
The Official TTC Thread!

Hi Everyone, I am back after a work week from hell. Oh my goodness, I am so glad that it is Saturday. I am literally snowed in and just trying to catch up on my life.

LV and Lucy, thanks for the 411, I really appreciate it. That is interesting about the follicle development, which I have been reading about a bit. I guess I am reluctant to go to my Dr. right away as I am pretty sure she is going to think I am crazy, worry about everything, when I have been able to get pregnant and sustained that life for almost 10 weeks. Also, with my cycle''s timing this month I''m thinking 7DPO will be New Year''s Day and not sure that the Dr. office will be open? There''s always next month.

I am not sure if having a miscarriage can cause one''s hormones to go out of wack so much that it causes issues? All I know is, my cycles are just not the way they used to be.
Very confusing.

Hudson, sorry to hear about your very late AF. How strange! But, great that you are jump starting your TTC stuff. Good luck!

LV, I am crossing all my fingers and toes for you with your IUI.

Dust to everyone TTC!!
Hope this isn''t TMI, but it seems to be all holds barred on this thread
My period is usually like clockwork, but this month is three days early. I had the flu earlier this month around the time I would have been ovulating. Can the flu alter your cycle a little bit and come earlier? Should I be concerned at all, or just chalk it up to the flu and continue with our TTC plans for this cycle?
hi Bella_mezzo, being sick can affect your cycle and even more likely if you took medication. I would hold off concern if it doesn't return to normal over the next few cycles (but hopefully you'll be preggers by then and won't have a cycle to worry about). the good thing is that it came early so you can start TTC earlier as opposed having to wait a couple of extra days.
Thanks for responding Noelwr, definitely calmed me down:-)

It seems to have been a false alarm, so maybe I am still on my normal ended up just being two drops of bright red and then nothing for the next 36 hours. If it wasn''t pretty much physiologically impossible to be pregnant (given the fact that we didn''t have sex anywhere near my fertile window last month) I might think it was implantation bleeding. But I''m sure that''s not what it is, so I think it might just be a fluke and I''ll expect my period on-schedule later this week and then we can start our first cycle of TTC
I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas!

Also, I need a little baby dust, I am about 8 dpo and I had a couple very tiny drops of blood when I wiped today and nothing since!! I pray that was implantation bleeding and this is going to be a lucky month for us! I hate this waiting period, I am really trying not to think about it!
Hi Jena,

Hope that it is a sticky little bean for the holidays. I know the waiting sucks but just try to enjoy the holidays and maybe that will help the time go faster...

good luck Jena!

happy holidays and have lots of fun TTCing
over the holidays to the rest of you!
Jena, Tons of baby dust to you!! I am just a day or so behind you, 7 days past my first IUI, 6 days past the second. The waiting is really hard!

I also just came down with the flu, so I''m feeling really bored, just lying around all day.
Maybe I should have gotten a flu shot when I was offered one at work.

Laila, How are you doing?

New TTCers, Welcome!! I''ve been meaning to post a reminder that you should start taking a prenatal vitamin, with folic acid, to prevent certain birth defects. It is important that you start taking the vitamins before you conceive. Some information is here. I''m sure most of you are aware of this already, but just thought I would post for super-newbies.
Hoping that there will be some Christmas BFPs around here

As for me, we''re still holding out to start trying in March. It blows my mind that if we get knocked up quickly, we''ll be showing up at home next Christmas with a tiny baby
Thank you Bella and Noel!

Loves vintage, good luck to you! I hope you feel better soon and get great news in a few days! This waiting is really hard! We are having a holiday cocktail party tonight so I took a ept test this morning knowing it was too soon but couldn''t resist and it was a bfn, like I expected it would be! I will have to hold out for a few more days to know! I just really dont want everyone asking why im not drinking all night! Best of luck to everyone this month!
Thank you Bella and Noel!

