
The Official TTC Thread!

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi all -- no news from me until I talk with the hubs. :naughty:

Making lotsa cupcakes. More tomorrow night or Sunday.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

jas|1314396250|3000806 said:
Hi all -- no news from me until I talk with the hubs. :naughty:

Making lotsa cupcakes. More tomorrow night or Sunday.

Does that mean what I think it means??? Gah, I hope so!!! When are you going to talk to him?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Probably tomorrow morning. He's having a weird day. But maybe tonight. Gah.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

jas|1314396492|3000811 said:
Probably tomorrow morning. He's having a weird day. But maybe tonight. Gah.

Oh the suspense! I can't stand it!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

S&I|1314399925|3000869 said:
jas|1314396492|3000811 said:
Probably tomorrow morning. He's having a weird day. But maybe tonight. Gah.

Oh the suspense! I can't stand it!

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

jas|1314396492|3000811 said:
Probably tomorrow morning. He's having a weird day. But maybe tonight. Gah.


I'm going to be checking this thread every five minutes for the rest of the evening....

You're killin' me, woman!

(but if it is what I think it is, it is sweet that your DH is the first one to hear the news!)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I just wanted to introduce myself. I have recently gone from thinking we would start trying in a year or so to wanting to get pregnant ASAP. Luckily my husband is totally on board because I was the one dragging my feet! I am temping every morning but I started a week or so into my cycle so I don't know how much good it will do. I am worried because I have very long cycles that I don't ovulate.

Does anyone else have trouble waking up at the same time every day for BBT? I feel like I go to bed thinking of it and I wake up really early or wake up in the middle of the night thinking I have to take my temp. I probably need to calm down!

I won't say congratulations to jas until she has something to announce but :appl:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Ok so I had planned a huge catchup this morning before going to work but it took me 40 minutes to get the internets working so I'm going to be me centric but I will be back!

Ok, my OPK's...

CD 15 I had what I thought were O pains about 9pm at night when I went to bed, but my OPK from that morning was negative.
CD 16 I had more pain on my right side and my OPK that morning was darker but not positive (I thought maybe I had missed the surge yesterday afternoon).
CD 17 to my surprise my OPK was positive in the morning and I tested again in the evening and it was still positive.
CD18 I wasn't going to test but I'm liking POAS so decided to again and much to my surprise the OPK is still positive! And I've got a dull pain on my left side this morning.

So that is where I am at as of this morning (cd18 on Saturday).

So..... What say you ladies? Have I ovulated already? I am I still yet to ovulate? (which wouldn't be a bad thing since we have only managed to BD the morning of CD15 so far.)

Insights and ideas are most welcome!

I have a man turning up in a few minutes so I need to get up and dressed but I will be back after he is gone!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

JAS!! :appl: :naughty: :Up_to_something: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :rodent: :P :D :D Have fun talking to DH!!

HOT- When I did a the full few days of POASing I got about a day and a half of pretty positive OPKs. I think you're going to O tomorrow or did today. But, I'm a newb with this stuff. Hopefully someone with more experience will chime in. I sort of take OPKs as the "warning shot" that O is near.

I realized earlier I forgot to say hi to Sugarpie and HOT! Hi! :wavey:

S&I- I did have an incredibly weird month of dreams, odd sleep patterns (especially in the beginning of my cycle when we had DH's BFF visiting and they/we were up until all hours), and friends visiting. Friends visiting means drinking, so I'm sure that didn't help much in temping land. Thanks for the idea to switch to Tylenol. I'm going to try that, starting tomorrow, since I just popped 3 more to help with the next round of fun AF pains. :rodent: I am so bloated I can't even suck in my tummy. I seriously look like I am several months pregnant right now. If only...

