
The Official TTC Thread!

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

BrightSpot, I don't have much hope that my arms will cooporate with all the blood draws. When I had my appendix removed in the 3rd grade, I remember having to get my IVs moved to a different vein almost everyday. The worst time was when the nurse hadn't even walked out of my room after putting one in, and my wrist was already covered in blood! :o That's good that your doc called you after hours to tell you your progesterone. Did you ask about progesterone supplements? I thought that was one of the main points of doing the 7DPO blood test, to see if you could up your progesterone during the 2WW in hopes of better implantation chances? 10-11DPO is still on the early side. Fingers crossed that your temp continues to stay high (way past 18 days straight). When are you going to test again?

HOT, wow - 8 days? :eek: Your DD's response is priceless! That's great that you have such an awesome cheerleader. Hope the OPKs start getting darker soon, so you can get busy!

centralsquare, thanks for posting your chart. I'm not totally convinced that you've Oed yet. It looks like we need to see your temps for tomorrow and the next day to see if there's a thermal shift. How long are you average cycles? FF usually won't give you crosshairs (solid or hashed) until after the 3rd high temp is entered. But it's also been known to move them around later on. Given that you've only been having sticky CF and still all negative OPKs, I don't think you've Oed yet. Keep charting and things will hopefully clear up in the next week or so!

PPM, what you wrote just broke my heart! I am so sorry that your DH has been sending you mixed signals and you feel like he hasn't been totally honest with you. I am glad that you told him that you would never be 100% sure - I know my DH and I definitely weren't! I hope your DH knows that it could very well take more than only 2 months of officially trying to get PG. I understand his logic about wanting to plan for a delivery in the summer months to work with your teacher lifestyle, but things don't always work out that perfectly. I think once things cool down a bit, it might be a good idea for you to talk it out some more. Try to calmly explain to him that things don't always happen instantly the way we plan, that this TTC business isn't a smooth and easy process that we have control over. I sincerely hope that you can work this out with your DH, and that he'll come around sooner than later so you can both be on the same page again! Thinking of you sweetie!

Hope everyone is having a good weekend! I think I've slept 14 hours in the past 17 hours!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

PnPsmom, I just want to tell you that I'm sorry, but that you are not alone in your frustrations. I know it can be hard when you feel like everybody else's husband is eager to have kids and yours is daydreaming about a trip to Western Europe instead.

I always feared that D would freak out on me a little when it was time to TTC. The man tried to buy my e-ring 3 times in one day once and had a panic attack each time. Even though we talked about having kids a thousand times before getting married, I still worried that he would freak out when it came time to actually start trying. I wanted to try last fall (I stopped BC last summer), but he didn't feel ready and then our dog got very, very sick and I put it on the back burner. By late winter, I told him I didn't want to wait any longer. I could tell that he still wasn't 100% on board, but at the same time he was probably afraid of my wrath if he kept pushing it off :) I documented on the TTC thread that I bought a box of condoms and told him "when these run out, we're trying". In the meantime, my friends' husbands were so excited to start trying for a family and mine was counting the condoms in the box like he might die when the last one ran out. The toughest part was navigating through all of that and being understanding of his fears without resentment creeping in. Anyway, we got down to one condom, which he called the "emergency" condom.

Long story short, it took a few cycles for me to get pregnant--partly because of bad timing (that first month we missed the window completely because he barely wanted to BD--and he ended up using the emergency condom). By the third cycle, because I'd gotten two rounds of BFNs, he was much more on board. When I did get my BFP, he freaked out for a few hours and said "what if I'm not ready?" But literally by the next day, he was excited. And now he's super excited, talks to my stomach all the time and is the crazy guy who wants to go to every single appointment.

