
The Official TTC Thread!

Catlurver - Welcome!! Hope your stay here is short and sweet!

Noel - How many days past ovulation are you now?

Brightlight - Welcome to you too! I have not heard about using aspirin to assist with implantation. It may be prescribed for certain women who have blood clotting issues, though. Maybe that''s the context in which you read about it previously? If you are interested in increasing the thickness of your uterine lining, you may want to look into Red Raspberry Leaf tea and goji berries. I''ve had the tea, but never with the added goji berries. There''s been discussion about it here, but also google it and you will find more info. Not sure if it makes a difference, but it couldn''t hurt. I know the feeling of wanting to add something to help things along . . .

Bliss - Welcome back! We missed you!! I wanted to let you know that I too ordered the 50 pack of HPT sticks that you mentioned. Good find!! The trigger shot that I will have to trigger ovulation IS HCG, so I am going to test it out, by POAS everyday after ovulation, to see how long it takes to leave my system. I think it is up to 12 days?!?, which makes things a little confusing for HPT''g. Thanks for the tip!


And, a new cycle has begun! Thank Goodness! And, strangely, I have yet to feel my classic backache and cramping, which I attribute to the acupuncture. We will see what the rest of the day holds, but for right now, I am just thrilled to see that the acupuncture has had an effect that I can perceive. It''s been a lot of faith and hope up to this point.
Hi Noelwr-I don''t know
I relaly , really hate getting negative tests and would like to not have to deal with a false negative, but if it''s positive I want to know:-)

So, I think I''ll POAS Wednesday and if it''s negative I''ll do it again on Saturday if AF hasn''t come yet. According to fertility friend AF is due on Friday the 12th (my normal 28 day cycle, but I did have a 30-31 day cycle a month or so ago, so I''m not sure what to expect. I am 99% sure that I ovulated on CD 17 (positive OPKS the 2 days before, negative on CD 17 and CM seemed to dry up on CD 17) so Wednesday would still be really early (9DPO), I guess I''ll wait until Thursday or Friday if I can, but if not, Wed is the earliest (bet you didn''t think you''d get such a long answer:-)

When are you going to test?...
Welcome wellinsm! I''m a teacher as well and turning 32 at the end of this month! Before my DH and I started TTCing, I tried to chart and use OPK''s, so you are definitely doing a good thing! It will potentially save you some time as you get to know your cycle and which days you ovulate. I purchased the year package with fertilityfriend. It wasn''t that expensive and I''m not using it now (I am not ovulating on my own), but when I do, I''ll definitely chart temps and symptoms on it. You can write little notes about how you were feeling a certain day...almost like an online journal. It keeps everything in one place, but if you don''t think the cost is worth it, I''d keep records of any symptoms you are having on certain days (ovary pain, twinges, bloated, etc). You can also search for other charts similar to yours, but you might be able to do that on the free version. Not sure the differences, honestly!

LV -- YAY FOR AF!!!!!! I''m so glad she finally came for her visit. And so glad you feel great after accupunture. It''s so funny bc you hear so many people that swear by it, and others that say it''s phoney. I''m glad it has benefitted you, at least so far! Do you know where you can buy red raspberry leaf tea and goji berries? Like Whole Foods type places?

Noel -- I was going to ask the same question as many days past O are you?

Bella -- when are you testing?!? I can''t wait for you!!!

Fisher -- where the heck are you these days?
Hi Lanie - I got this tea at a nature food store. I really like the taste of this one in particular. I've also tried this one from Yogi teas, which I believe I got at Whole Foods. I did not like the taste as much, but that is just personal preference.

I have not added goji berries. I think you add them separately?? Maybe they sell them at whole foods? When I went to the nature food store, I think they had some teas that had goji berry in them, but none with raspberry leaf as well.

I believe lovelylulu took her tea with goji berries (during the month that she got her BFP!!). Maybe she'll see this and chime in as to whether she added them separately. Or maybe Gongjoo143 is around -- she was the first one to have mentioned the tea here.

I've also read about the tea alone being helpful, so wasn't too bothered for looking into the goji berry component.
Date: 3/5/2010 7:31:05 PM
Author: AllieLuv83
Hey girls just popping in to say we had our first ultrasound today. I thought I was 6 weeks 5 days based on my ovulation or 6 weeks 1 day based on my LMP. We saw the bean (looked like a little gummy bear) and heard/saw the heartbeat. The doctors office dated the pregnancy at 6 weeks 3 days which is possible since I thought that I ovulated a little late. The office ultrasound machine was awesome we got to see it all on the big screen! SO it makes it pretty real! Good luck to all you ladies! I can''t wait to see more of you on the preggo boards!
Allie: Thanks so much for sharing, that is SO very exicting. Congrats on the litte bean
. I wish you lots of sticky dust!

