
The Official TTC Thread!

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi everyone! I hope you all had a great weekend. I don't have time to respond to everyone, but wanted to say congrats to PPM for being in the 2ww! Yay!

AFM...NO idea what's going on here. I thought I was going to O on schedule on CD 15. My temp dipped at 96.8 and that's been the temp I've O'd at the last two cycles. But I didn't get a temp spike the next day (it just went back to where it was before the dip). I've also had EWCM since last Wednesday. My temps are weird- higher than normal for my pre-O phase but lower than normal for my LP. Any ideas?

Also, in other TTC news- My fiance and I were talking about our plans about TTC on the cruise after the wedding. He asked if we could possibly try the week before the wedding instead. This was a result of us remembering how completely exhausted we were on our last cruise (we are pretty active people...and this cruise has more port days and fewer at-sea (aka rest) days). I realized that it would actually be much easier to TTC the previous week since I would be able to temp or use OPKs in the comfort of our home. Plus this way travel won't interfere with my cycle. So yay, we get to start a week earlier! The other cool part is I'd be able to test as soon as we get home from vacation. He was funny, he asked if I got pregnant if anyone would know we started a little early. Nah, a week is nothing. Plus we are technically married now anyway, ya know? Plus the other major benefit? I'll be on a cruise for my TWW. I can't think of a better way to keep my mind occupied!

july chart.JPG
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thank you MP, I was hoping someone would have a good outcome story for me!! For now I will just assume his other one is normal.

AMC, congrats on being able to start TTC a week earlier!!! Hopefully it works out better for the two of you and what a way to pass the 2WW. It can't get much better than that!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Missy, yah I wouldn't worry about it. But if it makes you feel better, you could always call your OB and ask the question. Hopefully, you'll get KU real soon. If you don't, you could always ask for a semen analysis if it would make you feel better. Are your OPK's getting darker now? Close to being positive?

AMC, awesome news that you'll be trying a little earlier now and be able to spend your 2ww on a cruise!

lovinsparkles, sorry your having a rough go for TTC#2. If I've read your note correctly, you've been trying for three cycles right? All unmedicated? Would you be willing to try Clomid with IUI for one or two cycles before moving onto IVF? The only reason I ask is because IVF is a major next step. I've gone thru a similar confusion in my TTC journey so I know what you are going thru. If you don't mind me old are you? If you are in your late 30's early 40's, if I were you I might be more opt to go right to IVF. But if you are in your early/mid thirties, I think I would try two cycles with Clomid/HCG trigger/IUI first. Just my 2 cents. Hope that helped.

Monkey, how many dpo are you now? And what day are you in your cycle? Great to hear your cycle is longer, but I'm still not giving up hope on this cycle for you. Maybe it's longer because AF is not coming!!! :naughty:

Parrot tulips, thanks for your info. And you look so gorgeous in the pic you posted in the pregnant thread! Can I ask you when you guys BD'd before and after your IUI? We BD'd on Thursday night-the night of the trigger, no action the next day (Friday) to build up sperm supply, then had the IUI around 9am on Saturday, then BD'd Sunday night. So I hope we covered our bases. When I did some research on washed sperm, I've seen that they can live anywhere from 12-72 hours, so I got nervous. I had cramping all day on Saturday which I believe was not due to the IUI, but was due to the fact that I was ovulating and releasing three eggs. Cramping was all gone by Sunday morning. I am just feeling like maybe we should have BD'd saturday night. But I was so crampy....

Centralsquare, that is a positive lady! Glad to hear you got some BD'ing in! You are definitely not out! Keep using OPK's to see when the surge is gone. LC BD'd only 5 days before O and she got KU'd!

S&I, how is the side sleeping going? I always found that I would wake up on my back, which I know is not recommended in late pregnancy. It is great you are working on sleeping on your side now, so you can get used to it. Any other symptoms?

Brightspot, yes the cramping has stopped. Thanks for asking. How many dpo are you now? Your DH is so sweet telling you you can keep going back every weekend. Awww....

PPM, so glad everything is working out. Your DH seems so darn sweet. Even if you did O on CD17 you are still not out. Eggs are viable for about 24 hours, so you still may have caught it. Unfortunately, I am no help on charts. But honestly, if you got your positive OPK on CD17 then I think you O'd on CD 18.

HOT, I have 28 day cycles and I usually get a positive surge around days CD13-CD18. So hopefully, your positive is coming soon.

Sugarpie, no problem. I know it is hard to catch up on this thread. I find if I don't post daily, then I get too far behind. Thanks for the best wishes!

