
The Official TTC Thread!

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I can never see these early lines, but I actually see something. IS IT FRIDAY YET???? Keep us posted!!!!!! How many days past trigger are you?

Hi Sha! :wavey:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks for looking guys. I'm surprised you can see anything. In person, I'm pretty sure the line was a pinkish tone. I just wish I had taken another FRER this morning to compare because like I said the Wondfo and CBE were both negative. I really don't know what to think, and I'm not just saying that.

China, I had the trigger two weeks ago today, so I guess it is probably out of my system by now.

Sha, normally, I would expect AF tomorrow, but like Lizzy said, since I'm taking prometrium, that is not a good indicator.

Lizzy, I am going to wait on calling the NP or getting any betas until I do another test tomorrow or the next day.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MP, that seems too visible to be a trigger. I've never had a trigger shot but from what I've read on FF and friends, the HCG is usually gone by 9 or 10 dpo. My BFP was faint at 12 dpo. See here:


I had to adjust the saturation on the picture to get the line to *look* that dark.

Anyway, I'm hoping for the best for you and you'll know for sure in a few days. Keep us posted!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

lizzyann|1328110497|3116366 said:
Mp, I don't know sister....I see a line! Wasn't it missy who went thru a similar thing with a faint early positive? Hopefully she'll see this and weigh in. Was it first morning urine? I'd be tempted to do another frer tomorrow morning too. Cautiously optimistic for you lady!
Nope that wasn't me...I got the lovely indentation line I believe. My cycle was long, thought I O'd(was only using OPKs), started temping and knew that I O'd later in the cycle. When I tested mine was pretty dark and unmistakable at 12dpo. But then when I had a beta done 2 days later my # was low, like 60 I think it was. So I had a dark line, but a low first beta. Anyway...I'm staying optimistic for you MP!!!!!!! I hope this is it! Oh and by the way...looked at your picture and I see a line!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I know you want to be cautious and I understand that, but MP that is a REAL line!! I'm so freaking excited for you, you have no idea! I can't wait to hear another update from you!! Are you going to do another test soon? I'd be POAS every 4 hours if I had a line like that! Omgosh, so excited for you!!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MP that's a line!!! FRER are known for not really getting a lot of evap lines, but if they do, they are a silvery/gray color. Yours is pink! Can't wait for you to keep POAS! I think this might be it!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MP- that's a line! If the pic was taken within 10 minutes or so, I think it's your BFP. It could be an evap line if the test was dry, but really, that line looks too good for that. For comparison, here is a BFP I had at 12DPO. It's just barely darker than yours. And at this level I was able to get a bfp on a digi. So I say TEST AGAIN!!!

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Puppmom and amc, your lines both look darker than mine. I'm just not convinced it was a BFP. It just doesn't seem like it should have been that hard to determine if there even was a line. I knew I should have waited until Friday, but the bladder was full, the cup was there, and I just wanted to "get it out of the way" so I could see the blank white screen and quit obsessing. Didn't work out so well.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I'll post more later but just wanted to pop in to say to mp...congrats, lady!!!

That's totally a line! I tested at 9dpo & it was negative (no more trigger hormones) & got a very faint positive (harder to see than yours) at 12dpo. I've never used frer tests. Both of mine were cheapie wondfo tests.

So fricking excited for you! Sticky dust coming your way. Keep us posted. Will you go in for a beta soon?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

monkeyprincess|1328120606|3116549 said:
Puppmom and amc, your lines both look darker than mine. I'm just not convinced it was a BFP. It just doesn't seem like it should have been that hard to determine if there even was a line. I knew I should have waited until Friday, but the bladder was full, the cup was there, and I just wanted to "get it out of the way" so I could see the blank white screen and quit obsessing. Didn't work out so well.

This was mine the day before, at 11dpo. I think yours is actually more visable than this.

