
The Official TTC Thread!

Hi Blen-I wouldn''t worry about it for now. A bunch of people on here have been experiencing crazy long cycles out of the blue, PG symptoms with no PG, and weird CF, it seems like everyone in a while your body just throws a curve ball...I like to know what''s going on as much as possible (total type-A:-), so I''d probably get a bunch of OPKs and use them to pin point ovulation and to be sure there''s no bebe:-) if your period doesn''t return like normal next month I''d go to the Dr., but that''s just me. I''m sure others will have different opinions

I leant my copy of TCOYF to a friend so I can''t look it up, but someone else who has their''s handy will probably chime in...
Thanks for your input, Bella. I''m also a total type A which is why I''m going a little batty over here.
I will try to calm down and give it time.
I''m total type A too, which is why OPKs are now my BFF:-) HOpe everything is fine, and I ahve to say your little man in his classes and accountant outfit is so cute!!!
So I''m back...My RE prescribed Femara for me. He said Clomid 100mg didn''t even jumpstart follicles, so 150mg likely wouldn''t do much of the same. He said he sees lots of success with Femara, but it''s controversial since it''s a breast cancer drug, and a Class C drug, meaning it can cause birth defects if you take it while pregnant. He told me to take 2 preg tests before putting it in my mouth! I don''t want to talk about the course of action we would take in case Femara fails, because that won''t be an issue hopefully! Anyway, I feel really good that we''re moving on to something else. So I''m going on Provera (switched me back to that instead of Prometrium for some reason???) and then wait for AF, then Femara days 3-7. I asked about Metformin, and he said my insulin levels are excellent, and I''m not overweight, so he didn''t think Met would help me out.

BUT now I''ve got to convince my DH that potentially having a due date around Christmas isn''t a bad thing. His b''day is early January and he really doesn''t want our child to be born around Christmas, so he wants to avoid TTC this next cycle. MY take? A) do we want to get pregnant? Yes? Then we can''t pick and choose due dates, B) babies can be born early/late so trying to avoid a due date really is not in our hands, C) I''m having issues already, so if we were to postpone a month only to not get pregnant, then that would be a huge slap in the face.

Small vent...anyway...happy Friday to everyone!

I''ve been lurking for a while and i''ve found varying answers via google so I''d thought I''d post here and ask. My husband and I aren''t trying yet, but I stopped taking BC in December and we are planning on starting to try this summer (hoping for a spring due date, since I''m a teacher and wouldn''t have to go back to work until the following September). I stopped taking BC after being on it for 14 years and wanted to get my body in gear. After a 2 week cycle, followed by a 28 day cycle, followed by a 35 day cycle, I decided to start temping.

My questions are these:

Can I get up and walk to the bathroom to temp first thing after I get up or does it have to be before you get up, laying in bed?

I get up early M-F (5:00am) and I like to sleep in on the weekends (at least 9AM), will this really throw off my charts? Do I still have to get up at 5:00AM to temp?

I''d hate to have to temp before I get out of bed becuse my husband works 2nd shift and goes to bed late and I try to get out of the bedroom as quickly as possible to I don''t wake him.

I know I have more questions, but this is all I can think of right now. Thanks in advance for your expertise! i''ve nejoyed lurking and hope to post more.

Lanie, good luck with Femara. I''ll be thinking of you. I had a similar situation with my DH. He wanted to skip TTC last August because, based on the first day of LMP, the baby would have been due on his birthday. I had the old "we can''t pick the due date" conversation with him. I finally convinced by showing him the odds on paper of getting pregnant in any given month and of babies being born on their due date and saying "What if this was THE month? We''ll always wonder if we skip this month and can''t get pregnant if this was the time." He agreed and, of course, I didn''t get KTFU until November.

Congrats on your job offer!!!!! I know you have been looking for something more challenging.

Hi Ladies,

Thanks for the well wishes on the half marathon. I only started running about 2 years ago due to my husband''s prodding, and hated it before that. But now that I have a few races under my belt, I have become quite fond of running and I find it to be a great exercise and a fun way to visit places. We are running the Nashville half in April, so if any of you want to join one, I will be there

As for all the TTC adventures:

Ryan Claire: I wish you lots of luck with the Clomid. Fingers crossed for successful folicle production!

