
The Official TTC Thread!

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

JGator|1314123927|2997539 said:
Thanks, MP and AMC. Hearing other people think it's real is reassuring. I haven't told anyone but by DH and now you all. My husband is skeptical/cautious about believing it, but I think he is coming around since AF has not visited yet. MP, I did feel like we were in the same boat reading your previous posts. I hope you also don't need the appointment, but I do think it relieves some stress about TTC just knowing that you have a plan to see an RE soon. Hope this cycle is your lucky cycle.

I just felt the DC earthquake after I submitted my post - very scary, but everything is okay here.

Congrats JGator!!!!!!! How exciting for you!! Always a nice surprise to see more BFP posts! I felt the earthquake originated in Virginia, but I felt it in Pennsylvania! I was home at lunch and my whole house, glasses in the cabinets. It was pretty scary. You could even hear the rumbling noise too. I thought it was just my house, you know, that it was gonna collapse on me or something. I never thought it would be an earthquake! I jumped on Facebook and saw all the posts about it, so that's how I found out what it was! :errrr:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

S&I, glad you had a nice & relaxing weekend. How's the side sleeping going?

CS, yay for a positive OPK! I hope your post-business trip session was a success!

MP, thanks for the sweet post. It definitely helps to know I'm not alone in this process. Has AF still stayed away for you? Sending you lots of dust...

Missy, how are your OPK's looking? Temping is not too annoying to deal with & does give you the ability to cross check things. (And something else to obsess over too! :tongue:) I used OPK's for the first time last month & found them a bit confusing. It was helpful for me to temp as well to get a clearer picture. I second the other ladies comments about your DH being just fine for the job. ;)

lovinsparkles, welcome! I have no experience with IVF, but it sounds like you have a good plan worked out. Keep us posted!

amc, how exciting to TTC a week early! It might indeed be more relaxing to deal with OPK's at home & what better way to spend your 2WW than on your honeymoon?

lizzy, I'm glad you're feeling better & enjoying the beautiful weather! It's certainly tempting to look back & hope you did everything you could, but it sounds to me that you covered your bases quite nicely. Continued baby dust your way! How are you liking Sesame Place?

jas, I hear you about the overanalysis & totally support ice cream as hobby! How are you feeling now? How's the party planning going?

Jgator, welcome & congrats on your BFP!! Sending you lots of sticky dust. This also gives me hope as I've been trying since going off hbc in January & am a bit older (36). I've just started the testing process, so wish me luck!
Glad you're ok with the earthquake!

AFM, the good news is that I'm not going to have AF on my vacay next week. The bad news is I'm not KU. CD 2 here. I'm disappointed, but kinda knew it was coming. I went in for my CD3 blood tests today (my doc said it would be ok to do it CD 2 or 3), so should have results on Friday. I also need to go in for an HSG test, but worry I might not be able to squeeze it in before I go on vacation on Sunday & it will be too late by the time I get back the following Tuesday. I'm just hoping AF gets the heck out of here ASAP so maybe I can go in for the test on Saturday.

Hi to anyone I missed--hope you're all well!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

stephb0lt|1314114909|2997413 said:
centralsquare|1314114521|2997404 said:
S&I|1314109504|2997344 said:
centralsquare, are you in the 2WW now?

Oh, what does 2WW mean? I'm afraid I'm still learning!! So I had positive OPKs today and yesterday, but my temp went down today. What does that mean??!!!

It's like learning another language, isn't it? 2WW = Two week wait (i.e. the time between when you ovulate and either get a positive pregnancy test or your period).

Some women experience an ovulation dip in their temperatures the day they ovulate (which based on your OPKs, might be today), what you want to see is a rise post-ovulation.

THANK YOU! I'm so appreciative off all the information everyone is so willing to share. Greatly appreciate it!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

JGator|1314124367|2997552 said:
Thanks S&I, I hope to join you on the JBP thread soon.

:appl: :appl: Keeping my fingers crossed for you!!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Monkey, any news?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

amc missy, and centralsquare thanks for the well wishes. It feels great to have new friends to talk to about this.

Missy, it was scary here in NOrthern VA too - I was glad it ended pretty quickly though. That was my first and hopefully last earthquake.

