
The Official TTC Thread!

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy- keeping my fingers, toes, eyes and everything else crossed that this is your month! ;))
I'm also in Massachusetts - hoping we only get heavy rain and nothing too crazy... we'll see tomorrow.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Just got a positive OPK...too bad we aren't trying until next month or we could possibly have a hurricane baby. :lol:

Hoping we don't get hit too hard here in the southern Philly suburbs, my biggest fear is a tree coming down on our house, as we live on a very wooded lot. Everyone else in Irene's path stay safe!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

stephb0lt|1314490787|3002428 said:
Just got a positive OPK...too bad we aren't trying until next month or we could possibly have a hurricane baby. :lol:

Hoping we don't get hit too hard here in the southern Philly suburbs, my biggest fear is a tree coming down on our house, as we live on a very wooded lot. Everyone else in Irene's path stay safe!!

Congrats! So exciting! Well, at least you're prepared for next month!! Stay safe!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Yay Steph! Keep track of how long your Luteal phase is for next cycle!

Sugarpie, it's raining pretty hard here right now? How about you? I am in the western part of the state, how bout you?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy, I don't have a prescription for any pain meds, so I assume the center just wanted me to take OTC stuff. They said 30 min. before the procedure as well. I don't know if I'll be able to confirm or not as my appt is for 9:30am Monday. (Assuming everything is open!)

I'm glad you & your LO had a blast at Sesame Place. That's so sweet that he fell asleep immediately in the car. It must've been so exciting for him!
I have such a good feeling about this month for you. Keeping you in my thoughts & prayers that this month is the month for you!

Steph, lol about the hurricane baby! Hope your home isn't damaged in the storm.

Hope everyone is staying safe in the storm! It's just started to rain a bit harder in NYC. We now have tornado warnings in addition to hurricane warnings! :shock:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks Bright! I will check and see if I can find my paperwork from my Dr. regarding my HSG dosage info. But I am pretty sure it is 4 of them. Seemed like a lot but the dosage per pill is really quite small. My main advice during the procedure would be to try to relax so you don't tense up. The whole thing is pretty quick. There are about 3 people in the room while you are doing it. Mine came out all clear, but it was a test that needed to be done. And I have heard that women are very fertile right after the HSG! So hopefully, it will give you good results!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hope everyone is staying safe in the storm!

Just quickly, operation husband jump was successful! I'm officially in the ttw. :halo:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

HOT - :appl: Glad you did your 'thang'! Fingers crossed for you.

Lizzy- I am about 20 minutes outside of Boston ("metro west") - the heavy rain has subsided. Guess this must be the calm before the storm.

I'm really hoping the weather isn't too bad early in the AM, as I'd like to run to CVS for a few things. Saw something on YouTube tonight about using Milk of Magnesia on your face to help with oily skin. The reviews have been great. So now I want to buy some and try it.

It's crazy - suddenly, when there's a chance I won't be able to leave the house, I think of the craziest errands that simply cannot wait! :lol:

Good night everyone!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

BrightSpot, I've also heard that a lot of women end up getting PG pretty quickly after the HSG. It's like it cleared out the tubes or something. :lol: My friend is still trying though. Her DH is up for his SA next, but he keeps procrastinating. Hope your test goes better than my friend's! I'll be thinking of you on Monday!

Lizzy, how long are you going to stay on the suppositories? I haven't resorted to wearing pads yet, just changing out panty liners more often. Sounds like your little man had so much fun at Sesame Place! That's awesome that he fell straight asleep in the car! Only 8 more days until you can test! My fingers are still crossed for your BFP this cycle!

steph, you're one day closer to TTC! Woohoo! Hope none of your trees fall over!

HOT, operation husband jump - love it! Yay for being in the 2WW! Fingers crossed for you!

Everyone stay safe! Too bad we can't get some of that rain over here in Texas. We're expecting 110 degrees tomorrow. :(sad
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thank you all so much for the warm welcome! I will have to pick up some of those OPKs from Amazon. I will need to get some disposable cups too. It is so unfair that girls have a harder time aiming but we are the ones that need to pee on or in everything!

Clairitek- Thanks for the reassurance on the weird temperatures. I like things pretty and orderly so I hate having a messy chart but oh well.

sugarpie honeybun- Yeah I was worried the temping would weird my DH out too. Don't you wish we could speed up parts of our cycles to get to the part we want?! Congrats on officially TTC!

jas- So happy for you!!

stephb0lt- haha who would have thought I would be so excited to buy something to pee on

HOT- thanks for the welcome. Good luck jumping your husband. I am sure he won't mind!

monkeyprincess- having patience is the worst! Thanks for the affirmation on the wondfos. I can totally psych myself out with bad reviews.

