
The Official TTC Thread!

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Steal, we did have fun at the GTG. We'll have to do it again when you visit NYC. :naughty: I'll definitely make room for you, hun. SI seemed to work for me the last time I took it, so I thought to try again. ;( I bet you're looking forward to your eye appointment Thursday. I hate being stuck with just my eye-glasses. YAY for all your home renovations! I hope you'll post before and after photos once you're all done. Double YAY for nice Clerks. Glad to hear you were able to change your appointment. Btw, loved your UTI suggestion to moxie.moo. I may have to use that one. :naughty:

Dreamer, you're right, temping IS tempting. What kind of conference were you at?

Bella, :wavey: Glad to hear you're much more relaxed this cycle. I know you said you don't think you met the window, but you never know. Sending you happy thoughts.

moxie.moo, the first time I took SI, I got pregnant. It could have been a fluke. There's no way of knowing for sure. What I do know is that prior to my EP, I was ovulating in the early to mid 20s. The cycle I took SI, I Oed at CD17 which was an improvement. This cycle, I Oed at CD19. I got this date last cycle on my own without the SI, so who knows. I do think it's increased my CM, which might be a good thing if you need it. Twins would be fun and crazy at the same time. I have a friend with 1-year old twins and being at her house STRESSES me out but they're so friggin' cute together! I think I'm just behind you in the TWW. How you holding up?

modernsparkler, that's a bummer FF hasn't confirmed your O. I always look forward to see those CHs.

DCgator, YAY for one big follicle!!! Best of luck to you tomorrow! Will be thinking of you and wishing you all the best.

LTP, it was great meeting you as well. I hope you had a fantastic day today!

Gaby, I'm sorry we missed you Sunday. I sent a request to PS admin to forward you the meeting information but I guess it never got to you. We'll have to try again, soon. How are you doing?

AFM, I'm at 6DPO. Is it to early to start analyzing my twinges? :tongue:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Just wanted to pop in and say hi.

DCGator - I hope this is it for you. Good luck!

Steal - also hoping for you - and everyone in the 2WW!

Bella - how exciting that you're doing all the adoption paperwork, even if it's annoying. Hopefully, one way or another, you'll be a mommy very soon!

LTP - Happy Birthday!

Moxie- good luck to you, and I hope you got that glass of wine - or else that you successfully and inconspicuously avoided it.

Gaby - I have a good feeling that you will be pregnant before August! Keep trying, and we'll keep cheering you on.

I hope everyone else that I missed is feeling well, and making lots of babies!

I'm trying to be patient during this first cycle off HBC, but right now I'm at CD14 and there's no sign of ovulation - not temp, not CM, not OPK. I know, I know, not everyone ovulates on/around CD14. And I know, just off HBC my body needs time to adjust. But I'm impatient and rather neurotic. :rolleyes:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Just wanted to stop in after a LONG day at work.

DC: Good luck to you for a sucessful IUI!

LTP: Happy Birthday

Old is new: Sorry about the slow start after BC. It can take time but I get your frustration.

Steal: I love that you took 3 HPT's in 1 day and 4 OPK's, I think we might just make some $ investing stock in those things!

CD: Totally not too late for analysis of any twinges. If I am 6 DPO we are cycle twins! How did you take the SI and how much?

AFM: Totally going to end up eating my words but FF officially gave me O on CD 26 and I am at least 6 DPO and most 13 DPO and getting this giddy feeling that maybe despite not being sure of O that I may be KU. My bbs HURT and I have had a few waves of nausea. BFN x 2today but fingers crossed that it might just be too early to tell. Ugh, I feel like I am setting myself up to be bummed but at the same time feeling hopeful. CD 32 and waiting.... :cheeky:

Good luck to everyone in the 2WW
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Good luck DCG!!

Stay strong Steal, my fingers are crossed for you!

CDN it was a psychology research conference. Lots of fun, mostly catching up with friends from accross the country.

WhatsOld my first two cycles off the pill I had no fertile CF and suspect I was not really fertile those two months, it happens! Got KU in month three when the CF returned.