Hello, indecisive! I basically temp whenever I wake up in the night after I've been asleep for at least 4 hours. I typically wake up anywhere between 3 and 530 to do this. My weekday wake up time is 530 so if I haven't temped already I always do it then. But, you can see my chart above so perhaps my temping habits aren't good ones to follow. :) Welcome to the TTC board! (I'm not personally actively TTC, just sorting out my cycles for when we start next year. Just a cheerleader for the active TTCers for now!)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I am new so I am not much help, HOT. I hope you are just now ovulating so you have time to BD! Where do you get your OPKs? I want to get some from Amazon but the mixed reviews scared me off. The ones I bought from CVS are too expensive to POAS multiple times a day :((
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Clairitek- thanks for letting me know what you do. I wish I hard started temping far in advance like you. I am using an app on my phone to chart right now but I want to use FF too. I don't think my numbers are "good"!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

indecisive|1314410686|3001083 said:
Clairitek- thanks for letting me know what you do. I wish I hard started temping far in advance like you. I am using an app on my phone to chart right now but I want to use FF too. I don't think my numbers are "good"!

Numbers as in temperatures? I think the overall trend matters more than the actual value. For example, seeing that 0.5 degree+ shift after O will indicate that you did O. My one month with a "good" chart I had a clear shift with a dip before the shift (but I am not sure that everyone gets the shift). Confirmed with OPKs.
Have you considered getting a pack of cheapie Wondfo OPKs? I got a bag of 50 for pretty cheap on Amazon. You can get combo packs with HCG (pregnancy test) strips as well! I use the FF app on my iPhone, too! They revamped it recently and it is much better than a few months ago.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Missy0483|1314378105|3000374 said:
S&I|1314373230|3000289 said:
I keep jumping back and forth on whether or not to start temping. I think I want to, but DH will probably think I'm nuts and being a little OCD about it all. We originally planned to justgo with the flow and see what happens and not stress about it unless we have to later on. We'll see!! I expect AF around the beginning of the month Sept 1 -3 or so. I haven't had any more cramping like I do before I O, so if I didn't originally O the first time it doesn't seem like I'm gearing up to try to O again if that makes sense.

Missy- I'm totally with you on the above. Even though DH and I have determined we want another baby, I'm afraid going the temping route might freak him out. Even though I am still using the fertility monitor, it at least gives me *some* flexibility on when I test. Def not as accurate as temping, but just want to go with the flow.

If everything goes as "usual", AF should arrive in the next week, and, once she does, I will OFFICIALLY enter month 1 of TTC #2!!! :appl:

Hello :wavey: to all and thank you for the warm welcome.

Jas.... :wink2:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

indecisive|1314410417|3001080 said:
I am new so I am not much help, HOT. I hope you are just now ovulating so you have time to BD! Where do you get your OPKs? I want to get some from Amazon but the mixed reviews scared me off. The ones I bought from CVS are too expensive to POAS multiple times a day :((

Read this post AFTER I posted the response to your other one.

Here's a link to a combo pack of the Wondfo OPKs and HCG strips.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi all! It's 5:30 and I need to frost about 3 million cupcakes.

I did indeed get a BFP. It's scary and thrilling. I definitely feel "more pregnant" than I did a few months ago with the m/c. I feel as preggers as I did with the twins...which scares the snot outta me.

So, I'll be around. I know some of you have had your own difficult journeys, and I am going to keep positive thoughts (heh) for each of you.

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Woo hoo Jas!! :appl: :appl: :appl:

Congratulations! So excited for you, but I can understand why the thought of twins again would be scary!!!! I'm sending you as much sticky dust as I can :appl: :wavey:

Good luck with all those cupcakes too. :sun:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Congrats, Jas! :appl:

CD1 over here...
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Congratulations Jas!! :appl: :appl: And good luck with all those cupcakes!

Welcome, indecisive. I hope your stay here is short! The Wondfos Clairitek mentioned are what a lot of the ladies here use, they are super cheap so you can pee on things to your heart's content. :lol:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Geeze it doesnt take long to get behind around here!

S&I - I have been scratching my head to come up with an equivalent for a male push present, but lets face it, they don't do a lot whenit comes to the contribution of baking a baby. :bigsmile: but I'm sure my husband will have no problems claiming it to be a new father present or something. How are you feeling? You must be close to 6 weeks now? Has the MS started?

CS - nice positive OPK! Where are you in the TWW now? If you want to see a list of the acronyms used here go back to the start of this thread, I think it's around page 10?

Missy - thats funny you say about your kitties and the water. My mum has a cat who only drinks from a running tap, she refuses to drink out of a bowl! Mine likes to lick the water off the shower curtain, while you are in the shower... weirdo! If the drs don't think your DH is going to have a problem with his sperm production then you shouldnt either. Any idea where you are in you cycle/2ww?

