
The Official TTC Thread!

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Afm, I went to the doc today & I definitely have a bladder infection. I've been taking azo tablets to help with the pain & drinking cranberry juice & just got started on an antibiotic today. Hopefully it clears up soon. If it isn't one thing...
I'm still trying to get things ironed out for the vacation. Waiting to confirm dates before moving forward. It is nice to have something to look forward to, though. (Also, I indulged in a wee bit of retail therapy PS-style... :naughty:)

MP, yep, that's pretty much how I feel, especially the part about not being able to fully empty the bladder. The azo pills are helping & hopefully I'll be on the mend soon. I guess I'm pretty lucky to have escaped a bladder infection for so many years.
I'm glad you're back on the progesterone. Also, I understand how you feel about being ok waiting until Friday for another beta. Just knowing you have to go in for a test is stressful, then there's the wait (and sometimes the expense!), so I hope you can enjoy a few stress-free days knowing that you're pregnant & enjoying every minute. It's sort of hard for me to think about going back to TTC (I don't know if I'll be able to muster the energy to temp, etc.), but hopefully by next cycle, I'll be ready to be onboard again.
Oh, and it sounds like my DH reacted pretty similarly to yours to the pregnancy news. I think they're looking out for us, which is sweet. :love:

tammy, yeah, I think it was the catheter's fault. Hopefully things clear up quickly. Thanks for the reassurance! How are you doing? I hope you're feeling a little better.

HOT, good to see you! Hope you're doing well. Are you working on a project now? :naughty:

missrach, lol about not knowing what's coming from where now. I'd thought about that too. And (TMI alert) with these pills, it makes my pee a lovely shade of orange. Indignities on top of indignities indeed. Apparently that's my life now. :rolleyes:
As for the caribbean trip, DH & I are meeting my best friend there, who currently lives in London, so we're looking for someplace that's easily accessible for all of us. Barbados is currently at the top of the list, but we haven't firmed it up yet. Any suggestions? How wonderful that you got to live in St. Thomas for 5 years! Did you love it? How did you manage to leave?
Oh, and your tests look fantastic! Those lines are super dark! Mine weren't that dark until 28dpo or so (I didn't test every day, but did take one on the later side just to see what it would look like.)
Holy cow--8000 beta? That's huge! I wonder how many buns are in your oven. :naughty: Keep us posted on how your u/s goes. This is fantastic news! Please do share the dust. I'll put my share away until I can use it. ::)

mlk, I've never heard anything about your first cycle off bcp being your most fertile. Often it does take a few cycles for things to even out & your cycles to fall into their usual pattern. My first cycle off bcp was very different from the following cycles. It sounds like you have a good plan for testing & next cycle. We won't tell your secret... :naughty:

Dani, hope all is going well. Any more news on your upcoming procedure? Thinking of you.

Prana, how are you doing? Good to see you. How's your little niece/nephew coming along?

enbcfsobe, welcome! :wavey: I'm sorry you're having a rough time. This is a wonderful group of ladies here who will cheer you on both in rough times & good times. We're here when you're ready to talk. Hugs to you.

Trekkie, ditto to that! I hope this is a big ole BFP train starting now! Wouldn't it be nice to empty out this thread?

JGator, does royal jelly help with CM? I haven't taken that before, but I wonder if it's useful. Still deciding whether or not I want to bring my box of supplements out from under the bed. (I'd traded them in for a prenatal, but I guess I'll have to make the switch again. :nono: )
I finally hit a breaking point with seeing your gorgeous avatar every day & had to know more. Wow! :love: I'd love to see your wb too. I've become slightly more obsessed with jewelery in the past couple of weeks (no doubt as a distraction) & yours has me drooling!
Did you have a catheter at your hsg? Did they sedate you? Mine was pretty simple, but I did have a lot of cramping after. I'm glad you didn't have this reaction after your d&c. I'm actually kind of glad they found an infection because if they didn't, I was worried that something might have punctured! :eek:
I'm interested to see if your earlier start of clomid this cycle makes a difference. Here's hoping you O this weekend!

amc, interesting to know that test line = control line at 500 hcg.