Hello to all and good luck!

Anyone want to help me interpret my chart?? I am so at a loss! 8) :eek: :tongue:

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Dreamer_D said:
Anyone want to help me interpret my chart?? I am so at a loss! 8) :eek: :tongue:

Drive by reply, sorry I couldn't resist:

Well I can TELL you aren't knocked up 'cause with that headache your DH sure aint getting any!

Bwahhhhhhh ha ha ha :devil:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Gaby: You might still hit the November deadline – I hope you do ***dust***. No peeing for me, I really can’t face seeing another negative test.

Lanie: Hello preggo lady! Lovely to see you here.

CDN: I want your new signature – you are very clever! So your SI might have helped with CM? Hmmmmm I wonder did I do it wrong? Tomorrow is eye check up day and you are soooo right, I cannot wait to get the all-clear and bin these specs. Happy 6DPO! If you are feeling 2WW-itis hop on over to twoweekwait dot com. It certainly feeds my crazy. You can even select your symptom-du-jour and it will tell you the % of BFP’s that had that symptom on that day. I tell you, to a 2WW’er it is like crack.

WON: Hi right back atcha. Thank you for the support. But back off the neurotic title, that one is taken. :bigsmile: Keep taking care of your body and drink plenty of water. O should come along in her own time.

ModernS: I have given up on symptoms after my cycle last month so try to ‘pace yourself’. But we really need somebody to lead the charge and it could it be you? Sorry about the BFN but it could be far too early for a positive. Fingers crossed!

Dreamer: Thank you for the support, it means a lot. I’ll be expecting my 50p in the post for my chart analysis. Silly Dreamer!

Dcgator: Whats up Doc? :rodent:

AFM: What are we guessing today? 11DPO? Still not testing. I saw a woman in Tesco last night with a toddler and she had a preggo test in her cart and I thought. You lucky b*tch.

Wish me luck, guys.

So I have found my new name. Steal aka Cherry aka The Stork Stalker. What d'ya think?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

DCGator - fingers and toes crossed everything goes well for your IUI today. Hope this is it... so glad you had one good follie and could fit in the IUI with your travel.

Modern - hope your symptoms are a sign of good things to come and that the BFNs are just cause it's too early.

WON - I definitely know what it's like to wait for signs of O - hope it's not too far off now. Try to keep in mind that it takes the average person 3 months of HBC to regulate.

CDN - It's never to early to analyze twinges :) Hope your 2ww flies by.

Bella - Congrats on making the decision to move forward with adoption... sending lots of luck and patience to you during this process.

Moxie - good luck with your 2ww... that image of your husband admitting defeat cracked me up :)

Dreamer - (B)Day is approaching... good luck with Temping... hope it helps make your stay short.

Steal - so sorry to hear about your biopsy dilemma and I am glad they were able to squeeze you into a Nov slot. Are you getting any itch to test? Really hope you'll be pleasantly surprised!

Lili - thinking of you.


A week and a half into stimming with Menopur and it has been realllllly slow going. My estrogen has been barely climbing and at my ultrasound on Monday I only had one follie measure 6.5mm... so we still have a long way to go to get a few 18mm+. My drs don't seem concerned but I only really hear from them through the IUI nurses, which is frustrating. I go back tomorrow for another ultrasound and bloodwork and I am really hoping for more substantial progress. I think our IUI is still quite a few days away still but I'll let you know.

