
The Official TTC Thread!

HI Noelwr!!!!!!! Welcome back, and congrats again! I am so excited for you!!! Glad you made it back safe and sound.

TTC here wasn''t great with the timing for this month, but we''ll see, and there''s always next month. AF just means CD1
That''s my new motto.

Keeping the faith, I just realized I forgot to say welcome before.

Micksa-sorry for all those evap lines, YIKES!

Same old same old here, nothing new to report physically, but DH is now adorable.

He''s having dreams about our future kids, complete with the names we like
and he''s been doing research b/c he asked me how many DPO I was yesterday
He''s so cute! but now, I really hope it happens for us soon
any clue where Bliss is? I''m getting nervous...last we heard she was waiting on AF...and if she''s lurking preggo...well, best wishes to you, Bliss!!!!

it''s been almost 3 weeks since she last posted!
I miss Bliss too!!!!

I heard from her about a week ago, she''s taking a break from PS due to a whole bunch of stuff going on but may be back in a while.
Date: 4/29/2010 12:11:59 PM
Author: Bella_mezzo
HI Noelwr!!!!!!! Welcome back, and congrats again! I am so excited for you!!! Glad you made it back safe and sound.

TTC here wasn''t great with the timing for this month, but we''ll see, and there''s always next month. AF just means CD1
That''s my new motto.

Keeping the faith, I just realized I forgot to say welcome before.

Micksa-sorry for all those evap lines, YIKES!

Same old same old here, nothing new to report physically, but DH is now adorable.

He''s having dreams about our future kids, complete with the names we like
and he''s been doing research b/c he asked me how many DPO I was yesterday
He''s so cute! but now, I really hope it happens for us soon
I love your posts...
Your DH knows more than me, I just learn what CD means, my next step is to lear about DPO
Well, my "friend" arrived yesterday
. So we will se this month. I''m very excited about TTC, I felt a bit bump yesterday, so I''m wondering for how many months did you guys were patients before start feeling anxious?

Hey ladies - it''s almost Friday... definitely looking forward to the weekend.

Lanie - glad you are popping back in here to say hi... I know you can related to not-ovulating and your progress gives me hope :) How are you feeling? How many weeks are you? Lots of sticky dust your way.

Husky, Houie, DCgator, Plantation, Krissie, gaby, Miscka - sooooooooo sorry about your BFNs... I can''t believe it really. I was really hoping that this month would finish as strong as it started. Hope you are getting excited about the new cycle.

Fisher- I always appreciate hearing your perspective on things. I am not the most laid back person either so letting go of control is tough but I recognize there is no other option. I think reframing this time period and looking at what we have to be grateful for is exactly what the doctor order... but sometimes you do just have tough moments. I had one last night and I feel grateful to have a husband and a mom who are good listeners and supporters.

DCgator - Sorry about the disappointing news. I am glad you enjoyed your run and getting away for the weekend.

Bensbride - welcome! Hope you enjoyed our belated honeymoon and that you won''t need to be on this board for long!

Plantation - temping can take some getting used to but it''s nice to have some info about your body to confirm or rule out other symptoms. But like all things, sometimes too much info just creates more anxiety. I think it''s worth a try though. Your pup is precious!

Houie - I can''t believe the symptoms you were having with the BFN... I guess it''s a word of warning not to put too much stock in those things, but you always hear women say they "knew" they were pregnant almost right way...

Charbie - sad to see you back here, but welcome back and big hugs. I am happy you got good news from your doctor re: the potential etopic. I hope you can enjoy the pause and regroup. Will be thinking of you.

Bella - A few months ago, my dh feel a lot of pressure to perform/make a baby and he did not ahem.. finish either. It was embarrassing for him, and hard for (me - did I put too much pressure on him?) but it did yield good conversation and I guess i just learned that I need to try to make sex during TTC less perfunctory and more fun. Still we are just not the type of couple that can have sex 7 days in a row... I think accepting that helps too. Everyone has thresh-holds. Hope you and Mr. Bell find your rhythm :) Sounds like he is a sweetheart.

Steal - I think I am going to clap, fist-pump, and jump up and down when I confirm ovulation! Embrace the excitement! Glad things are working for you.

