
The Official TTC Thread!

RIP Clumpy.....I'm not PG.
damn clumpy for making you wait so long. but I''m sure there''ll be another when you "officially" start TTCing and maybe your DH can come up with a cuter name, like beanie or something.
"Clumpy" was all him....Yea so 11 days late and she finally decided to show...I hate tardiness.
HH: Sorry to hear about that, but I guess it just wasn''t quite time for Clumpy.

But, now you guys will be more than ready when its time to officially start trying
Hi Kit,

Sorry to hear about AF arriving. Regarding your questions about Luteal Phase Defect, my regular ob/gyn said that this is very controversial topic right now, as there are varying viewpoints as to whether such a defect exists, or that low progesterone on CD21 and/or 7DPO is sufficient to support pregnancy. I would suggest that you contact your doctor about your concerns, which is sounds like you are going to do with some additional temping history.

I''ve has low progesterone levels at CD21 and what I thought was 7DPO, but as it turns out, I have likely been ovulating much later, or maybe ovulating later only in certain cycles. By taking ovulation induction drugs, I will now have an earlier ovulation, which I assume will also result in adequate levels of progesterone thereafter. My regular ob/gyn suggested that she could prescribe some form of progesterone, and though it is not clear it would make any difference, it would not cause any harm. (It was at about that time that my decision to visit a RE became clearer, so this was never pursued, and it has not even been mentioned by my RE.)

You might call your physician now, to see if he/she will order the 7DPO bloodwork for you, to see what your hormone levels look like for this cycle. If they are low, then you will have more evidence and know better how to proceed next month.

Have you looked into the acupuncture any further?
Date: 12/13/2009 12:21:00 AM
Author: lucy.lucy.80
I''ve been super busy so I haven''t had time to post but have been checking in from time to time- congrats on those who got KU this month!! So happy for you all and hopefully there will be many more in the new year!

I had my HSG this past week on CD 10 and tubes are clear!! The actual test was moderately painful for me- felt like severe cramping and spotted for 2 days after which the doc said was to be expected. I start 50mg clomid next month CD 5-9. Wishing it didn''t come to that, but looking forward to a renewed sense of hope as DH and I have been TTC for a while now.

On another note, I was offered a 2nd interview (1st interview was before TTC) w/ a company I''ve been trying to get into for a couple years- I''ve been at my current company for 5 yrs full time and was planning on staying there until I had a baby and then considering freelancing part time- so needless to say this creates a REALLY difficult situation as to what to do- concerned about getting KU after only being at a new job for a couple months- anyone else in/or have been in a similar situation!?!


Congrats on the HSG results! That''s great news! RE: Clomid, how long are your cycles? Will your doctor do any monitoring while you''re taking it? By monitoring, I mean blood work or ultrasounds? I just finished taking 100mg (first month on Clomid) and haven''t had any side effects, but the nurse told me today to wait and see what happens the next few days. Apparently, the side effects (mood changes, I assume she meant) do not appear until a few days after the 5 doses are taken.

Re: your job situation, I haven''t been in that situation, but I think there was someone here, not too long ago, that posed a similar question. You might start a new thread with your question, as you will probably find some PS-ers who''ve encountered the same situation, but who do not frequent this thread. Keep us posted and GOOD LUCK at your interview!!
Laila- how are you!?! yea the HSG was definelty an interesting experience- it was really neat though watching the camera/xray as they are performing the test!

Kit- Ditto to everything LV said above. Also, a short luteral phase can also be attributed to poor follicle development in the beginning stages of the cycle which can cause delayed ovulation & thus short LP. This appears to be my case and after several cycles charting, my doc prescribed me clomid CD 5-9 for stronger follicle development. If you see a pattern of short LP and are concerned, your doctor can order up 7DPO bloodwork. And dont give up on instead cup/preseed!
ya never know!
Although we are not having an IUI this cycle, I asked the nurse (at my RE''s office) who performs the IUI. She said that she would.