Good luck to the ladies in the 2ww - we really need some BFPs around here.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Unsuccessful 3rd cycle of Clomid/IUI (decided to take a break this month). HSG - everything looks normal, although there was quite a bit more bleeding than I expected. One friend just announced she got pregnant "accidentally" with her second (she's very happy, but it was unplanned). And another friend (in addition to my mother) took it upon herself to tell me I'm not trying hard enough to get pregnant, knowing about all the doctor's appointments, fertility meds, IUI's, temping, near constant bedding, etc. Needless to say, there's been a lot of feelings going on in the past couple of weeks. Mostly good, but frustration has been creeping in a little more than usual...
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I just wanted to poke my head out of lurkdom to wish DCGator luck today! Also, Ryan Claire, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you have an inspired follie. Parrot Tulips, I'm sorry about your insensitive friend--I'm always boggled by those people who can't seem to understand how frustrating TTC can be when you feel like you're doing everything you can and it's ultimately out of your control. Lots of dust to everybody!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

WhatsOldisNew, 'impatient and neurotic' is the norm here, at least with me. :wacko: Hang in there. Do you think you'd be interested in temping? Once you temp for a couple of cycles, you'll start to see a pattern of sorts for when you ovulate.

modernsparkler, YAY for cycle twins! If we both end up KU, we'll end up with the same due date. That happened to me last time with catluver. It was fun sharing the date for a while.

Dreamer, nice chart! :tongue: Glad to hear you had a fun time during your conference.

DC, hope everything went well today! Thinking of you.

Cherry aka Steal, I'd be happy to share my siggy with you. ;)) ::) It'll identify those of us with the disease. I don't know if I should thank you or not for that website. I've spent a good hour on there already. :wacko: Btw, off-topic, but I didn't know you were an LV girl. I came across your posts about the chameleon insert. I may have to get one for my new (birthday) tote. It's a pain rummaging around for my phone or keys. Good on you for holding out the testing! PS, I'm thinking of changing my name to UniTuber. Doesn't it sound like a SuperHero?

RyanClaire, hoping tomorrow brings you more progress! Sending you positive vibes.

parrot tulips, ugh, don't you just love unsolicited comments/advice? :roll:

lili, :wavey:

AFM, hanging in there at 7DPO. No weird twinges today. They were making me nervous yesterday as they were on my right pelvic area. I don't want anything implanting on my good (and only) tube!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hey Cherry! Look what I got for you! ---> cherry.gif

And this is what I think of the TWW. ---> moon.gif
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

RyanClaire: Hi honey. I’m sorry your body is not reacting as quickly as you might have hoped. But it is maturing an egg and as long as you keep doing that then your body is working a-ok. I would be really frustrated at the lack of information too, I know that Dr’s know more than I do but it is so easy to just let a patient know where they are in relation to a scale. I’ll be thinking of you tomorrow and hope somebody can talk to you properly. ***dust***

PT: thanks for the update. I am very sorry the IUI and Clomid cycles didn’t take. Really, that sucks and blows. I’m glad for your pregnant friend but it does seem unfair, doesn’t it. I can’t believe your Mother was so insensitive – there is not excuse for that. Where are you cycle wise at the moment?

NEL: Hi there.

CDN: On a serious note, when read about your being a cycle twin with catluver and it made me so sad for you and your loss. It must be gloomy to be back here again. I haven’t forgotten your loss and really "finger and toes crossed" hope you get knocked up as soon as possible with the stickiest of sticky beans, with inbuilt sat nav for perfect implantation. You and your husband will be wonderful parents.

I’m not clever enough to get that in my sig. How did you do it? You as so funny – where did you get that arsey-smiley!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really want to use the cherry one… hmmmm. I don’t feel one bit guilty about sharing the with you, bwahhhhhh ha ha hahaaaaaa. Love having you around here! Dust for ol’ righty.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Cherry, I really appreciate your post. Thank you for your thoughts. It hasn't been gloomy here but we're definitely over-due for another bunch of BFPs.

As for the siggy, it's easy once you know what to do. I'm on a macbook. Hopefully, it's the same steps whether you're on an apple or pc.

Step 1: Open two separate windows. The first window should show my post with the cherry emoticon. The second window should be where you upload/write your signature. If you don't know where this, let me know and I'll walk you through.

Step 2: Hold your cursor over the cherries in the first window, then click and drag the emotie over to the second window where you can edit/write your signature.

Step3: Hit submit to save your changes.

Hopefully this works!

