
The Official TTC Thread!

Hi Ladies,

I am pretty much a long-time pricescope lurker. But over the past two years have been avidly following the SMTR, LIW, and BWW threads. You''ve unknowingly helped my fiance pick out a ring, showed me how to DIY wedding invitations,introduced me to LOGR who custom made my wedding ring, and given me photo ideas that led me to pick an amazing photographer and plan the wedding of my dreams on a limited budget.

I have no patience with photo resizing and the admin is on me like white on rice when I try to post photo links, so you haven''t really seen the fruits of your labor, but THANK YOU!!!! If I feel better tomorrow, I''ll post some photos on other threads (including my LOGR MIchael B petite crown lace inspired wedding band).

I got married on Oct. 3rd, and my DH and I have been not not trying to get pregnant.
We had a false positive (maybe a chemical pregnancy?) at the end of October but now we are officially trying:-) So, I''m officially coming out of lurkedom and hoping I can join your party:-)

So, here''s my question...I have had what I think is the flu (maybe a horrible head cold) for the past four days. I haven''t left the house since Tuesday
I seem to be getting better today and am hopeful I''ll be back at work and feeling normal by Monday.

I have regular 27 day cycles, but based on cervical fluid, I think I typically ovulate around CD 17. Since I''m not totally sure re the ovulation date, DH and I figured we''d just try a BD marathon this month and GOTF from CD12-CD18 (I''m on CD 10 right now).

If I feel better on Sunday is it ok to try, or can the flu mess up your eggs, etc? I may still be too tired, but if I''m not, I''d like to get this show on the road. I''m 31 and he''s 33 and we would love to have a big family so we''d really like to start officially trying. I''ve been taking Mucinex all week so it''s kind of hard to gauge cervical fluid right now since that makes more more, ahem, lubricated down there.

Whattdya think? If I feel better should we go for it, or just wait until the next cycle?

Thanks so much!

P.S. My DH is a major germaphobe so if I seem at all sick this will be a moot point. I''m not quite dedicated enough to try and convince him to GOTF when either one of us is sick.

P.P.S I''ve read TCOYF and joined fertility friend and have read almost this entire thread, so I''m trying to get all the info I can.
Bella Mezzo- just go for it if you feel up to it. I don''t think being sick will make a difference to eggs that have been in you since before you were born, and whichever pops up this month will have been starting to come along for the last couple of months. I think guys are more likely to have an illness cause issue (like running high fever dropping sperm quality, I''d think).

Parrot tulips - lots of pregnant women take aspirin without much concern. Many take it during IVF cycles and throughout pregnancy. The baby won''t share a blood supply with you till a few weeks into pregnancy, so I''m sure you could safely take ibuprofen or excedrin now anyhow. And then figure out other options when you get pg.

oobiecoo - that looks to dark and really blue to be an evap to me. Congrats!

Ryan Claire - my DH and I struggled for 4 years to get pg with a keeper, IVF and all. My brother and his wife started trying at the same time we did. They''ve now had 3 while we''re still baking the first. Yes, it was hard for me to hear their news and I was jealous that they got all the firsts (first grandchild, first grandson, first granddaughter). And I''ve had to deal with my parents spending a ton more time with them (my Dad lives overseas) precisely because they have the kids and we don''t. I''ve felt like a second-class citizen for years. However I still love my nieces and nephews, and have spent time with them. I would never have expected them to delay things because of what we were going through. And in retrospect, struggling with infertility for 1 year was nothing compared to the 4 years of hell! You never know how long it will take you, so just give her a warning that you''re planning to have children, and when you tell her you''re pregnant, be sensitive and maybe do it via email or over the phone so that she doesn''t have to watch her facial reactions when responding. Hopefully she''ll be pg by then anyhow!

Laila - I had better luck monitoring externally. This was the best guide I found (same as Creighton Method for natural family planning) Had great pictures of CM, described how to accurately figure out the different types, when to time intercourse. It certainly wasn''t all day every day that I had fertile CM, but I definitely had at least one fertile-type CM per day for a few days. And I found it much easier to figure out what was going on just observing things on the toilet paper than trying to figure out what I''d picked up with the internal check.

Allie - given your age and regular cycles, I don''t think you''ve likely got anything to worry about.
Hudson - Hey! Good to see you over here on this side now! How exciting!!! We will be starting at similar times. You are very lucky to have regular cycles! If nothing else, you don't have the guesswork on when AF will arrive/won't arrive!

