
The Official TTC Thread!

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

:wavey: MP and thank you! I was hoping you were still reading along. I'm waiting for the store to open at 9am! The soft cervix thing has thrown me off, because I was thinking it should be firm after O, but then I read that it changes back to soft sometime during early pregnancy. Again, not a straight forward answer! :| Today is CD34 or possibly 12DPO which would make for my longest cycle and longest LP if everything has been calculated correctly! I'm gonna talk to DH about temping because this is just too much wondering for me haha. Ok, check back soon!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi ladies,

I have not posted in a while, but I am thrilled to see all the recent BFPS!!.
Between SIL being pregnant and starting treatments with the RE, it was just overwhelming. I have been seeing the RE for a while and we did a round of provera so we could finish the testing and do the HSG. We had our follow-up shortly after the HSG and he said I wasn't cycling and no way in hell I would get pregnant on our own. He said he thinks we should jump right to medicated IUI and if we were impatient he would do IVF. We agreed IUI and I wanted to start ASAP but he said unfortunately it was a few days too late for that cycle, but I made an appointment for what would be day 28 to hopefully start provera again and get started. The waiting is what sucks. So August 12th I go in and he does my U/S and he almost fell over when he saw a follicle growing! Based on my blood work and all my tests he thought this would be impossible and said as much as he was prepping the U/S. So obviously no drugs and we had to watch. I went in a week later and the RN checked and the follicle was HUGE. She said most likely we would actually trigger it with ovidrel and do the IUI that weekend! I was over the moon, especially that we didn't need clomid. They took my blood and said they would call a few hours later to confirm. Sadly, they said my blood showed unfavorable conditions, but feel free to have sex, but all the optimism went away.
I went in the following Friday on the 19th and they confirmed that I did ovulate, which was the whole issue with my IF, and that my lining was actually super thick- also what they thought could not happen. They said call in 2 weeks if I don't get my period, but we would start provera and clomid.

The waiting is what kills me and the past few days the heartburn has been awful, and I never get yesterday was my birthday and right before we went out to my birthday dinner I decided I had to test (even though I told DH I wouldn't until today) because if it was negative I wanted wine! Welll....

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!! BFP!!! We confirmed it with the digital last night and this morning. It is still risky cause of my lining and hopefully the RE will call me back today so I can take medicine if I need, but its beyond shocking right now! I did change a lot this cycle so who knows what did it- but wow!!!

So I am happy to join the BFPs and wanted to give an update!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Congratulations Lizzy! Thinking the stickiest of thoughts for you this time!

Congratulations and Happy Birthday sba! Wishing for a sticky bean for you as well!

Missy, get yourself back here with those test results! Fingers crossed for you!

Hope everyone else is having a wonderful Labor Day weekend (or regular weekend for our friends not in the US). I've been busy, was traveling for work all last week but trying to keep up with you ladies. I'm 7DPO now, so waiting to see when AF shows up next week and then we are officially trying! I can't believe it got here so quickly. Ugh, my face is a mess this week, don't know if it's from traveling or not being on the pill anymore, but hopefully it is not going to be a regular thing!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:
I'm so excited for you! Sending you an olympic sized pool filled with sticky dust! How are you feeling? I hope you can get some betas done quickly & have more good news to report.
(Have to say the first thing I did this am (after temping) was to check my phone for a post from you.)

PPM, I love how you told DH your news. So sweet! (and, yep, I checked for your post while still on vacay. :oops:)
I hope your spotting goes away soon & that your midwife is more responsive to your questions. :angryfire: to her blowing you off! I hope you can get some betas soon. How are you feeling otherwise? Sending you tons of sticky dust!

sba, congratulations on your bfp & happy birthday! What an exciting day! :appl: Thanks for posting your story. That's really wonderful that you are PG, and even without drugs/intervention! Do you think the round of provera jump started our cycle? Have you been temping? Very curious about this as I don't think I'm ovulating regularly & wondering what a next step might be. (my CD3 tests & HSG came back great, but progesterone was low & most of my charts don't look classic.)
Keep us posted on what your RE says today (if you get a call) & if you're going to take any meds. Sending you lots of sticky dust!