Brightspot, good luck with your testing, and have a great vacation too. Earlier this month, I thought we were FF chart twins - sorry to hear AF showed up this month. Wishing you a BFP in the near future.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy, I have news, but not good news. No baby this month. I knew AF was coming, but it held off just a little longer than usual to mess with me. How are you doing? Hope you have a great vacation!

Bright, so sorry that AF showed. I'm happy for you though that your testing is underway. Dust that your AF ends in time for your procedure, so you can hopefully get some answers this month. You are one step closer to getting your BFP!

JGator and Missy, thr earthquake must have been scary. I was on a conference call at work when it happend, and some of the attorneys were in D.C., so I sort of got to experience it. Yikes.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

amc, I hope your "decision" in October is a non-decision, in that your cycle will be perfectly aligned to not have AF during the wedding! I think you're in pretty good shape though, since you're more likely to have longer cycles once you start getting stressed about the upcoming wedding.

BrightSpot, I'm still getting used to the side sleeping with the pillow. I find myself on my back more than I'd like throughout the night though. Sorry about AF, but that's great you're going through the tests now. Are you also going to do the ultrasound to check your anatomy in addition to the HSG test? I never ended up doing the HSG test because I wanted DH to do his SA first, and he wanted to "try" one more time before he went for his SA. I guess he tried really hard this time. :lol:

JGator and Missy, glad you survived the earthquake. My BIL said he felt it in New York!

MP, so sorry about AF toying with you! Does that make your LP one day longer? IIRC, your LPs were around 10 days, like me, right?

centralsquare, how was your temp this morning?

Lizzy, how's the wait going? Knowing myself, I would probably test early keeping in mind that I could get a false positive. I'd want to see the HCG fade out and then know that any positives after that would be the real thing. But I am crazy when it comes to this stuff! Fingers and toes crossed for you, my dear!

HOT, any closer to O yet?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

S&I, thanks. My LP is actually about 11 to 12 days, but this time around it was 12 or 13 days, and I didn't have any spotting other than that one time I saw the pinkish cm.

So now I'm determined to figure out why it has hasn't happened yet. The only thing I can think of that we need to do differently is keep BD'ing a day or two longer, just to make sure we are not stopping prematurely. We tend to BD a lot leading up to O, but then stop the day of or day before. But really, that probably isn't the problem because we have gotten plenty of BD'ing in. Other than that, I'm pretty sure I'm ovulating due to the timing of my postive OPKS, and AF coming about 12 days after I think I ovulate, and the fact that my temp was going up to indicate ovulation. But now I'm wondering if I'm having weak ovulation for some reason. Hopefully, something like clomid will help me. And I'm really hoping my doctor will take me seriously and be sympathetic to my cause. I'm just scared that this is going to be a long-drawn out process and that I won't find answers. I had hoped to be about 6 months pregnant by now, and it just hurts to know that probably the earliest I could expect to have a baby is a year from now, and more likely even later than that. Sorry, feeling a little woe is me today.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MP, hugs to you, I’m so sorry AF showed her ugly head. I hope your doctor is proactive in looking for a reason that you aren’t getting KU and it is an easy fix.

China, I think I’m the same kind of girl – I am a very type A person and like to control everything, so knowing that I’m introducing this factor that is going to go totally against that is scary! But like you said, the potential good stuff is so much greater than the scary stuff and other than that DH and I feel like we are in a place in our life where we are ready, so away we go!

S&I, yay for great numbers! Hope things are still trucking along!

Lizzy, I thought of you the other day when I saw Sesame Place coupons in the drugstore (I’m south of Philly, so still in the general area of SP). Hope you have a great trip and it helps the 2WW pass quickly.

Jas, FF got offended with me the same way last cycle, she needs to get over it! Hope party preparations are going well! I’ll be waiting for your update Friday!

Brightspot, so sorry that AF showed up for you. I hope your testing sheds some light on what is going on for you and AF gets out of there quickly so you can get your HCG this cycle. Hugs to you.

HOT, darn those curious kittens! And how sweet that your daughter is so enthusiastic about being a big sister, I bet she will be a huge help to you when you do get KU. I didn’t see a test that was even remotely positive last month until CD17, so don’t lose hope yet. How long are your cycles usually? That might give you an idea of when to expect to O.