Hi to anyone I missed. :wavey:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hey guys,

Just a quick fly by, and quick reponse to MPs question. AF was due today and has not come, but my HPT was also a BFN :(( . But this cycle has been weird, I was about 4 days late for ovulation, but AF being due today accounts for that. I don't even have any spotting which is weird. I have been getting my headaches which are a typical PMS symptom for me. What is frustrating is that I cannot schedule my HSG until AF comes, and I am really hoping to do it next Friday or Monday so that if I make that 3 hour drive, I can stay in the city for the weekend.

MP - I think it was weird what you said about the yaz. I was on that pill for about a year. I went of it almost 18 months ago, and AF have been super light since than as well.

I do have one thing to keep my occupied though, I have 2 strands of pearls arriving tomorrow. I have actually been in the pearl thread the last few days, and online researching pearls. My DH gifted me a "pearl budget" for Christmas, and I am finally cashing in. Nothing like pearl shopping to make the TWW fly :twisted:.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!


Hey Bright - on the Vacay! Yes I LOVEd living in the islands for so long, but don't get me wrong, it is definitely not like being on vacation 24/7. Far from it in fact as most of the caribbean is actually a well ressed 3rd world in many, many ways. Cultural stuff like severe government corruption and horrible basic services (like power that wold regularly be off for 1-2 days at a time for seemingly no reason) and very high cost of living ($7 half gallon of OJ anyone?) all added up after a while to make us want to get out. It's great but very limited over time - no road trips and STT is very small, 27 square miles, so like being in an extremely isolated small town that happens to get millions of tourists every year. There were so many great things and the friends we made there were so great. People are really close because almost nobody is near their families.

Barbados is the first place DH and I looked at for our honeymoon, it looks amazing, if a little pricey compared to some other islands. FOr us the flights wold have been really hard (island to island isn't as easy as you'd think) so we went to Mexico instead. We were looking at The Crane resort. Lots of Europeans go to St Maarten regularly, so that probably has good flights for everyone. There's a smaller island off STM called Anguilla that a friend of mine goes to for work every month (she's a dental hygenist) and she raves about how tranquil and beautiful it is.

The VI is also great, ST John wold be my pick over STT, and I believe there are direct flights from Europe into STT. I've never really looked at the Caymans but those seem to be a lot more developed, as with the Bahamas and Jamaica (furter along and more professional with their tourism KWIM?) If you want really remote there is usually a smaller island neighboring the larger ones, like the aforementioned Anguilla, Nevis which is off St Kitts, St John, OH I almost forgot the BVI (British VIrgin Islands) these are tiny, tiny islands but are breathtaking. Great for a sailing trip.

You really can't go wrong but do tell where you end up going! It just depends what kind of vacation you want (big resort or condo rental and adventure or pure relaxation and privacy or a lively beach crowd or somewhere in between) If you go the condo or vacation house route don't understimate the cost of food and drink, groceries are extremely expensive everywhere in the islands because almost everything is imported.

Have Fun Planning (and do share your little PS project once you're done with that as well! :naughty: )
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Firecracker, ooh, I hope AF stays away! How many DPO do you think you are? Interesting about the Yaz and lining. It’s so hard to say if there is a cause and effect, but it makes you wonder. If AF does show, I’m glad you will at least be able to start your preliminary testing. Win-win in my mind. Good luck!

Bright, glad you got a diagnosis and antibiotics. I bet you’ll be feeling better in no time now. Ooh, PS-style retail therapy! Sounds about right to me :) I love that you’re planning a trip too! DH and I need to do that too.... As far as TTC, it is completely understandable if you just need a little time to grieve right now. I know I'm going to feel the same way if this little bean doesn't stick around. I’m sure it’s daunting, but I bet you’ll be feeling better about things soon. I would think you could probably lay off some of the monitoring/temping and supplements next time around, especially if you’re going straight to IUI again. I’m sure you’ll know when you’re ready to try again.

