
The Official TTC Thread!

Date: 3/14/2010 8:26:14 AM
Author: noelwr
another BFN for me this morning. pretty sure it didn''t happen this cycle. not going to bother to POAS tomorrow either.

Po - I also think you must have Od but CBFM missed your Peak.

Bliss - great pics! lmao. they look like twins! by the way, and you probably already know this, the estrogen line will get lighter when your estrogen levels increase, while the LH line will get darker when LH increases. also, after you get a Peak, by default Eva will give you a 2nd day Peak followed by a High, even though you might actually be at Low again. I think that''s just in case you O late. but really all the test sticks after the 1st Peak are a waste, in my opinion. haha, I act like I''ve been using it for years!

brightlight - we''ll just be happy to get pregnant, so we''re not doing any gender selection methods. let us know if it works for you, though.

split_shank - sorry, hon! that sounds frustrating.

Bells - do you ever use a heating pad to help relieve the cramps? I love those things. I use them when I go to sleep. helps keep me warm during the winter night.

geri - it''s a Lexus RX300. I''ve always wanted a Lexus SUV, so my dream might come true! it''s 2nd hand, of course, because those things start at EUR 80k new here! cars are extremely expensive in Holland due to taxes.
We''re not trying any of the gender selection methods either. Since this will be our first baby, we don''t really have a preference for a boy or girl. We just really want to get knocked up and have a healthy baby. I was just curious about this. If you start out with a 50/50 chance for either gender, how effective can the methods be?

Thanks for the good vibes everyone. You ladies are so good about keeping track of everyone''s posts. I had to start a word doc that I''ve yet to finish!

I''m trying not to get my hopes up too high. I have to keep myself from reading too much into what goes on with my body -- like if I''m hungry and have a hunger pain turning it into, "Oh is the egg implanting?"

Lots of baby dust to you all!
yay for the sperm show...ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha

my DH is in seventh heaven, all the Star Wars movies were on this weekend and now the sperm show

Plus, I think I need more iron or something, b/c after 16 years of being a vegetarian/occasional pescetarian today I was like "mmm...I want some meat?!??!?!?!?!?!?" I haven''t eaten any yet, but am thinking about it.

Dh was like,"I think you''re pregnant
" I was like, "um, I am on AF". he''s like, "I know, it''s a miracle

I''m so not, but maybe I do need more iron...

Here''s to March Madness!!!! bring it ladies
Super quick since I''m on my phone but also wanted to advertise Giuliana and bill is new tonight and I think it''s the one where we find out the results of their IUI! Same time as the sperm show so we are DVRing both! Hadn''t heard of the sperm show so thanks whoever mentioned it!

HOU--yay for TTCing again! I''m due for provera induced AF in a couple of days so you shouldn''t be far behind me! So glad you are back!!!

Bella-I hope my comment about AF coming wasn''t crass. I think I was shocked and typed it out and hit submit before realizing it wasn''t all that cool. So apologies if you were even remotely put off.

More later!!!!
Oh! And we are actively TTC this cycle even tho my due date would be mid December. I misunderstood DH earlier and he agrees that we don''t have the luxury of planning anything these days. So relieved! He originally said he didn''t want a Christmas baby bc his bday is so close and he would hate to do that to our little one. But he is on board with TTC this cycle assuming I ovulate on femara! Gosh I hope I do!!!
CD 28.5....AF still a no show. If she's gonna wait to freeload on our vacay, she might as well stay away one more day, then at least I can make my bikini wax appt tomorrow night.
The hopes are starting to rise...
HMG- We're going to Jamaica. My fav place!
Sperm show was great, DH loved it too!!!!

Lanie-No worries, I didn''t notice and am completely unphased. I have a very thick skin when it comes to TTC so far

Christmas is not really the birthday time we would have chosen, but we''d be DELIGHTED to have a Christmas baby too at this point

Splitshank-finger''s crossed!!!
The sperm show was pretty good...
DH was cracking me up the whole time, saying things like, "DAMN!! Your body is like a booby-trapped minefield!!" and "Make sure your ladders are down for me next month". I told him to make sure his sperm weren''t old, but young and athletic enough to be able to avoid my homicidal scary looking white cells! haha

SS... have fun in Jamaica!

