China, I think we're going to get the ladies on this thread drunk for us. I'm also jonesing for a glass of champagne.
MP, I think you definitely got pregnant. You got +'s on 3 different brands of tests. Keep saying to yourself, You know you can get pregnant. Hugs to you my friend, but I think you guys are armed with just a little bit more information to tweak your plan again.
Mp, thinking of you. Take care of yourself. Still hoping for good news.
Tammy, since I got the bad news I have been indulging a bit. Last week I had blue cheese, Brie, wine & my favorite raspberry beer & sushi. And I changed the litterbox (Just kidding. I'm hoping I can keep pawning that one off on dh for as long as possible.)
China, I don't care for bloody Mary's, but I think I can take one for the team on the champagne. Any other requests?
China, lc, mp, thanks for checking on me & sending good wishes. I'm home now & just finished dinner (yay, food!) I think it all went well. So far, the worst part was the anticipation and worry. They wound up giving me heavy sedation, not a general, but I don't remember anything about the procedure. Apparently it only lasted for 15 min. Most of the time was waiting, intake & in recovery. I was impressed with the hospital staff-very nice & on top of things. And it was reassuring that my actual doc did the procedure.
I'm cramping & spotting a bit now & hope that subsides tomorrow. I'm very relieved that it's over. Last night was a rough night.
Thanks again for all of your support, dear friends.
Bright, I guess that's good you don't remember any of it, and I'm glad that you were finally treated by kind andcaring people.Hoping the cramps and spotting leave quickly, and you can start to feel normal again. Take the time you need to grieve and regroup, and I'll be ready to be back with you on this TTC journey when you are ready.
JGator, hope you had fun in NYC even though you were busy. Are you almost done with your clomid? You're going to be trying again before you know it!
AFM, I tested positive on a wondfo last night, and again on a wondo and FRER this morning (I'm not wasting any more digis this time around but given the line on the FRER, I think a digi would have been positive too). I find it so hard to believe there is still enough HCG in my urine to pop up as a noticeable line if my blood had no HCG in it 24 hours ago, but what I do know.
Hope you all have a lovely weekend. We're snowed in here!
mp - that's so strange! But somewhat promising! Have you stopped taking the prometrium? Hope not... Do you think it might be worth it to phone in a call to the doc's office to see what might me going on?
Lizzy, it was probably about the same. Definite line that popped up immediately though. I expect it will fade but seriously baffled why my blood didnt have any hcg.
Sha, I stopped the progesterone because I don't want to prolong the cycle. Hoping AF arrives soon.
MP, I don't know what's going on but I think that if you're still getting BFPs on Monday you should push until they relent and give you another blood test. If it's okay with you, I'm still crossing everything that you have a little miracle baking away in there. Big hugs!
I'm plugging away, waiting for AF. Looks like I'm at least able to depend on my LP to be longer. Tomorrow I'll be 14 DPO, no baby this month but DH and I are getting away to Napa right around the time that I expect to ovulate, so we're trying to stay positive and look forward to trying again.
Bright, I haven't responded and I feel awful about that. I've been thinking of you though and I'm so glad that your DC went smoothly. Indulge away hun. There's plenty of time for salads in the coming weeks.
ARGH PS just ate my post. Have to remember what I typed out!
Bright, glad to hear the D&C went ok and quite smoothly. I hope this will give you the closure you need and that your new cycle starts without too much delay.
Monkey, so strange that you got so many positive bfps but the blood test was negative. Until AF shows it is not over, so I will be thinking positive thoughts for you. At least you now know you can get pregnant. If you didn't test, you would never have known so I think early testing is great knowledge.
Tammy, where are you in your cycle? What happened with your temps and have you tested again? I hope this cycle is it for you. I hought your chart looked great!
AFM, FF gave me crosshairs for CD 17. That was the day I got a positive OPK in the afternoon, but I still had EWCM on CD18 and what I thought were ovulation pains on CD18. Also my temps are all over the place, not sure if this is normal or what.
I will try to post my chart. Does anyone actually think I o'd on CD17?
Been married for two weeks and have decided to take the plunge and start trying straight away. I'm 27 (will be 28 in March) he's 37 (will be 38 in May) and we'd like to have number one on the way before he's 40.
Of course this won't be easy... I have PCOS (diagnosed in 200 and have been on metformin for about 6 weeks to lower my insulin level and, hopefully, do all those wonderful things metformin is purported to do.
Anyway, I've signed up on FertilityFriend and have started a chart. Makes me feel like I'm finally doing something towards starting a family. You know, other than...
So a big hello from me! I look forward to getting to know you all on our TTC journey!
Jgator, thanks for checking in. Glad you enjoyed your trip to NYC. Are you finished with the clomid? What's next for you appointment wise?
Mp, any updates? Thinking of you & still hoping for a miracle. I'm pretty baffled by what's been going on & hope you can get in to see your np again soon to get more clarity. Are you enjoying the snow?