Laila and the rest with little CM - I'm the same. I've tried internally (gross), externally, on TP, everything. It just doesn't show up that much for me! Then again, I think I'm anovulatory anyway.

So this cycle has been so long. I'm on CD 46 right now. I think (think?!?) I ovulated about 11 days ago. I had lots of EWCM, but I was super sick with bronchitis, so maybe that was the cause of it? DH and I are officially starting my next cycle. Yay! Whenever that is... Anyway, the day I got the EWCM, we GOTF. No big deal, except I got what I think was a positive on my last cheap OPK. I just tested, and it was negative, but i'm only 11DPO so I will test again at 14 DPO, just in case.

My question OB prescribed me Provera to jump start everything. She told me to go on it for 3 months, and check to see if I'm ovulating on it or not. If I'm not, she's going to give me Clomid. Well.....I want to take it, but i'm scared on the miniscule chance that there's something in there. If I take Provera, does it wash everything away, i.e. a little brewing baby? I know they used to give it as a pregnancy test back in the day, and it has all of these birth defect warnings on it if you take it when you are pregnant. What do you guys think? Should I just wait and take it in about a week if AF doesn't show up? There are NO signs of it.
So I went out today and bought like 7 more pregnancy test of varying types! I used a dollar store one when I got home and got a negative. I also used a First Response and got a light pink line. Definitely darker than the blue from before but still light. Do those often have evap lines? I''ll try again in the morning...
Date: 12/4/2009 7:17:18 PM
Author: oobiecoo
So I went out today and bought like 7 more pregnancy test of varying types! I used a dollar store one when I got home and got a negative. I also used a First Response and got a light pink line. Definitely darker than the blue from before but still light. Do those often have evap lines? I''ll try again in the morning...

I don''t think that pink one would be an evap line. Evap lines are usually gray.

That being said though it sounds like it''s SUPER early for you so some tests that aren''t as sensitive might not pick it up and/or if the pee is too diluted it might not pick it up, etc.

Congrats girl! Here''s hoping for a sticky bean for you!
oobie I have gotten false positives (not a chemical preg) from blue dye tests -- but NEVER from a pink dye. That positive first response sounds very promising! I got good lines on the FRER when the pink $ tree tests were negative too. Good luck!!
Thanks guys! I''m definitely testing tomorrow!
Date: 12/4/2009 7:17:18 PM
Author: oobiecoo
So I went out today and bought like 7 more pregnancy test of varying types! I used a dollar store one when I got home and got a negative. I also used a First Response and got a light pink line. Definitely darker than the blue from before but still light. Do those often have evap lines? I''ll try again in the morning...

If you got a light pink line on the FRER, I''d say that''s the real deal!
Oobiecoo, sounds like you''re knocked up to me!!
My first BFP pink line test (FRER) was super faint, but they got darker day after day, and I got my digital BFP the day after my first FRER positive. Congrats, momma!!
Sooo.... I took 2 tests this morning. The First Response was negative and I was feeling really discouraged but I went ahead and did the digital and got a "Pregnant"! It isn''t really strange that the First Response was negative today but it was positive yesterday, right? Doesn''t that happen often? I showed DH all of my tests and told my parents already because they are in town... they know its super early though so they''re hoping that it sticks. Thanks for all of the replies on my test concerns yesterday and the congratulations!

I''ve waited over a year for this and can''t believe it has finally happened!
Hi everyone,

Just checking in. CD 20 and 5 DPO, mas or menos (I have not been temping but use OPKs). Oobie, congrats on your pregnancy! That''s great news.

I am really hoping for a BFP this month--obviously. I have been really down lately with a bunch of stuff and it''s making me feel pessimistic about my chances. Just found out that my cousin is preggo, via a big facebook announcement. She is due in July and very early on, so I hope she doesn''t regret shouting her news from the rooftops. Anyhow, not looking forward to my big family christmas this year as she and my sister will both be PG and probably my whole family will be like, what about you Kit??? Only my parents and sister know about my mc. Ugh.

I am trying to stay positive, I used Preseed this month and Insteads, I hope they did the trick! Next month if I am not KTFU I plan to temp again because I think it might help me get more in tune with my new cycle.

