
The Official TTC Thread!

I started my prenatal vitamins today.

DH and I are so excited to be moving towards TTC. We would love to start now but it would be ideal if we waited a few months so that we can finish and move into the new house. Honestly our (my) biggest concern is that we have walk gravel laid down so that I don''t fall over while pregnant. At the moment our walk gravel is about 4" at the smallest, and it is really easy to trip up.
IHA - Is it possible that you are anxious/hopeful/combination of both about possibly getting a bfp and that is causing the nausea? When we first started trying, I would have pregnancy symptoms each month before testing, and I was always certain that I was pregnant, even though I wasn't. One month I had severe nausea. One month I also had vomiting. When you say you feel like your hormones are all over the place, do you mean that you feel very emotional? Sorry that your body is causing you so much confusion right now.

Ryan Claire
- Hi There! Yes, it was the non-scarring variety!! Phew for that! The herbs smelled sort of like incense, but a little more burny. It was nice though, very comforting feeling. I have about had it with the medicinal herbs though. The taste is getting worse for me with each cup. I met with my RE today, and he said no herbs during my next cycle. It was really funny because my DH wanted to ask about them because he pretty much thinks they are bunk. Me - I think, who knows? and it's good to try different things. Anyway, when we asked about it, my doctor got a little wide-eyed and said, please, no, not during treatment. He was rather emphatic. Ohhhhhh-kay! I don't *think* my acupuncturist intended to prescribe any during a new cycle anyway.

I didn't know that your sister had a recent m/c. How is she doing?

That's good that your doctor has been proactive with testing. Only time will tell. Is there some point at which she will say, no, this is taking too long, like 9 months or longer?

- Hi, how are you?! Sorry for your cycle wonkiness and temping troubles. I hope everything evens out soon.

CoralQuiz - It is still early!! Can't blame you for testing though! And, everyone experiences different symptoms at different times. Here's hoping!!

Steel - Welcome!! How exciting!?!?!?!


We met with the RE today. My m/c was the result of triploidy, a chromosomal abnormality in which an entire extra set of chromosomes are present -- a total 69 chromosomes, rather than 46. This is a completely random event. I believe he said triploidy accounts for 17% of all miscarriages. My expectation was that the m/c was caused by a chromosomal abnormality, so this was not surprising or in any way upsetting to me. It is helpful to know, however, and it is good that it was a random event that is not likely to recur.

Going forward, we will have another IUI starting next cycle. Instead of Clomid, I will use Follistim. Apparently, they feel that my emotional response to the Clomid was not ideal, so he does not want to use that again. He said because I responded so well to Clomid, I should have an even better response to the Follistim.

The cost difference is quite significant, which I would not have noticed previously because everything was covered by insurance. DH's employer changed insurance companies January 1st, and the plan of benefits have apparently changed as well. I am still trying to clarify exactly what is covered and whether the change was intentional on the part of his employer, or whether they just took a standard offering from the new insurance company, without realizing that there was a significant reduction in the fertility benefit offered. It is a NY plan, so they are offering the NY mandate (IUI is covered, fertility drugs are not, IVF is not). As far as I can tell, the NY plan does not have a lifetime maximum on IUI attempts, whereas CT (where I reside) has a lifetime limit of 3 attempts, though fertility drugs and 2 IVF cycles are covered as well.

Hopefully, I get pregnant next cycle and do not have to worry about the insurance. We can afford the drugs if we need to pay for them, though it certainly would be nice if they were covered as they had been before. I would have increased my FSA contribution, for example, had I known.

My RE is CONFIDENT that I will get pregnant via IUI. He said that we've found the formula that works for me. And, so, it is just a matter of time. Patience, patience, patience!
Hey Ladies :) I am here...4 weeks 3days...based on when I ovulated so very very very early. I had a doctors appointment on last Friday and had a positive urine test in her office. She scheduled me for blood work this Friday and the first ultrasound to date the pregnancy during the first week in March. I broke down crying in her office. The first few days after BFP I was an emotional mess. Just really really scared of a M/C. I feel a bit more at ease now. I have made peace with that fact that it is completely out of my hands. The doctor thought I was further along than I think I am. I would have only been 3 weeks 5 days when I took the test in the office. She guesstimated I am somewhere around 5 1/2 weeks. I KNOW I AM NOT. She scheduled the ultrasound to confirm the dates.