PilsnPinkysMom- Thank you. I am hoping I get used to it soon. It is embarrassing how many times I woke up the first few nights thinking I needed to temp! It is good to see your chart for comparison. I hope AF stays away for good or comes and goes quickly!

BrightSpot- Thank you! I have dreamed about temping for sure too. I think I am not ready for internal CM checks as well. I am going to have to remember to look when I wipe. They should make dark colored tp for the TTC ladies. Good luck with your test and vacation!

JGator- Thanks for the reassurance. Congrats and good luck with the appt!

S&I- Thanks for the advice. I finally put the thermometer on hubby's side of the bed and it is helping a little bit with the waking up in the middle of the night. Congrats on your pregnancy btw!

lizzyann- People hear about a hurricane and it is like no one can drive. I got stuck in traffic and I had to pay for procrastinating on grocery shopping. Glad your son loved seeing Melmo. That is what my niece called him when see was little. So precious!

Well DH and I BDed tonight but I am not ovulating so no hurricane baby for us either. I am going to have to learn some patience. I was thinking about it and most of the people around me that are pregnant weren't trying. Hopefully we can start a new trend ang get pg quickly!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks so much, Lizzy! I read a couple of other places that the recommended dose is 4 advils, so that sounds right to me. I'll try to relax. If only I had a pill for that... :tongue:
I'm glad yours was all clear! Did your DH come with you for the test?

HOT, yay for the 2WW! Fingers crossed for you!

sugarpie, I'm totally feeling the same way about being housebound! I've spent this much time inside before, no problem, but now that I can't leave, I really want to!
Let me know if that milk of magnesia works for your skin! Sounds interesting...

S&I, thanks! Baby dust to your friend! Funny how we have to go through things that are so unpleasant & the guys don't want to go for their SA tests...doesn't seem too bad to me... :roll:
I wish I could send some of this rain to you in TX!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

DH wanted to run to Target this evening, so while we were there I stopped to look at prices on their FRERs. 2-packs were on sale for $8 but they had an *extra* test. So 3 FRERs for $8!! Not too shabby! I picked up two boxes. Whether or not I already peed on one will remain a mystery :devil: ...So check out your local Targets!

Glad you got a positive OPK, Steph! You're one month closer.

Welcome to the TWW HOT. Hoping you and your DH hit it lucky this month!

DH and I have been following the storm. Thinking of all you ladies that are living in the path ::)

I am still uber crampy but no spotting, internally or otherwise. We'll see what tomorrow brings.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi ladies, looking for advice about the trigger shot. I've never had one before but am considreing one for this cycle to make sure my IUI timing is for a day the clinic is open. I'm also doing Clomid for the first time this cycle, if that matters. Any risk or things I should know before agreeing to the trigger shot? Didn't get to discuss it with the doctor and I hate just saying yes to things without knowing all the facts... TIA!

Baby dust to all!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright, I'm so happy to hear your CD3 bloodwork came back perfectly. Are they just testing for ovarian reserves at that point? I'll have to do some reading up on the various blood tests. I really hope your HSG goes well and you have minimal side effects. You will probably be happy to have it over with. BTW, does the HSG have to be performed on a certain day in your cycle? Obviously you wouldn't have it done during your LP. Are you still on track to take your vacation Monday? I hope so!

Lizzy, thanks. I can't compare my situation to yours because I cannot imagine how painful your losses have been these past 8 months, but it is hard feeling left behind. I truly hope you receive good news next Sunday. So glad your little guy had a fun trip and that you made it home safely.

Sugarpie, your little desire to run to CVS made me laugh. I'm sure the milk of magnesia can wait :) But I hope it does the trick! Report back on your results!

HOT, good for you. I hope that pinpointing your O more precisely this cycle does the trick!

Indecisive, I'm guessing a lot of the bad reviews are from people who are not ovulating or were not using them correctly. They don't work for everyone, but I really do think they are the most reliable for the cost. You'll become an expert at peeing in cups very soon!

PPM, good luck to you! Keep us posted on whether you accidentally pee on another stick :)

Lovinsparkles, if you scroll back a few pages, Lizzy just recently had a trigger shot and talked about the process/timing. Good luck!