I didn't mean to make this a novel about me, I just wanted to let you know that I've defnitely been where you are and know how you feel. It's not that your DH doesn't want kids and it has nothing to do with you. I do think it's important to let him know he can talk about his fears, even if those fears secretly make you want to punch him. Once it sinks in a little for him, it will be easier and when you do get pregant, I have no doubt he'll be very excited. It's hard to think about all of that now when you're frustrated and hurt, but it gets better!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

PPM, hugs. I'm sorry that you are feeling so frustrated right now and that you and DH are not on the same page right now when it comes to TTC. I would feel very hurt in your position as well. But I don't think your DH's reaction is that unusual or unexpected. Starting a family is a life-changing event. It sounds to me like he is just nervous about taking this big step because his reasons sound a bit like excuses. Of course it is not unprofessional to have a baby after 2 years of teaching, nor is it unprofessional to have a baby mid-way through the school year. That is a fact of life, and it would be discriminatory for the school district to take that into consideration in its hiring decisions. That said, this has to be a decision you are both comfortable with. If I remember correctly, you are both fairly young and have plenty of time to start a family. It may just be one of those things that he needs another month to get used to, or it may take another year. Thinking of you, and I hope you are able to have a good talk with him and get back on the same page with your timing.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright, I just noticed that you got a BFN this morning. So sorry, I know how deflating it is to just see one line. All hope is not lost yet though. Have a nice weekend and maybe try to wait a few more day to test if AF doesn't show. Continued dust to you.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

PPM, oh my gosh. I am so sorry. I really think your DH is just nervous about the whole thing and coming up with excuses. I think all men and women for that matter are a little nervous about the whole thing. But at some point you just have to pull the trigger. I wonder if there are any good books out there for men and TTC? Maybe someone can recommend one. I think he will come around. It sounds like he wants kids with you but wants them on a certain timeline. My issue with this is that he doesn't understand that pregnancies do not always happen when we plan. Trust me, I thought I would have been pregnant by now, but sometimes we have to wait a little you know? Just trying in the fall of next year is crazy. First of all, it is such a narrow window and second of all, talk about putting a lot of stress on you to get pregnant. Stress = not good for getting pregnant in the first place. I have a friend who is a teacher and is now pregnant with her third child. Baby is due in December. Her other two kids were born in May and December. The December ones were not "ideal" teacher times, but oh well you know? I would think schools of all places would be the most understanding of pregnancies given the fact that a large base of teachers are usually women. Listen...sit tight and think things thru. Gather your thoughts and discuss with him. I think you need to get to the bottom of his uncertainties and help him thru it. And just remind him that baby does not arrive the next takes 40 weeks! Good luck and I hope you keep us posted.

MP, IUI went fine but I am super crampy. I feel really positive though! I hope this is our cycle so we can move over to the JBP thread together lady!

Brightspot, sorry about the BFN. I would wait a couple days and try again if AF doesn't come. Keep your chin up lady.

HOT, sorry AF took so long to take off! Your daughter sounds so sweet and excited for you TTC! What will be the age difference? Sounds like she'll be a big help. We are leaving next Thursday for a quick two night getaway to Sesame Place, which is the Sesame Street theme park in Pennsylvania. My DS is gonna love it!

MerryMary, I like that rally cap! :saint: Mine is on sister!

LC, thanks lady! Everything went well today. We leave on Thursday for our Sesame Place vacation! Great way to pass part of the 2ww!

Centralsquare, I am sorry that I am no help at all on charting. Are you using OPK's this cycle?

AMC, I really need to start getting the seasons of Friends! I haven't seen them in soo long, but I think they'll be even funnier now that I am older.

AFM, busy busy busy day! All good though. My DH had to do his sperm collection today at 7am, then they wash the sperm and get it ready for me to pick it up. At 9am it was ready so I went to pick it up. The lady at the lab told me that his sample looked great in volume and motility. Great news! So I went to my RE's office for the IUI. It was pretty painless, but lots of pressure from the speculum. But not too bad. My RE also said that the semen sample looked great and when she did the IUI, she also mentioned that I had great looking CM. So that made me feel good. The catheter for the IUI is like this long skinny tube with a vial and injector at the end. It went in very easy, so that was good. I have been cramping since the IUI though. But I was told that could happen. I took it easy on the couch at home till about noon, then we went out for lunch and decided last minute to head to an aquarium that is about an hour and a half away. We stayed there for about 2 hours. My DS loved it! So it was a busy but great day! I can't test till 15dpiui to be sure that I don't get a false positive, so I need to stay busy. I have acupuncture on Wed, then we are off to Sesame Place from Thurs-Sat. Should be fun!!!! My rally cap is on for all of the 2wwers!!! :saint:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