PPM, sorry things with DH were so up and down, but glad he made a grand gesture and you guys are on the same page now. It makes sense that what you went through before with an unplanned pregnancy could affect his mindset as far as TTC now. Thinking good thoughts for you this month my dear!

Missy, sounds like temping might give you some guidance as far as if you actually did O or not – but hopefully you got lucky this cycle and don’t need to temp! I don’t know anything about how your DH’s issue could affect his fertility, but just thinking about how many sperm men usually have I would say even with just one testicle, there should be plenty of swimmers fighting for your egg!

Lovinsparkles, hmmm, tough question! I haven’t been through any of it and don’t know anyone who has, so all I can offer you is best wishes in coming up with the decision that is best for you and in conceiving a sibling for your daughter. How many portions (can’t think of the best word for this, but you get the idea) of the donor sperm do you have left to try with?

Amc, I hope AF lines up nicely for you so you don’t have to go back on BC. These last few months will fly by I bet!
Gator, welcome and congratulations! Fingers crossed for a sticky bean for you!

Centralsquare, how did your temp look today? Don’t worry yourself over temps being all over the place, the overall trend is the important part.

Hi to MerryMary, sugarpie, and anyone else I missed!

AFM, it’s CD12. I couldn’t resist the urge to pee on things so I started OPKs on CD10, but looks like I could have waited as they are negative so far. But ah well, I’ve got a drawer full of them and a big stack of Dixie cups, so not too worried about being wasteful. DH apparently fancies himself an expert on OPKs now, last night he told me he thought he saw a faint line on the one I left on the bathroom counter. I told him that was just how the negative evaporation line looks, and if he wanted to try one on his own pee I would prove it, but he declined that option.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

S&I|1314196473|2998208 said:
amc, I hope your "decision" in October is a non-decision, in that your cycle will be perfectly aligned to not have AF during the wedding! I think you're in pretty good shape though, since you're more likely to have longer cycles once you start getting stressed about the upcoming wedding.

Thanks! It looks like that will be the case. I had a huge temp shift today (almost a whole degree) I think my little eggie is gone. I think the month of the wedding I will try to stay relaxed...get a massage, facial, think happy thoughts, etc. It will be cold by then so maybe some hot baths as well. I want a happy and punctual egg!

I talked to my fiance last night about my new, non-bcp plan. He said it's a win win- if I'm pregnant, no rides for me, who cares...if I'm not, then we get to ride. I told him that if I am pregnant I could still wait in line with him and just bow out at the last minute. It's so crazy to think that in 3 months from now I might be knocked up!! (God willing!)

Also, a question for you guys- what is the normal time frame that an OB schedules the first appointment? I've heard anywhere from 6-12 weeks. I ask because I would be 7 weeks right before Christmas and it would be pretty cool to be able to see the potential baby before Christmas. I guess it varies by practice?

Brightspot, sorry about AF. Oh well, at least you'll be in the all clear for vacation!

Monkey, ditto. Boo. It's funny, we spend so many years praying AF will show...Hopefully you will be able to get some answers SOON.

Steph, peeing on things is so fun!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

amc, thanks, life is kind of funny that way. And wow, you are such a planner! Assuming (crossing my fingers) that everything goes as planned for you and you are pregnant for your trip, I’m thinking you could go on most of the rides. Maybe not the really crazy ones, but most of the Disney rides are pretty tame. I mean you would be at a point before a lot of women even know they’re pregnant, and I don’t think you can do much to unlodge the little embryo or zygote or whatever it is at that stage. I can understand being cautious though because I'm going to be a nutso paranoid hypochondriac the moment I see that second line (heck I already am). As far as your first appointment, I really do think it varies by practice. Six to eight weeks seems to be the norm among my friends. One thing I do know is that you will be thrilled to see your baby for the first time, and every time after that, whether it is before Christmas or after Christmas! Anyway, I sincerely hope things go as you plan! Just try not to plan too far down the road and be disappointed if your timing is a bit off. I learned the hard way!

