
The Official TTC Thread!

Date: 2/24/2010 2:05:15 PM
Author: Po10472
I''ve been watching this programme which is a documentary set in a midwifery unit in a hospital in England and its fab, really funny. You can watch them online here, if you''re interested.
I am loving this programme. It is my Tuesday evening must watch tv.

hey sunny- any news from the doctor???
Date: 2/24/2010 2:16:43 PM
Author: Steal

I am loving this programme. It is my Tuesday evening must watch tv.

Did you find the girl with the red hair who just couldn''t cope really funny? I''ve never seen a grown woman behave like such a petulant child whilst in labour, unbelievable. Her boyfriend was like a deer caught in headlights, lol.
Hello, friends!

I haven''t posted in awhile, but I have been lurking and trying to keep up with what''s going on with everyone...and wow, this thread has been hopping lately!! Welcome to all the new TTC''ers, and congrats to our newest jerkstore, Miss Coral!!
Anyone else gonna try and squeeze in another February BFP before the month ends??

Miss Bliss, sorry to hear your HCG may be lingering! WTF?!!? Oh, and yeah, 9 was my last number. Hehehe! We have so much in common it''s easy to get our stuff mixed up!! I''ll be curious to hear what your blood tests say. You haven''t had any weird spotting or anything, right? OMG, what if you are preggers again?!?! That would be nuts! (and awesome at the same time!)

So AF decided to pay me another visit this past Monday, which makes my second post-MC cycle 30 days long....looks like she''s decided to start making fairly regular visits again! However, I don''t think I ovulated this cycle either, cuz I never had a sustained temp spike, which is unlike me (comparing to my pre-MC cycles). But it doesn''t really matter if I start O''ing anytime soon because we have decided to hold off TTCing and wait for awhile anyway. Money is tight right now, and DH has started applying for some jobs out of state (in anticipation of us moving once I finish residency, which will be in a year and a few months). Most of the jobs he''s looking at will require govt clearance, which can take awhile to get, and we will need to know where he''ll be working first in order to know where I should apply for my post-residency job, so it''s actually not too early for him to start looking. BUT there is a small chance that he''d get a job somewhere else sooner than we expect, and if it were a dream job that paid well, we might consider having him move before me, if he had to. And it would kinda suck to have a baby or even just be preggo with my hubby moving out of state, even if we were only going to be apart for a few months.

Sooooooo to sum it all up I''m just not sure when we are gonna start trying again. Part of me really wants a baby ASAP, but the more grounded (and less fun/exciting) side of me says that since there is some uncertainty about where we go next and when, we should wait. We are both really excited about becoming parents and no matter what happened, we''d make it work, but....we''re still relatively young (he''s turning 33 next month and I''ll be 28 in June) and don''t really have any great reason to get in a hurry either.

With all that said, I may not be posting too frequently here for awhile...but know that I will be lurking and supporting all of you from behind my computer screen!! Hugs and baby dust all around!!
HOUMedGal - you are a very wise woman to consider so many things going on in your life. obviously if you would have had a baby this year, you and DH would have worked it out and made a plan, but now you have the "luxury" of being able to plan your life (which sounds like it will bring you and DH quite a few changes) around 2 instead of 3. sorry I used the word "luxury"; I know that a m/c is the exact opposite, but I think you know what I mean. I know that in the end you will make the best decision for your future family, and yes you are both young so you don''t have the pressure of urgency, either. many hugs to you and thanks for all the support you have given me so far.
Argh! Sorry Po. I still had my fingers crossed for you.

Hi Ladies! Sorry I haven''t checked in much know the story-anxiety avoidance

In any case, I am on CD 31 and this morning my CBFM started giving me the blinking M, which isn''t bad "smarts" since this is my first month and my cycle usually runs around 32 days. If it could predict so closely I guess maybe Im not such an oddball--well at least in this arena.

Last I update I was feeling like crap and crossing my fingers that it meant something great, but after 3 days of a constant headache, I woke up Tues and was like....ok 10 DPO, and if its negatory, I am taking a couple of friggin advil!! and lo and behold...the BFN. The good news is my headache is gone and yesterday I felt great. I know there is a chance that it was just too early, but since the CBFM is giving me the blinking M I think I''ll just wait a day or so to see if AF makes an appearance.

How is everyone else this morning? How are you feeling Allie? Coral? Bliss any news? The acupuncture sounds v. cool LV. I know I am skipping people, but is hard to keep up!
HOUMedGal -- Hi!
I couldn''t have said it any better than noel. You sound okay with the waiting, or at least the logical/practical side of you! Everything everything everything happens for a reason.

