
The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks everyone for all of your kind words...and excitement! We took another test this morning and the line is darker and wider. I guess I just thought I was seeing things yesterday because I was in disbelief! I know way too much - so we are CAUTIOUSLY optimistic. I sure do hope this bean sticks!!! I feel so lucky to have you guys. I''m definitely not ready to tell anybody IRL for fear that something could go wrong. It''s SO early.

I seriously can''t even believe I''m knocked up! It sure does feel like the pre-seed and/or instead cup made the difference.

Off to Thanksgiving dinner - with out little secret!
Congrats puppmom!
Lots of sticky dust to your little bean!
Happy Thanksgiving TTC''ers!

I am taking a break from the kitchen and am seeing lots of good news on here, yay!

Puppmom, congratualtions on being PG! What a great way to spend Thanksgiving.

Parrot Tulips, I applaud you as well. Five times a week?!? Wow. You are inspiring. Keep at it girl, you''ll be KTFU in no time.
I know the BFNs are hard to take, believe me. I too have only really been TTC for a few months in total, but after having a m/c the urge to get pregnant has become so galvanized inside me. All we can do is make smart choices, stay informed, listen to our bodies, and try and hard as we can to relax. I hope you find the temping/charting will make you feel more empowered, that''s what it did for me. Keep us posted.

LV, thanks for the report on the accupuncturist. It sounds nice, actually. I have a couple of friends who swear by it for TTC and other purposes.

Smurfy, sorry about AF, that stinks but there''s always next cycle!
It''s great that your DH is so into daddyhood. Cute.

Laila, great news about the HSG! I am glad it didn''t hurt too much. So, what are your next steps? What did the Dr. say?? I am sorry it''s frustrating but the good news is, you are very healthy.

As for me, things are good. My sister and I are still in the middle of the first fight we''ve had in over a decade, but I am trying to not let it get to me too much. My goal is to stay as stress free as possible and manage my anxiety. I''m on CD11 and anticipating O around CD 14/15 so DH and I are getting ready for some serious BDing this weekend!
a little while ago I posted a question about regular lube and how that can affect sperm''s ability to swim. upon your recommendation, I ordered preseed, even though DH said he has very strong swimmers (like he could know that).

well... lo-and-behold, I was pregnant before the preseed I ordered arrived! so DH was right: his swimmers can make it through KY.

nevertheless, I still want to thank you all because I enjoy preseed more than any other lube and it''s made the BDing (even though that''s not the purpose of it anymore) more enjoyable.

so I''m going to go post in the Barely Pregnant thread now.

and congrats to everyone else who has had a BFP, and good luck to all you other wonderful women.
Congrats Noelwr and sending you lots of sticky vibes!!

My preseed is at the post office waiting to be picked up. Can''t wait to pick it up - it seems like a good omen if nothing else.
Pre-seed is definitely great stuff - worked for us as well!

Fisher, I noticed that no-one answered your question - I didn''t notice anything different between pre-seed and any other lube in the sense of what remains there afterwards. Semen is definitely a different kind of animal. Hope that helps!

TMI, but if anyone wants to answer that would be great! Did y''all apply it using the applicator plunger it comes with, or did you just apply it regularly?
Laila, I purchased the preseed that came with 8 applicators and I used the applicator. My logic was that I should get it close to my cervix. I never used any other type of lube so I''m not sure how lube is normally applied.

I honestly didn''t notice much...I followed the instructions word for word but used a smidge less than they suggested.
I used the preseed applicator thingies and just squirted it all in.

normal lube is applied on him while preseed is applied in her. we've found the "insertion" at the start of bding to be much better with preseed (less dry) which is why it's now so much more enjoyable and we will continue to use it as our choice of lube even through pregnancy.
Thanks again everyone for your congrats! We''re REALLY hoping for a sticky bean! We''re going to wait a while until telling anyone IRL. We would just feel way more comfortable further in.