AFM, 2dpiui and the weather here in Massachusetts is absolutely beautiful. It feels like a fall day. Around 76 degrees with a cool breeze. I am feeling a little anxiety about timing of BD'ing before and after IUI. We BD'd on Thursday night-the night of the trigger, no action the next day (Friday) to build up sperm supply, then had the IUI around 9am on Saturday, then BD'd Sunday night. So I hope we covered our bases. When I did some research on washed sperm, I've seen that they can live anywhere from 12-72 hours, so I got nervous that we should have tried to BD on Saturday night in case I ovulated later in the day or something. I had cramping all day on Saturday though which I believe was not due to the IUI, but was due to the fact that I was ovulating and releasing three eggs. Cramping was all gone by Sunday morning. Hopefully we caught an egg or two!!!! Rally caps still on for all the 2wwers! :saint: I give you all so much credit for not early testing. I am terrible at waiting!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy, you did everything you were supposed to do and you can never know for sure exactly when you ovulated, so don’t beat yourself up about it. It sounds to me like your timing was great, and I’m feeling really optimistic for you. Your DH seems to have super sperm, so I would bet you had closer to the 72 hours than 12 hours. Glad the cramping is gone too. I’m only 11 or 12DPO, and my LP is 11 or 12 days, so that’s why I’m pretty sure AF is on her way tonight or tomorrow unfortunately. My cycle will be longer this time around because I ovulated a few days later, and I didn’t have the “spotting” as early this time. It’s funny that you said you give us credit for not testing early because the only reason I’m not testing is because I don’t want 100% confirmation that I’m not pregnant just yet. I just want to have one more day of wishful thinking! It has nothing to do with self-control :)

Missy, you have only tried a couple of months, so I would just assume everything is normal at this point. I hope you get your positive OPK soon!

Lovinsparkles, I know nothing about IVF, but I just wanted to wish you good luck with your decision and hope you are successful whichever route you choose next.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hello -- still in party prep mode, so I'm going to try to catch up as best I can. Apologies if I miss anyone!

lizzyann -- I am keeping everything crossed re: your IUI. I hope you're no longer crampy and still positive! Yay for you having great CM!!! I hope you have a great time at Sesame Place!

HOT -- I lol'ed about the pee on the washing machine. That's totally something I would do. And I think we're married to the same guy, b/c mine is also all about trying to make some sort of connection between baby making and car purchases. :)

PPM -- your story about your DH made me well up a little. So very romantic and sweet, and I love that you asked if being wined and dined will be a monthly event. If I don't get KTFU this month, I'm insisting DH do this. Suit and all. Sigh.

Monkey -- sorry that you feel AF is a-coming. Crud.

Central -- keeping my toes crossed for your timing!

Missy -- I hope your O is on the way. I'm afraid I can't help with testicular information, but my fuzzy memory (going back to sex ed class) seems to recall that one ball can do it all. Not trying to be disrespectful, I just think it shouldn't be anything to worry about.

Lovingsparkles -- I have no experience with IVF, so I cannot be of help, but I'm sure someone on this board will have the answers you seek.

amc80 -- I love how you plan on spending your 2WW! Yay!

AFM -- The 2ww is one big mind frick. In my mind, at least. 7dpo. No real signs. My gut says this isn't going to be the cycle, because it's been so nutty, but every other "gut feeling" I've had this month has been waaaay off base. Hmm. I will test at 11 DPO, which is Friday. Every twinge, twitch, and itch is making me bonkers! I need a hobby. Or some ice cream. Hmmm, maybe I'll make ice cream my hobby!!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy - We bd'd the night of the trigger, no action the day/night before, then had the IUI at around 9am on a Monday morning. We bd'd that night, but skipped the next night. I believe they say that sperm can live inside of you for a couple of days, and since the little guys didn't have to do any..."traveling," and a lot of the weaker ones probably got weeded out during the washings, I'd say you're in great shape.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

lizzyann|1314040776|2996736 said:
Missy, yah I wouldn't worry about it. But if it makes you feel better, you could always call your OB and ask the question. Hopefully, you'll get KU real soon. If you don't, you could always ask for a semen analysis if it would make you feel better. Are your OPK's getting darker now? Close to being positive?