HOT, great to see you! Thanks so much. It’s all still very tenuous at this point, but we are farther than we have ever been, so that is a blessing in and of itself. Hope you're doing well lady! Update us sometime!

JGator, how are things? When do you go in for an ultrasound? Fingers tightly crossed for you!

amc, interesting theory about the FRERs. I should be able to test your theory later this week because my test today pretty much came up the same as the control line. DH couldn't tell a difference, but the test line seemed just a bit sharper to me.

Rachel, excited to hear what you find out today!

AFM, for those of you who asked, of course I have not been able to stop POAS! And it’s driving me crazy trying to determine whether the line is getting darker each time. The FRER has definitely gotten darker since last week and Monday morning, but the tests since Monday night have all been coming up pretty similar (just a little lighter than the control). This morning’s test was definitely the closest the test line has been to the control, but then again the control was not as dark as the control line on previous tests. I have used different boxes of tests that I bought at different times/places, so it’s hard to make a direct comparison. The wondfos have been pretty inconsistent from test to test, but are steadily getting darker I think. Argh, it’s enough to drive a person batty! DH thinks I'm crazy, but I'm sure you guys will understand :)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

monkeyprincess|1328715941|3121689 said:
amc, interesting theory about the FRERs. I should be able to test your theory later this week because my test today pretty much came up the same as the control line. DH couldn't tell a difference, but the test line seemed just a bit sharper to me.

And it's totally just a theory! My test line was just very slightly lighter than the control when my beta was 390. So 500 is just an estimate. But I think it's somewhere in that ballpark.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MP, can't wait till you get your beta drawn so you'll know for sure. If it helps, with my DS, my test line never got as dark as the control line and I tested up until 20dpo. With my last pregnancy where I miscarried, the test line was darker than the control line by A LOT. I suspect I was 18 or 19 dpo when I tested. That pregnancy wasn't viable so clearly the darkness of the line is no indication of viability. I'm still feeling positive for you. Sending you truckload of sticky dust for good measure!

Bright, I'm sorry things have been rough but it sounds like they're improving. I hope they continue to do so and you get your sticky BFP soon.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Firecracker, sounds AF means you are still in it! I think you may not need the HSG. Keep us posted. And, yeah for new pearls!

MP, can't wait till Friday for your Beta results.

Hi, HOT! :wavey: When are you coming back to this thread?

Bright, how exciting that you have a bling project in the works.

Rachel, thanks for the tips on the islands. It's good to get a local perspective. We have been meaning to go to St. John for a while and the smaller BVIs intrigue me. Congrats again on your supper duper BFP!

AFM, I'm just over here growing some follies/eggs - I hope. My appt is on Friday AM to get my ultrasound to look at the follicles and more blood work to determine when I trigger this cycle.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

JGator, crossing my fingers for some nice, big follicles on Friday! How many did you have last time? I seem to remember there were at least 3 because you were joking about triplets. Hoping you get the same news this time!

Puppmom, thanks for the reassurance. I've been seeing too many FRER progressions online that are giving me line envy, but I know you're right that the strength of the line does not necessarily predict outcome. Mine is getting darker, so I am happy about that.

amc, I like your theory. For now, I'll just go with it. Assuming appropriate doubling, I'd be about 300-something today, and my line was just barely fainter than the control. I'll post a pic from today for reference (this was after it had dried though and on a cellphone camera).

Hello to everyone else! One thing I wanted to say was that after TTCing awhile, I'm really sensitive to how it feels for other TTC'ers when somebody else gets a BFP. I feel somewhat conflicted about posting in this thread right now because I don't want to cause any added grief to anyone struggling right now. I hope you don't mind me posting here awhile longer while I wait to find out whether this pregnancy is viable.