Currently I am feeling exhausted, but not debilitating. Some night I sleep like a log, other nights I toss and turn. Waves of nausea, bloat, my nips are soooooo sore, but the rest of my boobs are not. Very vivid dreams as well. Other than that...nothing more to report.
Allie - I was wondering how you were doing!! Glad you reported in. What was the doctor basing her calculation on?

ETA: Lanolin should help with the soreness.
Got my AF but now more than anything I''m concerned I have Endometriosis. I''m gonna have to schedule an appt with my ob/gyn...I''m curious if anyone else has this and has been able to have children? I''m just worried because I read that infertility can be a result of having it and I''ve had bad periods like this since I was a teenager and was just always told I had worse periods than others. The concern is that if I do have it it''s had quite a while to get worse
Had a checkup last year, asked them to check EVERYTHING and they said they found no issues...anyone else had a similar situation to this?
Smurfy, try not to worry too much until they actually find something. Easier said than done, I know, but it could be something that has no impact on your fertility.

LV, how interesting that your testing gave you the cause of your m/c! And reassuring, in regards to knowing it was a random chromosome error. I didn't have testing for mine, but there was some mental reassurance knowing that it was most likely a random chromosome # error. And sucks about the insurance, but good that your doc is so confident in your treatment plan and moving forward with next cycle. Good luck!

Allie, hang in there! Hormones are doubling, doubling messing with your head and everything else. And you are right, the m/c issue is almost completely out of your hands! (See above: usually due to wrong # of chromosomes). And don't worry about the docs and the dating. I had high HCG levels and they scheduled an early ultrasound thinking I was farther along that I was, ie. I thought it would be borderline on heartbeat, and it *was* borderline on heartbeat but everything looked spot-on proper for the dates I thought were right so really it was all good AND they had me come back the next week to get another ultrasound and confirm progress. That one also looked good, so that was reassuring, at least as reassuring as this stuff gets.
hang in there Allie! Drs are so crazy sometimes with their date estimations:-) Best wishes for a peaceful, calm, and healthy first tri...I know it can be a really stressful time!
Hey Smurfy,
I will be the ''endo'' advocate for u for today :) Althought I''m not sure I can give you all the answers, I will let u know what I had at least. What you described sounds like some hellacious PMS/AF. I''ve never vomited from endometriosis but that is not to say that the cramps and pain won''t lead to that. I also wasn''t textbook in the fact that my periods weren''t terribly heavy at all. I just had very localized pain in two spots, same place every single time. I could describe it as an annoying ache that felt better by pushing on it with a fist or a balled up pillow. Always felt it more at night than when I was moving around during the day. For the life of me I can''t pinpoint what point of my cycle it would peak (I haven''t had recurring symptoms for about 5 years, although I could be getting a touch of it back lately since going off BC). They''ve suggested that since it is endometrium lining that escapes (for no one knows what reason) and attaches to other areas (outsides of organs mostly) that it bleeds and grows the same as the uterine lining. However I really can''t remember it hurting during my period. It was very distict that I know it wasn''t to confused with menstural cramps. I want to say it was more around O time than any. Again, I could be the exception to the rule. I have never really been one to follow the medical rules. :) Unfortunately the only way to properly diagnose is through laproscopy. They may throw around other diagnoses of PCOS too. I hope you get some good news in whatever they find out. Good luck!!
Thanks girls. It didn''t really help that when I told my sister she seemed less than excited and when I asked her if everything would be okay...needing some reassurance...she told me..."I don''t know, look what happened to me". She had no baby heartbeat at 8 weeks. But she has two healthy KIDS. So I told her "this is my first baby and you have two healthy babies, I know anything can happened but I just want to think positively"

I think the doctor thinks I am further along based on the fact that I got a positive urine test in her office? I am not sure...but I read the sensitivity of the doctor urine test are like 100mIU, I think. Maybe based on the fact that I was only 3 weeks 4 days along and my levels were high enough to trigger a positive on their test. I have no clue otherwise.

Does anyone know how sensitive their tests are?
Date: 2/17/2010 3:35:46 PM
Author: AllieLuv83
Hey Ladies :) I am here...4 weeks 3days...based on when I ovulated so very very very early. I had a doctors appointment on last Friday and had a positive urine test in her office. She scheduled me for blood work this Friday and the first ultrasound to date the pregnancy during the first week in March. I broke down crying in her office. The first few days after BFP I was an emotional mess. Just really really scared of a M/C. I feel a bit more at ease now. I have made peace with that fact that it is completely out of my hands. The doctor thought I was further along than I think I am. I would have only been 3 weeks 5 days when I took the test in the office. She guesstimated I am somewhere around 5 1/2 weeks. I KNOW I AM NOT. She scheduled the ultrasound to confirm the dates.