Yes, getting darker I think I'm almost there. Today's just now was darker than my 1pm OPK. I'm afraid I may not catch my positive OPK this cycle because it may fade again by tomorrow morning. Last cycle I had an almost postive at 7am, definitely positive at 1pm, but it had faded when I tested again at 6pm, and even lighter by 9pm the same day! I guess my surge is really short! Let's throw so TMI in here...I also had some EWCM today, at least I believe it was. I have a little trouble distinguishing EWCM and semen. If I checked at least 12 hours since we BD'd, it wouldn't still be left over semen after that long would it? There wasn't a lot of it, so It only stretched about an inch before breaking. Why can't this stuff be more straight forward!! Haha.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Missy0483|1314063006|2997021 said:
lizzyann|1314040776|2996736 said:
Why can't this stuff be more straight forward!! Haha.

I know how you feel!!! I think I finally figured out how to read OPKs, but the CM it just a big question mark for me. Despite reading a few samples/direction I still an unsure what to look for.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

lizzyann|1314040776|2996736 said:
lovinsparkles, sorry your having a rough go for TTC#2. If I've read your note correctly, you've been trying for three cycles right? All unmedicated? Would you be willing to try Clomid with IUI for one or two cycles before moving onto IVF? The only reason I ask is because IVF is a major next step. I've gone thru a similar confusion in my TTC journey so I know what you are going thru. If you don't mind me old are you? If you are in your late 30's early 40's, if I were you I might be more opt to go right to IVF. But if you are in your early/mid thirties, I think I would try two cycles with Clomid/HCG trigger/IUI first. Just my 2 cents. Hope that helped.

Lizzyann, thanks for the resopnse! I am 34, so not dire, but not 25 either! :) I think I have decided on what you suggested...I will give clomid one shot, and then move straight to IVF. I have never tried the trigger shot before, but maybe I'll suggest that as well...though I *think* we've been able to accurately catch ovulation since we do LH blood tests leading up to it to see when exactly I am surging. I am anxious to do what works best (I think the doctor said something like 50% shot per IVF cycle versus 15-20 for clomid) but after talking to him about what all is involved and especially that health risks, while still low, are higher for IVF, I will feel like I've done everything if I give Clomid a shot first. So thanks again for helping me think through it.

Good luck to you too -- I know that the TWW feels interminable! I also have no patience waiting to test...but I will say with my first kiddo I showed negative at 11dpiui and I was very much pregnant! So good luck!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MP, how are you doing today? I forgot that your insurance doesn't cover any fertility stuff - sorry about that. Hopefully your doctor can figure out a way to code things up so you can save some money. I think you're right about the one year thing being more of an insurance requirement than a doctor requirement, so you should be good there.

Missy, great BD schedule! Hope you can confirm O soon! I'm sure your DH's swimmers are just fine with his remaining testicle. Like Lizzy suggested though, he can always get an SA done so you can be sure. But I wouldn't jump straight to that just yet. Regarding the semen versus EWCM, if you rub your fingers together for a bit, the semen will dry out, while the EWCM won't. Also, I heard that semen will dissolve in a cup of water, while the EWCM will ball up and sink to the bottom. I've never tried that before though.

lovinsparkles, it looks like Lizzy has given you great advice about IUI versus IVF. Good luck with your decision, and I hope you get your BFP soon!

amc, given your EWCM, I'm wondering if maybe your body was gearing up to O, but didn't quite make it? Or your temp is just slow to rise this time? The next few days of temps should be interesting. Yay for TTC a week earlier! That sounds like a great plan for your first 2WW!

Lizzy, I always end up on my back too! The first night, I woke up and noticed that my DH was also hugging one side of the kidney-shaped pillow. :lol: My boobs have started being tender to the touch, but that's about it. I am so jealous of your cool weather! We're still in the 100+ heat here in Texas. Your BD timing looks great - I'm really hopeful that this is your cycle! Rally cap on! :saint:

jas, I hope your gut is wrong in this case - here's to a happy Friday for you! I've seen lots of ladies in this thread get their BFPs at 11DPO, so that's a great day for you to start testing!

centralsquare, are you in the 2WW now?

Anybody here from LtlFirecracker lately? She joined this thread right before me. I hope she's doing okay.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Well I think I missed my surge! Or I geared up to O and then it didn't happen! Or it is just messing with me. 6pm last night getting close to positive, 8pm little darker, 2am this morning (I know I am crazy) slighter lighter, then 7:30 this morning slightly darker again but not as dark as 8pm. No more EWCM (if that's what it really was?) :confused: Still slightly crampy, not as much as yesterday when I had pains on my left side. Hopefully this afternoon will finally be positive! Or at least get darker. I really should be temping, maybe this would make more sense. But then I may become obsessed with that too :rolleyes:

S&I, haven't heard from LtlFirecracker, it looks like she hasn't posted since the end of July...wonder how she is?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

S&I|1314109504|2997344 said:
centralsquare, are you in the 2WW now?