Wellinsm: I had written you a longer post, but it got eaten by the
. But, my advice was right in line with everyone else. It''s better to temp at the same time everyday, and once you get used to it, it won''t really bother you to wake up for literally a minute or two to temp. Either way though, you need to find what works for you. Good luck with the process!
Also, I did pay for the fertilityfriend for 6 months I think. I really like all the fun features that comes with the subscription. I think its cheap enough and being able to see that patterns over the last couple cycles is really helpful.

LV: I take a prenatal with DHA now. I don''t think you "have to" so much as its good too, pre-baby. But, I think as long as you are taking some kind of multi-vitamin, that is helpful to a soon-to-be LO. Also, CONGRATS on the new cycle. One step closer to starting the baby-making process

Bella: Welcome back! I want to hear all about your adventures in Espana

Brightlight: Welcome to the TTC hood. Once you get your TTC status/story up, I am happy to add my commentary or answer any questions. Either way, I hope your stay is short and sweet

Plantationcatt: Good luck on the BD''ing and baby making. I hope you are successful!

CatLuver: Welcome to the TTC thread.
. I am also in my third cycle post-BC, so I am right there with you
. Yeah on getting to the 2WW. I think you will find yourself in good company with Bliss and Noelwr. Good luck and lots of sticky dust!
As for the exercising, I agree with pp that as long as you don''t increase your intensity ie nothing your body isn''t used to, you should be ok. Once you are KU, you might have to scale back a bit, but right now, I don''t think it will have a huge effect.
Hey ladies!!!!

Thinking of you all.
Here's my update! 2nd cycle since the m/c is complete! Finally got AF!

So this was my first month of charting with temps and I must say, it really is cool! The first cycle was interesting because I did not know what to expect. Every day I didn't see a clear thermal shift, I worried that I would not ovulate. Every day that I did not see my temps go down, I worried that my cycle was crazy and I was a freak of nature.
But now that the cycle has come full circle, I must say that it is really neat and empowering despite the frustration of going day by day, point by point in order to see the big picture. Isn't it like life? Sigh!

I learned that I do ovulate (thank God) and that my luteal phase is 14-15 days. I could see when I thought I was ovulating (positive OPKs) but that was during a very stressful week of little sleep and travel. So then I could see the temps trying to turned out that my body said, "Hey, you know what? Let's ovulate when you're not as taxed." Sure enough, a few days later, a very clear thermal shift. That was the time I was so confused because I got a second positive OPK. Now looking at the complete chart, I can see why. From there, I can also confirm ovulation with a 15 day luteal phase this cycle, which was insanely long. 2nd cycle since the m/c is complete! Woohoo, on my way to normalcy - I hope! DH was out of town the week I ovulated! GAH! It was neat to see the temps fall and know AF was around the corner. Now I know I'll never be caught wearing pastels when she pops her head into my life! HA!!!!!!!
FF is my new AF GPS to see how close she is!

Anyway...It's just so cool to be a woman and see these things happen internally - things we don't even have to think about! Amazing!!! So I'm breaking out the CBFM today out of its shrink wrap! I hope it's not too complicated! I may be asking you ladies lots of dumb questions about it!

I have to say that the 2nd cycle after m/c is truly wonky. Firstly, ovulation was delayed. Secondly, I had no clear CF to mark ovulation like I usually do. Thirdly, I had *no* symptoms of PMS before AF. That really threw me off. Usually, I get the sore BBs, bloating and etc. Nothing! I wonder how many cycles it takes to get back to normal? Three? Four?


:-) Hi DC-unfortunately no Spain for me, IceKid is in Spain (I wish I was there though, so maybe that counts



Glad it all worked out and your cycle is complete. Crazy body.
but it is so nice tos tart to make sense of it all!!!

The reason you had no PMS is b/c is came over to see me for no reason at all yesterday...I turned into a total b@#$h out of the blue

. DH was not amused.

The nice things about these answer OPK strips is that I still have a few left so I have something to POAS while I wait for actually POAS

crazy I know!!! but it keeps me happy

Date: 3/8/2010 8:47:38 AM
Author: Lanie

LV -- YAY FOR AF!!!!!! I'm so glad she finally came for her visit. And so glad you feel great after accupunture. It's so funny bc you hear so many people that swear by it, and others that say it's phoney. I'm glad it has benefitted you, at least so far! Do you know where you can buy red raspberry leaf tea and goji berries? Like Whole Foods type places?
Lanie - I have to add -- I am amazed by the acupuncture right now. I have never not taken some form of ibuprofen on the first day of AF. NEVER. The pain starts with a light backache, but progresses to near doubling over pain. I have a VERY high pain tolerance, as in, I've had cavities filled with no novocaine, small cavities, but still. I had a spinal tap done once and told the doctor that I didn't feel a thing! So, I'm not exaggerating when I say I have HIGH tolerance for pain. The cramping and back pain associated with AF though, is a different story. I would typically take 600 mgs of ibuprofen over the course of one day to just erase the pain away so I didn't have to deal with it. Today, I feel NOTHING. I have not taken any ibuprofen and don't think I will need to. This is AMAZING to me.