Noel -- I''ve been meaning to respond to you about the CBEFM...I didn''t know you are supposed to be one day behind where you actually are??? Since I''m now on CD8, my monitor says 8. Does yours say 9? I thought we had until CD5 to set our starting spot. So if you start bleeding on day 1 and remember to turn on your monitor, you would set it for day 1. If you start at 9pm on day 1, then you can wait until the following morning to set it, but then you''d set it at Day 2...or am I wrong??? Gosh, who knows. This whole thing is too mechanical for me. There are women out there who look at their husbands and get pregnant!

Topo -- still too early I think! My fingers are crossed for you!

Bliss -- any labwork results yet?

I just took my last pill of Clomid yesterday and I feel pretty good. It gave me some bad headaches and hot flashes (hahaha) for the whole time I took it. Next update from my doctor will be on Tuesday when I go for an ultrasound to see if I have a nice follicle waiting for me! I just want to see if it works! I''m on another website called SoulCysters for PCOS gals (not as cool as this site
but still informative nontheless. They have lots of info on Clomid if anyone is interested. They aren''t as helpful as they are on here though...

Dust to those in the dreaded 2ww and those waiting on the Big O!!!
Bella - I am psychically predicting that you will see a dark line on your OPK somewhere between CD13-15. actually, I hope I'm wrong and that you already see it tomorrow!

TopoDazzle - I don't want to give you false hope, but if I recall correctly, Hudson_Hawk didn't get a BFP until 14 DPO or so. or maybe it was because she didn't test until then. can't remember.

Lanie - girlfriend, did you not read the your CBFM instruction manual?
today we are on CD8 but my monitor says Day 7 (not 9).
you want to set the monitor test window to be at the same time you will test with first morning urine OR if you work night shifts, to the time you would test with undiluted urine after your daily sleep (which I'm guessing is usually more than 4 hours). most of us don't work night shifts, so we set it to be when we first get up in the morning. if you go to the toilet 1st thing in the morning and see that you have your period, THEN you can set it to Day 1. if you get your period after what you would like to be your testing window time, then the following day you set your CBFM to Day 1. you can set the timing window any day up to/including Day 5.

so this is what I did: on Thurs 18 Feb, I got my period in the afternoon and this was CD1. because I want to test in the morning, I could not set my CBFM until the following morning. on Fri 19 Feb in the morning I set it to Day 1 (which was actually CD2 for me). actually I didn't do that because I was on vacation and didn't set my monitor until Monday 22 Feb, and I set it to Day 4 (which was CD5).

after reading what I wrote, I am starting to doubt myself, even though I did read the manual about 5 times. I'm going to have another look at it when I get home.

yup, I agree the whole thing is a bit confusing. I'd prefer to be one of those women who get pregnant by looking at their husbands.
phew ... I wasn't talking out of my @ss.

the manual says:

"Q8. If my period starts during the day, and I have to wait until the next morning before setting the m Button should I set it as day 1 or day 2?
A. You should set it as day 1. You must always set the m Button the morning after your period begins. The CBEFM understands this as day 1."

by the way Lanie, my manual also says that clomiphene citrate may affect the monitor's results. you are probably aware of that, but just wanted to make sure you know.
Ahhhh...I see! Thanks Noel! I guess if it starts in the middle of the day, and you set it actually a day behind than what you really are, it''s only 12 or so hours difference. I never knew that. Mine always starts late at night, so I just set it for the next day anyway bc I figured if it was just a few hours behind, that''s better than being a full day ahead.

Glad you cleared that up bc I bet that happens to a lot of girls.

And YES, unfortunately Clomid does affect the monitor, as does temping. Thank God i''m going in for an ultrasound to see for sure, otherwise I''d just assume ovulation.
Hey ladies! Whoa, lots of activity! Thanks for hanging in there with me! Whew, at least I finally have some answers to share.

My hCG is less then 5 from my blood test, which is a tremendous relief. No more m/c hCG hanging around (thank you Lord), but that also means that FRER is crazy sensitive because it''s picking up a level of probably around 4 or so! I tested again this morning (HPT) and got another super faint positive so FRER is truly insane. I must be juuuuust under 5 or something. I''ve read that hCG leaves the blood first and then the urine, so maybe there''s some still hanging around but I definitely ovulated - have had a nice thermal shift.

Wow, I feel a lot of relief and admiration for FRER! That test is crazy sensitive!
HOU-It sounds like you have some major life changes ahead! best wishes!!! I hope that it all works out on the job fronts and that you can find a great time to TTC when it feels right for you.