Missy, your symptoms sound promising. Let us know what happens when you test today! Hoping you're the next bfp on the list! :appl:

JGator & S&I, how are you feeling? Hi to your little beans! :wavey:

S&I, I asked DH if he was stressed about his SA & he said, "nope." He's pretty good at not worrying about things until they are definitely cause for worry. Unlike me. :rolleyes:

amc, totally laughed at your "how to have fun with yourself" comment. How are you doing?

sugar, maybe a few more days until it's go time for you? :naughty: How are you liking your new ipad, btw

steph, how exciting that you're officially jumping in the TTC pool next cycle. Yay! I hope your skin clears up soon from coming off the pill. (or maybe that's a symptom of something else... :naughty: )

C-tek, CS, Indecisive, HOT & anyone else I missed, hi! Hope you're all doing well. :wavey:

MP, good to see you around these parts. :wavey: Hope you're doing well. Please do keep us posted on how your appointment goes. It's Friday, right?

Just so excited to see all of these bfp's lately! The little applauding emoticon guy sure is getting a workout! :appl:
AFM, the relaxing, beachy part of the vacay is over. Just stopping to see my family for a few days before heading home. CD 14 & starting with the OPKs now. FF is predicting O on Friday or Saturday.

Hope everyone's having a great weekend! :sun:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy!!! You have no idea how happy I am to see your update from this morning! :appl: :appl: :appl: I hope your Prometrium and extra monitoring help your little bean stick for the next 8+ months! Let us know what your beta numbers show! Fingers and toes and everything else crossed for you, my friend! Tons and tons of sticky dust for your little bean!

sba, congrats on your BFP, and happy birthday too! What a great way to celebrate! Awesome that you proved your RE wrong and did it on your own! Can't believe the RE was so sure that you couldn't do it on your own. Sticky dust for your little bean too!

Missy, the store has to be open by now! You have so much patience! Fingers crossed for you and waiting for your update!

MP, glad you checked in! Hope your appointment goes well next week. Please let us know how it goes!

BrightSpot, glad your DH isn't worried about his SA! I'm feeling about the same, trying to deal with my increased gas and m/s - thanks for asking.

Yay for the burst in BFPs lately!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy - so happy for you! Keeping fingers crossed for you!!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I just did a happy dance around my living room!

Lizzy: AHHHHH!I am sending you all the sticky dust in the WORLD right now!! I am so happy for you and your family and glad you will be joining us in the JBP thread! I truly, genuinely hope that this bean stays right where it is, and I have a good feeling that it will. This is such wonderful, wonderful news. You are also my POAS idol for waiting until 15 dpiui, which requires super-human-like strength and willpower. :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:

SBA: Happy freaking birthday, Mama! I am over the moon for you! It is so, so wonderful that your body just took over and did this on its own- something your doctor was pessimistic about. Maybe his lack of optimism is just what your body needed to kick it into high gear. How did your DH react?! Anyway, this is such awesome, wonderful, terrific news! I followed your TTC story on these boards before officially joining, as I knew you were another mid 20-something who was TTC, and I'm really happy (in an admittedly selfish way) to go through a first time pregnancy with you!

Steph: It's the FINAL COUNTDOWN! There's an OTC product that I really like for acne, especially cystic or deeper acne. Burt's Bees roll-on acne treatment. It has willow bark in it, so I'm not sure it should be used during pregnancy....but I can't imagine a drop or two would do any harm. I don't see is it on their website, but my grocery still carries it. The Targeted Spot Treatment is pretty much the same thing, but the bottle is different.

