
The Official TTC Thread!

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright, glad to hear you were able to get the on call doctor in trouble. I'm sure a lot of people never say anything. Sorry you have to have the D&C, but at least you will have some closure finally on this ordeal. If you have any questions on the D&C let me know. I had one in October. I had a general anesthesia which I recommend so that you are not awake during the procedure. And, the spotting afterwards was very minimal. I also only needed to take Advil for pain/cramping though they prescribed 600 MG ibuprofen and Tylenol with Codeine. And, I got my period about 30 days after the D&C. I know my doctor said it could be from 2 weeks to a couple months.

Monkey, I don't think I am pregnant, but I might test tomorrow AM if AF doesn't show by then.

AFM, still waiting for AF. No luck on the car front yet. We found additional cars at the car show we like so more thinking is required....
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright- Thanks for checking in. Sorry it's been so drawn out for you. But I'm so happy your RE was so responsive to your complaints! :appl: Very professional reaction. Also glad that you said you wouldn't use that other dr again. No more bad juju!!!! Argh, that sucks, but at least you have an end in sight. My D&C was not pleasant, but I was also 13 weeks along and didn't let them put me out (would have to go to hospital). In retrospect, I should have. Let them give you whatever drugs they want! That being said, it was totally bearable, just more mentally uncomfortable/unpleasant. Hoping the worst is behind you lady. I think a trip sounds like a MARVELOUS idea- a good reminder that you have a great partner and a great life.

MP and JGator- Hoping to hear good news from you ladies this week! :appl:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright, I'm SO relieved to hear that your RE is taking your concerns seriously!!! That on call guy is not in the right field. He should be doing something that doesn't involve fertility at ALL with his crappy demeanor. :angryfire: I'm sorry that you have to go through the DC, still hoping that things will somehow happen on their own before Friday. Big hugs to you, as always.

A quick question for lurking graduates...

If you had an implantation dip (or I guess even if you didn't), do you remember having EWCM in the middle of your TWW? I thought it was just "other stuff" but um, yeah. It's not! I know I've gotten it RIGHT before AF was due, but never at 7 DPO and I've never had a temp dip like that. I'm driving myself nuts. :errrr:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright - yeah that doc does sound like a jerk. Um, taking call is a part of being a doctor, especially if you do procedures as you are responsible for your patient if something goes wrong. Than in that case, the patient's problem is very much the doctor's problem. I am so sorry that you have to go through the D&C, but glad you will have closure to this whole ordeal.

MP - I would not get down yet, you are right. The progesterone is going to mimic your normal pregnancy signs as that is the hormone that causes those sings. I would keep an open mind until your next apt.

JGator - I am still wishing you luck, I know your chances seems slim, but it sound's like it is not over yet.

Tammy - I would not worry about your temp drop, as long as it is not sustained it is not a big deal.

AFM - I had the visit with the RE doc today. Still have not made up my mind about him. My husband talked a little too much, and I didn't talk enough. Kind of because I already knew what was going to happen from my previous experience as a med student and following the stories on here. I am also one that does not come up with questions quickly, I usually need to go home and digest, which I told him. Of course I got the speech, that just because I am a doc doesn't mean I know everything, which I know. I am a pediatrician, and know very little about this. He didn't seem too trilled by the fact I was doing OPKs and charting, he said both methods are not very reliable, and told me I gave him too much history. My response was I would rather tell you too much, and you not use it, than not tell you something important. He than agreed that was the right approach. It was funny, he kind of contradicted himself. He was trying to tell me I need to think of myself as a patient, but than would go into teaching rants like I was a med student. I didn't help that my husband was so nervous that he did not shut up. I want to see what the doc is like when I don't have my husband asking a million questions, and when he realizes I am not there to show off my medical knowledge. I see other doctors for different reasons, and I totally let them run the show, and we get along just fine, so I am hoping the same will hold true for this doc.

My husband is getting the swimmers checked on Friday. The doc said that from my history, there are small issues, but nothing is jumping out. The only real things is that my cycles are slightly irregular suggesting a mild ovulatory problem. I had an US today, and they saw the corpus luteum and the uterine lining was thick, which is appropriate for this phase of the cycle. They took some really basic blood tests as well, TSH, prolactin, testerone, DHEA. I can't get the HSG done until I am in the first half of my cycle, but they want to schedule it next go around which is fine. He is not going to come up with a treatment plan until all the prelim testing is done. At that point he will decide what he wants to do, or advise more testing. I am fine with that, I told him I am not a fan of the "shotgun" approach.

