
The Official TTC Thread!

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

S&I|1314721660|3005432 said:
Mary, thanks! I used to always say that I didn't want to be in my 3rd trimester during the summer since it's so freaking hot over here too! Luckily, things worked out for me, but I totally understand why you're frustrated. One of my friends had her 2nd DD in May, and she was upset that she couldn't take the kids out for very long due to the heat. What does your DH think about it?

This is exactly it, DH and I watched my two nephews last weekend and attempted to go to the park at 9am in the morning. I was afriad that the boys would end up with heat stroke just walking to the park, much less attempting to play once we got there. It was a huge fail. Anyway, I haven't talked about this concern specifically with DH yet, I will if AF does show up at the end of the week. He recently mentioned off handedly that we will be spending a huge amount of electricity, thus $$$ if I am home all day in the summer months with our baby. I think he will be understanding, its just that my internal clock is pretty loud these days. le sigh.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

S&I|1314721660|3005432 said:
Mary, thanks! I used to always say that I didn't want to be in my 3rd trimester during the summer since it's so freaking hot over here too! Luckily, things worked out for me, but I totally understand why you're frustrated. One of my friends had her 2nd DD in May, and she was upset that she couldn't take the kids out for very long due to the heat. What does your DH think about it?

This is exactly it! Last weekend my DH and I babysat my two nephews and attempted to take them to the park at 9am. I was seriously afraid they were both going to get heatstroke just walking to the park much less trying to play once we got there. :nono: It was a huge FAIL. Recently my DH off handedly mentioned that our electric bill was going to be $$$ if I was home all day next summer with our baby so I think that he may agree to wait for a month or two. If AF does show up at the end of the week I will bring it up for discussion. The main problem is that my clock is ticking so damn loud these days that it makes me feel selfish for even considering hitting the pause button until November. le sigh.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi everyone, just popping in for a second. I can't really post from work and things have been crazy with O's birthday and work and such.

Really quickly- :appl: JAS! I told you TWIN GIRLS. :devil:

Lizzy- I am hoping with everything I've got that this is your cycle.

PPM- Boo to AFF. :knockout:

Bright- Glad the test went ok. ENJOY your vacation!!!!!

S&I- Where in TX are you? I am in H-town. Hottest summer EVER on record here. Fun times.

Which brings me to- Merry- and having a summer baby. Honestly, unless you have a really serious reason for not wanting a specific month, don't wait. I totally get it- I always said I didn't want to be in the 3rd trimester in July or August. BAM, O was born in August of course. (BTW, Leo babies are the best. :cheeky: ). Next go round, I actually said "I'd like an October baby". Got preggo right away, DD was October 6. Lost that baby. So by the time I was ready again, here we go with summer babies already. The part of me that wants to control things wants a baby in October or March. The part of me that realizes how miraculous babies are and that I will be grateful for any child born at any time slaps my other self upside the head. Part of me wishes I had tried again right away for better (i.e., less hot) months but I just wasn't ready. And I'm not willing to take a chance and wait till December or January to start trying. But that's me!

I will say it is as hot (if not hotter, stupid humidity) here as it is in AZ. And the reality is you don't do much the first few weeks. You aren't going to be taking your newborn to the park anyways, unless it's for your benefit. (They just lay there and sleep or cry ;)) ). By the time I got my act together to start taking him places and on walks and such, it was still hot but it was bearable. Being preggo in summer really wasn't that bad- lots of swimming and movies.

Anyways, point is, I totally get you, but my humble advice is to keep on keeping on. It will work out, even if you have a summer baby.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

ChinaCat|1314728069|3005542 said:
S&I- Where in TX are you? I am in H-town. Hottest summer EVER on record here. Fun times.

I'm in Austin. We're breaking all sorts of records over here too. I'm sick of the 100+ days, but my weather app actually shows a high of 98 on Thursday, so that's exciting! We shall see...