Missy: We're waiting... :cheeky: Remember if it's BFN: I didn't get a strong positive until 13dpo and my LP was 9 days... So really, a long while after my "missed period." I forget what the FRER box says, but I think it only detects 80 some percent of pregnancies 3 days before the missing period (and by 'missing period' they really mean 14 dpo...they don't take into account shorter LPs)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Oh YAY! Congrats to all the new BFPs! :appl: :appl:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Congratulations to all the recent BPFs!!!!!!! :appl:

PPM, Lizzy, sba... Wishing you all a very happy, healthy and sticky 9 months!!

Sorry for the drive by post, I'm on my phone on the train going to work. Been super busy trying to finish up a second job that I took on for 6 months which is due to wrap up in a few days. I'm also going back to full time worked today which I am super psyched about right now. :rolleyes:

I think I'm 10dpo, no symptoms either way but a little intermittent pain on my left side down low.

I'll try and catch up properly in a few days time once I've got this second job under control!

Good luck to everyone who is left in the tww!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Congrats to the new BFPs!

PnPsMom, as it turns out, your husband's big date night had very good results :naughty: I know it was an up and down cycle for you, both in the conception and in the testing, but I'm so glad you got your BFP! I'm sure you and your DH are over the moon--I feel like once a man is on board, he's really on board--sometimes it seems like our husbands are more excited than we are! :)

sba, I'm so, so happy that you got your BFP, I know it's been a looooong journey for you and you deserve it! I'm sending super sticky dust to you and will see you over in the preggo thread!

Lizzy, I checked in today because I knew you had the all-clear to test today. I was so, so excited to see your BFP. I am sending you every ounce of sticky dust I have, I want this one to stick so badly for you. You will most definitely be in my thoughts in the following days and weeks. Super excited for you!

Good luck, ladies!! I hope you all get your BFPs soon!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

sba - Congratulations! What a surprise!! Doctors know a lot, but they just don't know everything...

Lizzy - Congratulations also! These BFPs are so encouraging!

Everyone else, good luck also!

I am day 3pIUI. This was my first try with Clomid and trigger shot. 2 big follicles this time so hopefully double the odds... Anyone know if taking Clomid/trigger shot effects how early I can take a pregnancy test? I am going to attempt not to play the symptoms game this month (was so disappointed by them last month -- really felt all the same things I did with DD, but alas, BFN). So I'm eager to know how early I can reliably take a pregnancy test.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Well, no good news on my end. I tested this morning and got a BFN...just gonna wait it out now and wait for AF to show up. Now I'm really lost in the cycle and not sure when to expect AF.

Good luck to everyone else left in the 2WW! :bigsmile:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Congrats to the new BFPs!!! So wonderful to come by and see that! Good luck to those of you in the TWW, too!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thank you Clairitek, Missy, lovinsparkles, NEL, HOT, Jas, PPM, S&I, Brightspot, stephbolt, Sba, LC, Monkey, Katy, for the congrats and all the sticky dust!

Missy - sorry about the disappointment from the BFN. How many dpo are you now though? It could still be early.

Lovinsparkles - I did Clomid/HCG trigger/IUI this month and I followed my RE's orders to not test till 15dpiui. It was a terribly long wait but worth it in the end. If you don't think you can do that, you could take a pregnancy test every day until it turns negative, meaning the HCG trigger is out of your system. Then if it turns back positive you'll know your pregnant. I didn't do that because I wanted to take my mind off of testing and TTC during the TWW and just relax. Good Luck!

NEL and LC and Katy - thank you prego ladies! I hope this little bean is sticky and I will be catching up with you soon in the Pregnant thread!

Sba - Congratulations to you!!! How many DPO are you? I wonder how close we are!

PPM - Thank you! How are you feeling? I would push your midwife for some betas. It's an easy blood test and it will put you at ease once you can see where you are at.

Monkey - thanks so much for popping in lady! I am so excited that the IUI worked and am beyond thankful. Now I just hope this is the stickiest bean ever. I need it to be! Please definitely keep us posted on your appointment. Push for whatever tests you can get affordably or what they can code for you. I bet everything turns up fine but it will rule things out and then maybe you can move onto Clomid to help speed things up. Thinking of you while you are taking time off....