Sugarpie, Steph, Lizzy, Bright and others, I hope you make it through the storm without too much problem!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Temp rise this morning. I tested at 5:15 after taking my temp and swore I saw a wisp of a positive on a Wondfo HPT. A second Wondfo and FRER did not yield the same results. Gah. I didn't show DH my maybe-barely-probably-not-positive and I'm trying not to think about it. No spotting. I'm going to try and hold off on testing again until CD 11 (if AF doesn't show before then).

How are you ladies this Sunday? Any news or updates?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

PilsnPinkysMom- crossing my fingers for you!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

indecisive, I understand how hard it is to be patient once you decide to TTC. I was the same way. I think you'll really enjoy the Wondfo OPKs. Good luck!

BrightSpot, hope you haven't gone too stir-crazy being housebound today! I'll be thinking of you and hope for a smooth HSG test tomorrow!

PPM, great score on the FRERs! Isn't there just something tempting about a brand new box of tests that makes you have to pee on one? Did you save the Wondfo from this morning? Did it get any darker? Gah! Keeping my fingers crossed for you, lady!

lovinsparkles, sorry I can't help with your IUI question. Lizzy is the resident expert in that area. From what I understand, the trigger pretty much forces your body to O so you and your RE have more control over the timing of your IUI. Good luck deciding!

MP, how are you doing, my friend?

Hope everyone on the east coast is doing okay!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

PilsnPinkysMom|1314558598|3003712 said:
Temp rise this morning. I tested at 5:15 after taking my temp and swore I saw a wisp of a positive on a Wondfo HPT. A second Wondfo and FRER did not yield the same results. Gah. I didn't show DH my maybe-barely-probably-not-positive and I'm trying not to think about it. No spotting. I'm going to try and hold off on testing again until CD 11 (if AF doesn't show before then).

How are you ladies this Sunday? Any news or updates?

I mean 11 DPO, of course. I always use the wrong terminology!! I still have the test from this AM, though I don't think it's any darker. I keep instinctively holding my bladder, striving to reach three hours of not peeing... but then I come to my senses and just pee. I refuse to test with diluted urine, and feel like testing again today is just a waste of a test. Hoping I have the willpower to wait a few more days!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

PilsnPinkysMom|1314563157|3003757 said:
PilsnPinkysMom|1314558598|3003712 said:
Temp rise this morning. I tested at 5:15 after taking my temp and swore I saw a wisp of a positive on a Wondfo HPT. A second Wondfo and FRER did not yield the same results. Gah. I didn't show DH my maybe-barely-probably-not-positive and I'm trying not to think about it. No spotting. I'm going to try and hold off on testing again until CD 11 (if AF doesn't show before then).

How are you ladies this Sunday? Any news or updates?

I mean 11 DPO, of course. I always use the wrong terminology!! I still have the test from this AM, though I don't think it's any darker. I keep instinctively holding my bladder, striving to reach three hours of not peeing... but then I come to my senses and just pee. I refuse to test with diluted urine, and feel like testing again today is just a waste of a test. Hoping I have the willpower to wait a few more days!

I wonder if you're maybe just at that super low level of HCG where one Wondfo caught it, but the other didn't? I will say though, when I got my faint BFP on the Wondfo in the morning, I tested with another Wondfo and a FRER later that afternoon. The FRER showed a darker line than either of the Wondfos. Since the levels are supposed to double every 48-72 hours, you should see a better result in a couple days. I know it's hard to wait! Did you use the same pee for all 3 tests this morning? I'm assuming yes. Care to post a pic of that "maybe-barely-probably-not-positive" Wondfo from this morning? Definitely don't use diluted pee at this stage. Hoping for more high temps tomorrow and the next day, and no AF!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Congrats jas!!!! (And JGator!) Too exciting!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

Pils!!! I never got a good + until 12DPO, and things sound promising!! I had better luck with CBE digitals over FRER, but I say hold off a day or two and keep testing if the red lady stays away!! :appl:

MP, I know this is super late, but I'm so sorry AF reared her ugly head. I know how awful it feels because I was beginning to feel very hopeless myself there for a while. I know how draining it is, and I wish you the best of luck with the coming months and hope you get good news sooner rather than later.

Lizzy... you're in my thoughts! Waiting with bated breath until Sunday for what will hopefully be great news. :))

Good luck to all the other ladies!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Katy, thanks for the kind words. Hope you are doing well.