I am 4 DPO, so just in the beginning of the TWW.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright, I'm so glad your issues will be addressed and your RE was understanding. I had a D&C back in September and while it was emotionally difficult for me, it really was a piece of cake physically. I hope you have a quick recovery!

Tammy, on the cycle I was pregnant, I put several notes on my chart during my the TWW that I had a lot of runny CM.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Well it's not TTC related but I have great news!

I have an interview!!!! At a very prestigous local university, in the same deparment as one of my best friends! Since I moved here I've been trying to get into this university, it's a great place to work and once you're there, people move around and up but generally stay there for a long, long time. I've had 2 other interviews there and was passed over both times. Third time's a charm, right? Great benefits, somewhat of an academic schedule and opportunity to grow! I am so excited! I'm not sure yet if I've been able to schedule it for my day off on Tuesday, if not it will be Friday afternoon. Fingers and toes crossed everyone! I really think that getting out of the work situation that I so don't like will really kick my cycle back into gear. And I'm not concerned about changing jobs and TTC, there's a great daycare center on the campus, and they're very family friendly with flex time and such.

I can also report a great 2nd accupuncture appointment and a fablous date day with the DH. We went to see Avenue Q - which is a hilariously funny play kind of like sesame street for adults (definitely adult, kind of raunchy - puppet sex scenes and all - but in the best way) and then went to a brewpub for dinner. I was good and only had a half pint because I'm trying not to drink. The best part was the dessert, a homemade candy bar thing that was kind of like a butterfinger with a peanut butter cup on top. Yum. Good thing I don't pay attention to my diet plans on the wekend!

Today I met a friend and walked around her neighborhood then went for burgers at an all natural place that has a gluten free menu (for my friend) and we both indulged in ice cream afterwards.

Someone is back on the veggies and green tea tomorrow (...points both fingers at self ....)

On the TTC front, just waiting for ole Aunt Flo to finallly come around. Last progesterone sot took 6 days to work so apparently this one is taking longer. Maybe she will come and I can get both my day 3 US and bloodwork and start clomid and land a new job all in the same day!!!! Here's hoping.

Wish I was of help on charting and signs, but all I can say is good luck to everyone.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright, glad to hear that your RE listened to your concerns and is going to deal with that insensitive dr. There's always one in a practice! I certainly found that out too! Sorry you have to have a D&C, but I have heard that they are relatively quick. At least you will not be waiting for something to happen now you know? Does your RE think that there is a chance they might find something there to "test" to possibly find out what caused the m/c?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright, the NP told me to test two weeks after the IUI, so assuming I don't have any spotting or anything before then, I guess I'll test on Friday. Did you also wait 2 weeks to test, or did you do it sooner? I'm scared to test because I just don't want to see a BFN, and I truly do not feel that I'm pregnant. If anything, my bbs are less sore than they were this weekend, and I have no cramping or anything. It seems like everyone who gets a BFP has cramping.

Tammy, my guess would be that when your temps dip, estrogen is a bit higher at that point, and that might explain the runnier CM, but I really have no idea. I've never pay much attention to my CM until the end of the 2WW. Hoping it is a good sign for you! When are you going to test?

JGator, I would love for you to get a surprise BFP! If not, I hope AF comes quickly, and you can start a new cycle. Good luck with the car shopping. It is so hard to narrow it down, isn't it?

Firecracker, sorry your RE appointment didn't go exactly as planned. I have never brought DH along to an appointment, but I'm guessing he would ask a ton of questions too because that's just how he is. I also always have about 50 questions going in, and then I somehow forget to ask most of them. It is so annoying! It's a good idea to rule out any potential problems with your DH since you seem to have a pretty regular cycle. I was told the same thing when I went in, and DH did have borderline low motility. I'm still not sure if that is what is causing our problems or if it is some other unknown issue. Anyway, you are taking steps in the right direction, so I hope you feel good about that! Who knows maybe none of it will be necessary!

Rachel, good luck on your interview!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Morning Ladies!

I don't have much time with work stuff going on, but wanted to pop in and respond to MP. I'm 9 DPO, temps are still pretty nice (will be triphasic according to FF if they stay the same or higher tomorrow). I caved and tested today, BFN. I know I'm not out yet, but I was really hoping to see something today since the theoretical implantation dip was 3 days ago now.

