
The Official TTC Thread!

icekid, it does make a body nutso to read this thread, doesn't it?
It's so amazing in one way and yet it programs the brain to think of nothing else! I want answers, uterus! Give me the answers I seek! LOL Sure wish the uterus could talk like a voicemail box.

"Good morning! *beep* You have two new messages. From Left Ovary: I am about to release an egg. Hit 7 to delete, 2 to skip, 5 to save. *beep* Next message from Cervix: I am soft, open and ready, so get to BD!" End of messages.

One day! One day! Ha ha. Hugs to you - I hope your cycle evens out soon! I hope O kicks AF's butt, too!

Cara, I wish! But I don't think I am. DH was out of town when I had EWCM. So we kind of decided to skip this month but I was hanging on to track my ovulation. Mainly, I just wanted to make sure I ovulated after the m/c. I made a roooooyal mess out of my charts this month and was patiently waiting for AF to come so I could start over! I think my doctor said my HCG was 9 and that was during my period last month, which he confirmed on ultrasound. I have a hilarious story about going to the OB during AF. Boy, it was like a Saturday Night Live skit - getting undressed and walking like a penguin to the table to avoid any spots on the floor...frantically looking backward for spots... GAH! Then imagining a spot - looking around for tissue to wipe away the spot, which turned out to be part of the linoleum...

CDinNYC, thanks! It is soooo frustrating but maybe next month I'll get a better read on this wonkiness! I'm taking prenatals - I've forgotten which brand, but it has plant derived DHA in it. 2 pills per day. For a while, I tried one recommended on because it was highly rated and you had to take it 3 times a day. Supposedly Gwenyth Paltrow took them - well, I found that they were a pain to remember so I discontinued those! Here they are - Perfect Prenatals.
Lots of people like them. Good luck on the 2WW!!!!!

Prenatal Vitamins Linky

LV, thanks!!! GAH. Since I posted about this morning - I have taken 2 more FRERs and 1 digital. LOL. One FRER is almost negative and so is the digital... so I'm thinking it was some weird fluke... or weird HCG lingering... GAH! I will test once more tonight and tomorrow morning....and make an appointment to see the doc! The barely visible line seems to be fading into a blank white expanse. How weird is this? LOL.... I love my wonky post m/c cycles!
Thanks for the link Bliss! I agree, though, 3x a day would be annoying. I have enough trouble remembering to take one day.
Hey ladies! Oh boy, so last night when we got home from a party - I used my last OPK. Again, blazing positive. I wonder if that means I was going to ovulate? That would be super late, I'm CD29 today. Took a HPT 2 more times - faint positives within 5 minutes but so faint we needed a bright light to see it. So confusing. Then this morning I took 2 more HPTs (I should buy stock in FRER!) and the first one was stark negative. Second one is a faint positive. GAH!

And I'm out of OPKs so I can't test further to see if it's a surge in LH. Also, this morning I had a temp spike. So maybe that was all just some crazy late ovulation! Like Bella said, AF's cousin O is a weird one! We did not BD because if I was in fact ovulating so late, that wouldn't bode well for a viable pregnancy. Oy, I need to step away from the tests.
So we're just going to wait this one out until AF shows up. She is very very tricky this month! I'm due for AF this week so we'll see if she pops her head in to say hello! Dr. Kind & Nerdy will be happy. They say to wait 2-3 cycles after a m/c to TTC. *sigh*

DUST to all you ladies in the 2WW! Hugs and love!
Date: 2/20/2010 7:25:41 PM
Author: CDNinNYC
Thanks for the link Bliss! I agree, though, 3x a day would be annoying. I have enough trouble remembering to take one day.

Hey CDN, it''s nice to see you around these parts lady! I took the CVS brand version of One-a-day prenatals with DHA, they also have a non-fish DHA in it so you don''t get nasty tasting burps. the dose is 1 vitamin, 1 DHA/once a day. I''ve had no issues with them, they don''t make me nauseous and they''re inexpensive and easy to find.
So who''s in the 2WW?

Dust dust dust!
Date: 2/21/2010 1:39:10 PM
Author: Bliss
Hey ladies! Oh boy, so last night when we got home from a party - I used my last OPK. Again, blazing positive. I wonder if that means I was going to ovulate? That would be super late, I''m CD29 today. Took a HPT 2 more times - faint positives within 5 minutes but so faint we needed a bright light to see it. So confusing. Then this morning I took 2 more HPTs (I should buy stock in FRER!) and the first one was stark negative. Second one is a faint positive. GAH!