KTFaith - welcome. I hope your post-BC cycles straighten themselves out quickly and you and your Dh can be on your BDing way. The process is fun and enjoyable, unfortunately for many it also can be anxiety producing and disappointing. So be prepared but enjoy all the excitement too.

Noel - Welcome back! What a trip. Very cute "reveal" story too. How are you feeling? You are always welcome here!


Just a general question - what are your average pre and post O temps?

Same old here. Anovulatory at CD60 and I feel bummed. Like I have been jipped out of 3 cycles. FF took away my cross hairs, which I knew it would but still stung a bit. I am going to acupuncture (appointment 6) and taking herbs (week 5), which I really enjoy. I said in my head that I would give myself 3 worry free months after starting acupuncture but that has not really worked. I am one month in and getting antsy. I guess I was secretly hoping that it would just take right away... I know after 9 years of BC hormones it''s gonna take some time. I just wish I knew how much, it''s been 8 months with no ovulation... so if I knew it would take 12 months I could just say fine August it is. Or whatever. Come on AF just get here already.

I do have a fantastic hubby and a fun vacation to Costa Rica planned... so a lot to be grateful for. And I am appreciative of this board because it is comforting to hear the stories of triump and sadness. You get to see proof that is happens and also know that you are not the only one dealing with disappointment in this process. And although I do have a sister in law who gets pregnant on command, many of my real life friends and family know what I am dealing with... my sister has had 3 failed IVFs (with a miscarriage) and my best friend just found out her 2nd IUI failed after 10 months of trying... and all you wonderful women who have had to return to this forum after a m/c... it all gives me some much needed perspective. So thanks :)

Oh Ryan-Your post just made me tear up at work

I love this board too. I never thought I''d have trouble getting PG (I come from a long line of fertile myrtles
) and I guess we aren''t really having "trouble" yet, we''re just so busy and tired that we never seem to time things right.
DH is, I think, feeling less pressured and it''s been good to talk through things. I''m really excited for him to start apnea treatment as I think that will make a world of difference as to how he feels and how awake he is.

You are all amazing ladies and I am privledged to go through the TTC journey with you, my TTC sisters. Hopefully soon we''ll all be PG sisters, and then newborn mama sisters, but for now I am content with being a TTC sister!

welcome Gabby-I feel bummed too sometimes, but most of the time I jsut realize there is always another cycle and I am very fortunate that mine aren''t long at all.

(((((((((((((((Ryan)))))))))))))))))) my heart goes out to you with the long cycles, it must be really tough. I hope that the herbs and accupuncture do the trick.

LV-How are you doing?
Thank you for the warm welcome ladies.

It''s fascinating to me how many emotions are wrapped up into this journey so soon. I suppose it''s an indication of what a big decision this really is. Already I wish there was a magic stick that you could pee on that said "today is THE day". It feels weird sitting around wondering if my once regular cycle will stay that way or if I was ovulating at all during those times.

The one thing I am very certain of is that at the end of this road, wherever it may lead, I will certainly know so much more about my body and that is a gift in and of itself!
Ryan, I''m sorry about your long cycles--that must be frustrating when TTC! Have you been checked for PCOS?

You asked about pre and post O temps...mine are usually 97.2 - 97.6 pre O, and 98 - 98.5 post O.
Laila, nope! Wondfo one step pink dye. Blah. BTW I adore your signature, not sure if I have said that!

Gaby...patience is not my forte! I have been impatient since CD 2 of my first real TTC cycle, haha! Hope you are better than I am :)

KTF, off to answer your page! And yes, I think finding out about my body has been INCREDIBLE! It really is amazing.

Ryan, hugs, lady. Not sure what to say but I am hoping you get a new cycle soon!

AF HATES me. She really really hates me. I have never had such a bad period! Hopefully this will be my last for awhile
Ryanclaire--that just big time sucks. I completely know how you are feeling. Did your accupuncturist give you the 3 month timeframe for getting everything hashed out? I hope something happens soon. I know you are exploring the natural route right now, and that might take a little longer. They are essentially rewiring your body so it''s only natural that it takes time. Soon you will be ovulating though!!! I just know it!!!