Wellinsm - I also subscribed to Fertility Friend, for 6 mos total. I no longer chart, so I let the membership expire. The thing that I liked about it most was that you could ask questions on there forums about charting, and they have "experts" who will respond. There is a specific section in the forum for this. I also liked being able to see comparable charts and that sort of thing. The forums were very different than this forum though, in that there are a lot of new people who will ask one question, and then never come back. PS is so nice because we have a chance to get to know one another and support each other. We have a real sense of community here, which I for one, am very grateful for!!
WOW LV-That is pretty amazing re the accupuncture! I usaully get quite ill with nausea and diarrehea as well as sever cramps, but nothing that bad (and I have a normal pain tolerence, yours sounds like it''s through the roof!) I haven''t been as ill since I got married, not sure what that''s about.

The accupuncture sounds great, hope that it helps you get PG soon
Date: 3/8/2010 11:27:59 AM
Author: Loves Vintage

Date: 3/8/2010 8:47:38 AM
Author: Lanie

LV -- YAY FOR AF!!!!!! I''m so glad she finally came for her visit. And so glad you feel great after accupunture. It''s so funny bc you hear so many people that swear by it, and others that say it''s phoney. I''m glad it has benefitted you, at least so far! Do you know where you can buy red raspberry leaf tea and goji berries? Like Whole Foods type places?
Lanie - I have to add -- I am amazed by the acupuncture right now. I have never not taken some form of ibuprofen on the first day of AF. NEVER. The pain starts with a light backache, but progresses to near doubling over pain. I have a VERY high pain tolerance, as in, I''ve had cavities filled with no novocaine, small cavities, but still. I had a spinal tap done once and told the doctor that I didn''t feel a thing! So, I''m not exaggerating when I say I have HIGH tolerance for pain. The cramping and back pain associated with AF though, is a different story. I would typically take 600 mgs of ibuprofen over the course of one day to just erase the pain away so I didn''t have to deal with it. Today, I feel NOTHING. I have not taken any ibuprofen and don''t think I will need to. This is AMAZING to me.

Wellinsm - I also subscribed to Fertility Friend, for 6 mos total. I no longer chart, so I let the membership expire. The thing that I liked about it most was that you could ask questions on there forums about charting, and they have ''experts'' who will respond. There is a specific section in the forum for this. I also liked being able to see comparable charts and that sort of thing. The forums were very different than this forum though, in that there are a lot of new people who will ask one question, and then never come back. PS is so nice because we have a chance to get to know one another and support each other. We have a real sense of community here, which I for one, am very grateful for!!
I couldn''t agree more!
So...I just gave notice at my current job b/c I officially accepted the job offer. Is it crazy that I wore all my diamonds (earings, 5 stone, pendant, ering, wband and stacker) b/c being sparkly made me feel more confident

This means I have three more weeks of daytime PSign and then it will be limited to evenigns and weekends
Wow, things are moving fast in here. I just can''t keep up anymore! Welcome to DandiAndi, sweetlime, wellinsm, brightlight, plantationcatt, catluver, and anyone I missed!

Allie - That''s exciting about the US. You were charting, right? I''m curious what your chart looked like if you move O back a few days to line up with the US. It''s funny to think we put so much stock in our temps and we can still be off by a few days.

Bella - Congrats on the new job! That''s awesome. If I were you, I would wait until 10dpo to test just to save yourself the heartache. I''m crossing my fingers and toes for you!

LV & Lanie - I was just looking into red raspberry tea and I was reading mixed opinions on whether to drink it. I also read mixed opinions on green tea and all other herbal teas. Add everything else you shouldn''t drink to that list and I feel like I''m down to just water! I''m curious what you''ve read (good and bad) about the red raspberry or green teas. I love tea and I know I''ll have to cut down but I was hoping not to drop them all totally.

Noelwr - You''re in the TWW, right? I''m pulling for you! When do you test? We just booked a HAL cruise too. Nothing as cool as yours, just a one night from Vancouver to Seattle. We''re really lucky here because a lot of the cruiselines do one night repositioning cruises to/from Seattle in May and September so it''s a nice way to try a new cruiseline. From everything I''ve read about HAL they seem to be the perfect fit for us... I guess we''ll see!

Bliss - so happy AF decided to show and that you''re getting so much out of charting. I feel the same way and I get quite excited on CD1 every month because it means I have one more complete chart to add to my history. I''m a dork that way.