And I''m out of OPKs so I can''t test further to see if it''s a surge in LH. Also, this morning I had a temp spike. So maybe that was all just some crazy late ovulation! Like Bella said, AF''s cousin O is a weird one! We did not BD because if I was in fact ovulating so late, that wouldn''t bode well for a viable pregnancy. Oy, I need to step away from the tests.
So we''re just going to wait this one out until AF shows up. She is very very tricky this month! I''m due for AF this week so we''ll see if she pops her head in to say hello! Dr. Kind & Nerdy will be happy. They say to wait 2-3 cycles after a m/c to TTC. *sigh*

DUST to all you ladies in the 2WW! Hugs and love!

Bliss I am got a positive pregnancy test as well as ovulation test? If so this is possible. But I am pretty sure that means you are preggers. I get faint positive OPT''s now that I am preggers.
Hey AllieLuv! How are you doing? Thinking of you! You're like Glenda in our land of Oz. So happy for you!

Yeah, it's been a weird cycle! On Saturday, I got 2 positive OPKs. Since I was on CD 28, I thought there was no way I could be ovulating again and decided to test with a FRER. Super super faint line, barely visible positive. Then throughout the day, more faint positives - but so faint they looked like it could be leftover hCG. Then today, I took another FRER and got a negative. Then in the afternoon another very very faint positive. Super super faint and barely visible. Very confusing!

I'm thinking it would be one of maybe 3 scenarios. 1: I really did ovulate super late due to the post m/c craziness. Last week, I had 5 days of positive OPKs so I assumed I ovulated but I guess maybe not! 2: I am pregnant (highly unlikely) 3: I have PCOS (also highly unlikely)
I am going with #1 because I also had a big temp spike this morning. Boy, they said cycles would be crazy after a m/c but I had no idea how crazy until now! About 4 weeks ago, I had my last blood draw for hCG and it was 12. I mistakenly thought it was 9 - think that was HOU's number? It was stuck in my head!
But that was 4 weeks ago during my period! Surely an hCG level of 12 would be negative after 4 weeks? Is FRER that sensitive? I guess anything is possible! I'll keep you ladies posted!

In the meantime, lots of love and dust!
Well I am certainly hoping that this is your positive. Read what pee-on-a-stick has to say about OPT as a HPT

I got a super faint...I mean I had to hold it up to natural light to see it on the day that I got my BFP. Is the line pink? FRER say they might be able to detect as low as 6 mIU but I am not buying it. The day that I got the "pregnant" on the CB digital was the same day I got the super faint BFP on FRER and then a BFN on the FRER later that night, and a positive on the digital with the same urine. I know you prob don''t want to get your hopes up but I am pretty sure that 4 weeks after a draw of 12 it should definitely be back to 0. I am kinda getting excited for you. Any possibility of humoring us with a digital?
Hi Allie! Wow, so I just read on that a faint line that one needs to hold under a bright light to see is not a line. And mine are not getting any darker! I''ll go buy a different test tomorrow and test again. I love FRER so I had a ton of them stockpiled... but gosh, it may be so sensitive it''s picking up post m/c hCG. Ah well! Thanks for helping.
The line is baby pink but soooooooo faint. It comes up within the 5 minutes but is super super faint like a ghost line. Barely visible. I''m thinking it''s a neg.
If tomorrow is neg, I''ll just wait for AF.

How are you doing, Allie?
Well my fingers are crossed for you!!!! :) :) :)

I am doing okay. I have my first ultrasound scheduled for March 9th. Of course there are thoughts that creep up but I try to push them out. I am the kind of person that always jumps to the worst case scenario...I attribute it to my losing my father suddenly at an early age. I had my first dream about "Shim" today. Every time I sleep I have crazy dreams but today it was the first dream about baby. My boobs look insane!!! Other than that I am just feeling some tiredness, heartburn, some waves of nausea but not full blown M/S. I am 5 weeks today :)

ETA: I don't know about what pee-on-a-stick says but my "look under the light, so faint I thought it was my eyes playing tricks or me" BFP ended up being a real deal BFP :)
yay Allie!!! can''t wait for your ultrasound":-)

BLiss, I am really so sorry that it is confusing, but hopefully AF will just show her sorry face and resolve things for this cycle. maybe she''s pissed b/c she didn''t get her bonus this year?
Hey grrls, still BFN but I''ll know for sure by the end of this week. If AF comes I''ll splash out on wine & cheese and a BBT thermometer... & if I get a BFP then I''ll start reorganising the spare bedroom! Wish me luck being patient enough to wait till AF-day instead of wasting more money on early HPTs
Hi All!