Is anyone else slightly disturbed by this one? ---> fly-by-nursing1.gif I remember watching a news show in England where a mother not only breast-fed her two children (about 7-9 yrs old) but her husband as well. :sick:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hey Ladies,

Sorry it's taken me so long to get back to you about today's events, but I was in and out of a few meetings. But, before I monopolize the thread's space with story, let me catch up with all my favorite ladies.

Steal - Hopefully an IUI jerkstore indeed. Keep those mouse legs crossed, lol. As far as triggering, you inject yourself (or my DH in my case) in the stomach with a drug called Ovidrel, aka HCG. That causes the body to ovulate within about two days. It wasn't too bad, as it was a small needle. I heard the ones for the IVF drug protocal are a lot worse, but I am hoping I won't go there...As for the biopsy and ultrasound appointments, that is great that you were able to move them, and hopefully you won't have to see them for that reason, but another reason (or thing) instead. And might I say, wow, on your non-POAS'ing. You are seriously too cool girl. Can I ask how long your usual LP is? I just want to know how long I have to wait to find out your are KU :naughty: Btw, you are too freaking hilarious with the grocery store story. :lol:

Lili - Thanks for the cheers of encouragement. How are you doing? Did you embark on the 3rd IUI or are you still holding out? I really hope that if you have gone for another IUI, that it is tha magic one. Big hug and please do come by more often, if you are able. :wavey:

Bella - Thanks for the happy thoughts. I guess we will see in about 2 weeks, if I can hold out that long :bigsmile:

Deelight - Thanks for the well wishes. I also lurk in the preggo thread and it seems like things are moving along swimmingly with you. Good luck mama and keep cooking that LO. Btw, I can't remember, are you on tap for pink or blue?

Lanie - Thanks for popping in with the words of encourangement. In that case, I want to be just like you! :appl: I am keeping my eye out for you too in the preggo thread, so keep the updates coming!

Gaby - Thanks for the happy thoughts. How are you doing this cycle, hanging in there?

CDN - Thank you also for your well wishes. Ooohh, 6DPO, eh? This is about the time I start convincing myself that I should really test earlier than I said I would, :rolleyes: , although I did manage to hold out until 10DPO last cycle. Regarding the twinges, I would say no, it's not too early. I think Bliss would be the best person to ask, but I think with both her pregnancies, she got BFP's at like 8DPO, so it's possible. I think it has to do with how early you implant. I really hope that you get to be a double jerkstore girly. Good luck!

WON - Thanks for the thoughts. I'm glad to see you back in here, although I'm sorry about the not as happy report. I know it's exceedingly difficult, but don't worry to much about O not coming right at CD14. Some people naturally O later, and it could also be a first time back thing, too. Just a sidenote, my CM didn't really start doing the "normal" thing until I think my 3rd cycle off, so not everything comes back at the same time. Just hang in there, and hopefully O will be just around the corner!

Modern - Yeah for getting a confimed O! I am sorry that it is not exaclty when you were hoping for, but it sounds like it might not matter anyway, :wink2: I am sincerely hoping that all the symptoms mean that a BFP is on the way, and that you will kick-off our soon-to-be realized BFP windfall. :bigsmile: Good luck and hang in there!

Dreamer - I love the chart, lol. Thanks for the well wishes. How about you, are you getting excited yet about TTC "for real" next month?

Ryan C. - Thanks for the happy thoughts. Let's hope it does the trick. As for your impending trigger and IUI, I hope your little follie has grown by leaps and bounds and that you will be ready to trigger soon. I know my doc said that they have seen follicles as small as 12 have an eggie, so I think you will be ok. Hang in there a couple more days, and hopefully you will join me in the post-IUI 2WW soon!

Parrot - I am so sorry hun, that just plain old sucks. I think a break could be good, and in the case of LV, it was what got her KU, so don't give up quite yet! As for your "friend", I think I might have smacked her. That is so rotten that she would say that. I know my biggest pet peeve is the "just relax" thing, but at least that doesn't imply that I am doing something wrong. If I were you, I would seriously sit down with that friend and explain that this is a very sensitive subject and that really hurt your feelings. She doesn't need to understand the whole process, but she does need to respect your feelings, so I would make that clear to her. Just my thoughts...Otherwise, I am sending you a BIG (((HUG))) and all the dust I can find. Chin up lady and know that we are all hoping that it will be your time next month.