S&I|1313872471|2995179 said:
centralsquare, thanks for posting your chart. I'm not totally convinced that you've Oed yet. It looks like we need to see your temps for tomorrow and the next day to see if there's a thermal shift. How long are you average cycles? FF usually won't give you crosshairs (solid or hashed) until after the 3rd high temp is entered. But it's also been known to move them around later on. Given that you've only been having sticky CF and still all negative OPKs, I don't think you've Oed yet. Keep charting and things will hopefully clear up in the next week or so!

Thanks for the info. I don't know how my cycles typically are...just went off BC this month and I'm trying to get a sense for what to look for to see if I've Oed. I'll just continue charting and hoping it happens....
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

lizzyann|1313887793|2995347 said:
Centralsquare, I am sorry that I am no help at all on charting. Are you using OPK's this cycle?

I am...all negative....very, very negative. I'll just keep at it!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright - sorry about the bfn, but 10dpo is still early!

PPM - urgh I'm so sorry you guys had a big fight! I don't really have any practical advice for you but just wanted you to know that I completely understand the feeling of not being 100% about TTC. Maybe this month is out for you guys but there will still be next month. Hopefully when you have both cooled down you will be able to have a heart to heart. I would suggest finding your DH some reading material so that maybe he can get his head out of the clouds with regards to his ridiculously tight timeframe he thinks he can schedule this by. One thing that you learn as a parent is to be flexible, so he may need to start practicing that part now while TTC. I know having babies over the summer months when you are a teacher is ideal but you should be restricted to this just because you are a techer. Kwim?

S&I- my kid cracks me up all the time! Whoa on all that sleep! The first trimester tiredness must be kicking in!

Lizzy - there is going to be at least 12 and 18 year age gaps between our kids! :eek: I know! But as mentioned before, we will have a built in baby sitter. My girl is such a grandma as well, all my friends call her the baby whisperer because she keeps them quiet and entertained for hours. My mum laughed yesterday when I told her and she said that the novelty will wear off and she will be sick of it. I told her that was kind of the plan, better for her to be sick of babies with her own sibling than 'accidentally' get KU at 16 because we never ended up giving her any siblings and then get sick of that! We are hoping it's going to be great birth control for the older one as well. Sesame Park sounds cool! I loved watching sesame street when I was growning up, and then again with DD. My fingers are crossed for you that the 15 days flies by for you and that the cramping goes away. This is going to be your month!

Afm: well not much has happened since last night! Although I do have a TTC related fml that happened this morning.
Today, I peed in a cup and left it on the washing machine while I waited for the stick to develop. I got distracted and come back later to find my cat had knocked the contents of the pee cup all over the washing machine. FML. Yeah I won't be doing that one again!
We had a family get together yesterday and there were so many babies and toddlers there it got my clock revved up again. My husband really really wants a new car. A new jeep cheroke exactly, and he is using the bsby as a bargaining tool. "oh but honey! Think of how good the baby seat will look in the new jeep! Honey, I don't know if I could put a baby in the old car, the safety rating isn't as good as the jeeps... Urgh, he is doing his best to wear me down!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

My temp is back down today...does seem like I'll be Oing anytime soon :confused:

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks, everyone for you really kind words. The past 24 hours of married life have been bananas, and it helped me so much yesterday afternoon to be able to read your comforting posts. You were right that DH just needed some time and was thinking up reasons to not TTC due to nervousness, because...

I am in the 2ww! (Raise your hand if you think Pils and Mr. Pils are indecisive nutcases! :wavey: ) My novela is toward the end of this post.

CS: I agree with Lizzy that you should continue to temp for a few days. I have some unusual spikes leading up to my temp shift, but they drop again in the days before O. Post-BC cycles can often be wonky, too! Feel free to continue posting your chart as you add new temps. I think chart analysis is kind of fun 8) Will you guys be BDing during your fertile period this cycle or are you going to hold off until cycle #2?