Steph, thanks. Excited for you to start trying. Better to start the OPKs too early than too late with the OPKs, but it's sort of annoying when they keep coming up negative. , and if it doesn’t happen this month, you’ll know better next month.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

monkeyprincess|1314206428|2998320 said:
amc, thanks, life is kind of funny that way. And wow, you are such a planner! Assuming (crossing my fingers) that everything goes as planned for you and you are pregnant for your trip, I’m thinking you could go on most of the rides. Maybe not the really crazy ones, but most of the Disney rides are pretty tame. I mean you would be at a point before a lot of women even know they’re pregnant, and I don’t think you can do much to unlodge the little embryo or zygote or whatever it is at that stage. I can understand being cautious though because I'm going to be a nutso paranoid hypochondriac the moment I see that second line (heck I already am). As far as your first appointment, I really do think it varies by practice. Six to eight weeks seems to be the norm among my friends. One thing I do know is that you will be thrilled to see your baby for the first time, and every time after that, whether it is before Christmas or after Christmas! Anyway, I sincerely hope things go as you plan! Just try not to plan too far down the road and be disappointed if your timing is a bit off. I learned the hard way!

Steph, thanks. Excited for you to start trying. Better to start the OPKs too early than too late with the OPKs, but it's sort of annoying when they keep coming up negative. , and if it doesn’t happen this month, you’ll know better next month.

That's what I was thinking. I mean I wouldn't go on the tower of terror or any that shake you around or spin you a lot. But Space Mountain? Eh, not exactly a crazy ride. My grandma was a pediatrician. She told me whenever she found out she was pregnant she would be super active, jump, bounce, etc. She said if the baby wasn't firmly implanted then she'd rather have it come loose then and not later on. And yes, fully aware that it might not happen the first time. I mean they say you only have a 20% chance every month, assuming everything is working how it should.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

amc, I will say you have put yourself in the best position you can for it to happen quickly with all the charting and researching you've been doing. You know WAY more than I did before I jumped into the pool. And chances are it will happen within a few months for you! Exciting!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MP, I'm so sorry this wasn't your month. Honestly, I feel like you're handling this really, really well. I can imagine that this must be extremely frustrating or you because it's not like it's been 8+ months of not-preventing, it's been 8+ months of pinpointing your O day and BDing at the right times. I agree that I don't think that your issue is from a lack of BDing--you've covered that base very well.

My biggest hope for you is that your OB will want to start the testing immediately. Did you say that you'll be in your 2WW during the appt.? If so, the CD3 testing isn't that far away. And they'll probably want to do that test to make sure your tubes are clear. I just really want for you to get some type of answer and solution quickly. It would be great if the solution was easy, but even if it isn't, it would be great to know what you're up against. And if you fall into the "unexplained fertility" category like so many ladies do, hopefully your OB will be on board with trying some solutions sooner rather than later since you have been trying for a long time. I KNOW that you will have a baby and that all of this will be a distant memory, but for now I really feel for you. And I'm most definitely cheering you on!

Good luck, TTCers! Lizzy, I'm definitely still checking in on you!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Ah, thanks NEL, you are so sweet. You're right, I do believe we will eventually have a little one on the way, but right now that seems so out of reach. At the same time, I know there are women on this forum who have been trying or had to try for much longer than my 7 cycles/6 months. I do think I might somewhat exaggerate how long we've been trying when I go to my doctor. Maybe say I have been trying since the beginning of the year, but monitoring for 8 cycles. I will most likely be right around O time when I go in for my appointment, so if she decides to run some tests, I won't have long to wait.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MP, I totally feel for you, and I really hope that your doctor is willing to start testing you now as opposed to waiting for some random amount of time to pass by. I agree with NEL that it doesn't appear that you are not BDing enough (sorry about the double negative). I forgot if you were doing the EOD thing or everyday or something in between, but I don't think continuing another day or two would change much in your case. The CD3 blood test is the easiest thing, and the ultrasound is also pretty easy. You also don't have to wait very long for those results. I never did the HSG (fallopian tube test), so I can't comment on that, but I've heard it isn't too terribly bad. I take that back, your DH's SA is the easiest thing! After all the testing, I hope that your doctor can work out a great plan for you to get preggo soon. The weak ovulation thing - I think the 7DPO/CD21 blood test can help with that. I think they just basically test your level of progesterone at that time to see if it's high enough to support a pregnancy. I wish TTC were so much easier. I'm sure it's hard for you to see people like me come into this thread and get a BFP on the first cycle too, so I'm sorry about that. Just know that I truly feel for you, and wish you all the best. I want very much for you to get that elusive BFP so we can go through this journey together! You will be a mommy, and a great one at that!