My bro''s b-day is Christmas, and he HATES it, but we would also be delighted for a Christmas baby, too.
Haha sperm show was good. Made us giggle a bunch but hopefully my DH learned from it and how much of a miracle it all is! And that''s just the first half! There''s still nine months to go. Bill and giuliana was good too...
We had the sperm show, Giuliana and Bill, and 16 and Pregnant recording at the same time. I had to ask DH, "Do you want to watch the show about babies, the one about babies, or the other one about babies?" Yikes! And now apparently we''re referring to my V as New Zealand because it looks a lot like LOTR! Oh, and Lynnie now the preseed is called ladders.
Hi Ladies,

I hope you all had a nice weekend. DH and I watched "Sizing Up Sperm" and we thought it was interesting. Not amazing, but definitely a different way to put the whole fertilization process into perspective. It also gave DH a better handle on the idea that it is not as easy as he thinks it is to get KU, even if his swimmers are champs, lol.

Noelwr: Thanks for putting the CD list together. It''s really helpful to see where everyone is in their cycles. I am sorry about the no-go this month, but now you can focus on March Madness later this month! I hope things work out with the car. I LOVE that car, and almost got one last year. But, my DH and I decided to be more practical and opted for a Honda-CRV. No complaints though, its a great car too.

Icekid: Before you go back to work, you must share all the details on your Espana trip. Did you have a blast or what? And yes, the weather really sucked here this weekend, but we did get some nice BD time

Brightlight: Welcome back. It sounds like you have been really busy this past couple weeks, hehe. As for gender selection, from what I have read, nothing is really proven to work, although certain people swear by one method or the other. I think that the whole female sperm being able to live longer lends it self to getting a girl on the earlier bedding during O phase, but I don''t know if that''s proven either. I can''t say we are trying any particular method, but I wouldn''t mind a girl first either

Bliss: OMG, I love the pics. Thanks for the visual. I
Walle, so I totally appreciate the reference and similarities with Eeee-va.

Split_Shank: Any news? Are you going to try to test before Wed, or just wait till then? Sorry AF is being indesicive, but maybe you can still indulge in your BD marathon on vacation. Good luck!

Geri: Good luck with the quasi 2WW. I am glad to have you back in the game

Houie: I can''t imagine having to work the PICU. I have 2 friends here who are neonatal nurses and I hear some of the stories. You are truely a strong and compassionate person to care for those little angels. Enjoy the next few quiet weeks and hopefully you can get some quality BD''ing in before the long nights begin.

Bella: Sorry AF was being a witch, but I am glad you are feeling better. Congrats on getting a new car. New or used, a new car is always fun! That is exciting about vaca too. CA should be very nice. Yeah for vaca BD''ing

Lynnie: Welcome back to you too. No fun about AF, but hopefullly you can get it one more quality BD''ing session before the end of March. As far as temping goes, if your schedule isn''t condusive, then I wouldn''t use it, esp if your other signs are pretty clear. Enjoy the coffee!

As for me, I am chugging along. Apparently, my body is not too keen on ovulating right now. I am on CD 15 and no sign of it yet. I got a positive OPK on CD 12 and CD 14 and negative OPK''s on CD 13 and CD 15. GRRRR.
No sign of a temp shift either. Boo. I don''t know what the deal is, but I do hope that I O this month...Charbie and RyanClaire: Any more luck for you guys, my cycle twins?
dc: since DH and i had a chit-chat about the the whole baby-making process, i haven''t been temping, therefore have NO idea what''s up down there. i think i felt some O pains this weekend, i had a constant stitch on my right side with some heaviness and cramping over there, which are usually my tell-tale signs. DH was in the mood
all weekend long! so we continued being quite careful (except for his ''daring'' moment last week) and if i DID O over the weekend, i guess technically i could be in the 2ww. i''m not keeping my fingers crossed, but i''m catching a MAJOR case of baby fever- must have something to do with the spring! we''re gonna keep to our little casual routine and see what happens!
Well, we tried to BD every other day until each day of the 10th, 11th and 12th of my supposed ovulation day of the 12th...and then I had to go out of town for continuing ed and will not be able to BD until tonight. Does it help my odds that we did the deed late on the 12th? Hm. And who knows, I could be ovulating a couple days late anyways, I seemed to have a little EWCM this morning...

thoughts? Sorry I''m the lame one that''s not charting.
split_shank - here's a tip from your friendly local POAS-addict:
Pee On A Stick already, woman!