Lizzy: It sounds like you have lots going on to get you past 15 dpIUI, but that is still such a long time to wait. I feel very positive about this cycle! Three cheers for your DH's great sample! Can you imagine being the person who "washes" sperm for a living... what does that look like on a resume? What is the technical name for that position? Anyway- I'm looking forward to your review of Sesame World! I have family in that area and think it would be such a fun thing to do with our nieces and nephews!

HOT: :lol: Pee on the washer?! Oh goodness. Cats and their damn curiosity! Hope you're able to laugh about it now ;)) Sorry your hubby is using the baby as bargaining for a Jeep... but it does sound pretty silly and cute 8) What's the percentage likelihood of him getting one? I know a lot of people who are Jeep fanatics!


DH worked all day yesterday, so we had some alone-time to unwind. Once he got home I hollered that I was pulling leftovers out of the fridge for dinner. Within moments he was standing in front of me in a suit :confused: He said, "If we're doing this, we need to do it right." At first I had NO idea what he was talking about, and then I realized he meant TTC. I started crying over the bowl of leftovers and asked, "Why do we keep doing this to one another? If you aren't ready, we need to wait!" He told me he was ready, he just didn't want me to spring fertile-window BDing on him in a casual way. He needed to think it out and wanted it to be "important" and "special," and me casually asking him to BD after a long day of work wasn't his idea of how it should be.

He already made reservations at one of our favorite restaurants, so I put the leftovers away. We got dressed up and enjoyed a great meal and wine. Then we got busy! He was so happy and calm all evening. I asked if we get to repeat the fine dining experience every month ;)) Apparently it's a first-time-only deal :cheeky: In all seriousness, it was a very memorable and romantic way to mark our foray into baby-making. When we had an unplanned pregnancy before our marriage, it was after a lovely dinner and night out on the town. There was a lot of sadness and guilt that went along with that whole situation, so we always said that when we were married and TTC, we would have a do-over with a better, happy ending. We would celebrate with purpose. Last night we did!

Practically speaking, I am not super-likely to get pregnant from this cycle. We BD'd on O day, as far as I can tell, and might try again this evening.

We certainly know how to drive one another crazy, but I love him immensely. I'm glad we weren't on totally different pages... maybe adjoining ones. He simply needed a little more time to catch up to me, and I needed to slow down.

Sorry this is so long. I am so thankful for PS, all of you, and having a place where I can work through my thoughts ::)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

PPM, well that was a dramatic turn of events! I'm glad he came around, and it sounds like he made it up to you big time. Hopefully you get knocked up quickly, so babymaking can stay romantic! Also, I must have missed the fact that you have previously been pregnant. I don't know the circumstances, but I'm sorry that it did not turn out well for you. Hopefully, this time around, it will be nothing but a joyful experience for you. Good luck!

Centralsquare, try not read too much into your individual temps at this point. Your temp yesterday may have been artificially high, and if that is the case you may be close to ovulating. Until you have charted a full cycle or two, it is hard to make much sense of the temps. Just keep at it and keep up with the OPKs, and hopefully you will be able to pinpoint when you O.

HOT, darn cat! That totally sounds like something my cat would do. He has to be involved in everything I do and occasionally gets a little too up close and personal with my OPKs and dixie cups!

Lizzy, hope the cramping is getting better. Positive vibes coming your way for this cycle! I really hope you move over the JBP thread very soon!

No updates for me. I was starting to feel a bit hopeful yesterday, but this morning I had the faintest hint of pink when I checked my cm, so I suspect she will arrive tomorrow or the next day. :evil: F-it anyway. I should be a few day post-ovulation when I have my appointment next month, and I guess we will go from there.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

monkeyprincess|1313954585|2995823 said:
Centralsquare, try not read too much into your individual temps at this point. Your temp yesterday may have been artificially high, and if that is the case you may be close to ovulating. Until you have charted a full cycle or two, it is hard to make much sense of the temps. Just keep at it and keep up with the OPKs, and hopefully you will be able to pinpoint when you O.