As for me I''m on CD3 today and this is our first month to (finally!!) start trying. I''m sick right now which sucks, but I''m hoping I can shake it in the next week so things can stay on schedule. I keep thinking with all of the vitamins I''m pumping into my body I should be able to fight this cold with flying colors! I also started taking a B-50 complex this cycle. I actually started for about a week last cycle but I got a strange headache one day and quit taking them because I got paranoid that it was the B that did it. It probably wasn''t, but I get a little crazy like that. So I''ve started taking them again this cycle and I''m hoping to extend my LP by a day or so. In a normal cycle I have a 10 day LP but I''ve had two cycles in the past year that were 8 days, so that scares me a bit. So, if this month isn''t our month I''ll at least be able to report back to everyone whether the B-50 helped give me another day.
I'm not sure, but I think I Oed either last Tues, Wed or Thurs. I don't temp, so for all I know, maybe I didn't O at all. but if I did, I think most likely on Wed, which puts me 5DPO (but could be 4 or 6). I want to take a HPT on Fri, 9DPO. I know this seems early, but last time I got pregnant, I also started my period on a Thursday and took the HPT 2 weeks later on the Fri and got a positive. obviously not every cycle is exactly the same, but I've just gotta test. and unlike Bella with all her patience, if it's negative I won't wait for 3 days til I retest... I'm just gonna test every damn day because I'm addicted to POAS! anyway, if I do get a positive this first month TTC after a m/c it will be nothing short of a miracle, but please still keep your fingers crossed for me.

I am drinking red raspberry tea (the fruit, not the leaves) at work, but I didn't know about its benefits. I decided just to treat my body like it's already pregnant and not drink green tea because it's undecided if it's good or bad. plus I drink a lot of green tea, like 12 cups per day! so now I drink caffeine-free fruit tea and hot water with lemon juice. if AF returns, then I'll go back to 2 weeks of green tea, alcohol, red meat, sushi, French cheese, etc.

Bliss - if like me you wonder if it's ok to insert a test stick and leave your CBFM in a dark room while you go do something else, the answer is yes. apparently after the internal timer hits 5 min, it shines a red light on the test stick so that it can read it. I had to learn that by staring at it the full 5 min. and regarding after how many cycles you'll get back to normal, there's no answer. maybe we won't and maybe there'll be a new normal (like in the past cycles of 28 days and now cycles of 30 days).

Kunzite - fellow HAL cruiser! how are you going to get from Seattle back to Vancouver (or are you not from there)? if you have a short LP, does that mean you also have shorter than average cycles?

Bells - I am also trying not to PS when at the office. so I usually log on in the morning while I eat my cornflakes and when I come home from work.
Kunzite - I''m a little concerned about my earlier recommendation for raspberry leaf tea, now that you mention it. I just read that it can cause an increase in estrogen. I had not done much research on it, so I''ll withdraw my earlier recommendation, though I will still take it on an occasional basis myself. I actually have had lower estrogen after ovulation, so the fact that I had been drinking it, didn''t seem to increase my estrogen level. I did not drink a lot of it. Really, just occasionally, and no more than one tea per day. I would not take it during pregnancy, though there are plenty of people who do seem to recommend just that.

I am a coffee drinker. I love the stuff, but never really enjoyed tea as much, so I haven''t researched the green tea at all, though I do know there are conflicting reports.

My favorite drink of the moment, if you are looking for something other than just water is a little natural cranberry juice with seltzer. Mmmmm.
Noelwr, I also thought about drinking the fruit tea (love fruit tea) but I wasn''t sure if it had the same benifits. I guess it doesn''t hurt either! I found a raspberry with goji berries from the Republic of Tea, but it''s a green tea, boo! I''ll keep looking.

We''re taking the train to Vancouver. We had a buy one get one free coupon so it was only $26 - score! We''ll stay the night in Vancouver and then have the cruise. We still haven''t figured out how we''re getting home from the cruise terminal though. It''s in an out of the way area of Seattle so it''s not the easiest on transit. We''ll get home somehow!

I have a slightly short cycle (26 days) and a slightly late O (cd 16), so combine the two and it''s a bit unsettling. On top of that I have a few days of spotting before AF which is really the part that scares me since it usually starts at 8/9 dpo. I think B is supposed to help with spotting too. I hope so!
LV, that''s what I had read too. Good idea to stick to juice. I don''t know why I hadn''t thought of that. Maybe the part I''m most worried about is that most people are going to pick up on my radical change in drink choice at work. Starbucks is a daily routine for us so I''m not sure how to deal with that. Not a lot of choices that are okay at the bucks! Maybe I''ll try the money saving line... that always works!
Date: 3/8/2010 1:40:11 PM
Author: Kunzite
LV, that''s what I had read too. Good idea to stick to juice. I don''t know why I hadn''t thought of that. Maybe the part I''m most worried about is that most people are going to pick up on my radical change in drink choice at work. Starbucks is a daily routine for us so I''m not sure how to deal with that. Not a lot of choices that are okay at the bucks! Maybe I''ll try the money saving line... that always works!
Mmm, Starbucks! Would a decaf chai latte work? Actually, after I just wrote that, I don''t think they have decaf chai there. Do they make any other tea lattes there? Would be a nice way to get some extra calcium in too. I''ve been really loading up on the caffeine lately, but will return back to just one cup a day now that my new cycle started.
Lovely ladies, thanks for the welcome and the info re: exercise…I will try to keep doing it, but not too crazy intense.