PPM, do you have a pic of that first test? We'd love to overanalyze with you!!! Also, great deal on the Target FRER's. I should pick up a box!

S&I, doing well here in MA. Lots of flooding near the river, but all in all not too bad. Still very breezy here though. I resorted to switching to a thin maxi pad. The pantyliners were causing some chafing (sorry tmi), so the maxi pads are actually a little more comfy for me. I start progesterone suppositories 2 days after IUI's and continue using them till I take my HPT on 15dpiui. If the test is positive, I continue them till I am 12 weeks along. If the test is negative, I stop using them so that my period will come. Progesterone delays your period so I have to stop taking them to allow my period to start so I can get started on my next cycle. Sounds very technical doesn't it? Are you still getting the itchies from them?

Monkey, yes I am trying to stay positive. It is hard though isn't it? Regarding your question about HSG...they are usually done between days 6-12 of your cycle.

lovinsparkles, this is my second cycle on Clomid. First cycle I did not use a trigger shot or IUI. This cycle I used Clomid/Trigger/IUI combo. I did not have any side effects really from the Clomid. Maybe a little bit more short tempered but nothing too noticeable. I used the Clomid days 5-9 of my cycle. On day 11, my RE had me come in for an ultrasound to check on my follicles. I had three leading follicles. One was 18.5mm, two were 17.5mm. Based on that, they had me trigger on day 12 around 9pm. They also had me BD on day 12. Then they had me come in for my IUI on day 13-9am for my IUI. I think it was pretty good timing because I felt strong ovulation cramps all day on the day of the IUI. I was worried about giving myself the trigger shot, but it was super easy. What day are you on in your cycle now?

Brightspot, my DH did not come with me for the test because I wasn't taking any Valium. My RE offers Valium to people before HSG's if they think they will need it. But if you take it then you cannot drive yourself home. I didn't want to take one because pills like that make me sick to my stomach. I'm glad I didn't too, because like I said it wasn't that bad for me. I'm sure it would be fine if your DH came though. That friend of mine that I told you about brought her DH.

indecisive, i hear you on hurricane crazies. My local newstation reported that a fight broke out at Walmart over the last case of water. Come on people! Hope that fight was worth it considering the hurricane didn't end up being a big deal!

Sugarpie, howdy to a fellow Massachusetts PSer! :wavey: The rain has stopped here, but the wind has picked up. How about you?

HOT, glad you were successful! Welcome to the 2ww!

Centralsquare, Missy, Jas - Hope you are all doing well!

AFM, 8dpiui! One more week! Oh please oh please oh please, let this be my month! Raining stopped here, but the wind has picked up!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

lizzyann, I did Clomid CD 4-8, today is CD9 and will do ultrasound on CD11 to see if it's time to trigger yet. I think that's too early based on the fact that I always surge on day 15, unless somehow the Clomid changes that. So we shall see... If this cycle (my first clomid) doesn't work, it is IVF for me next. So fingers crossed that we get the timing right and everything goes well. I hope Clomid does the trick for you this month too!

PPM, I am just like you with that early testing -- I had to smile when I read your description :) I hope that line re-appears and gets darker and darker! In my experience, any line is a good sign!

Good luck all!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Our digital camera is broken (hoping for a dSLR for my birthday... not holding breath!), so all I have is my iPhone. Not the best for macro shots! I'm almost embarrassed to post the photo, as the line looks so, so light. I can see it well if I tip my laptop monitor back. The photo version is not visible when looking straight on, though I can see it from all angles IRL. In the photos it looks like a bit of a pink smudge just to the left of the dark line.

Am I going crazy? :confused: Do I want you ladies to even answer that question? :sick:

Side note: Sorry for all the me-centric posts I'm making on this thread. I'm going absolutely bananas right now and having a hard time focusing on anything but the slight possibility of being pregnant. I don't know how you other ladies in the 2WW keep your cool! Next month I'm going to have DH hide all my LH and HCG strips. How to you make the time pass by quickly?


Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I see it, I see it!! :appl:

You know what they say... a line is a line!!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

PPM, keeping my fingers crossed for you!!! It sounds like you might be in bfp land! I think I see a faint line! :appl: (though LOL about having your DH hide the pee strips from you!)