Lovin - glad to hear you are taking a few more steps before IVF, even if it ends up costing you a bit more money. My fingers are crossed for you that you won't need the IVF in the end.

Lizzy - I hope you are keeping yourself occupied in the TWW and are enjoying sesame place with your little guy!

Jas - congrats again, I am sorry I won't have your funny posts to read around here though!

Sugar pie - what's CBEFM? I'm unfamiliar with that term.

JGator - congratulations! It's always nice to hear a BPF story! My Aunty was 42 when she fell pregnant on her honeymoon. She didn't think she would fall pregnant because of her age so they didn't bother with any protection... Boy was she wrong!! Just goes to show you that it is possible and does happen! Fingers crossed and wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months.

Bright - sorry AF showed, but glad to read that you are undergoing tests etc, hopefully they have some answers for you soon.

Monkey - I'm sorry you are feeling down but it is totally understandable that you are and it's ok to allow yourself to feel it to. I would tell your dr that you have been trying longer than you have, just to be on the safe side and be prepared to kick up a stink and insist she look into it if she doesn't seem to worried. I know it may have only been 6 mo this for you, but 6 mo ths is forever when you are living 2 weeks at a time.

Steph - lol at your husbands expert opinion on the OPK! Mine would have taken up the offer. :cheeky: thanks for the help with the
OPKs, I never dreamed it would be this late, but cd17 seems to be quite normal, or so it seems.

Amc - I'm not limiting anything other than my alcohol intake. (not that I drink much anyway) I don't really drink coffee and I only have one or two cups of tea a day. Interesting you say about the fallopian tubes, I never knew that. That's gross about the egg whites, I think pre seed would be an easier option. Lol.

Merry - not long now! Are you feeling any symptoms?

Claritek - thanks for the OPK help! I'm going to count today as O day and tomorrow as 1DPO. I'm pretty sure a few KUed PSers had short LP's so I doesn't have to mean you will have problems, but it's great that your DH is being so understanding! I have a small suspicion that I also had a short LP when I fell pregnant with my DD because when AF was due the blood test at the DR was negative for pregnancy but then less than a week later it was positive, indicating I ovulated later.

Indecisive - welcome! I'm not much help when it comes to this TTC stuff either! I don't temp because I hardly get up at the same time every day, even on work days, so it wouldn't be very reliable for me. Plus it takes me long enough to get to work as it is without adding another chore. I'm in AU so can't get the OPKs from amazon shipped here, I got mine from eBay. They seem to be a no name brand and are as skinny as a matchstick but I'm happy with them.

Sugar pie - I just saw your latest post, sorry about AF.

To all of you who will be affected by the hurricane, please stay safe and I hope your power doesn't go out so you are still in with a chance for the 3mill post giveaway. Lol.

AFM I still need to jump my husband before the night is out so I guess I should get out of here!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Jas! You sneaky woman! I didn't see your other posts from last night until just now. Congratulations lady!!! That's awesome, and I'm sending you all the sticky dust I can! Are your boys fraternal twins or identical? Maybe you're just more hyper-aware of symptoms this time? Anyway, have a great party, and please keep us posted!

HOT, I would probably call today O day too, it's not a precise science, but it gives you a good idea. Hopefully you've gotten in some well-timed BD'ing. Good luck! I love everyone's cat stories. My cat has an obsession with water too and he regularly forgets the shower is running and tries to hope in the shower with me to lick the water off the faucet. We have an electric water fountain for him because he won't drink stagnate water. Oh, and thanks for your nice message. I'm feeling better about things now. I just need to learn to have more patience and trust that there is a plan for DH and me.

Sugarpie, are you officially trying this cycle? Good luck to you!

Indecisive, welcome! I second (or third) the wondfos. I think most of us have had reliable results from them, so don't be turned off by the negative reviews. I am not temping anymore, but when I did, my waking time would vary by up to about an hour and I would often wake up during the night. I was still able to get a clear temperature shift though after ovulation.

