
The Official TTC Thread!

re planning when to TTC Well maybe the rest of your life will arrange itself around when you have a baby!
I got pregnant while I was on a research post doc, knowing I would be pg on the academic job market. I was so worried about how it would all work out!! Turned out all the interviews were fit in before I could no longer walk, got the job offer 3 weeks before Hunter was born, defferred my start date by 6 months so I could take a proper Canadian mat leave, and now I start my new job as a prof in a week! Antways, it all worked out fine in the end by letting my life work its way around my potential/real baby rather than trying to figure things out the other way aroud.
Very cool!!!! Best wishes as you start your new job!
Hey LV, thank you for the lovely welcome.

Yes, I''m in Scotland. A very cold Scotland at that too.

I''m looking forward to this journey and would love to have part 1 done for this year. If I conceive by the beginning of March I could have a 2010 baba, that would be wonderful, but I can''t get my hopes up too much cos you never know how long its going to take, particularly when I''m approaching the other side of 37.
thanks all for your kind words. let''s get back to the TTC talk!

Po - that''s amazing what you''ve done to prepare yourself. well done!

Jena - the whole TTC concept is different for men. I ordered the pre-seed stuff and it came in a package together with ovulation tests, and DH looked at it and said, "You''ve just successfully made sex the most unsexiest it can be."
I didn''t even order the damn things! They came with. But we really do think the pre-seed stuff is fun. anyway, we are both of the opinion of it will happen when it happens.

I think when we start again I won''t even bother with taking a hpt early. I''ll just wait til AF is due. I say that now... but I''ll probably end up buying millions of tests again!
Thanks Noel.

I would ideally love to lose all the extra weight I''m carrying but we can''t put off ttc any longer and I now feel happier knowing that I''ve done so far, everything that is expected of me.

I would agree with you regarding men and pre-conception preparation. I was looking online at buying the mum and father-to-be vitamins and DH was like, nah, I''ll pass just now, you buy them. Humph!!
Po - I totally hear you on the vitamins. I wouldn''t even dare ask DH. also if nothing happens I won''t ask DH to go for a medical check-up because I know he wouldn''t like to find out that he is the reason it''s not happening, and it''s not important enough for me to put him through that. we did get pregnant once and he is quite confident now that he knows his swimmers are strong enough to get through KY jelly. so as long as he feels good about himself, then I am happy.
Date: 12/30/2009 2:37:42 AM
Author: Po10472
Hey LV, thank you for the lovely welcome.

Yes, I''m in Scotland. A very cold Scotland at that too.

I''m looking forward to this journey and would love to have part 1 done for this year. If I conceive by the beginning of March I could have a 2010 baba, that would be wonderful, but I can''t get my hopes up too much cos you never know how long its going to take, particularly when I''m approaching the other side of 37.

It''s freezing here, isn''t it!?

Good luck with TTC, not least because here''s a PS baby I might actually get to see one day! Fingers crossed for you.

Well ladies, I don''t think the BFP is going to happen this month. Last night I started having really bad cramps. While according to the date of last AF, ovulation should have occurred late last week (I think I''m 5/6 dpo right now), but right now I''m in the place where my period ''should'' be coming if last month hadn''t been so wonky. So I''m wondering now if I''m just having a short 2 week cycle after a 6 week cycle. Although the cramps are a little odd, mostly on the left side versus all over and with a little back involvement as well. To be honest I think I''d rather assume I''m having a wonky cycle and am about to get AF than think this is a symptom of a BFP, I don''t want to get my hopes up and then be let down.
Hmm, Hudson I would not rule anything out at this point. A 2 week cycle just seems weird to me. I don''t think your body remember when it was "supposed" to end this current cycle, it''s just going about it''s merry business like it does every month. I think if you''re having a 2 week cycle it might mean you didn''t O, does that make sense even? At 6 dpo it could be implantation, possibly...fingers crossed for you.
I had my normal ovulation signs late last week-EWCM and twinges of cramps in the general area of my ovaries.

I agree with Kit, but I understand how you are thinking -- you don''t want to convince yourself that you are (like I usually do, lol) and then be disappointed later. Based on what you''ve told us, if you ovulated late last week, then I''d be surprised if it is AF.

Have you considered temping? I was the worst at temping, myself, but it does provide useful information. For example, after you ovulate, your temps stay high. If they continue to stay high, a BFP is probable. If implantation has not occured, then your temp would usually drop just before AF. In your case, seeing a temp pattern might be helpful, because if AF is on its way, you might have had a temp drop this morning. Just a thought.

I''d say the cramping could be anything at this point. You just have to wait and see!!! Wishing you much luck for a BFP!!
Lucy.Lucy - It's better to assume you won't have any side effects on the Clomid, especially at the starting dose. I was advised to take the Clomid in the evenings to help lessen the side effects. Honestly, I think I am having more of a reaction to the hormones, which is not surprising. Hopefully, you won't need to worry about the side effects at all and you will get your BFP in January!!! Also, with respect to the HSG this month, my RE did tell me that women may be more likely to get pregnant after an HSG because the fallopian tubes are cleared during the HSG. He referred to this as an unexplained phenomenon!!!