Today''s OPK had its five minute wait resting on a post-it in a shopping bag when I unexpectedly got called into a meeting
...I feel like the James Bond of OPKS
11.gif seems to be maybe positive.
The control line and the left hand side of the test line are the same color, while the right hand side of the test line is lighter. According to the instructions and this may be positive.

So, we''re planning to BD tonight and tomorrow and then hopefully take a break b/c I think we''re bothing getting kind of sore and tired
but if it''s still maybe positive we''ll fit in one more time over the weekend.
Hou- As you know, I struggle with a lot of similar logistical issues! Being a doc and finding the a good time is damn near impossible. But you''ll figure out when the "right enough" time arrives again. It will be here before you know it!

Bliss- SO glad that the HCG issue is more or less resolved. It''s darn interesting to know how sensitive the FRER though. Impressive!

Bella- Go to it girlfriend
Hope you''re able to be VERY productive. Are you still temping as well?

Lanie- Fingers crossed for the clomid. So cool that you''ll get an u/s to see the follicle. Keep us updated.

noel- Yikes, the CBFM is starting to sound complicated. Maybe I''ll continue to wing it for the time being
Date: 2/25/2010 3:08:33 PM
Author: Bella_mezzo
HOU-It sounds like you have some major life changes ahead! best wishes!!! I hope that it all works out on the job fronts and that you can find a great time to TTC when it feels right for you.

Today''s OPK had its five minute wait resting on a post-it in a shopping bag when I unexpectedly got called into a meeting
...I feel like the James Bond of OPKS
11.gif seems to be maybe positive.
The control line and the left hand side of the test line are the same color, while the right hand side of the test line is lighter. According to the instructions and this may be positive.

So, we''re planning to BD tonight and tomorrow and then hopefully take a break b/c I think we''re bothing getting kind of sore and tired
but if it''s still maybe positive we''ll fit in one more time over the weekend.

W00T W00T!! (or maybe that should be WOOT WOOT with the big ''O''s)

--I know, pitiful.
HMG - How is your friend who had the early delivery doing?

TopoD - Fingers crossed for you!!!

IceKid - A bit off topic. What type of stone is that in your avatar? Is it a special cut? I like its facets! It reminds me of an OEC. Did you have it custom-cut for you?

Bella - You are so funny with your OPKs at work!!

Bliss - Glad to hear that your results came back normal.
So, in the interest of getting rid of my headache, getting some sleep, hopefully making a baby, and watching figure skating
, I''m skipping class tonight and going home. So excited to spend an evening chilling out with DH!

LV-yeah, the OPK at work thing is kind of crazy, but how else are you supposed to do it if they say you should test from 12-2pm

Lanie-Hope that things start working our with the CBFM

Topo-glad your cycle is pretty regular!

Ice-it''s good to see you around these parts:-)

Big hugs to everyone I missed

P.S. I had a second interview this morning which went really well, so we''ll see if I get an offer next week....
had some Friday morning drama. I POAS and inserted it into my CBFM and then went on the treadmill. because it takes 5 min to read the stick, I always check it after my workout. so there I am happily walking along, when DH comes into the living room, waving my CBFM asking, "What's this? Does this tell you if you're pregnant?" and I was like, "NO! Put that back. It's supposed to stay horizontal!" and then he told me he saw it and didn't know what it was so he was pushing the on/off button and removing and reinserting the stick, but couldn't figure it out.
anyway, this all happened after the 5 min so it had already read the stick, and it was an expected Low Fertility day anyway (would have been more worried if I was expecting High or Peak), but at least DH knows to leave it alone next time. I never told DH about it because I thought he wouldn't be interested. then DH told me that my peak fertility won't be for another week. I don't think he wants to be replaced as my fertility predictor since he thinks he knows my cycle so well. poor guy.

moral of the story: they shouldn't make fertility monitors look like gadgets because that just attracts men to try and figure it out. or they should make them pink.

Bella - hey, I was right about your positive on CD13! that was yesterday, no? for some reason I thought you were on CD11. hope you had a nice evening with DH. and thanks for TMI about getting sore!
haha! will keep my fingers crossed regarding a possible job offer for you in the near future.

Bliss - congrats on a definite O last cycle.

TopoDazzle - where/when did "woot" start/come from? DH has started saying that lately and I was like, "What happened to good ol' whoo hoo?"
Noelwr-I''d be irritated too
DHs sometimes just don''t know when to leave well enough alone
My DH thinks he''s my fertility predictor too
and now taht I am actually paying attention he''s kind of disappointed that I have more concrete ways to nail it down than him:-)

last month, he was suprised when I got my period 1. b/c it came several days early, 2. b/c for once I didn''t have a migraine and mood swings:-)

I was like, so basically since I wasn''t a b@#!h you didn''t realize waht was happening
Now I know the secrets to your radar

Yes, I agree they should definitely make this stuff not look so gadgety!