 Kunzite, LV, Lanie, noelwr - I am a big green tea drinker, it’s all I drink besides water and the occasional black tea. For what it’s worth, I asked my physician hubby (though not my OB, because I’m switching and haven’t seen her yet) about the green tea - folic acid issue.  I found the actual study in “Cancer Research” online and had him read it.  He thinks that any effect would be minimal, and even then, only when you drink green tea in conjunction with taking your vitamin. So I’m avoiding drinking green tea after I get home from work, since I take my vitamin before bed. I’m still drinking it during the daytime, but not too much.  I need to look up the caffeine content because that’s the other thing to worry about. Re: decaf (tea or coffee), I read that they can be decaffeinated using chemicals, so I try to stay away from those.  I need to find some other non-caffeinated teas to drink because I love tea.

 noelwr - I like your approach of first 2 weeks indulgence in “forbidden” foods! Mmmm to almost everything on your list (I’m allergic to alcohol).

 If this 2WW does not produce, I will be stocking up on supplies - thermometer and OPK sticks! Bring it on!!! (In case you can’t tell, I’m type A who is used to being in control of everything…and this is the one area where you can’t!) By the way…before I was ready to TTC (I was, and still am, terrified of all the things that happen while pregnant, giving birth, not to mention raising a baby/child), I thought that charting and all of this planning was a little nuts…but once I decided it was time and I was ready, it’s like a flip switched instantly and it can’t happen soon enough and I am all for going all out with the charting!  Next month will still be somewhat experimental as hubby is not used to um, performing, nearly as often as 3-4 days in a row + possibly more!
Also, if any of the ladies at the start of this thread are still lurking, I want to thank them (esp Dreamer and Amber) for all the knowledge and products of obsessing (in a good way!) that are there - went through 150 pgs over the last few days - whew! I don''t have any friends who are TTC so this thread is awesome.
Catluver, thanks for the info. That''s interesting what your DH said about the effects when taken with your vitamin. I also take my vitamins at night and only drink tea in the mornings. Very interesting indeed, I''ll have to mull that over. The March of Dimes says not to have more than 200mg of caffeine so green tea is well below that range (for one cup). The Goji Raspberry Green Tea that I mentioned earlier only has 50mg. I also don''t plan to drink anything decaf because of the process used to remove the caffeine. That''s why I had been thinking about naturally caffeine free herbal teas.

Hmmmmm more to ponder

Welcome and good luck to all the new ladies.

Wellinsm - I agree with what everyone else said re temping but would add one other thing, and apologies if this sounds really obvious, but make sure you read the instructions for where in your mouth to put the thermometer because it may make a difference to your temps. I just realised recently after someone else mentioned it (Bliss I think) that in my drowsy state of temping some days I was putting the thermometer under my tongue rather than just inside my mouth and for me it made a reasonable difference in my temps. I think I now know why I had a few random spikes along the way!

Bliss - congrats on starting a new cycle and good luck to you and DH with the TTC. I will have my fingers crossed for you. I know ho you feel about wonky cylces - my second cycle post M/C was relatively normal (O'd on CD 15, 30 day cycle) but I think this cycle might be a wonky one- am on CD14 and no positive OPK yet, while last time I had a positive on CD13, and CF is all over the place. DH is loving it because he's getting lots of BD but I really want things to just hurry along so we will be in the 2WW. I have never been a very patient person.

Noelwr - fingers crossed for your 2WW. I really hope there is some positive news for you soon. Like you, if we are lucky enough to get PG this month, we will be away in the Caribbean when we should be having the first ultrasound done. Since I also think we will be incredibly lucky if this happens, I am not too worreid about it and figure that any testing will just have to wait. I hope it all works out okay for you.

LV - I hear you on the caffeine front! I've just cut back now that we are TTC again and it's all I can think about some afternoons! Hopefully that will dissipate with time.

Best wishes to Bella and the others who are in their 2WW. Can't wait to hear the POAS stories.
Date: 3/8/2010 12:35:09 PM
Author: Kunzite
Wow, things are moving fast in here. I just can''t keep up anymore! Welcome to DandiAndi, sweetlime, wellinsm, brightlight, plantationcatt, catluver, and anyone I missed!

Allie - That''s exciting about the US. You were charting, right? I''m curious what your chart looked like if you move O back a few days to line up with the US. It''s funny to think we put so much stock in our temps and we can still be off by a few days.

