
The Official TTC Thread!

Date: 11/18/2009 3:51:34 PM
Author: lili

I was in the same situation as you 3 years ago and did make the switch over to Kaiser since my company bought the better package that included coverage for infertility diagnostics and treatment (IUI included). The premium was a little higher for me, but I think it was well worth it considering how much it saved us for my treatment.

I don''t know how much other plans charged for running bloodwork and doing all the infertility tests (like the HSG) and treatments (like IUI),

but I can give you a rough estimate how much Kaiser is charging for non-members.

Initial Bloodwork : 800-1000 for roughly 7 tests

Sperm Analysis: 120

Initial Visit w/ MD w/ sonogram: 1100 (700 for dr''s and 400 for sonogram)

HSG: 2500

follow-up visit w/ dr to discuss results: 300 each time

Trying to find the laparscopy cost: it was definitely more then the HSG.

Same thing w/ IUI and sperm washing.

Anyway, my point is, you can see just getting up to the HSG is already about 5 grand.

For me, it probably would have cost me close to 8-10 grand since I needed a laparoscopy because of my endiometriosis,

but only had to pay less than 100 in co-payment.

Got pregnant the month after the surgery.

0 cost for prenatal and delivery.

Wow! Lili - thanks for the posting the cost breakdowns! The cost savings is really significant. Question - my husband will still have the Blue Cross PPO. Do yo know if that would that interfere at all with IUI at Kaiser?
Date: 11/18/2009 3:59:59 PM
Author: LAJennifer

Date: 11/18/2009 3:30:50 PM
Author: Loves Vintage
LAJ - Is there a big difference in cost between the plans?

Not a huge difference in the monthly premium. But, potentially delivering a baby in a hospital with possible infertility treatments would be way less with Kaiser than what I have now.
Then, it looks like switching is the right choice. It''s a good thing that you have the option to make the switch.
Your hubby being under a different health plan shouldn't be a problem w/ IUI.
I believe the cost for semen washing is pretty minimal (around 100 for non-members).
As for the SA, he can have it done under his own insurance, or you guys can pay out of pocket (120) if you go w/ Kaiser.

I'm glad you are going to switch.
It was definitely one of the smartest move I've made.
Not only did it save me money, but time as well.
Because everything is co-located, you can get things done (like blooddrawn) the same day as your dr appt.
And also, there is no need to get referral from your primary care doctor to see a specialist-- and those paperwork can take a long time.

Just to give you an example...

My old HMO doctor had me chase down the wrong path for thyroid problem when I brought up my infertility.
Between running to the dr. appt, getting to a lab to get my blood drawns and redrawn, getting referral to see an RE,
and waiting for results to schedule for follow-up visits and getting the ok to see the specialist,
I wasted 4 months only to discover that thryoid wasn't the problem.

W/ Kaiser, I went int for my initial clinic at the end of march and was preggo by july.
Went in end of march for infertility class where they order the initial bloodwork.
Met w/ specialist at end of april (his schedule was really full) to discuss bloodwork and SA.
Schedule HSG and follow-up in May.
Found that I have endometriosis and scheduled for laparoscopy for June.
Post op follow in July and Dr suggested coming back in a month or 2 to discuss clomid and IUI.
Didn't make it to that follow-up, instead made my initial prenatal.

DH kept saying that if we were w/ the old HMO, we probably be waiting for approval for surgery instead of playing w/ our 19 month old.
Kit, I am so sorry for your loss but also relieved that AF came. Now I know the true pain of having a miscarriage, or I will soon. Your post really stood out to me because your words conveyed such a deep love for your baby. In the several weeks I've had mine, I never knew I could love such a little thing so much. We had another ultrasound and it looks like the little guy isn't going to make it. He's smaller than he should be and his heart rate is slow. I had more blood work done today and another ultrasound scheduled for next week. We're waiting for nature to take its course while monitoring everything.