Bella--glad the hubs is feeling less pressure and hope his treatments help him out!

Is anyone left in the 2ww and testing soon???
Hello my ladies of the TTC neighborhood,

How is everyone doing today? It seems like its been pretty quiet here, but I haven''t been much help working till 7 the past two days
. Anyway, now that it seems to be picking back up and becasue tomorrow it Friday
, I thought I would jump back in the fray...

Gaby: Welcome back to the TTC hood
. Any news yet?

Houie: So, is the PICU as crazy busy as you thought it would be a couple months ago? I''m not doing anything as noble as helping little itty bittys, but I feel you on the busyness. Ughh. So, when do you get back to prime time?

Plantationcatt: How''s it going, any news?

Lanie: How are you doing momma? When this little one is out and you want to get back into running, I will get you running all kinds of distances

Bella: Yeah for getting a confirmed O date! I know you don''t have a whole lot of confidence in this cycle, but I am giving you lots of sticky dust anyway!

Miscka: Not to worry about the false alarm, I am just sorry that you didn''t get your BFP. I am glad to hear that you are armed and ready to roll for the next cycle. Next month though, its our turn

Noel: Welcome back lady, what a "present" you came back with. Please feel free to keep sharing your stories, because it gives us something to look forward to.

Ok, well I know I have some more girls to respond to, but I need to head to bed now. I will finish chatting in the morning. Sweet dreams all!
Happy Friday everyone! TGIF INDEED

So, to continue my post from last night:

Charbie: How are you feeling lady? I really miss Bliss too, but I am glad to know that at least she is ok and has surfaced in some form or fashion.

Bella: Thanks for the update. At least we know Bliss is ok
And what a cute DH. It sounds like he is really looking forward to being a daddy.

Gaby: Sorry about AF showing up, but on to next month! I know it can be a bummer sometimes, but I guess this is one of things we just have to roll with, since at the end of the day, we can''t control it. Hang in there, and hopefully with great ladies to help you get through, the wait will fly by quickly!

Ryan Claire: I am so sorry to hear about your lengthy cycle. I really hope that the accupuncture and herbs start to kick in and give you eggies a boost! BIG ((((HUG)))). Plus, you have a great vaca in Costa Rica to look forward too. Maybe the relaxation will be just what the doctor ordered, so to speak. Either way, we will continue to be here for you.

In regards to your temp questions: I range from 96.1 to about 98.8 pre-O and 97.1 to 97.8 post-O. Btw, if you are asking for this reason, they say low BBT is a possible sign of Hypo-thyroidsim (sp), but I don''t have it.

Miscka: Sorry about the crappy AF. Hang in there lady, it will be done soon! And to answer your question, my DH is from TN, I am from FL, but I think TN is just great. We were staying in the Nashville area.

And since we haven''t done this in a while, here is where we are at:

CD2 - Miscka, Gaby06
CD3 - KeepingtheFaith21
CD4 - Krissie, Huskylover
CD6 - DC Gator
CD7 - HOUMedGal
CD9 - PO10472
CD15 - Catluver
CD16 - inhisarms17
CD19 - Sweetlime
CD21 - CDinNYC
CD23 - Bella_mezzo
CD24 - Brightlight
CD26 - LovesVintage
CD28 - caitlin
CD30 - Kunzite
CD38 - Plantationcatt
CD61- Ryan Claire

As for me, I am CD6 and getting ready for my BD''ing marathon. DH is definitely on board and keeps asking if he can knock me up, lol
I have O''ed b/t CD 11 and 17, but mostly on CD12, so I think I will start BD''ing on CD 9. So, I am going to partake in the races tomorrow and enjoy some adult beverages, and then settle down and make a more accomodating environment for a LO
. I hope everyone has a great weekend and I will talk to you after the weekend!
Hi Ladies,

I''ve been lurking around here occasionally but tried to stay away from this thread during my fertile period except to congratulate all the BFPs. On top of all the PS BFPs, I found out three other women I know are pregnant. As happy as I am for all of you, I was also starting to put pressure on myself like, "Everyone else is getting pregnant. Why aren''t I?" So, I tried to stay away from all baby websites and just relax. I didn''t want a repeat of last month and my massive 45 day cycle. Anyway, AF is due next week. I dunno. I don''t really have my hopes up this month. I got my hopes up last month and was really disappointed, so I''m just trying to just take things as they come and relax. My boobs are really sore, but that''s about it. I got a thermometer, so I''ll be temping this next cycle.