Tammy, thanks for thinking of me. Sorry af is coming, but your napa trip sounds like a blast & might be just what you need.
Mlk, based on your chart, I could see why ff put your o date on the 17th. The 18th could be a possibility too, though, based on your symptoms. Sometimes it's can take a while for the temps to rise post-o. Regardless, looks like you're in the 2ww. Good luck this month!
Trekkie, welcome & congrats on your marriage! There are a few of us on here with pcos, myself included. How are you doing with the metformin?
I hope your stay here is short & sweet.
Afm, I've had more pain than I anticipated post-procedure. I'm glad I decided to take it easy at home rather than going out of town. (also glad I had a few leftover Rx naproxen pills from last week) Apparently I had a catheter during the d&c (?!) so I'm also having residual soreness from that in addition to the cramping I expected. Ugh. Hopefully the worst is over.
MP, on my chemical pregnancy it took 4 days after my last Progesterone for AF to arrive. I had a 5 beta the day before I stopped taking it. How many days has it been since you stopped the Progesterone? Your BFP POAS results are baffling me - maybe there is a feisty embryo in there. Enjoy the snow!
Tammy, hope all is well. And, glad you have a nice trip to look forward to around O time next cycle.
MLK, I think you O'ed on CD 17. Good luck in your TWW.
Trekkie, welcome and congrats on your recent marriage. I got married last February, and we started TTC right away too. Hopefully, your journey will be much shorter. We are all happy to help you with your FF chart analysis.
Bright, sorry you have experienced some pain. Take it easy. I have taken 3 out of 5 doses of Clomid so far. My next appt is Friday to check my follies and get more blood work. So, we'll likely trigger Friday or that weekend depending on how the follies look.
AFM, not much new here. Just taking my Clomid nightly. Hopefully, next weekend the stars will align for my ovulation. We are taking a weekend trip to the beach in 2 weeks for our 1st anniversary so I have something fun to look forward to.
JGator, thanks for the info. I was just trying to figure out when I could expect to see AF. My progesterone was at 35 on Friday, and I used my last suppository on Friday morning. I guess that means it might take another day or two for the levels to get low enough for AF. I don't suppose you kept taking tests after your chemical? Just curious how long it would be normal to keep getting positive HPTs. Wow, you're getting close to ovulating again. Hope the clomid gives you some nice follicles this cycle. And that would be perfect if it happened in time for your anniversary trip. I didn't realize you were a newlywed. Congrats on your first year of marriage!
Bright, hope the pain and discomfort from the procedure goes away quickly. Do you have to get bloodwork now to make sure your betas go down or what is the next step? Thinking of you.
Welcome Trekkie! You've at least got a headstart by getting your PCOS diagnosis before TTC. Hopefully the metformin will get you ovulating regularly quickly. Congrats on your marriage too!
MLK, your chart is a bit hard to interpret because the temps leading up to your alleged ovulation day are not below the coverline. You would expect your temps to be quite a bit lower just before ovulation like they were on the CD10-13. Have you been consistent with your temping and doing it at the same time everyday right when you get up? The timing of your EWCM, OPK and cramps all make it seem like ovulation possibly happened on the 18th, but to be honest, your temps do not look biphasic yet.
Tammy, a trip to Napa around ovulation sounds perfect. Still going to hold out hope that AF stays away for you this month though!
AFM, I'm still getting faint positives today. I seriously need to stop peeing on things every time I use the restroom! I've even resorted to using OPKs, which have also been positive. Unfortunately, I ran out of FRERs, so I couldn't compare the line from yesterday. But the line on the wondfos is not getting any darker and possibly has gotten lighter, which is what I would expect. I know this isn't a viable pregnancy, and it's probably dumb, but at this point, I'm just really hoping to get some sort of acknowledgement/verification from the NP that it was a chemical pregnancy. I'm supposed to call her tomorrow to update her on the situation, and I'll go in for an ultrasound to check my ovaries on CD3. I hope she gives me the go ahead to try an IUI again this cycle.
Hope everyone's having a nice weekend, all things considered! I only have a sec but wanted to stop in to see how Bright was doing after her DC and if MP had any news. MP, honestly I don't see how it's possible to deny that in some form you were/are pregnant. You can't have 4 (more?) days of clear BFP and not have some form of fertilization, right? So that in itself is really promising I think. I hope that you can get an IUI going again this coming cycle too, if needed.
AFM: My temp took it's nosedive this morning. I thought I might make it through the weekend but she got me about 10 minutes ago. I'm happy with having a consistent LP of 13 days, almost 14. So Feb's forecasted O date is our Napa trip and March's is my birthday. Something has to give here!
Tammy, sorry about the temp drop, but I hope you can just relax and have fun in Napa and make magic happen next cycle. At the very least, you have something fun to look forward to.