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MP, I understand why you're skeptical because it's been a tough road but I totally think you're pregnant. I hope the next two days pass quickly!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MP, my heart is beating out of my chest after seeing your pic. I completely understand why you're so cautious and I'm not going to jump up and down and scream that you're definitely pregnant because this has been such a long and bumpy road that it seems inappropriate to freak out right now. But that is a line. And I don't think it's any lighter than amc's 12dpo test. Like others have said, FRERs are not known for having evap lines and the line is dark enough in your photo to see it isn't grey, but pink. Again, I'm not going to freak out, but I did just grab a kleenex on my desk because I have tears forming in the corners of my eyes.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Monkey- I get it. I'm like you, I wouldn't/won't believe it until it's CLEAR and OBVIOUS, like no doubt. I never tested until I was actually late for this reason. But at least you know you aren't out, right? So there's hope. Nothing wrong with a little hope. :)) So is the plan to wait till Friday to test again?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MP, for what it's worth, I'll tell you my opinion/experience. I've also been through many stark white blank tests in my time. There was never ever a doubt in my mind on any of my test results until the cycle that I got my BFP. So there's that. Also, my Wondfo and Dollar Tree test lines were way fainter than my FRER test. I didn't know FRER's were more sensitive, so I didn't go out to get any FRER tests until the afternoon that I had gotten my super faint line on my Wondfo (Dollar Tree test was blank) in the morning. When I tested with the FRER that afternoon, I also stuck in the Wondfo and Dollar Tree tests for good measure. The FRER test still came out the darkest of all of them. So I think that you just caught a very low level of HCG with your FRER test, and that's why your Wondfo is blank. I'm crossing my fingers that you just had late implantation, and that you'll get a much clearer line tomorrow or the next day.

Oh, and if you have any of the Wondfo LH sticks left over, you could try one of those. I did that, and my line on the LH stick was darker than my line on the HCG stick.

ETA: I definitely see a line on your FRER, and it's definitely pink!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thank you everyone who posted! I really appreciate all of your comments and support! I hesitated to post at all this morning, and almost wish I hadn't because I really feel like I might be jumping the gun. Something just isn't sitting right with me about this. The initial line was SO faint. There was something there, but I'm not convinced it wasn't an evaporation or indentation line. It definitely looked more pink after it dried....

NEL, you are so sweet. Thanks for always being so supportive of us TTC'ers.

Bright, I know the timing of this really sucks given what you are going through right now :(( But thanks for cheering me on nonetheless. Regardless of whether I get a BFP or not this month, I just have a feeling we are going to be pregnant together! And JGator too!

S&I, thanks for the info. That makes me feel a little better. I’ve seen such conflicting info on which test is more sensitive. I do agree with you that until this morning, I never once thought or even imagined I saw something on a test. They have all been snow white. I never would have even used the other tests if I didn’t think I saw something.

China, that’s it exactly. I surprised myself by testing this morning because I was SO not going to do it until Friday. I was all prepared to prove myself right that it was another BFN, so when I actually saw a hint of something, I was so surprised. The suspense is killing me, so I don’t know if I’ll be able to hold out until Friday to test again, so I might try tomorrow.

I'll definitely keep you all posted. It's been such a weird day. I can't get anything productive accomplished!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I second the Wondfo LH/OPK suggestion. That def worked for me too. It took a little while for the test line to get darker than the control line, but it was always pretty dark and I was like "huh, maybe I really am pregnant" and that's what made me buy some FRERs. It was my first cycle temping and I was second guessing when/if I O'd so my opks went from dark to light to dark again. Good luck MP, we're all rooting for you!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MP, typing from phone on way to airport. I never had a line last cycle on dpo 9, 10,.11, etc. and I had a trigger. So I think it's safe to rule out the trigger shot.

Keep testing and it shoud get darker. Hooray for MP!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MP, I don't know how to interpret these sticks as I've never used them - but I am so hopeful for you and have everything crossed! Hang in there!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi ladies, sorry I have been MIA for a few days, had a crazy busy extra long weekend and then catch up at work!

Bright, sorry to hear you have to have a D & C. I hope it is as painless and unintrusive as possible and that AF not not too far around the corner. I think a little break will be the best thing for you and allow you to refresh yourself for a fresh start.

JGator, sorry to hear that AF showed her ugly face. Fingers crossed this new cycle results in a BFP for you and your DH.

Dandi, sorry to hear of your troubles and that your TTC journey has been put on hold. Did the dr tell you how long everything was to be put on hold? I know exactly how you feel, it is just so frustrating, especially the build up and anticipation to TTC and to just have the brakes slammed on like that. I hope this further testing is able to put your mind at ease and you can get back on the TTC train without delay. Sending you hugs from Sydney!

Tammy, I am very inexperienced withr eading charts but I think yours looks great, especially compared to your last couple. There is definately a different pattern developing. Any more symptoms over the last few days? When are you going to POAS?????