Noelwr and Bella: Congrats on making it to the 2WW. I am thinking happy thoughts of positve HPT for you ladies

Lanie: (((Hugs))) Hang in there sweetie. I know it sucks that you didn''t get the results you were hoping for this week, but maybe you will have a pleasant surprise at the Doc today. Lots of dust...

LV: How is Mr. Cayman doing? Is he starting to lift large objects thanks to his magic potion? I am sorry that you secretary is such a bonehead, but at least you know she is not ill-willed. Maybe some sensitivity training could work wonders? As for AF, text that girl and tell her to get her tushie back to you already. Hopefully she has gotten bored with her cabana boy and will get back to work soon!

Blenheim: I really don''t know what might be up. My only theory is stress or abnormal sleeping schedules. That can really throw AF for a loop. I imagine with a cutie pie like that, you might not be getting a full night''s sleep. Whatever it is though, I hope you can figure it out soon. Good luck!

For my TTC adventures, I am diligently taking my prenatals and temping. I have just started my 3rd cycle post BC, and hoping that my CF and temps will work in unison this cycle. I am on CD 5 today, so we''ll so how the next week or two goes. Otherwise, my hormones are still a little fruity (headaches, weight gain) but I am hoping that those figure themselves out soon too.
Date: 3/5/2010 1:00:36 PM
Author: luvinlife

Congrats on your job offer!!!!! I know you have been looking for something more challenging.


I must have missed the announcement, but CONGRATS on the new job

I know you have been really hoping for this so now you get to go celebrate and enjoy
thanks luvin and dcg!!!!! If we are PG now, and I get this job that would be a whole lot in one 2ww
very exciting:-)

Lanie-I hope that this new plan works for you!

LV-I hope this IUI is also really sucessful!!!!

I didn''t do the tape b/c I was too tired, but I stretched for a while last night and this morning which helped some. It''s just too darm exciting with the 2ww and the job negotiations. not to get too excited since I am only (I think) 4-5 DPO, but I am having some cramping and a lot of CM--my body alkways does weird things in the 2ww even when we don''t BD, so I am trying not to get my hopes up, but they are a little...

For those who are confused, yes, I got a great new job offer (a lot more money, alot more ownership, and a company I really believe in and although it will be complicated if we''re PG now, or get PG in the next few months, I''m going to take it, keep TTC, and work it all out somehow.
Bella - Congrats on the new job!!!!!! Good luck with the negotiations!!

DCGator - Hi there! Too funny what you wrote about Mr. C! He's still hanging in there. I will have to post a picture of him here. He is too cute!

Lots of luck in your new cycle!

Lanie - Did you doctor give you any explanation as to why you are not ovulating? Has he diagnosed you with PCOS? I think in the past you said there was no official diagnosis. I had asked one of the nurses at my clinic when I first started going there about PCOS, and she told me that you can have polycystic ovaries, but not have PCOS because you don't have the other symptoms that would accompany PCOS. I never looked into this because this did not turn out to be the issue for me. Has your doctor talked about any of this? Could be that I completely misinterpreted what the nurse was trying to tell me. There is so much information!

In any event, best luck with the Femara! I'm sorry this is all so hard, but you'll deal with it step-by-step and will get there!

Wellinsm - Welcome!! I'll try to answer your questions. You are supposed to temp while you are still in bed because getting up and walking can raise your bbt. I also believe you are supposed to temp at the same time every day. If I think of it and can find the book, I will look this up in TCOYF tonight.
Totally non TTC post
I''m taking the new job...I am losing 5 days of vacation-boo
, but gaining a better and more interesting job, a 30% raise, and three personal days which should help off-set the 5 days of lost vacation....
I''m telling my current job on Monday

Okay, slight TTC moment, I take Rainbow Light Prenatals (love them, no constipation, no upset stomach, no vitamin taste...) and I just ordered a big thing of them on for $15 off b/c they are on sale--who-hoo!!!

I also ordered the spectrum prenatals with DHA, since the Rainbow don''t have DHA-- if we ever get pregnant I may start taking a DHA vitamin after the first trimester...

back to your originally scheduled programming
Woo-hoo, Bella!!! 30% pay increase! Who''s better than you?!?! That''s awesome! Congratulations!!!