Currently I am feeling exhausted, but not debilitating. Some night I sleep like a log, other nights I toss and turn. Waves of nausea, bloat, my nips are soooooo sore, but the rest of my boobs are not. Very vivid dreams as well. Other than that...nothing more to report.

Allie I just saw this, CONGRATULATIONS hun! I''m so happy for you
YAY for babies!
Cara - thanks!!!! I just happened to pick up my BBT instructions the other day and saw that they had "correct" and "incorrect" positions for taking temps! That kind of made me go, "Argggghhh!" Yep, like a pirate!
Argh, matey! LOL I guess they want you to take it near the heat pocket on either side of the mouth under the tongue. Maybe it''s more sensitive there to heat fluctuations bc it''s near veins as opposed to muscles/tissue? Hahaha. Clearly, I am over-thinking this! But I think you''re right - the fluctuation is what is important. I guess I''ll take temps in both spots tomorrow and see... I wonder if I have a biphasic pattern? So weird! Thank you SO much for taking the time to help me analyze this!!!

Does anyone get SOOOOO hot at night sometimes? Is that ovulation or what? Am I getting menopause in my thirties? Ha! It only happened to me when I was pregnant and I know I''m not pregnant so... could it be hormonal changes since the m/c? Wow, life is definitely more complicated now! Ha.

Ryan Claire - I''m in your boat now! I''m excited about your doctor''s appointment on the 22nd. Yay for more answers!!! I am soooo getting the CBFM!

Smurfy - oh my goodness, I am so worried for you. Extremely bad cramps + fatigue + throwing up at night is definitely something you need to see your doctor for. Glad you are seeing your OBGYN. It might just be wicked''s so hard to tell. I hope you don''t have endo, so I am sending you anti-endo dust!

IHA!!! Ohhh, so wishing you luck! Sorry about the nausea... I wonder if you''re KTFU?

CoralQuiz - might still be too early! We''re rooting for you!!!! Wheee!!!

Steal - good luck!!! Can''t wait for you to join us here! Fix that gravel, lady!

LV - YAY for your IUI!!!! I hope you get KTFU next cycle, too! Then you won''t have to deal with the insurance issue!

Allie - YAY FOR YOU! Ohhhh, please try not to worry. Good vibes! Good vibes! It will be OK. I know one can easily get freaked out on PS because so many of us had m/cs but many many many many more people go on to have healthy pregnancies with no issues. For each m/c, there are so many more healthy pregnancies. Don''t worry, mama!

Happy BD''ing, LADIES!!!

Thanks Bliss and HH :)

Really the first few days I would just look at my husband and cry. You girls, DH, my sister and my BBF are the only people that know. I plan on telling the parents after the 6 week sono. I just hope that we have good news to share! It is hard to not focus on the negatives. The stories of MC are especially prevalent on BabyCenter.

My BFF has lovingly nicknamed the little blastocyst "Shim" and "The dollop of Daisy". My DH and I have been using Shim, when referring to it.
Date: 2/17/2010 9:12:11 PM
Author: AllieLuv83
Thanks Bliss and HH :)

Really the first few days I would just look at my husband and cry. You girls, DH, my sister and my BBF are the only people that know. I plan on telling the parents after the 6 week sono. I just hope that we have good news to share! It is hard to not focus on the negatives. The stories of MC are especially prevalent on BabyCenter.

My BFF has lovingly nicknamed the little blastocyst ''Shim'' and ''The dollop of Daisy''. My DH and I have been using Shim, when referring to it.

So cute. We call our LO "Bun" as in bun in the oven, and my gut (bloat) is called Carlos.\

STOP READING BABYCENTER/THEBUMP/GOOGLE?ETC!!! It will just stress you out and stress is bad bad bad for developing babies. Oh and just be prepared for cramps. They''re normal, they will make you feel like AF is going to show up any time, but it won''t happen. I don''t know why we get them, but I had them from weeks 4-7.