Geri, my fellow spotter, my doctor was not concerned about my spotting when we discussed it at my annual. I, of course, googled it daily only to find awful things that "cause" spotting. I called the office several times - after all, how could I get knocked up if my uterus started to shed so early? She assured me everything would be okay and promised a work up after nine months of TTC. This cycle I actually spotted (VERY LITTLE) at 3 and 5 dpo - no clue what that was. Funny thing is that I would go to the bathroom every hour starting at 8 DPO to check for my spotting and I was so excited that I had none!
puppmom, I STILL check for spotting. wonder if I''ll ever stop checking.
Noelwr, congrats! Your DH''s boys can swim.
Best wishes for a very sticky bean.

Laila, I used Preseed yesterday for the first time and did use the applicator. I think the objective is to get most of it next to your cervix as that is where the sperm will go. It''s not a very thick substance so I think if you do it more externally most of it will fall out. I did use less than the recommended amount (level 2) and that seemed like an ample amount, I might even use like a 1.5 next time. But, everyone is different.

CD14 here and + OPK this morning! And...I think my EWCM is back too! Not as much as in the past, but it''s there. I am relieved and feel like my body is giving me somewhat of a green light. Good thing I have Preseed to supplement.

Also, I bought some Instead cups today thinking, hey so many of us on here have gotten a BFP with the Preseed + Instead combo, why not try? I have to keep it super top secret from DH because he thinks I''ve gone bonkers and am making things too clinical. While he''s absolutely right,
I still want to maximize chances.

So, I practiced inserting them and honestly it was so much easier than I had anticipated. When I first took them out of the package I was like, Whoa!
These things are huge and I have no idea how this is going to work. But I followed the directions carefully and I couldn''t feel anything after it went in. I just wanted to share this in case there are others who are feeling squeamish and intimidated by using them. It''s not as bad as you might think! And for the cost, it''s worth a shot IMO.

Here''s hoping for lots of baby dust, and wishing everyone lots back.
Hi everyone! I hope everyone had a great turkey day! I am only 3dpo and am going crazy analyzing every possible symptom. I have been posting in Show Me The Ring to try and take my mind off of it. I would like to add that we broke down and purchased the Clear Blue Easy Fertility Monitor, and it turns out that I ovulate much earlier than I thought. It will be interesting to see what transpires in the next couple of weeks now that we hopefully have the timing right. We are also using Pre Seed (which we both love) as well. Good luck to everyone trying!!

Baby dust to all!!!
Lots of activity going on around here! Congratulations to the mommies-to-be!


Vintage, Thanks for your update on the accupuncture. Man, a needle on your forehead? I cringe just thinking of that... Oooh, and toes... I'm such a squimish person about my feet. Well, and about needles. Interesting how thin they are though... did you feel more relaxed for an extended period of time afterwards, or just immediately after the procedure?


I'm thinking of all of you and I will keep poking in looking for good news (you girls didn't disappoint this time... woah-- two pregnancies so close together). And Charger is preggo, too! Such good news!

As for me, we're doing well. I've been an emotional mess today; not sure if the fact that I'm 30 now hit me all the sudden (bday this past week) or what... I was watching a lifetime movie and at first accredited it to that, but now I'm still all weepy, so who knows...

Good news is this cycle will NOT be a long drawn out 40-60 dayer. Whoo hoo!! So excited!! I was pretty worried that by giving up the clomid, I'd be looking at only having one cycle before the new year, but I felt like I'd ovulated last week (isn't it funny how you can go *years* and never know when you ovulate, and then when you start paying attention to things, you can feel the tiny cramps that lead to it?) so I took my temp over the past weekend and they were WAY up, totally in my post-ovulation range. So I'm a pretty happy girl. I ovulated on my own, between days 17-21, most likely. Score!! I really do attribute the chiropractic and efforts that have been made to de-stress as at least factors in that. That and I gave the whole situation over to God, knowing that stressing and worrying over things was doing us *no* good at all, and that I cannot control when I ovulate... walking in faith has always worked well for us, although it's not always easy (and is likely why I've taken almost 2 years to truly get there with regard to our wanting this baby).