Clairitek, your chart is a bit hard to decipher because there isn't much of a clear shift after your positive opk. Maybe you can try to take your temp more consistently next month. I think I read in TCOYF that your LP can be a bit short after stopping BC, so hopefully that is the case for you. Also, having a shortish LP isn't necessarily a problem as other ladies have said. Either way, at least you'll have a lot of data when you start trying. That is sweet how your DH responded. I dont think it comes naturally for a lot of guys (my Dh included) to just be understanding and not try to fix the problem or try to convince us not to worry about something, so you are lucky.

MM, you're getting close to testing time! I wouldn't read too much into symptoms because they are not very reliable at this point. Good luck to you!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

HOT - CBEFM = Clear Blue Easy Fertility Monitor

MP - YES! Waking up to AF actually made me happy this morning :bigsmile: since it officially marks entering Month 1 of TTC!

I have now decreased my dosage of Celexa to 5mg (starting today), so I'm hoping to be completely off in the next 2 weeks. I've also been taking Pre-Natals for the past 2 years - never got off them since having DS. Not sure what else I'm going to do to get TTC-ready..hmm...

We are all bracing for Hurricane Irene up here in the Northeast. If the reports are accurate, she should rear her ugly head tomorrow, which means today we're going to stock up on activities/crafts to keep DS occupied in the event we're stuck inside all day tomorrow.

Hope everyone has a great day! :wavey:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Steph: Good luck with the caffeine reduction! I wonder how you can tell which coffees use the CO2 or H2O caffeine-elimination processes?


MP: Sorry for CD1.. Hugs to you!

Bright: Any decision on when to schedule the HSG? I don’t know if I’d risk cramping and bleeding on my vaycay, BUT it may be a small price to pay for the peace of mind

CS (and AMC): I don’t think copious amounts of CM are needed. I never produce a lot. I use Preseed, though. Also, the earlier recommendation for Robitussin and grapefruit juice is good…. And drink TONS of H20!

Merry: Any TWW updates? Tuesday is oh-so-close! Hope your vaycay plans are not too terribly messed up.

Missy: I highly recommend temping. I used to worry/think/dream about it for the first few weeks, but now it is a part of my routine. I sleep until my alarm goes off, I instinctively reach for the thermometer, and BAM! In my case, my temps show my obvious ovulation date. This month I got two positive OPKs during the same 24 hour period that I ovulated. If I hadn’t temped this cycle, I would have assumed I ovulated a full day or two after the positive OPKs.

Claritek: I’m glad your DH was understanding and sympathetic. How’s AF treating you? Not too poorly, I hope. I’m thinking your LP will get a little longer with time? Maybe? Hopefully? Your chart is pretty darn wild! My first instinct was that you O’d on CD 19 or 20.

Indecisive: WELCOME!!!! Temping troubles tend to subside after you’ve temped for a while… It’s hard to not think/worry about it in the beginning, but it gets better. If you only started a week into your cycle, you should still be A-OK. Lots of ladies don’t temp during AF. Wondfos are great, IMHO.

HOT: I say…. assume you’ll ovulate today! CD 15 bding is well within the range for some quality, baby-making, sperm-meet-egg action. If you jump your DH right now, you’ll simply seal the deal!

Sugar: WOOHOO! CD1! One week til it’s time to make your LO a sibling!

Jas: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sticky, sticky, sticky dust to you! I AM SO EXCITED FOR YOU!!!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl:

AFM: 8 DPO. Last month AF reared her ugly head on 9 DPO, so I’m bracing myself. Temps have continued to climb, but yesterday my boobs started hurting and today I am extremely crampy. Chances are slim this cycle, anyway, so I just want AF to get here ASAP and then GO AWAY. My chart is below, just for perusing :twirl:

Good luck to those of you in the TWW!! Those on the East Coast, please be safe!

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

PPM, good luck to you! I didn't realize you were that close. I know temping is not the best indicator, but I think it is a great sign your temp is still rising, especially if AF showed on 9dpo last time.