Do you take DHA now? Are we supposed to? I''ve read about it here in the past few weeks, but was not advised to take it by my RE and never asked.
:-) thanks LV!!!!!

the sad thing is, once we have a kids 100% of that raise and then some will go towards childcare,
for NYC expensive daycare options
but if we can get into the one across the street that''d be awesome! But in the meantime, we can pay off our CC and pay for some of my school so we don''t have as many student loans. (plus I am getting some new work clothes:-)

I don''t take DHA now, I think it''s supposed to help brain development, but since that doesn''t happen until later (folic acid is the biggie for the neural tube I think) I''m not, my mom didn''t take DHA and I''m smart

If you ask your RE and she tells you the DL on DHA please do share it here b/c I''d love to know!
Delurking for Blen because I''m working my way through TCOYF right now, so I might be able to help. The book says that two things that can happen which affect the chart by making it look like you could be pregnant (temps above the coverline for 18+ days) are Luteinized Unruptured Follicle Syndrome (LUFS) and a persistent corpus luteum cyst. The first happens when the egg gets stuck in the follicle and you don''t actually ovulate, the second is when the corpus luteum doesn''t "die" as quickly as it''s supposed to and continues to release progesterone. It''s probably just a funky cycle, though, but if nothing happens in a few days and you''re worried, call your doctor -- I''m sure they''ve heard stranger things!

Congratulations on the new job, Bella!
Hey girls just popping in to say we had our first ultrasound today. I thought I was 6 weeks 5 days based on my ovulation or 6 weeks 1 day based on my LMP. We saw the bean (looked like a little gummy bear) and heard/saw the heartbeat. The doctors office dated the pregnancy at 6 weeks 3 days which is possible since I thought that I ovulated a little late. The office ultrasound machine was awesome we got to see it all on the big screen! SO it makes it pretty real! Good luck to all you ladies! I can''t wait to see more of you on the preggo boards!
yay Allie!!!!!!!! So exciting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I wanna join the thread, but I''m too lazy to read all 415 pages. Forgive me!

Can anyone catch me up?
Happy Weekend, everyone!

AllieLuv -
so glad you''re u/s went well.

Bells - I also missed that you got the job offer. super congrats!

I''m not really stressed about the 2ww. sometimes I get excited thinking about what could be happening inside me, but there''s really no way of knowing and I''m realistic enough to know that chances are slim this first cycle. so just living my life. yesterday went to the dentist (which I hate to do), and today we''re going to see Alice in Wonderland. my only concern with falling pregnant this cycle is that the gynae said I could have an u/s at 7 weeks, but we''ll be on our cruise during that week so I''d have to wait until we come back from vacation at 8 weeks. then again, considering my m/c was at 8.5 weeks, even if things were looking good at 7 weeks, I''d start worrying again shortly after. so actually, maybe an u/s after 8 weeks would be better for me.

Lanie - sorry that you''re going through that with DH. I agree with puppmom''s approach of arguing that this next cycle could be THE one.

brightlight - welcome. what do you want to know? every lady''s situation is different here, so start off by telling us about yourself like your age, when you plan to start to TTC, if you have any particular questions...
Thanks for all of those who responded! I really do appreciate it. I decided to go ahead and chart the bleeding as AF and assume this is a new cycle, figuring that if it''s not, it should eventually become apparent. And Octavia, thank you so much for chiming in with those two things!

Wellinsm - Generally, you "should" take your temperature at the same time every morning, before getting out of bed or sitting up or anything. When I was temping religiously, I''d go ahead and wake up at 5 am and then just go right on back to sleep for those extra four hours. My thermometer''s memory told me the last recorded temperature when I woke up for real. However, I don''t think it would hurt to do a little experimenting to see how much it really affects your body - wake up and take your temperature, then go to the bathroom and take your temperature again, for example. And tomorrow, you could try taking your temp both at 5 am and 9 am, or take it just at 9 am and then 5 am during the week and see if how much of a difference it makes.