Last night, DH and I told him tearfully that even though we loved him with all of our hearts, if it was too hard, that it was OK to go to God. It was OK to let go because we'd see him in heaven one day. It just breaks my heart that he is still trying to hang on, even though the outcome looks grim. I don't want the bean to suffer. And I don't know when the last moment will be. Everything is so poignant and we went from such joy and elation to such sadness. I know God has a plan for everyone. I know in my heart we are thankful to have gotten pregnant. The doctor says we should have no problem going on to have a healthy pregnancy afterwards. But God, I really loved this little bean. And I wish we could have been his parents.

I'm going to give myself time to grieve and to love this little bean while we have it. Wow, life is such a miracle. I never knew how loved we were. Our family is so amazing. DH is so amazing. I love him so much. I love my family and friends so much. I know that one day when we have a healthy baby, we will always think of our bean and be so grateful to him. The bean taught us so much about love and how immense it is. How limitless life is and what a precious treasure it is to have and to hold each other.

The bean was a tremendous gift. It really opened my eyes to how blessed we all are, and how amazing people in the world are. It's all a huge miracle. It's so incredible, it makes me tear up. This little bean taught me so much! We were very lucky to have him.

I am wishing all of you ladies tons of baby dust, happy healthy baby dust!

I hope you all go on to have awesome amazing pregnancies and beautiful deliveries.
I''ve not been reading this thread as diligently as I once did, but I wanted to tell Vintage that the breakdowns are completely normal, and valid. I have them, we all do after we''ve been trying longer than we wanted to (be that three months or two years or more). I used to get so upset at myself for being so upset, thinking I needed to be thankful for the good that I *do* have in my life, instead of being stuck on what we don''t have (yet). The thing is, though, that it''s okay to process those feelings, and those feelings are fine, and real, and valid. I hope today finds you in better spirits, and I truly hope that a baby is in your arms soon.

We''ve made some decisions with regard to TTC; some hard, emotional decisions, but ones that I feel very comfortable with for us, for where we are right now. That''s part of why I''m not posting as much (or trying not to). I''m trying to be less focused on all things TTC and more focused on all things marriage, and the happiness we have, and while we still hope for a baby and pray for a baby (and while I still think of and pray for my baby daily), we''re not going to be as involved in charts, exams, documenting every single emotion/tinge I think I feel that could relate to pregnancy/implantation/ovulation. It''s been a really hard time getting used to that, dealing with the facts that even when I try to control *everything,* I seriously have *no* control over the matter at all. So while we''re still trying, and doing nothing in the world to prevent (and are even trying to help things along), we''re working (hard) on letting things in this area just calm down a little bit, in hopes that less stress and thought about it will bring us added peace (and a baby).

I did want to post some news I got today from a dear friend of mine; if anyone is still here (or lurking) from a year ago, I posted about her around Christmas of 2008. She was 20 weeks pregnant, went in for her big scan, and they found the baby had passed away in the previous week or so. She''s now pregnant again and had her 20 week scan again today. She was incredibly nervous about the Dr. visit because of the overwhelming news she got last time around. Today they heard a strong, healthy heartbeat. And they saw a beautiful baby. And then the Dr. told them that there were some concerns: the amniotic fluid is low and the placenta has started to pull away from the uterus. This is just what (they believe) happened with the baby at Christmas time last year. She''s heartbroken, but faithful that this baby will stay put and things will be okay. All of my praying friends here, lift her and this family up... her name is Sarah. She goes to specialist on Friday for more testing and to see what they can do to prevent this baby being born too early.

I also wanted to thank you all for the steadiness of prayers for my mother in law and her chemo; she''s doing very well and has started to gain weight again and her hair is getting thicker every day. So there''s a little update on her.

Also, Lili, until I went back and read the thread that DrK started before this thread was in existence, I had no idea you struggled with conceiving. I loved reading your story, and I''m so thankful for people like you who''ve been there and who come here to encourage us and offer information and advice. (I also love when you post anywhere I happen to visit because I get to see your pretty baby on your icon!!)

Another random question regarding pre-seed; is it like semen in that it can come out of you for a day or longer after baby dancing? Can it be confused with fertile mucus, and if so, I wonder for how long....
Bliss - I just wanted to say my thoughts are with you and I have my fingers crossed for you for the next week.
Oh, Bliss, what sad news. My thoughts are with you and your husband (and little bean.) This baby-making stuff can put your heart through the ringer.
Okay, skimming doesn''t work for me so well... went back and saw your post Bliss.