NEL - Glad to see you back in here. Thanks for the well wishes. How are things going on your end?

AFM - Everything went pretty well today with the IUI. I dropped off DH's men earlier so that they could get properly dressed for the occasion and then I returned later in the day for the actual procedure. It's supposed to only take a couple minutes, but apparently my uterus didn't want to cooperate, so they had to go at it with a different tool. Interestingly, I learned that my uterus is at a slanted angle off to one side. Hmm, makes me wonder if there are any implications there, but anywho, after she got a second tool, the doc was able to get where she wanted. She dropped the little guys off and per LV's recommendation, I stayed 15 minutes on the table before getting up. ( :wink2: Thanks for that pearl of knowledge). Other than that, I am having a bit of cramping (probably a combination of O and the poking) but otherwise I am fine. Now, I anticlimatic indeed! But, I know I will be in some good company with all you ladies in the 2WW.

So, that's where I am at. I wish everybody lots of luck wherever you may be in your cycle!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

CDN, no worries, we will catch up in another GTG. I love you signature :naughty: Can I join the club?

WON, Sorry about the no signs of ovulation, I hope it's comes in the nest days, and try not to stress to much, I delayed my ovulation day past month so I'm trying to be more calm this month. :saint: .

Modern, I'm getting excited for you, we need some good news in this tread. Go girl :bigsmile:

Steal, I love your post to dreamer, you had me giggling at work. :lol:

Ryan :wavey: I hope to heard good news tomorrow after your appointment. Good luck.

Parrot, I'm so sorry for you. HUGS, I'm so sorry is been so hard and some friends are not as supporting as the should. I will have you in my prayers.

Dreamer, I don't know to much about charts, but it looks very promising :bigsmile:

dcgator, I'm so glad that everything went well today. We are going to be here with you on the 2WW.

In my end, no news yet. I have not O so I still waiting for it. I hope it comes soon :snore:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

DH and I are thinking of TTC this month.

Pros: More time to TTC and still have baby in our preferred window, potential to attend an important conference next year post-baby (i.e., career reasons), sex for DH now (that is his pro not mine).

Cons: I would like to lose 6-8 more lbs (potential to lose 4 more this month, I will diet until the BFP), sex for DH now :devil: kidding.

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Dreamer: I will be no help with your chart, but I wanted to jump in and say YES, jump on into the TTC process this month. Not b/c I want your DH to be happy :wink2: but because you are here and lurking and I get the sense that you are ready! It sounds like it would be a good career move too. And who knows, you might be a jerkstore this time!

Steal: Yea, you are right, I shouldn't try to get too obsessive about sx. Guess I have to wait and be patient like you. 11 DPO, and you still haven't POAS today? I am impressed. How's tomorrow looking?

RC: Sorry your eggie is being slow but it sounds like things are moving along. Good luck with the IUI.

PT: Sorry about the IUI. Super annoying about the "accidental" knock up and your mom's comments. Hugs to you.

CD: Love the new sign as well.

DC: Cheers to a successful IUI and 15 minute resting period with legs in the air :appl: !!! Hope the next 2 weeks pass quickly and you get your BFP!!!

Gaby: Hope you get your O soon!!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Super fast drive-by post! Yay DCG!!!! Congrats on the IUI! Interesting that your uterus has a unique angle. I bet that that does make a difference in TTC!

Dreamer-Just jump know you want to:-)

Ryan-Hope those follies keep growing, sorry they are taking their time!

CDNYC-I hope you have some awesome BFP joy in your near future! Yes, that emoticon is SUPER disturbing as is the story...7 and 9...and the husband...urgh!

Parrott-I am sorry you are having a rough go of it! Sometimes breaks are great (and several ladies, Lulu, LV, Blushing...all got BFPs on their month off.)