I'm getting antsy over here. I wanna see March's first BFP!

plantationcatt - sperm can live inside you for several days (they say 3-5) so even if you Od late, there's a chance. you can also have EWCM after you O because sometimes it takes a while to work itself down and might be remnants from a few days ago.

Bells - I actually went to college in Manhattan for 4.5 yrs so I know what you mean about not wanting to park your most beautiful car on the street.

oh yah... and I didn't POAS this morning. I think I can go cold turkey during my vacation in April.
Split Shank--yes, POAS already

Plantation Cat-welcome to the 2ww, you can always BD one more time, but really at this point you mostly just have to wait (which sucks sometimes:-)
Noelwr-Way to go on resisting the urge to POAS

I think March is going to be a great month for us all

and I think you can totally go cold turkey in April!!!

After popping in and out over the past few months, I wanted to officially join you ladies! This is my first month using CBFM, and I''m loving it! We have been actively TTC for a while, but my cycles are absolutely unpredictable - so the monitor is amazing!

My average cycle day is 38 - and over the past year, cycles have ranged from 27 days to 64 days. I was checked by my OBGYN - hormone levels are basically fine, and pelvic u/s turned up no abnormalities, so (as far as I know) it''s just a matter of trying to figure out when O occurs. I never really got into temping, and OPKs were costing a fortune with some unreliable results.

My last cycle was 46 days (and the one immediately prior was 30) so I wasn''t sure what to expect for this cycle. CBFM started asking me to test on CD 6 - I had 2 Low readings on CD 6 & 7, followed by Highs on CD 8-13, then the marvelous PEAK on CD 14-15! I was pretty shocked to get a Peak on my first try - and that it occurred so early in my cycle. Fortunately, we BD the evening of CD 13, then again on my Peak days. Since this is the first cycle when I actually had some control over the process, I''m just giddy at the possibilities!!

One question I have regarding FF: since I am not temping and I rarely produce EWCM, I just entered my CBFM results. I also selected the "override" option so that it generates my chart based on the CBFM readings rather than my nonexistent temping. But I have to select a date - should I select the date that I first reached "Peak" (i.e., CD 14)? If I enter that, it shows that I O''d in the middle of CD 14. Is that correct?

I would share my chart, but I''m not sure how to do that here!

Thanks in advance
PS - I have no idea why it''s showing me as "Anonymous"! I am currently logged in. Any suggestions for how to fix it to show under my name/profile will be much appreciated - so sorry for the annoyance!
Hey everyone!

It''s been a while since I chimed in. We broke down and headed to a fertility specialist after the sixth cycle of trying without success. The doc put me on Femara for 5 days and then we are having our first IUI on Wed. I''m kinda nervous, as the HSG test did not go well- He said I have cervical stenosis (a very narrow cervix) which could be why we are having problems. He could not get the catheter up to do the HSG due to my narrow cervix, so we will see how this all goes Wed.

Also, not sure if I should take the day off work Wed... Has anyone else had IUI and headed right back to work?

Babydust to everyone! Wish me some as well!
Hi marym,

I can answer some of your questions, but have some of my own too!

Who performed your HSG? The same doctor who will perform your IUI, or a technician? It could have been technical difficulties on the part of the person who performed the HSG. When I had my first IUI, the first nurse COULD NOT get the catheter in. I had previously had an HSG and Sono-HSG with no problems getting the catheter in. During the IUI, the first nurse called in another nurse, and again, she was able to get it in no problem. They said that sometimes one person will have difficulties while the other will not.

Regarding the IUI itself, I went to work after mine, and was fine. Everyone is different. If you feel like you might want to take it easy that day, then take the day off if it''s easy enough to do so.

Do you know if your office has a policy on lying down after the IUI? My office suggests 10 minutes, but I politely ask for 20. Here''s an article:

Have you had an ultrasound? Do you know how many follicles you have? Will you have a trigger shot to trigger ovulation?