steph, I get random urges to pee on things too! Okay, maybe just in a cup and dip my tiny LH and HCG sticks in it. That's funny that you offered one for your DH to pee on!

amc, where I go, I actually have my first prenatal appointment with an RN around 6-8 weeks. I'll let you know how it goes on Monday, but I assume that's where she'll give me a bunch of general maternity info, and give me all my lab forms for blood tests. After that, I get to make an appointment with my actual OB 2-4 weeks later. Then, I think I go in once a month until the last month, where it might be something like every week. But it definitely depends on the specific practice. You could call your intended practice to ask what their normal process is, so you can be prepared. I did learn that you can see "something" on an ultrasound once your HCG levels get up to 2000, and I know some ladies in the JBP thread saw their little blobs of babies earlier than 7 weeks, so it's quite possible that you could see something before Christmas.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

S&I|1314216573|2998443 said:
amc, where I go, I actually have my first prenatal appointment with an RN around 6-8 weeks. I'll let you know how it goes on Monday, but I assume that's where she'll give me a bunch of general maternity info, and give me all my lab forms for blood tests. After that, I get to make an appointment with my actual OB 2-4 weeks later. Then, I think I go in once a month until the last month, where it might be something like every week. But it definitely depends on the specific practice. You could call your intended practice to ask what their normal process is, so you can be prepared. I did learn that you can see "something" on an ultrasound once your HCG levels get up to 2000, and I know some ladies in the JBP thread saw their little blobs of babies earlier than 7 weeks, so it's quite possible that you could see something before Christmas.

It's definitely on my list of questions to ask the doc during my pre-TTC appointment. Which is in only 3 weeks...weird! When I made the appointment it was two months away. Time flies!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi! Thinking I was Mrs. Smartypants, I ordered a bunch of candy melts online for the boys' party (using them for eyes on cupcakes). It's 95 degrees today. They were delivered just now. I suppose they are named properly. I'm a dumdum. Off to the store tonight. I try to save time in the silliest ways. Almost always backfires.

Missy, sorry that O is being sneaky. How frustrating. Good luck getting that elusive and satisfying positive!
Monkey -- Sorry about AF showing up...and hugs to you. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you will find the answers you seek. Thanks for the encouragement. The party is indeed foremost on my mind...mostly because I seem to be trying to sneak work on it in between doing a zillion things with the boys. Funsies. :)
amc -- i'm glad you're able to see the positive in your shifting cycle! It does get complicated, doesn't it? I'm glad your man is onboard! My OB/GYN usually only sees people around week 9-10 UNLESS there is specific reason. (i.e. mine told me I could get an early appointment b/c of the m/c. If I want.)
Jgator -- congrats! That's a positive! Glad the earthquake didn't cause damage! Hopefully seeing the doctor will make it seem even more real and wonderful!
S&I -- how are you feeling?
BrightSpot -- So sorry about AF. Ugh. At least her timing isn't affecting your vacay. Yeah, that's not much comfort. :( I'm feeling boobs hurt, so you know, that's something. Party planning is done, now it's just execution. I'm terrible at execution. Will be baking all day Friday. Wish me luck!
Stephb0lt -- Hi! What is with FF anyway? I've heard it called "fertility frenemy" round these parts, and I'm beginning to call it that myself. LOL about suggesting that your DH share in the POAS mania! :)

And, for me, 9DPO. I usually have an 11-12 day luteal phase. Temps kinda wonky, but I'm learning not to rely on those too much other than coverline. In exciting news, I saw a smidge of pink cm this morning. :twirl: We'll see. My boobs hurt, but honestly I believe they always do right before AF, so I'm trying not to lose my mind. Keep you posted!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MP, I'm so sorry to hear AF has arrived. <hugs> It sounds like you have a lot of data on your cycles, which should help your doc. I hear ya on the stress of either finding out something's wrong, or finding out everything is ok. Also, the worries that the process will be more drawn out or stressful than anticipated. I'm totally feeling that way too, but at least you're starting the ball rolling with your appointment. With the timing (around O?) you should be able to get most of your bloodwork done quickly. Has your DH done an SA yet? I remember your dream about that (who wouldn't), but don't remember if he did the test yet.