Bliss, I am sending you lots of good thoughts and wishes hoping to push some sort of news along for you whether its in the form of AF or ?. I would be doing just as many tests as you and I think my thoughts would go in complete circles about every 90 seconds. It must be very exhausting.

Allie, I can''t wait to hear about your US news! So happy for you!

CD, my doctor prescribed something for a prenatal, but said it was basically the same as most good OTC types so long as they have DHA. So I tried to fill the script, and when they said $50!! for one month, I happily bought the Nature Made prenatal that Costco sells. I like it b/c it has 800 mcg of Folic Acid, and DHA, but is lower on the B6, B12. Some have mega doses of those, and I found those levels kept me up at night if I took it too late, while making me sick if I took them first thing in the AM. In any case, I like the Nature Made ones, and they run $19 for 90.

Sorry for your BFN Coral! But I think we''re on the *exact* same schedule, so I''ll root for us both.

Pretty sure O was either the 13th or the 14th which puts me at about 8 DPO. My temp is till up by .6-1 degree, but boy I''m feeling so run down and tired, I''m afraid I might be coming down with something. (10 hours of sleep and still feeling like a nap is in order). I''m headachy and while half of me thinks maybe this means good news, I also know I''m being very silly. Tuesday would be the first possible time day for any chance of an accurate test, but I won''t really be past schedule until Saturday. Until then, I think its just all these games so that I feel better about feeling yucky.

Hope other folks have lots of energy for the start of the week!!
Morning peeps

Well that''s me back from London and I''m like a burst cushion. We had such a busy weekend and never stopped but had a lovely time. London seems to be getting busier and busier and its lovely to visit but I love coming home to the calm.

Anyhoo, got home late last night, went to the loo and there was a wee bit of pink, I thought it was strange as I''m normally a 30-31 cycler and it was cd26 last night, so thought hmmm, could either be implantation bleeding or the witch has arrived early with her suitcase, so decided to test first thing this morning as I had planned. Or so I thought, got up this morning and was so tired I rushed into the loo to pee and half way thru realised that I''d forgotten to poas and typically they were in another room. humph! So decided to do it a wee bit later on, could hardly pee and it came up as a bfn. Still have pink which means its probably most definitely af.

So that''s me out for this month.

If anything, I now know that my cycle is playing funny buggers and that I ov earlier than I thought, so at least I know now.

Good luck to everyone who''s waiting on their BFP and for those in the negative camp, lets have Easter BFPs all round.

Bliss, sorry your body is sending mixed signals. I know if you read that anyone else had a faint line you (and all of us) would say the old "a line is a line"! I know it''s hard to trust your body post m/c but I''m gonna go out on a limb and say you''re KTFU.
Keep us posted!
Sorry Po! That sucks, but if it is implantation bleeding, would a test show positive yet?
Date: 2/22/2010 8:25:55 AM
Author: TopoDazzle
Sorry Po! That sucks, but if it is implantation bleeding, would a test show positive yet?
Hmmm, not sure about that TD. I''ll need to investigate that one.
I''m on CD5 of my 1st month of TTC Round 2 (previous round ended up in a miscarriage end Dec). from the one month cycle I had in Oct after stopping bc pills after 10 years, I had a cycle of 26 days, so I *think* that''s the average length of my cycles. however, post m/c it may take the body a while to get normalized.

ANYWAY, anyone else in their first week of this cycle and want to be some-what cycle twins with me? this will also be my first month using the CBFM.

good luck to everyone!
Hi Noelwr, Welcome back!!! I am on CD 10, so a little a head of you but not much. My cycle was 26 days last month, and 30 the month before, so I am not sure what to expect this month (it used to always be 27-28 days). How was your trip?
Bliss - I hope you are able to speak with your doctors today. Perhaps a blood test is in order? I am of course secretly hoping it''s a BFP, but have been trying hard not to say that because I don''t want to create that hope, so I''m just waiting patiently for you. I hope time brings clarity!

Noel - Welcome back! Tell us more about your trip! Any pics for us?