I just (at 9 weeks 2 days) outed myself on FB last night. I''d been making coy comments for days and people were starting to catch on (I can''t keep a secret to save my life).
Allie, I agree with HH. I''m an anxious person and had to stop reading BabyCenter etc. I was just worrying non-stop about miscarriage. I''m now almost 16 weeks and have decided that I''m not buying any books either. It''s just in my nature to worry but the information was making my worrying excessive. In most cases knowledge is power, but for me it was crippling me with anxiety.
LV, so good to hear that it was just something so totally random and just out of anyone''s control. I loved follistim (and ovidrel) instead of clomid. Loved. No clomidlike side effects, no stomach discomfort, just guaranteed good follicles and lots of them. I remember that you do ovulate on your own so you prob won''t even have to do the ovidrel. Are you going to get it delivered to your house? I remember waiting on our porch for the freedom pharmacy package to arrive! When will you start? Good luck, you will be lucky in this again! I just looked up the insurance stuff and the bill would have been $240 if MA didn''t mandate coverage (yes, I want the first page of the babybook to have all this insurance information on how we got him!) but that is depending on how much you get, I remember Tiffany and possibly DrK were on much higher doses. I was at 75 so only needed 1 or 2 of the "pens" (but with clean sharps for every night) but clicked in the dosage every night and upped it at the end after they saw that I had a few great looking fs. Is your DH up for the injections? Mine was not, (but he set the dosage, clipped in the needle, and sterilized my belly and watched while I pushed it into my belly fat). I just know that things are going to get better LV, really really pulling for you!

Congrats Allie!

Good luck Sunnyd, wow, an almost 60 day cycle just bites. So glad you are going to get some information.

Smurfy, endo''s signs are chronic pelvic pain, pain in urination/voiding, pain with sex, and not just once a month since generally cycles are irregular to the point of more frequency, lots heavier flow, frequently resulting in anemia. If this is your situation, after 6 of these heavy/fast cycles or so do call your doc to set up a laproscopy, but just with a brief scan of your posts on this thread it seems that your cycles are regularish so prob not PCOS or Endo. Hey, so glad that you have good permanent insurance and can now TTC!

Go Cara, go Cara!

Yeah Steal!...I remember a poster with your same av named Steele ;) Some recent research shows that it is good for DH to take folic acid also in the months up to TTC. Just a thought!

Hugs to Bliss, you are going to be such a great momma.

Good luck to DCGator, IHA, Lanie, RC, TD, CQ, plantationcatt, BellaM, and any other lurkers/posters who are TTC. Yes, I know you are out there!

I''m also mostly here to stalk Fisher! So impressed with your finished paintings! Hey, why have a muted baby room? Bright colors and high contrasts stimulate brain devt and so awesome to have your own paintings doing just that!

Oh Festy, Tiffany...wondering about you guys!
Thanks HH and Puppmom. I definitely need to stop reading. I don''t think I will out myself on facebook until closer to the gender determination. I hope to be able to tell the family soon!
LV- its so good your RE has done the needed testing to find out the cause of m/c. From what i've read, a lot of drs will not further investigate until after 2 or 3 m/c. It must be reassuring to know it was a totally randmon event. Wish you lots of luck in the coming months!!

Allie- The first thing my Dr. told me not to look at all the crazy things on the internet...I am guilty of that too
and finally had to stop myself at 7 weeks- Now 10.5 weeks and everything is okay. I know its really hard but try not to worry to much. Wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months!!!

Wishing all you ladies lots of baby dust and BFP!!!
Date: 2/18/2010 9:06:22 AM
Author: puppmom
Allie, I agree with HH. I''m an anxious person and had to stop reading BabyCenter etc. I was just worrying non-stop about miscarriage. I''m now almost 16 weeks and have decided that I''m not buying any books either. It''s just in my nature to worry but the information was making my worrying excessive. In most cases knowledge is power, but for me it was crippling me with anxiety.
After a loss ,one thing you realize is, information does not change the outcome. There are so many things to worry about during pregnancy, it is important to chose those carefully. Stressed out mom=Stressed out Baby.
I''m similar to you, I have to be very careful with what I read or I start to worry.

I am happy to hear you are doing well. You must be so excited to tell your parents.
Thank you so much for all the opinions ladies. It does put my mind at ease since I am pretty regular, just wicked cramping during o and af, ugh
I can't believe I actually had to stay home from work yesterday because of this.