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

parrot tulips said:
Unsuccessful 3rd cycle of Clomid/IUI (decided to take a break this month). HSG - everything looks normal, although there was quite a bit more bleeding than I expected. One friend just announced she got pregnant "accidentally" with her second (she's very happy, but it was unplanned). And another friend (in addition to my mother) took it upon herself to tell me I'm not trying hard enough to get pregnant, knowing about all the doctor's appointments, fertility meds, IUI's, temping, near constant bedding, etc. Needless to say, there's been a lot of feelings going on in the past couple of weeks. Mostly good, but frustration has been creeping in a little more than usual...

Just wanted to send you HUGS, Parrot! It took us a bit to conceive. we were on the verge of starting bloodwork, etc..but it finally happened during an "break" month. We were in Vegas celebrating our anniversary, and threw all things TTC out the window.

That was last September and I now have a 4 month old.

Sending you and all the TTCers lots of dust
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Dreamer - I'd say get to baby-making! Especially if your desire to lose 6 pounds is the only real con. You can probably lose 4 - 5 in the next few weeks or month. And you'll have to lose the weight again anyway after your 2nd baby is born - this way, you can consolidate that weight loss, sort of. :appl:

Steal - I've taken a page from your book and have lined up my OPKs from the last 4 days. They are gradually getting darker, believe it or not. Maybe in a few days if they suggest I'm ovulating I'll post my collage for you. :bigsmile:

Lots of BFP wishes for everyone!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

WhatsOldisNew said:
Dreamer - I'd say get to baby-making! Especially if your desire to lose 6 pounds is the only real con. You can probably lose 4 - 5 in the next few weeks or month. And you'll have to lose the weight again anyway after your 2nd baby is born - this way, you can consolidate that weight loss, sort of. :appl:

hA! I had a goal of losing a certain amount before TTC to have an easier pregnancy than last time. Trust me, lsoing it after is NOT fun at all and the less there is to lose then the better! But your general point is a good one...

I forgot to temp this morning :rolleyes: I think that if we do TTC this month it will be a rather haphazard affair. I am CD 7 now so I don't have much time to decide since O seems to be between CD 10 and CD 14!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi everyone!

Just a quick drive-by to say hooooooray dcg!! I'm so excited for you. Glad it was relatively quick and painless.... hopefully the waiting will be the same.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

:appl: :appl: So happy to hear that your IUI went smoothly.
I got everything crossed that this is the golden cycle for you.
That is very interesting about your slant uterus.
Doesn't Brightlight had that issue too?
I think it was her who said that they had to position themselves differently and tilting her hip one side only afterwards.
I hope you get some great news in the coming days.

*hugs* Sorry to hear about the biopsy issue.
Do you need to go on pelvic rest after the biopsy?
Hopefully you'll see a little bub when you go in for your u/s.
I got fingers crossed for you too that this is your cycle.

Good luck today with ultrasound.
Grow eggs. Grow!
Lots of dust to you. Hoping third time is a charm for you.
I think it was you who asked about what factors into our decision to how far we'll take ART.
DH and I agreed from the get-go (even before we had our first)
that we'll do all the diagnostic tests to determine if there was something wrong that can be corrected,
and we'll do whatever procedures necessary to correct it.
For me, it was endometriosis and I needed a laparoscopy to clean out the tissues.
After that, the furthest we'll take is IUI.
We don't want to proceed w/ IVF for several reasons.
IVF is pretty costly and our insurance doesn't cover it.
We also know that it is not a guarantee that you'll have a successful IVF.
And there is a small part of me that is not too comfortable with the fact that my baby is somewhat selected by the lab tech.
Also in my heart and mind, I feel that if there is nothing medically wrong w/ us to conceive, then maybe it just wasn't meant to be.
But who knows if I would have changed my mind about IVF if we hadn't conceived our daughter.
With #2, the decision to stop at IUI is pretty firm.
I hope you the very best and that this would be the last cycle of ART that you need.