I''m aching for you... absolutely hold on to the love you have for this baby and carry it out. My goodness... your post is so sweet! Telling your baby that if this road is too hard for him, He can go meet Jesus and you''ll meet him there one day; precious. And how I''m going to be praying for you; that you will have one of those miracles we hear about every now and then that it looked rough in the beginning, but... Be strong, love that baby, keep on keeping on....

Prayers, prayers to you and your hubby!
Bliss-so sorry to hear about this. Your post was so sweet and humbling. Keep praying and loving him/her. I''m thinking about you.
Lili-I was unaware of your difficulties. So glad your story ended with a beautiful, healthy baby!
Fisher-I think your idea of taking a step back is very good and healthy. It can only do you good and strengthen you. Your time will come and we will have a huge pricescope party in here! Same for you Bliss!
Bliss - wow, I am so sorry for what your family is going through. I can only imagine the heartbreak. Thank goodness you have a wonderful DH. What a blessing! The great news is that you clearly have no problem getting pregnant and this was probably an isolated incident. I''m sure your future is happy and healthy!

Fisher - I totally understand where you''re coming from. Life is about choices and I think it''s fantastic that you are making your own! We are not here to judge - only to support. I happen to agree with you though that your marriage is the most important thing...and, with a healthy and happy marriage, everything else will fall into place.
Bliss- you will be in my thoughts and prayers and sorry to hear what you and your DH are going through
Bliss - I am so sorry for you and your DH. I will be thinking positive thoughts for both you and your DH during this sad and difficult time.
Date: 11/13/2009 7:54:19 PM
Author: Lanie
Blushing...where are you??? How is everything?
I''m hoping to see an update from her soon too...hope everything is ok..
Bliss, your post was beautiful. I am sorry for your loss.
Bliss I am so sorry honey
Bliss - I''m so sorry for what you are going through. You and your family are in my thoughts.
Despite the fact that SO and I planned that we were going to stop TTC for a couple of months, we were a little careless the other night. I have been charting temps for the first time this month and of course the next day my temp spiked earlier than expected. Looks like we BD''d on O day without meaning too - oops! So we are in the two week wait again. Since we have been NTNTC for six months with no success, I am not holding my breath but there is a little part of me that is hoping that since we timed it right, maybe there is a better chance this month. Fingers crossed and will continue to see what the thermometer has to say!
LV, thanks for your ideas about meditation. I totally agree, I need to do something. You hit the nail on the head with the waiting thing, it is so anxiety provoking, especially for someone like me who is a control freak and not the type of person to go with the flow all the time. That is very hard for me to do. Once I make a big decision, like deciding to become a parent, I want to move forward with that decision. Unfortunately I can''t just "make it happen" and I am working on accepting that.

Fisher, sorry to hear you are working through some tough issues. I think you have a great perspective on things and a lot of courage and grace through your TTC journey. There is no harm in taking a break from it all and just focusing on what you have in your life that brings you joy.

Bliss, oh no. Oh no, no, no. I am so sorry to hear what you are going through and I think I know pretty well how you feel. Please come here to vent and get things off your chest, or take a long break from this thread and come back if/when you can. Let yourself feel what you feel, don''t beat yourself up. And, it''s okay to be angry. You will probably go through several phases of a grieving process and sometimes it will feel like a roller coaster. But I think you''ve already processed IMO the important point of this: the fragility and preciousness of human life. My heart just breaks for you.
Oh my gosh, you ladies have been so wonderful and supportive.

I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you. When I first joined PS, I didn't understand the mechanics behind dust and concepts of well wishes over an online forum. But now I see how powerful the support can be and I am so humbled by the opening of your hearts and sending us thoughts and prayers. I'll never doubt again!