Good Luck on WEDNESDAY!! I am not sure when mine will be scheduled, but I will be having an IUI soon, maybe Friday and Saturday or maybe Saturday and Monday? My office does back-to-back IUIs, before and after ovulation, though I have read there is no increased chance of success by doing so.
Date: 3/15/2010 4:27:30 PM
Anonymous Wrote:

After popping in and out over the past few months, I wanted to officially join you ladies! This is my first month using CBFM, and I''m loving it! We have been actively TTC for a while, but my cycles are absolutely unpredictable - so the monitor is amazing!

My average cycle day is 38 - and over the past year, cycles have ranged from 27 days to 64 days. I was checked by my OBGYN - hormone levels are basically fine, and pelvic u/s turned up no abnormalities, so (as far as I know) it''s just a matter of trying to figure out when O occurs. I never really got into temping, and OPKs were costing a fortune with some unreliable results.

My last cycle was 46 days (and the one immediately prior was 30) so I wasn''t sure what to expect for this cycle. CBFM started asking me to test on CD 6 - I had 2 Low readings on CD 6 & 7, followed by Highs on CD 8-13, then the marvelous PEAK on CD 14-15! I was pretty shocked to get a Peak on my first try - and that it occurred so early in my cycle. Fortunately, we BD the evening of CD 13, then again on my Peak days. Since this is the first cycle when I actually had some control over the process, I''m just giddy at the possibilities!!

One question I have regarding FF: since I am not temping and I rarely produce EWCM, I just entered my CBFM results. I also selected the ''override'' option so that it generates my chart based on the CBFM readings rather than my nonexistent temping. But I have to select a date - should I select the date that I first reached ''Peak'' (i.e., CD 14)? If I enter that, it shows that I O''d in the middle of CD 14. Is that correct?

I would share my chart, but I''m not sure how to do that here!

Thanks in advance
By the way, this was from me - hopefully it''s showing up under my account now!
Hi LV!

Thanks for your reply. To answer your question, yes- it is the same doctor that will be performing the IUI as the HSG. He is supposedly one of the very best in our area, so I guess I have to trust that he knows what he is doing. Hopefully all will go well.

All of my bloodwork checked out great, as did my DH''s SA, and the ultrasound showed two mature follicles with no sign of any endometriosis. So we are doing the IUI with the assumption that my tubes are open because they could not complete the HSG. He will try that again with that if I get AF around the first of April. I do my trigger shot tonight. Not really looking forward to stabbing myself with a needle, but I guess I better start getting used to unpleasant procedures if we are going to continue down this road.

I don''t know if they have you lie down for 10 min or longer, but I will definitely ask. I think I will try to go to work after depending on how I feel.

Good luck with yours as well. I am trying not to get my hopes up, as I have heard that the success rate with IUI is only 10-20%. I am preparing myself for "the big guns" or IVF if this fails after a couple of tries, as I just turned 39 and time is of the essence.
Hi Marym,

Yay for 2 follicles!!
Yes, I think you are right about trusting the doctor about the IUI. It is a great relief, to some extent anyway, to turn this over to a specialist. I'm sure if he is recommending IUI, he is confident he can perform the procedure. I just asked if it would be the same person because my HSG was performed at an outside x-ray type of place and because of my experience with the nurses at my IUI. I wouldn't worry about the HSG too much either because chances are you're clear.

I went into the office for my trigger shot last time, but I think my DH will do it at home this time.

My first IUI was successful, by the way, but unfortunately ended in a miscarriage. I know what you mean about not getting your hopes up. It is so hard not to, though. I hope this is all it takes for you, just a little boost to help you get your BFP!! You sound like you have a very healthy attitude, which helps a lot too.
Me again, CD 29.75, still nothing!!
So today I was pretty much occupied with the thought of "what if I am?" "am I nausous?" Or was it the questionable yogurt from the hospital cafeteria today? I seriously have no symptoms other than no AF and possible queasiness that I can''t put my finger on. I dont even know if MS can start this soon. Goes to show how much I know.
I think I may break down and POAS in the morning. I wanted to all day but thought maybe I''d have my best chance in the am of catching a 2nd stripe

I feel bad with my selfish posts all the time, but I don''t have much knowledge on all the great things you guys are doing and the hard work you are going through. All I can offer are ((hugs)) and lots of dust all around!!!!
yes split! Please POAS in the morning!!!
Ha, I''m just lurker on here and I''m begging split shank to just POAS already!!!
Bella - sorry about the bfn... glad you embraced the disappointment for a day or so and are ready for the next cycle.