So last night it just wasn''t going to happen. We were both so tired, I feel asleep like 3 times during the Olympic figure skating AND I had even skipped class to get home earlier. So, I am anxiously waiting the clock to strike 12 so I can take an OPK and see if I get a positive again today. We have a date night planned for tonight and DH just got sent home early from work since it is snowing so hard on Long Island. So, he can take a nap (I am so jealous!
) but, he''s also supposed to do laundry and clean the apt which would be amazing!!!

Anyway, long story short I''ll be back later with today''s in office OPK results:-)
So I got impatient and took an OPK early...

Hmmm....the results are a little confusing....

The control line is there, but very light and the test line is medium light, but way darker than the control line and like yesterday the left hand side of the test line is far darker than the right (but today the right is darker than the control line too, b/c the control line is so light)

So, I'm just going to be optimistic and think that tonight's date night might be sucessful. I mean, I guess if it's not, then at least we had fun right....

I just don't want to spend the next two weeks hoping it worked if the timing is definitely all wrong...

Argh! Why can't we just have some light on our foreheads that comes on when we are fertile

Edited to add:

So I just looked at it again, well past the 5 minute window, and the control line has darkened up quite a bit and it pretty much looks like my test from yesterday, but the dark part of the positive line is a little wider today, definitely 50% so I am going to remain optimistic
Bella! Just wanted to pop in and tell you - don''t even pay attention to whether the control line is light or darker than the day before. Only focus on whether your test line is darker than the control line!

FOCUS, WOMAN! I think you''re ovulating!!! Woohooooooo!

I think you''re going to have a SNOW baby!!!! Heehee.

Noelwr, that is SOOOOO funny and cute of your DH! I guess he''s excited!

Hello ladies! DUST DUST DUST!!!!
Bella -- isn''t it positive if the test line is darker than the control line, no matter what color the control is???? I think this is your positive OPK! What is your job interview for? Good luck?

ETA: Bliss beat me to it!
Bella, I practiced with the expensive opks - Clearblue easy gives you a smiley face when you''re positive. When you pull the stick out of the tester though you can see the control line vs. the test line. It gives you a good idea of what to look for and it really helped me in other months.
:-) Thanks ladies!!!!

yeah, I am pretty sure it''s a positive OPK. So, here''s hoping tonight will be a winner

My interview was for a job that''s a step up from mine at a similar organization. it''s a smaller company, but still very prestigious and I believe it would be more money and greater ownership of projects
. So far I''ve enjoyed the people I met at my interviews, think the position could be much more interesting than my current job, and think it has more potential for long-term career growth. it wouldn''t be quite as flexible as my current job and it would be more work--I defintely will not be spending so much time on PS during the day:-) But I am getting excited about the possibility of being interested in my job again! it''s time for a new challenge.

There might be some maternity leave issues if I get pregant now but we''ll work those out at a much later date if I am so blessed to get pregnant and get a new job in the same month:-)
Ovulating on the weekend is great.
Bella- Good luck tonight
Strong work on the OPKs.

I think my AF is arriving CD46! and I''ve never been so thrilled about her arrival. If this is it, the good ol'' body definitely did not O. And that is not so good! But on the plus side we can move onto the next cycle and get AF out of the way before we go to Spain on Monday. Also, I have two weeks of vacation coming now and hopefully my body will respond appropriately and ovulate at a reasonable interval.
Date: 2/26/2010 4:09:35 AM

TopoDazzle - where/when did ''woot'' start/come from? DH has started saying that lately and I was like, ''What happened to good ol'' whoo hoo?''

Well, there seems to be quite a bit of debate on that subject...its a computer geek think for sure, but the exact derivation is contested...see wiki on w00t or urban dictionary entry
ha-ha Topo! I love that we have definitions of where Woot comes from:-)

Yay Ice for ovulating and have an amazing vacation/trip to Spain!

I took another OPK when I was leaving work and it still looks positive so, we''re keeping our fingers crossed for tonight
hey Bella, where did you get your OPKs? online?
they are just a pack of Answer OPKs from Duane Reade or CVS (one of my local drug stores).

There are 20 strips and a little cup you pee in and it''s all in a pink box. I think it was $10.99. The strips are good for 30 days from the day you unscrew the cap (though I''m guessing they''ll last longer than that).