ETA: Oh, and sore boobs and cramping can mean other things than AF too!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Jas and JGator - Congrats on your BFPs! :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:

Seems like I was just posting here yesterday and I am almost 12 weeks now! Thinking about all of you here as I move from the Just Barely thread to the big Preggo thread soon. I am excited for you ladies who are TTC to be able to start jumping threads soon, too. Lots of BFP dust being sent your way. Will be cheering you on and checking in sometime soon. :bigsmile:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MP, yeah, the costs could add up really quickly! I'm hoping you can try a round of clomid & that does the trick. (or, even better, you get a bfp this month without meds!) I'm hoping to give clomid a try soon too, assuming the hsg comes back ok. I was gung ho to schedule the hsg so I wouldn't have to wait another month, but am totally second guessing myself after reading everyone's posts. I hope it goes ok... :sick: Thanks for the feedback on mucinex. I've been taking vitamin B-6 for a couple of months (per TCOYF) & I think it might be helping.

JGator, thanks so much for the recommendation. I will check out the posts & clinic. I do think I'm in a good place to get help here--lots of older moms & would be moms in NYC (and even in my OB's practice). I would definitely think your OB should've been more attentive, but I'm glad you didn't have to go through any testing & fertility stuff. So far, it's not so fun. :tongue: I think I'll check out the mucinex this month (can't stand grapefruit juice!) Seems like it did the trick for you!
I'm excited to hear how your appointment goes! I think the first u/s is around 8 weeks, so a little bit of a wait, but it's right around the corner!

amc, that sounds like a lot of CM! I just notice mine when I wipe (a little freaked out about checking internally), but I never noticed that much! It's funny, I totally remember lots of it (when I didn't know what it was) when I was younger, but between the pill & getting older, it's not as abundant now. I use PreSeed, though, and love it!

Missy, I've heard sometimes just taking it easy & enjoying things can be more productive than over analyzing everything (I should take my own advice!) ;)) I hope you don't get any hurricane damage. I'm in NYC, so we're battening down the hatches. My inlaws on Long Island had to evacuate. :eek:

NEL, thanks for the reassurance about CM! It's so easy to freak out about every little thing when you're TTC! How are you feeling?

S&I, ugh, fever after the HSG? That's not good. Was your friend ok? Do you know if she took an antibiotic? My OB gave me one to start taking the day before the procedure & continue for several more days to fight the risk of infection.
How are you feeling? I hope morning sickness is still at bay.

MM, I hope Irene doesn't mess up your travel plans. Are you getting excited about the trip? Keeping my fingers crossed for you & hope you have good news to take across the pond! :appl:

Clairitek, hopefully all goes well on Monday. I'll keep everyone posted.
Sometimes it does take a while for your body to go back to normal after coming off HBC. I'll bet it will be in great shape by go time for you! That's sweet that your DH is being so sensitive. That's good that your AF has gone back to pre-hbc levels. Mine varies a lot, which is concerning me.
How much does drinking affect your chart? I'm not a heavy drinker (no more than 1/day if that) but I wonder if any drinking is affecting my chart.

jas....huge congrats to you on your bfp!!! :appl: I'm glad you feel more PG than you did last time. Sending you lots of sticky dust (and luck for the party!) I hope you still check on us over here in TTC-land as I've really enjoyed your posts. :bigsmile:

indecisive, hi & welcome! :wavey: I think I could say ditto to your entire post. As for temping, when I started I had a lot of stress about remembering to temp in the beginning. I would also dream about temping. It's gotten to be more second nature now & less stressful. I'm not always good at taking my temp at the same time every day, though, since my schedule is pretty erratic.
I hope temping helps give you more info on your cycles (& that your stay here is short & sweet!)

sugarpie, yay for starting to TTC! Hope your stay is short & sweet as well! Also hope you stay safe & dry in the hurricane & your LO is sufficiently engaged. :wink2:

HOT, good luck with the husband jumping! :naughty:

PPM, I hope AF stays away for you! Fingers crossed! Your chart definitely looks promising. And if it does rear its ugly head, do you get another fancy night out next month? :naughty:

MQ, thanks for checking in on us! I hope you are feeling well--congrats on the thread jump (& near entrance to the 2nd trimester)!

AFM, I got a call from the radiology office & they could fit me in for the HSG test on Monday morning before I theoretically leave for vacation (assuming my vacation destination still exists after Irene & the roads are passable to get there). I've been reading online & am starting to freak out about the test. Has anyone had one before? It seems like I might want to bring DH with me if possible.
I also got my CD3 blood work results back & my doc says they're "perfect," so that's a relief. I was having dreams that I was all out of eggs.
Since my progesterone was low, she wants me to go in for another progesterone test in mid September.