Lanie - happy to hear DH is on board for trying...

Split shank - we are all living vicariously through you right now - hoping you test soon and you lead the charge for March.

Noelwr - thanks for the list, it''s helpful to know where people are in their cycles without having to scroll back so much.

Brightlight - no gender selection for us either... just trying to get KTFU. My parents did do it for my brother and it worked... Abstaining until O, coffee before the deed, etc. So I do think there is some validity (although I guess is was 50/50 either way).

HouMG - welcome back and congrats on hubby''s job- I think continuing on your TTC journey is very cathartic and I am glad you feel better emotionally. A few months ago my sister had a miscarriage (third IVF cycle) and she handled it like a champ, but then her husband decided he wanted to wait 6 months (or longer) before trying again and it all hit her like a ton of bricks. She thought they would try again as soon as her body was ready, and it allowed her to keep the loss in perspective and she felt as though it would happen for them... but to have to take an extended break really hit home the true loss of the miscarriage... I feel like she will also be more at peace when they try again... it''s such a rollercoaster... I give you all so much credit.

dcgator - cycle buddy - no O signs for me yet either. no positive opks... very little CM... but Highs for the last 6 days on the CBEFM... so I am hoping to see a peak one of these days. I hear Clomid can delay O so I am trying not to stress too much about it.

Plantationcatt - sounds like you have a good chance with that BD schedule and EWCM. Fingers crossed.

Krissie - Welcome officially. Wonky cycles are the worst - hope the CBEFM helps. Seeing Peak in your first cycle has to be a great sign. Not sure how FF works with no temps - sorry.

Marym - sorry about the fertility troubles but congrats on moving forward with a specialist... I hope the IUI is a smooth process. Please let us know!

LV - So sorry about the vision stuff - hope it hasn''t returned. I am happy to hear you are chugging along towards your IUI too. Even if back-to-back IUIs aren''t statistically more successful I think it goes a long way for piece of mind :)

CDNinNYC - thanks for the support!

Geri - Hope you are wrong about this month!

Po - sorry the monitor didn''t get to Peak for you... I can relate... it feels a little silly watching that blinking stick and staring that machine every morning hoping to see that third bar. The secret lives of women TTC.

Bring on the O...
No second stripe.
grrrr..... so sorry split shank. how are you feeling?
A little disappointed, but I knew it was a long shot. It really did feel different this time, but who knows how much I read into things. I guess since we weren''t offically trying last month I shouldn''t get too down about it. But it really sinks in how much you want it when you think you might be! Still no AF, I think i''m more frustrated about that since I can''t figure out a decent CD average for me right now and when I might O next. Cycles have been 26, 23, 30 and counting. I know the easy answer would to start tracking, but I might wait a little bit before I start temping or using OPK''s.

Things not to be sad about today (this is me talking to myself): Inspection on the new house today, leaving on a jet plane in 46 hours for paradise. I will enjoy an alcoholic beach drink for each and every one of you!! Thanks for all the great wishes and interest!
noelwr-good to know that EWCM can last a few days after. Good luck going cold turkey!

bella-we did BD one more time ;), and am now waiting.

Ryan Claire-Thanks for the well wishes!

Thanks a bunch and continued good luck to everyone!

split_shank-I''d like you to have sex on the beach on my behalf (the drink, silly, I can do the other one myself!)
Date: 3/16/2010 8:31:39 AM
Author: plantationcatt
noelwr-good to know that EWCM can last a few days after. Good luck going cold turkey!

bella-we did BD one more time ;), and am now waiting.

Ryan Claire-Thanks for the well wishes!

Thanks a bunch and continued good luck to everyone!

split_shank-I''d like you to have sex on the beach on my behalf (the drink, silly, I can do the other one myself!)

Haha! WILL DO!!