Anyway, I''ll come back this weekend and respond to everyone''s posts.

Just want to say sorry about the loooooooooooooooooooong cycle Ryan Claire. Have you heard of or tried Fertilaid? I saw it on a website for internet cheapie pregnancy tests. Then, I saw it again at the drugstore. So, I went to their website. It''s gotten good reviews on-line. Maybe you want to research it and talk to your doctor about it.
Hi brightlihgt-I know, I get discouraged sometimes too, but although most of my friends have gotten PG on their first try, or accidentally, my BFF''s sister and her husband and my one brother and his wife have all been trying for 3-4 years, so I guess that puts things in perspective. I am soooooooo excited for all the BFPs we''ve had here on PS, but sometimes its like--when do I get to POAS and have it turn pink instead of being blank

but, some ladies here have had really long difficult roads and just welcomed new little babies (ahem, Drk
) and that can help to give me hope too.

XOXO-here''s to a great week, some more BFPs and some crazy fun BDing parties
I know it''s tough Bella and Brightlight, but just keep reminding yourself that while it might seem like it, not everyone gets pg right away! It took me a year, with perfectly timed cycles.
I know lots of people who have unfortunately had difficulties too.





CONGRATS Kunzite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think April might now be a record breaking month for BFPs!

So excited for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yippeee...........congrats K, wonderful pic.

Wishing you heaps of sticky babydust!!


yay, Kunzite!

congrats on being the 1st May BFP!

Wooooo!!! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lots of sticky dust to you!!
Yay kunzite!!!! Congrats!!!
Kunzite: YAY! Oh my goodness, CONGRATULATIONS! And, I love your progressive emoticons, haha. When is your dute date? This is so exciting!

Lanie, I didn''t do OPK''s I wanted to try a couple months without them first because I''m so Type A that I''d scare the egg away by stressing.

Miscka, boo for AF. But, glad you figured out your LP.

Bella, your DH is cute. And informed!

gaby, sorry "the friend" showed. What a horrible name for AF anyways. I''m feeling anxious and it''s only been a few months, but that''s just my personality in general.

RC, thanks for the advice. Sorry I can''t respond to your question! And have fun in Costa Rica, even thought you''re relaxing, vacations seem to get people knocked up around here. You''re right about this thread and perspective. My SIL also gets pregnant on command, but we have one set of friends that''s been trying for two years and another set that adopted. I never knew how hard this process was, (much harder for some), until I began it.

brightlight, thinking of you whether you''re here or not.


Okay, There was still no AF this morning, (I''m a week late) so I took my last test in the cabinet. It''s a FRER, and I didn''t see anything for a couple minutes, so I went out to take the dog to pee and five minutes (appox) later I think there''s a faint line. Can anyone tell me whether this is a real pink line or an evap? I''ve got a horrible cold, so it''ll be tomorrow morning before I get the strength to go out and get another test.

That is totally a line! To be honest, I had never had an evap line when I had tested in the past (mostly random times among the years). Even was I was testing the few days before my BFP and it was too early, I still wasn''t getting evap lines. Just blankness, even after hours. Used the same test you have there every time.... I think you''ve got yourself a line!
It feels like a fluke, because according to my average 32 day cycles and EWCM, I would be approx 21 DPO! Should be darker than that, right??? I guess I could have ovulated better be a real line now that my hopes are up!!!
Mine looked identical on CD 31.
Give it a day, you''d be amazed how much darker its gonna get.
hooray for you, girlie! congrats congrats congrats!

plantationcatt- That is absolutely a line! I bet you ovulated a little later than normal. You are pregnant! Congratulations

Bliss... come out, come out wherever you are! We miss you!
Totally lurking, but...PC - that is def a line. Congrats!

And congrats to all the recent BFP''s on this thread!
Definitely a line! Congrats!!!

Congrats to Kunzite also!

So exciting