S&I, that's so funny at your DH's last, good try to avoid the SA! I'm picturing him giving his little swimmers a locker room rally speech.
I asked my OB about the ultrasound test & she said they would do one if all of my bloodwork & HSG test came back normal. The SA is definitely less invasive than the HSG. I wish my testing was more like that!

JGator, thanks for the kind thoughts & sorry we're not really chart twins. Thanks for the info on guaifenisen/CM. I was thinking of trying that, but maybe I won't bother.
How are you feeling? Hope everything is ok with you & Missy post-hurricane. My folks are in NoVa & dealing with a bit of clean up (fortunately all minor).

steph, thanks for the hugs. I totally worried about the kid thing being something I couldn't anticipate (what it would be like, etc.) or control for a long time too. I guess sometimes you just have to close your eyes & jump! Have fun peeing on things & hope you get a result soon! I love that your DH has become a pee stick analysis expert. Too cute!

amc, I agree that you should still be able to go on some rides if you're newly KU. And what a great excuse not to go on the tower of terror!! :eek: Kudos to you for doing so much research ahead of time. You're definitely well prepared for this process!

jas, the boob pain might be encouraging! Hoping you saw a bit of implantation bleeding this AM too. Keeping my fingers crossed for you. Good luck with your baking! Is the party on Saturday? How big is the guestlist? Save a cupcake for me!

Lizzy, hope you're enjoying your vacay! I'm pulling for you!

AFM, I spent a ridiculous amount of time on the phone with doctors & my insurance company today. I've finally determined that I'll have to wait until next month on the HSG test (apparently places that offer this usually only do the test 1-2 days a week on a variable schedule that is, of course, not posted on their websites & I won't be able to fit it in before my vacay.) Also finally got DH's SA test scheduled for when we return. (quite the effort to find someone who is in-network on this one.) I was a little disappointed at having to wait so long to get these tests done, but I guess this whole process isn't really on my desired schedule anyway, so maybe I should chill & take things as they come.

Hopefully the hurricane won't ruin our vacay! :sick:

Question for you ladies. I'm just seeing my OB for these tests. Should I be trying to see an RE instead now or is that for later?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

BrightSpot, if your insurance will cover it, I would go straight to an RE because they are experts in this, and see people every day for these problems. And if there is a problem, I think you would end up with an RE down the road so in my opinion it's better to start there. I made my appt with an RE for 9/9 - hopefully, I will have a sticky bean and can cancel the appointment, but that was my logic on going straight to an RE. Also, my OBGYN already told me at my annual exam that it's normal to take a year to conceive so I didn't feel like she would do much for me till that point.

MP, so sorry you are feeling down. I completely understand and empathize. It is a roller coaster of emotions every month. Try to stay positive and I know you will be a great mom who really appreciates every second with your LO when he or she finally gets here.

Jas, good luck with the birthday party. I'm sure it will turn out beautifully as you are putting so much thought and effort into it. I have a ton of nephews and one niece and I try to make most of their birthday parties - they are so excited and have so much fun.

One other thing, I did want to tell everyone that I have had basically no symptoms in my TWW or post BFP (3 days with no AF!!!) so try not to analyze the TWW too much. The only thing I had was acne at about 7 DPO which I generally don't get and some lower back pain which I get all the time so that might not be related.

Hi :wavey: to anyone else I missed - I am just getting used to posting so forgive me if I missed anyone.

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

JGator, welcome and congratulations!

Brightspot, that is great that your OB is giving you an HSG. Mine did not offer that, but my RE did. It's up to you on whether you want to take the next step to the RE. It wouldn't hurt. They will probably be more aggressive than an OB would. So it depends if you are up for that - i.e more tests, fertility drugs, etc. An RE's job is to get you pregnant, pure and simple. Then once you're pregnant, you go back to your OB.