Po - Remind me, what cycle day do you think you ovulated? That was based on the CBFM this month? Previously, you temped to determine O-date?
hello hello. my trip was fab. I got lots of shopping done (including the CBFM, digital FRERs, conception-friendly lubrication, prenatals). I love the States, but it''s good that I don''t live there or I''d gain way too much weight with all the TGI Friday''s, Outback Steakhouse, IHOP, Cracker n Barrel, etc. my friend is training a golden retriever to be an assistance dog for a child in a wheelchair, and he is so cute. he carried my shopping around, and in the car he would put his little head on my shoulder. I''d love to post a pic of him, but he''s not my dog so I won''t. instead I will post a pic of a little church built in the middle of red rocks in Sedona. some of you might have even been there. another great thing I had done while in Phoenix was a back facial which I really needed. I think due to all the hormone changes I''ve gone through lately, it''s really done a number on my back (on the middle where my bra is). I get a lot of pimples and blackheads and I can''t reach to scrub there. and I got a manicure from a 70-year old woman who moved from England to Miami Beach to be a Playboy Bunny back in the 60s! the weather was really lovely in Phoenix, and I am glad I visited now instead of summer when I hear that the heat is unbearable.

Date: 2/20/2010 6:28:10 PM
Author: CDNinNYC

Anyone taking prenatal vitamins already? If yes, what brand?

For everyone who gave me their thoughts on newborns and one-bedrooms, thank you! We really like our apartment and its location and prefer not to move yet if we don''t have to.

Technically, we''re in the 2WW but since we ''pulled and prayed'' I''m not holding too much hope for us but for everyone else in the 2WW, I''m pulling for you!
CDNinNYC: Are you looking for over the counter prenatals or prescription ones? My OBGYN gave me a bag full of like 7 different prenatals to try, so I can tell you which ones had the least symptoms, etc. Just let me know if you prefer prescription ones, and I will share my favs.

My dear Miss Bliss: What a roller coaster ride! I hope that one way or another you got a straight answer! I don''t want to raise hopes either, but maybe you will get some good news. But either way, if you O''ed this month, that will be good news too, right? Please keep the updates coming and I will keep some happy thoughts in my head for you

Allie: I am happy to hear that all is going well. Please do hang around until your first ultrasound so we can hear about the fun we are all working towards
. Till then, take care and keep the positive thoughts.

CoralQuiz: Good luck holding out till this weekend. I hope that you get the BFP that you are looking for. Dust, dust, dust...

TopoDazzle: Fingers crossed for you...

Po: I am not sure about the implatation bleeding vs. AF coming early, but I hope that you are still in the game. Good luck!
Topodazzle - I missed that you are in the 2WW!! How exciting!?! It's nice to see a rise in your temp at this point! Try to get as much rest as you can at this point. I'll read your symptoms as positive signs at this point. Keep us posted! Much luck to you!

Noel - Great pic, thanks for posting! Your friend sounds like a real sweetheart to dedicate her time training the Golden. He sounds like a sweetie too!
Re: the restaurants, YES, is it any wonder we have problems with excess weight here in the US? We go to Outback quite a bit, which is FUNNY because I am a vegetarian. They have a chopped salad that I love, but anyway, they have an appetizer (the Bloomin Onion) which has 1560 calories and 84 grams of fat. Add a meal, drink, dessert and well, you're done! But, I digress. Sounds like you had a wonderful trip.

Regarding the issue with your back, I have a recommendation. Korean Cleansing Cloths! I actually first learned about them on PS. They are tremendously good at exfoliating, but you will need DH to help you with your back, maybe once or twice a week. It helps a lot!
Date: 2/22/2010 9:29:58 AM
Author: Loves Vintage

Po - Remind me, what cycle day do you think you ovulated? That was based on the CBFM this month? Previously, you temped to determine O-date?
Hey LV,

This is my first month using the CBFM, never temped before this. I had 3 days of high then 2 peaks on cd14 & cd15, high, then lows and I'm now on cd26.

Known my luck it will be af........there's always March madness tho.
I have no willpower.... tested again and got a faint but super obvious BFP within 90secs of POAS

Thanks for your encouragement, you are all so kind and wonderful!!!!!!

Coral, that''s awesome! Congratulations on your harvest bean!
Congrats, Coral!!!


This was your first month trying, right? Yay!! I love when that happens!!

Lots of sticky bean dust to you!!!!
Date: 2/22/2010 3:46:59 PM
Author: Steal
1. If I were to get the H1N1 vaccine now pre preggo can it do any possible harm?

Hi Steal, my friend had the H1N1 vaccine during pregnancy, from memory her being pregnant was the reason the doctor recommended it. And her baby is healthy :)

AFAIK pregnancy is 40 weeks from your last period, 38 weeks from conception.

So according to the 40 week model I''m already 1/10th of the way there