Ok, off to do a little more hurricane prep. I hope everyone in the NE stays safe & dry (and with power for PS posting!)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Jas, Congratulations on your BFP! Hope to see you on the JBP thread soon. I think I'll dip my toe in over there after my first doctor appointment next week.

Merry, good luck with your testing on Tuesday. I had less symptoms on my BFP cycle than others so don't read too much into the symptoms if possible. I know it's not easy.

AMC, your doctor is going to be blown away when you walk in with all your data.

PPM, your chart looks promising. Keeping my fingers crossed for you.

BrightSpot, good luck with the hurricane and your HSG appointment on Monday. Congrats on a perfect CD 3 blood result as well. I hope you can still go on vacation on Monday.

HOT, thanks for the story about your Aunty. I hope you were able to catch your egg this cycle. Wishing you lots of sticky dust - you live in one of my favorite countries.

Welcome Indecisive. When I first started temping I would find myself waking up early and having to use the bathroom before my alarm clock/normal temp taking time so I got a lot of those FF circles for inconsistent temp times - I did notice huge temp differences/increases the later I would wake up. After a few cycles, I forced myself to not get up and fall back asleep so that I could try to temp at close to the same time every day without gettting out of bed which can elevate your temperature.

Claire - I also had erratic temperatures. And, I did notice huge temp spikes after drinking - I had to discard one temp on my last cycle for that reason similar to your chart this cycle. Good luck to you! Also, I was on BCP for 10 years straight, and the first 2 or 3 cycles were long or short but my last several were always 29 days. Your husband sounds like a sweetheart for understanding your anxiety.

AFM, counting the days to my appointment next Friday - 6 to go. Pretty symptom-less other than slight cramping once in a while and new acne this week. I did take another test today just to double-check and I got a line again.

Hi :wavey: to anyone else I missed. Have a great weekend.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

jas, a huge congrats to you!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: Sending you tons of sticky dust! What kinds of symptoms are you feeling? Good luck with the cupcakes too. I'm sure the boys' party is going to be awesome!

indecisive, welcome! :wavey: Your chart should still be fine this cycle. Apps like FF only use the last 6 low temps before 3 consecutive high temps to calculate the coverline. Since you have long cycles, you probably O (ovulate) a lot later, so you'll have plenty of temps charted by then. Don't focus so much on the individual temps either. The goal is just to see a clear shift in temps pre-O versus post-O. I use my DH's alarm clock to take my temp at 6:30AM everyday (even on the weekends!), and then just roll back over and go back to sleep. :lol: I also used the same OPKs that Clairitek provided the link to on Amazon. They worked like a charm! Good luck, and I hope your stay here in short and sweet!

HOT, I would consider today your O day as well. Good luck tonight - CD15 is definitely still a contender! I am 6 weeks and 2 days now. Not much going on really. M/S hasn't gotten any worse, so I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not. Waiting for our first ultrasound and prenatal appointment on Monday!

Clairitek, it sounds like your temps are very affected by drinking, as well as the quality of your sleep. So sorry that AF is being so hard on you this cycle!

sugarpie, congrats on officially starting TTC #2! What's your plan of attack?

PPM, your chart looks great! Today's temp spike looks like a great sign of an impending triphasic shift. Good luck! When are you going to test?

BrightSpot, my friend did take antibiotics but still got a fever that night. :confused: But she was fine the next day, except for the lingering cramps. Her tubes were declared all clear. Have you decided what you're going to do about yours? Glad your CD3 tests came back all perfect!

JGator, yay for still getting a second line! I took tons of HPTs after my initial BFP too! Doesn't the waiting stink? I sometimes feel like it's even worse than the 2WW. I am not a patient person. :rolleyes:

Hope everyone has a great weekend. East-coast ladies - please stay safe!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi ladies, I ended up coming home late last night to avoid hurricane traffic today. So far it is only raining hard in MA. I only have time for a quick post till later, but I saw Brightspot's question about HSG and I wanted to get back to her.