Jas, sorry about the candy melts. Don't you hate it when you try to do something to save time and it backfires! 9dpo! Woo Hoo! Crossing all my fingers for you!

Monkey, sorry lady. I was hoping this was your cycle. Is your appt with an RE or your OB? I know my OB preferred to have me see an RE to work with me on fertility drugs etc. I think your BD'ing timing is right on. Here's a couple things, not trying to get you worried, but these are some of the things that have come up with my RE....Do you normally check CM? Sometimes, that can be an issue. Your doctor will most likely run a day 3 test and a 7dpo test. The 7dpo test will check your progesterone and that level will tell you if you are actually ovulating. Do you have any symptoms of PCOS? Was it you that said your sister had issues TTC? Maybe i"m confused. But if so, did she get her issue diagnosed? Another thing that would be a big help would be to get a SA. Maybe there is a low motility/count issue or something that can easily be helped by doing Clomid/IUI's. You may want to consider acupuncture. I had a great appt today. Relaxing and acupuncturist are really in tune with infertility issues. Thinking of you lady!!! Hang in there! It will all work out!

NEL, hi sister! Saw your ultrasound pics! Baby looks perfect!

AMC, your so excited! I hope it happens fast for you when you start TTC so you don't have to go thru months of ups and downs like some of us have. It is exhausting but so worth it in the end. One thing regarding your honeymoon, do you plan on drinking? Usually when I am in my 2ww I stop drinking alcohol to be on the safe side. Will that affect your vacation at all?

Steph, I wish they had those coupons near me! But they are running a special that if you buy one day you get the second day free. I'm not sure if we will go back the second day but at least its an option. Your DH is too funny about the OPK's! Personally I prefer to start using the OPK's early too so that I don't feel like I may have missed my surge.

S&I, how are you? I totally thought about taking pregnancy tests every day to see the fade out, but I decided against it. I'm just gonna wait the 15 days. Because I have taken so many tests over the last 8 months, I get a lot of anxiety from them, so I am just gonna wait and hope for the best. I am wicked bloated right now. Not sure what's up with that.

Missy and Centralsquare, hope you are both doing well!!!

I'm so sorry if I missed anyone! I was quite behind!

AFM, 4dpiui! We leave tomorrow for Sesame so I was quite busy today getting us packed up! Trust me ladies, once you have kids be sure to get a decent sized vehicle. We will only be gone for two nights and we have so much stuff! We now have 2 SUV's and we are happy we went that route. Anywho, I had acupuncture tonight. It was wonderful. Sooo relaxing. I could actually feel my heart beating at one point, it was crazy how in tune I was with my body. My ear did start to bleed this time though from one of the needles, but it doesn't hurt once it's in. I am very bloated and crampy today. Not sure if it is TTC related or just something I ate though. Good luck to all those in the 2ww! Rally cap is still on. :saint: I'll catch up when I get back!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

S&I, thanks for your kind message. I'm happy for you that you and everyone else who has gotten BFPs, so please don't apologize for that! I want everyone on here to get there BFPs quickly because I know how much it sucks getting BFNs. I'm really hoping we have a couple more ladies join you this month. I have a good feeling we will.

Jas, you're so close! Sending positive vibes your way. Hope the sore boobs are a good sign!

Brightspot, thanks. I think we are going through somewhat similar situations. Nope, no SA. Only the bizarro dream. Neither DH nor I have had any testing done so far. I'm guessing we will get all of that started after my OB gives the green light. Will your OB give you a referral for an RE? I'll have to stick to my OB for now because I have no insurance coverage for fertility testing or treatment.

JGator, thank you. Hope you are feeling good and starting to feel more confident in your BFP.