As for me I''m on CD3 today and this is our first month to (finally!!) start trying. I''m sick right now which sucks, but I''m hoping I can shake it in the next week so things can stay on schedule. I keep thinking with all of the vitamins I''m pumping into my body I should be able to fight this cold with flying colors! I also started taking a B-50 complex this cycle. I actually started for about a week last cycle but I got a strange headache one day and quit taking them because I got paranoid that it was the B that did it. It probably wasn''t, but I get a little crazy like that. So I''ve started taking them again this cycle and I''m hoping to extend my LP by a day or so. In a normal cycle I have a 10 day LP but I''ve had two cycles in the past year that were 8 days, so that scares me a bit. So, if this month isn''t our month I''ll at least be able to report back to everyone whether the B-50 helped give me another day.

Here is a link to my chart chartlink. I felt ovulation pains on the day on CD10, I had two positive OPT''s CD9 and CD10 and then a negative on CD11. When I saw the temp shift on CD11 I knew this was it but then the fall back and another even higher temp on CD13 made me think that it didn''t happened until CD13 (I even thought we missed our shot for the month). I got a BFP on CD21 so I think I implanted really early making it 8DPO.

Good luck on your first cycle of officially trying :) :) :) :). These past few weeks have been the HARDEST in terms of waiting...first waiting for O, then the TWW, then waiting to make sure everything is OK! I am finally able to breathe a sigh of relief!!! :)
Just checked my BBT thermometer and it says to place it under your tongue towards the back by your teeth... has a nice little graphic to go along with the instructions. So some thermometers might have different instructions, just check the one you buy. I have the accu-beep BD one - works well for me.

I drink the red raspberry leaf tea (the same brand LV posted about)... about 3 cups day. The box recommends 3 to 4 between meals. I haven''t noticed much of a change, but my provera induced period was a little heavier this time (3 days instead of 1.5) so that seemed like an improvement. I''ll read more about it - hadn''t read too many of the risks, but there do seem to be some positive benefits.

LV - happy to hear that your are into a new cycle... must be a big relief. Your accupuncture experience is making me a believer. Glad it is working so well for you.

Bella - CONGRATS on the job. Fingers crossed for multiple things to celebrate in March.

Bliss - very glad AF decided to make an appearance... now you can play with all your toys :) Enjoy.

Lanie - glad you have your new plan set... what CD are you on?

Welcome to all the new ladies... hope your stays are short.


CD9 for me... finished Clomid on CD8. Had my first CBEFM High this morning. Fingers crossed for ovulation in the next week or two.
RyanClaire -- is this the same period that you had to take Provera twice for? (I think that was you). Or was that another cycle? I''ll have to try the you like it? I like certain teas, more of the fruity ones. Nothing black or green. I''m waiting on AF...4th pill of Provera last night, 4 more to go. I''m scared that I might have ovulated late on Clomid, but I stopped doing the CBEFM. I''m just down in the dumps this cycle and considered it a wash after my appointment with my RE. I figured if the follicles weren''t there on CD12 or CD15, then they weren''t ever going to be there. But now I''m reading about super late ovulation on Clomid, so who knows...any side effects from Clomid yet?

geri -- where are you in your cycle these days? Good to see you again!
Hola ladies, I am back from Spain! Now catching up on the news; I''ve missed my TTC girls

and still insanely annoyed with my body
Thought I got AF right before leaving, but had very little bleeding for 5 days in a row, then stopped. I mean, maybe 1/10 of my normal flow. Is this AF? I have no idea and have never had this before. I do recall this happening to (I think??) inhisarms, a cycle or two ago as well. Bizarre. We did get in some quality BD time, mostly for fun
but it can''t hurt anyway.

Lanie- Sorry to hear about the darn clomid. I really hoped it would be that simple. Frustrating, no doubt. Hang in there, girlie. Let''s go Femara
And kick your DH in the butt, while a Christmas kiddo might not be IDEAL, once he/she arrives the date is not going to matter in the least!

Bella- Congrats congrats congrats on the new job, my friend. You are going to be a rockstar mama! HAHA re: no more daytime PS though. I guess it is worth the sacrafice. Hope your TWW is speeding along and I am crossing everything for you.

Allie- I am sooooooo glad to hear that everything is progressing well. Seeing the little bean and hearing the heartbeat must be such an amazing feeling

LV- So sorry to hear about your precious kitty! How cool about the accupuncture. It sounds pretty darn cool. Hope it gets you knocked up too!

CatLuver- Welcome to TTC land! Hope your stay is short. IMO, continuing your current exercise routine while TTC is great (and I do.) But cutting back while preggo to some extent might be advised. And love that you''re another crazy type A TTCer; seems like we are pretty darn common around here.