Dust to all!!
Date: 12/4/2009 1:43:09 PM
Author: Hudson_Hawk
I''d really not like to get worked up about conceiving because I strongly believe there''s a connection between stress and conception (or lack there of).

I completely agree with you, but of course that''s very easy for me to say because we conceived very quickly. DH and I went into it with the agreement that if it happens, then it happens. if not, then it just wasn''t meant to be. we didn''t want the whole baby thing to consume our lives with fertility treatments and so on. I''m not saying that it''s not ok for anyone else (more power to you), but it wouldn''t have been the right decision for us.

oobiecoo it could possibly be due to dilated urine that the same HPT came out negative the next day. it''s very smart of you to try different kinds. I used them based on the levels of HCG they could detect. so the most sensitive in the first days and so on. mine all came back positive, so I think the embryo implanted rather early. anyway, here''s wishing you many more BFPs!
oobiecoo - definitely hope you get a more definitive answer soon - so you can exhale and start to celebrate!

drk - thanks so much for your thoughts on waiting. I am sorry your journey was so tough - but I really appreciate your perspective on my situation. Even though she has only been on the infertility rollercoast for about a year, I think my sister would feel very similarly to you (sad, second class citizen, jealous of the attention and "firsts") - I would too. I guess that is what makes it hard... I know how I'd feel. It just seems like kicking someone when they are down, as if IVF and all the stress and insecurity around it are not hard enough. They have another round coming up - so I am just really hoping this one is it for them.

Lanie - I just finished my first round of Provera and the doctor and the literature seem to stress not to take it if you are pregnant, might be pregnant, could be pregnant. I assume that is for a reason and I'd wait and make sure you are not pregnant. Hopefully you won't need it! Fingers crossed you won't.

Kit - So sorry for the added family pressure. After a mc I can only imagine that your outlook does tend to be more cautious and pessimistic. I am sure there are plenty of reason to want to keep your mc a more private matter, but maybe if the extended family knew they could be a little more sensitive and not badger you with questions? I definitely hope you have something to celebrate come Christmas time.
Congrats oobiecoo and I hope all goes well from here.

This is my first month of temping and it started out well, fairly stable and clear shift in temp on CD14. My temp stayed at about the same level for about 5 days PO and since then has been up and down. And this morning Fertility friend took away my ovulation detection for this cycle. I assume its because I am on CD 32, and what would have been 18DPO based on the initial ovulation detection, but my temps are erratic (partly beacuse I haven''t been sleeping well so have taken it at different times quite a few days) and the HPT I took on 14DPO was negative. My normal cycle is 30-32 days so AF should have arrived yesterday or today at the latest. I though it was coming because I have had the usual cramping/heavy feeling but no sign of it yet. I guess I will test again tomorrow if AF doesn''t arrive today. It''s amazing what you notice once you start temping. Hope I will get the hang of it soon.
Welcome to the new people who''ve recently appeared! Hope you learn lots while you''re here, and move on quickly to the preggo thread!

(That said, I wanted to send a hello to Blushing and Tiffany.... hope you''re doing well.
I miss my more long-standing buddies around here.)

Update on Sarah: she had another ultrasound on Friday; the baby''s heartbeat is strong and they''ve found no abnormalities based on measuring.... he is still small for his age (about 23 weeks now, I believe), and he needs to gain several more ounces before they feel as if he''d be able to survive outside of the womb. Good news is he''s not trying to be born, Sarah''s doing well carrying him, and the fluid hasn''t decreased any beyond what it has been. So, they''re keeping on keeping on and praising God that the little one is hanging on. She''s not on bedrest because she''s not at risk of having him and they don''t feel that it would be a benefit for either of them, but would likely be a means of more worry for Sarah if she had nothing else to do to get the chaos off her mind from time to time (for however brief amount of time). Thank you for your thoughts for her and prayers. Any thoughts or prayers that anyone here''s had for me, I would love to have diverted to her right now. She''s such a precious person and I want nothing more than for her to NEVER experience late-term loss again. Or any loss, ever.

Thanks, girls...

Fisher - Your generosity of spirit for everyone on this thread and your friend Sarah is inspiring. My thoughts are with you both.

I now have an explanation for my erratic cycle. Got a BFP on the HPT today
. I think I''m in shock because the last test on 14DPO was negative and I genuinely had that feeling that AF was coming this month. I''m still incredibly nervous because it is so early and because my temps have been all over the place I''m worried that it won''t stick. I couldn''t wait so I told SO at lunch today and he was really sweet. Now I have to try to concentrate on work for the rest of the day.