Thanks for the information and the encouragement =)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MP, sorry about your faint pink CM, but it's not over until it's over! Crossing my fingers that AF stays away.

Lizzy, I'm so happy that your IUI went smoothly. Hope your cramps go away soon. Spending 4 days at Sesame Place seems like a great way to keep your mind off the 2WW. Have fun, and hope the next 2 weeks go by quickly for you!

centralsquare, like MP said, your first few cycles off of HBC can be wonky. What you're looking for in your temps is an overall thermal shift between your low pre-O temps and your high post-O temps. There can be differences from day to day, but try not to worry about those just yet. Just keep temping and using the OPKs until you get closer.

HOT, sorry about your cat spilling your pee over the washer! Is it possible for you to convince your DH to get his Jeep Cherokee as a push present? :naughty:

PPM, way to jump into the 2WW, lady! That's so sweet that your DH wanted to "do it the right way" by wining and dining you. I'm sure there's ladies out there who got a BFP from only BDing on O day, so you're still in it!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

PPM: So glad things are being ironed out between you and your hubby. What an awesome man you are married to!!! We are going to try BDing this month but we have the right expectations about the realities of conceiving.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

WOW. I really am off to a bad start as an active participant on this thread. It's really hard to keep up with all of this activity! I promise to try my best. :wink2: Might just need a day or two to catch up with it all!

Thank you all for the warm welcome. I started following (i.e. lurking on) this thread back in 2007. Even back then, I became so inspired by the lovely ladies on here, all trying so hard to bring a baby into this world. Without sounding like a crazy person :cheeky: , I felt myself becoming connected to each poster and their individual "story". At the time, I wasn't yet married and certainly not ready to bring a baby into the world, but I continued to read this thread, quietly rooting for everyone to get their biggest wish - a BFP. Many ended up having their wishes fulfilled and today are mommy's to adorable, thriving toddlers. Sadly, some posters did not see their original wish and plan come through, but were able to find the strength and support on here to get through the difficult times. I was always impressed by the abundance of support and the wealth of knowledge shared on this thread. I'm just so happy to see that support continue today. I wish each and every one of you the best in this sometimes uncertain, difficult and stressful journey.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

CS - don't get too caught up in charts and OPKs just yet. You are just starting out so try and enjoy the ride. Your body still has to find it's normal cycle after BC and that can take some time. Stressing never made anyone ovulate faster ;))

PPM - your story made me all teary! Ha ha. I think it could be a an act in Jas' musical TTC - the POAS story. It sounded like it came straight out of a script! So glad your DH came through and your now it the TWW! My husband probably has about a 99.9% chance of getting the jeep, he has a way with these things you know? But he has said he is happy to wait until next year which has me breathing a sigh of relief.

MP - sorry about the CM! Your appointment is so close now and before you know it you will be getting answers and solutions and be KU before you know it. Both cats jumped on the washer again this morning but I was ready for them this time!

S&I - I like your thinking! Yeah maybe I should be using the jeep as my bargaining tool :cheeky:

SPHB - it's hard to keep up around here sometimes! So where a bouts are you in your cycle?

AfM: I have been using the OPKs from day 10 (cd 13 now) and they are still very very negative, as in, barely a line at all. When should I be expecting to see a change?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

SH: You are too sweet!

HOT: Ahh, yes, DH's often win when it comes to car-related things. At least he wants a practical vehicle and not a two-seater convertible or something! As for OPKs, I did not have a fade in pattern. I was negative, negative, negative and then BAM! Clear positive, out of the blue!

AFM: Chart analysis help, please!! :saint: FF always gives me crosshairs on the day I get a positive OPK. I know this is within the realm of "possible", but on CD 17 I had a positive OPK at 5am and 5pm. My surge was still going strong. It was negative by morning, however.

I know it looks like I have the tell-tale dip before my rise, *but* is it possible that my coverline should be the 97.3 or 97.4 range, with CD 18 being my actual O date? If CD 17 was in fact the O-Day, I'm seriously pessimistic about our chances this month.