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Whoah, that test is legit! When you were saying slightly darker, I was thinking the lines were still *faint*. I'm so glad you were persistent because that lab error and subsequent cessation of Prometrium could have meant the end of your pregnancy which would have been so so sad. You're definitely FOR REAL knocked up. :bigsmile:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MP, awesome lines lady! You're so sweet to be sensitive about others' feelings. I don't think I'm speaking only for myself when I say though that you have NO reason to worry. We're ALL not so silently cheering you on and nothing but happy to hear your positive updates!

BIG HUGS! You can lurk around here as long as you like!! ::)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MP, I am ecstatic for you. We long time TTCers need to see someone else who has been TTC a long time get good news! It gives us hope. No jealousy or hard feelings whatsoever. Stay here as long as you like as we'll miss you when you graduate to JBP.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MP - Those lines are looking good!!! When is your eta on Friday? In the morning I hope!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MP, awesome lines! I'm feeling really positive for you lady! You go back on Friday now right? Getting close! Make sure to go early so you can get the results back before the weekend! And you are always welcome to join us in JBP!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks everyone. Unfortunately, the line just isn't getting any darker and still fainter than control line, so while I'm hoping for good news tomorrow, I'm preparing myself for bad news. Just think it should be getting darker at this point if the levels were increasing.

Firecracker, thinking of you and hoping you get some good news!

JGator, tomorrow's the big ultrasound, woohoo!

Bright, hope the antibiotics are working and the worst is over for you.

Tammy, how's it going. Hope you're enjoying the carefree part of the month.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MP, please try not to worry too much just yet. If your tests were getting lighter, maybe...but you have a really strong line there. Also, I know that in our POAS addicted TTC cycle it's common to know super early, but a lot of women don't even test until they realize they're a week late and I'm willing to bet that any woman that took a hpt at your stage for the first time wouldn't even question it. I hope that makes sense. It does in my head but I'm on day 3 of zero caffeine, so my head might not be so logical. :rolleyes:

Anyhow, my point is that I'm guessing you're probably trying to prepare yourself mentally by expecting the worst. I completely understand it, but I also really hope that you can take some grain of comfort over the next 24 hours that it's VERY possible that your numbers are just fine. :) Seriously, look at the progression of your tests this week since your beta. That's encouraging! :)

Thank you for asking about me. I'm doing okay. Trying to lose a little weight vs over indulging (it's caught up to me and I was already, yeah, not good). I haven't really temped or spent much time researching things. I suspect that just comes with the territory of having more than a couple of cycles behind me though. I'm trying to focus on the next couple of weeks and we have some fun stuff lined up so it's easier than usual!

DH got us tickets to a port and chocolate event this weekend for Valentine's Day. We went last year and it was wonderful, so I'm looking forward to that. Then this coming week my mother in law is coming to visit from NY. Now I know that normally that isn't a sentence to get excited about, but I truly enjoy my MIL (mostly, haha). She and I are going to do a girls day on Friday with some retail therapy and a massage, then on Sunday we're going to Napa for an overnight stay. I'm a little worried about so many events involving alcohol in the days leading up to this month's ovulation, but I plan to take it easy with the exception of our Napa day. I know that trip is a lost cause. :lol: Anyhow, those are my "if I had gotten pregnant this month, I wouldn't get to do X" plans. I would have rather had a BFP of course, but since I can't do anything about that I may as well soak up the silver lining. I just hope that this will be my one last hurrah for a solid year plus! I am feeling optimistic about this month, I hope it lasts!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks Tammy, you're sweet to try to reassure me. Trying not to lose all hope for tomorrow, but the reason I'm preparing for the worst is that I *think* the lines last night and this morning were in fact ever-so slightly fainter. It's so hard to compare them all especially after they dry, but I had really hoped it would be as dark as the control today and it just wasn't. Tomorrow can't come soon enough. I just need to know either way. This worry and stress can't be good for me or the pregnancy and it is certainly has not been good for my productivity this past week!