For those that have had an IUI, is this typical? Does a nurse typically perform the IUI?

I suppose it varies by practice, but just curious what others have encountered. Thanks!
Hi LV-thanks! Cycles vary between 35-45+ days- my doctor will be monitoring me on CD 14 ultrasound and CD23 (im a late o''er) bloodkwork to confirm ovulaiton. I will only be doing clomid for 2 cycles and if I do not get KU, my OB will refer to me to an RE. Thats great you don''t have any side effects so far - I heard taking it at night can lessen the side effects. Wish you lots of luck

By the way thanks for the imput regrarding the job situation- I spoke with DH yesterday and decided to turn down a 2nd interview. As tough of a decision as it is, I just can''t imagine (hopefully) being pregnant and starting a new job at the same time
Lucy - They did advise me to take the Clomid at night, which probably did help with the side effects. I have noticed a significant decrease in CM, which is concerning.

Glad to hear that you will be having the ultrasounds. I have had so many over the past few weeks! It is really amazing information to have so readily available! I thank the nurse every time I have one and tell her how amazing I think it is. I had one today, and they want me to have another on Weds to see how I am progressing.

Sounds like you made the right decision about the job. I bet you feel better that it's finalized. One less thing to worry about!

Lots of baby-making luck to you too!!
I had another US this morning, and I have 4 dominant follicles!! If I recall correctly, they are 18, 16, 14 and 13 mm each. I will take HCG, on Friday or Sat depending on what the dr recommends, to stimulate ovualtion. I had a long chat with one of the nurses today, and am quite tempted to just go with the IUI this cycle, but DH and I probably won''t change our minds and will just see how things go. I will also start taking estradiol to help restore estrogen, and CM, uterine lining, etc. as a result.

I did some research and see that many clinics do have nurses perform the IUIs. We talked about the process today, and I''m very comfortable with it.

Hope everyone else is doing well!!
Yay on 4 dominant follicles! No info/advice from me on IUI. When are you supposed to O?

No real update on me...I finished my Provera pills and boy do I hate that medicine. My period came 2 days after I finished the pills and I''m on CD5. So starting tomorrow, I will use my OPK monitor that I bought to see if I ovulate. And this will be our first cycle of TTC!!! I''m so excited! I have to keep reminding myself and my DH that it might not and probably won''t happen the first time trying. After reading so many stories on here and hearing from friends who are having a hard time, I realize how delicate the process is. I don''t know many girls who have crazy cycles like me who got pregnant quickly. But it is a very exciting time nonetheless.

Good luck to all of those who are still in the trenches.
Vintage, the nurses at my clinic are the ones who do the IUI also. The nurses are SO on the ball and know everything at my office.

Looks like we are on the same dose of Clomid, 100mg CD 5-9! I will also do an HCG trigger, followed by progesterone during the 2ww. I'm really worried about doing the trigger because I already ovulate on my own pretty early every month, and am worried that if I trigger once the OPK is positive, the IUI 36 hours later will be too late because I'll have already Oed. But my doc reassured me it would be fine and that we won't miss it.

Lanie, how exciting!
Lanie - How exciting that you will start TTC this cycle!?! Have you used the monitor before, or will this be your first month with it? Did you ovulate last cycle?

The HCG triggers ovulation approximately 40 hours after the injection, so to answer your question, I expect to ovulate on Saturday morning at 12:30 am!!!

Laila - Hi!! How are you doing? I am going to ask you a bunch of questions. Feel free to ignore any or all if I''m asking for TMI. Did you have an IUI last cycle? Is your RE doing U/Ss and bloodwork to follow your progress on the Clomid? Will you take estradiol? (I am supposed to start this tonight.) I will also take prometrium during the 2 week wait.

So, I have an update already. We''ve decided to do the IUI! My doctor highly recommends I do the IUI, particularly since I am experiencing no CM on the Clomid. So, I will go in on Thursday morning for the injection (I don''t have the HCG yet, so will go into office) and then on Friday and Saturday morning for the IUIs. (They like to do one just before ovulation, and one after ovulation.)