ETA: Last month my coverline was at 97.5. Not sure if that has any bearing on this chart... are coverlines often consistent?

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi all. Posting from my phone so sorry if this is less complete than usual.

Ppm, I'm so happy to hear your dh came around. What a sweet story & so nice he wanted o "do it right."
Keeping my fingers crossed for you in your 2ww!

Lizzy, it sounds like your IUI went great! How are you feeling? Has the cramping stopped? Sending you
loads of baby dust & hope you're enjoying sesame place with your dh & lo.

Mp, I'm sorry about the cm. Sending anti AF vibes to you. Keep us posted. At least you have your dr appt coming up soon so
you can start getting more info. Hugs.

S&i, hope you had a great weekend after the fab test results! How are you feeling?

Cs, try not to stress too much about your chart yet ESP so soon off hbt. Sometime
it takes a while for our bodies to sort themselves out. (this from the queen of overanalysis!) :rolleyes:

Hot, that's funny about the cat & pee cup. They really like to get into everything, don't they?
I like the idea of jeep as push present but didn't know guys got

Afm, dh & I enjoyed the rest of our weekend. I told him about my little fantasy about telling him
the big news there but that I didn't have any news to tell & he said we could come back every weekend if I liked.
Sadly, I think af is on it's way. I felt very pmsy yesterday. It makes me kind of embarassed for having such high hopes
this month & reading into every twinge. Now I just hope it comes soon already so I can do my day 3 bloodwork
& get af well underway before it messes up my vacay.

Hi to anyone I missed!

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

sugarpie, this thread does move pretty fast! I started reading this thread from the beginning about a month before my DH and I started TTC. I also felt like I got to know a lot of the PSers on a more personal level, and cheered each one of their BFPs. I hope that you are able to learn from all the ladies here, and get your BFP soon too!

HOT, we need to come up with a new name for the equivalent of a "push present" for the DHs since they're not the ones pushing. ;) I didn't have much of a fade-in with the OPKs either. I started on CD10, and they were basically all super faint, until the morning of CD14. Bam, it was a very close positive - by that evening, it was positive. The next morning, the surge was on its way back down. It seems like that might be the case with quite a few ladies who use them.

PPM, FF also marked my O day on the same day that I got my OPK positive, with a lower than expected coverline. It's possible that you Oed overnight between CD17 and CD18, since your surge was gone on the morning of CD18. I'm not sure how consistent coverlines are from cycle to cycle, but mine was usually 97.6, except for the cycle I got my BFP. :confused:

BrightSpot, my weekend was definitely more relaxed - thanks for asking. I slept a LOT on Saturday, but also got a lot done on Sunday. DH and I finally got around to making the big Costco trip that we've been procrastinating on for a few weeks, and we also stopped by Babies 'r Us to pick up one of those Boppy maternity pillows so I can start practicing the whole sleeping on my side instead of my back thing. I haven't decided if I like it yet. Sorry you felt PMSy yesterday, but I'm sure you've heard that some AF symptoms are the same as PG symptoms. I hope AF stays away, but you've got your CD3 blood tests planned, so you're covered either way!

MP, how are you feeling today? Is it possible for you to get your CD3 blood tests done before you actually meet with your appointment, so you don't have to wait for yet another AF?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Is this what I think it is? Is this a positive OPK?

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

hawaiianorangetree|1313994195|2996331 said:
Stressing never made anyone ovulate faster ;))

Thank you - I needed that reminder!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

centralsquare|1314025914|2996528 said:
Is this what I think it is? Is this a positive OPK?

That's totally positive, centralsquare! Is that from this morning? How's your BD timing? You should definitely get busy tonight and maybe tomorrow too! I would take another OPK tonight to see if it's still positive or if it went back to being lighter than the control line. Good luck!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

S&I|1314026737|2996542 said:
centralsquare|1314025914|2996528 said:
Is this what I think it is? Is this a positive OPK?

That's totally positive, centralsquare! Is that from this morning? How's your BD timing? You should definitely get busy tonight and maybe tomorrow too! I would take another OPK tonight to see if it's still positive or if it went back to being lighter than the control line. Good luck!