Oh, what does 2WW mean? I'm afraid I'm still learning!! So I had positive OPKs today and yesterday, but my temp went down today. What does that mean??!!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

centralsquare|1314114521|2997404 said:
S&I|1314109504|2997344 said:
centralsquare, are you in the 2WW now?

Oh, what does 2WW mean? I'm afraid I'm still learning!! So I had positive OPKs today and yesterday, but my temp went down today. What does that mean??!!!

It's like learning another language, isn't it? 2WW = Two week wait (i.e. the time between when you ovulate and either get a positive pregnancy test or your period).

Some women experience an ovulation dip in their temperatures the day they ovulate (which based on your OPKs, might be today), what you want to see is a rise post-ovulation.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Missy, sorry the OPKs are confusing you. I would just keep taking them a little longer to see what happens. If you don’t get knocked up this cycle, you might want to try temping just so you can confirm that you are in fact ovulating when you think you are (since the OPKs are a little unreliable for you). Hopefully, you won’t even have to worry about it though!

Jas, here is a little do as I say and not as I do, but I was just going to tell you to stay positive! Your body has had a little time to recover now, so hopefully, you will get your BFP. Try to focus on the party and not the 2WW!

Centralsquare, I agree that your temp likely went down because you are about to ovulate. It takes awhile to get it all figured it out, but you are well on your way there.

Hi S&I, thanks for checking in. Nothing new to report for me. No AF yet, and by typing that, I can only assume she will make her grand entrance by the next time I use the restroom. She’s just trying to play with me a little.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

S&I|1314109504|2997344 said:
amc, given your EWCM, I'm wondering if maybe your body was gearing up to O, but didn't quite make it? Or your temp is just slow to rise this time? The next few days of temps should be interesting. Yay for TTC a week earlier! That sounds like a great plan for your first 2WW!

My temp went back down to 96.8 today. I'm not on it looks like another long cycle for me. The good news is this is shifting around things for the cruise. Right now AF should come on the last day of the cruise. This is assuming that my cycles in October and November go back to a normal 29 days and aren't abnormally short for some reason. I think I can deal with one day of AF (plus having it at Disney World for 2 days) if it means I don't have to go on BCP. The benefit to this would be I'd know for sure if I was preggo before we go to Disney World. My fiance has never been to Disney and is eager to go on all of the "good" rides....none of which are suitable for pregnant women.

What would you do?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Just curious - are any of you also using the Clear Blue Easy Fertility Monitor in addition to OPK's/temping?
When DH and I start TTC next month, I was planning to use the CBEFM only. Maybe some PreSeed, like we did when conceiving DS. Not sure if the PreSeed contributed to my first BFP, but we'll use it , if needed.

My cycles are generally 28 days, and according to the CBEFM, I ovulate on the 18th day of my cycle (have been using the monitor for the past 2 months to understand my cycle better). I'm thinking it would be helpful to also use OPK's in addition to the monitor to help pin down the exact timing of the big O.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

sugarpie honeybun|1314119918|2997493 said:
Just curious - are any of you also using the Clear Blue Easy Fertility Monitor in addition to OPK's/temping?
When DH and I start TTC next month, I was planning to use the CBEFM only. Maybe some PreSeed, like we did when conceiving DS. Not sure if the PreSeed contributed to my first BFP, but we'll use it , if needed.

My cycles are generally 28 days, and according to the CBEFM, I ovulate on the 18th day of my cycle (have been using the monitor for the past 2 months to understand my cycle better). I'm thinking it would be helpful to also use OPK's in addition to the monitor to help pin down the exact timing of the big O.

I'm not sure if I would use OPKs in addition to the CBEFM, but I would probably temp. OPKs are tricky in that they don't tell you if you've actually ovulated. And I think the CBEFM is the same? They both tell you if you your LH is surging, which may or may not mean you O. But temping shows you exactly when you O.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

amc80|1314120111|2997495 said:
sugarpie honeybun|1314119918|2997493 said:
Just curious - are any of you also using the Clear Blue Easy Fertility Monitor in addition to OPK's/temping?
When DH and I start TTC next month, I was planning to use the CBEFM only. Maybe some PreSeed, like we did when conceiving DS. Not sure if the PreSeed contributed to my first BFP, but we'll use it , if needed.