Yes, I'm obsessing. :nono: I am guessing that I should really step away from the sticks until 12 DPO or so. I know I told myself that last month. :rolleyes:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Firecracker, sorry you didn't click with your RE. Hope your DH's SA goes well on Friday.

Rachel, glad you had a good acupuncture appointment and congrats on the interview! Hope it works out for you - sounds like a great job.

MP, yes, car shopping is tough - big commitment as we plan to keep the car for at least 10 years. My RE apparently does the blood tests at 12 DPO. So, I think if you POAS at 14 DPO you should be fine. Hope you get your BFP and a sticky, sticky bean this cycle.

Tammy, sorry you got a BFN today, but hopefully tomorrow or the next day you will see a line. I have a good feeling aboout you and MP this cycle.

Bright, I hope you are hanging in there. Thinking of you.

AFM, AF showed up today. So, this will be our 3rd cycle of Clomid plus Ovidrel trigger and timed intercourse. Hopefully the 3rd time is the charm. I think if this doesn't work, we move on to IUI next cycle. But, hopefully, we won't have to cross that bridge. Feeling a little down, but I expected this since I got the BFN on the blood work last Thursday.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Delurking to give Bright a hug.
I am so sorry for your loss and to hear that you need a D&C.
My dr didn't recommend the xR exactly for that reason -- some people just don't respond to it.
Like Lizzy said, D&C is a pretty easy and fast outpatient procedure.
I had it done w/ local anesthesia under heavy sedation.
The good thing about having a D&C is that you don't experienced the cramping and heavy bleeding/

Oh, if you haven't already stop taking your prenatal, you might want to stop just to see if your body will do its thing naturally.
My dr had me stop the prenatal because he said that the folic acid can prolong the m/c process.

Fingers crossed for you this weekend.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

JGator, hugs, I'm so sorry this cycle didn't work out. I sometimes have a delayed reaction too, even when I know AF is coming. It's so hard not to get your hopes up. I want you to have a sticky BFP so badly. As far as this next cycle, you are much more patient than I am - I would probably be pushing for an IUI. But since you have been able to get pregnant on your own twice, I can understand your decision. Dust for you this cycle!

Tammy, repeat after me, early tests are evil! Seriously, I am convinced no good comes from them. I admire your optimism though. You wouldn't have tested if you weren't optimistic and hopeful. The reason I have no trouble resisting early tests is because I hate seeing BFNs so much that I have almost developed a phobia of testing. That, and I like to hang on to the "hope" that I might be pregnant as long as possible. Anyway, I'm still holding out hope for you as 9DPO is still very early. I would love for both of us (or if not both, one of us) to get a BFP this month!

Lili, thanks! I appreciate it!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Tammy- I didn't have EWCM in the 2ww, but lots of creamy CM. I also had what would have been a beautiful implantation dip at 8DPO, but I got my BFP the next day, so it obviously wasn't one. Implantation dips are actually pretty uncommon. If you have a dip you are twice as like than not to be pregnant...BUT it's something like 10% of women have a dip and aren't pregnant, and 20% have a dip and are pregnant.

Just looked it up (search for "implantation dip" in ff and the study will come up)-
•11% of charts that showed ovulation but did not result in a pregnancy displayed this pattern.
•23% of charts that showed ovulation and did result in a pregnancy showed this pattern.

Moral of the story- yeah, it could have been an implantation dip. Or you could have implanted today. You just never know!

Here' smy BFP chart- If I hadn't tested until 12DPO or something I would have assumed that dip was an implantation dip.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Tammy & mp, this cycle I had a bfn at 9dpo, but a faint bfp at 12dpo. Holding out hope for both of you!

Mp, my doc told me to test at 14dpo (after last iui) but I couldn't hold out that long. Very hopeful for you. 

Jgator, so sorry about af. I hope the 3rd time's a charm too! Good luck narrowing down the car choices. 
As for the d&c, I had no idea it could take up to 2 months for af to return. I'm glad yours came back relatively quickly & hope mine does too. 

Tammy, fingers crossed for you!

Lili, thanks so much for the hug & d&c info. I've been taking my prenatal because it's still in my pill box..and nobody told me not to. That's interesting that the folic acid can prolong things. I'll cut it out & see if it makes a difference. I've only had brown spotting since I cut out the progesterone. 

Rachel, glad you're having fun & acupuncture is going well. Congrats on the interview & good luck!

Firecracker, thanks for backing me up! Its good to get reassurance from a doc that this behavior was out of line.
Sounds like an odd dynamic with your new re. Sounds sort of competitive! Does that happen to you often when you see a doc? I hope it doesn't get in the way of effective treatment. Good luck to your dh on his SA!