You sound really good, and it's great that you've got a lot of fun distractions coming up! I say that you should just enjoy your events, and as long as you don't overindulge too much, you shouldn't have anything to worry about prior to ovulation.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi MP,

I know you want to wait til tomorrow, but if you really think they're getting lighter can you convince them to let you come in for a beta today? You are right, the worry isn't good for you!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MP, will you actually get your results tomorrow? I sure do hope so! I'm a worrier too so I totally understand where you're from.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

tammy77|1328814547|3122517 said:
Hi MP,

I know you want to wait til tomorrow, but if you really think they're getting lighter can you convince them to let you come in for a beta today? You are right, the worry isn't good for you!

Yeah, I thought about it this morning, but now that I've gotten this far through the day, I think I'm better off just waiting until tomorrow. I have moments where I get panicky about it, but for the most part, I've accepted that it might not go well and know I'll be okay if that is the case.

Puppmom, yes, I will get the results tomorrow, so that's good at least. I felt okay about things yesterday, but since the line didn't get darker last night or this morning, I just have a bad feeling. I hate being such a worrier, especially since it does absolutely no good!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Oh MP, I'm so sorry to see the struggle you've had with all of this. I hope you can have a relaxing evening, and would really try not to give those test lines a second thought! Easier said than done, I know, but I don't know how much darker the line could get, you know? So, it's really not worth stressing over, okay? I know, that probably didn't help much, but at least you know you have one more person out here, thinking of you, and just hoping for the best news for you tomorrow!! :wavey:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Monkey- I am thinking of you my dear, and waiting with everything crossed for you tomorrow. It's been such a crazy experience thus far, it's hard to know what to think. I generally think a line is a line is a line, but I know you won't be comforted by that. Tomorrow is almost here, and try not to worry- it is what it is already, and there's nothing you can do or not do until tomorrow. You've got some of the best dusters in the world cheering you on. Either way, you WILL get a lasting BFP, whether it's now or very soon.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

monkey, big hugs to you. I think your lines looks great & I'm not sure how much darker they would really get. I can totally understand the worry & obsessing over every bit of information you can get your hands on during this uncertain time, though. I'm glad you'll have more info tomorrow. I'm still very hopeful for you. (And still mad at that lab for their error! Thank heaven you didn't go out drinking or something to wash away the bad news!) And you're so sweet & considerate to think of how your good news affects the rest of us. I'm just thrilled for you & it definitely gives me hope that good things are possible for those of us who have had a rough road. (Though ditto to JGator's sentiments that we'll miss you around here once you graduate to JBP. Please stick around here as long as you like!)
And yes, I think our next shot will be another IUI. Maybe I'll just leave the monitoring in the hands of my RE. It is a bit of a relief not to have to be on top of that myself.

missrach, wow, thanks for all of the great info on the caribbean! I think we're probably looking at barbados mostly because there's direct flight availabilitly for both dh & I from NY & my friend from London. We're planning this pretty last minute, so our options are somewhat limited. We're actually looking at the Crane resort too. The suites look really nice & I like the idea of having a kitchen (good point about the cost of groceries, though!). 2 things concern me: 1. it's on the ocean side, not the caribbean, so I worry the beach/water won't be as nice & 2. the pools aren't heated & I've read (via reviews) that they can be a bit chilly. I've heard the caymans are amazing, but we had a hard time finding flights for all of us. We actually got married in Jamaica & I'd love to return, but we went to a couple only resort & that wouldn't be the best place to visit with my husband & gay best friend. :tongue:
Thanks for sharing your experiences living in the tropics too. Sometimes DH & I fantastisize about doing this, but I wonder what it would be like on a daily basis. I realize it wouldn't be like living on vacation, but it's interesting to know what the challenges are. Thanks again for the great info! Did you have your u/s, btw? How did it go? So excited for you & your litle bean(s)! :appl:

LtlFirecracker, here's hoping you don't have to go in for an hsg after all. :naughty: I'm glad you have a new bling distraction to keep your mind occupied. The pearls sound lovely! (Also, I love your new avatar shot. So stunning!)

tammy, I'm glad you have so many positive things coming! The port & chocolate event sounds like heaven! Yum! I'm glad you're looking forward to your time with your MIL. How great that you guys get along so well! Here's hoping this is your last month of some of these indulgences. :naughty:

JGator, hope your follies are growing like weeds! Let us know how your u/s goes tomorrow. I can't remember--are you planning to do an IUI this month? Really hoping it's your turn for your sticky bfp!

puppmom, thanks for the encouragement! I sure hope better times are ahead too.

Hi to anyone I missed!

afm, so my urine culture came back negative (no bacterial growth), so I don't have a UTI after all. It's odd to say this, but I'm a little disappointed that this wasn't the cause of all of the discomfort since I felt encouraged that a UTI would clear up quickly. I called my RE & he's putting me on a new med (in addition to the antibiotic course I've been taking, which I'll go ahead & finish). I hope it helps. I just want to feel better already. ;(
As for my bling project, I'm alternatively feeling excited & a bit guilty about it. I think I'll insist that it's a birthday gift for me, but really it's a "I'm feeling sad & need a distraction in the form of a new sparkly" gift. It's not extravagent at all by PS standards, but certainly more than I spend on myself on a random Tuesday. :rolleyes: It's funny--I forget that other (non-PS members) aren't as into jewelry as we are.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

popping back in for a second just to say thanks to all for sharing your experiences. its making me feel a lot more normal.

MP -- I unfortunately empathize with the feeling of preparing for the worst and then worrying that the worry itself will make it worse!
I wish there was something I could say to make it better, but it seems to be par for the course (at least for me). We'll take care of the fingers crossing bit for you.

Bright -- I've wanted to say how sorry I am for your loss and how amazing it has been that you've continued to participate and be so gracious and supportive to everyone else throughout. I'm so sorry you're having a bladder issue -- I thankfully didn't have a catheter for my D&C (thankfully DH who has unfortunately had surgery before told me to ask so it wouldn't be a surprise!), but I have to say I didn't exactly bounce up right afterwards either. It took about a day and a half for the full effect of it -- emotionally and physically -- to hit me.

Congrats to rachel and many hopes for success for everyone else!

AFM, I feel like a bit of a snot complaining as I've been pregnant twice since November without chemical or other intervention (other than perhaps an HSG cleaning things out a bit). Yep, I know I can get pregnant. That's good. Unfortunately both have been very early miscarriages, the first ending in a lot of panic and a D&E because hcg never really doubled and then was up and down leading to worries about ectopic. The second time around hcg initially doubled but then levelled off and went down, leading to a pretty miserable few afternoons of cramping and bleeding and crying last week. After looking back at my previous cycles, I think there is at least one other that was probably a chemical or early miss. None of the previous testing turned up any problems with me or DH that RE feels would prevent either the occurrence or continuance of pregnancy, and it doesn't seem like my LP is consistently short. I hadn't been temping before but I'd like to star, but I haven't been sleeping through the night and particularly not well in the early mornings (partly due to night sweats as the hormones leave my system -- ick), so I can't get accurate temps. In the meantime RE (who I started seeing in Sept because my cycles were still very irregular (both long and short) after going off the pill last Feb, has diagnosed as recurrent miscarriages and ran a boatload of tests related mostly to genetics and clotting disorders to see if we can rule those out. I'm pretty cranky because those won't be back until next week. I'm much more angry and frustrated than I am sad -- there seems to be little concrete information with scientific proof on what causes recurrent miscarriages. I do like my RE but I'm generally not impressed with infertility treatment generally, which seems to involve a lot of not diagnosing anything in particular and just trying a bunch of side-effect riddled drugs to see what might possibly work. This would not be an acceptable way for me to practice law, so I'm not sure why its ok for doctors.
To feel like I'm doing SOMETHING productive, I have my first acupuncture appointment tonight. I hate needles and am pretty terrified but I've been stuck so many times in the past few months for blood that I don't really care anymore. I'm 33 so not in a super rush but after a year TTC I'm pretty tired of worrying about it and quite done with the lack of answers available.