*hugs* I can commiserate with you.
I think a break is a good thing.
As Bella said, look at how many women became mamas on their "break cycles".
Sorry about the insensitive comments from your mother and friend.
Maybe they didn't mean like it sounded.
My sister told me to "try even harder" when she found out that we miscarried.
I know she didn't mean to imply that we weren't trying hard enough.
She was just as heartbroken about it and was hoping in her heart that maybe if we think and try harder (mind over matter), it will happen.

CDN-- the siggy.
You can have my pack of 25 wondflo HPT.
My AF is like clockwork that I didn't even get to use it since I don't usually test until I'm 3 days pass due.
Anyway, hoping you'll be a jerkstore again.

Hope O comes soon for you.

Kept wanting to say yay for your hubby's new job offer.
That's one less thing you'll have to worry about before TTCing.
Sorry about the BFN, but it's early still.
Sore (*)(*) are always good signs.

Hoping you are recovering nicely from your surgery.

Steal, CDN, Moxie, DC, ModernSparkler--
Good luck to you ladies in your 2WW.
Hoping to see some BFPs soon.

Start now.
Many of the second time preggo (at least on PS) seem be to gaining less.

So exciting that you've started the paperwork for adoption.
One way or the other, you'll be a mommy soon.
Good luck w/ the tests too.

I do check on you ladies almost daily.
I just find it difficult to post most time -- finding it overwhelming at times trying to keep up with everyone.
Anyway, I don't have any good news to share and was just little down, especially for this month.
3rd IUI was unsuccessful as AF showed up at my door right on the dot.
And a few days later was my EDD for my m/c.
Anyway, as I have mentioned before -- we are not going to go any further than IUI, so that means that I'm getting my old wrinkled butt out of the pool. I'm stilll here cheering you ladies on. Hopefully, I'll see you ladies all over in the Preggo thread.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Big {{{HUGS}}} to lili and Parrot Tulips! You ladies are so wonderful, sending you lots of support while you are feeling blue.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!


Quiet here today. Hope you're all doing well. :wavey:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Iwanna, I'm not sure if you're still lurking, but I wanted to ask you how your pre-TTC appt. went this week. I think it was supposed to be this Tuesday? Mine is scheduled for later in the month and I'm excited.

I charted using my BBT thermometer for about 2 weeks. It was hilarious, my temps were all over the place and finally one morning I couldnt get any readout at all because I think my body completely confused the thermometer. It kept beeping at me with a blank screen, so I gave up. I've been off BC for 2 months now with O ocurring consistenly around the CD 15/16 mark (using OPK strips and monitoring EWCM). I'm on CD 11 today, so we'll see if this month is another success!

Tentative plan is still this winter or spring, it just depends on when some other things fall into place (career-wise). Still, I spend a lot of time looking up strollers and financially planning for a larger vehicle. The dogs have already started calling our future baby "Daddy, Jr." This is normal in our house.

I'm cheering on all of you!! BFP dust to all!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

hi ladies:
A friend just had her second m/c in a row. She's been trying for quite some time, finally got pregnant right after I had my m/c. That ended in a m/c, and now she's just had the second. I'm so sad for her, since she actually has been able to get pregnant but then has had problems staying pregnant.
If you guys can just keep her in your thoughts, id appreciate it. No one wants to go through any m/c, but to have it happen twice in a row like that breaks my heart for her.

Ps: steal...come out come wherever you are!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I'll post more in a little while...

Charbie - Thanks for the shout out but I'm still barren; only a matter of time for AF I'm sure. I'm still not gonna POAS. The good news is that one of my fellow TTC'ers will get to lead the charge this month. I wonder who it will be?