It has truly been a comfort to me. Sometimes I've felt so alone despite DH, family and friends being so wonderful - because things are so touch and go and it's in my body. It really has been a huge blessing, even though it is a very painful one. The hardest part is trying to find a balance between acceptance and hope. The mind will not listen and continues to try to find reasons to hope for the best. It's like my body is trying to let a splinter work its way out of my skin and the mind pushes it back in with its bony finger. You know? It's been rough. I cry a lot. Sometimes, I feel like I change my mind and then I beg the bean to stay. But I know I shouldn't; I try to be strong so I ask God to take its little hand for me. Because I just don't think I can give him up on my own.

You ladies are amazing. I go in for another ultrasound on Monday or Tuesday. I'm trying to push it to Monday so that we will know sooner rather than later. I wonder if one day will make a difference? They wanted to wait exactly a week. Then on Wednesday, the doctor called to say that my progesterone levels are very high so while it's a reassuring sign, we won't know until the fourth ultrasound. Wow, it's been really incredible. Even if there is some great miracle, I can't help but feel like the joy has been robbed from this pregnancy. I have mourned the loss of this baby twice and every moment since those predictions. And I'll be so terrified I don't feel like I'll ever enjoy the remaining months. But then again, I know it's my fear and should a miracle happen, the joy will peek out from behind the clouds once more. I know God has a plan for us, so I just need to keep the faith.

Bliss, I don't want to give you false hope but I really think everything will be fine! It's a good sign your prog levels are high. Also, docs go by LMP which if you don't ovulate on day 14, will make it seem as though the baby is measuring small. In reality, if you O later than day 14, you should go by conception date, NOT LMP. I don't know why doctors insist on using that outdated pregnancy wheel thingy that goes by LMP. There was a woman I know on another message board who had the same thing happen to her. She knew when conception occurred though, so despite the doctor saying the baby was behind (because she was basing it off the assumption that O/conception was day 14) the woman knew otherwise. She was technically just 2 weeks pregnant but based on LMP the doctor had her at 6 weeks!
Bliss... HUGS! You are such a doll and a wonderful mommy to your little bean. Wishing all the best for you!

As for me, we''ve decided to stop being bad and try to stick with the March plan. I had a pretty good idea that getting knocked up would not result from our "misbehaving"
because stress delays ovulation for me big time. And I was not in fertile CM zone yet. Sigh! March really is not that far away and we both think the timing with my insane job will work out better if we can wait a few more months.
whaaaat??? Just popped in to see Bliss'' news. Oh my goodness I am so sorry girl. I don''t think there''s anything wrong with keeping a little hope. I will be thinking of you and your family on Wednesday. (((((((hugs)))))))


Icekid- I''m a little disappointed lady! Whatever happened to living on wild side? Well mid February for me and March for you... should be fun, lets definitely stick to our plans! Well I am hoping to, my sister is pregnant and I am a little worried about the potential ramifications of getting pregnant soon after her. Hmmm.... think I''ll start a thread actually....
I'll be thinking and praying for your friend Sarah and her little one.
I hope she got good news from the specialist.
Keep us posted.

Thank you for the kind comment about my little one.
I'm glad her monkey face is putting a smile on yours.
I don't post here much, but I do read this thread.
I'm pulling for each and everyone of you for a short TTC journey.

Thank you. I am very thankful that it did have a happy ending too.
We are TTCing for #2 and I'm afraid I may be back on this long journey again.

I'm hoping that we all get that BFP soon.
Hey's smurfy (well obviously lol)
I just wanted to get some insight. We think we may have a wedding night baby but are not sure. Its only been about a week and a half since the wedding but that is also when I was ovulating. Anyways in the last day or so I have been really fatigued and was just really lightheaded one day. Also have had sore nipples, lack of appetite, moodiness, excessive acne on my face and just kind of a feeling that something happened. I normally get my period between the 20th and 25th, I'm irregular but it's always between those days. So far no cramping or anything that I normally get. Have had not really nauseau but like a constant stomach ache...We took a test a couple days ago which came out negative (meant for 5 days before you miss your period) but there is the chance I took it too soon....just looking to see what you ladies think :) We would be happy either way as we planned to have lots of kids, just hadn't planned on quite so soon, we wanted to have a house first but what can you do when God has a plan for you! Also I have been off of BC for about 3 months now. The doctor insisted because it gave me high blood pressure which in turn gave me migraines so there you have that...Also we had unprotected sex one other time after the wedding.
Any advice either way is much appreciated :)