Monkey, yep, they're testing for FSH, E2 & LH on the day 3 tests. It's checking on ovarian reserves & screens for some symptoms of PCOS. Also, high levels of E2 could also be a sign of an ovarian cyst.
I hope the hsg is ok too (and that the radiology place is definitely open tomorrow). The test can be done between CD 5-12. They want you to do it asap after AF is finished so it's definitely done before you O for that month. I still don't know if our vacation house sustained damage during the hurricane. We should find out tomorrow.
How long until your appointment? It's coming up pretty soon, right?

S&I, yeah, we were a little stir crazy, but not too bad. I'm relieved the storm is over now. We probably slept through the worst of it!
How are you feeling?

Lizzy, if somebody offered me a valium, I'd definitely take it! (I'll get home via subway or cab, so would be ok to be a bit loopy. :twirl: )
Sending you tons of baby dust this week!

lovinsparkles, fingers crossed for you this cycle too! Have you had any side effects from the clomid?

AFM, fortunately we came out of the hurricane unscathed. Now I'm just waiting to see if the subways will be running tomorrow, if my hsg test is still on & if I can go on vacay or not.

I hope everyone else on the East coast is ok!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

PPM, I see what you mean. It's kind of hard to tell, but it looks like maybe a second line to me. I think the only thing you can do now is see if it gets darker tomorrow. As long as it's getting darker, it's a good sign! (By contrast, I had a very faint one a few months ago at 10dpIUI and it never got much darker and wound up being a chemical pregnancy). Good luck to you!!!

Bright spot, thank you! I had very few side effects from the Clomid, thankfully! Just a little soreness in the ovary area the first couple of days, and I think some hot flashes. Totally tolerable. Good luck with the HSG!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

lizzyann- How crazy! I am in VA and everyone kept asking me if I had gone out and bought water yet on Friday. I guess I should have been out fighting for it! It makes you wonder what people will do in a real emergency.

PilsnPinkysMom- I do see a faint pink line. Very light but hopefully it will be much darker in a couple days :appl:

So I was sending DH a link for the OPKs to buy and Amazon suggested some products. Has anyone used fertility tea? I think I might get it because I would love to have a shorter, more regular cycle and if it doesn't work I like mint tea anyway. And did I mention I am impatient?! Thinking good thoughts for all the soon to be mommies!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

PPM - I'm pretty sure I do see a verrrry faint line. Hoping it gets darker over the next few days!

Indecisive - I have not tried fertility tea, nor have I ever heard of it, but I would totally try it if we have difficulty conceiving this time around.

Nothing new to report over here. Thankfully, Hurricane Irene ended up being downgraded to a Tropical Storm by the time it came through Massachusetts. DS, DH and I spent the day in the house driving each other crazy :bigsmile: , aaannnnd I managed to get to the drugstore to buy some Milk of Magnesia for my oily skin...and I'm happy to say it works! The shine is gone ;)) .

Today is CD2, so just chugging along....

Hope everyone here is having a great night.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

PilsnPinkysMom|1314578950|3004028 said:
Our digital camera is broken (hoping for a dSLR for my birthday... not holding breath!), so all I have is my iPhone. Not the best for macro shots! I'm almost embarrassed to post the photo, as the line looks so, so light. I can see it well if I tip my laptop monitor back. The photo version is not visible when looking straight on, though I can see it from all angles IRL. In the photos it looks like a bit of a pink smudge just to the left of the dark line.

Am I going crazy? :confused: Do I want you ladies to even answer that question? :sick:

Side note: Sorry for all the me-centric posts I'm making on this thread. I'm going absolutely bananas right now and having a hard time focusing on anything but the slight possibility of being pregnant. I don't know how you other ladies in the 2WW keep your cool! Next month I'm going to have DH hide all my LH and HCG strips. How to you make the time pass by quickly?

OMG - looks good! Are you going to test again tomorrow to check?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Sugarpie, so the milk of magnesia worked? Do they recommend to put it on under your makeup to help with the shiny ness? I have oily skin as well and would love something like this!

indecisive, I have never tried any teas, but my acupuncturist does recommend teas for certain people. I would just do your research first to check to make sure there are no side effects.

Bright, is the HSG still on? Please keep us posted on that and your vacation!

PPM, I say take another test using FMU this morning. I do see a second line though. Did you see it within the allotted time you are supposed to check the test? Or did you see the line only after the specified time period?

lovinsparkles, I did end up O'ing earlier on Clomid than I normally do, but I'm sure it varies.

Afm, 9dpiui! I keep trying to decipher whether or not I have any symptoms, but I don't think I do. Trying to stay positive though, as it could just be early.