Lizzy,thanks for your thoughts. I do monitor CM, and it seems to be relatively normal. I have to check internally because I don't get a lot, but I do notice EWCM around the time of O. I have also taken mucinex a couple of cycles. I'm almost positive I'm ovulating because I have always gotten positive OPKS a couple of days before my temp rises (back when I was temping), and I get AF about 12 days afterward. You're right that it was my sister who had a little trouble conceiving her first. The second one came naturally as a surprise. Her doctor thought she might have mild PCOS. I certainly don't have the classic symptoms of it - not overweight, I work out regularly, I have regular cycles, and they are short cycles. My sister is a little heavier than I am, and she also had some extra hair. Then again, she has dark hair and I have blond hair, so maybe mine just isn't as obvious? I have also had a couple ovarian cysts. Anyway, clomid worked for my sister, so we shall see. Have a great time this weekend!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi everyone - I've been out of the loop and trying to catch up with all that has been going with all of you! I had two positive OPKs on Monday and Tuesday, with a temp spike today so it looks like today is O day potentially. I'm still out of town until tomorrow AM so I'm hoping there will be a chance for BD tomorrow, or that Sunday's BD could have been successful. I still haven't seen any changes in CM but I'm not sure I'm evaluating that correctly.

Posting my current chart....FF0824.php.png
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

centralsquare|1314246439|2998936 said:
Hi everyone - I've been out of the loop and trying to catch up with all that has been going with all of you! I had two positive OPKs on Monday and Tuesday, with a temp spike today so it looks like today is O day potentially. I'm still out of town until tomorrow AM so I'm hoping there will be a chance for BD tomorrow, or that Sunday's BD could have been successful. I still haven't seen any changes in CM but I'm not sure I'm evaluating that correctly.

Posting my current chart....FF0824.php.png

CS, just a quick thought... It looks to me that you O'd on Tuesday, not today. Even though you had a positive OPK, you have a clear temp dip followed by a rise. Generally speaking, temps don't rise until AFTER O... So maybe you O'd late Tuesday night? Either way, your Saturday and Sunday BDing were great timing! You definitely have a shot this month! Welcome to the 2ww! :appl:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Oh - thanks for letting me know! Should be an interesting two weeks!! Is there anything I need to look for during the two weeks. I guess I don't need to do OPKs until next month.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

CS, I agree with PPM, you most likely ovulated on Tuesday. If you have high temps today and tomorrow, that will confirm that you ovulated on Tuesday. I really recommend that you pick up a copy of the book Taking Charge of Your Fertility. It is a quick read, and it will give you a really good understanding of the ovulation process and charting your cycle. Good luck to you this cycle. Your BD'ing on Sunday just may have done the trick!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

centralsquare, ditto the other ladies, I think Tuesday was your O day. I think you can definitely retire the OPKs until next cycle (or maybe longer!) You can drive yourself crazy analyzing different feelings and signs in the next two weeks (as many of the ladies here can attest to). Since this is your first cycle off BC it's hard to say when your period might be coming too, so it really depends on your mindset. Some ladies don't mind a negative test and start with the pregnancy tests as soon as 9 or 10 days after ovulation. Some wait until they are sure their period is late to test. I say do whatever you are comfortable with and helps you pass the time quickly! Thinking good thoughts for you!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks, MonkeyPrincess and Steph!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

jas, I'm feeling okay - thanks for asking. My calcium pill that I take every morning felt like it was still in my throat or really wanted to come back up today, so I wonder if I'm starting to feel the beginnings of preggo nausea at 6 weeks exactly. Sorry about your candy melts. Oooh, maybe your smidge of pink is a result of implantation spotting? Are you going to be patient and not test until 12-13DPO?

BrightSpot, glad you were able to sort our the doctors that your insurance allows. Don't worry so much about having to do the HSG test next month. It might be good to get your CD3 test results back to see if those indicate any problems before the next test anyways. My OB would schedule and review the 4 preliminary tests (blood work, ultrasound, HSG, and SA), and even prescribe Clomid to try. But I think if anything came up showing a potential problem or unexplained infertility, she would have referred me to an RE at a fertility clinic. If your insurance will allow you to go directly to an RE, that might save some time.

JGator, how are you feeling today?

Lizzy, have fun at Sesame Place! Sorry about your ear bleeding from the needle. :eek: Maybe being bloated and crampy is a good thing!

MP, I hope your OB can easily refer you to an RE so you can find some answers quickly, and get that elusive BFP!

centralsquare, looks like you Oed on CD15, so you're officially in your first 2WW! FF should give you crosshairs after you put in 2 more high temps. Good luck!

PPM, how's the 2WW going for you?