Hope O had a great birthday!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

ChinaCat|1314728069|3005542 said:
(BTW, Leo babies are the best. :cheeky: ).

Ha, this is one reason my fiance wants to start in November- he's a Leo and says the same thing.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Delurking to say..

Congrats to jas and S&I!!! :appl: :appl: :appl:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

S&I- I miss Austin. Went to grad school there.

AMC- My DH is a Leo too. As is my BFF. I am surrounded. ;)) Sounds like November is your month!!!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi! Will check in later when the boys are asleep. I just sat down. There's like 3000 new pages on this thread. Ok, 3. 3 pages.

I will catch up soon. All is well so far....
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

The part of me that wants to control things wants a baby in October or March. The part of me that realizes how miraculous babies are and that I will be grateful for any child born at any time slaps my other self upside the head.

Thanks for this China, I appreciate your BTDT advice. It is so hard to not TRY to control this whole TTC experience and I know that you are giving me great advice. I think this falls into the category of when you decide to TTC you just have to go with the flow and everything will work out. I keep trying to remind myself that this is generally out of my DH's and my hands. We would love any child we are blessed with regardless of what time of the year the baby comes. This month is always the worst weather wise and I always do get through it =). I know that it is not a sure bet that we would concieve in the months that we would want to anyway. I appreciate your taking the time to talk some sense into me.

PS. I just wanted to say how sorry I am for your loss.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Merry, your desire to hold off if this cycle does not pan out totally makes sense... So I hope you get your BFP soon ;)) It is hard to relinquish control, and you can plan to a certain extent, but don't count on it. Do you have central air? If not, maybe all of us TTCers can chip in to purchase you a unit if it means staying on the TTC bandwagon for the next few months :cheeky: Who's in?!

China: How are you faring? Sorry work is busy and crazy right now. Hope you find some time later on this week to relax a little! Keep us updated on what's goin' on in your world!

Jas: Still so happy/excited for you! How are you feeling? Any twin intuition? :Up_to_something: Are you planning on sharing with family or waiting until you're into the 2nd trimester. Also, if you feel comfortable answering- what exactly is your profession? I'm totally intrigued and thinking working in theatre would be a dream ::) Do you perform, choreograph, direct, all of the above?

Thanks for your condolences, ladies. You're all so wonderful and understanding of my early testing insanity 8) BUT- I'm not on CD 1, as I stopped bleeding. No spotting... it just... stopped. Off to a slow start this cycle, though it could very well ramp up again by morning. If tomorrow is CD 1 my LP will have extended from 9 to 11 days. Awesome!! 9 days was a bit too short for my liking, so this LP extension is quite welcome.

Is it only Tuesday? How long until Friday? :cheeky:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Ok, I'm unable to respond to three pages. I'll just give a brief hello...

I have been keeping up. Literally too tired at end of day to post a darn thing other than "thanks."

So THANKS so much to all of you who've cheered for this BFP.

PPM -- Sorry things are so frickin' wonky... keep the faith woman. I'm ok. Tired. I work as a director and "comedy choreographer" -- meaning that I put together dances for sketch and comedy shows mostly for people with no dance training. And let me be clear -- I have no dance training, but I research well and can make dances very funny. I also perform...but I'm getting old and here in Chicago, 38 is kinda close to death in the sketch comedy world.

China Cat -- twin girls would be all kinds of not funny. :shock: :bigsmile:

Merry -- I ditto and thritto everything China Cat says. :)

Hi all and again, thank you for the good wishes. I'll be following this thread and popping in occasionally, but if you need me, send a carrier pigeon over to the JBP thread.

AFM -- We're calling the bean "Zoltan" until we know if Zoltan is a boy or girl. I'm already thinking of names because it's more fun than working.