Loves vintage, good luck to you! I hope you feel better soon and get great news in a few days! This waiting is really hard! We are having a holiday cocktail party tonight so I took a ept test this morning knowing it was too soon but couldn''t resist and it was a bfn, like I expected it would be! I will have to hold out for a few more days to know! I just really dont want everyone asking why im not drinking all night! Best of luck to everyone this month!
hi Jena. how did it go with last night''s cocktail party? I think very early on you and your baby aren''t sharing blood, yet, so a drink or two might not have mattered, but I guess it''s always better to be safe than sorry! good luck with future hpts.
I need your opinions, ladies!

Hubby and I have been planning to start TTC in March (this is somewhat arbitrary, but also vaguely based on my work schedule.) However, the wedding of my husband''s best friend is going to be in October 2010 and will require flying. The timing problem did not really occur to me previously, but I would be fairly late in the 3rd tri in late Oct if we were to get knocked up quickly (a possibility.) This made me a little distraught last night, given my baby obsession. Hub suggested trying now
but I don''t want to have a small infant for the wedding either
It''s going to be a big event and one that is important to me that neither hub nor I are deprived of attending, if possible.

Would you ladies put off TTC for a month or two in order to attend the wedding comfortably?
icekid - personally (but please make the decision that you and your husband are most comfortable with), I would not put off TTC for anyone else. please do not start calculating life under the assumption that you will get pregnant right away. I don''t know your age, but it takes a woman between 25-30 6 months on average to fall pregnant, and between 30-35 9 months. I really do hope for you that you get pregnant right away (it does happen), but if I waited due to someone else''s wedding and it still took me 9 months after, then I would keep kicking myself that I hadn''t started earlier.

however, if this wedding is more important to you than the possibility of starting early, then by all means wait.
Icekid, I agree with Noel. I wouldn''t work my TTC timing around someone else''s wedding (or life in general). If you''re lucky enough to get pregnant right away, that''s not a bad problem to have!

Fisher, if you''re around, I''ve been thinking of your friend. I hope her baby is still baking!
Thanks for the input noelwr and puppmom.

Sigh... I still don''t know! Of course, it is entirely possible that we won''t get pregnant right away anyway (though I do come from a seriously fertile family). However, since I tend to have long cycles when stressed at work it could certainly take longer (I''m one of the many resident docs around here lately

My husband is going to be in their bridal party, so I would feel badly if he could not go. but I''d really prefer if he did not travel and leave me alone at 37 weeks. Hmm.

Decisions, decisions... yet I am sooooo impatient to get started already.
Hi Ice Kid- I totally agree with everything Noel stated above.

Although its not something I would personally do, as it seems like attending this wedding is very important to you, the only way to ensure you would definetly be able to attend is to postpone TTC. In the scheme of things, waiting one more month to start TTC isn''t that big of a deal. Wish you lots of luck with whatever you choose!
So realistically how long should I wait after O and dancing before taking a test?
HH, I think the earliest you would see a positive is 8 dpo. I got a faint at 10dpo. I remember how patient you were last month!
Hahaha yea, that was because we weren''t actually trying. Also, around what dpo does one usually experience implantation bleeding or cramps?
Date: 12/28/2009 9:36:30 AM
Author: Hudson_Hawk
Hahaha yea, that was because we weren''t actually trying. Also, around what dpo does one usually experience implantation bleeding or cramps?
You *can* get a positive as early as 5dpo, but that is pretty darn dare. In reality 14 dpo is when you get an accurate reading, and most women here it seem to be get their bfp between 10 and 13 DPO.

Icekid I would TTC when you want to TTC without thought to planning and timing beyond the most general things. The reality is that you could get KU the first month, but then again it could take a year or more. Many of our friends here have had that unpleasant surprise. And I know at least a few wished they had started earlier. No matter what, there will be things you want to do, important things like your friend''s wedding, that you will not be able to do when you are pregnant or have your child. I don''t believe in expecting or planning for the worse, but I think when it comes to pregnancy and kids, it is better not to assume smooth sailing either. Best not to think about things too much is my adage
Hope everyone had a lovely and peaceful holiday!

Jena, good luck! I know the feeling, ugh the wait can kill you. Fingers crossed for a BFP asap.