CDN: Thanks for the steps. When I drag the icon over it opens a blank page over my edit page; so it cant drop into my sig. If I copy and paste it does not appear when I submit. (Sulk)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

CDN: I can’t make it work for me, thank you for your efforts. But I did find this cute flashy icon. From my post to Santa’s ears eh? I have been toying with the idea of an LV thread but couldn’t be arsed getting my photos done. I will one day. How much of a fanatic are you? About the extended breastfeeding I do believe that if they are old enough to ask it might be time to allow them to get nutrition from real food. As for the husband feeding – did you google that? I did a while ago and apparently it is a major fetish and men will travel to find a feeder and women take measures to extend their supply. I am amazed by the amount of fetishes’ out there I found out about another recently and almost died of shock. I’m very innocent really and I won’t harm your eyes by telling you but OMG! Baby dust to you!

Dcgator: It is easy to not pee this cycle. I can’t tell you how devastated I was last month – it was very sad for me and I am not going to do that again in a hurry. AF is due tonight/tomorrow if I O’d on Saturday. LP is 14 days but I took the extra B this month too. As the teens would say – whatever.
Did anybody explain about the tipped uterus or did they just mention it?
Thank you so much about explaining the trigger. I am actually jealous that you guys are progressing to IUI. I know this will be it for you guys and I am hoping October will be your BFP month. Can you see my fingers? They are crossed for you.

Dreamer: How do you spell Sex-chy time! Er-ee Er-ee Er-ee (bedsprings)

ModernS: Thank you but please save my dust for next month. I know I am out.

Bella: You have been clamped; no more drive by’s until you tell us what is going on with you!

WON: Oh no. Don’t follow my crazy. I’m sorry I didn’t mean to be contagious. (Ps. post pics? ) Good luck for a strong definite surge.

Moxie: How are you?

Lili: Awh thank you so much. I would love there to be a little baby in there. But there will be nothing – well probably tumbleweeds and some lint. (sob)
I am very sorry that the 3rd IUI didn’t take. I can’t imagine how you feel about that. You better borrow dcgators vaccum because I am sending you a truck load of dust. Stick around here, it is nice to have you.

NEL: Caution Pre-TTC can lead to BFP!

Charbie: How sad for your friend. Healing dust for her.

AFM: This says it all... AF due tomorrow and I bet she brought luggage

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi Ladies:

First, I wanted to say that I wish the absolute best for all of you. Every lady on here who has been struggling with TTC, all the new ladies, all the ladies who are planning to try in the next few months and especially those of you who are using IUI/ART/IVF I keep you all in my thoughts and prayers every day. I sincerely hope to see a bunch of BFP’s on this board very soon (and not drive-by posters either!).

Second, thank you all so very much for the healing thoughts from my most recent surgery. I will say the recovery was not as easy this time around but I am well on my way to healing and am feeling far better than I have in a significant amount of time. I am sure all of your positive thoughts had an impact in that. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. It is so wonderful to feel such support from a group of ladies I’ve never known in real life.

Having said all the above, I too am going to remove myself from the TTC pool for an indefinite amount of time. While I will still lurk and cheer you on during your respective journeys, DH and I have decided that we are simply not ready to begin this process again. I feel like I’ve put my body through more in the past 4 months than I have in the past 10 years. It seems unfair to expect my body to be physically and mentally ready for another pregnancy. The past few months have taken a significant toll on my overall happiness and as I begin to take baby steps towards acceptance of what we have been through, I am realizing that in my haste to get past this experience I undermined some important aspects of healing that I have yet to address.

Now that I know the questions I will be asking once I am pregnant again, I feel that DH and I can begin to explore many of the avenues we need to have laid to have everything in place for a pregnancy. And we are leaving this decision open ended – so if we decide in a month or two that we can not wait any longer, I may be right back here. However, I feel very much at peace with this decision for now and I suspect that when I no longer need time to heal I will feel ready to jump back into the pool. For now, I think my body still has a long ways to go before it will be ready to carry another child – I know my heart could use a little bit more time for sure. I consider us back into the pre-planning mode – I am making changes to certain benefits at work that would allow me more short term disability coverage due to pregnancy, I am banking as much vacation time as I can, the room that was cleared out to be a nursery is still being held for our future child and our hearts are still open to the idea someday.

Thank you all so much for your support and loads of hugs. I’m still going hang out and look for those BFP’s that I hope we will see very soon!!