My cycles are generally 28 days, and according to the CBEFM, I ovulate on the 18th day of my cycle (have been using the monitor for the past 2 months to understand my cycle better). I'm thinking it would be helpful to also use OPK's in addition to the monitor to help pin down the exact timing of the big O.

I'm not sure if I would use OPKs in addition to the CBEFM, but I would probably temp. OPKs are tricky in that they don't tell you if you've actually ovulated. And I think the CBEFM is the same? They both tell you if you your LH is surging, which may or may not mean you O. But temping shows you exactly when you O.

Thank you, AMC. You are correct in that the CBEFM identifies when your LH is surging. I just assumed ovulation would then follow :rolleyes: , but that obviously isn't always the case. I'll probably try it for a few months without temping and, if no success, will go the temp route.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

sugarpie honeybun|1314120541|2997500 said:
amc80|1314120111|2997495 said:
sugarpie honeybun|1314119918|2997493 said:
Just curious - are any of you also using the Clear Blue Easy Fertility Monitor in addition to OPK's/temping?
When DH and I start TTC next month, I was planning to use the CBEFM only. Maybe some PreSeed, like we did when conceiving DS. Not sure if the PreSeed contributed to my first BFP, but we'll use it , if needed.

My cycles are generally 28 days, and according to the CBEFM, I ovulate on the 18th day of my cycle (have been using the monitor for the past 2 months to understand my cycle better). I'm thinking it would be helpful to also use OPK's in addition to the monitor to help pin down the exact timing of the big O.

I'm not sure if I would use OPKs in addition to the CBEFM, but I would probably temp. OPKs are tricky in that they don't tell you if you've actually ovulated. And I think the CBEFM is the same? They both tell you if you your LH is surging, which may or may not mean you O. But temping shows you exactly when you O.

Thank you, AMC. You are correct in that the CBEFM identifies when your LH is surging. I just assumed ovulation would then follow :rolleyes: , but that obviously isn't always the case. I'll probably try it for a few months without temping and, if no success, will go the temp route.

I'm not using OPKs this month, but I bet if I were I would have had LOTS of days of positives...I've had EWCM for almost a week and my temp keeps *almost* going up. If I weren't temping, I would have assumed I O'd by now. But no...still waiting for the eggy to drop.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi, everyone :wavey: . I have been lurking on this thread since March and I gained a great deal of information from all of you and the wonderful ladies who are now over in the Pregnancy thread. My DH and I were married in February and dated for 10 years prior to that so we decided to start TTC right away after the wedding. I stopped BCP last November and started taking prenatal vitamins at the same time. We seemed to time everything correctly but no luck every month from March through July. My husband travels a lot for work so this wasn't always easy to make sure we were in the same place at the right times. After the July BFN, I made an appointment with an RE for 9/9. I also just turned 40 in early August and my DH is 38 which is another reason I made the RE appointment at around the 6-month mark instead of the usual 12-month time frame for TTC. I figured we could try again one time in August and if it didn't work - we would go to the RE to get things checked out. So, for August, I drank a lot of grapefruit juice and took Guaifenesin/Robitussin to improve CM the week of/before my Ovulation time frame (I noticed no improvement on CM though). My cycle times are typically 29 days with ovulation on CD 14. This month, the OPK and FF said I ovulated on CD 16. I tested on DPO 12 and got a BFN and then again yesterday on CD 30/DPO 14 and got a faint pink line...very faint. So, yesterday I was optimistic, but very cautious. Today, I started to not believe the line and re-tested, and the line looks a little darker. My temperature dropped slightly today as well - but as you can see my temperatures are pretty erratic all the time. Let me know what you think...I am nervous that it won't stick so I need all the dust you can send my way. And, I am cheering you all along as I have been silently till now. Let me know what you all think of the line and my FF chart. JGator



Re: The Official TTC Thread!

JGator, a line is a line, or so they say. So, you are indeed pregnant! Congratulations and welcome out of lurkdom! As far as your temps, you probably don't need to read too much into them at this point. I think TCOYF says that if your temps stays up 18 days after ovulation that is a sure sign you're pregnant, and so far your temps are staying up and haven't dropped down significantly. Looking at your chart, your coverline kind of looks artificially low to me, and I wonder if you maybe ovulated a couple days later than your chart says, but I'm no expert. Your story gives me hope because I've been trying since about March too with no luck, and I will have an appointment next month to hopefully find out what may be going wrong. Dust to you that you've got a sticky bean in there!