Hoping for more and more good news here soon from all of you! This is definitely a good time of year for miracles!!
Hi Kit, I'm glad to hear your feeling like your body is getting back to normal. Hopefully, it's your body's way of telling you it's ready! Yay for the PreSeed/Instead combo. Hope it works for you!!!

Welcome Marym! Have you started TTC'g recently? Which cycle is this for you? Glad the CBE monitor is working well for you. I will start using mine next cycle, if this is not the one!!

Hi Fisher, I'm glad to hear that things are going well for you, even if you were in a funk yesterday. Yay for ovulating!!!

How is your friend doing?

Re: acupuncture, I would say the relaxation lasts only for a day or so after the treatment. We talked about my going maybe 2X per week. I assume that after treating over an extended period of time, the relaxation would last longer, but I did not specifically ask. Last visit, she also inserted needles in my back, which was supposed to even out hormone levels. I really haven't asked a lot of questions. I just wanted to experience it, kind of go with it, and if I liked it, I'd learn more about it as I went along. Unfortunately, it is a bit expensive and my insurance does not cover it, although our plan is changing next year, and acupuncture will be covered, though I am not sure for what purposes. I'm also going to need to find a place that is closer. Although I really like her, driving about an hour to her office, and then an hour back, after work, does not make LovesVintage a happy girl!

Another interesting thing that I will mention, is that we talk about how I am feeling, any issues that I have etc. I just mentioned that I have terrible nightmares. So, she stuck a needle in a particular point in my arm, and she asked me to see if that made any difference in my dreams that night. I have not had a nightmare since! Could be total coincidence, I know this, or my subconscious responding to the suggestion that one acupuncture treatment could remove these horrible, horrible dreams that I've been having for months. I don't know, but whatever it is, I will take it!!


I am on CD27 today. I believe I ovulated on CD18. AF has arrived in the past on CD27, but also as late as CD38, so it will be interesting to see when AF arrives this month. Even though it's too early, I POAS'd this morning, and it was negative.

I have a phone conference scheduled with the RE this afternoon. I had some more blood work done last week. It was the 7DPO blood work (which was really taken 4DPO - they call it "late-cycle" blood work, so it doesn't matter that it was taken early, they know about when I ovulated based on the U/S and earlier blood work.) In addition, they ran a slew of additional tests, for I am not even sure what - 8 vials total!

I cannot wait to talk to the DR, but I already know he will recommend Clomid. We shall see.

ETA: How many days past ovulation does implantation bleeding occur, if it occurs?
Loves Vintage - implantation bleeding occurs on average 6-12 days after ovulation. just keep in mind it doesn''t happen for everyone. the 1st month, AF started off reallly light for me (so I had hope) but then turned into deep red so I knew it wasn''t it. and then when I really got preggers, I had no bleeding at all. so don''t give up hope if you don''t see any.
Hi Loves Vintage!

Thanks for the welcome! This is our third cycle trying. We have been using Pre Seed all three times, but thought I ovulated around day 14. Wrong! Turns out I ovulate on day 11, so really hoping this might be our month! I highly recommend the monitor. It is expensive, but it is so reassuring to see the little egg pop up on the screen. I''m 38, so whether or not I even ovulated was a big concern for me. Now I just have a gazillion other things to worry about, being of "advanced maternal age" and all! Good luck to you this cycle, and hang in there!!
Thanks, Noel!! A little TMI, for me personally, but certainly not for this thread -- so I wrote my long post this morning, then went to the bathroom, and there was a twinge of blood, not similar to anything I''ve seen before. Oh my goodness! Of course, it could still be AF; however, I do not have any other symptoms, classic minor cramping and lower back pain that is always present when AF starts. I also did not have my classic over-the-top PMS, which I am sorry to say, can be really, really bad. I usually have a good cry at least once, a few days before AF. At the same time, it could totally be AF and I am just trying to convince myself it isn''t. I never, never, ever have spotted though. I just went to check again, and nothing, so I am very very hopeful that it might be a sign of implanation!! Only time will tell though, so I will have to relax myself now!

