
The Official TTC Thread!

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Missy, yup I'm getting lots of rain here too! I'm sick of it! Sorry you think AF is coming but at least now you can move onto your next cycle and get past the confusion of this past cycle.

HOT, hoping this is it for you! Keep us posted on Friday!

Centralsquare, I know cycles are a little wonky right after getting off of BC, so don't worry too much. Did you have short or long cycles before starting BC?

AMC, thank you! Glad you are getting close to your turn to TTC!

AFM, you guys read my mind with the twins thing! Do you know that was one of the first questions that I asked the RE nurse?!! I asked her if that elevated progesterone # could possibly indicate multiples and she said that it didn't. She did say that of course it is possible that I am pregnant with multiples, but the progesterone # is just indicative of a strong O and I did have three eggs so that could be it too. Tomorrow a.m. more blood work. I'll have the results tomorrow afternoon. I hope this is it!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

lizzyann|1315420152|3011829 said:
but the progesterone # is just indicative of a strong O and I did have three eggs so that could be it too.

Yay, triplets!!

I had two pregnancy related dreams over the weekend. One involved going in to my first u/s appointment and finding out I was having triplets. Eek.

While running reports at work, I did some sperm research. Did you guys know it takes 72 days to grow a sperm, from nothing to mature? And after a quick calculation, I should be O-ing and TTC in 71 days. So the boys my fiance is starting to make right now could potentially be my baby. Sorry, that totally tripped me out.

Oh, you know how smoothie places (like Jamba Juice) has those free add-ins you can get? Well our local place has one that is zinc, vitamin A, and vitamin C...which are essentially what guys are supposed to take to make their swimmers strong. My fiance goes there at least twice a week, so now he's going to get that add-in. It's called something dumb, like "power blend" or something...I'm considering telling them to rename it "super sperm," but it probably wouldn't look as nice on the menu.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hey guys sorry I have been MIA for awhile.

First of all, congrats to Lizzy, PPM, and SBA for the BFP, I am so excited for all of you!!!!

As for me, things have been crazy. In July, DH was not around for us to try, so I was not expecting much to happen. We were planning on trying this month, but than a huge wrench got thrown into things. AF was late. My cycles were 42 days apart. That really worries me. And so I think I am mid-cycle this month, but our timing it totally thrown. We had timed everything so he would be around last week when I was supposed to be mid-cycle, but now everything is off, and he is gone this week. We had some time together over the weekend, so our chances are not totally zero, but I am interested to see what happens 2 weeks from now.

The other thing is a lot has been going on my my work life. Without getting into it, some new opportunities have come up and I might be able to get out of the practice I am in. I would love to be closer to a bigger city, and it would give my husband and I more opportunities to be together. The problem is, now, if I got pregnant, my due date would come at the time of the move! So right now we are not trying to prevent a pregnancy, but I have a lot to think about. I have not had the time to do the OPK with everything else going on.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

S&I|1315419494|3011814 said:
centralsquare, did you temps fall below your coverline, or are they still above it? Fingers crossed you'll find out soon!

Still above the coverline....but AF appeared today :( Oh well, first cycle post-BC. I didn't have super high hopes!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Sorry CS :(( but we are almost cycle buddies now! How long was your first cycle off BC?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Can I be a cycle buddy too? :cheeky: CD1 for me as well.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Yea - cycle buddies. My first cycle was 29 days. Not sure that is a good thing?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

CS, sorry about AF showing up. Like you said, it is just your first cycle off BC, but the fact that everything returned to normal quickly is a very good sign. A 29 day cycle is great. Fingers crossed for this next cycle.

HOT, boo to CD1. So sorry. It’s hard when you get your hopes up. I guess big boobs isn’t a very good indicator for you. Good to know for next cycle, and best wishes to you this time around!

Firecracker, good to see you back. I’m so sorry that timing has been off for you. That would be SO SO frustrating. One of these times the timing is going to be just right, and you will get that BFP! Good luck making your decision about the new job opportunity.

amc, getting closer. Too funny about DH taking smoothie supplements. Whatever helps, right?

Lizzy, awesome numbers! I’m SO excited for you and feel really good about this! Thinking very positive thoughts for you and sending sticky dust. Have you gotten your second results back yet? Thinking of you!

S&I and Jas, hope you are doing well. Thanks for checking in.

Missy, what a frustrating cycle! Any sign of AF or are you still in the running? If you’re sure about your O day, maybe you want to go to the doctor to get a blood test? I don’t know much about OPKs as pregnancy tests, but I thought I remember reading that the early detection HPTs were supposed to be more sensitive than OPKs in detecting pregnancy. Hmm, so confusing. Thinking of you.

PPM, I may have missed your update, but how you are doing? Sorry about the rollercoaster ride you’ve had so far. Sending sticky dust your way!

Brightspot, how are things going for you? Have you ovulated yet? Has DH had his SA? Lots of luck this cycle!

Steph, you’re so close to officially trying. So excited for you!

Sba, congrats on your unexpected BFP!!! I love stories like that!

Phew, a lot to catch up with! AFM, I had my appointment with my ob/gyn this morning. I was a little frustrated at first because she was a little dismissive and kept trying to assure me that I was still in the completely normal range for TTC, and then she seemed to think that I was ovulating earlier than I thought because LPs are "usually" about 14 days. I got a little defensive and explained how I was confident I know when I’m ovulating based on OPKs and CM and that my LP was on the shorter side. She started to take me more seriously at that point, and agreed to schedule the CD3 bloodwork for my next cycle and to check my glucose levels, etc. The appointment actually went really well in the end, and she said that they have a really good NP who specializes in fertility analysis, so my next step would be to meet with her. I feel good to know that we are going to get the ball rolling. I’m either 1 or 2 DPO right now. Thanks for all of your kind words. Still thinking of all you!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MP, I've been thinking of you since I knew your appt. was this month (but wasn't sure when). I'm so glad that the appointment ended up going well. Good for you for pushing a little. I don't think ob/gyns are used to having women in their office who chart, use OPKs and know their cycles really well. I'm glad she started taking you a bit more seriously once she learned that you knew what you were talking about. At least at that point she was willing to do the CD3 bloodwork and it's reassuring that somebody on the staff focuses on fertility.