Bliss- One of the few times that I will say HOORAY for AF!! What an interesting/educational cycle between the OPKs and temping. Keep us updated on the CBFM! I am still debating it. Did DH pee on any sticks for you??

Noelwr- Go TWW!

Kunzite- Glad to hear that you are officially trying now. So exciting (and weird, too) isn''t it?!
Icekid -- I''m glad you liked Spain! That''s easily my favorite country in the world. Such a difference in "time" there...everything is so easy going and so social. I love it!
That''s weird about AF...did it come earlier than usual? No answers from me, but I had a similar situation when I was having my periods every 20-22 days (about 3 cycles of that). My doctor told me it was likely that my progesterone was high and so my uterus needed to expell some of it out? Gross, I know, and that was just what he told me...not necessarily same in your situation. I think that''s what he said anyway...actually now that I read this, I am of no help, so sorry!
Date: 3/8/2010 11:16:28 AM
Author: Bella_mezzo

:-) Hi DC-unfortunately no Spain for me, IceKid is in Spain (I wish I was there though, so maybe that counts


Bella: Sorry for the mix up, I am a bonehead sometimes
/ But, another congrats on the job and giving notice to your current job. So exciting!

Icekid: Welcome back! Please do tell us all about your adventures in Espana

Bliss: Congrats on getting AF, I hope you can get down to the BD process now

Btw, do you have a prediction for this month? I think we have 3 ladies in the 2WW right now (Bella, Noelwr and CatLuver). How did we finish for last month? I think it was 4 in Feb?

Kunzite: Good luck in your first official TTC cycle! Lots of dust for you

CatLuver: Good luck with your 2WW. As to the temping and all the other charting, etc., I think you will soon see that most of us are just as Type A as you

Ryan Claire: Fingers crossed for you
. I hope that you have some eggs popping out in the next week or two.

Noelwr: How is the TWW coming? I hope we get to hear some good news later in the week.
geri - are you married now?!? is the Caribbean your honeymoon trip? even though we just started TTC again, the Caribbean will be a nice break from it all. DH says I'm not allowed to bring the CBFM with on vacation as we don't need the added stress.
if I'm not pregnant and have a normal 26 to 28-day cycle, I will most likely have Oed right before we leave, so it doesn't matter anyway. plus I wouldn't know what to do about the time difference. I totally hear ya on the DH-loving-BD, but I think mine is still recuperating from last week as he hasn't come back for more!
haha, poor guy. he really outdid himself last week. anyway, hope you start your 2WW soon!

Catluver - when are you going to test? or will you wait to see if your period arrives first? by the way, please don't think I'm an alcoholic. I actually hardly ever drink, but once in a blue moon I do enjoy a margarita, champagne or a rosé.
Hi Lanie! Yay for FF! I hope you don''t need it anymore soon. Are you not temping because you feel like the meds will not show you a thermal shift? There are lots of ladies on there who do not ovulate on their own but they still have beautiful charts with temps. It''s frustrating to temp sometimes because you only get 1 data point per day. But having done one cycle, I am hooked!

Loves Vintage, goji berries are yummy! They are an acquired taste. DH made a face when I fed him some. Ha ha!

dcgator - HMMMM! Predictions for March???? HMMM! I will say...3! Thinking of you! How have you been?

Bella! Dust to you!!! Congrats again on the job! Hope you''re having a good week!

Kunzite! Woohoo for your first month of TTC! Hope you are a jerkstore! Sorry you''re feeling sick, though!

noelwr - YAY for your 2WW! POAS is addictive, I agree!!! You should get those cheapies from - you can get 50 early detection tests for $11! POAS at will! LOL - all this talk of delicious tea is making me crave some! I''m going to pop up and make some in a few minutes! Thanks for the CMFM advice! I set it today as CD1. For some reason, the instructions said to mark CD1 the morning after your period starts. Weird, right? I''m excited. I have 60 sticks so I won''t run out... Hahaha.

Hi CatLuver!!! Good luck on your 2WW! You know, it''s so funny because I never considered myself Type A until we TTC! Hope this is the month you get KTFU! If not, no worries. We''ll make you a shopping list! I echo your thanks to Dreamer, Amber and Kaleigh...along with everyone else who contributed to this thread.

geri, HELLO! Yes, I didn''t listen initially to my BBT thermometer and that''s why my temps initially were so low and flat. Mine came with a drawing showing me where to put it - near either one of the heat pockets in the back of your mouth. It''s on either side, under the tongue near the teeth waaaay in the back. That soft spot? Heat pocket! Hot pockets! Hahaha. Now I have that darn commercial jingle in my head!!! There, it will be very sensitive to little fluctuations. I had flat temps for a while (I was taking temps under the most muscular part of my tongue) and so it wasn''t picking up the changes until I read the instructions again.