Marym, Yay for another member of the 35 and over club! I''ll be 36 on Sunday!
Had you been temping prior to the CBEF monitor? How long are your cycles usually? Have you talked to your regular ob/gyn about TTC''g yet? Are you in the US?
Loves Vintage - that sounds really positive! the one time you actually don''t mind seeing a little bleeding. well, it sounds like you really know your body, and I can say that I have, very unfortunately, NEVER had AF without bad cramps. so lack of symptoms could be a very good sign. I shall keep my fingers crossed for you! and Happy Earlied Birthday.
Thank you, Noel!! I will definitely be discussing it with my RE today. How fortunate that I have the appointment set with him today. Ok, ok, cautiously optimistic. Whew.
Congrats Puppmom & Noelwr!
Spoke with my RE today. Everything looks fine, except my progesterone and estrogen levels were low after ovulation. On CD14, progesterone was .3 and estrogen was 170; I had a medium sized follicle. On CD22 (3 or 4 days after ovulation), my progesterone was 8 and estrogen dropped to 85 (I think), which he says indicates the follicle was not strong enough when ovualtion occured.

He prescribed Clomid and said we could do an IUI. DH and I think it is too soon to do an IUI, so we will try a few months on our own + Clomid.

I told him about the spotting and asked if it is still possible to get pregnant this month, given the low estrogen level. He said yes, but it is unlikely. Time to wait and see.
Welcome marym - I am also in the 35+ club (37) so wishing you lots of baby dust!

Loves Vintage - I still have my fingers crossed for you. It sounds like you are getting great care so hopefully even if it isn''t this cycle you are well on your way to resolving any issues. I hope this is giving you some peace of mind.

I am on 12DPO but no symptoms (other than tender breasts which I get before AF anyway). I am temping for the first time this cycle and my temps pre ovulation were pretty steady and there was a clear spike but my temps post ovulation are all over the place - up and down like a yoyo including dropping to the coverline yesterday and back up by about 0.5 today. So who knows?! I am determined not to test for another couple of days (AF is due around 16-17DPO).
Wow! So many pregnancies since I last checked!!! Good luck and happy, healthy pregnancies to all the new mommies! How exciting!

LovesFisher - Did your RE say that spotting was a sign of low estrogen? Did he know what was causing it? Like you, I would have thought something was fishy (i.e. I was pregnant) if I never spotted and then all of the sudden I am!
Hi Geri, Thank you! I am still hoping too! I wish I could offer you some insight on your erratic post-ovulation temps. I think it could mean nothing at all? It's always nice to stay above coverline, and you haven't dropped below yet! If I can find something on Fertilty Friend about erratic post-ov temps later today, I will post it here for you. Good luck and I hope this is the month for you!

Hi Lanie, I was just wondering where you've been!! How's the CBEFM working out for you? Bringing you some clarity, I hope.

My RE did not say that the spotting was due to low estrogen. He basically did not comment on the spotting, and just said that it is too early to know whether I am pregnant. I told him that I am always looking for signs, and he said, he knows, but it is just too early to tell. So, he did not comment at all on what might have caused the spotting, which has not occured again today.

The low estrogen was determined by bloodwork. He said that we probably would not know what causes the low progesterone and low estrogen, but that it means I had a weak ovulation in this particular cycle, which does not necessarily mean that I have weak ovulation every cycle.
Hey Loves Vintage-

No, I haven''t been temping. We just were using the pre seed and those ovulation calendars on the internet. We are going to give it a couple of more months trying the natural way, and then it''s on to the fertility doctor.