I HOPE it works! For both of us!!
Date: 12/16/2009 3:26:19 PM
Author: Loves Vintage
I am going to ask you a bunch of questions. Feel free to ignore any or all if I'm asking for TMI. Did you have an IUI last cycle? Is your RE doing U/Ss and bloodwork to follow your progress on the Clomid? Will you take estradiol? (I am supposed to start this tonight.) I will also take prometrium during the 2 week wait.

So, I have an update already. We've decided to do the IUI! My doctor highly recommends I do the IUI, particularly since I am experiencing no CM on the Clomid. So, I will go in on Thursday morning for the injection (I don't have the HCG yet, so will go into office) and then on Friday and Saturday morning for the IUIs. (They like to do one just before ovulation, and one after ovulation.)

I HOPE it works! For both of us!!
No problem about the questions...lemme see...

No, I've never had an IUI. Last cycle was just my HSG. Unfortunately, DH and I missed the window because I ovulated super early last month, and so we timed BD wrong. Grr!

This is the first month with the IUI. I'm only on CD6, so only one night of Clomid so far. Yep, the doctor does monitor me via ultrasounds. I'm not sure what estradiol does, but I'm not taking it. Only clomid plus the HCG trigger. Hope that helps! And good for you for going ahead with the IUI!
I think it's very helpful with the lack of CM.
Hi Laila,

Thanks! The estradiol is supposed to restore estrogen. Perhaps it was prescribed for me because I did have low estrogen last cycle after ovulation. I didn''t have any side effects while taking the Clomid, which I was very worried about. A few days after I finished the 5 day prescription, I was a little emotional (but not crazy, which is what I was expecting!), and I woke up early, in a sweat, this morning. Other than that, it''s been quite easy, much easier than I thought it would be!!

Glad to hear you will have the ultrasound monitoring -- no chance of missing ovulation that way!
hi LV. I''m glad your Clomid experience is going well this month. I have no idea what all the acronyms mean, but I''m keeping my fingers crossed for you this month!
LV -- this is my first time using the monitor. And last cycle was super long and I had some "almost positive" OPK's several times, which I've read is common in anovulatory cycles. It was weird bc I had EWCM and an almost positive, so I figured I missed the shift. Well my period never came after that for weeks. I ended up inducing it with Provera. So I don't know what that was about...

Laila (and LV too) -- Is it common to do HCG injections alongside Clomid, or is that in your situation? I'm going to read about IUI right now. This stuff is so interesting!
Lanie, yes it''s pretty standard. They want you to do the HCG trigger to ensure exactly when O occurs, so it can be timed perfectly with the IUI. I already ovulate on my own like clockwork, but the way the doctor explained it to me, it can''t hurt and only helps.
LV - best luck on the IUI. I had one iui and it didn''t work out. I was taking clomid and it affect my CM too. During the IUI monitoring it turned out that my uterine lining was quite thin - likely so thin that implantation could not happen. The Dr. prescribed estradiol for my next cycle in order to "plump" up that lining. I don''t believe that I ever actually it because we decided to take a break from the RE, but I do hope that since you''re taking it pre-IUI you are going to get the BFP soon
I just googled IUI to find out what it was. apparently you can use it to try to influence the gender of the baby. will you be doing this, too, as an added bonus, or is this option not important to you?
Hi Everyone,

Thanks for the well wishes!!

Noel - You are so sweet! Thank you for your support! I was going to come back to give you a little tutorial on the acronyms, but it sounds like you've researched it already. I did not know that gender selection was an option, so no, we won't be doing that. I won't say that I don't have a preference though. (Is that bad?) I would totally prefer a girl, who I'd love to name Meadow, but DH is not on board with that name. I still have 9 months plus however long it takes to conceive to change his mind though. Tee-hee. Of course, I'd be completely happy with a boy too! Will you find out the gender of your little one in advance, or will you wait and be surprised? BTW, thanks for sticking around here. It has been a bit slow around here lately, so I appreciate your conversation here.