LtlFire, sorry to hear you weren't too impressed with the RE, but at least it is a step in the right direction. When do you get the preliminary test results?

Rachel, have you interviewed yet or do you have to wait to friday? The job sounds like a great family friendly job and good luck with the whole interview process! I took have just started acupuncture. Hopefully it will help both of us!

Monkey, I SEE A LINE!!! I think you just might be KU! :appl: When are you going to POAS again? I am so excited for you. I know you probably are too focused on your BFP right now, but I was wondering how the job interviewing is going? Please post more pics when you test next time.

Hi to anyone else I missed :wavey:

AFM, its CD16 here. No real sign of ovulation yet, although I may have had some EWCM yesterday (not exactly sure what is the difference between sticky and EW). Anyway since we are out this cycle and probably the next, I just want to see what my cycles do so I can predict things easier when we are actually allowed to try.

On the weekend I went and saw a local wellness clinic in my suburb. The lady specialises in nautropathy and accupuncture with a focus on fertility and pregnancy. I was with her for nearly 2 hours and she was amazing. She went through all of my blood tests, family history, symptoms etc. She had a few opinions which differed from the endo and it was nice that she actually listened to my concerns. She looked at the hormone tests and said that because all of my levels were so off the scale low *and she didn't think the pill would make them that low) that she thought I might have PCOS as well as Hashimotos. She also did a physical exam and said my digestive system was compromised. That might be because I ended up in hospital in Dubai in June on my honeymoon with severe gastro or because of PCOS. She also said my body had too much retained fluid.

One question I have for those with PCOS is whether you have pain in your side above the hip when pressure is put on it? When she was checking me, the were 2 sore spots, in the centre just under my ribcage which was the digestive issue and on the right side above my hip, which she didn't really specify the reason. She then gave me Vitex to kickstart my ovaries and regulate hormones and something called NT2 for my insulin resistance. She also did acupuncture which was not as bad as I first thought. She also told me to go back to my GP on CD3 to have all my bloods run again. Anyway, I came out of there feeling much more positive.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MP, so excited for you! :appl: You deserve it, lady! Keep us posted on how things progress, but I think you're totally KTFU! And, yeah, it's a little bittersweet for me, but I'm so super excited for you. I do hope you, JGator & I all wind up with our sticky beans at the same time. Wouldn't that be fun?

Thanks so much to the ladies who generously shared their experiences with me. I'm so sorry you had to endure this grief & it must be difficult to write about it. Hearing about what to expect does make it easier for me to wrap my brain around what's to come.

puppmom, thanks for sharing your experience. I'm glad to hear your d&c was relatively easy physically, anyway. Emotionally is a whole other story. I've been mourning the loss for a while, but have also been frustrated that things haven't actually ended yet. I hope I'll feel better on Friday to at least have some closure, but will probably be sad all over again as well.

China, yeah, I already anticipate these little things getting to me for quite some time. I'm kind of dreading my SIL's baby shower now, especially since we were going to tell the in-laws right after.
How nice that you could take a vacation to take your mind off of things. How was Belize? I've heard it's gorgeous. I think we're looking into a little caribbean vacation towards the end of the month. If there's a 2 week wait (!?) on swimming, I'll try to make sure we book accordingly.

Lili, big hugs to you. It made my heart hurt reading your post. I'm so sorry you've had to go through this so many times.
Thanks for sharing your experiences & the post-op recommendations. My doc didn't tell me any of that yet, but maybe he'll do so after the procedure.

JGator, thanks for sharing. It's really helpful. I think we will try for that vacation. It sounds like a godsend right about now.
And, wherever you're headed to right now, have a great trip!

Dani, so sorry about the diagnosis! I hope you'll be able to treat it quickly & easily & will be back on the TTC boat asap! When do you find out about the next step? Hugs to you.

mlk, poking my side now & think I'm ok (no pain.) Glad you had a great appointment & acupuncture was better than you thought. I wonder what the NT2 is. I've taken vitex for a few months.

tammy, thanks for the good wishes!