It's scarier, more delicate, gentler this time around. Being preggo with the twins and then w/ the m/c I guess I was swinging free and had not a care in the world. Now I was even nervous making the phone call to make my doctor appointment.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

PPM, so sorry AF arrived. Hugs. I totally psyched myself out last month & was disappointed too. It's no fun. Thanks for the info on the CBE tests (and your positive thoughts about my hsg.) Sounds like 2-3 nice dinners out this month might be in order. :naughty:

amc, I totally second tammy's thought that your "not preventing" will turn into full on trying in about 45 seconds. :wink2: Either way, your TTC time is right around the corner! In the meantime, get on that giraffe making, lady!

S&I, yay for seeing your little bean!! How exciting--congrats! I hope you're feeling better to know that bean is in the right place & all is well. I went to Austin last summer--loved it!

sugarpie, thanks for the info on the MOM. Does it look ok under makeup? Very curious to try this!
I hope your travels go well this month & you're home in time for the right time. :naughty:

MM, yeah, I was definitely glad to do the test before my vacay. At least being able to do the test was a silver lining of missing a day of vacation. Yesterday was actually a pretty rough day, but at least we were only packing & loading the car & driving, so it didn't really interrupt beach time. :wink2:
I'm sorry about your BFN, but don't lose hope yet as it's still early! I hope you have a wonderful trip & definitely enjoy the hard cider. I fell in love with Rekorderlig while I was in the UK this summer (wild berry or strawberry lime), but can't get it in the states. Have one for me if you can!
I totally understand the thought about timing. While I was disappointed at not getting KU last month, part of me thought it would be kinda crazy to have a May baby when both DH & I are tauruses & our anniversary is the day before DH's birthday, so that time of year is always crazy anyway. But I don't think we can really control these things as much as we'd like...

China, once again, your posts are so wonderful & insightful. I'm very glad you're here. How are you feeling? Where are you in your cycle now? I hope O had a great birthday. Thanks for checking in! I'm so sorry for your loss & hope the next bean is sticky & wonderful, like you! (well, not sure if you're sticky... :tongue: )

jas, glad you're feeling well. Are you thinking twins again? Your job sounds fascinating, btw. I hope you'll feel more secure about the pregnancy soon. Are you going in for betas? I'm so happy for you, but will miss seeing you around these parts. I'll have to check up on you in JBP land. Sending you lots of sticky dust!

CS, JGator, Clairitek, Missy, Monkey (if you're still here), hope you guys are well!

AFM, while the hsg test itself was much easier than expected, I had a bit of a rough night last night (pretty bad cramping). But at least I know where my lady bits are & could more easily identify an O pain if I'm ever graced with one. :tongue:
I'm feeling better today, just a little weird with the antibiotic.
Also, my doc called me today to confirm that the test results were completely normal, so that's good. I'm going in for another progesterone test this month & DH has his SA, so more info is coming.

Now, just trying to relax & enjoy my vacay! (So, I'm sitting on a park bench in the dark outside a hotel so I can get wifi to post this. PS obsessed, anyone? :roll: )

Hi to all! :wavey:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

jas, I'm not suprised you work in drama/comedy. Your posts always crack me up! :D
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Merry: Re summer babies, CC gives great advice - in general it is not worthwhile to get caught up in trying to determine things like the baby's sex or when it is born - these are things you won't care about once pregnant and the baby is here! DD#1 was born in September so I was preggo all through summer. I didn't mind - at least I could wear flip flops every day and not deal with bundling up. DD was born on our 1st anniversary btw. This time around I kind of was hoping for a baby not born the exact same time, and guess what, it's due in October! So at least it's not September, but the baby could easily show up 3 weeks early and be born on DD's b'day and our anniversary--now that would be something. Anyway, this time around the summer was hotter so I felt it more, but I'm still not complaining. I don't like the cold and sure I'm more sweaty than others but I actually don't mind. I also commute everyday through hot Penn Station and walk to work, so I have tested the theory, lol. The part I like least about a summer/early fall baby is returning to work in the dead of winter - that does suck, but you can't have everything (unless you live in mild climate all year around)! Like CC said, you are pretty much indoors most of the time those first few months, so not like you're missing out on the park. By the time spring rolls around your baby is the perfect age to be outdoors!