LV, are you feeling any better? I hope you are getting all the rest you need. And, any updates on the IUI? I am pulling for you.

Icekid, my 2 cents for ya: if you are ready to TTC, then TTC. I echo what everyone else here says, and plus to be honest I think you are thinking way too far in advance with the whole TTC process. It is sooo unpredictable. My mother and my sister both got KU on all first tries, amd with my first pregnancy (ended in MC) I did too. Now I''m sitting here TTC cycle after cycle with BFNs. You just don''t know what''s going to happen. And, I personally would not worry about missing a wedding because I was pg or had an infant. I am sure that if you do get pg quickly, the importance of your friend''s/family member''s wedding will evaporate moments after delivery when you are holding your new baby in your arms.
Just take one day at a time and don''t worry about how things might be at such and such a date in the future, because a million possibilities exist.


CD 18, 3 DPO here. This month I''ve been temping religiously and fertilityfriend placed O on CD 15 which was when I expected it based on the past few cycles, and it also coincided with a +OPK. So...I guess that is good news. Now I''m just monitoring my temps to see how high they go and if they drop off too soon in my luteal phase. Does anyone know what I should be looking for with regard to temps in the luteal phase? Any warning signals of something going awry? I have also been taking a vitamin B complex every day in the hopes that it might stretch out my luteal phase, but who knows. FF is saying I will get AF on CD27, or 12 DPO, so I guess I''ll plan to test after that if she doesn''t show.
Date: 12/28/2009 1:36:54 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie

<Best not to think about things too much is my adage

haha, love this dreamer! You are so right, though. I am such a control freak / planner that it is difficult to let go. But over-thinking TTC is kind of silly, because it''s so impossible to control. I keep telling myself we''ll just make it work (which is true) and then I resort to thinking about it some more

Kit- Too true about the unpredictability of all of this! You just never know. Hoping for another BFP for you shortly!
Date: 12/28/2009 8:24:08 PM
Author: icekid

Date: 12/28/2009 1:36:54 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie

haha, love this dreamer! You are so right, though. I am such a control freak / planner that it is difficult to let go. But over-thinking TTC is kind of silly, because it''s so impossible to control. I keep telling myself we''ll just make it work (which is true) and then I resort to thinking about it some more

The irony of a professional thinker not thinking too much is not lost of me
I think you need to go ahead and start TTCing and get out of this deliberative mindset. It is torture for real!
sorry to ruin the mood because I love all the positivity you ladies bring to this thread... but

we had sad news this morning that my pregnancy will terminate soon. (which goes to show you that even if you get KU really quickly, it still doesn''t guarantee anything.) that was an aggravating 5 weeks of waiting to finally have the u/s only to get bad news!

however, I will be happy to go through the TTC journey again with all you wonderful ladies in the new year, and hope that by then most of you will have graduated to the preggers thread.
Noel - I am so sorry. It is so unfair. I wish you lots of comfort and healing thoughts as you go through this.
aw thanks LV. we don''t consider it unfair. it is what it is. then again I can very easily say this because we got pregnant really quickly (quicker than we expected), so we have the comfort in knowing we can do it and chances are good that it will happen again. if we had had difficulty and been trying for a really long time, then yes, I would definitely say it is unfair. if it means that I have to be the 1 out of 10 women who m/c, and you dedicated ladies who have to work so hard at it are the 9 successful ones, then I will gladly take those odds for you! if only we could control life like that.
Noel, You have such a healthy attitude. It is wonderful, really. I''ll need to borrow some of that!! Well, it''s good that you have this week off, right, so you can relax some and take it easy on yourself.

Take care,
Noel, I''m so sorry. It is frustrating to have had to wait this long for bad news. I agree though that your chances of getting pregnant again are quite good. Hang in''s sounds like you have a great attitude. That''s more than I can say for myself sometimes.

LV, how are you?
Noel, so sorry about your loss. That''s so unfair.

Can anyone tell me, around what dpo does one usually experience implantation bleeding or cramps?