Lulu - I started taking the estradiol last night. I take one in the morning and one at night, so I will have had 4 pills before the first IUI. I did ask about my lining during my Weds U/S, and the nurse said that "it looked fine." I didn't think, at the time, to ask what the thickness was (I guess the measurement is in millimeters?). I later see that many women know what the thickness is. I'm assuming mine is ok because nothing seemed out of the ordinary on Weds. So, hopefully the lining will stay nice and thick and fluffy or whatever it is supposed to be!
Thank you for the support! Were you on Clomid when you got your bfp? I don't recall! Just a few months ago, everything on this thread was still quite Greek to me, so I had a hard time following . . . and now I'm the one confusing people. lol.

Lanie - Your post just reminded me that I forgot to use the monitor this morning. Grrrr. This is my first cycle with it too. What does your dr say about the lack of ovulation? Is the provera supposed to correct that, or does it just cause you to have AF? I think you mentioned previously that you hate the medication - why is that? Just curious. I'm trying not to read too much about the side effects of the medications that I am taking, mostly because I have a propensity for producing symptoms after learning about them - sort of like the several occurences of morning sickness, since I started TTC'g, even though I was never pregnant those cycles. Ha-ha. Crazy!!

Laila - Came across this
article today and wanted to share with you. I think the paperwork from my office said that you stay in position for 10 or 15 minutes after the IUI. I will be waiting there for sure!! I'm sure your RE will advise the same, but just wanted to make sure.
the lingo can be a little tricky in the beginning - but, it''s kind of scary how fast you get up to speed. i guess it''s all about having a vested interest.

I was on a break from drugs/procedures, with the exception of prometrium supplements, the month I got a positive. go figure.

best luck to everyone!!
Date: 12/17/2009 6:16:35 PM
Author: lovelylulu
the lingo can be a little tricky in the beginning - but, it''s kind of scary how fast you get up to speed. i guess it''s all about having a vested interest.

I was on a break from drugs/procedures, with the exception of prometrium supplements, the month I got a positive. go figure.

best luck to everyone!!
Exactly. When you are going through it, then everything starts to make sense. How long were you taking the prometrium? Did you take it after ovulation only? Did you have low progesterone results?
LV, thanks for the article!
LV - Meadow is a beautiful name. I told DH that since I have to carry the kid around for 9 months and go through the hell of labor, the least he can do is to allow me to name the kid. he didn''t think that was fair, but luckily he agrees with the names I picked so he will pick out the middles names. yes, we will find out the gender in advance. it would be nice to be a surprise, but I think it''s just easier for buying baby stuff and telling your family so that they buy the appropriate presents.

I read the article you are sharing with Laila. that''s funny that the study took place in my country! on the website yesterday where I learned about IUI, it said it doesn''t really matter if you stay laying down or not though it is customary that they will allow you to lay there for 15 min. maybe it''s the same thing like women who lay there after sex with their legs up to increase the chances? BUT... if there''s a possibility it might help, then why the heck not do it?
So DH and I have decided that since we now know my job won''t be given away if we get PG now vs in a few months, we''re going to start actively trying this cycle. Wish us luck!
Me too HH!

After a "scare" right after we got married in October and two really busy months of work/the flu
DH and I are going to officially start TTC this month.

Hope this is an awesome cycle for us all and we start the new year with sticky beans
Good luck to both Mrs. Hudson Hawk and Bella_mezzo!

the holidays will be extra fun for you this year.
Date: 12/18/2009 5:20:26 PM
Author: Hudson_Hawk
So DH and I have decided that since we now know my job won''t be given away if we get PG now vs in a few months, we''re going to start actively trying this cycle. Wish us luck!

Yay! I think that is a wise choice. I hope it will be soon for you.

Today is cycle day 1 for me (Cycle 10).