CC: I know I'm late, but I"m so sorry for your earlier loss - I actually had no idea. You have a great attitude though and I can't wait until you join the preggo thread again :).

Congrats to Jas meanwhile, woopee!!

Hi to the other ladies - with a shout out to Sha & Lizzy - hope you are doing well!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

PPM- I'm so sorry about your BFN. How odd that your bleeding just stopped, though. Still feeling crampy? Yay for a longer LP! Gives me hope that perhaps mine will get longer, too, since we went off of BC at about the same time.

jas- Your job sounds like so much fun! Reading about your sketch comedy experience made me instantly envision Tina Fey and Maya Rudolph and their number about doin' it in the season finale of last season of SNL. They were both heavily pregnant and they wrote a song about how being pregnant means they've been "doin' it." I think I will now always associate Tina Fey with you. Both hilarious!

BrightSpot- Sorry about the post-test cramping. I hope that you are feeling better soon. Glad to hear that the results are completely normal, too!

MM- Sorry that your testing so far has yielded BFNs. I still have hope for you lady!

Hi Lizzy, Miss, HOT, CS!

Hello also to my other "in the waiting pool" ladies- AMC and Stephb0lt!

AMF- Nothing to see here! CD.... 8 (I think). Trying to be better at temping this cycle so I don't have crazy charts like last month. I'll probably start OPKs this weekend if I feel the need to pee on things.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Merry- Hope I didn't sound condescending. It's easy to give BTDT advice but I know it's totally different when you are starting the TTC journey for the first time. I totally WANT to control it too, I promise!!!

PPM- That's just weird!

Bright- Glad the test went ok and all looks good! Totally laughing that you are sitting on a bench in the dark to post. That's commitment!!!!

Hi Janine! :wavey:

AFM- O's birthday was great. He actually sort of understood it was all about him this year and he was very excited about his "fast car" cake. I'm on CD15 right now. I am not using OPK's this cycle- I should ovulate around Thursday or Friday, which means it could be on Saturday. I will be OOT this weekend without DH, and it would just stress me out if I don't ovulate till then. I am assuming we're out for this month based on our travel schedules, but you never know. I would rather wing it and not know than to actually KNOW I'm missing my window.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi guys, popping in to say hi! I've been super busy planning an anniversary dinner for my parents so I haven't had much time to post.

China, glad the birthday went well! I hear you on not doing the OPK's. Due to your schedules you'll just stress yourself out.

Bright, I'm glad your HSG came back with great results. Sorry you had a rough day, but it will pass and you'll be on your vaca before you know it!

Clairitek, looks like your getting close to O'ing. Take out those OPK's lady!

Janine, thanks for popping in! Hope you are doing well!

Sha, hi there! How are you?

Jas, I know it can be nerve wracking being pregnant again after a loss. Try not to stress much and go with the flow. With each week that passes by you'll feel better and better. Sending sticky dust your way!

PPM, sorry about AF and the weird stopping of AF. What's your status today?

MerryMary, I agree with the other BTDT moms about not stopping TTC due to due date timing. You just never know when it is going to happen and when it is not going to happen. I'd hate to see you wait and then get frustrated it it isn't happening when you start trying again you know? Babies are just wonderful and anytime you have one will be the PERFECT time to have them! How many dpo are you now?

S&I, hope you are doing well and surviving the heat! Thanks for the positive vibes!! Congrats on a great first ultrasound!

AMC, good luck on the crocheting. I bet it is relaxing! Enjoy those shows now. The only time I have for shows now is during nap time and late night!

Sugarpie, thanks for the info on the milk of magnesia! Gonna have to try it!

I'm so far behind ladies...I'm sorry if I've missed anyone!