ETA - If you are concerned, you might want to go to your doctor and have your progesterone checked. If your progesterone is low that might be why your temps seem to be falling a bit, and they could give you suppositories.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

JGator- That's a positive for sure, nothing light about it! Congrats!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks, MP and AMC. Hearing other people think it's real is reassuring. I haven't told anyone but by DH and now you all. My husband is skeptical/cautious about believing it, but I think he is coming around since AF has not visited yet. MP, I did feel like we were in the same boat reading your previous posts. I hope you also don't need the appointment, but I do think it relieves some stress about TTC just knowing that you have a plan to see an RE soon. Hope this cycle is your lucky cycle.

I just felt the DC earthquake after I submitted my post - very scary, but everything is okay here.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

amc, I personally would not go back on BCP, but if you're super worried about getting your period during the wedding or already being preggo at Disney World, then that's a tough question. It's hard to predict what your cycle is going to do 2 months out. I had a weird period the month of my wedding where it lasted longer than normal (I think close to 2 weeks!), but was also lighter than normal and it was mostly brown blood by the day of my wedding. But it was still a pain to wear a pad - I didn't need a pad, but I wore one so I wouldn't have to worry about having to check a panty liner all day. Maybe if your cycle keeps getting slightly longer and longer, you won't even have to worry about it when the time comes!

sugarpie, I don't think it's necessary to use OPKs in conjunction with the CBEFM. They do the same thing. Like amc said, your temp is what confirms whether or not you've Oed. I think your plan of just using the CBEFM and PreSeed for a few months if a good idea. You can add temping if needed later on.

JGator, that is a BFP!!! Your line looks way darker than my faint BFP! I also agree with MP that I think you might have actually Oed on CD18 instead of CD16, based on your temps. Your temp drop today is also nothing to be concerned about. Congrats girlie - you are PREGNANT!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks S&I, I hope to join you on the JBP thread soon.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

JGator|1314124367|2997552 said:
Thanks S&I, I hope to join you on the JBP thread soon.

Yes! We need some new mommas over there. Are you going to call your doctor to ask what you should do next? My temp dropped a little today too - I know I should stop temping, but I can't help it. I was put on progesterone supplements at 15DPO (3 days after my BFP) because my blood test confirmed that my progesterone was on the lowish side. Even though it's now been confirmed that my progesterone has gone up, they still have me on the supplements until I hit 12 weeks. Give your doctor a call if you are nervous or have any questions!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Missy, sorry you missed your surge. But hopefully your BD timing covered it. Maybe just keep BDing the next few days as well?

centralsquare, sorry about that, but steph explained 2WW perfectly. It looks like you're still gearing up to O then. Some people get more than just 1 positive OPK, so it might take a while. Hope your temp goes up tomorrow so you can confirm O!

steph, thanks for explaining the 2WW.

MP, still hoping that AF stays away for you!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

S&I|1314124204|2997545 said:
amc, I personally would not go back on BCP, but if you're super worried about getting your period during the wedding or already being preggo at Disney World, then that's a tough question. It's hard to predict what your cycle is going to do 2 months out. I had a weird period the month of my wedding where it lasted longer than normal (I think close to 2 weeks!), but was also lighter than normal and it was mostly brown blood by the day of my wedding. But it was still a pain to wear a pad - I didn't need a pad, but I wore one so I wouldn't have to worry about having to check a panty liner all day. Maybe if your cycle keeps getting slightly longer and longer, you won't even have to worry about it when the time comes!

Well, the good news is I don't have to make a decision about the bcp until early October, so I have some time. You're right, who knows what my cycle will do. My "predictions" are based on it returning to a 29 day cycle after this month. If it stays long then it just means I definitely won't have AF during the cruise, like you said. The only thing that would screw me is if it decided to get short (26/27 days)...but that seems really unlikely since it's really rare for me to even have a 28 day cycle, let alone 26/27. Plus, I don't think having AF during the end of the vacation would be horrible...I mean we will be fairly exhausted by that point anyway and I doubt there'd be a whole lot of *action* going on anyway. Hopefully I'll be pregnant and then I won't have to worry about it :) And if that's the case, I'm sure the fiance won't mind that I'm not going on the fun rides with him!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

S&I and MP, I called my doctor today and made an appointment. The first appointment I could get was next Friday, 9/2. Hopefully, everything will progress well between now and then.

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

JGator|1314127305|2997618 said:
S&I and MP, I called my doctor today and made an appointment. The first appointment I could get was next Friday, 9/2. Hopefully, everything will progress well between now and then.


Goof luck!!!