p.s. dh has begun to call me lactating larry until we find out it is negative
I''d wait a week, and buy a digital test. I think you were testing too soon. Congrats on your wedding.
That''s my thoughts too, thanks Kaleigh :) I''ll come back and let y''all know if it''s +!
Date: 11/21/2009 11:20:43 PM
Author: Smurfyimproved
Hey''s smurfy (well obviously lol)
I just wanted to get some insight. We think we may have a wedding night baby but are not sure. Its only been about a week and a half since the wedding but that is also when I was ovulating. Anyways in the last day or so I have been really fatigued and was just really lightheaded one day. Also have had sore nipples, lack of appetite, moodiness, excessive acne on my face and just kind of a feeling that something happened. I normally get my period between the 20th and 25th, I''m irregular but it''s always between those days. So far no cramping or anything that I normally get. Have had not really nauseau but like a constant stomach ache...We took a test a couple days ago which came out negative (meant for 5 days before you miss your period) but there is the chance I took it too soon....just looking to see what you ladies think :) We would be happy either way as we planned to have lots of kids, just hadn''t planned on quite so soon, we wanted to have a house first but what can you do when God has a plan for you! Also I have been off of BC for about 3 months now. The doctor insisted because it gave me high blood pressure which in turn gave me migraines so there you have that...Also we had unprotected sex one other time after the wedding.
Any advice either way is much appreciated :)

p.s. dh has begun to call me lactating larry until we find out it is negative
From what you described, pregnancy could definitely be possible! I''d wait a few days and if you don''t get your period, then test again - maybe with a First Response Test (FRER) or a digital.
Date: 11/21/2009 11:47:02 PM
Author: Smurfyimproved
That''s my thoughts too, thanks Kaleigh :) I''ll come back and let y''all know if it''s +!

I knew at one week, but it was WAY too early to test, not to mention it could be something else, like stress. Wait a week or two - seriously, testing again in a few days likely won''t help, it is just way too early.
You got married and ovulated on the 14th, it is now the 22nd. Honey, it is called the two week wait for a reason. If you tested a few days ago, like at 4or5 dpo, you just literally pi$$ed away the cost of the test. At the earliest you can test 5ish days from now for reliability. In the meantime, there is little chance that a fertilized egg implants till 6-9dpo, so if you are temping you might see that shift. This is why we call it the dreaded tww, this is hard. Good luck girl! I hope you get health insurance soon, babies are incredibly expensive to bring into the world (my 2xs a month appts would be $700 each out of pocket without insurance, and that is before the ultrasound). Hopefully you have been taking your folic acid! You can hang in for a few more days, we all understand, good luck!
Date: 11/22/2009 6:31:22 PM
Author: swimmer

You got married and ovulated on the 14th, it is now the 22nd. Honey, it is called the two week wait for a reason. If you tested a few days ago, like at 4or5 dpo, you just literally pi$$ed away the cost of the test. At the earliest you can test 5ish days from now for reliability. In the meantime, there is little chance that a fertilized egg implants till 6-9dpo, so if you are temping you might see that shift. This is why we call it the dreaded tww, this is hard. Good luck girl! I hope you get health insurance soon, babies are incredibly expensive to bring into the world (my 2xs a month appts would be $700 each out of pocket without insurance, and that is before the ultrasound). Hopefully you have been taking your folic acid! You can hang in for a few more days, we all understand, good luck!

ahhhhh and then the clouds parted and smurfy understood! lol i've never heard of the two week wait until now. luckily i didn't pay for that last pregnancy test, it was an extra one we had leftover from a couple months ago (that one actually was a scare! didn't want kids until after the marriage, just our preference :) so the soonest i should test would be on the 28th? The one we tried with was one of those 5 days before your missed period one, hmm. I just became eligible for my insurance which includes maternity leave but we were waiting until I got my last name changed next friday to apply. I've heard you can't be covered if the day of conception is earlier than when the plan started regardless of if you knew or not, is this true?