China, thanks for the reassurance. I'm definitely letting them give me whatever drugs they want!  

Lizzy, I'm almost (almost...) glad this happened since I have much more confidence in my re than I did before. He had been growing on me lately but this situation (his response to it) gave him a big leg up in my book. 
I don't know if he'll be able to test anything from the d&c but I'll try to ask if I get a chance. Not sure if I'll see him before they put me out. 

Puppmom, thanks for the info. How long did it take your af to come back after the d&c? Hope all is well with you now. 

For the ladies who've had d&c's (so sorry!), how much downtime did you have after the procedure? I'm having mine on Friday & dh & I were considering going out of town for the weekend but I don't know if I'll feel up to it. Did you have a lot of post-procedure cramping/bleeding & if so, for how long? How long did it take for af to return?

Thanks for your help. I think
not knowing what to expect is one of the harder parts of this process. 

Afm, I treated myself to a massage today, which was lovely except for the part when I had to decide which box to check on the intake form-pregnant or not pregnant. 
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright, my period came back exactly 6 weeks after the D&C. I think my doc told me 4-6 weeks. My period has been regular since. DH and I aren't TTC but I tracked my cycle for peace of mind and it went back to normal right away. My doctor told me I would be feeling well pretty much straight away and could go back to work the next day. The discharge nurse said to *take it easy* for several days. I stayed in bed most of day 1 - more feeling sorry for myself than anything. ;( Physically, I had no issues and was back to work the next day and went away for the weekend 2 days later. The getaway was actually really nice. We kind of needed that, you know? I *think* that early miscarriages are easier on the body even if you get the D&C. My miscarriage probably had similar timing to yours but I just didn't know it until a few weeks later when I had an ultrasound. I hope your experience is as easy and painless as mine. It'll take a while (it did for me anyway) to really *accept* it - we can't change it afterall - but physically you should be okay pretty quickly.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright- It's always the small things that catch you off guard. I hate filling out the "how many pregnancies have you had" part of forms now. But glad you got a massage. For me, I was in bed that whole day. I think I took it easy the next day, but felt absolutely fine. We went to Belize the weekend of- can't remember which day of the week I had the procedure on- but I was pretty much 100% by then and it was the absolute best thing I did. Take the vacation. It was a bit weird to be so unpregnant feeling right away- except for the extra weight of course. :nono: I had no problems drinking, eating, flying, even laughing. It felt great to drink my troubles away seaside, to be honest. I couldn't swim though- maybe for 2 weeks? Can't remember. Anyways, you are early enough, you should be fine by Saturday, barring any complications.

MP-FRIDAY? :cheeky: Will be checking in on you for sure!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

If there is no complications, you should be up and about after the procedure.
I was myself when they discharged me. Well enough to even drive back myself, except for the last time though since I had gotten a little more sedation than I would normally because the OR was backed up. My procedure was scheduled for 11am, but I didn't get in the OR until 3pm. So I was sedated for the 11am and 3 pm operating time. And the fact that I fasted since 12 midnight the night before did not help. Other than that, I was myself by the time that I got home.

As for the bleeding and AF returning, that varies.
W/ my first, I bled for 3 days and my AF pretty much returned within the month.
With my second, I bled on and off for 6 weeks and AF didn't return until 2 months later.
With my third, I bled for 2 weeks and currently waiting to see when AF will return. Thinking it is probably going to be another 3 weeks.
With all three, the bleeding is more like spotting -- just needed a panty liner.

As for post-op routine, just no douching or baths for a couple of days.
No tampons and pelvic rest for 2 weeks.
No heavy lifting or strenuous exercise for a week or 2.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi Bright, I'm thinking of you. I don't have much to share other than that, and I know I've said it many times before, but I really hope that things go as smoothly as possible for you and that you're back to TTC, on your way to a sticky BFP as soon as possible.

MP, I know that rarely does any good come from testing early. I've read several sites (FF, etc.) that say how it's far more unlikely to get a BFP at 9, 10, 11 DPO. We're just conditioned to thinking that's the norm because of how many people post that they tested early. If you think about it, there are approximately 360,000 births per day, so really it's only a tiny handful of people that find out they're pregnant at such an early stage.

Hey, in my head it makes perfect sense. :rolleyes:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Does anyone know of a site that has 'normal' bloodwork ranges to compare your results to? My most recent work was given to me on a printou from the RE's office, not from the lab itself - the lab sheets usually show a normal range but this doesn't and I'm jsut curious.