AFM, I am 11dpiui and I am itching to test. But I only have one test left and I am saving it till Sunday (15dpiui) as recommended by my RE. If I test now, it will just lead to confusion so I am trying to sit tight. I hate the waiting...
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Monkey, I realized just how far I was behind and went back a page and saw your note. I totally understand taking a break. I am kind of getting to a similar place. I stay optimistic each month, but it is taking a toll for sure. Luckily, my DS keeps me so busy that I don't have too much time to obsess over it, but it is always in the back of my mind. You mentioned your mom is religious, not sure if you are or not...but I've started doing a prayer to St. Gerard and a prayer to Our Lady of Guadelupe. They both help with fertility. Can't hurt right? Another thing you may want to consider is acupuncture. It is very relaxing and makes me feel centered and balanced after. Good luck lady and please pop in. Especially to let us know how your appt goes ok? Sending good thoughts your way!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks Sha! :wavey:

ChinaCat, I went to UT for both undergrad and grad school. I'm biased because I've never lived anywhere else in my adult life. How cute that O loved his "fast car" cake!

jas, isn't it so easy to get behind on this thread? Glad you got your first appointment set up. Now you can just relax and wait for the weeks to go by.

PPM, that's really strange about your fake-CD1. Any updates? Could it have been late implantation bleeding? I know, I'm such the enabler!

BrightSpot, sorry that your cramps from the HSG got worse, but yay for normal results! Is your DH stressed about his SA? Hope you have a wonderful vacation!

Clairitek, how's your chart looking so far this cycle?

Lizzy, thanks! You're so close - only 4 more short days unti you can test! I'm rallying for you over here! :saint: I would totally send you all of my unused HPTs if I could. BFP dust to you!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Monkey: :wavey: :wavey: If you are poking around at all. If not, I am still thinking of you and sending positive vibes your way.

Jas: I agree with Sha- I can "see" you in that career field. Your posts crack me up and your knack for all things comedic is so evident! Hope Zoltan is baking away and is burrowed deep into your ute.

Bright: Get off of PS and go relax with your DH! :cheeky: I only kid- I know that PS posting is relaxing (for me, anyway). Fingers crossed that post-HSG cramps stay far, far away. You two will be nice and relaxed and still on a post-vacation high just in time for your O date, right? Rest up for all that baby-making!

Claritek: I anticipate POASitis will hit you this weekend. There is an epidemic. Hope the temping works out a bit better for you this cycle and that your LP exxxttttteeeennnndddddssss. What is your average LP length since coming off BC? I've read some tricks online about lengthening LPs but, honestly, it probably has more to do with our bodies adjusting to being hormone free.

China: Glad the party was a success and that your LO enjoyed his fast car cake :love: Re: Not using OPKs... sometimes ignorance is bliss. If your O date has been pretty consistent then maybe there will be nothing to worry about. I hope you're able to get in lots of BDing. Sperm can live for quite a long while! I think it was LC who BD'd 5 days before O and got her BFP. (That last sentence reads as though I'm typing in code. TTC-lingo is pretty close, though)

Lizzy: My fingers are crossed for you in five million ways!!

S&I: How ya feelin' mama? Don't worry about enabling, as I love enabling others... or maybe, holding on to hope. Who can blame us?

:wavey: :wavey: to everyone else... HOT, Steph, Missy, AMC, Sugar

AFM: Today didn't turn out to be CD 1. Instead, I found out I am nearly four weeks pregnant. Yep- BFP! When my bleeding never resumed I picked up a cheap test on my lunch period and tested in the girls' restroom at school. Just how I'd always imagined it would be! :rolleyes: While repeating the mantra, "I am crazy and this is stupid" over and over, I saw two pink lines appear in the test window.

I am cautions, nervous and elated, though I feel like I've cheated the system... like this wasn't supposed to happen so quickly and the process should have taken longer. Everyone here is equally deserving of being a mom or a mom X2 (or 3 or 4), and I hope your BFPs come soon and with minimal worry.