As for baths (sorry, this is likely TMI), but I took one yesterday because I thought it was ok since nothing was really happening & I was afraid I wouldn't be able to take one for a while. Well, there was a lot of water um coming out after (much more than usual) & I was feeling crampy all evening. I hope I didn't do a bad thing.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright, the NT2 is primarily made up of chromium but also has:
Lonicera japonica flower
Coptis chinensis rhizome
astragalgus membranaceus root
panax ginseng fruit
nelumbium speciosum node
momordica charantia fruit
camellia sinesis leaf

I have tried googling it but can't really come up with much about it. I might try googling the actual ingredients later. Will let you know if I find something
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

mlk|1328145416|3116868 said:
Bright, the NT2 is primarily made up of chromium but also has:
Lonicera japonica flower
Coptis chinensis rhizome
astragalgus membranaceus root
panax ginseng fruit
nelumbium speciosum node
momordica charantia fruit
camellia sinesis leaf

I have tried googling it but can't really come up with much about it. I might try googling the actual ingredients later. Will let you know if I find something

Interesting stuff. Let me know if it seems to help you. Also, regarding the pain below your hip, I have a friend who also has pcos & is pg now. (yay!) She has a corpus luteal cyst that is causing her a good deal of pain in the same area (below hip)
Have your had a saline ultrasound to determine if you have cysts on your ovaries? (not all pcos patients have them, but many do.) It could be a possible cause of the pain.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright, Hi, :wavey: I'm in your city for a few days for a work trip. I'll be thinking of you on Friday. Hope all goes well, and I do hope you take your vacation and get some relaxation time.

MP, hope all is well, and can't wait to hear when you POAS again. Really, really hopeful and excited for you!

AFM, not much new, had my blood work and ultrasound this AM. I am good to go for another round of Clomid starting tomorrow night. Can I just say the blood work is not getting any easier???? Uggh - pain and stress/anxiety every time as the nurse looks around for veins - horrible. Can't wait till the blood work stops already!!! In NYC for 2 nights for a meeting at work. So, should be fun and help distract me from my endless waiting.... hope we get some good news around here soon - MP and Tammy!!!! :wink2:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MP... I had a similar faint line, too. Those FRER don't always get super-duper-dark as time progresses. Around 5-6 weeks my test lines were getting LIGHTER as the days went on. A line is a line is a line. There are certainly risks with testing early, but for now, I'd say there is something trying to implant in your uterus... How wonderful!!!!

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for your next test!! I hope this is a sticky, sticky bean.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Well I just got home from work and got my first positive opk! :appl: Shame I can't utilize it. I hope this means my cycles will be normal and I don't have pcos. Funny thing is my temps are way over the place. Only thing I can think of is the strange weather we are having here. Monday Tuesday were disgustingly hot and humid and the last 2 days have been wet and cold.

Does anyone know if you can upload pictures and charts on a iPad?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

:appl: cautiously excited for you!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Well everyone, sorry for the false alarm. AF arrived right on time last night. For anyone who was wondering, you apparently can get AF while on prometrium. I took another test in the middle of the night out of curiousity, and it had the faintest hint of something but lighter than yesterday. I'm thinking I was either the victim of evaporation lines or the trigger left my system slowly. Not really feeling up for going through the whole IUI process again this cycle, so maybe a break is in order. Thanks again for all the support yesterday.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Oh mp, I'm sorry hon. I was so so hopeful and excited for you, I really hoped this was it!!!!! Big, big hugs sweetie. And thanks for the well wishes, you're a peach.

Hi mlk, thanks for the Sydney hugs! I'm not sure just yet, I have to have a colposcopy next Friday and that will determine if I need a LLETZ... which will be interesting as I work in the private hospital operating theatre in town, so my collegues will get to know me *very* well! :errrr: If I have to have a LLETZ I think it puts things on hold for a couple of months, all things considered it could be alot worse! But YAY for your positive OPK!!!

Bright, still thinking of you, sweetheart. Thanks for thinking of me with everything that's going on with you! More hugs.
Hello to all you other ladies! :wavey: I hope you're all keeping well.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MP, I'm so sorry! Maybe a chemical? It seems so odd that trigger would still be in your system when AF arrives. Sometimes this TTC process can be so cruel and you just don't realize that going into it. Sending you big hugs.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Mp, I am truly so surprised by your update. Sorry this is such a roller coaster ride. The fact that you are bleeding while on prometrium is just plain weird to me. Is it light? Implantation bleeding maybe? The fact that you still have a line also bewilders me too. Might be worth a callto your NP to let her know all of this. I just don't think the hcg is left over from the trigger. A beta might be really helpful if you are still seeing a second line. Hang in there lady. We are all here for you.