Yay, Geri! I was suspicious with your earlier signs! Sticky dust for you!
geri - that''s really exciting! hope it all goes well and that you join us on the Just Barely Pregnant thread soon.
Thanks Cara and Noelwr. It all just seems surreal at the moment. I want to get excited but I''m so paranoid I''m checking for AF every time I go the bathroom. I think I will wait another couple of days and if all is still well I will join you in the just barely preggers soon Noelwr!
So the main reason why DH and I are waiting until after the first of the year is because I started my job in early October. To be eligible for FMLA after 9-10 months, the first of the year is the earliest we can conceive and be past the 12 month eligibility requirement. Well...slight problem....I''m at least 5 days late right now...I realized I was late on Friday. I think I might be testing tonight.

My question is: Do any of you U.S. residents have experience delivering before the 12 month FMLA requirement??
HH - wow, that is both maybe good news and unlucky timing! I just googled FMLA (not being American), and I''m glad that the U.S. is now starting to follow Europe with maternity leave laws, though don''t understand why it has to be unpaid.
Noel, it''s unpaid because most of us have short-term disability which covers 2/3 pay during maternity leave. Some companies offer separate paid (or partially paid) ML. You''re expected to use your paid time off and sick time to cover you during the first month you''re out on ML (FMLA) and the STD kicks in and covers 2/3 of your pay for the next 8 weeks-so a total of 12 weeks for most people. Unfortunately it differs by company, but the last 3 places I worked had policies like this. Oh, and while you''re out on FMLA you have to still contribute the cost of your benefits.
well, that sounds positive. I hope someone can answer your question.
geri -- Congrats! That was quick! I hope you have a happy, healthy nine months ahead of you!!!

HH -- Wow!!! I don''t think babies can ever come at the perfect time. You guys will survive and thrive. Hopefully this is just a blip on the radar if you insurance gives you grief. I hope it''s a positive!

Ryan Claire -- thanks for answering my question! Guess others don''t know too much about Provera. I HATE it. It makes me feel yucky.

Kit - it''s hard when others around you are getting pregnant. Hold tight had a MC, and everyone has probably told you that you have a good chance of getting KU this next time around. Can''t wait to hear from you when you are over with the 2ww!

LovesVintage -- how are you doing lady? Are you back from your vacation? Don''t know if you have left yet.
Lanie - thankyou! Although it was my first month of temping, we have been TTC for 6-7 months now so I guess it is about an average amount of time. At my age it could have taken longer so I''m feeling fortunate but also very nervous for it to stick.

Hudson-Hawk - I hope it all works out ok for you and I know how you feel. We were meant to stop TTC until January until my new insurance kicked in but we took the risk because it had been 6 months with no luck and guess what - I''m preggers (very early). So my insurance doesn''t cover me (although this is less of an issue where I live because the public health system is pretty good and readily accessible to everyone at low cost, most people don''t have insurance at all). It would have been nicer to be covered but in the scheme of things it is a small price to pay for the BFP. I also wonder for us whether the fact that we were more relaxed because we weren''t actively TTC helped. Good luck!
Congratulations geri!
Wishing you a happy and healthy nine months!

And why are you ladies not posting BFP pictures anymore... what the heck?!
Lindsey - Thanks! No pics largely due to technological incompetence. It''s a wonder I can even log on to the internet sometimes!!
False alarm ladies! Which is good and bad. DH was really hoping it was a go and after finding out that I would, in fact be covered through the state maternity leave laws I was feeling good about it as well. But it''s really not a good time for us. I know it''s only three or four months, but we had a game plan laid out (such as vitamins, cutting caffeine, starting to save specifically for baby, etc) to prepare before we wanted to start trying. That being said, I still don''t have AF, so I''ll be retesting on Friday if she''s still not here. If that test comes back neg I''ll go see my doc because I''m clockwork normal and have been since going of BC over a year ago. So a 40+ day cycle is very abnormal and alarming.
I wouldn''t discount it yet completely Hudson. What kind of test did you use? That is really''ve probably already thought of this, but were you under a lot of stress lately?
Thanks Lanie, no I haven''t been too stressed lately, or no more than usual. The only think new in my lifestyle was taking prenatals. I used a First Response last night and then a Walmart special this morning.