That was a lot for me to get off my chest, and no one should feel obliged to respond. I'm not sure how often I'll be able to participate, but know I'm thinking of all of you and wishing you the best. I really do appreciate having an opportunity to vent to people who are having similarly frustrating experiences.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Enbcfsobe, first of all, I’m so very sorry for your losses. It saddens me to think of all the women who suffer through infertility and miscarriages in silence. It’s just not something that’s talked about, and it can be really isolating. Just know that you aren’t alone, and even if you don’t post often, I will keep you in my thoughts. Second, you may have already read about Lizzy’s journey, but your story sounds awfully similar to her. She is able to get pregnant easily on her own, but the pregnancies end in early miscarriages. I am sure she would be happy to answer any questions you may have, even if you opt not to seek intervention. I hope the acupuncture is relaxing for you, and I hope that next time you get a BFP, it is a nice and healthy one. I'm glad you shared your story, and I hope that in some way makes you feel better.

Bright, of course the bladder infection test would come back negative. Maybe the lab got it wrong. I hear that happens once in awhile… ;) It would just be too easy for something to have a simple solution, right? Sarcasm. I hope that between the antibiotics and your RE’s prescription, you get some relief quickly. And thanks for the support. I can’t help but feel that I’m following in your footsteps this cycle – IUI, first ever BFP, low betas, uncertainty.... But seeing how you have continued to stay strong through it all, is helpful. Our day is coming!

China and LV, thank you so much for the sweet messages. It means more than you know! I’ll be sure to let you all know what I find out tomorrow. I pray that this is our baby, but I know will be okay either way.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Pulling and hoping for you MP...
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hey Bright - your trip will be great! I'm not sure of the details of Barbados, but the weather this time of year is BEAUTIFUL in the VI so I would not worry about being chilly. Ocean sides can be much rougher than caribbean facing for swimming, but there's always another beach to go to. Maybe the DR would have direct flights too? DH and I went there for his 40th birhtday and just loved it.

I dd have my US, thanks for asking, and jsut one bean in there! I took another test today jsut to confirm and it's still positive. I'm planning to return the last unopened pack I have after next week's US. I wasn't really sure how much I should post over here out of respect for the TTC process (I know how difficult it is to see people come and go). Another US next week to hopefully see the HB and get a firm date (I was told 5-6 weeks and that at that stage and with my ate ovulation it's too hard to tell exactly, but with more growth next week they'll be able to date) I'm thinking closer to 5 weeks by what my US looks like, very teeny blob, nothing looking even like a line or a gummybear at all but that could be due to magnification on the picture. I was a bit suprised to see only one with that high beta, but who knows? I am also knocking wood every chance I get that I am not feeling MS yet! I'm defiitely hungrier and felt slllllighty iffy this morning but it went away when I had a small pre-breakfast bowl of oatmeal.

Still sharing my dust with everyone here!!!

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi beautiful ladies!

How exciting rachel, your saw your little bean!!!! :appl: That must have been so amazing!! SO thrilled for you hon!

mp, I'm holding my breath waiting for news, from you!! DUST DUST DUST for you my love!

enbcfsobe, I'm so, so sorry for your losses, and that this process is being so hard on you. I hope telling your story was somewhat therapeutic for you, and am hoping hoping that your next BFP is a sticky one! Can I ask you about the acupuncture if you don't mind? I don't know anyone that has ever had it and am curious what your first one was like. If you don't mind sharing of course! If not, feel free to tell me to get stuffed :bigsmile: DUST girl!

Bright, when is your holiday? It sounds so amazing!!! I am SO jealous!