Thanks! We BD'd last night...any chance that could have been successful? Unfortunately I'm away on business until Thursday :confused: Is that too late?

I'll take another tonight. But happy to know I read it right!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

centralsquare|1314027272|2996549 said:
S&I|1314026737|2996542 said:
centralsquare|1314025914|2996528 said:
Is this what I think it is? Is this a positive OPK?

That's totally positive, centralsquare! Is that from this morning? How's your BD timing? You should definitely get busy tonight and maybe tomorrow too! I would take another OPK tonight to see if it's still positive or if it went back to being lighter than the control line. Good luck!

Thanks! We BD'd last night...any chance that could have been successful? Unfortunately I'm away on business until Thursday :confused: Is that too late?

I'll take another tonight. But happy to know I read it right!!

Last night's BD session could very well be the one that leads to your BFP! Unless you continue to get the same positive OPKs for the next few days, I think Thursday might be too late. But you never know! Keep taking the OPKs until you see the test line fade back to negative. Also, make sure you're temping at the same time each morning before you move around. You should see a temp rise the morning after you O. Yay for your first positive OPK - isn't it exciting?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

S&I|1314028111|2996560 said:
centralsquare|1314027272|2996549 said:
S&I|1314026737|2996542 said:
centralsquare|1314025914|2996528 said:
Is this what I think it is? Is this a positive OPK?

That's totally positive, centralsquare! Is that from this morning? How's your BD timing? You should definitely get busy tonight and maybe tomorrow too! I would take another OPK tonight to see if it's still positive or if it went back to being lighter than the control line. Good luck!

Thanks! We BD'd last night...any chance that could have been successful? Unfortunately I'm away on business until Thursday :confused: Is that too late?

I'll take another tonight. But happy to know I read it right!!

Last night's BD session could very well be the one that leads to your BFP! Unless you continue to get the same positive OPKs for the next few days, I think Thursday might be too late. But you never know! Keep taking the OPKs until you see the test line fade back to negative. Also, make sure you're temping at the same time each morning before you move around. You should see a temp rise the morning after you O. Yay for your first positive OPK - isn't it exciting?

It IS exciting!! Since this is my first month off BC, I'm just learning a ton. So I'm happy that I've learned to read the OPKs and learning charting. I'm trying not to have expectations of success this month, but I can't help but get a little excited!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy - I just saw your message today. I'm glad to hear that the injection was painless, and that your IUI went well! Sending out little prayers for you. I was told not to take an HPT because of the risk of a false positive. I was told simply to wait until it had been 14dpiui, and then call in to request a blood test if my period had not started. Of course I went completely against doctor's orders and did it anyway. I hadn't had a single positive test result in nearly 2 years of TTC, with medical assistance, so I wasn't convinced until I received the good news from my bloodwork. Best of luck!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

CS, that is one of the clearest positive OPKs I’ve seen. A positive OPK usually means you are about to ovulate within the next 12-48 hours. If you BD’d last night, you are still in the window, but ideally, you want to make sure you BD a few times after you get the positive and through the day of ovulation. Keep taking your temp and it should go up within a few days. If it goes up before Thursday, it is too late because it typically rises the day after ovulation. (I see the S&I just gave you the same info)

S&I, glad you feel more rested. I’m a stomach sleeper, and it will be a challenge when I can’t do that anymore! As far as getting an early test, my insurance doesn’t cover fertility testing or treatments, so I want to talk to my doctor before I do any testing, and she will probably require a consultation anyway. I don’t have long to wait though – my appointment is in two weeks. I’m just hoping she says we can go forward and don’t have to wait a full year. That seems to be an insurance requirement though, so maybe that won’t apply if my insurance doesn’t cover it.

Bright, no need to be embarrassed if you end up getting AF. You are in good company. I’ve had at least one day each cycle where I was convinced I was pregnant, but I really try to protect myself now by not getting my hopes up too high. I’d rather have a pleasant surprise than be disappointed, if that makes sense. Still sending positive vibes your way just in case.

