherofmengirly
I wanted to pop in really fast and thank Lulu for linking that blog.

you are most welcome. i really did think of you immediately when i stumbled upon it. you can find support all kinds of ways
Hi Ladies, I have my 7DPO bloodwork today. I am looking forward to seeing what my results are. And, who knows, I could be pregnant right now! I''ve stopped temping completely as my doctor agreed I should just rely on the OPKs and the fact that I fairly consistently ovulate on CD14. I feel a little more relaxed about things this month without the temping.

I do have one question. When my doctor called me to tell me that my CD3 bloodwork was ok, she left a message and also indicated that after I had the 7DPO bloodwork, I should call her to let her know the day that AF arrives, I think she said because she would need to compare this date to the bloodwork.
Does that make any sense? I didn''t call her back to clarify, as I figured I would just call her to get my 7DPO results and ask her then if she needs me to call her again with AF date. Does anyone know?

Fisher, TinkerToy is one cute kitty and that is one cute name. You mentioned other pets in an earlier post . . . you have other cats and a dog too? Pictures, please!

I've read a ton on TTC and a few sources say that low post O temps can indicate low progesterone. I don't think there's any real way to know what your progesterone levels are though unless you get the 7 DPO test. Here's a link I saved, it was a Q and A session with a fertility doctor:

Member: Can low progesterone levels cause your post ovulation temperatures to stay low -- say, just above your coverline?

Dr. Amos: That's possible. I suggest you have your doctor check your chart to see if you ovulate in the first place. Most charts I have seen with temperatures at coverline actually do not show ovulation. In addition, you may want to get your progesterone levels checked about a week after ovulation. Those levels will provide you with much more specific information on the actual levels.

Lindsey I am now pretty skeptical of temperatures meaning too much! But even so, I think your chart has a lot of scatter, so its hard to say if your real shift is small or large or slow or steep from just that one month with only 3-4 days post-o. I think some women don't get nice stable temperature readings so the scatter makes it harder to interpret. Let it go a few more days and see if it the extra points make a more convincing case for a higher post-o mean temp. Do you have prior charts that give you a feel for what your typical temps should be, pre-o and post-o? cause if you throw out some of the higher pre-o temps, that could affect things, and if your heater cranks up a few more tenths in the next couple of days, that could also make things look a bit more textbook. But really, bloodwork is the answer, not reading tea leaves from temp shifts... not saying there is *nothing* to be learned from the thermometer, but if you are concerned about hormone levels, best try to measure them more directly rather than look at a downstream indicator expecting a quantitative answer. And hey, if anybody can find a better more recent study on the accuracy and utility of BBT for things fertility related, post it up! Cause my literature searching got me a little down on its usefulness.
Fisher- I think if you are ovulating on 50mg then I''d be reluctant to increase the dose also. When you start increasing the dose you also increase the chance for the unsavory side effects (decreased cervical mucous and lining issues.)
Ladies, thank you for your wisdom. I''ll ride out this cycle and see what my temperatures do!
Here is my chart so you can see some pretty whacked out temps. I am checking my CM every morning. Sorry if this is TMI but it has been very wet/watery but not EW yet. One the girls that I work with that has been struggling to have a baby has told me to definitely get my thyroid checked to make sure the low temps are nothing.

Allie, my temps are low like yours but I think what matters is seeing the shift so I would wait to see what they look like after you ovulated. Another thing to consider is vaginal temping. I tried it and my temps are a full degree higher.

Question about charting - would you count creamy CM with a HINT of brown as spotting?
Hi AllieLuv83- there are several factors that can affect low BBTtemps including: sleeping with your mouth open, weather, temping orally, stopping birth control, etc. A sustained clear thermal shift post ovulation is more important when starting to chart.

I also had the same concerns- for 3 cycles my temps were low like yours Pre O around 96.5-96.9 after stopping BCP and just these past two cycles my cycles my temps have risen Pre O 96.8-97.2 as my hormones have started to stabalize after BCP. Not sure if you stopped BCP recently but that could be a factor.

Think this is your first month of charting? Not sure but give it a couple months of charting to see what happens to see a sustained pattern. lots of luck
How long does it usually take to receive progesterone test results? Just curious, since it seems to be a very common test. When I went to the lab on Weds, the technician told me the results would be ready that afternoon. I called the doctor''s office, and they said Friday would be more likely, if we are lucky.

I am not typically very patient, but I think the lab technician made my expectations a little too high for some quick results. Now, I''m just tapping my toes waiting!! If it takes a few days, then it takes a few days . . . I''m just wondering what is typical.

Loves - that''s crummy about the results. I would imagine that they should have been ready in a day . . . hope it''s a nice number

Fisher - undefined. i wonder what wise words we''re missing out on.

sorry about the charting questions - i have no answers just hoping that everyone is doing well.

as for me, I''m on DP02 after a rather late (for me) ovulation on CD16. We just GOTF
and who knows. maybe this go around that''ll be all that it takes. I am still taking progesterone supplements post-ovulation to keep that annoying mid-cycle spotting at bay. Wish that the TWW could be condensed into just a couple of days . . .

Happy (almost) weekend!
Thanks, lovelylulu. Interesting. Even when the results do come in, I have to wait for my doctor to review and call, which I don't think will be until the evening (of whatever day they arrive), so I'll probably have to wait out the weekend. Oh well, the results are whatever they are, so whatever will be will be, right!

This lab (Quest) offers a program where you can sign up to receive access to your lab test results as soon as they are available. You access through a google health (or similar) account. My doctor does not participate in this program, but I do think it would be great, particularly for someone who is having bloodwork done regularly.

Good luck with the TWW! Hope this is your cycle!!

I too wonder what Fisher meant to tell us!!