Bella - congrats on the job!
Date: 3/6/2010 12:37:09 PM
Author: Blenheim
Thanks for all of those who responded! I really do appreciate it. I decided to go ahead and chart the bleeding as AF and assume this is a new cycle, figuring that if it''s not, it should eventually become apparent. And Octavia, thank you so much for chiming in with those two things!
This is what I would do too, Blen. I had a cycle like that when TTC too. Weird super light 1.5 day bleeding. Since you are still BFing as lot around the clock (right?) you really cannot trust temping at all, and your fertiler signs could be all wonky.
Hey ladies! Wow, I missed so much! Glad to see all the new activity! I was out of town this week and it's great to be back and see all that's happened!

BELLA! Congrats on the *awesome* new job! Wow, lots of exciting things happening for you all at once! All the new bling, now a new job and maybe a new baby this month!
Oooooooh, so amazing for you!!!! *dust*

LV - I'm so sorry about your kitty... that is heartbreaking. I am sending you prayers. Your assistant sounds like a trip! OMG, you deserve a medal for your patience.

dcgator! Woohoo for NoLa! Congrats on the half marathon. You rock, woman! Thanks for the kind words!

noelwr - *dust* for your 2WW as well! Ooooh, wouldn't that be so wonderful? Fingers and toes crossed for you!

Ryan Claire - you're way ahead of me! Yes, it is so funny! I came home to all sorts of new toys! I haven't broken any of it open yet because I'm stuck waiting for AF!

Lanie - *dust* to you!!! Hope things are going better... good luck with the Femara! Eh, boys are so funny about the birthday thing!!!

Sweetlime, good luck on your HSG. I hope you're one of the women who gets KTFU in the next 3 months after it!

Hi Blenheim! Welcome again! I second charting like the spotting was your period. Hormones make things so wonky, don't they?

Wellinsm, welcome! All the advice seems to point to temping first thing when you wake up. Before you go to the bathroom, before you drink water... try to even minimize the movement in even reaching for the what I read! What I do is just set the alarm like the other ladies and go to sleep until it's time to wake up for my day. It's the only way to be consistent and it really becomes like clockwork.
On weekends, sometimes if I'm really tired - I'll ask DH to stick the thermometer in my mouth at a certain time! It's good for them to start helping early on so get him involved if you need help! Maybe can you get a therm with no beeps if you don't want to wake your husband? Chances are though, the beeps are so quiet he'll sleep through them.

Hi puppmom!

ALLIELUV!!!!! YAY FOR THE GUMMY BEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So incredible! Congrats!!!!!

Welcome, brightlight! Tell us more! We're here to help!

On my end, just waiting for AF! Expecting her any day now. She didn't go far - I'm sure she's just out shopping right now.

Dust to all!
Sorry for the quick post, but does anyone know anything about taking baby aspirin for implantation? It''s supposed to assist with implantation by increasing blood flow to the uterus.

I''ll write more later and tell you all my TTC "story."
Thanks Bliss!!! The doctor really helped me with all of the anxiety I have been having. He said, "What will be will be. You are healthy, you don''t smoke, you don''t drink, you work out, you take you vitamins and take care of your self, you are doing everything you can" :) I really wish all of the best for each and EVERY one of you! I will still hang around here cheering on your TTC girls!
Bella (and anyone else here taking pre-natal vitamin supplements) I saw an article in the UK press last week that suggested humidity can destroy the vitamin content of the supplements very, very quickly, and warning people not to store them in the bathroom or kitchen, even if they are tightly sealed.

Now, I don't know what the scientific evidence for this is, but it can't hurt to keep them elsewhere to be on the safeside, right?

I''ve been trying to keep up with the posts but haven''t had much to say myself! Too much to keep up with recently!

Bella--congrats on the job!

Allie--yay ultrasound--when is your new due date?


Mrs Mitchell--I''ve always heard that about medicine, so I keep mine away from the humidity. You should also run your bathroom fan for about 20 minutes after your shower. Keeps mold down.

I''m the weird one on here because I''m not temping or charting anything, I''ve just been tracking my periods for a couple years and am consistently 31-34 days per cycle. (I just know if I start over-analyzing it will stress me out with my personality, and stress is awful on my body.) My LMP was Feb 22, so that puts estimated ovulation around the 12th, right? One website says my most fertile days are between the 7th-12th and another says 9-13... I guess it doesn''t really matter, we can just start trying tonight, and keep it up til at least the 13th. Is there a consensus on every day vs. every other day?