PPM, it’s possible that FF is off by a day. But I'm not sure. It will help when you have more post-O temps to compare. Were your temps last weekend (CD11 and 12) taken at the same time as all the other temps? If they were taken later, or you stayed up later or something, they may be off?

HOT, my positives come up relatively quickly. When do you normally O?

Sugarpie, it is a great thread. Looking forward to getting to know you better. It takes awhile to get up to speed.

AFM, nothing new to report. Still waiting to see when AF will arrive. I keep checking my cervix for spotting because it is usually the only indication I have that AF is about to show, but I seriously need to stop doing it so often! That is something I never could have seen myself doing about 6 months ago! One thing I’m happy about is that this cycle will be a more normal length and not so short like last month.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I got an error trying to post yesterday so I figured I'd give it another try today! Got my rally cap on for everyone in the 2WW!! :saint:

Centralsquare - Yay for your positive OPK!!! Yes, it can still be successful so you aren't totally out this cycle. I believe someone here recently got a BFP from BDing 5 days before O day, am I right?

PPM - So glad you worked things out with your DH!

Lizzy - That's good news, glad the IUI went well! I hope your cramps have went away by now.

MP - Sorry AF might be right around the corner again :(( I agree with you on the checking the cervix thing. I honestly never knew I could even reach it before...I mean not that I was trying or anything but I just assumed it was further up there for some reason, if that makes sense!!

Hot - Your kitties are funny! My one cat likes to drink water out of the running faucet in the bathroom. The one morning I finished POAS and left the OPK on the counter waiting to check the results. My cat jumped up on the sink and went right the the OPK, swatted at it and it landed right in the litter box! Could you imagine if DH walked in on me trying to fish the OPK from the litter box! Haha! Got to love cats though!! :bigsmile:

AFM, waiting for my positive OPK still. I'm at CD21 today which is the day I got my positive last cycle. Feeling slightly crampy/pains in that area so I'm still thinking it's coming soon. BD'd last night and hopefully tonight too. This thought keeps popping up in my head and I hope it won't be an issue at some point. When DH was in middle school (I believe) he had to have one testical removed because it didn't drop correctly(I don't know the correct terms for this!) and they said it could become cancerous later on if it was not removed. They said back then that this would not limit his sperm production and all. Anyone ever heard anything about this?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi fellow TTCers, I need advice! I know very little about IVF (though I've been trying to catch up online) and need to decide quickly whether to try that for our next attempt.

Our story: I had DD easily (unmedicated IUI using donor sperm, got lucky on the first try). Delivered via C-section. Now we've started trying for #2, with less luck. We've tried 3 unmedicated IUIs, with one chemical pregnancy and 2 BFNs. Doctor said it could be C-section related but hard to say. I now need to decide whether to mess around with fertility drugs (clomid or injectibles) + IUI, or jump directly into IVF. I wish we could try at a more leisurely pace, but since we have a limited supply of donor sperm and I REALLY want to use the same donor for this child as our previous I want to do the most effective thing that I can.

Is IVF such a terrible process that it should be a last resort? Is it more dangerous to me (including future fertility) than IUI + fertility meds? We do have insurance coverage for it, so cost is not that big of a factor.

Things I like about IVF: more chances with our limited supply of donor sperm; potential freezing embryos for future later pregnancy; higher effectiveness rate; more control against having multiples. I am terrified of pain but the doctor says it isn't that bad and I guess I can handle anything if I get another sweet little baby at the end.

Any and all feedback would be highly appreciated -- I'm really feeling overwhelmed. Thank you!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Missy, there may be a more technical term for it, but I've heard it referred to as an undescended testicle. I only know this because one of my cat's testicles was in his abdomin, so they had to a little abdominal surgery when they neutered him. Anyway, anecdotally, my sister's husband's brother (so my sister's brother-in-law) had to have a testicle removed due to an unfortunate sports injury,involving a pencil in a pocket. (Don't ask me why I know that information) Anyway, he has since had four children. So assuming your husband's other testicle is normal, I wouldn't worry about it.