Brightspot, I had an HSG done a couple of months ago. For me, it was super easy. The hardest part was the anxiety while waiting in the waiting room. The speculum created a pressure feeling but I did not feel the catheter at all. Now, I will tell you that my doctor told me it was easier for me because I have had a child before. I guess that would make sense. A friend of mine had one and she did not have any children at that point, and she said that she felt pressure and some discomfort with the catheter. But once it was done, it was done. No aftermath. I'm sure it varies by person but I wanted to give you my experience. Please follow the directions from your doctor. I believe mine had me take 4 advil's prior to HSG and and also bring a maxi pad because the dye does leak out a little after the HSG. Hope that helps. I think that it is great that they got you in this cycle, then you can get peace of mind this month instead of waiting another full cycle. Good Luck and let me know if you have any other questions.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

lizzy, thank you so much for getting back to me about the hsg! It's a relief to hear that the procedure isn't a nightmare for everyone. Thanks, as well, for the info on the advil. The person who scheduled my appointment said to take painkillers, but didn't specify which ones & at what dosage. I probably would've only taken 2, so this really helps. Were your results all clear?
I hope you had a nice vacation, even though it was cut short. How are you feeling? How long until you test? Sending you massive amounts of baby dust!

JGator, thanks for the good luck wishes. I hope it all goes ok. There's just so much uncertainty now (hurricane, test, vacation, etc) it's unsettling. How are you doing in NoVa?
I'm glad you're (mostly) symptom free at this point. Do you have some PG-safe stuff to use for the breakout?

S&I, thanks for the info on your friend's hsg. That's scary that she got a fever even with the antibiotic, but glad to know she was ok the day after & all was clear. Did she wind up getting PG? My OB has totally downplayed the potential discomfort of the procedure & said it's great because a lot of women get PG after their hsg's.
How are you feeling? Are you still on the progesterone supplements?

AFM, rain on and off here, but the big stuff is still to come. We're just watching the TV & waiting.

Hoping everyone is well & safe! :wavey:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright, yes I believe my doctor had me take 4 Advil. Personally, I prefer to take Advil over pain killers because I tend to get nauseous and dizzy from pain killers. If you choose to go the Advil route, just confirm with your dr. how much and when to take it. I believe I took mine 30 mins before procedure.

S&I, how are the suppositories going? I am using mine right now. Don't you love wearing maxi pads for most of your day? *sarcasm* You'll be happy when you hit 12 weeks and you can be rid of them!

Jgator, yay for an appt on Friday! Keep us posted!

PPM, crossing my fingers for a BFP! That chart looks great!

Sugarpie, where are you roughly in the northeast? We must be near each other because Irene is set to hit us tomorrow too! I went out shopping this morning for some water and things that are easy to eat without electricity. I'm hoping it won't end up being that big of a storm though once it hits us in MA.

HOT, you are too funny with the 3 mil post giveaway! I think someone will win tonight based on the numbers. Have fun jumping your DH!! I think you ended up O'ing on CD19.

Jas, congratulations!!! I had a feeling that was going to be your news! How many dpo were you when you tested and when did you start experiencing symptoms? Hope the birthday party went well!!!

indecisive, welcome to the TTC party! I do not temp so I am no help on that but I love OPK's! Good Luck!

Monkey, I'm feeling a little eh too but am trying to stay positive. Sometimes I get a little down in the dumps in this thread because I've been here for awhile (over 8 months now) and see people come and go and it makes me a little depressed. Can't help it. But I am trying to stay positive, knowing I am doing all the right things, have the right doctor, and have a plan. I'm glad your doctor appt is coming up. Clomid just may do the trick for you. Do you think you'll try IUI too, or maybe just try BD'ing only the first go round. We'll get there lady!

AFM, we came home a night early from Sesame to avoid the hurricane traffic. But my DS LOVED Sesame Place and "Melmo" When he met him, he gave him a big hug and was not scared at all. He was such a good boy. We were there from 10am till 3pm, and literally 5 minutes out of the parking lot, he was sound asleep in his car seat. He was exhausted from all the fun he had! It feels good to be home though and sleep in my own bed. We are prepared for Hurricane Irene, as she should be hitting us tomorrow at some point. Has Irene hit anyone yet? How bad was it? It is just raining here now. Right now, I am 7dpo. I will be testing next Sunday. So far, no symptoms, but I know it is still early. I'm hoping and praying this is our month!