My levels (on day 43 of the cycle) were:

AMH - 7.7
DHEAS - 143
FSH - 5.6
LH - 20.8
Testosterone total - 72
fasting insulin - 4
fasting glucose - 82

these I'm not familiar with:
Creatinine - 0.63
ALT - 20
AST - 17

From what I can tell the ones that were flagged as not normal were the AMH, LH and testosterone.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright, I had a very light on/off spotting/bleeding for about a week after the D&C - it was light to medium bleeding requiring a pad the day of the procedure and a pantyliner would have been fine after the first day. I was wiped out the day of, but back to normal activities/work the next day and very minimal cramping after the first day. Also, they said no baths for 2 weeks. I would take the trip. You'll need to re-charge your batteries.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hello beautiful girlies! Sorry to be brief, just a quick drive by to wish everyone well :wavey: Unfortuntely the TTC business has been put on hold for us for the next little while, I had a high grade abnormality result on my pap test from two weeks ago, so it looks like a colposcopy and maybe to the OR for a LLETZ, so my gynocologist has suggested to put things on hold just until this is resolved. Grrr. Hopefully the colposcopy will be all I need and I can jump back on the bandwagon!

Big hugs and good luck to everyone! I'll be back for a better chat when work isn't in the way! :twirl:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Dandi, I’m so sorry. How scary. But it’s so good you had the exam and are having further testing to take care of any potential problems. I will be sending you dust for a good outcome. I hope you are able to join us again very soon. Hugs.

Rachel, JGator’s link has good info. I don’t know anything about AMH, but I do know that your LH is high in comparison to your FSH. LH and FSH should have about a 1:1 ratio, but you have a 4:1 ratio. From what I understand, that is indicative of PCOS, but that’s not surprising because you’ve already been diagnosed with that, right?

Tammy, were you able to resist the urge to test again today? Sending you loads of dust that this is your month, lady!

Bright, good for you for getting a massage (although, I’m sorry the form had to go and rub the pregnancy thing in your face). I think it is so important to do things that will relax you and make you feel good in this next little while. I hope you do go on your little vacation.

AFM, okay, here it goes. I’m so afraid I’m going to jinx this by saying anything. But how faint is too faint on a FRER? I may have seen the ever-so-faintest hint of a line on a FRER this morning…. And when I say faint, I mean FAINT. To the point I’m still not sure I’m not making it up. It’s gotten a little more noticeable now that it dried (yes, I took it to work with me!). I followed it up with a Wondfo and CBE digital, and both were negative. I also did some research and saw that many people see “indentation” or “evaporation” lines on FRERs. I haven’t even told DH I tested because it was that faint, and I don’t want to get his hopes up unless and until I get more definitive results. It is not time for congratulations yet, I just really want to know what an indentation or evaporation line would like versus a true BFP.

ETA: I also had the hcg trigger, so if there really was a line, it's entirely possible the trigger is not out of my system yet
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Mp, omg omg omg....that's me staying calm! :lol: did you by any chance take a picture you could share?

Edited to add that I believe the trigger hcg is supposed to be out of your system after 10 days post trigger
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy, I haven't posted a picture in ages, so I'm not sure this will even work, but here is the picture I took. You really can't see anything though...

I honestly think at 12dpo I should have a darker line if I really were pregnant.

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Mp, I don't know sister....I see a line! Wasn't it missy who went thru a similar thing with a faint early positive? Hopefully she'll see this and weigh in. Was it first morning urine? I'd be tempted to do another frer tomorrow morning too. Cautiously optimistic for you lady!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I *definitely* see a line. :appl: :appl: :appl:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!


I definitely see a line too mp! :) And it looks like it has colour to it... As far as I know, FRERs are pretty reliable and not really known for evaps. As far as the strength of the line - that's not a bad line at all. Remember implantation can happen anytime from 7-10 dpo, so you could have implanted later as well. Cautiously optimistic for you!! Could you follow up with a blood test at your doc's office? Or maybe see if you miss your AF - when is it due?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I agree with sha! Any chance of getting a beta? Are you taking progesterone suppositories? If so, you wouldn't get a period either way so bloodwork might be the best route! I really hope this is it, you deserve it!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MP- it's difficult to tell the color of the line from my screen, but I most definitely see a line! I'll keep everything crossed for you. Dust!! I hope this is it. :)