AFM, still super duper excited and hopeful. I found a lab open today and had my first beta drawn. I'll get the results tomorrow at some point as my RE office is not open today for the holiday. I am very thankful that we were able to get pregnant and I pray that this is the one or two for us! The most noticeable of symptoms are that I am very tired and gassy. Other than that I am experiencing some mild symptoms - cramping, pulling, and bb's a little sore when I push on them. That's it for now. I'll post tomorrow when I get my first beta back.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

:appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:

CONGRATS Miss Lizzy and SBA!!! Sticky beans to you both!! So happy to see all of the recent BFPs on here!! Hope to join you all very soon!

Still trying to get comfortable using this iPad keyboard. Trimmed my nails earlier today to help make the typing easier :rolleyes:

Hope everyone had a great weekend!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

11DPO, my boobs are HUGE. I'm busting out of these E cups, they hurt when I walk and I have to pee every half an hour...

I don't want to get my hopes up but I had to tell someone ::)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

hawaiianorangetree|1315281535|3010480 said:
11DPO, my boobs are HUGE. I'm busting out of these E cups, they hurt when I walk and I have to pee every half an hour...

I don't want to get my hopes up but I had to tell someone ::)

Keeping my fingers crossed!!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Fingers crossed for you Hot!!!! That sounds pretty promising to me!

I think I'm 14dpo today but no symptoms at all! Not even signs of AF. CD36 today how exciting!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

HOT, great symptoms! When will you test?

Missy, how are your OPK's looking? Still getting darker like you are going to O?

Sugarpie, thank you! We love our Ipad and so does my DS! Great for long trips!

AFM, I got my first blood work results back and they are very encouraging. HCG 224, Progesterone 90. The nurse said I was in a great place number wise. I asked her why my progesterone seemed so high as it normally is around 18 at this time for me. She said that was a great sign that I had a good ovulation and that it usually means a strong implantation. She seemed really hopeful and she wants me to go back in for another HCG on Thursday and then most likely an ultrasound next week if all is going well. I am still tentative, but I really feel good about this one!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

HOT, when are you going to test? Peeing every half and hour - sounds about right! So exciting!

Missy, hope you don't have to wait too much longer for your BFP! Or, if you didn't actually O this cycle, hope you don't have to wait too long to get back on track!

lovinsparkles, good luck on your 2WW. Lizzy gave you great advice on when to test. I hope this is the one for you!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy, no my OPKs got lighter again so I'm surrending this cycle! I tried a few this weekend and just when I thought they were getting darker, they got light again. I had O pains on CD21(pretty sure they were, it felt the same as last cycle when I got my +OPK) and an almost +OPK that day as well. I think I may have somehow missed catching my surge on the OPKs even though I was testing 3-4 times a day but we BD'd CD20 and CD22 just in case. Have not had anymore distinct O related pains since then. Glad to see your numbers are good!!!

I want to jump on this BFP train that seems to be passing through the thread right now!!! Maybe by some chance I'm just not meant to get my BFP at 13DPO and it will show later. Only time will tell.

I hope everyone is doing well and had a nice weekend! :wavey:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy and SBA, congrats congrats congrats!!! SO happy for both of you.

BrightSpot said:
amc, totally laughed at your "how to have fun with yourself" comment. How are you doing?

So remember how I was all excited because I had two long cycles in a row which would result in AF coming only on the last day of the cruise? Which means no bcp for switching my cycle?