Po - I'm 36, so not far behind you!! It could turn out that you have no trouble at all! Everyone is different, though I know that the statistics about us over-35 TTCers can get a bit daunting. Hope you get a BFP quickly!!!
HH-I don''t know, it seems pretty strange that you''d have a 2 week cycle. I know it''s hard, but maybe it''s best to just wait and see what happens. I''m a major control freak, but am starting to come to terms with the fact that I have no idea what''s going on in there and can''t really control it. I can work with some elements, but in all the whole TTC thing is pretty much out of my hands...this time I am going to try really hard to just wait 2 full weeks dpo before I POAS. I''m trying not to get my hopes up too, but I think you have to keep a glimmer of hope (as much as it sucks when it doesn''t work out)...but that''s just my opinion. I''m still trying to make sense of all this
I''ve been lurking since we''re going to start TTC in February, and before I go back and try to read (GASP) all 370 pages, have most of yall been TTC for a while and are now turning to more technical methods of tracking/trying or has everyone been doing that all along? I was thinking we''d just try for a few months by just trying around my ovulation and then if no success we''d start temping and whatnot. Too naieve? I''m an overanalyzer and super planner, and I''m thinking maybe I should just not stress myself out too much at the get go. Thoughts?
Hi PlantationCatt,

Welcome. That''s very exciting that you''re about to TTC! Well, it''s really a personal choice as to whether or not to do temping and monitoring, or not. For me, I started temping before I TTC just for informational purposes and found that the process of getting to know my body was very empowering, and made me feel confident going into TTC. For many, TTC is a bewildering and confusing process that often is unpredictable and sometimes being able to match temps and test and whatnot to your cycle can be comforting. It probably depends on what kind of person you are and how you react in general to more, as opposed to less, information. Ignorance is bliss, as they say. It sounds like you know when you O, which is a good thing. If you feel confident that you are Oing when you think you are, that is key and just BDing a few days before O is, at the end of the day, all you can really do.

Either way, good luck and I''m hoping your TTC journey is short and sweet.
I''m a first time tryer and we''re doing things the old fashioned and fun way. No complex gizmos, graphs or meds for us.
Welcome Plantation!

We just started and are going the old fashioned way. I tried temping for about a week and got sick of it
I''m keeping notes about what happens when but that''s about it.

Good luck and hope 2010 brings a beautiful baby into your life!
What is everyone''s thoughts on drinking coffee while TTC? I have read that you shouldn''t. I like my cup or 2 of coffee every morning, I don''t drink soda at all usually water and every so often tea. Is it ok for a couple cups of coffee a day while we are TTC or should I not be drinking that? Thanks!
I think one is ok, but sort of a grey area. I''m petty sure I read that more than that has been shown to cause implantation issues which can contribute to miscarriage.
Jena - My RE office says that one cup is ok. By one cup, they mean a regular-sized cup that you would have at home (8 oz-ish) as opposed to a cup at Starbucks, which could sometimes be twice that amount or more.

Some people opt to have more. Some people opt to have none. It''s really what you are comfortable with. For the first few months of TTC''g, it hadn''t even occurred to me, and I hadn''t read anywhere that you should not have coffee while TTC''g. I was easily drinking 5 or more cups per day! I''ve cut back to one cup per day and feel great.

You could also try brewing half-decaf/half-regular, and then your two cups are one! I do recall someone saying on here, not in this thread, maybe in a preggo thread, that decaf is not good for you for some reason, something about the process of decaffeinating? Does anyone know?
Re caffeine, the main thing is to limit your intake once you get pg to under, I think, 200 mg per day. Ladies, correct me if I am wrong. Some feel that eliminating it entirely is the safest thing. I believe research has linked very high levels of caffeine (way more than 200 per day) with increased risk of miscarriage in early pregnancy. You have to just take on the amount of risk you feel comfortable with--for everyone that is a different level of risk. I think while TTC I would say, keep it to a small cup of regular coffee per day at the most, just because by the time you find out your are KU you are already (usually) 4 weeks along.

Here''s a helpful link to a site that lists the mg of caffeine in most foods and beverages. Remember that Starbucks and similar coffees are much higher in caffeine than you would think. A tall coffee has over 250 mg! No wonder when I went off coffee when I was pg I got horrible headaches...I am still off coffee because I didn''t want to go through that withdrawl period again.
Oh my god, LV!!!! Wooooooooohooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks, Kit!

I left work early today because there were really just a handful of people in today, and I didn''t need to be there, so came home, took a cheapie internet test with the lines, even though I was supposed to wait until tomorrow. There was the faintest, and I mean really faint, second line. I went out and got some digi''s, and it says "PREGNANT". I can''t believe it, even after that faint line, I approached the digi with such hesitation - I did not want to see a "NOT"! And, there isn''t one! I''m going to go check again!
Date: 12/30/2009 4:15:48 PM
Author: Loves Vintage

I took 3 digitals to make sure! Those things are great! Congratulations LV!!!!!
Date: 12/30/2009 4:24:07 PM
Author: Loves Vintage
Thanks, Kit!

I left work early today because there were really just a handful of people in today, and I didn''t need to be there, so came home, took a cheapie internet test with the lines, even though I was supposed to wait until tomorrow. There was the faintest, and I mean really faint, second line. I went out and got some digi''s, and it says ''PREGNANT''. I can''t believe it, even after that faint line, I approached the digi with such hesitation - I did not want to see a ''NOT''! And, there isn''t one! I''m going to go check again!
Girl, you should just go out and test to your heart''s content. It''s such fun to get BFP after BFP! I am so pleased for you.
Holy crap! I was just cruising through this thread looking at today''s updates and there it was...LV IS PREGNANT! I''m so excited!
A million congrats LV!!!!!!!! You must be so excited!!!!
Congratulations LV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How exciting!
Meresal, Thank you! I think I will take another in the morning!!!

Kit, Thank you again! I've really enjoyed talking to you over the past few days! I appreciate it!

Puppmom, My pal from way back!! Thank you!! Cannot wait to tell DH. He will be home in a FEW!!!!!!!!

Lanie, Thank you!! You said you had a good feeling about this month!! You were right!! I get to go for blood work tomorrow at my RE's office!!! No more labs, ha ha.

Jena, Thanks for the congrats! This thread is the best!!! I love being able to tell you all!!!