We are casually ttc, I'll admit it. Now that we are getting finances in order, pretty much down to nothin but dh's student loans, have the insurance, and i seem to have another job lined up anyways. We aren't trying, but we're not not trying ifywim.
Thanks swimmer! Still nothing except for one spot on Monday.

Date: 2/18/2010 10:14:41 AM
Author: Smurfyimproved

We are casually ttc, I''ll admit it. Now that we are getting finances in order, pretty much down to nothin but dh''s student loans, have the insurance, and i seem to have another job lined up anyways. We aren''t trying, but we''re not not trying ifywim.
Wow, that''s bold Smurfy, not gonna lie. The mere thought of the cost of diapers/food/furniture/doctor''s bills for a year plus me not really being paid for 3 months despite us both having good jobs is enough to put me off. But if you''re going for it, good luck, I guess.
Good luck Smurfy. You guys have come a long way, that''s for sure.

One thing to remember, to be eligible for FMLA (12 week maternity leave/protection of your job) you have to have been at your company for at least 12 months before you have the baby and most short term disability plans (which cover most maternity leaves) require that you sign up before you''re pregnant, some require you to carry the policy for a year before having the baby). Not meaning to discourage, I''m speaking from experience, we had a scare the month before we got pregnant and I had to learn about all of this stuff.
Hi everyone, I just wanted to pop in here and say CONGRATS to Allie! I am so happy for you. I know that the first trimester is stressful and scary, but my best advice is to keep a positive attitude. Ditto to what others said, steer clear of baby center and DO NOT sign up for their emails until your 2nd tri. Just try to be hopeful, optimistic, and take good care of yourself. Don''t stress yourself out with negativity because that is not going to help anything. Pregnancy is no joke, my friend. Get ready for a crazy ride!
Please do look into it. Having a child isn''t a situation where you can just hope everything works out, especially if you''re actually trying. I mean how premature is the menopause? You''re only 26, correct?
Date: 2/18/2010 11:41:39 AM
Author: sunnyd
Please do look into it. Having a child isn't a situation where you can just hope everything works out, especially if you're actually trying. I mean how premature is the menopause? You're only 26, correct?

This is 100 percent true, smurf. I was covered under my husband's insurance, but because of an extra hospital stay that the doctor requested (because of my pre-eclampsia) and a few other factors beyond our control, we had to pay almost $8,000 out-of-pocket for my son's birth, and that was for an otherwise normal vaginal birth and a healthy baby who needed no NICU time.

Don't mean to be preachy, esp. not in the TTC thread, but I wouldn't start having kids quickly *assuming* you're going to go into early menopause. What are the actual chances? Was it your mom who experienced it? A sister? Or a second cousin? (ETA: Not actually asking.) Talk to a doctor before becoming worried to the point that you rush things unnecessarily.
I've decided to back off on posting about this here, hence the deleted posts
Date: 2/18/2010 11:51:20 AM
Author: EBree

Date: 2/18/2010 11:41:39 AM
Author: sunnyd
Please do look into it. Having a child isn''t a situation where you can just hope everything works out, especially if you''re actually trying. I mean how premature is the menopause? You''re only 26, correct?

This is 100 percent true, smurf. I was covered under my husband''s insurance, but because of an extra hospital stay that the doctor requested (because of my pre-eclampsia) and a few other factors beyond our control, we had to pay almost $8,000 out-of-pocket for my son''s birth, and that was for an otherwise normal vaginal birth and a healthy baby who needed no NICU time.

Don''t mean to be preachy, esp. not in the TTC thread, but I wouldn''t start having kids quickly *assuming* you''re going to go into early menopause. What are the actual chances? Was it your mom who experienced it? A sister? Or a second cousin? (ETA: Not actually asking.) Talk to a doctor before becoming worried to the point that you rush things unnecessarily.
This is my thought as well. You really should research everything before you jump in and then end up not being able to put food on the table because, god forbid, you end up on bed rest for several months and not able to work.
Date: 2/18/2010 11:53:55 AM
Author: Smurfyimproved
I''ve decided to back off on posting about this here, hence the deleted posts
Good idea.

I would encourage lurking on this thread more smurfy instead of posting every single time your period is later than usual, different than usual, or if you just have a little hunch. These ladies are amazing and have a wealth of knowledge. Reading a few pages can get you all the answers you need on those days when AF is an hour or two late or isn''t acting like herself.