Happy Birthday (a wee bit early)!!! I really hope this is it for you! It really sounds like that may have been implantation! I know what you mean about the out of control PMS. I have some months where I feel just horrid. I should probably wear a warning sign when I am in that "zone"!

And yes, I''m in the US. Chandler, Arizona actually. Where are you?
Oh, and I forgot to add that my cycles are pretty much 28-29 days like clockwork, so I was a bit perplexed to discover that I was ovulating earlier.

I did talk to my OBGYN about wanting to have a baby. She was very encouraging, telling me that right now she has two patients who are 39 and carrying healthy babies to term, so that was reassuring. I have been taking pre-natals for the last six months or so, as well as fish oil. She said that if we don''t get pregnant in the next 3 or 4 months she will give us a referral to a fertility doctor. We''ll see what happens!
Date: 11/30/2009 9:54:25 PM
Author: marym

Oh, and I forgot to add that my cycles are pretty much 28-29 days like clockwork, so I was a bit perplexed to discover that I was ovulating earlier.

I did talk to my OBGYN about wanting to have a baby. She was very encouraging, telling me that right now she has two patients who are 39 and carrying healthy babies to term, so that was reassuring. I have been taking pre-natals for the last six months or so, as well as fish oil. She said that if we don''t get pregnant in the next 3 or 4 months she will give us a referral to a fertility doctor. We''ll see what happens!
Hey Mary, sorry to butt in but I''m an old timer from this thread
Anyways, if you O on CD 11 and your cycles are typically around 28 days, it suggest that your luteal phase is around 17 days maybe even 18. That would be very unusual, since anything over 18 days is considered solid evidence that you are pregnant! Typically 16 days is considered a longish LP. Anyways, I''m not saying this to suggest something is wrong but rather to suggest you may have ovulated earlier than usual this cycle and if it isn''t THE ONE (dust dust) then you might have a shorter cycle this month -- LPs tend to be constant each month whereas the day you ovulate can move around. Another possibility is that your monitor was off and you could ovulate later than it suggested. So again, if this isn''t the month for you (*dustdust*) then next month don''t assume that you will ovulate early, and perhaps try to cover your bases a few days after the monitor gives you the egg, just to be on the safe side? I also wonder if you might want to monitor your CF since it is relatively easy and would help you to corroborate what your moitor is telling you!
Puppmom- great news, congratulations and sticky bean dust for you! (and you were concerned about lack of marathons - a well timed quickstep can apparantly do you in!)

Congrats Noelwr as well!

And good luck this cycle fisher...

houmedgirl- sorry for your news on the other thread. fingers crossed that your bean is growing nicely but just measuring a touch behind. if the outcome's sad, though, it is sad and that is hard and undeniable but also have faith and stay strong! So many women have had miscarriages and gone on to have healthy babies that it does give me some peace (at least after a bit of time) to know it is a known hazard in the baby-making process, and good news to know you can get pregnant.

marym, to address dreamer's point, are you getting the high monitor reading on day 11 or before day 11? The monitor is sensitive to LH, which spikes apx. 12-36 hrs before ovulation, so if you get the high reading on day 11, and ovulate on say day 12-13, this would be consistent with a 16 day luteal phase. Which is on the long side of usual, but not far out.

Also, one thing that my overboard night of liturature searching convinced me of was that there is still some significant wiggle room in precisely pinpointing ovulation with the existing technologies for use at home, and that even women with regular cycles can have some variation, and sometimes significant variation... long way to say, use the technology but cover your bases a little on either side, too ;)
Good Morning Ladies! I am about 11 dpo and am supposed to start AF Friday. Today I woke up and had some spotting, which I never have had before... any idea if that could be implantation bleeding???

It is only my first month actually really trying so I won''t be too disappointed if it''s not but that would be great news if it is and I am PG!!! I think implantation would be occuring around this time so that is why I got a little excited when I saw that, but then again it could be AF coming early???