AFM, another day, another positive test (or three). Seriously, the wondfo was slightly darker and the digital is still coming up positive. What gives? I'm calling today to see what possible explanation there is for this. I hate how these things just get prolonged, maybe AF will finally show today and put me out of my misery.
MP, I'm sorry. I mixed up my last 2 cycles. On the Chemical pregnancy, my beta was a 5 and my Progesterone was a 1 ( I was not taking Progesterone supplements then). AF arrived 2 days after the Beta. On the last cycle which was not a Chemical - just a regular old BFN, it took 4 days after I stopped taking Progesterone before AF showed. Regardless, I think something is very suspicious and you should go in for a Beta today. I am still holding out hope for you, my dear...
Tammy, sorry about AF. Hoping Feb is your cycle for some good news!!!
I'm still waiting for af after my projesterone shot 2 weeks ago tomorrow. I've been temping and my temps are all high like 98.6 98.9 98.4. I also have very tender bb's. So this morning I decided to test and BAM positive! Really dark positives on wondfo and frer. The frer control lines are way lighter than the test lines. I checked the web and apparently that's common once the test line gets so dark.
This is so surreal and I really don't feel like its real yet. I'm going in for a beta tomorrow at 8 and will get same day results. With my lmp being 12/8 I really don't know when I conceived especially since 2 weeks ago I got a bfn. Maybe around 1/15 since the test lines are so dark. Can't figure how to post the pics from my phone but I'll share them tonight!!!!
Whoa Rachel, what unexpected, exciting news! Just goes to show you never know with these things! I think the fact your line was so dark is very promising that you've got a sticky bean in there. Congrats!
AFM, my NP did want me to go in for another beta this morning, so I just came back from that. I went to an outpatient place, so I don't think I'll be getting my results as fast as I did last time, but the lady thought I would still get them this afternoon. I don't think the lines are dark enough for this to be a viable pregnancy, but at this point, I'm just hoping to get some validation that I did conceive and I'm not crazy!
When I had my chemical, my tests were negative the day before AF came. I had gotten my first bfp at 12dpo (FRER and digi). At 14dpo it was darker, but not much. I took one test the evening of 15dpo and it was negative, as it was at 16dpo (which is the morning my temp dropped). AF came a few hours later (and my beta test from that day was negative, not sure what the exact level was though). Hope that helps!
Bright- Ugh I'm so sorry you're having residual pain/cramping. Glad you don't remember the procedure though. Hope this clears soon and you can enjoy some worry-free weeks. If I were you I would most definitely plan that Caribbean get away. You really need a vacation and some pampering.
MP- You aren't crazy, that uncertainty is enough to make us all batty. What the what is going on???? Hope you get some answers SOON. And I don't care what your NP says, I can't see how this isn't a chemical. If you think about it, with "regular" conception, a certain percentage just doesn't take. Having an IUI doesn't change your chances of that, right? I think chemical pregnancies are far more frequent that we know- it's just that most people aren't that sensitive and aware of their cycles and don't test early enough to catch them. Anyways, hoping to hear from you today.
Miss rach, wow! Congrats on your bfp! Wishing you a happy & heathy 9 months! Keep us posted as things progress.
Jgator, hope your follies are growing well! Keep us posted on your appointment on Friday.
Tammy, sorry about the temp drop. I hope next month is your month, lady!
Mp, I'm glad you went in for another beta & hope you get your results soon. Still holding out hope for you. I'm sorry for all this uncertainty. Hugs.
China, did you have any bladder issues with your d&c? I've actually never had a uti before so don't really know how to assess symptoms, but this is very uncomfortable (and unanticipated. I had no idea they needed to use a catheter for a 15 min procedure. Ugh. )
I'm still in the planning stages for the Caribbean trip, but hoping to make it happen in around 3 weeks. Hopefully that'll give me enough time to heal so I can enjoy swimming & other fun tropical things while I'm there.
Afm, I'm feeling slightly better every day, but still not up to my regular activity level. I'm also still having bladder problems. I'm going to get checked out by my regular doc tomorrow.
I have a follow up with my RE on the 16th.
Just got a call. My beta was 165 and my progesterone is 36. She said she is calling the lab because there was obviously an error because it could not have been zero before. She wants me to wait to have another beta until Friday because it will be more conclusive at that point. She seems to think the level is somewhat low but that there is still a chance things might be okay. Dust please ladies!
MP, yes yes yes, dust coming your way!!!! If you have more sticks to pee on, check them periodically though the week and see if they are getting darker! Crossing everything for you!
OMG MP that's HUGE news!! Does she want you to resume the progesterone now? Loads of sticky dust and prayers heading your way, omgosh!! How many DPO are you now? I think you're 17 DPO, but my brain is on happy overload so I don't want to assume anything. Maybe you just implanted late??
ETA: Why not let you at least go in for another one at 48 hrs instead of making you wait a full 5 days? After your journey I think you should be entitled to have the least possible amount of sit on your hands time!
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