Thanks ladies! Good luck to everyone! (I can now include myself in my well-wishing!)
thanks Mrs. M--I keep mine at work in my desk so no worries there...
Hello everyone!

I''m a longtime lurker, mainly in the pregnancy and baby threads, but am slowly making my way through the TTC thread. I''ve been married for 2.5 years, and have just recently decided to TTC. I think it''s great that you ladies all support each other here and it''s cool to see people graduate to each successive thread.

I''m in the middle of my 3rd cycle off the pill (went off in December), and in the 2WW. I haven''t been charting, but based on CM, this cycle DTD on O and O-3. I''ve had 2 30-day cycles, and I had assumed that my luteal phase was 14 days and thought I would ovulate 2 days later than I did, but I was wrong (this was before I started reading up), so I don''t think it worked this time. But now that I''ve convinced myself that it''s time to TTC, of course now I want to get preg ASAP!!! I''m planning on starting charting next cycle. I''m 27, but I''m worried about conceiving because my mom wasn''t super fertile - only was able to have me. So I hope it doesn''t take too long.

One thing I''m concerned about is working out...I liked working out, sometimes pretty intensely (making myself huff and puff and my heart rate go super fast with intervals), for a short time, not endurance running or anything. I''m worried that too-intense exercise would be bad for TTC, but I don''t like being inactive.

Looking forward to sharing the TTC journey with you all! Baby dust to all!!!
Bells - when are you taking a HPT this week? how is it going with the OPK results?

brighlight - I googled what you said about baby aspirin and it seems to right now only be recommended for ladies undergoing fertility treatments (with other stuff the doctor prescribes). unless you're doing that, I would just first give your body time to do what it's supposed to on its own.

plantationcatt - on a 31-34 day cycle, I would guess fertile days more around March 10-14th, but that's just taking your cycle days and subtracting 14 days which is the luteal phase for most women, but not all. regarding BDing, the overall consensus I get from googling is that for a 28 day cycle, you should starting BDing every other day starting CD10 and then when you get a positive OPK to BD 3 days in a row, then skip one day, and then BD again. so pretty much BD every other day up until you expect to O (I think that is to keep the swimmers fresh) and every day 3 days around O-ing. ideally you want to have BDed BEFORE O-ing so the swimmers are waiting for the egg as it only survives 12-24 hours.

CatLuver - I wouldn't worry about exercise. actually it's recommended when being pregnant. what I remember reading is that if you were already doing it before you were pregnant, then it's no problem as long as you don't increase the intensity. regarding TTC, I don't think it would have an adverse affect. exercise gets your blood flowing and your body working optimally so I think it would actually benefit you. but I'm not a doctor.
Thanks for answering my questions ladies, I do appreciate it. I threw out all my current temps and will begin temping again next cycle. Your answers totally account for why my temps were all over the place. I have been doing OPK this cycle, just to see when I ovulate, just so I can get a hang of my cycles. I've never really paid attention before, so now that I want to, there is just so much information out there.

I was charting at Did anyone pay for the service, or do you just use the features that are free? I'm a very visual learner, so when my colored calender squares went away after my 30 day trial, I was quite sad and have been contemplating buying the service, but I'm not quite sure yet. Part of me wonders if I should buy a CBEFM instead. The OPK strips I've been using gave me what I thought was a positive the day I finished with AF, but maybe I looked at it later than the 4 minutes I was supposed to and it was inaccurate. Aghhh! I'll wait and see what they look like during my "projected O" days I guess and then wait and see.

Even though we are not planning to start until this summer, I want to get on the right track. I'm not "old" but I'm not in my 20s either anymore. I'm 32 and my husband is 36. We've been married for 1 year (Jan. 31). Timing is everything right? Which is difficult for us, as I am a teacher and work first shift, but my husband is a police officer and he words 2nd shift, with a crazy schedule which is consistent, but not on a weekly basis, and then when he gets home from work he is up until 3 or 4AM, and I am up to go to work at 5AM and in bed (I try) by 11:00. Hopefully when I'm not working in the summer we can "connect" more. howver, I'd rather it not be at 4AM!

Have a great day and thanks for all your advice!