CS and HOT, sorry to hear about CD1 :( It's so frustrating that the early pg symptoms go hand-in-hand with early AF symptoms. Glad you both have a cycle buddy, though!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bad news. Beta went down to 104, miscarriage will be coming soon. I feel like I'm going to vomit.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy, I'm so sorry. I hope this is just some terrible lab fluke. I just had my first miscarriage and I've honestly never felt such deep in my belly and heart pain.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Oh lizzy, I am so so sorry.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy, I am just sick after seeing your update. Sweetie, there are no words to even express how terrible I feel for you. I know you don't want false hope, but is there any possibility that more than one implanted and you still have one viable bean in there? My thoughts and prayers are with you. I know you mentioned Our Lady of Guadalupe to me, but have you heard of Our Lady of La Leche? My sister gave me a really beautiful prayer card that has been comforting to me. Again, I am so very sorry. I wish there was something I could say to comfort you, but I hope your DH is around to take good care of you.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

monkeyprincess|1315499580|3012773 said:
Missy, what a frustrating cycle! Any sign of AF or are you still in the running? If you’re sure about your O day, maybe you want to go to the doctor to get a blood test? I don’t know much about OPKs as pregnancy tests, but I thought I remember reading that the early detection HPTs were supposed to be more sensitive than OPKs in detecting pregnancy. Hmm, so confusing. Thinking of you.

Well I thought yesterday was CD1, but then that threw me for a loop as well! I just barely spotted, and only spotting today so far as well. I also didn't have any AF cramping. Grrr! So no, I'm not sure about my O day. I'm not sure of anything at this point :tongue: I wasn't necessarily using OPKs to detect pregnancy, I just continued using them because I'm not sure if I really O'd earlier in my cycle. So that's where I am right now, just waiting! Anyway, glad your appointment went well and you know what to do from here!

Lizzy - Oh my gosh I am so sorry :(sad

Hot - Ahh AF got to you too! On to the next one...

CS - 29 days sounds good to me. How long was your LP? 14, 15 days? I don't think the length of your whole cycle matters, I believe the LP matters and I've heard less than 10 days could be a problem.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Missy0483|1315502796|3012806 said:
Lizzy - Oh my gosh I am so sorry :(sad
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy, I can't tell you how much my heart is breaking for you. I wanted so badly for this one to stick, you've been through hell and back and I really had hope for this one. I know nothing I can say can help, but I'm just really sorry. Really, really sorry.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Argh Lizzy. I am so so sorry for you. My heart goes out to you.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Oh Lizzy sweetie, I am so sorry about your HCG levels going down! I had such high hopes for you this time around, and I feel so bad for you! Please know that we are all here for you, and are all thinking of you! Huge hugs to you, my friend!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

*hugs hugs* I am so so sorry to hear that.
I was so sure that this would be a sticky one given the good numbers earlier.
My heart goes out to you.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thank you guys. I am still in shock and just vegging out and watching TV to take my mind off of things for a little. My RE called me direct today. She said that she was so sorry. She felt with such strong numbers on Monday that she was sure this was it. We will be moving onto IVF as soon as we can. Next Wednesday, DH and I have a mandatory IVF overview class that needs to be completed before we can move on. But she said all of the drugs for IVF will start on CD21, so now we will just wait for the bleeding to begin. :((

Monkey, I have also thought about the vanishing twin concept, but I am trying not to get my hopes up. I go for more bloodwork on Monday so that will give me a better idea of where I am at. I am so glad your appt went well and that your doctor agreed to run some tests. Keep us posted.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I'm am so sorry, Lizzy. It must be so upsetting. There is nothing that can make it better, but I'm sending lots of dust your way.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy I am very sorry honey.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy :blackeye: My heart aches for you, your LO and your DH. I am so sorry about this news.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Oh, Lizzy. There are no words. Much love to you, friend. <3
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy, I'm so very sorry. My heart aches for you & your DH. Keeping you both in my thoughts & prayers. <hugs>
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Missy: Test! Maybe? If you're willing to pee on a test and see a BFN... but I've spotted both times I was pregnant and *thought* my period started. Alas, it was not AF but something else (implantation? Or just early bleeding?) This time around I did not get a BFP until my second day of spotting.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Oh, Lizzy. :blackeye: I am so very sorry. :((
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Oh Lizzy, I was so sorry to read your update.... :(( :(( :(( I can't imagine how you must be feeling. :(( It's good that your RE contacted you already to talk about the way forward, though. I don't remember if you mentioned it before, but have you ever had testing done to see what might be causing the miscarriages? Has your RE ever talked about it?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy - I am so sorry, I know how hard this must be for you. I was really hoping that this would be it.

Missy - I would take another pregnancy test in the next day or two, I don't want to get your hopes up too much just in case, but it is very possible that the HCG levels were just too low to detect.

MP - I am glad you OB apt went well today. I am glad you told her you were doing OPKs. The reason why she probably was dismissive at first is because most people are not charting their cycles like you are. She probably wants to avoid working up people like me who are having timing issues ;-). This sounds like a very good start.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy- I am sending hugs your way. I am so sorry. It sounds like your RE is really connected with you and its great that she has a plan for you.