Hi tammy! Hope you're keeping well, it sounds like you have a jam packed couple of weeks coming up! I hope you get plenty of rest around your busy schedule.

Firecracker, yippee for new pearls, they sound divine! Fingers and toes crossed for you my dear!

Hello to any ladies I have missed!

AFM, I had my colposcopy and biopsy today with my gyn. It was a bit weird at first as he is a collegue of mine, but we got chatting and had a laugh and in the end it was a bit physically uncomfortable but pretty benign in the whole scheme of things! He thinks that everything looks normal and a trip to the OR isn't warranted, and fingers crossed the results I get next week will verify that. I'm armed with some OPKs just in case!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MP, thinking about you this morning! Hoping for some good news from you this afternoon!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MP!!! Thinking about you and wishing you the best of luck today!!!! :))
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

thanks all for your empathy -- its so weird how the more times I say it the less it actually hurts. odd.

MP -- hope all goes well today!! I was able to find some of Lizzy's story, and I hope I was just unlucky and don't have to go through everything she did before finding success. Thanks for pointing me in that direction, though, and I'm still piecing some of it together. I'm not sure I am sold on either IUI or IVF being the solution to pregnancies that inexplicably don't continue, it just seems so counterintuitive. Maybe the test results will come up with an answer, just wish it wasn't taking so long.

Bright -- enjoy your vacay and hope you feel better!!

Dandi -- I've done the colposcopy boogie and that's not fun. That was back in college and I was terrified -- thankfully nothing scary turned up, and I hope your results will be the same. I'm happy to report back on my acupuncture experience. I found someone who specializes in treating fertility issues and irregular cycles and has worked with the fertility clinics in the area, so that made me much more comfortable. It was more like a doctor's appointment than like a massage, with a significant amount of time spent discussing my medical history and menstrual cycles. Interestingly the acupuncturist doesn't buy the whole "chi" thing - he thinks these ancient practicioners used a lot of trial and error to figure out what worked, and then had to find some way of explaining it. He says that there are a variety of scientific theories as to why it works (resetting neurological pathways, magnetic fields, etc.) but that while many studies and his own experience have shown a significant amount of success the scientific reasons remain uncertain. This was pretty much what my RE said about it, funny enough. I was pretty nervous about the actual treatment, but it went fine. I laid on a table with all my clothes on, he just had me roll up my pant legs and sleeves and take off my watch and bracelet. He talked about what he was going to do, took my pulse, and checked my tounge. I was too nervous to let him put needles on my belly, but he adjusted his plan and just did them in my ankles, wrists, and one in my forehead. One of the needles in my wrist initially hurt, but he adjusted my hand and the needle until it didn't. I didn't feel the others at all. Then he let me lay there for about 15 min or so with some relaxing music. He left a bell by my hand in case I needed help for any reason. During that time I felt a couple of twinges in my ankle, but other than that I didn't feel anything. I admit it was a bit hard to relax at first, but I think the next time around I will be less nervous. Then he came back, removed each of the needles straight to the sharps container (the poked areas get swabbed before and slight pressure with a q-tip after), and then put some tiny little metal beads on stickers on the spots on my ankles for continued pressure. Altogether a bit strange, but not unpleasant. I can't even see where the needles were. The plan is to go weekly with the goal of getting my cycles more regular. Apparently they've had some success with stimulating blood flow to the ovaries/uterus as well as helping to balance hormone production, with the effects of having more regular cycles and potentially helping to support early pregnancy. Good news is it looks like insurance will cover some of it. We'll see!

AFM, looking forward to kicking back this weekend, watching some college hoops and dealing with the mess my house has become while I've been feeling crappy. Also looking forward to the arrival of some retail therapy -- a PS pre-loved solitaire necklace! I've been wanting one for a long time and I decided given everything it was a good use of my modest year-end bonus. It's my first gem-related purchase in well over a year, but now that I'm back on PS I've apparently caught the bug again. Thought I had that under control, but oh well.

Everyone have a great weekend!