My cramping is consistent and I've seen a little bit of old blood, so I'm nowhere near out of the woods. Haven't seen DH yet, so he's still clueless. What a crazy couple of days. I hope they are followed by a calm 9 months!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Holy cow PPM, what awesome news! :appl: :appl: :appl: How many dpo are you today? Maybe you implanted a little later which is why you were late but no BFP till now. Sticky dust coming your way!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

PPM, Congrats! I knew you were pregnant! Sending sticky dust your way.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I can't keep up with this thread but big Congrats PPM!!! That is so exciting and I am thinking good thoughts for you and your growing family!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

PPM - Wooohooo how exciting AGAIN! I totally felt sad for you having a BFP, then BFN, so glad it turned around for you! Have fun telling DH!!!!

Lizzy - I don't think I read anything about your symptoms, are you having any? I got nothing much to speak of going on over here. Only thing was heart burn last night and my face broke out today...but for now I'm going to play that off as nothing. Boobs don't hurt, no bad cramps to speak of yet.

Bright - Haha, posting on here in the dark on a bench! That's some dedication right there!!! Enjoy your vacation!

Hot - How ya doing, I haven't seen you post. I hope that means you have good news when you get back on here :bigsmile:

MM - Thank you! We still have people around us without power...they said all should be restored by Friday :o so almost a week without power for them!

Claritek - Let the POASitis begin!!

Okay that's all I can do for now, it's making my eyes hurt trying to read through all the post from earlier! So :wavey: :wavey: :wavey: to everyone!!! And rally caps :saint: on for the remaining TWWers!

AFM, 8DPO(maybe) today. I have a love/hate relationships with OPKs right now. AF should be here by this weekend if she's gonna pay me a visit. Unless this will be a long cycle for some reason. I'd like to know by Saturday. College football starts and DH is already WAY excited for some Michigan Football (he is slightly obsessed :tongue:), I'd like to add to the excitement if possible but I'd only be 11DPO then. Anyway, time to watch my favorite show Rescue Me on FX!

Edited for some spelling/typing mistakes...really bugs me when I do that!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!


AFM: Today didn't turn out to be CD 1. Instead, I found out I am nearly four weeks pregnant. Yep- BFP! When my bleeding never resumed I picked up a cheap test on my lunch period and tested in the girls' restroom at school. Just how I'd always imagined it would be! :rolleyes: While repeating the mantra, "I am crazy and this is stupid" over and over, I saw two pink lines appear in the test window.

I am cautions, nervous and elated, though I feel like I've cheated the system... like this wasn't supposed to happen so quickly and the process should have taken longer. Everyone here is equally deserving of being a mom or a mom X2 (or 3 or 4), and I hope your BFPs come soon and with minimal worry.

My cramping is consistent and I've seen a little bit of old blood, so I'm nowhere near out of the woods. Haven't seen DH yet, so he's still clueless. What a crazy couple of days. I hope they are followed by a calm 9 months![/quote]

:appl: :appl: :appl: So happy to hear this. What a roller coaster!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks so much, Lizzy, JGator, Indecisive, Missy and CS! DH is due home in the next hour... I am full of nervousness and jitters!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Wow, congrats PPM!!! :appl: :mrgreen: What a rollercoaster! Can't wait to hear about your DH's reaction!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

YAY PPM! What a great outcome! Congratulations!! :appl:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

PPM!!! Didn't I say you had to be pregnant?? I also got my BFP at 3 weeks + 5 days at 12DPO. Congrats!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: I'm so happy for you after that emotional roller coaster of questionable test results!

I'll have to catch up with everyone else tomorrow. I just woke up from a nap not too long ago, and knew something was up when I saw 19 new emails from Pricescope!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

PPM - Can we see your pretty, successful chart now if you don't mind???? :D