Well, imagine my surprise when AF came TWO DAYS EARLY. I went from "I have very regular cycles that are almost always 28/29 days with a lovely, perfect 14 day LP" to "No idea WTF is going on since my last cycle was 33 days and this one was 30 days with a 12 day LP." I know, I know, still totally within the rhelm of normal and seeing how I ovulate on my own and such I really have no grounds to complain. Except now AF will probably come mid-cruise. Of course who really knows what my next few cycles will do, since apparently they are doing whatever they feel like these days. Oh and even though my temp dropped, it only dropped to just above my coverline, when it usually drops WAY down the day before or the day of AF. It finally dropped way down today on CD2. Also weird in the temp area, my temps were way higher than normal, overall, this cycle. Both pre- and post-O temps were on average .3 degrees higher than normal. My temps were sort of low before, so I'll take it as a good thing. Even my temp today dropped to 96.75, when my early cycle temps are usually 96.4-96.5. I am wondering if this is from running and my metabolism is finally picking up? Thoughts? Here is a link to my charts-

On a good note, I told my fiance that with the early AF showing it means that IF everything worked out and I get preggo in November, my due date would now be his bday, August 10. So he is thrilled about that and says it's perfect. This morning I was thinking about how a month from now I will be able to say that we are going to TTC next month. It seems really soon when I think of it that way!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy those numbers look really good for you girl! That is the higherst HSG you have had so early on, right? Fingers crossed m'dear.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Dreamer_D|1315347117|3011021 said:
Lizzy those numbers look really good for you girl! That is the higherst HSG you have had so early on, right? Fingers crossed m'dear.

Yup, you got it right! My highest # previously was 98 at this time so 224 is more than double that! I'm hoping this is it!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

lizzyann|1315347564|3011027 said:
Dreamer_D|1315347117|3011021 said:
Lizzy those numbers look really good for you girl! That is the higherst HSG you have had so early on, right? Fingers crossed m'dear.

Yup, you got it right! My highest # previously was 98 at this time so 224 is more than double that! I'm hoping this is it!

Awesome, great news!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Missy0483|1315308833|3010583 said:
Fingers crossed for you Hot!!!! That sounds pretty promising to me!

I think I'm 14dpo today but no symptoms at all! Not even signs of AF. CD36 today how exciting!

I'm 14dpo as well (CD29)! I tested this AM but it was negative. My temps were high up until the last two days. No signs of all. But, this is my first cycle post-BC so I really don't know what to expect.

Keeping my fingers crossed for you!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks CS! Hopefully you won't have to wait too much longer for AF or BFP to happen. These first cycles off BC can be so unpredictable!

Lizzy- I won't test until AF is at least one day late. I have a tendency to test and then AF shows up a few hours later. Those are some big numbers you have there lady! :appl: I wonder if it is twins? I'm so excited for you!!

Missy - thanks! CD36?!?! Wow! How long are your cycles usually? Hope you get an answer soon!

S&I -today is 12dpo, I'm going to holdout till at least Friday if AF doesn't show tomorrow, which is when she usually shows.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

CS, I hope you have a better result than me! I haven't tested since Monday at 13DPO, but not feeling too optimistic!

Hot - I know! I mean I think I'm making 36 days to be a huge deal. Last cycle was 34 days, cycle prior was 32. So this isn't THAT bad but seriously,I'd like to move on already if I'm not getting a BFP! Good luck to you in the coming days!!

Lizzy - All this twin talk...are you prepared for that if it happens? Who am I kidding, no one is truly prepared for that! But how exciting! :D

AFM, I tried OPKs yesterday just for the fun of it. They're about as dark as right before my fade in starts, but they've been like that for days now so I'm still confused by that. I feel like I'm wasting them because they aren't making sense to me right now :tongue:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Quick post:

Checked CM internally today and pretty sure AF is coming. Wasn't expecting that, I really haven't had cramps like I usually get the day AF starts. Oh well, let the adventure begin again!

Anyone else getting all this freakin rain like I am? There's flooding going on all around me! My neighborhood seems flood-free for now though.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

centralsquare, did you temps fall below your coverline, or are they still above it? Fingers crossed you'll find out soon!

HOT, only 2 more days until Friday!

Missy, sorry about AF coming soon, but it's not over until it's over (as I'm sure PPM can attest to!). We need some of your rain over here in Austin. We're spontaneously combusting over here! We got some cooler temps and a bunch of wind over the weekend, which unfortunately made the wildfires spread really fast. :o