ALLIE!!!!! YAY FOR YOUR APPOINTMENT AND THE STICKY BEAN!!!!! You are an angel to pop in here from time to time to cheer us on! HUGS

Ryan Claire! DUST for ovulation!!!! DUST DUST DUST! How exciting that your CBFM is showing you a HIGH! Wooooohooo!

icekid, WELCOME BACK! Sorry about the weird AF. Isn''t it weird that we once bemoaned AF when she was heavy? I used to think it was the worst thing. Now, I''m like...Is that all you''ve got for me, AF? LOL!!! Yesterday when she came, I was all stressed because there was only spotting. It got heavier in the evening but she had me all stressed out earlier, thinking I would never have a normal cycle again! Ha on the CBFM! I''m still trying to figure out how to get DH to pee on tests, too! Maybe I''ll tell him he has to pee on "tests" that are actually q-tips until the cotton turns blue. LOL!

So I fired up the CBFM today. That little gadget is the coolest! I would never have known about it if not for you ladies. (hugs) It is so cute! And smart! So you fire it up and set it during your period and it tracks your cycle days. When you wake up, you turn it on and sometimes it asks you to take a test. You''re supposed to use FMU, which makes it pretty easy.

I also got all of my other goodies from Amazon, like Preseed! But looking at the ingredients, I noticed parabens! GAH. So I got all disappointed, thinking that I would not want to apply parabens internally onto my cervix! Anyway, I did more research and was happy that the product actually addresses paraben concerns on its website so that made me feel better.

Had a good cry yesterday out of nowhere! I think it was hearing my mom''s voice and maybe emotions from AF. Sometimes I wonder if I need to wait to TTC because I''m still a little sad about the m/c here and there. My mom told me to get some Chinese herbs to help pregnancy because all of her friends'' daughters did and immediately got pregnant. But I already have my arsenal of CBFM and Preseed for this month...and it''s only our 3rd cycle since the m/c. Shouldn''t I at least wait to actually try and give it a shot on my own before trying the herbs? I feel like it''ll stress me out more. We didn''t try our first cycle and then we wanted to try the second but then DH was out of town when I ovulated (gah) so I want to at least try once or twice on our own before trying the herbs. I want to "save" the herbs until I feel we need the help! Don''t know if that makes sense.
It''s my secret weapon if things get tough!

HUGS TO ALL and dust for the ladies in the 2WW! Thinking about all of you!!!

dcgator - we’re off-BC-cycle twins

I’m glad to be in good Type A company here! Did you just start trying?

Bliss - glad you’re having success with charting and good luck with this new cycle! Thanks for the offers to help with a shopping list. I have to by a BBT and some OPKs, and I was going to just pick them up at Walgreens. I got some Pre-Seed from Amazon too (question below). Parabens...hmm…off to read. BTW I think you are so funny!

Kunzite - yeah, decaf scares me off too - although it’s a good idea in theory. This was your first cycle trying too? Have fun on your cruise - I went on one up there and it’s so beautiful, I just love that area.

icekid - hello! Jealous about your Spain trip. We probably won’t take a big trip for a loooong time since we went to Italy last fall, and aren’t planning any while TTC, and taking real trips while preg or with young kids is very unlikely.

LV - Sooooo sorry about your kitty

I know it doesn’t make things feel better, but he has had a long and loved life. I lost my childhood kitty of 17 years a couple years ago and I know how you feel.

noelwr - when are you due to test? good luck! I don’t think you’re an alcoholic at all!! I just can’t have any myself so I can’t experience its benefits (unlike cheese and sushi!). Props to your DH for performing well!

I still have one more week until AF is expected (today is I think 8DPO), and I’m not going to test because I don’t have much hope for this cycle - we only DTD at O-3 (with reaaaaaally old sperm, so old I’m too embarrassed to tell you…it was supposed to be a “clearing the pipes” session but I think I O’d 2 days earlier than expected) and O, and based only on dates and CM, no OPKs or temping, and right now I feel totally normal physically.

I’m also interested in whether Bill & Guiliana are pregnant, I think they reveal it on the next episode which is the season finale. My vote is “yes” because I saw a picture of her in her Oscar dress and it looks plausible.

Re: cats, does anyone else feel bad about what will happen to them if you get preg or am I just crazy obsessed? (I am.) As you might be able to tell, I am a HUGE cat lover - and I am already feeling bad for our 3 because I know what usually happens to pets when babies come (even just them getting less attention makes me sad). DH has been “teasing” about putting them outside if our kids have allergies (he has pretty bad ones and takes meds but still has problems), and that makes me mad. He loves them too, just not as much as I do! And I’m lucky that I don’t have any allergies. But I would never let anything happen to them!

Re: Preseed - is it supposed to enhance your chances when you already have EWCM, or is it more to assist when you need some help (for example O+1 if you have no EWCM but want to DTD for good measure)?